Technical Summary
concentrations nor fully understand the harm it will impose on indi-
viduals, societies, and ecosystems. Article 2 requires that societies bal-
ance a variety of considerations — some rooted in the impacts of cli-
mate change itself and others in the potential costs of mitigation and
adaptation. The difficulty of that task is compounded by the need to
develop a consensus on fundamental issues such as the level of risk
that societies are willing to accept and impose on others, strategies for
sharing costs, and how to balance the numerous tradeoffs that arise
because mitigation intersects with many other goals of societies. Such
issues are inherently value-laden and involve different actors who
have varied interests and disparate decision-making power.
The Working Group III (WGIII) contribution to the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment
Report (AR5) assesses literature on the scientific, technological, environ-
mental, economic and social aspects of mitigation of climate change.
It builds upon the WGIII contribution to the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment
Report (AR4), the Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Cli-
mate Change Mitigation (SRREN) and previous reports and incorporates
subsequent new findings and research. Throughout, the focus is on the
implications of its findings for policy, without being prescriptive about
the particular policies that governments and other important partici-
pants in the policy process should adopt. In light of the IPCC’s mandate,
authors in WGIII were guided by several principles when assembling this
assessment: (1) to be explicit about mitigation options, (2) to be explicit
about their costs and about their risks and opportunities vis-à-vis other
development priorities, (3) and to be explicit about the underlying crite-
ria, concepts, and methods for evaluating alternative policies.
The remainder of this summary offers the main findings of this report.
The degree of certainty in findings, as in the reports of all three IPCC
Working Groups, is based on the author teams’ evaluations of underly-
ing scientific understanding and is expressed as a qualitative level of
confidence (from very low to very high) and, when possible, proba-
bilistically with a quantified likelihood (from exceptionally unlikely to
virtually certain). Confidence in the validity of a finding is based on the
type, amount, quality, and consistency of evidence (e. g., data, mecha-
nistic understanding, theory, models, expert judgment) and the degree
of agreement. Probabilistic estimates of quantified measures of uncer-
tainty in a finding are based on statistical analysis of observations or
model results, or both, and expert judgment.
Where appropriate, find-
The following summary terms are used to describe the available evidence: limited,
medium, or robust; and for the degree of agreement: low, medium, or high. A level
of confidence is expressed using five qualifiers: very low, low, medium, high, and
very high, and typeset in italics, e. g., medium confidence. For a given evidence and
agreement statement, different confidence levels can be assigned, but increas-
ing levels of evidence and degrees of agreement are correlated with increasing
confidence. The following terms have been used to indicate the assessed likeli-
hood of an outcome or a result: virtually certain 99 – 100 % probability, very likely
90 – 100 %, likely 66 – 100 %, about as likely as not 33 – 66 %, unlikely 0 – 33 %,
very unlikely 0 – 10 %, exceptionally unlikely 0 – 1 %. Additional terms (more likely
than not >50 – 100 %, and more unlikely than likely 0 –<50 %) may also be used
when appropriate. Assessed likelihood is typeset in italics, e. g., very likely. For
more details, please refer to the Guidance Note for Lead Authors of the IPCC Fifth
Assessment Report on Consistent Treatment of Uncertainties, available at http://
ings are also formulated as statements of fact without using uncer-
tainty qualifiers. Within paragraphs of this summary, the confidence,
evidence, and agreement terms given for a bolded finding apply to
subsequent statements in the paragraph, unless additional terms are
provided. References in [square brackets] indicate chapters, sections,
figures, tables, and boxes where supporting evidence in the underlying
report can be found.
This section continues with providing a framing of important con-
cepts and methods that help to contextualize the findings presented
in subsequent sections. Section TS.2 presents evidence on past trends
in stocks and flows of GHGs and the factors that drive emissions at the
global, regional, and sectoral scales including economic growth, tech-
nology, or population changes. Section TS.3.1 provides findings from
studies that analyze the technological, economic, and institutional
requirements of long-term mitigation scenarios. Section TS.3.2 provides
details on mitigation measures and policies that are used within and
across different economic sectors and human settlements. Section TS.4
summarizes insights on the interactions of mitigation policies between
governance levels, economic sectors, and instrument types.
Climate change is a global commons problem that implies the
need for international cooperation in tandem with local,
national, and regional policies on many distinct matters. Because
the GHG emissions of any agent (individual, company, country) affect
every other agent, an effective outcome will not be achieved if indi-
vidual agents advance their interests independently of others. Interna-
tional cooperation can contribute by defining and allocating rights and
responsibilities with respect to the atmosphere [Sections 1.2.4, 3.1,
4.2, 13.2.1]. Moreover, research and development (R&D) in support of
mitigation is a public good, which means that international coopera-
tion can play a constructive role in the coordinated development and
diffusion of technologies [1.4.4, 3.11, 13.9, 14.4.3]. This gives rise to
separate needs for cooperation on R&D, opening up of markets, and
the creation of incentives to encourage private firms to develop and
deploy new technologies and households to adopt them.
International cooperation on climate change involves ethical
considerations, including equitable effort-sharing. Countries have
contributed differently to the build-up of GHG in the atmosphere, have
varying capacities to contribute to mitigation and adaptation, and have
different levels of vulnerability to climate impacts. Many less developed
countries are exposed to the greatest impacts but have contributed least
to the problem. Engaging countries in effective international cooperation
may require strategies for sharing the costs and benefits of mitigation
in ways that are perceived to be equitable [4.2]. Evidence suggests that
perceived fairness can influence the level of cooperation among individ-
uals, and that finding may suggest that processes and outcomes seen as
fair will lead to more international cooperation as well [3.10,].
Analysis contained in the literature of moral and political philosophy
can contribute to resolving ethical questions raised by climate change
[3.2, 3.3, 3.4]. These questions include how much overall mitigation is
needed to avoid ‘dangerous interference with the climate system’ (Box
Box TS.2 | Mitigation brings both market and non-market benefits to humanity
The impacts of mitigation consist in the reduction or elimination
of some of the effects of climate change. Mitigation may improve
people’s livelihood, their health, their access to food or clean water,
the amenities of their lives, or the natural environment around them.
Mitigation can improve human well-being through both market
and non-market effects. Market effects result from changes in
market prices, in people’s revenues or net income, or in the quality
or availability of market commodities. Non-market effects result
from changes in the quality or availability of non-marketed goods
such as health, quality of life, culture, environmental quality,
natural ecosystems, wildlife, and aesthetic values. Each impact
of climate change can generate both market and non-market
damages. For example, a heat wave in a rural area may cause heat
stress for exposed farm labourers, dry up a wetland that serves as
a refuge for migratory birds, or kill some crops and damage others.
Avoiding these damages is a benefit of mitigation. [3.9]
Economists often use monetary units to value the damage
done by climate change and the benefits of mitigation. The
monetized value of a benefit to a person is the amount of
income the person would be willing to sacrifice in order to get
it, or alternatively the amount she would be willing to accept
as adequate compensation for not getting it. The monetized
value of a harm is the amount of income she would be will-
ing to sacrifice in order to avoid it, or alternatively the amount
she would be willing to accept as adequate compensation for
suffering it. Economic measures seek to capture how strongly
individuals care about one good or service relative to another,
depending on their individual interests, outlook, and economic
circumstances. [3.9]
Monetary units can be used in this way to measure costs and
benefits that come at different times and to different people. But
it cannot be presumed that a dollar to one person at one time
can be treated as equivalent to a dollar to a different person or
at a different time. Distributional weights may need to be applied
between people [3.6.1], and discounting (see Box TS.10) may be
appropriate between times. [3.6.2]