Chapter 9
9.3 Mitigation technology
options and practices,
behavioural aspects
This section provides a broad overview at the strategic and planning
level of the technological options, design practices, and behavioural
changes that can achieve large reductions in building energy use
(50 % – 90 % in new buildings, 50 % – 75 % in existing buildings). Table
9.2 summarizes the energy savings and CO
emission reduction poten-
tial according to the factors introduced in Section 9.1 based on mate-
rial presented in this section or in references given. A synthesis of doc-
umented examples of large reductions in energy use achieved in real,
new, and retrofitted buildings in a variety of different climates, and of
costs at the building level, is presented in this section, while Section
9.4 reviews the additional savings that are possible at the community
level and their associated costs, and Section 9.6 presents a synthesis of
studies of the costs, their trends, and with integrated potential calcula-
tions at the national, regional, and global levels.
9�3�1 Key points from AR4
The AR4 Chapter 6 on Buildings (Levine et al., 2007) contains an
extensive discussion of the wide range of techniques and designs to
reduce energy use in new buildings. Savings at the system level are
generally larger than for individual devices (pumps, motors, fans, heat-
ers, chillers, etc.), as are related net investment-cost savings — usually
several times higher (Levine et al., 2007; Harvey, 2008). Integrated
Design Process (IDP) allows for the systemic approach, which opti-
mizes building performance iteratively, and involves all design team
members from the start (Montanya et al., 2009; Pope and Tardiff,
2011). However, the conventional process of designing and construct-
ing a building and its systems is largely linear, in which design ele-
ments and system components are specified, built, and installed with-
out consideration of optimization opportunities in the following
design and building phases, thus losing key opportunities for the opti-
mization of whole buildings as systems (Lewis, 2004). As discussed in
AR4, essential steps in the design of low-energy buildings are: (1)
building orientation, thermal mass, and shape; (2) high-performance
envelope specification; (3) maximization of passive features (day-
lighting, heating, cooling, and ventilation); (4) efficient systems meet-
ing remaining loads; (5) highest possible efficiencies and adequate
sizing of individual energy-using devices; and (6) proper commission-
ing of systems and devices. Cost savings can substantially offset addi-
tional high-performance envelope and higher-efficiency equipment
costs, of around 35 – 50 % compared to standard practices of new
commercial buildings (or 50 – 80 % with more advanced approaches).
Retrofits can routinely achieve 25 – 70 % savings in total energy use
(Levine etal., 2007; Harvey, 2009).
9�3�2 Technological developments
since AR4
Since AR4, there have been important performance improvements
and cost reductions in many relevant technologies, and further sig-
nificant improvements are expected. Examples include (1) daylighting
and electric lighting (Dubois and Blomsterberg, 2011); (2) household
appliances (Bansal et al., 2011); (3) insulation materials (Baetens
etal., 2011; Korjenic etal., 2011; Jelle, 2011); (4) heat pumps (Chua
etal., 2010); (5) indirect evaporative cooling to replace chillers in dry
climates (Jiang and Xie, 2010); (6) fuel cells (Ito and Otsuka, 2011);
(7) advances in digital building automation and control systems
(NBI, 2011); and (8) smart meters and grids as a means of reducing
peak demand and accommodating intermittent renewable electric-
ity sources (Catania, 2012). Many of these measures can individually
reduce the relevant specific energy use by half or more. In addition
to the new technologies, practitioners have also increasingly applied
more established technology and knowledge both in new building
construction and in the existing building retrofits. These practices
have been driven in part by targeted demonstration programmes in
a number of countries. They have been accompanied by a progres-
sive strengthening of the energy provisions of building codes in
many countries, as well as by plans for significant further tightening
in the near future (see also Section 9.10). In the following sections
we review the literature published largely since AR4 concerning the
energy intensity of low-energy new buildings and of deep retrofits of
existing buildings.
Table 9�2 | Savings or off-site energy use reductions achievable in buildings for various end uses due to on-site active solar energy systems, efficiency improvements, or behavioural
End Use On-site C-Free Energy Supply
Device Efficiency System Efficiency Behavioural Change
Heating 20 % – 95 %
30 %
– 80 %
90 %
10 % – 30 %
Hot water 50 % – 100 %
60 %
– 75 %
40 %
50 %
Cooling 50 % – 80 %
50 %
– 75 %
67 %
50 % – 67 %
Cooking 0 – 30 %
25 – 75 %
– 80 %
50 %
Lighting 10 – 30 % 75 %
; 83 % – 90 %
; 99.83 %
80 % – 93 %
70 %
Refrigerators 40 %
30 %
; 50 %
Dishwashers 17+%
75 %
Clothes washers 30 %
60 % – 85 %
Clothes dryers 50+%
10 % – 15 %
– 100 %
Office computers & monitors 40 %
General electrical loads 10 % – 120 %
Only active solar energy systems. Higher percentage contributions achievable if loads are first reduced through application of device, system, and behavioural efficiencies.
Passive solar heating, cooling, ventilation, and daylighting are considered under Systemic Efficiency.
Space heating. Lower value representative of combi-systems in Europe; upper
value is best solar district heating systems with seasonal underground thermal energy storage, after a 5-year spin-up (SAIC, 2013).
Replacement of 75 % efficient furnace / boiler
with 95 % efficient unit (e. g., condensing natural gas boilers).
Replacement of 80 % efficient furnace or boiler with ground-source heat pump with a seasonal COP for space
heating of 4 (from ground-source heat pumps in well-insulated new buildings in Germany (DEE, 2011).
Reduction from a representative cold-climate heating energy intensity of
150 kWh / m
/ yr to 15 kWh / m
/ yr (Passive House standard, Section 9.3.2).
Typical value; 2 °C cooler thermostat setting at heating season. Absolute savings is smaller but relative
savings is larger the better the thermal envelope of the building (see also Section 9.3.9).
Water heaters. 50 – 80 % of residential hot water needs supplied in Sydney, Australia
and Germany (Harvey, 2007), while upper limit of 100 % is conceivable in hot desert regions.
Replacement of a 60 % efficient with a 95 % efficient water heater (typical of
condensing and modulating wall-hung natural gas heaters).
Table 9.4.
Elimination of standby and distribution heat losses in residential buildings (typically accounting for
30 % water-heating energy use in North America (Harvey, 2007) through use of point-of-use on- demand water heaters.
Shorter showers, switch from bathing to showering, and
other hot-water-conserving behaviour.
Air conditioning and dehumidification. Range for systems from central to Southern Europe with a relatively large solar collector area in
relation to the cooling load (Harvey, 2007).
Replacement of air conditioners having a COP of 3 (typical in North America) with others with a COP of 6 (Japanese units); Table 9.4.
Replacement of North American units with units incorporating all potential efficiency improvements; Table 9.4.
Reduction (even elimination) of cooling loads through better
building orientation & envelopes, provision for passive cooling, and reduction of internal heat gains (Harvey, 2007).
Section 9.3.9. Fans during tolerable brief periods eliminating
cooling equipment in moderately hot climates.
Cooking range, various ovens.
Range pertains to various kinds of ovens; Table 9.4.
Replacement of 10 % – 15 % with 60 %
efficient (traditional biomass) cookstoves (Rawat etal., 2010).
Same recipe with different cooking practices; Table 9.4 / Section 9.3.9.
Replacement of 10 – 17 lm / W incandes-
cent lamps with 50 – 70 lm / W compact fluorescent (Harvey, 2010).
Replacement of 15 lm / W incandescent lamps with (year 2030) LEDs, 100 – 160 lm / W (McNeil etal., 2005;
US DOE, 2006).
Replacement of 0.25 lm / W kerosene lamps (Fouquet and Pearson, 2006) with future 150 lm / W LEDs.
Reduction from average US office lighting energy
intensity of the existing stock of 73 kWh / m
/ yr (Harvey, 2013) to 5 – 15 kWh / m
/ yr state-of-art systems (Harvey, 2013).
Turning off not needed lights (6000 hours / yr out of 8760
hours / yr).
Table 9.4
12.5 ft
vs 18.5 ft
(350 litres, 350 kWh / yr vs 520 litres, 500 kWh / yr) refrigerator-freezers or 18.5 vs 30.5 ft
(860 litres, 700 kWh / yr) (Harvey, 2010).
Elimination of a second (‘beer’) fridge.
Table 9.4
Fully loaded operation versus typical part-load operation (Table 9.4).
by 2030 (Table 9.4).
Cold compared to hot
water washing, based on relative contribution of water heating to total clothes washer energy use for the best US&EU models (Harvey, 2010).
Table 9.4.
Operation at full
load rather than at one-third to half load (Smith, 1997).
Air drying inside when there is no space heating requirement, or outside.
Table 9.4.
Fraction of on-site electricity
demand typically generated by on-site PV with low demand kept low through electricity-efficiency measures.
Figure 9�8 | Residential electricity consumption by end-use in a policy scenario from
the Bottom-Up Energy Analysis System (BUENAS) model. Source: Cabeza etal. (2013b).
Electricity Consumption [TWh]