Chapter 10
tions in emission-related taxes or payment liabilities (Metcalf, 2009)
are specific to industries, even though compliance costs might increase
(Dasgupta etal., 2000; Mestl etal., 2005; Rivers, 2010). The net effect
of these benefits and costs has not been studied comprehensively.
Quantification of benefits is often done on a case-by-case basis. For
example, Mestl etal. (2005) found that the environmental and health
benefits of using electric arc furnaces for steel production in the city
of Tiyuan (China) could potentially lead to higher benefits than other
options, despite being the most costly option. For India, a detailed
study (Chakraborty and Roy, 2012b) of 13 energy-intensive industrial
units showed that several measures to reduce GHG emissions were
adopted because the industries could realize positive effects on their
own economic competitiveness, resource conservation such as water,
and an enhanced reputation / public image for their commitment to
corporate social responsibility towards a global cause.
If existing barriers (see Section 10.9) can be overcome, industrial appli-
cations of CCS deployed in the future could provide environmental co-
benefits because CCS-enabled facilities have very low emissions rates
for critical pollutants even without specific policies being in place for
those emissions (Kuramochi etal., 2012b) (see Section 7.9.2 and Figure
7.8 for the air pollution effects of CCS deployment in power plants).
Mitigations options to reduce PFC emissions from aluminium pro-
duction, N
O emissions from adipic and nitric acid production (EPA,
2010a), and PFC emissions from semiconductor manufacturing (ISMI,
2005) have proven to enhance productivity and reduce the cost of pro-
duction. Simultaneously, these measures provide health benefits and
better working conditions for labour and local ambient air quality (Hei-
jnes etal., 1999).
Material efficiency (M / P): There is a wide range of benefits to be
harnessed from implementing material efficiency options. Private ben-
efits to industry in terms of cost reduction (Meyer etal., 2007) can
enhance competitiveness, but national and subnational sales revenue
might decline in the medium term due to reduction in demand for inter-
mediate products used in manufacturing (Thomas, 2003). Material use
efficiency increases can often be realized via cooperation in industrial
clusters (see Section 10.5), while associated infrastructure develop-
ment (new industrial parks) and associated cooperation schemes lead
to additional societal gains (e. g., more efficient use of land through
bundling activities) (Lowe, 1997; Chertow, 2000). With the reduction
in need for virgin materials (Allwood etal., 2013; Stahel, 2013) and
the prioritization of prevention in line with the waste management
hierarchy (see Section 10.14.2, Figure 10.16), mining-related social
conflicts can decrease (Germond-Duret, 2012), health and safety can
be enhanced, recycling-related employment can increase, the amount
of waste material (see Section and Figure 10.17) going
into landfills can decrease, and new business opportunities related to
material efficiency can emerge (Clift and Wright, 2000; Rennings and
See also EPA Voluntary Aluminum Industrial Partnership: http: / / www. epa.
gov / highgwp / aluminum-pfc / faq.html.
Zwick, 2002; Widmer etal., 2005; Clift, 2006; Zhang and Wang, 2008;
Walz, 2011; Allwood etal., 2011; Raghupathy and Chaturvedi, 2013;
Menikpura etal., 2013).
Demand reductions (P / S and S): Demand reduction through adop-
tion of new diverse lifestyles (see Section 10.4) (Roy and Pal, 2009;
GEA, 2012; Kainuma etal., 2012; Allwood etal., 2013) and implemen-
tation of healthy eating (see Section 11.4.3) and sufficiency goals can
result in multiple co-benefits related to health that enhance human
well-being (GEA, 2012). Well-being indicators can be developed to
evaluate industrial economic activities in terms of multiple effects of
sustainable consumption on a range of policy objectives (GEA, 2012).
10�8�2 Technological risks and uncertainties
There are some specific risks and uncertainties with adoption of miti-
gation options in industry. Potential health, safety, and environmental
risks could arise from additional mining activities as some mitigation
technologies could substantially increase the need for specific materi-
als (e. g., rare earths, see Section 7.9.2) and the exploitation of new
extraction locations or methods. Industrial production is closely linked
to extractive industry (see Figure 10.2) and there are risks associated
with closing mines if post-closure measures for environmental pro-
tection are not adopted due to a lack of appropriate technology or
resources. Carbon dioxide capture and storage for industry is an exam-
ple of a technological option subject to several risks and uncertainties
(see Sections 10.7, 7.5.5, 7.6.4 and 7.9.4 for more in-depth discussion
on CO
storage, transport, and the public perception thereof, respec-
Specific literature on accidents and technology failure related to miti-
gation measures in the industry sector is lacking. In general, industrial
activities are subject to the main categories of risks and emergencies,
namely natural disasters, malicious activities, and unexpected conse-
quences arising from overly complex systems (Mitroff and Alpaslan,
2003; Olson and Wu, 2010). For example, process safety is still a major
issue for the chemical industry. Future improvements in process safety
will likely involve a holistic integration of complementary activities and
be supported by several layers of detail (Pitblado, 2011).
10�8�3 Public perception
From a socio-constructivist perspective, the social response to
industrial activity depends on three sets of factors related to: 1)
the dynamics of regional development and the historical place of
industry in the community, 2) the relationship between residents
and the industry and local governance capacities, and 3) the social
or socio-economic impacts experienced (Fortin and Gagnon, 2006).
Public hearings and stakeholder participation — especially on envi-
ronmental and social impact assessments — prior to issuance of per-
mission to operate has become mandatory in almost all countries,
Table 10�5 | Overview of potential co-benefits (green arrows) and adverse side-effects (orange arrows) of the main mitigation measures in the industry sector. Arrows pointing
up / down denote positive / negative effect on the respective objective or concern. Co-benefits and adverse side-effects depend on local circumstances as well as on the implementa-
tion practice, pace, and scale (see Section 6.6). For possible upstream effects of low-carbon energy supply (incl. CCS), see Section 7.9. For possible upstream effects of biomass
supply, see Sections 11.7 and 11.13.6. For an assessment of macroeconomic, cross-sectoral effects associated with mitigation policies (e. g., on energy prices, consumption, growth,
and trade), see Sections 3.9, 6.3.6,, and 14.4.2. Numbers correspond to references below the table.
Mitigation measures
Effect on additional objectives / concerns
Economic Social (including health) Environmental
Technical energy
efficiency improvements
via new processes
and technologies
Energy security (via reduced energy
intensity) [1, 2, 3, 4, 13, 29, 57];
Employment impact [14, 15, 19, 28]
Competitiveness and Productivity
[4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
Technological spillovers in DCs (due to
supply chain linkages) [59, 60, 61]
Health impact via reduced local pollution [16]
New business opportunities [4, 17 – 20]
Water availability and quality [26]
Safety, working conditions and
job satisfaction [5, 19, 20]
Ecosystem impact via
Fossil fuel extraction [21]
Local pollution [11, 22 – 24, 25] and
Waste [11, 27]
and non-CO
GHG emissions
intensity reduction
Competitiveness [31, 55] and
productivity [52, 53]
Health impact via reduced local air pollution
[30, 31, 32, 33, 53] and better work
conditions (for PFCs from aluminium) [58]
Ecosystem impact via
Local air pollution [4, 25, 30, 31, 34, 52]
Water pollution [54]
Water conservation [56]
Material efficiency
of goods, recycling
National sales tax revenue
in medium term [35]
Employment impact in waste
recycling market [44, 45]
New infrastructure for industrial
clusters [36, 37]
Competitiveness in manufacturing [38]
New business opportunities [11, 39 – 43]
Local conflicts (reduced
resource extraction) [58]
Health impacts and safety concerns [49]
Ecosystem impact via reduced local
air and water pollution and waste
material disposal [42, 46]
Use of raw / virgin materials and
natural resources implying reduced
unsustainable resource mining [47, 48]
Product demand
National sales tax revenue
in medium term [35]
Wellbeing via new diverse
lifestyle choices [48, 50, 51]
Post consumption waste [48]
[1] Sovacool and Brown, 2010; [2] Geller etal., 2006; [3] Gnansounou, 2008; [4] Winkler etal., 2007; [5] Worrell etal., 2003; [6] Boyd and Pang, 2000; [7] May etal., 2013; [8]
Goldemberg, 1998; [9] Murphy, 2001; [10] Gallagher, 2006; [11] Zhang and Wang, 2008; [12] Roy etal., 2013; [13] see Section 10.4 and references cited therein; [14] UNIDO,
2011; [15] OECD / IEA, 2012; [16] Zhang etal., 2011; [17] Nidumolu etal., 2009; [18] Horbach and Rennings, 2013; [19] Getzner, 2002; [20] Wei etal., 2010; [21] Liu and Diamond,
2005; [22] Hasanbeigi etal., 2013a; [23] Xi etal., 2013; [24] Chen etal., 2012; [25] Ren etal., 2012; [26] Zhelev, 2005; [27] Lee and van de Meene, 2013; [28] Sathaye and
Gupta, 2010; [29] Sathaye and Gupta, 2010; [30] Mestl etal., 2005; [31] Chakraborty and Roy, 2012a; [32] Haines etal., 2009; [33] Aunan etal., 2004; [34] Bassi etal., 2009; [35]
Thomas, 2003; [36] Lowe, 1997; [37] Chertow, 2000; [38] Meyer etal., 2007; [39] Widmer etal., 2005; [40] Raghupathy and Chaturvedi, 2013; [41] Clift and Wright, 2000; [42]
Allwood etal., 2011; [43] Clift, 2006; [44] Walz, 2011; [45] Rennings and Zwick, 2002; [46] Menikpura etal., 2013; [47] Stahel, 2013; [48] Allwood etal., 2013; [49] GEA, 2012;
[50] Kainuma etal., 2012; [51] Roy and Pal, 2009; [52] EPA, 2010b; [53] ISMI, 2005; [54] Heijnes etal., 1999; [55] Rivers, 2010; [56] Chakraborty and Roy, 2012b; [57] Sarkar
etal., 2003; [58] Germond-Duret, 2012; [59] Kugler, 2006; [60] Bitzer and Kerekes, 2008; [61] Zhao etal., 2010.