Energy Systems
Chapter 7
(Cherp etal., 2012). Energy security concerns can be grouped as (1)
the sufficiency of resources to meet national energy demand at com-
petitive and stable prices, and (2) the resilience of the energy supply.
Since vital energy systems and their vulnerabilities differ from one
country to another, the concept of energy security also differs between
countries (Chester, 2009; Cherp and Jewell, 2011; Winzer, 2012). Coun-
tries with a high share of energy imports in total imports (or export
earnings) are relatively more vulnerable to price fluctuations and his-
torically have focused on curtailing energy imports (GNESD, 2010; Jain,
2010; Sathaye etal., 2011), but more recently, also building the resil-
ience of energy supply (IEA, 2011a; Jewell, 2011b). For energy import-
ers, climate policies can increase the sufficiency of national energy
demand by decreasing imports and energy intensity while at the
same time increasing the domestic resource buffer and the diversity of
energy supply (Turton and Barreto, 2006; Costantini etal., 2007; Kruyt
etal., 2009; McCollum etal., 2013a; Jewell etal., 2014). Energy-export-
ing countries are similarly interested in stable and competitive global
prices, but they have the opposite interest of maintaining or increasing
energy export revenues (Sathaye etal., 2011; Cherp and Jewell, 2011).
There is uncertainty over how climate policies would impact energy
export revenues and volumes as discussed in Section6.3.6.6. One of
the biggest energy security issues facing developing countries is the
necessity to dramatically expand energy systems to support economic
growth and development (Kuik etal., 2011; Cherp etal., 2012), which
makes energy security in low- and middle-income countries closely
related to the energy-access challenge, discussed in the next para-
graphs and in Section
Rural development� In various developing countries such as India,
Nepal, Brazil, and parts of Africa, especially in remote and rural areas,
some renewables are already cost-competitive options for increas-
ing energy access (Nguyen, 2007; Goldemberg etal., 2008; Cherian,
2009; Sudhakara Reddy etal., 2009; Walter etal., 2011; Narula etal.,
2012). Educational benefits as a function of rural electrification
(Kanagawa and Nakata, 2008), and enhanced support for the produc-
These dimensions are roughly in line with the treatment of energy security in the
SRREN albeit with terminology based on recent literature – along the lines of the
sovereignty and robustness perspectives on the one hand and resilience on the
other described by Cherp and Jewell (2011). It is also very similar to the IEA’s dis-
tinction between energy system risks and resilience capacities (IEA, 2011a; Jewell,
tive sector and income generation opportunities (Bazilian etal., 2012;
Sokona, Y. etal., 2012; Pachauri etal., 2013) are some of the impor-
tant co-benefits of some mitigation options. However, the co-benefits
may not be evenly distributed within countries and local jurisdictions.
While there is a regressive impact of higher energy prices in devel-
oped countries (Grainger and Kolstad, 2010), the empirical evidence
is more mixed for developing countries (Jakob and Steckel, 2013). The
impact depends on the type of fuel used by different income groups,
the redistribution of the revenues through, e. g., a carbon tax, and
in what way pro-poor measures are able to mitigate adverse effects
(Casillas and Kammen, 2010) (see Section for a discussion of
the distributional incidence of fuel taxes). Hence, regulators need to
pay attention that the distributive impacts of higher prices for low-
carbon electricity (fuel) do not become a burden on low-income rural
households (Rao, 2013). The success of energy access programmes
will be measured against affordability and reliability criteria for the
Other positive spillover effects from implementation of renewable
energy options include technology trade and knowledge transfer (see
Chapter 13), reduction in the exposure of a regional economy to the
volatility of the price of fossil fuels (Magnani and Vaona, 2013; see
Chapter 14), and enhanced livelihoods conditions at the household
level (Cooke etal., 2008; Oparoacha and Dutta, 2011).
7�9�2 Environmental and health effects
Energy supply options differ with regard to their overall environ-
mental and health impacts, not only their GHG emissions (Table 7.3).
Renewable energies are often seen as environmentally benign by
nature; however, no technology — particularly in large scale applica-
tion — comes without environmental impacts. To evaluate the relative
burden of energy systems within the environment, full energy supply
chains need to be considered on a lifecycle basis, including all system
components, and across all impact categories.
To avoid creating new environmental and health problems, assess-
ments of mitigation technologies need to address a wide range of
issues, such as land and water use, as well as air, water, and soil pol-
lution, which are often location-specific. Whilst information is scarce
Box 7�1 | Energy systems of LDCs: Opportunities & challenges for low-carbon development
One of the critical indicators of progress towards achieving devel-
opment goals in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) is the level
of access to modern energy services. It is estimated that 79 % of
the LDC population lacked access to electricity in 2009, compared
to a 28 % average in the developing countries (WHO and UNDP,
2009). About 71 % of people in LDCs relied exclusively on biomass
burning for cooking in 2009. The dominance of subsistence
agriculture in LDCs as the mainstay of livelihoods, combined with
a high degree of population dispersal, and widespread income
poverty have shaped the nature of energy systems in this category
of countries (Banuri, 2009; Sokona, Y. etal., 2012). The LDCs from
sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia, with limited access to fossil-
based electricity (and heat), would need to explore a variety of
appropriate sustainable technologies to fuel their development
goals (Guruswamy, 2011). In addition to deploying fossil-based
and renewable technologies, improved biomass cooking from
biogas and sustainably produced wood for charcoal will remain
essential in LDCs (Guruswamy, 2011).
Bioenergy production from unsustainable biomass harvesting, for
direct combustion and charcoal production is commonly practiced
in most LDCs. The net GHG emissions from these practices is
significant (FAO, 2011), and rapid urbanization trends is likely to
intensify harvesting for wood, contributing further to rises in GHG
emissions, along with other localized environmental impacts. How-
ever, important initiatives from multilateral organizations and from
the private sector with innovative business models are improving
agricultural productivity for food and creating bioenergy develop-
ment opportunities. One example produces liquid biofuels for
stove cooking while creating, near cities, agroforestry zones with
rows of fast-growing leguminous trees / shrubs and alleys planted
with annual crop rotations, surrounded by a forestry shelterbelt
zone that contains indigenous trees and oilseed trees and provides
business opportunities across the value chain including for women
(WWF-UK, 2011). The mixture of crops and trees produces food
with higher nutritive values, enables clean biofuels production for
stove cooking, develops businesses, and simultaneously avoids
GHG emissions from deforestation to produce charcoal for cooking
(Zvinavashe etal., 2011). A dearth of documented information
and a lack of integration of outcomes of the many successful
specific projects that show improved management practices of
so-called traditional forest biomass resource into sustainably
managed forest propagate the impression that all traditional
biomass is unsustainable. As more data emerge, the record will be
clarified. Holistic biomass programmes that address the full value
chain, from sustainable production of wood-based fuels to their
processing, conversion, distribution, and marketing, and use with
the potential to reduce future GHG emissions are currently being
promoted (see Box 11.6). Other co-benefits associated with these
programmes include reduced burden of fuel collection, employ-
ment, and improved health conditions of the end users (Reddy
etal., 2000; Lambrou and Piana, 2006; Hutton etal., 2007; Anen-
berg etal., 2013; Owen etal., 2013). The LDC contribution to cli-
mate stabilization requires minimizing future GHG emissions while
meeting unmet (or suppressed) energy demand, which is likely to
rise. For example, though emissions levels remain low, the rate of
growth in emissions in Africa is currently above the world average,
and the continent’s share of global emissions is likely to increase
in the coming decades (Canadell etal., 2009). Whilst growth in
GHG emissions is expected as countries build their industrial base
and consumption moves beyond meeting basic needs, minimizing
this trend will involve exploring new opportunities for scaling up
modern energy access where possible by embracing cleaner and
more-efficient energy options that are consistent with regional
and global sustainability goals. One such opportunity is the avoid-
ance of associated natural gas flaring in oil- and gas-producing
developing countries where venting and flaring amounts to 69 %
of world total of 150billion cubic metres – representing 1.2 % of
global CO
emissions (Farina, 2011; GGFR and World Bank, 2011).
For a country such as Nigeria, which flares about 15 billion m
gas – sufficient to meet its energy needs along with the current
needs of many neighbouring countries (Dung etal., 2008), this
represents an opportunity towards a low-carbon pathway (Hassan
and Kouhy, 2013). Collier and Venables (2012) argue that while
abundant natural endowments in renewable and fossil resources
in Africa and other LDCs should create opportunities for green
energy development, energy sourcing, conversion, distribution, and
usage are economic activities that require the fulfilment of factors
such as capital, governance capacity, and skills (see Box 1.1).
and acidification; Emberson etal. (2012) and van Geothem etal. (2013) for photooxidants. See Arversen and Hertwich (2011, 2012) for wind, Fthenakis etal. (2008) and Laleman
etal. (2011) for PV, Becerralopez and Golding (2007) and Moomaw etal. (2011a) for CSP, and Moomaw etal. (2011b) for a general comparison.
See footnote 10 on ecosystem
impact from coal mining.
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Wiser etal. (2011); Lovich and Ennen (2013); Garvin etal. (2011);
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Pachauri etal. (2012); Fthenakis and Kim (2010); Sathaye etal. (2011);
Moomaw etal. (2011a); Meldrum etal. (2013).
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(2008); Pfister etal. (2011); Fingerman etal. (2011); Mekonnen and Hoekstra (2012); Bayer etal. (2013a).
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(2012); Wang and Jaffe (2004).
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(2013); IPCC (2005); Miller etal. (2007); de Best-Waldhober etal. (2009); Shackley etal. (2009); Wong-Parodi and Ray (2009); Waööquist etal. (2009, 2010); Reiner and Nuttall
Koorneef etal. (2011); Singh etal. (2011); Hertwich etal. (2008); Veltman etal. (2010); Corsten etal.(2013).
Zhai etal. (2011); Koorneef etal. (2011); Sathaye etal. (2011);
Moomaw etal. (2011a).
Haszeldine etal. (2009); Sauer etal. (2013); Kudryavtsev etal. (2012); Held and Edenhofer (2009).
Wilkinson (2011); Song and Liu (2012).
Karacan etal.
(2011); Deng etal. (2013); Wang etal. (2012); Zhang etal. (2013); Cheng etal. (2011).
IEA, (2009c); Jerrett etal. (2009); Shindell etal. (2012); Smith etal. (2013), and references
cited therein: Kim etal. (2013); Ito etal. (2005); Ji etal. (2011).
Van Dingenen etal. (2009); Shindell etal. (2012); van Goethem etal. (2013).