Coastal Systems
and Low-Lying Areas
Coordinating Lead Authors:
Poh Poh Wong (Singapore), Iñigo J. Losada (Spain)
Lead Authors:
Jean-Pierre Gattuso (France), Jochen Hinkel (Germany), Abdellatif Khattabi (Morocco),
Kathleen L. McInnes (Australia), Yoshiki Saito (Japan), Asbury Sallenger (USA)
Contributing Authors:
So-Min Cheong (Republic of Korea), Kirstin Dow (USA), Carlos M. Duarte (Australia/Spain),
Kristie L. Ebi (USA), Lucy Faulkner (UK), Masahiko Isobe (Japan), Jack Middelburg
(Netherlands), Susanne Moser (USA), Mark Pelling (UK), Edmund Penning-Rowsell (UK),
Sybil Seitzinger (USA), Marcel Stive (Netherlands), Richard S.J. Tol (Netherlands),
Athanasios Vafeidis (Greece/Germany)
Review Editors:
Robert J. Nicholls (UK), Filipe Santos (Portugal)
Volunteer Chapter Scientist:
Sara Amez (Spain)
This chapter should be cited as:
, P.P., I.J. Losada, J.-P. Gattuso, J. Hinkel, A. Khattabi, K.L. McInnes, Y. Saito, and A. Sallenger, 2014: Coastal
systems and low-lying areas. In: Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part A:
Global and Sectoral Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Field, C.B., V.R. Barros, D.J. Dokken, K.J. Mach,
M.D. Mastrandrea, T.E. Bilir, M. Chatterjee, K.L. Ebi, Y.O. Estrada, R.C. Genova, B. Girma, E.S. Kissel, A.N. Levy,
S. MacCracken, P.R. Mastrandrea, and L.L. White (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United
Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp. 361-409.
Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................................................... 364
5.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 366
5.2. Coastal Systems ...................................................................................................................................................... 366
5.3. Drivers .................................................................................................................................................................... 367
5.3.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 367
5.3.2. Relative Sea Level Rise ..................................................................................................................................................................... 367 Mean Sea Level ......................................................................................................................................................... 368 Sea Level ............................................................................................................................................................... 369 Sea Level ..................................................................................................................................................................... 369
5.3.3. Climate-Related Drivers .................................................................................................................................................................... 370 Storms ...................................................................................................................................................................... 370 Sea Levels ............................................................................................................................................................... 370 and Waves ................................................................................................................................................................. 371 Surface Temperature ...................................................................................................................................................... 371 Acidification .............................................................................................................................................................. 372 Input .................................................................................................................................................................. 372
5.3.4. Human-Related Drivers ..................................................................................................................................................................... 372 Development ............................................................................................................................................... 372 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 373 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 373 Delivery ................................................................................................................................................................ 373
5.4. Impacts, Vulnerabilities, and Risks .......................................................................................................................... 374
5.4.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 374
5.4.2. Natural Systems ................................................................................................................................................................................ 375, Barriers, and Sand Dunes ....................................................................................................................................... 375 Coasts ........................................................................................................................................................................ 376 and Seagrass Beds ................................................................................................................................................ 377 Reefs ........................................................................................................................................................................... 378 Aquifers ................................................................................................................................................................... 379 and Lagoons ......................................................................................................................................................... 379 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 380
Table of Contents
Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas Chapter 5
5.4.3. Human Systems ................................................................................................................................................................................ 381 Settlements .............................................................................................................................................................. 381, Infrastructure, Transport, and Network Industries .................................................................................................. 383, Aquaculture, and Agriculture ................................................................................................................................. 384 Tourism and Recreation ........................................................................................................................................... 384 .................................................................................................................................................................................. 385
5.4.4. Summary: Detection and Attribution ................................................................................................................................................. 386
5.5. Adaptation and Managing Risks ............................................................................................................................. 386
5.5.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 386
5.5.2. Adaptation Measures ....................................................................................................................................................................... 387
5.5.3. Adaptation Decision Making and Governance ................................................................................................................................. 388 Analysis .................................................................................................................................................................. 388 and Governance Analysis .................................................................................................................................... 388
Box 5-1. London’s Thames Estuary 2100 Plan: Adaptive Management for the Long Term .............................................. 389
5.5.4. Implementation and Practice ............................................................................................................................................................ 390 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 390, Guidance, and Experiences .................................................................................................................................. 390
5.5.5. Global Adaptation Costs and Benefits .............................................................................................................................................. 392
5.5.6. Adaptation Opportunities, Constraints, and Limits ........................................................................................................................... 393
5.5.7. Synergies and Trade-Offs between Mitigation and Adaptation ......................................................................................................... 394
5.5.8. Long-Term Commitment to Sea Level Rise and Adaptation .............................................................................................................. 394
5.6. Information Gaps, Data Gaps, and Research Needs ............................................................................................... 395
References ......................................................................................................................................................................... 396
Frequently Asked Questions
5.1: How does climate change affect coastal marine ecosystems? .......................................................................................................... 374
5.2: How is climate change influencing coastal erosion? ........................................................................................................................ 376
5.3: How can coastal communities plan for and adapt to the impacts of climate change, in particular sea level rise? ........................... 387
Chapter 5 Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas
Executive Summary
Coastal systems are particularly sensitive to three key drivers related to climate change: sea level, ocean temperature, and ocean
acidity (very high confidence). {5.3.2,,} Despite the lack of attribution of observed coastal changes, there is a long-term
commitment to experience the impacts of sea level rise because of a delay in its response to temperature (high confidence). {5.5.8} In contrast,
coral bleaching and species ranges can be attributed to ocean temperature change and ocean acidity. {,} For many other coastal
changes, the impacts of climate change are difficult to tease apart from human-related drivers (e.g., land use change, coastal development,
pollution) (robust evidence, high agreement).
Coastal systems and low-lying areas will increasingly experience adverse impacts such as submergence, coastal flooding, and
coastal erosion due to relative sea level rise (RSLR; very high confidence).
In the absence of adaptation, beaches, sand dunes, and cliffs
currently eroding will continue to do so under increasing sea level (high confidence). {,} Large spatial variations in the projected
sea level rise together with local factors means RSLR at the local scale can vary considerably from projected global mean sea level rise (GMSLR)
(very high confidence). {5.3.2} Changes in storms and associated storm surges may further contribute to changes in sea level extremes but the
small number of regional storm surge studies, and uncertainty in changes in tropical and mid-latitude cyclones at the regional scale, means
that there is low confidence in projections of storm surge change {} Both RSLR and impacts are also influenced by a variety of local
processes unrelated to climate (e.g., subsidence, glacial isostatic adjustment, sediment transport, coastal development) (very high confidence).
Acidification and warming of coastal waters will continue with significant negative consequences for coastal ecosystems (high
confidence). The increase in acidity will be higher in areas where eutrophication or coastal upwellings are an issue. It will have negative impacts
for many calcifying organisms (high confidence). {} Warming and acidification will lead to coral bleaching, mortality, and decreased
constructional ability (high confidence), making coral reefs the most vulnerable marine ecosystem with little scope for adaptation. {,
Box CC-OA} Temperate seagrass and kelp ecosystems will decline with the increased frequency of heat waves and sea temperature extremes as
well as through the impact of invasive subtropical species (high confidence). {}
The population and assets exposed to coastal risks as well as human pressures on coastal ecosystems will increase significantly
in the coming decades due to population growth, economic development, and urbanization (high confidence).
The exposure of
people and assets to coastal risks has been rapidly growing and this trend is expected to continue. {,} Humans have been the
primary drivers of changes in coastal aquifers, lagoons, estuaries, deltas, and wetlands (very high confidence) and are expected to further
exacerbate human pressures on coastal ecosystems resulting from excess nutrient input, changes in runoff, and reduced sediment delivery
(high confidence). {,,}
For the 21st century, the benefits of protecting against increased coastal flooding and land loss due to submergence and erosion
at the global scale are larger than the social and economic costs of inaction (limited evidence, high agreement). Without adaptation,
hundreds of millions of people will be affected by coastal flooding and will be displaced due to land loss by year 2100; the majority of those
affected are from East, Southeast, and South Asia (high confidence). {,} At the same time, protecting against flooding and erosion
is considered economically rational for most developed coastlines in many countries under all socioeconomic and sea level rise scenarios
analyzed, including for the 21st century GMSLR of above 1 m (limited evidence, high agreement). {5.5.5}
The relative costs of adaptation vary strongly between and within regions and countries for the 21st century (high confidence).
Some low-lying developing countries (e.g., Bangladesh, Vietnam) and small islands are expected to face very high impacts and associated
annual damage and adaptation costs of several percentage points of gross domestic product (GDP). {5.5.5} Developing countries and small
islands within the tropics dependent on coastal tourism will be impacted directly not only by future sea level rise and associated extremes but
also by coral bleaching and ocean acidification and associated reductions in tourist arrivals (high confidence). {}
Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas Chapter 5
The analysis and implementation of coastal adaptation toward climate-resilient and sustainable coasts has progressed more
significantly in developed countries than in developing countries (high confidence).
Given ample adaptation options, more proactive
responses can be made and based on technological, policy related, financial, and institutional support. Observed successful adaptation includes
major projects (e.g., Thames Estuary, Venice Lagoon, Delta Works) and specific practices in both developed countries (e.g., Netherlands,
Australia) and developing countries (e.g., Bangladesh). {} More countries and communities carry out coastal adaptation measures
including those based on integrated coastal zone management, local communities, ecosystems, and disaster reduction, and these measures are
mainstreamed into relevant strategies and management plans (high confidence). {5.5.4, 5.5.5}
Chapter 5 Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas
5.1. Introduction
This chapter presents an updated picture of the impacts, vulnerability,
and adaptation of coastal systems and low-lying areas to climate change,
ith sea level rise perceived as the most important risk for human
systems. Unlike the coastal chapter in the previous assessment (Fourth
Assessment Report, AR4), materials pertinent to the oceans are not
covered here but in two new ocean chapters (Chapters 6 and 30). As in
AR4, polar coasts are in another chapter (Chapter 28); small islands are
also considered separately (Chapter 29) so an in-depth discussion is not
provided herein.
The topics covered in this chapter follow the outline for sectoral chapters
approved by the IPCC. An Executive Summary summarizes the key
messages with a line of sight to the supporting sections in the chapter.
This chapter consists of six sections, with this first section dealing with
progress in knowledge from AR4 to AR5 (Fifth Assessment Report),
scope of chapter, and new developments. Section 5.2 defines the coastal
systems and climate and non-climate drivers. The coastal systems include
both natural systems and human systems, and this division is generally
followed throughout the chapter. The climate and non-climate drivers
are assessed in Section 5.3, followed by the impacts, vulnerabilities, and
risks in Section 5.4. Section 5.5 deals with adaptation and managing
risks. Information gaps, data gaps, and research needs are assessed in
Section 5.6. There is one box on a specific example and reference to
three cross-chapter boxes.
In AR4, the coastal chapter assessed the impact of climate change and
a global sea level rise up to 0.59 m in the 2090s. The coastal systems
were considered to be affected mainly by higher sea levels, increasing
temperatures, changes in precipitation, larger storm surges, and increased
ocean acidity. Human activities had continued to increase their pressure
on the coasts with rapid urbanization in coastal areas and growth of
megacities with consequences on coastal resources. Regionally, South,
Southeast, and East Asia; Africa; and small islands were identified as
most vulnerable. The AR4 chapter offered a range of adaptation
measures, many under the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)
framework that could be carried out in both developed and developing
countries, but recognized that the latter would face more challenges.
Various issues on increasing the adaptive capacity or increasing the
resilience of coastal communities were discussed. The unavoidability of
sea level rise in the long term, even with stringent mitigation, was
noted, with adaptation becoming an urgent issue.
A number of key issues related to the coasts have arisen since AR4.
There is now better understanding of the natural systems, their ecosystem
functions, their services and benefits to humanity, and how they can be
affected by climate change. Their linkages landward to the watersheds
and seaward to the seas and oceans need to be considered for a more
integrated assessment of climate change impacts. The global mean sea
level rise (GMSLR) is projected to be 0.28 to 0.98 m by 2100 (Table 5-2),
although with regional variations and local factors the local sea level
rise can be higher than that projected for the GMSLR. This has serious
implications for coastal cities, deltas, and low-lying states. While higher
rates of coastal erosion are generally expected under rising sea levels, the
complex inter-relationships between the geomorphological and ecological
ttributes of the coastal system (Gilman et al., 2006; Haslett, 2009) and
the relevant climate and oceanic processes need to be better established
at regional and local scales. Such complex inter-relationships can be
influenced by different methods and responses of coastal management.
Also of concern is ocean acidification. Together with warming, it causes
coral reefs to lose their structural integrity, negatively implicating reef
communities and shore protection (Sheppard et al., 2005; Manzello et al.,
2008; see Boxes CC-OA, CC-CR). Acidification has potential impacts of
reduced calcification in shellfish and impacts on commercial aquaculture
(Barton et al., 2012). Since AR4, a significant number of new findings
regarding the impacts of climate change on human settlements and key
coastal systems such as rocky coasts, beaches, estuaries, deltas, salt
marshes, mangroves, coral reefs, and submerged vegetation have
become available and are reviewed in this chapter. However, uncertainties
regarding projections of potential impacts on coastal systems remain
generally high.
This chapter also provides advances in both vulnerability assessments
and the identification of potential adaptation actions, costs, benefits,
and trade-offs. A large number of new studies estimate the costs of
inaction versus potential adaptation. Coastal adaptation has become
more widely used, with a wider range of approaches and frameworks
such as integrated coastal management, ecosystem-based adaptation,
community-based adaptation, and disaster risk reduction and management.
Climate change will interact differently with the variety of human
activities and other drivers of change along coastlines of developed and
developing countries. For example, on the coastlines of developed
countries, changes in weather and climate extremes and sea level rise may
impact the demand for housing, recreational facilities, and construction
of renewable energy infrastructure on the coast (Hadley, 2009), including
critical infrastructures such as transportation, ports, and naval bases.
Along the coasts of developing countries, weather and climate extremes
affect a wide range of economic activities supporting coastal communities
and pose an additional risk to many of the fastest growing low-lying
urban areas, such as in Bangladesh and China (McGranahan et al., 2007;
Smith, 2011).
5.2. Coastal Systems
Coastal systems and low-lying areas, also referred to as coasts in this
assessment, include all areas near mean sea level. Generally, there is
no single definition for the coast and the coastal zone/area, where the
latter emphasizes the area or extent of the coastal ecosystems. In
relation to exposure to potential sea level rise, the low-elevation coastal
zone (LECZ) has been used in recent years with reference to specific
area and population up to 10 m elevation (Vafeidis et al., 2011).
Coastal systems are conceptualized to consist of both natural and
human systems (Figure 5-1). The natural systems include distinct coastal
features and ecosystems such as rocky coasts, beaches, barriers and
sand dunes, estuaries and lagoons, deltas, river mouths, wetlands, and
coral reefs. These elements help define the seaward and landward
boundaries of the coast. In spite of providing a wide variety of regulating,
provisioning, supporting, and cultural services (MEA, 2005), they have
Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas Chapter 5
been altered and heavily influenced by human activities, with climate
change constituting only one among many pressures these systems are
facing. The human systems include the built environment (e.g., settlements,
water, drainage, as well as transportation infrastructure and networks),
human activities (e.g., tourism, aquaculture, fisheries), as well as formal
and informal institutions that organize human activities (e.g., policies,
laws, customs, norms, and culture). The human and natural systems form
a tightly coupled socio-ecological system (Berkes and Folke, 1998;
Hopkins et al., 2012).
5.3. Drivers
5.3.1. Introduction
In AR4, changes in climate drivers (i.e., any climate-induced factor that
directly or indirectly causes a change), including sea level rise, were
projected for different Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES)
emissions scenarios (IPCC, 2000). Consequently, to date, most of the
impacts and vulnerability assessments of climate change in coastal areas
are based on SRES A2, A1B, B2, and A1F1 scenarios. Since AR4 a new
scenario process has been initiated to replace the SRES scenarios with
Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) and Shared Socioeconomic
Pathways (SSPs) (Moss et al., 2010). The RCPs are scenarios specifying
concentrations, rather than emissions, thereby avoiding differences in
concentrations of long-lived greenhouse gas (GHG) and aerosol
concentrations for the same emissions scenarios that can arise from the
use of different models (van Vuuren et al., 2011). For a comparison
between RCP and SRES scenarios, see WGI AR5 Box 1.2. In addition,
Extended Concentration Pathways (ECPs) have been introduced for the
2100–2300 period (Meinhausen et al., 2011), providing the opportunity
to assess the long-term commitment to sea level rise, which is virtually
certain to continue beyond 2500 unless global temperature declines
(WGI AR5 Chapter 1; Section 13.5.2).
The SSPs provide representative qualitative story lines (narratives) of world
development together with quantitative pathways of key socioeconomic
variables such as gross domestic product (GDP) and population. A
preliminary list of five SSPs has been proposed (Arnell et al., 2011;
O’Neill et al., 2012), and work to further refine them is ongoing (Kriegler
et al. 2012; Van Vuuren et al., 2012). SSPs do not include assumptions
on mitigation policy and are thus independent from RCPs in the sense
that the same SSP may lead to different concentration levels and
consequently rises in sea level depending on the level of mitigation
reached (Arnell et al., 2011; O’Neill et al., 2012). Table 5-1 summarizes
the main climate-related drivers for the coastal systems.
5.3.2. Relative Sea Level Rise
Assessments of coastal impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation need to
consider relative sea level rise (RSLR), which includes climate-induced
GMSLR (Section and regional variations (Section as
well as local non-climate-related sea level changes (Section
RSLR poses a significant threat to coastal systems and low-lying areas
around the globe, leading to inundation and erosion of coastlines and
contamination of freshwater reserves and food crops (Nicholls, 2010).
Sea level rise due to thermal expansion as the oceans warm, together
with meltwater from glaciers, icecaps, and ice sheets of Greenland and
Antarctica, are the major factors that contribute to RSLR globally.
However, regional variations in the rate of rise occur because of ocean
circulation patterns and interannual and decadal variability (e.g., Zhang
isk on coastal systems
Exposure and vulnerability
atural systemsHuman systemsClimate-related
climate change
• Settlements
• Infrastructure
• Food production
• Tourism
Relative sea level rise
• Storms
• Extreme sea level
• CO
• Freshwater input
• Ocean acidification
• Nutrients
• Sediment delivery
Rocky coasts
• Beaches
• Wetlands and
• Coral reefs
• Aquifers
• Estuaries and lagoons
Figure 5-1 | Climate, just as anthropogenic or natural variability, affects both climate and human related drivers. Risk on coastal systems is the outcome of integrating drivers'
associated hazards, exposure, and vulnerability. Adaptation options can be implemented either to modify the hazards or exposure and vulnerability, or both.
Chapter 5 Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas
and Church, 2012; Ganachaud et al., 2013) and glacial isostatic rebound
and tectonic movement. Subsidence of coastal land from sediment
compaction due to building loads, harbor dredging, changes in sediment
supply that cause erosion/accretion, and subsurface resource extraction
(e.g., groundwater, gas and petroleum; Syvitski et al., 2009) may also
contribute to RSLR locally and therefore requires consideration in
coastal impact studies. Sea level impacts are most pronounced during
episodes of extreme sea levels and these are discussed in Section 5.3.3. Global Mean Sea Level
It is very likely that global mean sea level rose at a mean rate of 1.7
[1.5 to 1.9] mm yr
between 1900 and 2010 and at a rate 3.2 [2.8 to
3.6] mm yr
from 1993 to 2010 (WGI AR5 Section 13.2.2). Ocean thermal
expansion and melting of glaciers have been the largest contributors,
accounting for more than 80% of the GMSLR over the latter period
(WGI AR5 Section 13.3.1). Future rates of GMSLR during the 21st century
are projected to exceed the observed rate for the period 1971–2010 of
2.0 [1.7 to 2.3] mm yr
for all RCP scenarios (WGI AR5 Table 13.1). Table
5-2 summarizes the likely ranges of 21st century GMSLR as established
by the Working Group I contribution to this Assessment Report.
From a coastal risk management perspective (Nicholls et al., 2013)
assessments of impacts, vulnerabilities, and adaptation have been using
GMSLR scenarios above the ranges put forward by WGI reports of AR4
(Meehl et al., 2007; Table 10.7) and AR5 (WGI AR5 Table 13.5). The ranges
estimated by WGI of AR4 and AR5 include only those components of
GMSLR that can be quantified using process-based models (i.e., models
derived from the laws of physics; WGI AR5 Glossary). The ranges given
in AR4 thus explicitly excluded contributions to GMSLR resulting from
changes in ice flows from the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica
because at that time process-based models were not able to assess this
with sufficient confidence (Meehl et al., 2007; WGI AR5 Section 4.4.5).
Since then, understanding has increased and the likely range of GMSLR
given in AR5 now includes ice sheet flow contributions. Likely, however,
Climate-related driver Physical /chemical effects Trends Projections Progress since AR4
ea level Submergence, fl ood damage,
rosion; saltwater intrusion; rising
water tables / impeded drainage;
etland loss (and change).
lobal mean sea level very likely
ncrease (Section; WGI AR5
Sections 3.7.2, 3.7.3).
lobal mean sea level very likely
ncrease (see Table 5.1; WGI AR5
Section 13.5.1).
egional variability (Section;
WGI AR5 Chapter 13).
mproved confi dence in
ontributions to observed sea level.
More information on regional and
ocal sea level rise.
torms: tropical cyclones (TCs),
extratropical cyclones (ETCs)
torm surges and storm waves,
coastal fl ooding, erosion; saltwater
ntrusion; rising water tables /
impeded drainage; wetland loss
and change). Coastal infrastructure
damage and fl ood defense failure.
Cs (Box 5-1, WGI AR5 Section
2.6.3): low confi dence in trends
n frequency and intensity due to
limitations in observations and
egional variability.
ETCs (Section; WGI AR5
ection 2.6.4): likely poleward
movement of circulation features
but low confi dence in intensity
Cs (Box 5-1): likely decrease to no
change in frequency; likely increase
n the most intense TCs.
ETCs (Section high
onfi dence that reduction of
ETCs will be small globally. Low
onfi dence in changes in intensity.
owering of confi dence of observed
trends in TCs and ETCs since AR4.
ore basin-specifi c information on
storm track changes.
Winds Wind waves, storm surges, coastal
urrents, land coastal infrastructure
Low confi dence in trends in mean
nd extreme wind speeds (Section, SREX, WGI AR5 Section
Low confi dence in projected mean
ind speeds. Likely increase in
TC extreme wind speeds (Section
.3.3.2, SREX).
Winds not specifi cally addressed
n AR4.
Waves Coastal erosion, overtopping and
coastal fl ooding.
Likely positive trends in Hs in high
latitudes (Section; WGI AR5
ection 3.4.5).
Low confi dence for projections
overall but medium confi dence for
outhern Ocean increases in Hs
Large increase in number of wave
projection studies since AR4.
xtreme sea levels Coastal fl ooding erosion, saltwater
igh confi dence of increase due to
global mean sea level rise (Section
.3.3.3; WGI AR5 Chapter 13).
igh confi dence of increase due
to global mean sea level rise, low
onfi dence of changes due to storm
changes (Section; WGI AR5
Section 13.5).
ocal subsidence is an important
contribution to regional sea level
ise in many locations.
Sea surface temperature (SST) Changes to stratifi cation and
circulation; reduced incidence
of sea ice at higher latitudes;
increased coral bleaching and
mortality, poleward species
migration; increased algal blooms.
High confi dence that coastal SST
increase is higher than global SST
increase (Section
High confi dence that coastal
SSTs will increase with projected
temperature increase (Section
Emerging information on coastal
changes in SSTs.
Freshwater input Altered fl ood risk in coastal
lowlands; altered water quality /
salinity; altered fl uvial sediment
supply; altered circulation and
nutrient supply.
Medium confi dence (limited
evidence) in a net declining trend in
annual volume of freshwater input
Medium confi dence for general
increase in high latitudes and
wet tropics and decrease in other
tropical regions (Section
Emerging information on
freshwater input.
Ocean acidity Increased CO
decreased seawater pH and
carbonate ion concentration (or
“ocean acidifi cation”).
High confi dence of overall increase,
with high local and regional
variability (Section
High confi dence of increase at
unprecedented rates but with
local and regional variability (Box
Coastal ocean acidifi cation not
specifi cally addressed in AR4.
Considerable progress made in
chemical projections and biological
Table 5-1 | Main climate-related drivers for coastal systems, their trends due to climate change, and their main physical and ecosystem effects.
SREX = IPCC 2012 Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation.
Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas Chapter 5
eans that there is still a 0 to 33% probability of GMSLR beyond this
range, and coastal risk management needs to consider this. WGI does
not assign probabilities to GMSLR beyond the likely range, because this
cannot be done with the available process-based models. WGI, however,
assigns medium confidence that 21st century GMSLR does not exceed
the likely range by several tenths of a meter (WGI AR5 Section 13.5.1).
When using other approaches such as semi-empirical models, evidence
from past climates and physical constraints on ice-sheet dynamics
GMSLR upper bounds of up to 2.4 m by 2100 have been estimated, but
there is low agreement on these higher estimates and no consensus on
a 21st century upper bound (WGI AR5 Section 13.5.3). Coastal risk
management is thus left to choose an upper bound of GMSLR to
consider based on which level of risk is judged to be acceptable in the
specific case. The Dutch Delta Programme, for example, considered a
21st century GMSLR of 1.3 m as the upper bound.
It is virtually certain that sea level rise will continue beyond the 21st
century, although projections beyond 2100 are based on fewer and
simpler models that include lower resolution coupled climate models
for thermal expansion and ice sheet models coupled to climate models
to project ice sheet contributions. The basis for the projections are the
Extended Concentration Pathways (ECPs), and projections are provided
for low, medium, and high scenarios that relate to atmospheric GHG
concentrations <500, 500 to 700, and >700 ppm respectively (WGI AR5
Section 13.5.2). Projections of GMSLR up to 2500 are also summarized
in Table 5-2. Regional Sea Level
Sea level rise will not be uniform in space and time. Natural modes of
climate variability influence sea levels in different regions of the globe
and this will affect the rate of rise on interannual and interdecadal time
periods. For example, in the equatorial Pacific, sea levels can vary from
the global mean by up to 40 cm due to El Niño-Southern Oscillation
(ENSO; e.g., Walsh et al., 2012) and this can strongly influence trends
on decadal scales. Regional variations in the rate of sea level rise on
the coast can arise from climate and ocean dynamic processes such as
changes in winds and air pressure, air-sea heat and freshwater fluxes,
and ocean currents and their steric properties (Timmermann et al., 2010;
WGI AR5 FAQ 13.1). Although the vast majority of coastlines are
experiencing sea level rise, coastlines near current and former glaciers
and ice sheets are experiencing relative sea level fall (Milne et al., 2009;
GI AR5 FAQ 13.1). This is because the gravitational attraction of the
ice sheet decreases as it melts and exerts less pull on the oceans and
also because the land tends to rise as the ice melts, the shape of the
sea floor changes under the reduced load of the ice sheets, and the
change in mass distribution alters the Earth’s rotation (WGI AR5 FAQ
13.1; Gomez et al., 2010). In terms of absolute sea level change,
approximately 70% of the global coastlines are projected to experience
sea level change that is within 20% of the global mean sea level change
(WGI AR5 Section 13.6.5). Local Sea Level
Besides the effect of long-term vertical land movement on regional sea
level, RSLR can occur locally due to subsidence or uplifts of coastal
plains as well as due to other natural causes. Natural subsidence can
occur because of sediment compaction and loading, as in the Mississippi
River, and other deltas (Törnqvist et al., 2008; Dokka, 2011; Marriner et
al., 2012). Tectonic movements, both sustained and abrupt, have brought
about relative sea level changes. The Great East Japan Earthquake in
2011 caused subsidence of up to 1.2 m of the Pacific coast of northeast
Japan (Geospatial Information Authority of Japan, 2011). The Sumatra-
Andaman earthquake in 2004 and subsequent earthquakes in 2005
produced vertical deformation ranging from uplift of 3 m to subsidence
of 1 m (Briggs et al., 2006). These movements are especially important
in coastal zones located near active plate margins.
Anthropogenic causes of RSLR include sediment consolidation from
building loads, reduced sediment delivery to the coast, and extraction
of subsurface resources such as gas, petroleum, and groundwater.
Subsidence rates may also be sensitive to the rates of oil and gas
removal (e.g., Kolker et al., 2011). Syvitski et al. (2009) estimate that
the majority of the world’s largest deltas are currently subsiding at rates
that are considerably larger than the current rates of sea level rise
because of coastal sediment starvation due to substantial dam building
over the 20th century or sediment compaction through natural or
anthropogenic activities. Many large cities on deltas and coastal plains
have subsided during the last 100 years: ~4.4 m in eastern Tokyo, ~3 m
in the Po delta, ~2.6 m in Shanghai, and ~1.6 m in Bangkok (Syvitski et
al., 2009; Teatini et al., 2011). Loads from massive buildings and other
large structures can also increase sediment compaction and subsidence
(Mazzotti et al., 2009). RSLR can exceed GMSLR by an order of magnitude,
reaching more than 10 cm yr
, and it is estimated that the delta surface
Pathway (RCP)
2100 CO
Mean sea level rise (m)
Mean sea level rise (m)
2046–2065 2100 2200 2300 2500
Low 2.6 421 0.24 [0.17–0.32] 0.44 [0.28–0.61] Low 0.35–0.72 0.41–0.85 0.50–1.02
Medium low 4.5 538 0.26 [0.19–0.33] 0.53 [0.36–0.71] Medium 0.26–1.09 0.27–1.51 0.18–2.32
Medium high 6.0 670 0.25 [0.18–0.32] 0.55 [0.38–0.73]
High 0.58–2.03 0.92–3.59 1.51–6.63
High 8.5 936 0.29 [0.22–0.38] 0.74 [0.52–0.98]
Table 5-2 | Projections of global mean sea level rise in meters relative to 1986–2005 are based on ocean thermal expansion calculated from climate models, the contributions
from glaciers, Greenland and Antarctica from surface mass balance calculations using climate model temperature projections, the range of the contribution from Greenland and
Antarctica due to dynamical processes, and the terrestrial contribution to sea levels, estimated from available studies. For sea levels up to and including 2100, the central values
and the 5–95% range are given whereas for projections from 2200 onwards, the range represents the model spread due to the small number of model projections available and
the high scenario includes projections based on RCP6.0 and RCP8.5. Source: WGI AR5 Summary for Policymakers and Sections 12.4.1, 13.5.1, and 13.5.4.
Chapter 5 Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas
rea vulnerable to flooding could increase by 50% for 33 deltas around
the world under the sea level rise as projected for 2100 by the IPCC
AR4 (Syvitski et al., 2009).
Clearly large regional variations in the projected sea level rise, together
with local factors such as subsidence, indicates that RSLR can be much
larger than projected GMSLR and therefore is an important consideration
in impact assessments (very high confidence).
5.3.3. Climate-Related Drivers
Increasing GHGs in the atmosphere produce changes in the climate
system on a range of time scales that impact the coastal physical
environment. On shorter time scales, physical coastal impacts such as
inundation, erosion, and coastal flooding arise from severe storm-
induced surges, wave overtopping, and rainfall runoff. On longer time
scales, wind and wave climate change can cause changes in sediment
transport at the coast and associated changes in erosion or accretion.
Natural modes of climate variability, which can affect severe storm
behavior and wind and wave climate, may also undergo anthropogenic
changes in the future. Ocean and atmospheric temperature change can
affect species distribution with impacts on coastal biodiversity. Carbon
dioxide (CO
) uptake in the ocean increases ocean acidity and reduces
the saturation state of carbonate minerals, essential for shell and
skeletal formation in many coastal species. Changes in freshwater
input can alter coastal ocean salinity concentrations. Past and future
changes to these physical drivers are discussed in this section (see also
Table 5-1). Severe Storms
Severe storms such as tropical and extratropical cyclones (ETCs) can
generate storm surges over coastal seas. The severity of these depends
on the storm track, regional bathymetry, nearshore hydrodynamics, and
the contribution from waves. Globally there is low confidence regarding
changes in tropical cyclone activity over the 20th century owing to
changes in observational capabilities, although it is virtually certain that
there has been an increase in the frequency and intensity of the
strongest tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic since the 1970s (WGI
AR5 Section 2.6). In the future, it is likely that the frequency of tropical
cyclones globally will either decrease or remain unchanged, but there
will be a likely increase in global mean tropical cyclone precipitation
rates and maximum wind speed (WGI AR5 Section 14.6).
ETCs occur throughout the mid-latitudes of both hemispheres, and their
development is linked to large-scale circulation patterns. Assessment of
changes in these circulation features reveals a widening of the tropical
belt, poleward shift of storm tracks and jet streams, and contraction of
the polar vortex; this leads to the assessment that it is likely that, in a
zonal mean sense, circulation features have moved poleward (WGI
AR5 Sections 2.7.5 to 2.7.8) but there is low confidence regarding
regional changes in intensity of ETCs (e.g., Seneviratne et al., 2012).
With regard to future changes, a small poleward shift is likely in the
Southern Hemisphere but changes in the Northern Hemisphere are
basin specific and of lower confidence (WGI AR5 Section 14.6.3).
lobally, it is unlikely that the number of ETCs will fall by more than a
few percent due to anthropogenic climate change (high confidence;
WGI AR5 Section 14.6.3). Extreme Sea Levels
Extreme sea levels are those that arise from combinations of factors
including astronomical tides, storm surges, wind waves and swell, and
interannual variability in sea levels. Storm surges are caused by the
falling atmospheric pressures and surface wind stress associated with
storms such as tropical and ETCs and therefore may change if storms
are affected by climate change. To date, however, observed trends in
extreme sea levels are mainly consistent with mean sea level (MSL)
trends (e.g., Marcos et al., 2009; Haigh et al., 2010; Menendez and
Woodworth, 2010; Losada et al., 2013) indicating that MSL trends rather
than changes in weather patterns are responsible.
Assuming that sea level extremes follow a simple extreme value
distribution (i.e., a Gumbel distribution), and accounting for the
uncertainty in projections of future sea level rise, Hunter (2012) has
developed a technique for estimating a sea level allowance, that is, the
minimum height that structures would need to be raised in a future
period so that the number of exceedances of that height remains the
same as under present climate conditions (Figure 5-2). Such an allowance
can be factored into adaptive responses to rising sea levels. It should be
noted, however, that extreme sea level distributions might not follow a
simple Gumbel distribution (e.g., Tebaldi et al., 2012) owing to different
factors influencing extreme levels that may not be measured by tide
gauges (e.g., Hoeke et al., 2013).
Regarding future changes to storm surges, hydrodynamic models forced
by climate models have been used in several extratropical regional
studies such as the northeast Atlantic (e.g., Debenard and Roed, 2008;
Wang et al., 2008; Sterl et al., 2009) and southern Australia (Colberg
and McInnes, 2012). These studies show strong regional variability and
sensitivity to the choice of Global Climate Model (GCM) or Regional
Climate Model (RCM). The effect of future tropical cyclone changes on
storm surges has also been investigated in a number of regions using
a range of different methods. These include methods to stochastically
generate and/or perturb cyclones within background environmental
conditions that represent historical (e.g., Harper et al., 2009) and GCM-
represented future conditions (e.g., Mousavi et al., 2011; Lin et al.,
2012). Regional studies include Australia’s tropical east coast (Harper
et al., 2009), Louisiana (Smith et al., 2010), Gulf of Mexico (Mousavi et
al., 2011), India (Unnikrishnan et al., 2011), and New York (Lin et al., 2012),
and the details of the methods and findings vary considerably between
the studies. While some studies indicate for some regions increase to
extreme sea levels due to changes in storms, others indicate the opposite.
In general, the small number of regional storm surge studies together
with the different atmospheric forcing factors and modeling approaches
means that there is low confidence in projections of storm surges due
to changes in storm characteristics. However, observed upward trends
in MSL together with projected increases for 2100 and beyond indicate
that coastal systems and low-lying areas will increasingly experience
extreme sea levels and their adverse impacts (high confidence) (see also
WGI AR5 Section 13.7).
Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas Chapter 5
5 Winds and Waves
Changes in wind climate affect large-scale wave climate. Winds also
influence longshore current regimes and hence upwelling systems
(Narayan et al., 2010; Miranda et al., 2012; see also Sections 6.3.3,
6.3.5). Energy dissipation via wave breaking contributes to longshore
and cross-shore currents, elevated coastal sea levels through wave set-
up, and run-up and beach erosion. Changes to wind and wave climate
therefore can affect sediment dynamics and shoreline processes (e.g.,
Aargaard et al., 2004; Reguero et al., 2013), and extreme winds and
waves are a threat to coastal populations. The coastal impacts of wave
climate change are also a function of wave direction and period as well
as the coastline itself, which can influence shoaling and refraction. Long
period swell, which dominates the wave energy field, poses a significant
danger to coastal and offshore structures and shipping (e.g., Semedo
et al., 2011) and can causes significant flooding of coastlines with steep
shelf margins (Hoeke et al., 2013).
There is low confidence in trends calculated from measurements of
mean and extreme winds and their causes due to the limited length of
records and uncertainties associated with different wind measurement
techniques (Seneviratne et al., 2012). However, there is increasing
evidence for a strengthening wind stress field in the Southern Ocean
since the early 1980s from atmospheric reanalyses, satellite observations,
and island station data (WGI AR5 Section 3.4.5). Positive trends in wave
height have been detected in the Northeast Atlantic over the 1958–2002
period based on reanalyses and ship observations and in the Southern
Ocean between 1985 and 2008 based on satellite data (medium
confidence) (WGI AR5 Section 3.4.6; see Table 5-2).
Projected changes in mean and extreme winds and waves were assigned
low confidence (Seneviratne et al., 2012) owing to limited studies.
Although there has been an increase in studies addressing future wave
climate change (Hemer et al., 2013), generally low confidence remains
in projected wave climate change (except for medium confidence over
the Southern Ocean), and this is due to uncertainties in future winds,
particularly those associated with storms (see WGI AR5 Section 13.7). Sea Surface Temperature
Sea surface temperature (SST) has significantly warmed during the past
30 years along more than 70% of the world’s coastlines, with highly
heterogeneous rates of change both spatially and seasonally (Lima and
Wethey, 2012). The average rate is 0.18 ± 0.16°C per decade and the
average change in seasonal timing was -3.3 ± 4.4 days per decade.
These values are larger than in the global ocean where the average of
change is 0.11 [0.09 to 0.13]°C per decade in the upper 75 m of the
ocean during the 1971–2010 period (WGI AR5 Section 3.2.2) and the
seasonal shift is -2.3 days per decade (Lima and Wethey, 2012). Extreme
°120W °60W
°60E °120E °180W °0
Allowance (m)
Figure 5-2 | The estimated increase in height (m) that flood protection structures would need to be raised in the 2081–2100 period to preserve the same frequency of
exceedances that was experienced for the 1986–2005 period, shown for 182 tide gauge locations and assuming regionally varying relative sea level rise projections under an
Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5 (RCP4.5) scenario (adapted from Hunter et al., 2013).
Chapter 5 Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas
vents have also been reported. For example, the record high ocean
temperatures along the western Australian coast during the austral
summer of 2010/2011, with nearshore temperatures peaking at about
5°C above average, were unprecedented (Pearce and Feng, 2013). In
summary, positive trends in coastal SSTs are seen on the majority of
coastlines, and the rate of rise along coastlines is higher on average
than the oceans (high confidence). Based on projected temperature
increases there is high confidence that positive coastal SST trends will
continue. Ocean Acidification
Anthropogenic ocean acidification refers to the changes in the carbonate
chemistry primarily due to the uptake of atmospheric CO
(Box CC-OA).
Seawater pH exhibits a much larger spatial and temporal variability in
coastal waters compared to open ocean owing to the variable contribution
of processes other than CO
uptake (Duarte et al., 2013a) such as upwelling
intensity (Feely et al., 2008; Box CC-UP), deposition of atmospheric
nitrogen and sulfur (Doney et al., 2007), carbonate chemistry of riverine
waters (Salisbury et al., 2008; Aufdenkampe et al., 2011), as well as
inputs of nutrients and organic matter (Borges, 2011; Cai et al., 2011).
For example, pH (NBS scale) ranges from 6 to 9 in 24 estuaries (Borges
and Abril, 2011) and short-term (hours to weeks) changes of up to 0.5
pH units are not unusual in coastal ecosystems (Hofmann et al., 2011).
Few high-quality ocean acidification time series exceed 5 years in the
coastal ocean (Wootton et al., 2008; Provoost et al., 2010; Waldbusser
et al., 2010). Some exhibit considerable differences compared to open
ocean stations, illustrating that anthropogenic ocean acidification can
be lessened or enhanced by processes such as primary production,
respiration, and calcification (Borges and Gypens, 2010; Kleypas et al.,
Under the IS92a CO
emission scenario, the global pH (total scale) of
coastal waters has been projected to decrease from about 8.16 in the
year 1850 to 7.83 in 2100 (Lerman et al., 2011) but with considerable
spatial variability. For example, using the same CO
emission scenario,
Cai et al. (2011) projected an overall decline of pH in the Northern Gulf
of Mexico of 0.74 over the same period, a value that is much greater
than that of the open ocean (Box CC-OA).
To summarize, seawater pH exhibits considerable temporal and spatial
variability in coastal areas compared to open ocean owing to additional
natural and human influences (very high confidence). Coastal acidification
is projected to continue but with large and uncertain regional and local
variations (high confidence). Freshwater Input
Changes in river runoff arise from changes in climate drivers such as
precipitation, complex interactions between changing levels of CO
plant physiology, and, consequently, evapotranspiration (e.g., Gedney
et al., 2006; Betts et al., 2007) as well as human drivers such as land
use change, water withdrawal, dam building, and other engineered
modifications to waterways (see more detailed discussion in Chapter 3).
n assessment of runoff trends in 925 of the world’s largest ocean-
reaching rivers, which account for about 73% of global total runoff,
indicates that from 1948–2004 statistically significant trends were
present in only one-third of the top 200 rivers and, of these, two-thirds
exhibited downward trends and one-third upward trends (Dai et al.,
2009). While precipitation changes dominate freshwater flows, decreasing
trends in river discharges may be further enhanced as a result of human
pressures (Dai et al., 2009; Section 3.2.3).
Average annual runoff is generally projected to increase at high latitudes
and in the wet tropics and to decrease in most dry tropical regions
(Section 3.4.5). Shifts to earlier peak flows are also projected in areas
affected by snowmelt (Adam et al, 2009). However, there are some
regions where there is considerable uncertainty in the magnitude and
direction of change, specifically South Asia and large parts of South
America. Both the patterns of change and the uncertainty are largely
driven by projected changes in precipitation.
To summarize, there is medium confidence (limited evidence, high
agreement) in a net declining trend in freshwater input globally, although
large regional variability exists. Trends are dominated by precipitation
changes although human pressures on water supply may enhance
downward trends (medium confidence). Uncertainty in future changes
in runoff is linked to precipitation uncertainty. Runoff is generally
projected to increase in high latitudes with earlier peak flows and in
the wet tropics and decrease in other tropical regions, however, with
large uncertainty (medium confidence).
5.3.4. Human-Related Drivers
Coastal systems are subject to a wide range of human-related or
anthropogenic drivers (e.g., Crain et al., 2009) that interact with climate-
related drivers and confound efforts to attribute impacts to climate
change. Some of the major terrestrially based human drivers that
directly or indirectly cause changes are briefly reviewed. Related drivers
in the marine environment are discussed in Sections 6.4 and 30.6. Socioeconomic Development
Socioeconomic development (SED) drives coastal impacts in several
ways. SED influences the number of people and the value of assets
exposed to coastal hazards. Since AR4, a number of studies have
estimated the influence of future sea level rise and associated hazards
on coastal population and assets. Although these estimates are subject
to uncertainties associated with global elevation and population data
sets (Lichter et al., 2011; Mondal and Tatem, 2012), all the studies
indicate high and growing exposure of low-lying coastal areas. The Low
Elevation Coastal Zone (LECZ) constitutes 2% of the world’s land area
but contains 10% of the world’s population (600 million) and 13% of
the worlds urban population (360 million), based on year 2000
estimates (McGranahan et al., 2007). About 65% of the world’s cities
with populations of greater than 5 million are located in the LECZ
(McGranahan et al., 2007). The global population exposed to the 1-in-
100-year extreme sea level (i.e., the sea level that has a 1% chance of
being exceeded every year) has increased by 95% from 1970 to 2010,
Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas Chapter 5
ith about 270 million people and US$13 trillion worth of assets being
exposed to the 1-in-100-year extreme sea level in 2010 (Jongman et al.,
2012). In 2002, about US$1.9 trillion worth of assets below the 1-in-
100-year extreme sea level were concentrated in the following 10 port
cities: Miami (USA), New York-Newark (USA), New Orleans (USA), Osaka-
Kobe (Japan), Tokyo (Japan), Amsterdam (Netherlands), Rotterdam
(Netherlands), Nagoya (Japan), Virginia Beach (USA), and Guangzhou
(China) (Hanson et al., 2011). Compared to other regions, Asia exhibits
the greatest exposure in terms of population and assets (Jongman et
al., 2012).
For many locations, population and assets exposure is growing faster
than the national average trends owing to coastward migration, coastal
industrialization, and urbanization (e.g., McGranahan et al., 2007; Seto,
2011; Smith, 2011; see also Chapter 8; high confidence). Coastal net
migration has largely taken place in flood- and cyclone-prone areas,
which poses a challenge for adaptation (de Sherbinin et al., 2011). These
processes and associated land use changes are driven by a combination
of many social, economic, and institutional factors including taxes,
subsidies, insurance schemes, aesthetic and recreational attractiveness
of the coast, and increased mobility (Bagstad et al., 2007; Palmer et
al., 2011). In China, the country with the largest exposed population,
urbanization and land reclamation are the major drivers of coastal land
use change (Zhu et al., 2012). Although coastal migration is expected
to continue in the coming decades, it is difficult to capture this process
in global scenarios, as the drivers of migration and urbanization are
complex and variable (Black et al., 2011).
SED also influences the capacity to adapt. Poor people living in urban
informal settlements, of which there are about 1 billion worldwide, are
particularly vulnerable to weather and climate impacts (de Sherbinin et
al., 2011; Handmer et al., 2012). The top five nations classified by
population in coastal low-lying areas are developing and newly
industrialized countries: Bangladesh, China, Vietnam, India, and Indonesia
(McGranahan et al., 2007; Bollman et al., 2010; Jongman et al., 2012).
SED and associated land reclamation are also major drivers of the
destruction of coastal wetlands, which also makes human settlements
more vulnerable because wetlands act as natural buffers reducing wave
and storm impacts on the coast (e.g., Crain et al., 2009; Shepard et al.,
2011; Arkema et al., 2013; Duarte et al., 2013b). Finally, socioeconomic
development is expected to exacerbate further a number of human
pressures on coastal systems related to nutrient loads, hypoxia, and
sediment delivery, which is discussed in the following subsections. Nutrients
Increased river nutrient (nitrogen, phosphorus) loads to coasts in many
regions are observed, and simulated by regional and global models
(Alexander et al., 2008; Seitzinger et al., 2010). Anthropogenic global loads
of dissolved inorganic nutrients (DIN, DIP) are two to three times larger
than those of natural sources (Seitzinger et al., 2010), causing coastal
ecosystem degradation (Sections, Large variations exist
in magnitude and relative sources of nutrient loads. Anthropogenic
sources are related primarily to fertilizer use in agriculture and fossil
fuel emissions (NO
) (Galloway et al., 2004; Bouwman et al., 2009).
Future trends depend on measures available to optimize nutrient use
n crop production and minimize loss to rivers from agriculture (crop,
livestock), sewage, and NO
emissions. In scenarios with little emphasis
on nutrient management, global nutrient discharge increases (DIN
29%, DIP 64%) between 2000 and 2050 (Seitzinger et al., 2010). With
ambitious nutrient management, global DIN loads decrease slightly and
DIP increases (35%). Climate change is projected to change water
runoff (Chapter 3) that influences river nutrient loads. Studies of climate
change effects related to increased watershed nutrient sources are
needed. In summary, nutrient loads have increased in many world regions
(high confidence); future increases will depend largely on nutrient
management practices (medium confidence). Hypoxia
The presence of excessive nutrients in coastal waters, which causes
eutrophication and the subsequent decomposition of organic matter, is
the primary cause of decreased oxygen concentration (hypoxia).
Globally, upwelling of low oxygen waters (e.g., Grantham et al., 2004) and
ocean warming, which decreases the solubility of oxygen in seawater
(Shaffer et al., 2009), are secondary drivers but can be locally important.
The oxygen decline rate is greater in coastal waters than in the open
ocean (Gilbert et al., 2010). Hypoxia poses a serious threat to marine
life, which is exacerbated when combined with elevated temperature
(Vaquer-Sunyer and Duarte, 2011; see also Section 6.3.3). The number
of so-called dead zones” has approximately doubled each decade
since 1960 (Diaz and Rosenberg, 2008). Fishery catches from these
areas are generally lower than predicted from nutrient loading alone
(Breitburg et al., 2009). Although non-climate anthropogenic factors are
responsible for virtually all hypoxia in estuaries and inner continental
shelves, climate drivers such as ocean warming, altered hydrological
cycles, and coastal current shifts and changes in upwellings may interact
with eutrophication in the next decades (Rabalais et al., 2010; Meire et
al., 2013; high confidence). Sediment Delivery
Human activities in drainage basins and coastal plains have impacted
the coastal zone by changing the delivery of sediment to the coast.
Sediment trapping behind dams, water diversion for irrigation, and sand
and gravel mining in river channels all contribute to decrease sediment
delivery, whereas soil erosion due to land use changes helps increase
it (Syvitski, 2008; Walling, 2006). It is estimated that the global discharge
of riverine sediment was 16 to 19 Gt yr
in the 1950s before widespread
dam construction (e.g., Syvitski et al., 2005; Milliman and Farnsworth,
2011) and it has decreased to 12 to 13 Gt yr
(Syvitski and Kettner, 2011).
Out of 145 major rivers with mostly more than 25 years of record, only
seven showed evidence of an increase in sediment flux while 68 showed
significant downward trends (Walling and Fang, 2003). The number of
dams has increased continuously and their distribution has expanded
globally. As of early 2011, the world has an estimated 16.7 million
reservoirs larger than 0.01 ha (Lehner et al., 2011). Globally, 34 rivers
with drainage basins of 19 million km
in total show a 75% reduction
in sediment discharge over the past 50 years (Milliman and Farnsworth,
2011). Reservoir trapping of sediments is estimated globally as 3.6 Gt
to more than 5 Gt yr
(Syvitski et al., 2005; Milliman and Farnsworth,
Chapter 5 Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas
011; Walling, 2012). Human pressure is the main driver of the observed
declining trend in sediment delivery to the coast (high agreement).
5.4. Impacts, Vulnerabilities, and Risks
5.4.1. Introduction
This subsection briefly introduces the diverse approaches and methods
applied in the literature on coastal impact, vulnerability, and risk. The
following subsections then assess this literature related to coastal
natural systems (Section 5.4.2) and coastal human systems (Section
5.4.3). Much of this literature focuses on RSLR and extreme sea level
events as the main drivers. The main biophysical impacts of this driver
are increasing flood damage, dry-land loss due to submergence and
erosion, wetland loss and change, saltwater intrusion into surface and
ground water, and rising water tables and impeded drainage (Table 5-3).
Impacts and risks are assessed using a wide variety of approaches from
the local to global scale. Sea level rise exposure approaches are applied
at all scales to assess values exposed to sea level rise (e.g., people,
assets, ecosystems, or geomorphological units). Submergence exposure
approaches assess exposure to permanent inundation under a given
sea level rise (e.g., Dasgupta et al., 2009; Boateng, 2012) whereas flood
exposure approaches assess exposure to temporary inundation during
a coastal flood event by combining the extreme water level of the flood
event with a given level of sea level rise (e.g., Dasgupta et al., 2011;
Kebede and Nicholls, 2012).
Indicator-based approaches are also used at all scales to aggregate data
on the current state of the coastal systems into vulnerability indices
Gornitz, 1991; Hinkel, 2011), based on either biophysical exposure or
hazard variables (e.g., Bosom and Jimenez, 2011; Yin et al., 2012),
socioeconomic variables representing a social group’s capacity to adapt
(e.g., Cinner et al., 2012), or both kinds of variables (e.g., Bjarnadottir
et al., 2011; Li and Li, 2011; Yoo et al., 2011).
At local scales (<100 km coastal length), process-based models are
applied to assess flooding, erosion, and wetland impacts. Approaches
include assessments of flood damage of single extreme water level
events using numerical inundation models (e.g., Lewis et al., 2011; Xia
et al., 2011). Erosion impacts are assessed using either numerical
morphodynamic models (e.g., Jiménez et al., 2009; Ranasinghe et al.,
2012) or simple geometric profile relationships such as the Bruun Rule
(Bruun, 1962). For ecosystem impacts ecological landscape simulation
models are used to predict habitat change due to sea level rise and
other factors (e.g., Costanza et al., 1990).
At regional to global scales, numerical process-based models are not
available for assessing the impacts of RSLR and extreme sea level events
due to data and computational limits. Global scale assessments of coastal
impacts have been conducted with the models Climate Framework for
Uncertainty, Negotiation and Distribution (FUND) and Dynamic and
Interactive Coastal Vulnerability Assessment (DIVA). FUND is an integrated
assessment model with a coastal impact component that includes
country-level cost functions for dry-land loss, wetland loss, forced
migration, and dike construction (Tol, 2002). DIVA is a dedicated coastal
impact model employing subnational coastal data (Vafeidis et al., 2008)
and considering additional impacts such as coastal flooding and erosion
as well as adaptation in terms of protection via dikes and nourishment
(Hinkel and Klein, 2009). DIVA assesses coastal flood risk based on
hydrologically connected elevation and extreme water level distributions
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ 5.1 | How does climate change affect coastal marine ecosystems?
The major climate-related drivers on marine coastal ecosystems are sea level rise, ocean warming, and ocean
Rising sea level impacts marine ecosystems by drowning some plants and animals as well as by inducing changes of
parameters such as available light, salinity, and temperature. The impact of sea level is related mostly to the capacity
of animals (e.g., corals) and plants (e.g., mangroves) to keep up with the vertical rise of the sea. Mangroves and
coastal wetlands can be sensitive to these shifts and could leak some of their stored compounds, adding to the
atmospheric supply of these greenhouse gases.
Warmer temperatures have direct impacts on species adjusted to specific and sometimes narrow temperature
ranges. They raise the metabolism of species exposed to the higher temperatures and can be fatal to those already
living at the upper end of their temperature range. Warmer temperatures cause coral bleaching, which weakens
those animals and makes them vulnerable to mortality. The geographical distribution of many species of marine
plants and animals shifts towards the poles in response to warmer temperatures.
When atmospheric carbon dioxide is absorbed into the ocean, it reacts to produce carbonic acid, which increases
the acidity of seawater and diminishes the amount of a key building block (carbonate) used by marine ‘calcifiers’
such as shellfish and corals to make their shells and skeletons and may ultimately weaken or dissolve them. Ocean
acidification has a number of other impacts, many of which are still poorly understood.
Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas Chapter 5
(Hinkel et al., 2013) and erosion based on a combination of the Bruun
Rule and a simplified version of the Aggregated Scale Morphological
Interaction between a Tidal inlet and the Adjacent coast (ASMITA)
model for tidal basins (Nicholls et al., 2011). The results of these models
are discussed in Sections and 5.5.5.
For impacts on natural systems, the key climate-related drivers considered
are temperature, ocean acidification, and sea level. A variety of approaches
are applied including field observations of ecosystem features (e.g.,
biodiversity, reproduction) and functioning (e.g., calcification, primary
production), remote sensing (e.g., extent of coral bleaching, surface area
of vegetated habitats), and perturbation experiments in the laboratory
and in the field.
5.4.2. Natural Systems
Coastal ecosystems are experiencing large cumulative impacts related
to human activities (Halpern et al., 2008) arising from both land- and
ocean-based anthropogenic drivers. Anthropogenic drivers associated
with global climate change are distributed widely and are an important
component of cumulative impacts experienced by coastal ecosystems.
There is no wetland, mangrove, estuary, rocky shore, or coral reef that
is not exhibiting some degree of impact. Overexploitation and habitat
destruction are often the primary causes of historical changes in coastal
systems leading to declines in diversity, structure, and functioning (Lotze
et al., 2006). Further, extreme climate events generate changes to both the
mean and the variance of climatic variables over ecological time scales. Beaches, Barriers, and Sand Dunes
Beaches, barriers, and sand dunes are about half as common as rocky
coasts (Bird, 2000; Davis and FitzGerald, 2004) and often exhibit distinct
and seasonal changes. Owing to their aesthetic qualities, they are highly
valued for recreation and residences. Observed impacts
Globally, beaches and dunes have in general undergone net erosion
over the past century or longer (e.g., for an overview, see Bird, 2000).
A number of studies have investigated shoreline change by comparing
historical maps and imagery, available since about the mid-19th century
with more recent maps and imagery to quantify combined climate and
non-climate changes. For example, along the U.S. Mid-Atlantic and New
England coasts the long-term rate of erosion, based on 21,184 transects
equally spaced along more than 1000 km of coast, is 0.5 ± 0.09 m yr
with 65% of transects showing net erosion (Hapke et al., 2011). A
similar study by Webb and Kench (2010) in the central Pacific utilized
historical aerial photographs and satellite images to show physical
changes in 27 islets located in four atolls over a 19- to 61-year period.
The analysis highlighted the dynamic nature of sea level rise response
in the recent past, with physical changes in shoreline progradation and
displacement influencing whether the island area increased (46%),
remained stable (46%), or decreased (14%).
Attributing shoreline changes to climate change is still difficult owing
to the multiple natural and anthropogenic drivers contributing to
coastal erosion. For example, rotation of pocket beaches (i.e., where one
end of the beach accretes while the other erodes and then the pattern
reverses) in southeast Australia is closely related to interannual changes
in swell direction (Harley et al., 2010). Additional processes, unrelated
to climate change, that contribute to coastal change include dams
capturing fluvial sand (e.g., in Morocco; Chaibi and Sedrati, 2009).
Statistically linking sea level rise to observed magnitudes of beach
erosion has had some success, although the coastal sea level change signal
is often small when compared to other processes (e.g., Leatherman et
al., 2000a,b; Sallenger et al., 2000; Zhang et al., 2004). A Bayesian
network incorporating a variety of factors affecting coastal change,
including RSLR, has been successful in hindcasting shoreline change,
and can be used to evaluate the probability of future shoreline change
(Gutierrez et al., 2011).
While some coastal systems may be able to undergo landward retreat
under rising sea levels, others will experience coastal squeeze, which
occurs when an eroding shoreline approaches hard, immobile structures
such as seawalls or resistant natural cliffs. In these instances the beaches
will narrow owing to the resulting sediment deficit and produce adverse
impacts such as habitat destruction, impacting the survivability of a
variety of organisms (Jackson and McIlvenny, 2011). With such a
manifestation of coastal squeeze, sand dunes will ultimately be removed
as the beach erodes and narrows. Extreme storms can erode and
completely remove dunes, degrading land elevations and exposing them
to inundation and further change if recovery does not occur before the
next storm (Plant et al., 2010). Even in the absence of hard obstructions,
barrier island erosion and narrowing can occur, as a result of rising sea
level and recurrent storms, as in the Chandeleur Islands and Isles
Dernieres, Louisiana, USA (Penland et al., 2005). Projected impacts
With projected GMSLR (see Section 5.3.3), inundation and erosion may
become detectable and progressively important. In the first instance,
Biophysical impacts of
relative sea level rise
Other climate-related
Other human drivers
ryland loss due to erosion Sediment supply, wave and
torm climate
ctivities altering sediment
upply (e.g., sand mining)
Dryland loss due to
Wave and storm climate,
orphological change,
sediment supply
Sediment supply, ood
anagement, morphological
change, land claim
etland loss and change Sediment supply, CO
ediment supply, migration
pace, direct destruction
Increased fl ood damage
hrough extreme sea level
events (storm surges,
ropical cyclones, etc.)
Wave and storm climate,
orphological change,
sediment supply
Sediment supply, ood
anagement, morphological
change, land claim
Saltwater intrusion into
surface waters (backwater
Runoff Catchment management
and land use (e.g., sand
ining and dretching)
Saltwater intrusion into
roundwaters leading to
rising water tables and
mpeded drainage
Precipitation Land use, aquifer use
Table 5-3 | Main impacts of relative sea level rise. Source: Adapted from Nicholls et
al. (2010).
Chapter 5 Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas
the impacts will be apparent through sea level rise which, combined
with storm surge, will make extreme water levels higher and more
frequent and therefore enable greater attack on beaches and dunes
(Tebaldi et al., 2012).
The Bruun rule (a simple rule based on the assumption that to maintain
an equilibrium cross-shore profile under rising sea levels, the coastline
will move landwards a distance of approximately 100 times the vertical
sea level rise; Bruun, 1962) has been used by many researchers to
calculate erosion by sea level rise. However, there is disagreement
about whether the Bruun rule is appropriate (Cooper and Pilkey, 2004;
Woodroffe and Murray-Wallace, 2012), and how to calculate the amount
of retreat remains controversial (Gutierrez et al., 2011; Ranasinghe et
al., 2012). An increase in storm intensity and ocean swell may accelerate
erosion of beaches, barriers, and dunes, although in some places beach
response to sea level rise could be more complex than just a simple
retreat (Irish et al., 2010).
Coastal squeeze is expected to accelerate with a rising sea level. In
many locations, finding sufficient sand to rebuild beaches and dunes
artificially will become increasingly difficult and expensive as present
supplies near project sites are depleted (high confidence). New generation
models are emerging to estimate the costs of saving oceanfront homes
through beach nourishment relative to the structures cost (McNamara
et al., 2011). In the absence of adaptation measures, beaches and sand
dunes currently affected by erosion will continue to be affected under
increasing sea levels (high confidence). Rocky Coasts
Rocky coasts with shore platforms form about three-fourths of the
world’s coasts (Davis and FitzGerald, 2004; Jackson and McIIvenny,
2011) and are characterized by very strong environmental gradients,
especially in the intertidal zone where both marine and atmospheric
climate regime changes can pose challenges. Observed impacts
Cliffs and platforms are erosional features and any change that
increases the efficiency of processes acting on them, such as RSLR,
storminess, wave energy, and weathering regimes, increases erosion
(Naylor et al., 2010). Their responses vary, owing to different lithology
(e.g., hard rock vs. non-lithified soft rock) and profiles (e.g., plunging
cliffs or cliffs with shore platforms). Cliffs and platforms have reduced
resilience to climate change impacts; once platforms are lowered or
cliffs have retreated, it is difficult to rebuild them (Naylor et al., 2010).
On the decadal scale, for example, the retreat of soft rock cliffs in East
Anglia, UK, has been linked to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)
phases with high energetics (Brooks and Spencer, 2013).
Changes in the abundance and distribution of rocky shore animals and
algae have long been recognized (Hawkins et al., 2008), and perturbation
experiments provide information about environmental limits, acclimation,
and adaptation, particularly to changes in temperature (Somero, 2012).
The challenge is to attribute the changes to climate-related drivers,
human-related drivers, and to natural fluctuations.
The range limits of many intertidal species have shifted by up to 50 km
per decade over the past 30 years in the North Pacific and North
Atlantic, much faster than most recorded shifts of terrestrial species
(Helmuth et al., 2006; Box CC-MB). However, the distribution of some
species has not changed in recent decades, which may be due to weak
local warming (Rivadeneira and Fernández, 2005) or overriding effects
of variables such as timing of low tide; hydrographic features; lack of
suitable substrate; poor larval dispersal; and effects of food supply,
predation, and competition (Helmuth et al., 2002, 2006; Poloczanska et
al., 2011).
The dramatic decline of biodiversity in mussel beds of the Californian
coast has been attributed to large-scale processes associated with
climate-related drivers (59% mean loss in species richness, comparing
2002 to historical data (1960s to 1970s); Smith et al., 2006) (high
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ 5.2 | How is climate change influencing coastal erosion?
Coastal erosion is influenced by many factors: sea level, currents, winds, and waves (especially during storms, which
add energy to these effects). Erosion of river deltas is also influenced by precipitation patterns inland which change
patterns of freshwater input, runoff, and sediment delivery from upstream. All of these components of coastal
erosion are impacted by climate change.
Based on the simplest model, a rise in mean sea level usually causes the shoreline to recede inland due to coastal
erosion. Increasing wave heights can cause coastal sand bars to move away from the shore and out to sea. High
storm surges (sea levels raised by storm winds and atmospheric pressure) also tend to move coastal sand offshore.
Higher waves and surges increase the probability that coastal sand barriers and dunes will be over-washed or
breached. More energetic and/or frequent storms exacerbate all these effects.
Changes in wave direction caused by shifting climate may produce movement of sand and sediment to different
places on the shore, changing subsequent patterns of erosion.
Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas Chapter 5
onfidence). Warming reduced predator-free space on rocky shores,
leading to a decrease of the vertical extent of mussel beds by 51% in
52 years in the Salish Sea, and to the disappearance of reproductive
populations of mussels (Harley, 2011). Unusually high air or water
temperature led to mass mortalities, for example, of mussels on the
California coast (Harley, 2008) and gorgonians in the northwestern
Mediterranean (Garrabou et al., 2009).
Rocky shores are one of the few ecosystems for which field evidence
of the effects of ocean acidification is available. Observational and
modeling analysis have shown that the community structure of a site
of the northeast Pacific shifted from a mussel to an algal-barnacle
dominated community between 2000 and 2008 (Wootton et al., 2008),
in relation with rapidly declining pH (Wootton and Pfister, 2012). Projected impacts
Modeled relationships suggest that soft-rock recession rates depends
on the relative change in sea level rise while cliff retreat depends both
on total elevation change of sea level and on the rate of sea level rise
(Ashton et al., 2011). In a modeling study, Trenhaile (2010) found sea
level rise to trigger faster rates of cliff recession, especially in coasts
that are already retreating fast. In addition, based on modeling cliff
dynamics with contemporary and historic data of soft cliff retreat along
Suffolk Coast, UK, rapid retreat is associated with accelerating sea level
rise (Brooks and Spencer, 2013). However, coasts currently retreating
slowly would experience the largest proportional increase in retreat
rates. Increases in storminess have smaller effects on rocky shores
(Dawson et al., 2009; Trenhaile, 2011).
Few projections of the effect of climate change on rocky shores have
considered the effects of direct and indirect species interactions
(Poloczanska et al., 2008; Harley, 2011) and the effects of multiple
drivers (Helmuth et al., 2006). The abundance and distribution of rocky
shore species will continue to change in a warming world (high
confidence). For example, the long-term consequences of ocean
warming on mussel beds of the northeast Pacific are both positive
(increased growth) and negative (increased susceptibility to stress and
of exposure to predation) (Smith et al., 2006; Menge et al., 2008;
medium confidence). Extrapolations of ecosystem change based on
temperature-focused studies alone are likely to be conservative, as
hypoxia (Grantham et al., 2004) or ocean acidification (Feely et al., 2008)
are also known to occur in this region.
Observations performed near natural CO
vents in the Mediterranean
Sea show that diversity, biomass, and trophic complexity of rocky shore
communities will decrease at future pH levels (Barry et al., 2011; Kroeker
et al., 2011; high confidence). An abundant food supply appears to
enable mussels of the Baltic Sea to tolerate low pH (Thomsen et al., 2010,
2013) at the cost of increased energy expenditure. Model projections
that include the interactive effects of ocean warming and acidification
suggest that a population of barnacle of the English Channel will
become extinct 10 years earlier than it would with warming alone
(Findlay et al., 2010; medium confidence). Ocean acidification may also
exacerbate mass mortality events in the Mediterranean Sea (Rodolfo-
Metalpa et al., 2011; limited evidence, medium agreement).
n summary, rocky shores are among the better-understood coastal
ecosystems in terms of potential impacts of climate variability and
change. The most prominent effects are range shifts of species in
response to ocean warming (high confidence) and changes in species
distribution and abundance (high confidence) mostly in relation to
ocean warming and acidification. Wetlands and Seagrass Beds
Vegetated coastal habitats and coastal wetlands (mangrove forests, salt
marshes, seagrass meadows, and macroalgal beds) extend from the
intertidal to the subtidal areas in coastal areas, where they form key
ecosystems. Observed impacts
Vegetated coastal habitats are declining globally (Duarte et al., 2005),
rendering shorelines more vulnerable to erosion due to increased sea
level rise and increased wave action (e.g., Alongi, 2008) and leading to
the loss of carbon stored in sediments. Together, the loss of coastal wet-
lands and seagrass meadows results in the release of 0.04 to 0.28 PgC
annually from organic deposits (Pendleton et al., 2012). Recognition of
the important consequences of the losses of these habitats for coastal
protection and carbon burial (Duarte et al., 2013a) has led to large-scale
reforestation efforts in some nations (e.g., Thailand, India, Vietnam).
The response of saltmarshes to sea level rise involves landward migration
of salt-marsh vegetation zones, submergence at lower elevations, and
drowning of interior marshes. Ocean warming is leading to range shifts
in vegetated coastal habitats. The poleward limit of mangrove forests
is generally set by the 20ºC mean winter isotherm (Duke et al., 1998).
Accordingly, migration of the isotherm with climate change (Burrows et
al., 2011) should lead to a poleward expansion of mangrove forests, as
observed in the Gulf of Mexico (Perry and Mendelssohn, 2009; Comeaux
et al., 2011; Raabe et al., 2012) and New Zealand (Stokes et al., 2010),
leading to increased sediment accretion (medium confidence).
Seagrass meadows are already under stress due to climate change (high
confidence), particularly where maximum temperatures already approach
their physiological limit. Heat waves lead to widespread seagrass
mortality, as documented for Zostera species in the Atlantic (Reusch et
al., 2005) and Posidonia meadows in the Mediterranean Sea (Marbà
and Duarte, 2010) and Australia (Rasheed and Unsworth, 2011; high
confidence). Warming also favors flowering of P. oceanica (Diaz-Almela
et al., 2007), but the increased recruitment rate is insufficient to
compensate for the losses resulting from elevated temperatures (Diaz-
Almela et al., 2009).
Kelp forests have been reported to decline in temperate areas in both
hemispheres (Fernández, 2011; Johnson et al., 2011; Wernberg et al.,
2011a,b), a loss involving climate change (high confidence). Decline in
kelp populations attributed to ocean warming has been reported in
southern Australia (Johnson et al., 2011; Wernberg et al., 2011a,b) and
the North Coast of Spain (Fernández, 2011). The spread of subtropical
invasive macroalgal species may be facilitated by climate change,
Chapter 5 Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas
dding to the stresses experienced by temperate seagrass meadows
due to ocean warming (medium evidence, high agreement). Projected impacts
Ocean acidification (Section; Box CC-OA) is expected to enhance
the production of seagrass, macroalgae, salt-marsh plants, and mangrove
trees through the fertilization effect of CO
(Hemminga and Duarte,
2000; Wu et al., 2008; McKee et al., 2012; high confidence). Increased
concentrations may have already increased seagrass photosynthetic
rates by 20% (Hemminga and Duarte, 2000; Hendriks et al., 2010; limited
evidence, high agreement).
Coupling of downscaled model projections using the SRES A1B scenario
in the western Mediterranean with relationships between mortality rates
and maximum seawater temperature led Jordá et al. (2012) to conclude
that seagrass meadows may become functionally extinct by 2050–2060
(high confidence). Poleward range shifts in vegetated coastal habitats
are expected to continue with climate change (high confidence).
Although elevated CO
and ocean acidification are expected to increase
productivity of vegetated coastal habitats in the future, there is limited
evidence that elevated CO
will increase seagrass survival or resistance
to warming (Alexandre et al., 2012; Jordá et al., 2012).
Coastal wetlands and seagrass meadows experience coastal squeeze in
urbanized coastlines, with no opportunity to migrate inland with rising
sea levels. However, increased CO
and warming can stimulate marsh
elevation gain, counterbalancing moderate increases in sea level rise
rates (Langley et al., 2009; Kirwan and Mudd, 2012). Climate change is
expected to increase carbon burial rates on salt marshes during the first
half of the 21st century, provided sufficient sediment supply, with
carbon-climate feedbacks diminishing over time (Kirwan and Mudd,
2012; medium confidence).
In summary, climate change will contribute to the continued decline in
the extent of seagrasses and kelps in the temperate zone (medium
confidence) and the range of seagrasses, mangroves, and kelp in the
Northern Hemisphere will expand poleward (high confidence). The
limited positive impact of warming and increased CO
on vegetated
ecosystems will be insufficient to compensate the decline of their extent
resulting from other human drivers such as land use change (very high
confidence). Coral Reefs
Coral reefs are shallow-water ecosystems made of calcium carbonate
secreted by reef-building corals and algae. They are among the most
diverse ecosystems and provide key services to humans (Box CC-CR). Observed impacts
Mass coral bleaching coincided with positive temperature anomalies
over the past 30 years, sometimes followed by mass mortality (Kleypas
t al., 2008; very high confidence). More than 80% of corals bleached
during the 2005 event in the Caribbean and more than 40% died (Eakin
et al., 2010). Bleaching events and their recovery are variable in time
and space: 7% of the reef locations exhibited at least one bleaching
between 1985 and 1994 compared to 38% in the 1995–2004 period,
most of which occurred during the 1997–98 El Niño event (Figure 5-3).
Recovery from the 1998 global bleaching event was generally variable
in the Indian Ocean, absent in the western Atlantic, and no clear trends
elsewhere (Baker et al., 2008). Warming has caused a poleward range
expansion of some corals (Greenstein and Pandolfi, 2008; Yamano et
al., 2011; high confidence).
Persistence of coral reefs depends on the balance between the production
and erosion of calcium carbonate and on coral settlement, both of
which are affected by ocean acidification (Section; Box CC-OA).
Experimental data show that ocean acidification generally decreases
calcification (Andersson et al., 2011; Kroeker et al., 2013) and promotes
dissolution of calcium carbonate and bioerosion (Tribollet et al., 2009;
Wisshak et al., 2012), leading to poorly cemented reefs (Manzello et al.,
2008); it also negatively affects early life history stages, which could
reduce the number of larval settlers (Albright, 2011).
Coral cover and calcification have decreased in recent decades (e.g.,
Gardner et al., 2003; De’ath et al., 2009, 2012; Manzello, 2010; Box
CC-CR; very high confidence) but attribution to climate-related and
human-related drivers is difficult. Globally, the primary climate-related
driver appears to be ocean warming rather than ocean acidification,
cyclonic activity, and changes in freshwater input (Cooper et al., 2012;
De’ath et al., 2012; medium confidence). Sea level rise also controls reef
growth but, within the uncertainties of past sea level rise and coral reef
growth, most coral reefs seem to have kept pace with the recent sea
level rise (Buddemeier and Smith, 1988; Brown et al., 2011).
Mild to moderateNone Severe
(% of reef locations)
Figure 5-3 | Percent of reef locations (1° × 1° grid cells which have at least one reef)
that experience no bleaching, at least one mild bleaching event, or at least one severe
bleaching event for each decade. Observed bleaching events are summarized from the
ReefBase data set (Kleypas et al., 2008). In the observations, some of the “no
bleaching” cells may have experienced bleaching but it was either not observed or not
reported. Modeled bleaching events are averages of data from four ensemble runs of
the Community Climate System Model version 3 using the Special Report on Emissions
Scenarios (SRES) A1B scenario and the standard degree heating month formula
(Teneva et al., 2011). The labels of values ≤1% are not shown.
Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas Chapter 5
5 Projected impacts
Coral bleaching and mortality will increase in frequency and magnitude
over the next decades (very high confidence). Under the A1B CO
scenario, 99% of the reef locations will experience at least one severe
bleaching event between 2090 and 2099 (Figure 5-3), with limited
evidence and low agreement that coral acclimation and/or adaptation
will limit this trend (Logan et al., 2014). The onset of annual bleaching
event under RCP8.5 is delayed by more than 2 decades in about 23%
of reef locations compared to RCP6.0 (van Hooidonk et al., 2013).
Ocean warming and acidification have synergistic effects in several reef-
builders (Reynaud et al., 2003; Anthony et al., 2008). They will increase
coral mortality, reduce calcification and the strength of calcified organisms,
and enhance skeletal dissolution (Manzello et al., 2008; high confidence).
Reefs will transition from a condition of net accretion to one of net
erosion (Andersson and Gledhill, 2013; high confidence) and will be
more susceptible to breakage. The onset of global dissolution is at an
atmospheric CO
of 560 ppm (Silverman et al., 2009; medium confidence)
and dissolution will be widespread in 2100 (RCP8.5 emission scenario,
Dove et al., 2013; medium confidence). The observed poleward range
extension will be limited by ocean acidification (Yara et al., 2012; Couce
et al., 2013) and may be followed by equatorial range retractions
(Kiessling et al., 2012).
The maximum rate of vertical accretion has been variable regionally during
the last deglaciation (about 20 mm yr
; Dullo, 2005; Montaggioni, 2005)
and has not enabled all coral reefs to keep up with sea level rise. Some
reefs kept up, even when the eustatic sea level rise exceeded 40 mm yr
(Camoin et al., 2012). A number of coral reefs could therefore keep up
with the maximum rate of sea level rise of 15.1 mm yr
projected for
the end of the century (WGI AR5 Table 13.5; medium confidence) but a
lower net accretion than during the Holocene (Perry et al., 2013) and
increased turbidity (Storlazzi et al., 2011) will weaken this capability
(very high confidence).
In summary, ocean warming is the primary cause of mass coral
bleaching and mortality (very high confidence), which, together with
ocean acidification, deteriorates the balance between coral reef
construction and erosion (high confidence). The magnitude of these
effects depends on future rates of warming and acidification (very high
confidence), with a limited moderating role owing to biological acclimation
and adaptation (medium confidence). Coastal Aquifers
Coastal aquifers are of strategic importance for the water supply of
highly populated coastal areas, especially in small islands (Section 29.3). Observed impacts
Temperature and evaporation rise, precipitation changes, and extended
droughts affecting aquifer recharge can contribute to saltwater intrusion
(Section 3.2.4). Rising sea levels and overwash from waves or storm
surge are also relevant, especially in low-lying areas and islands
Terry and Falkland, 2010; White and Falkland, 2010; see also Section
Aquifers on the coasts of the USA have experienced increased levels of
salinity largely due to excessive water extraction (Barlow and Reichard,
2010). Natural drivers combined with over-extraction, pollution, mining,
and erosion compound groundwater supply problems in small islands
in the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic Oceans (White et al., 2007; White and
Falkland, 2010). This increased usage of groundwater resources globally
has, over the last century, led to a reduction in groundwater quality,
including increased salinization (very high confidence).
Attribution of saline intrusion to incremental sea level rise is still not
sufficiently supported (Rozell and Wong, 2010; White and Falkland
2010). In small islands, observed saltwater intrusion due to flooding
and overwash under storm events cannot be attributed to climate
change (Section 29.3.2; limited evidence, high agreement). Projected impacts
Available information on projected impacts on coastal aquifers is limited
(Section 3.4.6). Rozell and Wong (2010) assessed the impact of rising
sea levels on fresh water resources on Shelter Island (USA) for two
different combinations of precipitation change and sea level rise.
Projected impacts were highly dependent on local conditions. Ferguson
and Gleeson (2012) concluded that the direct impact of groundwater
extraction in the USA has been and will be much more significant than
the impact of a 0.59 m sea level rise by the end of the 21st century under
a wide range of hydrogeological conditions and population densities.
Saltwater intrusion is generally a very slow process; as a consequence,
reaching equilibrium may take several centuries limiting the reversibility
of the process in the near term (Webb and Howard, 2011).
Human-induced pressure will continue to be the main driver for aquifer
salinization during the next century (high confidence). Changing
precipitation, increased storminess, and sea level rise will exacerbate
these problems (limited evidence, high agreement). Estuaries and Lagoons
Coastal lagoons are shallow water bodies separated from the ocean by
a barrier and connected at least intermittently to the ocean, while
estuaries, where fresh and saltwater mix, are the primary conduit for
nutrients, particulates, and organisms from land to the sea. Observed impacts
Sediment accumulation in estuaries is high, heterogeneous, and habitat-
specific and directly affected by human drivers, such as dredging and
canalization, and indirectly via habitat loss, changes in sea level, storminess,
and freshwater and sediment supply by rivers (Syvitski et al., 2005;
Swanson and Wilson, 2008). Coastal lagoons are also susceptible to
alterations of sediment input and erosional processes driven by changes
Chapter 5 Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas
n sea level, precipitation, and storminess (Pickey and Young, 2009).
Droughts, floods, and sea level rise impact estuarine circulation, tidal
characteristics, suspended matter, and hence turbidity with consequences
for biological communities, particularly in microtidal systems. Climate
change and habitat modification (e.g., dams and obstructions) impact
fish species such as salmon and eels that pass through estuaries (Lassalle
and Rochard, 2009).
Enhanced nutrient delivery (Section has resulted in major
changes in biogeochemical processes, community structure, metabolic
balance, and CO
exchange (Howarth et al., 2011; Canuel et al., 2012;
Statham, 2012), including enhanced primary production which has
affected coastal fishery yield (Nixon, 1982; Savage et al., 2012).
Eutrophication has modified the food-web structure (high confidence)
and led to more intense and long lasting hypoxia (Section, more
frequent occurrence of harmful algal blooms (Breitburg et al., 2009;
Howarth et al., 2011; medium confidence), and to enhanced emission of
nitrous oxide (de Bie et al., 2002; Kroeze et al., 2010; high confidence).
In summary, there is very high confidence that humans have impacted
lagoons and estuaries. Projected impacts
The increase of atmospheric CO
levels will reduce the efflux of CO
from estuaries (Borges, 2005; Chen and Borges, 2009; high confidence).
Its impact on the pH of estuarine and lagoon waters will generally be
limited because other drivers are usually more important (Section and Box CC-OA; high confidence). For example, freshwater flow
in the Scheldt estuary was the main factor controlling pH, directly via a
decreased supply of dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity, and,
indirectly, via decreased input ammonia loadings and lower rates of
nitrification (Hofmann et al., 2009).
Changes in sea level and hydrology could affect lagoons and estuaries
in multiple ways. Sea level rise will impact sediment redistribution, the
partitioning of habitats within estuaries, salinity, tidal range, and
submergence periods (Anthony et al., 2009; high confidence). Lagoons
may shrink because landward migration is restricted due to human
occupation or extend due to the drowning of marshes (Anthony et al.,
2009; Pilkey and Young, 2009; Stutz and Pilkey, 2011). Salinity, primary
production, biodiversity, fisheries, and aquaculture may be impacted by
changes in water discharge, withdrawals and precipitation-evaporation
balance (Webster and Harris, 2004; Smith et al., 2005; Anthony et al.,
2009; Canu et al., 2010). Altered riverine discharge and warming may
lead to enhanced thermal and/or salinity stratification of estuaries and
lagoons. This has consequences for biogeochemical processes, organism
distribution patterns, and frequency and duration of hypoxia (Diaz and
Rosenberg, 2008; Rabalais et al., 2009; Hong and Shen, 2012; medium
confidence). Stronger winds and droughts may reduce the extent, duration,
and frequency of estuarine stratification, counteracting the decrease in
oxygen concentration (Rabalais et al., 2009; medium confidence).
Changes in storm events may also alter the sediment deposition-erosion
balance of lagoons and estuaries (Pilkey and Young, 2009), the structure
and functioning of biological communities via the transport of communities
nd/or of their resources, and the underwater light climate (Wetz and Paerl,
2008; Canuel et al., 2012; medium confidence). Changes in precipitation
extremes and freshwater supply may induce fluctuations in salinity with
the associated adverse impacts on biodiversity, benthic macrofauna,
and ecosystem functions (Jeppesen et al., 2007; Fujii and Raffaelli, 2008;
Levinton et al., 2011; Pollack et al., 2011). Warming may directly affect
most biological processes and the trophic status of coastal ecosystems,
and higher carbon dioxide emission (Canuel et al., 2012; limited evidence,
medium agreement). Warming may lengthen the duration of phytoplankton
production season (Cloern and Jassby, 2008; medium confidence).
Any change in the primary production of lagoons might impact fisheries,
as primary production and fisheries yield are correlated (Nixon, 1982;
limited evidence, medium agreement). For example, seawater warming
and changes in seasonal patterns of precipitations projected in the Venice
lagoon, using the SRES A2 emission scenario for the period 2071–2100,
may lead to a reduction in plankton production, with a decline of habitat
suitability for clam growth and aquaculture (Canu et al., 2010).
Finally, projected changes in climate-related drivers such as warming,
storms, sea level, and runoff will interact with non-climate human drivers
(e.g., eutrophication, damming) and will have consequences for ecosystem
functioning and services of lagoons and estuaries (high confidence).
In summary, the primary drivers of change in lagoons and estuaries are
human-related rather than climate-related drivers (very high confidence).
Future changes in climate-related drivers such as warming, acidification,
waves, storms, sea level, and runoff will have consequences on the
functions and services of ecosystems in lagoons and estuaries (high
confidence) but the impacts cannot be assessed at the global scale as
the key drivers operate at a local to regional scale. Deltas
Characterized by the interplay between rivers, lands, and oceans and
influenced by a combination of river, tidal, and wave processes, deltas
are coastal complexes that combine natural systems in diverse habitats
(e.g., tidal flats, salt marshes, mangroves, beaches, estuaries, low-lying
wetlands) and human systems (e.g., houses, agriculture, aquaculture,
industry, and transport). They are low-lying coastal landforms formed by
riverine sediments in the areas around river mouths, mostly during the
last 6000–8000 years of relatively stable sea level and have a population
density more than 10 times the world average (Ericson et al., 2006;
Foufoula-Georgiou et al., 2011). As low-lying plains, deltas are highly
sensitive to changes in sea level. They are subject to climatic impacts
from rivers upstream (e.g., freshwater input) and oceans downstream
(e.g., sea level changes, waves) as well as within the deltas themselves.
At the same time, they are affected by human activities such as land use
changes, dam construction, irrigation, mining, extraction of subsurface
resources, and urbanization (Nicholls et al., 2007). Observed impacts
The combined impact of sediment reduction, RSLR, and land use changes
in delta and river management on channels and banks has led to the
Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas Chapter 5
idespread degradation of deltas (very high confidence). The changes of
sediment delivery from rivers due to dams, irrigation, and embankments/
dikes create an imbalance in sediment budget in the coastal zones.
Degradation of beaches, mangroves, tidal flats, and subaqueous delta
fronts along deltaic coasts has been reported in many deltas (e.g., Nile
and Ebro; Sanchez-Arcilla et al., 1998; Po, Simeoni and Corbau, 2009;
Krishna-Godavari, Nageswara Rao et al., 2010; Changjiang, Yang et al.,
2011; Huanghe, Chu et al., 1996; very high confidence). Deltaic coasts
naturally evolve by seaward migration of the shoreline, forming a delta
plain. However, decreasing sediment discharge during the last 50 years
has decreased the growth of deltaic land, even reversing it in some
locations (e.g., Nile, Godavari, Huanghe). Artificial reinforcement of natural
levees also has reduced the inter-distributory basin sedimentation in
most deltas, resulting in wetland loss.
The major impacts of sea level rise are changes in coastal wetlands,
increased coastal flooding, increased coastal erosion, and saltwater
intrusion into estuaries and deltas (Mcleod et al., 2010), which are
exacerbated by increased human-induced drivers (very high confidence).
Ground subsidence amplifies these hazards in farms and cities on deltaic
plains through RSLR (Day and Giosan, 2008; Mazzotti et al., 2009). RSLR
due to subsidence has induced wetland loss and shoreline retreat (e.g.,
the Mississippi delta; Morton et al., 2005; Chao Phraya delta, Saito et al.,
2007; high confidence). Episodic events superimpose their effects on
these underlying impacts and accelerate land loss (high confidence) (e.g.,
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005; Barras et al., 2008). To forestall
submergence and frequent flooding, many delta cities now depend on
a substantial infrastructure for flood defense and water management
(Nicholls et al., 2010).
Deltas are impacted by river floods and oceanic storm surges (very high
confidence). Tropical cyclones are noteworthy for their damages to deltas,
for example, the Mississippi delta by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 (Barras
et al., 2008), the Irrawaddy delta by Cyclone Nargis in 2008, and the
Ganges-Brahmaputra delta by Cyclone Gorky in 1991 and Cyclone Sidr
in 2007 (Murray et al., 2012; see also Box CC-TC). A detailed study of
33 deltas around the world found that 85% of them had experienced
severe flooding in the past decade, causing the temporary submergence
of 260,000 km
(Syvitski et al., 2009). Projected impacts
The projected natural impacts on deltas under changing global climate
are caused mainly by extreme precipitation-induced floods and sea level
rise. These will result in increased coastal flooding, decreased wetland
areas, increased coastal erosion, and increased salinization of cultivated
land and groundwater (McLeod et al., 2010; Day et al., 2011; Box CC-TC;
high confidence). The surface area of flooding in 33 deltas around the
world is estimated to increase by 50% under sea level rise estimations
as projected for 2100 by the IPCC AR4 (Syvitski et al., 2009). Non-
climatic drivers (e.g., reduction in sediment delivery, subsidence, and land
use changes) rather than climatic drivers have affected deltas for the last
50 years (Syvitski, 2008; very high confidence). Densely populated deltas
are particularly vulnerable owing to further population growth together
with the above-described impacts. The impacts beyond 2100 show a more
complex and enhanced flood risk on deltas (e.g., Katsman et al., 2011).
n summary, increased human drivers have been primary causes in
changes of deltas (e.g., land use, subsidence, coastal erosion) for at
least the last 50 years (very high confidence). There is high agreement
that future sea level rise will exacerbate the problems of increased
anthropogenic degradation in deltas.
.4.3. Human Systems Human Settlements
Important direct effects of climate change on coastal settlements include
dry-land loss due to erosion and submergence, damage of extreme
events (such as wind storms, storm surges, floods, heat extremes, and
droughts) on built environments, effects on health (food- and water-borne
disease), effects on energy use, effects on water availability and resources,
and loss of cultural heritage (Hunt and Watkiss, 2010). Since AR4, a large
number of regional, national, and subnational scale studies on coastal
impacts have been conducted. These are covered in the respective
regional chapters. At the global scale, studies have focused either on
exposure to sea level rise or extreme water levels or on the physical
impacts of flooding, submergence, and erosion. Projected exposure
Coastal flood risks are strongly influenced by the growing exposure of
population and assets. The population exposed to the 1-in-100-year
coastal flood is projected to increase from about 270 million in 2010 to
350 million in 2050 due to socioeconomic development only (UN
medium fertility projections) (Jongman et al., 2012). Population growth,
economic growth, and urbanization will be the most important drivers
of increased exposure in densely populated areas (Hanson et al., 2011;
Seto, 2011; see also Chapter 14; high confidence). For 136 port cities
above 1 million inhabitants, the number of people exposed to a 1-in-100-
year extreme sea level is expected to increase from 39 million in 2005 to
59 million by 2070 through 0.5 m GMSLR alone and to 148 million if
socioeconomic development (UN medium population projections) is
considered (Hanson et al., 2011). Human-induced subsidence alone is
expected to increase the global economic exposure of 136 major port
cities by around 14% from 2005 to 2070 although this driver only applies
to 36 of the cities (Hanson et al., 2011). As a result of socioeconomic
development Asia is expected to continue to have the largest exposed
population and sub-Saharan Africa the largest increases in exposure
(Dasgupta et al., 2009; Vafeidis et al., 2011; Jongman et al., 2012). Projected impacts and risks
Exposure estimates, however, give an incomplete picture of coastal risks
to human settlements because they do not consider existing or future
adaptation measures that protect the exposed population and assets
against coastal hazards (Hallegatte et al., 2013; Hinkel et al., 2013).
Although the global potential impacts of coastal flood damage and land
loss on human settlements in the 21st century are substantial, these
impacts can be reduced considerably through coastal protection (limited
evidence, high agreement). Nicholls et al. (2011) estimate that without
Chapter 5 Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas
protection 72 to 187 million people would be displaced due to land loss
due to submergence and erosion by 2100 assuming GMSLRs of 0.5 to
2.0 m by 2100. Upgrading coastal defenses and nourishing beaches
would reduce these impacts roughly by three orders of magnitude.
Hinkel et al. (2013) estimate the number of people flooded annually in
2100 to reach 117 to 262 million per year in 2100 without upgrading
protection and two orders of magnitude smaller with dike (levee) upgrades,
given GMSLRs of 0.6 to 1.3 m by 2100. The major driver of increasing
risks to human settlements in the next decades is socioeconomic
development. When upgrading flood defenses to maintain a constant
probability of flooding, average annual losses (AALs) in the 136 largest
coastal cities are expected to increase ninefold from 2005 to 2050 due
to socioeconomic development, only another 12% due to subsidence,
and 2 to 8% due to GMSLRs of 0.2 to 0.4 m (Hallegate et al., 2013;
Figure 5-4).
Despite the delayed response of sea level rise to global warming levels
(WGI AR5 Section 13.5.4) mitigation may limit 21st century impacts of
increased coastal flood damage, dry-land loss, and wetland loss
substantially (limited evidence, medium agreement) albeit numbers are
difficult to compare owing to differences in scenarios, baselines, and
adaptation assumptions. Tol (2007) finds that stabilizing CO
at 550 ppm reduces global impacts on wetlands and dry lands by about
10% in 2100 compared to a scenario of unmitigated emissions. Hinkel
et al. (2013) report that stabilizing emissions at 450 ppm CO
-eq reduces
the average number of people flooded in 2100 by about 30% compared
to a baseline where emissions increase to about 25 Gt C-eq in 2100.
Arnell et al. (2013) find that an emissions pathway peaking in 2016 and
declining at 5% per year thereafter reduces flood risk by 58 to 66%
compared to an unmitigated A1B scenario. All three studies only
consider the effects of mitigation during the 21st century and assume
low or no contribution of ice sheets to GMSLR. Mitigation is expected
to be more effective when considering impacts beyond 2100 and higher
contributions of ice sheets (Section 5.5.8).
Global studies confirm AR4 findings that there are substantial regional
differences in coastal vulnerability and expected impacts (high confidence).
Most countries in South, Southeast, and East Asia are particularly
vulnerable to sea level rise due to rapid economic growth and coastward
migration of people into urban coastal areas together with high rates
of anthropogenic subsidence in deltas where many of the densely
populated areas are located (Nicholls and Cazenave, 2010). At the same
time, economic growth in these countries increases the monetary
capacity to adapt (Nicholls et al., 2010). In contrast, although many
African countries experience a similar trend in rapid urban coastal growth,
the level of economic development is generally lower and consequently
the monetary capacity to adapt is smaller (Kebede and Nicholls, 2012;
Hinkel et al., 2013).
In summary, while there is high agreement on some general findings,
only a small fraction of the underlying uncertainty has been explored,
which means evidence is limited. Gaps remain with respect to impacts
of possible large contributions of the ice sheets of Greenland and
Antarctica to GMSLR (WGI AR5 Sections 13.4.3, 13.4.4), regional patterns
of climate-induced sea level rise, subsidence, and socioeconomic change
and migration. Many studies rely on few or only a single socioeconomic
scenario. Few studies consider adaptation and those that do generally
ignore the wider range of adaptation measures beyond hard protection
Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas Chapter 5
ptions. Integrated studies considering the interactions between a wide
range of RSLR impacts (Table 5-3) as well as trade-offs between diverse
adaptation options are missing. Industry, Infrastructure, Transport,
and Network Industries
Coastal industries, their supporting infrastructure including transport
(ports, roads, rail, airports), power and water supply, storm water, and
sewerage are highly sensitive to a range of extreme weather and climate
events including temporary and permanent flooding arising from
extreme precipitation, high winds, storm surges, and sea level rise
(Horton et al. 2010; Handmer et al. 2012; Hanson and Nicholls, 2012; Aerts
et al. 2013; high confidence). Most industrial facilities, infrastructure, and
networks are designed for service lives extending over several decades.
In fact, many bridges, ports, and road and railway lines remain in their
original design location for centuries even if the infrastructure on them
has been rehabilitated or replaced several times. Certain facilities, such
as new nuclear power plants, are designed to last even well beyond the
22nd century (Wilby et al., 2011).
As the need to locate most of these industries and networks in coastal
areas will remain and probably increase due to coastal development
(Section, considering climate variability and climate change
drivers in life cycle assessment of industry, infrastructure, and transport
and network industries is of utmost importance (high confidence). Observed impacts
Climate impacts on coastal industries and infrastructures vary considerably
depending on geographical location, associated weather and climate,
and specific composition of industries within particular coastal regions
(high confidence).
Over the last 10 years an extensive number of climate-related extreme
events (Coumou and Rahmstorf, 2012) illustrate the potential for impacts
on coastal industry, infrastructure, transport, and network industry.
Severe storms with associated winds, waves, rain, lightning, and storm
surges have been particularly disruptive to transport and power and
water supplies (Jacob et al., 2007; USCCSP, 2008; Horton et al., 2010;
high confidence). In such network configurations, flooding of even the
smallest component of an intermodal system can result in a much larger
system disruption. Even though a transportation terminal may not be
affected, the access roads to it could be, thus forcing the terminal to
cease or reduce operation. Disruption to port activities in one location
can disrupt supply chains, which can have far reaching consequences
(Becker et al. 2012, 2013). Existing experience has also shown that
impacts of hurricanes and flooding on underground infrastructure can
have long-term effects (Chisolm and Matthews, 2012).
Hurricanes like Katrina (2005) caused US$100 million of damage to
Mississippi’s ports and Sandy (2012) led to a week-long shut-down of the
Port of New York, generating economic damages reaching US$50 billion
(Becker et al., 2012). These have shown the critical need to better prepare
coastal human settlements and associated network infrastructures and
ndustries for future extreme weather impacts and climate change
(Aerts et al., 2013; high confidence). Projected impacts
Although there is robust evidence of the impacts and consequences of
extreme events on coastal infrastructure and industrial facilities, there
are limited assessments on projected impacts of long-term changes
(high agreement). Besides, while there is an important amount of non-
journal literature on projected impacts of sea level rise and increasing
flooding levels on certain coastal infrastructures (USCCSP, 2008; USACE,
2011; McEvoy and Mullet, 2013), limited peer review information is
Vulnerability to flooding of railroads, tunnels, ports, roads, and industrial
facilities at low-lying areas will be exacerbated by rising sea levels or
more frequent or intense storms, causing more frequent and more
serious disruption of services and damages under extreme sea levels
unless adaptation is enforced (Esteban et al., 2010, 2012; Wilby et al.,
2011; Aerts et al., 2013; high confidence).
Furthermore, sea level rise will reduce extreme flood return periods and
therefore increase the need for adaptation of infrastructure such as
airports, tunnels, coastal protections, and ship terminals to extreme sea
level impacts (Jacob et al., 2007; Becker et al., 2013).
It is estimated that a hypothetical 1 m RSLR projected for the Gulf Coast
region between Alabama and Houston over the next 50 to 100 years
would permanently flood a third of the region’s roads as well as putting
more than 70% of the region’s ports at risk (USCCSP, 2008).
The estimated costs of climate change to Alaska’s public infrastructure
could add US$3.6 to 6.1 billion (+10 to 20% above normal wear and
tear) from now to 2030 and US$5.6 to 7.6 billion (+10 to 12%) from
now to 2080 (Larsen et al., 2008). Higher costs of climate change for
coastal infrastructure are expected due to its proximity to the marine
environment. Other projected impacts are beneficial for the transportation
system. For example, decline of Arctic sea-ice coverage could extend
seasonal accessibility to high-latitude shipping routes such as the
northwest shipping route that connects the Atlantic to the North Pacific.
Hanson et al. (2011) presents a first estimate of the exposure of the
world’s large port cities to coastal flooding due to sea level rise and
storm surge in the 2070s. The analysis suggests that the total value of
assets exposed in 2005 across all cities considered is estimated to be
US$3000 billion, corresponding to around 5% of global GDP in 2005. By
the 2070s, and assuming a homogeneous global sea level rise of 0.5 m,
increased extreme water levels up to 10%, and a fixed subsidence rate
in susceptible cities with respect to today’s values, asset exposure is
estimated to increase to approximately 9% of projected global GDP in
this period.
Coastal infrastructural instability may result from natural hazards
triggered by groundwater-level (GWL) variations resulting from rising
sea level. For earthquake-prone coasts, this could be exacerbated by
earthquake liquefaction if GWL increases with sea level rise (Yasuhara
Chapter 5 Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas
t al., 2007). Increasing sea levels, surges, and waves can also lead to
a stability loss of coastal structures (Headland et al., 2011).
Other impacts may arise in coastal industries in high latitudes affected
by permafrost thaw causing ground instability and erosion, thereby
affecting transport safety and the industries that rely on such travel in
these regions (e.g., Pearce et al., 2010). Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Agriculture
Fisheries and aquaculture and the associated post-harvest activities
globally create millions of jobs (Daw et al., 2009; Sumaila et al., 2011)
and contribute significantly to the dietary animal protein of millions of
people and to the world merchandise trade (FAO, 2010, 2012; see also
Section In addition to small-scale fisheries and aquaculture,
which are important for the food security and economy of coastal
communities (Bell et al., 2009), coastal zones also support significant
agricultural activities, for example, rice production in the low-lying
deltaic regions of Asia (Wassmann et al., 2009). Observed impacts
Climate variability and change impact both fishers’ livelihoods (Badjeck
et al., 2010) and fish production (Barange and Perry, 2009) (Section
6.5.3). In the North Sea, ocean warming over the 1977–2002 period led
to relatively increased distribution ranges of some fish species (Hiddink
and Hofstede, 2008), and demersal fish assemblage deepened in response
to climate change (Dulvy et al., 2008). In southeastern Australia, Last
et al. (2011) found an increasing abundance of 45 fish species of warm
temperate origin, which they linked to the observed strengthening of
the East Australian Current (EAC) bringing warm waters further south
(Ridgeway, 2007). A study (Sherman et al., 2009) of the impact of sea
surface temperature changes on the fisheries yields of 63 large marine
ecosystems over a 25-year period shows a positive relationship for the
northeast Atlantic large marine ecosystems, due to zooplankton biomass
increases (Section 6.5.3). Distributional effects are very important for
migratory pelagic fisheries, such as tuna (see Table 29-2). Impacts of
climate change on aquaculture (Mytilus edulis and Salmo salar) in the
UK and Ireland have been difficult to discern from natural environmental
variability (Callaway et al., 2012).
Seawater inundation has become a major problem for traditional
agriculture in Bangladesh (Rahman et al., 2009), and in low-lying island
nations (e.g., Lata and Nunn, 2012). The combination of rice yield
reduction induced by climate change and inundation of lands by seawater
causes an important reduction in production (Chen et al., 2012). Projected impacts
Fisheries may be impacted either negatively or positively (Hare et al.,
2010; Meynecke and Lee, 2011; Cinner et al., 2012) depending on the
latitude, location, and climatic factors. Climate change can impact the
pattern of marine biodiversity through changes in species’ distributions,
and may lead to large-scale redistribution of global catch potential
epending on regions (Cheung et al., 2009, 2010). Narita et al. (2012)
estimated that the global economic costs of production loss of molluscs
due to ocean acidification (Section by the year 2100 based on
IPCC IS92a business-as-usual scenario could be higher than US$100
billion. As a result of increased sea temperatures, the reduction in coral
cover in the Caribbean basin and its associated fisheries production is
expected to lead to a net revenue loss by 2015 (Trotman et al., 2009).
Economic losses in landed catch value and the costs of adapting fisheries
resulting from a 2°C global temperature increase by 2050 have been
estimated at US$10 to 31 billion globally (Sumaila et al., 2011). For
aquaculture, negative impacts of rising ocean temperatures will be felt
in the temperate regions whereas positive impacts will be felt in the
tropical and subtropical regions (De Silva and Soto, 2009). Changes to
the atmosphere-ocean in the Pacific Island countries are likely to affect
coral reef fisheries by a decrease of 20% by 2050 and coastal aquaculture
may be less efficient (Bell et al., 2013).
In summary, changes have occurred to the distribution of fish species
(medium confidence) with evidence of poleward expansion of temperate
species (limited evidence, high agreement). Tropical and subtropical
aquaculture has not been adversely affected by rising ocean temperatures
to date (limited evidence, high agreement). Coastal agriculture has
experienced negative impacts (medium confidence) due mainly to
increased frequency of submersion of agricultural land by saltwater
inundation (limited evidence, high agreement). Coastal Tourism and Recreation
Coastal tourism is the largest component of the global tourism industry.
Over 60% of Europeans opt for beach holidays and beach tourism provides
more than 80% of U.S. tourism receipts (UNEP, 2009). More than 100
countries benefit from the recreational value provided by their coral reefs,
which contributed US$11.5 billion to global tourism (Burke et al., 2011). Observed impacts
Observed significant impacts on coastal tourism have occurred from
direct impacts of extreme events on tourist infrastructure (e.g., beach
resorts, roads), indirect impacts of extreme events (e.g., coastal erosion,
coral bleaching), and short-term adverse tourist perception after the
occurrence of extreme events (e.g., flooding, tropical storms, storm
surges) (Phillips and Jones, 2006; Scott et al., 2008; IPCC, 2012, Section Recent observed climate change impacts on the Great Barrier
Reef include coral bleaching in the summers of 1997–1998, 2001–2002,
and 2005–2006 and extreme events including floods and cyclones
(Tropical cyclones Larry in 2006, Hamish in 2009, and Yasi in 2011). The
stakeholders show a high level of concern for climate change, and
various resilience initiatives have been proposed and developed by the
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (Biggs, 2011; GBRMPA, 2012). Projected impacts
To provide some idea of climate change impacts on coastal destinations,
many studies have been carried out on projecting tourism demand, for
Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas Chapter 5
xample, in Europe (Perch-Nielson et al., 2010), in the Baltic region
(Haller et al., 2011), in the Mediterranean (Moreno and Amelung, 2009a),
and in 51 countries worldwide (Perch-Nielson, 2010). The studies provide
varying details, although it is difficult to draw overarching conclusions
on tourism demand for coastal destinations. With increased temperature
in mid-latitude countries and coupled with increased storms in tropical
areas, tourist flows could decrease from mid-latitude countries to tropical
coastal regions with large developing countries and small island nations
most affected (Perch-Nielson, 2010). The Mediterranean would likewise
be affected in summer (Moreno and Amelung, 2009a). In contrast, less
is known about the relationship between the impacts of climate change
and specific tourist behavior, activities, or flows to coastal destinations
(Moreno and Amelung, 2009b; see Section10.6.2). Usually tourists do
not consider climate variability or climate change in their holidays (Hares
et al., 2009) although there are a few studies that show the contrary
(Cambers, 2009; Alvarez-Diaz et al., 2010).
As for future impacts on coastal tourism, there is high confidence in the
impacts of extreme events and sea level rise aggravating coastal
erosion. A scenario of 1-m sea level rise by 2100 would be a potential
risk to Caribbean tourism (Scott et al., 2012). The presence of coastal
tourism infrastructure will continue to exacerbate beach reduction and
coastal ecosystems squeeze under rising sea levels, as exemplified in
Martinique (Schleupner, 2008). Carbonate reef structures would degrade
under a scenario of at least 2°C by 2050–2100 with serious consequences
for tourism destinations in Australia, the Caribbean, and other small
islands (Hoegh-Gulberg et al., 2007; see Box CC-CR).
The costs of future climate change impacts on coastal tourism are
enormous. For example, in the Caribbean community countries, rebuilding
costs of tourist resorts are estimated US$10 to 23.3 billion in 2050. A
hypothetical 1-m sea level rise would result in the loss or damage of
21 airports, inundation of land surrounding 35 ports, and at least 149
multi-million dollar tourism resorts damaged or lost from erosion to the
coastal beach areas (Simpson et al., 2010).
In summary, while coastal tourism can be related to climate change
impacts, it is more difficult to relate tourism demand directly to climate
change. Coastal tourism continues to be highly vulnerable to weather,
climate extremes, and rising sea levels with the additional sensitivity to
ocean temperature and acidity for the sectors that rely on reef tourism
(high confidence). Developing countries and small island states within
the tropics relying on coastal tourism are most vulnerable to present and
future weather and climate extremes, future sea level rise, and the added
impacts of coral bleaching and ocean acidification (high confidence). Health
The relationship between health of coastal populations and climate
change include direct linkages (e.g., floods, droughts, storm surges, and
extreme temperatures) and indirect linkages (e.g., changes in the
transmission of vector-, food-, and water-borne infectious diseases and
increased salinization of coastal land that affects food production and
freshwater supply and ecosystem health). Coastal and particularly
informal settlements concentrate injury risk and death from storm
surges and rainfall flooding (Handmer et al., 2012). This section deals
ith human health in the context of the coastal zone, while Chapter 11
addresses general health issues and Section deals with health
issues associated with ocean changes. Understanding the relationship
between climate and health is often confounded by socioeconomic
factors that influence coastal settlement patterns and the capacity of
authorities to respond to health-related issues (Baulcomb, 2011). Observed impacts
Mortality risk in coastal areas is related to exposure and vulnerability
of coastal populations to climate hazards (e.g., Myung and Jang, 2011).
A regional analysis of changes in exposure, vulnerability, and risk indicates
that although exposure to flood and cyclone hazards has increased since
1980, the risk of mortality has generally fallen. The reductions reflect a
strengthening of the countries’ capacity to respond to disasters (Box
5-1). However, mortality is still rising in the countries with the weakest
risk governance capacities (UNISDR, 2011).
Coastal regions face a range of climate-sensitive diseases. Increased
saline intrusion is linked to increased hypertension disease (Vineis et
al., 2011), with greater occurrence in pregnant women living in coastal
regions compared to further inland (Khan et al., 2008). Increasing
temperature, humidity, and rainfall can increase vector-borne diseases
such as malaria, dengue, leishmaniasis, and chikungunya (Pialoux et al.,
2007; Stratten et al., 2008; Kolivras, 2010; van Kleef et al., 2010) and
diarrhea, infectious gastrointestinal disease, rotovirus, and salmonella
(e.g., Hashizume et al., 2007; Zhang et al., 2007, 2010; Chou et al., 2010;
Onozuka et al., 2010). The parasitic disease schistosomiasis, endemic in
many tropical and small island coastal regions (Section, is also
sensitive to temperature increase (Mangal et al., 2008). Vibrio outbreaks
(e.g., cholera) are sensitive to rainfall and SST (e.g., Koelle et al., 2005),
and recent increased vibrio outbreaks in the Baltic have been linked
to heat waves and low salinity (Baker-Austin et al., 2013). Harmful
algal blooms (HABs) outbreaks (e.g., ciguatera) have been linked to SST
variability (e.g., Erdner et al., 2008; Jaykus et al., 2008). However, in
general there is limited evidence and low confidence in how global
climate change will impact HABs (Section, suggesting the need
for increased monitoring (Hallegraeff, 2010). Nontoxic blooms of high
biomass can reduce biodiversity through oxygen depletion and shading
(Erdner et al., 2008), with consequences for ecosystem and human
nutrition and health. Projected impacts
Under future climate conditions, expansion of brackish and saline water
bodies in coastal areas under projected sea level rise may increase the
incidence of vector-borne diseases (Ramasamy and Surendran, 2011),
diarrhea, and hypertension (Vineis et al., 2011). Human responses to
climate change may also influence outcomes on health; however,
limited empirical climate-health data increases uncertainties on such
projections (Kolstad and Johansson, 2011).
Evidence continues to emerge of the relation between climate and
diseases that affect human health in the coastal zone including air and
water temperature, rainfall, humidity, and coastal salinity. However, the
Chapter 5 Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas
elations are often complex and vary between diseases and even
regionally for the same disease. The interplay between climate and
human systems with regard to health impacts is poorly understood and
this continues to confound reliable projections of health impacts (robust
evidence, high agreement).
.4.4. Summary: Detection and Attribution
There is high confidence in the attribution to climate change of observed
coastal impacts that are sensitive to ocean temperature change, such
as coral bleaching and movements in species ranges. However, for many
other coastal changes, the impacts of climate change are difficult to
tease apart from human-related drivers (e.g., land use change, coastal
development, pollution). Figure 5-5 shows changes of major phenomena
observed in coastal systems and low-lying areas. Horizontal and vertical
axes indicate the degree of confidence in detection of trends for
phenomena, which are elements sensitive to climate change, and the
degree of confidence in attribution of phenomena to climate change,
respectively. Mainly phenomena with high to very high confidence in
trend detection are illustrated in this figure.
The increase of coral bleaching and the shift in distribution and range limits
of some species are attributed to climate change with high confidence.
Mass coral bleaching coincided with positive temperature anomalies
over the past 30 years. A poleward expansion of mangrove forests and
some corals, and shifts of range limits of many intertidal species, are
also attributed. Vegetated coastal habitats are declining globally. Coral
cover and calcification have decreased in recent decades. Elevated
temperatures along with ocean acidification reduce the calcification rate
of corals. Although the attribution of decreased calcification to either
climate- or human-related drivers is difficult, we have medium confidence
hat the primary climate-related driver is ocean warming globally.
Seagrass meadows are already under stress due to climate change,
particularly where maximum temperatures already approach their
physiological limit. However, the decline of the distribution of mangroves
and salt marshes is mainly linked with human activities, for example,
deforestation and reclamation. Therefore the degree of their attribution
to climate change is very low.
Globally beaches and shorelines have, in general, undergone net erosion
over the past century or longer. There is high confidence in detection of
increased beach erosion globally. However, attributing shoreline changes
to climate change is still difficult owing to the multiple natural and
human-related drivers contributing to coastal erosion (e.g., subsidence,
decreased sediment delivery, land use change). There is high confidence
that human pressures, for example, increased usage of surface water
and groundwater resources for agriculture and coastal settlements, and
river channel deepening, have led to increased saltwater intrusion and
low confidence
in attribution of saltwater intrusion to climate change.
The population living in coastal lowlands is increasing and more than
270 million people in 2010 are already exposed to flooding by the 1-
in-100-year coastal flood (Mimura, 2013). Population growth and land
subsidence in coastal lowlands are the major causes; therefore, there
is very low attribution to climate change.
5.5. Adaptation and Managing Risks
5.5.1. Introduction
Coastal adaptation and risk management refer to a wide range of human
activities related to the social and institutional processes of framing the
Very low Low Medium
Degree of confidence in attribution to climate change
High Very high
Very low
Low Medium
Degree of confidence in detection of trends in
climate change–sensitive elements
High Very high
Evidence of changes in species and ecosystems
Impacts on coastal processes
Impacts on human systems
1. Increase in coral bleaching
2. Shift in range limits of species distribution
3. Decline in the extent of salt marshes and mangroves
4. Decline in the extent of seagrasses
5. Decreased calcification
6. Increased beach erosion
7. Increased saltwater intrusion
8. Increased flood damage
9. Decreased harbor operations
Figure 5-5 | Summary of detection and attribution in coastal areas.
Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas Chapter 5
adaptation problem, identifying and appraising adaptation options,
implementing options, and monitoring and evaluating outcomes (Chapters
2, 14, 15, 16, and 17). The governance of this process is challenging due
to the complex, nonlinear dynamics of the coastal socio-ecological systems
(Rosenzweig et al., 2011) as well as the presence of multiple management
goals, competing preferences of stakeholders, and social conflicts involved
(Hopkins et al., 2012). In many instances, coastal adaptation may thus
be characterized to be a “wicked problem” (Rittel and Webber, 1973),
in the sense that there is often no clear agreement about what exactly
the adaptation problem is and there is uncertainty and ambiguity as to
how improvements might be made (Moser et al., 2012).
Since AR4, the set of adaptation measures considered has been
expanded specifically toward ecosystem-based measures (Section 5.5.2);
novel approaches for appraising coastal adaptation decisions have been
applied (Section and the analysis of adaptation governance and
the institutional context in which decisions are taken has progressed
(Section Progress has also been made in better integrating
adaptation practices within existing policy frameworks (Section
as well as in implementing adaptation and identifying good practices
(Section A number of studies have also explored the global
costs and benefits of coastal adaptation (Section 5.5.5); opportunities,
constraints, and limits of coastal adaptation (Section 5.5.6); linkages
between coastal adaptation and mitigation (Section 5.5.7); and the
long-term commitment to coastal adaptation (Section 5.5.8).
5.5.2. Adaptation Measures
A detailed discussion on general adaptation needs and measures can
be found in Chapter 14. As a first approximation, adaptation measures
were classified into institutional and social measures (Section,
technological and engineered measures (Section, and
ecosystem-based adaptation measures (Section In terms of
coastal adaptation, most of the existing measures can be included
within this classification.
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ 5.3 | How can coastal communities plan for and adapt to the impacts
of climate change, in particular sea level rise?
Planning by coastal communities that considers the impacts of climate change reduces the risk of harm from those
impacts. In particular, proactive planning reduces the need for reactive response to the damage caused by extreme
vents. Handling things after the fact can be more expensive and less effective.
An increasing focus of coastal use planning is on precautionary measures, that is, measures taken even if the cause
nd effect of climate change is not established scientifically. These measures can include things like enhancing
coastal vegetation and protecting coral reefs. For many regions, an important focus of coastal use planning is to
use the coast as a natural system to buffer coastal communities from inundation, working with nature rather than
against it, as in the Netherlands.
While the details and implementation of such planning take place at local and regional levels, coastal land
management is normally supported by legislation at the national level. For many developing countries, planning
at the grass roots level does not exist or is not yet feasible.
The approaches available to help coastal communities adapt to the impacts of climate change fall into three general
1. Protection of people, property, and infrastructure is a typical first response. This includes “hard” measures such
as building seawalls and other barriers, along with various measures to protect critical infrastructure. “Soft”
protection measures are increasingly favored. These include enhancing coastal vegetation and other coastal
management programs to reduce erosion and enhance the coast as a barrier to storm surges.
2. Accommodation is a more adaptive approach involving changes to human activities and infrastructure. These
include retrofitting buildings to make them more resistant to the consequences of sea level rise, raising low-lying
bridges, or increasing physical shelter capacity to handle needs caused by severe weather. Soft accommodation
measures include adjustments to land use planning and insurance programs.
3. Managed retreat involves moving away from the coast and may be the only viable option when nothing else is
Some combination of these three approaches may be appropriate, depending on the physical realities and societal
values of a particular coastal community. The choices need to be reviewed and adjusted as circumstances change
over time.
Chapter 5 Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas
he IPCC classification of coastal adaptation strategies consisting of
retreat, accommodation, and protection (Nicholls et al., 2007) is now
widely used and applied in both developed and developing countries
(Boateng, 2010; Linham and Nicholls, 2012). This trilogy of strategies
has expanded into broad approaches of retreat, defend, and attack
(Peel, 2010). Protection aims at advancing or holding existing defense
lines by means of different options such as land claim; beach and dune
nourishment; the construction of artificial dunes and hard structures such
as seawalls, sea dikes, and storm surge barriers; or removing invasive
and restoring native species. Accommodation is achieved by increasing
flexibility, flood proofing, flood-resistant agriculture, flood hazard mapping,
the implementation of flood warning systems, or replacing armored with
living shorelines. Retreat options include allowing wetlands to migrate
inland, shoreline setbacks, and managed realignment by, for example,
breaching coastal defenses allowing the creation of an intertidal habitat.
The appropriate measure may depend on several factors requiring a
careful decision-making and governance process (Section 5.5.3).
Since AR4, coastal adaptation options have been revised and summarized
in several guidebooks (EPA, 2009; USAID, 2009; UNEP, 2010) including
best practice examples. Especially relevant has been the growth of
Community Based Adaptation (CBA) measures (robust evidence, high
agreement). Table 5-4 compiles different examples of CBA measures in
countries such as Bangladesh, India, and the Philippines.
Ecosystem-based adaptation is increasingly attracting attention (Munroe
et al., 2011). Adaptation measures based on the protection and restoration
of relevant coastal natural systems such as mangroves (Schmitt et al.,
2013), oyster reefs (Beck et al., 2011), and salt marshes (Barbier et al.,
2011) are seen as no- or low-regret options irrespective of future climate
(Cheong et al., 2013; medium evidence, high agreement). Further work
is still needed in order to make reliable quantitative estimates and
predictions of the capability of some of these ecosystems to reduce
wave, storm surge, and sea level rise impacts and in order to provide
reliable cost-benefit analysis of how they compare to other measures
based on traditional engineering approaches.
5.5.3. Adaptation Decision Making and Governance
Since AR4, progress has been made in understanding coastal adaptation
decisions and governance. For a general treatment of adaptation
decision making and governance, see Chapters 2, 15, and 17. Decision Analysis
One specific quality of many coastal adaptation decisions is that these
involve options with long (i.e., 30 and more years) investment time
scales (e.g., land use planning, flood defenses, construction of housing,
and transportation infrastructure; Section 5.5.2). For such decisions,
standard methods that rely on probability distribution of outcomes, such
as cost-benefit analysis under uncertainty, cannot be applied because
of the difficulties, both in theory and practice, to associate probabilities
to future levels of GHG emissions, which determine the level of impacts
and outcomes (Lempert and Schlesinger, 2001; Hallegate, 2009; see also
lternative approaches that represent uncertainty not through a single
probability distribution but through a range of scenarios have thus been
applied to long-term coastal adaptation. Robust decision making (RDM),
for example, refers to approaches where options that work well over a
wide range of these scenarios are preferred (Lempert and Schlesinger,
2000; Lempert and Collins, 2007). RDM in this sense has been applied
to, e.g., the Port of Los Angeles infrastructure (Lempert et al., 2012).
Another set of approaches uses the criterion of flexibility to decide
between alternative strategies. Flexible and reversible options are
favored over non-flexible and non-reversible ones and decisions are
delayed to keep future options open (Hallegate, 2009). The adaptation
pathways approach, for example, implements the criterion of flexibility
by characterizing alternative strategies in terms of two attributes: (1)
adaptation tipping points (ATPs), which are points beyond which strategies
are no longer effective (Kwadijk et al., 2010); and (2) what alternative
strategies are available once a tipping point has been reached (Haasnoot
et al., 2013). Importantly, the exact time when an ATP is reached does
not matter; it is rather the flexibility of having alternative strategies
available that is driving the decision. Prominent applications of this
approach include the Thames Estuary 2100 Plan (Penning-Roswell et
al., 2012; Box 5-1), the Dutch Delta Programme (Kabat et al., 2009), and
the New York City Panel on Climate Change (Rosenzweig et al., 2011). Institution and Governance Analysis
Decisions are made within a context. Institution and governance analysis
comprise a variety of approaches that aim at describing this context as
well as at explaining the emergence and performance of institutions
and governance structures (GS). Institution analysis is particularly
relevant to coastal adaptation, because deciding between options and
implementing them is an ongoing process involving complex inter-
linkages between public and private decisions at multiple levels of
decision making and in the context of other issues, existing policies,
conflicting interests, and diverse GS (e.g, Few et al., 2007; Urwin and
Jordan, 2008; Hinkel et al., 2010; see also Sections 2.2.2, 2.2.3). The
non-consideration of this context may hinder or mislead adaptation
decisions and implementations as reported by the emerging literature
on barriers to adaptation (Section 5.5.5). Institution analysis strives to
understand how this context shapes decisions, and insights gained may
be employed to craft effective institutions and policies for adaptation.
For coastal adaptation, the effectiveness of existing GS is often hindered
owing to a lack of horizontal (i.e., within the same level of decision
making) and vertical (i.e., between different levels of decision making)
integration of organizations and policies (high confidence). Storbjörk
and Hedren (2011), for example, report on a weak vertical administrative
interplay in coastal GS in Sweden. In the UK, the effectiveness of local
GS of Coastal Partnership is found to be limited because these are
poorly integrated with higher level policies (Stojanovic and Barker,
2008). In the UK, national level coastal recommendations are difficult
to translate into local level actions (Few et al., 2007) and, in the USA,
coastal policies often have ambiguous or contradictory goals (Bagstad
et al., 2007). In a number of African cases, coastal policies are found
not to take into account longer term climate change (Bunce et al.,
Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas Chapter 5
Governance issues are particularly challenging when considering
planned retreat (medium evidence). While managed realignment is on
the political agenda in Germany and the UK, the political costs of doing
so are high, as both the existing GS as well as public opinion are geared
toward protection (e.g., Tunstall and Tapsell, 2007), so that short election
cycles do not provide incentives for politicians to undertake actions that
may produce benefits in the long term (Few et al., 2007; Rupp-Armstrong
and Nicholls, 2007). Along the Queensland coast in Australia the option
of planned retreat is disappearing because of rapid coastal development
and liability laws favoring development. To prevent this, risks and
responsibilities would need to be redistributed from the governments
to the beneficiaries of this development (Abel et al., 2011).
While institutional factors are decisive in enabling coastal adaptation
(high confidence), the role of institutions in coastal adaptation is generally
under-researched. The majority of studies are descriptive. Institutional
analysis striving to understand which GS emerge and are effective
depending on both biophysical and social system characteristics as
Box 5-1 | London’s Thames Estuary 2100 Plan: Adaptive Management for the Long Term
The Environment Agency in Britain has recently developed the Thames Estuary 2100 plan (TE2100) to manage future flood threat to
London (Environment Agency, 2012). The motivation was a fear that due to accelerated climate change-induced sea level rise the time
could already be too short for replacing the Thames Barrier (completed in 1982) and other measures that protect London, because such
major engineering schemes take 25 to 30 years to plan and implement. An adaptive plan that manages risk in an iterative way was
adopted based on the adaptation pathway approach (Penning-Rowsell et al., 2012; see also Section; Figure 5-6). This plan
includes maintaining the existing system in the first 25 years, then enhancing the existing defenses in a carefully planned way over
the next 25 to 60 years, including selectively raising defenses and possibly over-rotating the Barrier to raise protection standards.
Finally, in the longer term (beyond 2070) there will be the need to plan for more substantial measures if sea level rise accelerates.
This might include a new barrier, with even higher protection standards, probably nearer to the sea, or even a coastal barrage. In the
meantime the adaptive approach requires careful monitoring of the drivers of risk in the Estuary to ensure that flood management
authorities are not taken by surprise and forced into emergency measures.
New barrier, retain Thames Barrier, raise defenses
Raise defenses
New barrier, raise defenses
New barrier
Existing system
1 m0 m 4 m
3 m
2 m
Maximum water
evel rise:
Previous extreme
used in TE2100
a and upper part of
ew TE2100 likely range
Sea level rise scenarios
Top of new
H++ range
Over-rotate Thames
Barrier and restore
interim defenses
Improve Thames Barrier and raise
downstream defenses
Flood storage, improve Thames
Barrier, raise upstream and
downstream defenses
Flood storage, over-rotate Thames
Barrier, raise upstream and
downstream defenses
Flood storage, restore
interim defenses
Measures for
managing flood risk
indicating effective
range against
Predicted maximum
water level under
each scenario
Possible future
adaptation route (or
pathway), allowing for
different degrees of sea
level rise through time
Link to alternative
Figure 5-6 | Adaptation measures and pathways considered in the TE2100 project. The boxes show the measures and the range of sea level rise over which the
measures are effective. The black arrows link to alternative measures that may be applied once a measure is no longer effective. The red lines show various 21st century
sea level rise scenarios used in the analysis including a conservative estimate of about 0.9 m by the UK Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs ('Defra and
upper part of new TE2100 likely range'), a high-level scenario ('Top of new H++ range'), and an extreme scenario of over 4 meters ('previous extreme used in TE2100').
The fat green line shows a possible future adaptation route (or pathway), allowing for different degrees of sea level rise through time (adapted from Lowe et al., 2009).
Chapter 5 Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas
ound in the fields of socio-ecological systems (Dietz et al., 2003; Folke
et al., 2005; Ostrom 2007, 2009) and institutional economics (Hagedorn
et al., 2002; Bougherara et al., 2009) are practically nonexistent.
5.5.4. Implementation and Practice
Since AR4, more experience has been gained in coastal adaptation
implementation and practice. Generally, adaptation is not carried out
stand-alone but in the context of already existing policy and practice
frameworks. Section assesses frameworks that are particularly
relevant for coastal adaptation, and Section assesses the experience
as well as principles and compiled best practice guidelines. Frameworks
The issues for coastal adaptation are not radically different from issues
encountered within ICZM, which offers an enabling environment
for adaptation practice (Celliers et al., 2013). ICZM is a long-term,
institutionalized and iterative process that promotes the integration of
coastal activities, relevant policymakers, practitioners, and scientists
across coastal sectors, space and organizations with a view to use
coastal resources in a sustainable way (Christie et al., 2005; Kay and
Alder, 2005; Sales, 2009; WGII AR5 Glossary). Considering climate change
in this framework does not mean radical changes to ICZM, because ICZM
already emphasizes the integration of coastal issues across sectors and
policy domains as well as the long-term perspective (e.g., Hofstede,
2008; Falaleeva et al., 2011). The major difference of coastal adaptation
from ICZM is coping with greater uncertainty, longer time frames in
planning (beyond 30 years), and long-term commitments inherent to
climate change (Tobey et al. 2010). So far, however, there is limited
evidence and low agreement on the effectiveness of ICZM alone or
combined with climate change adaptation. Even though ICZM has been
applied throughout the world for over 40 years, many obstacles to its
successful implementation still remain (high confidence). Generally,
there is a lack of empirical research evaluating ICZM (Stojanovic et al.,
2004; Stojanovic and Ballinger, 2009). A recent review of ICZM in Europe
concluded that the complexity of coastal regulations, demographic
deficits, lack of sustainable finance and a failure to involve communities,
business, and industry hinder its implementation (Shipman and Stojanovic,
2007). Developing countries in particular struggle to meet the goals of
ICZM owing to a lack of qualified human resources, a lack of human,
legal, and institutional capacities (Isager, 2008; González-Riancho et al.,
2009), difficulties in integrating policy across multiple coastal agencies
(Martinez et al., 2011; Ibrahim and Shaw, 2012), power (abuse) of the
majority political party or political leaders (Isager, 2008; Tabet and
Fanning, 2012), the lack of long-term financial commitment of donors
(González-Riancho et al., 2009; Ibrahim and Shaw, 2012), and a lack of
knowledge regarding the coastal system (González-Riancho et al.,
Another prominent framework used for coastal adaptation practice is
adaptive management (AM), which has been developed as a response
to the deep uncertainty characterizing ecosystem management, where
it is often impossible to predict outcomes of management interventions.
AM thus aims to test management hypothesis by implementing them,
onitoring their outcomes and learning from these to refine the
management hypothesis to be applied (Holling, 1978; Walters, 1986).
There are numerous applications of AM to coastal management (e.g.,
Walters, 1997; Marchand et al., 2011; Mulder et al., 2011), but there is
limited evidence of its long-term effectiveness. Limitations of AM are also
notable, such as the potential high cost of experimentation and a range
of institutional barriers hindering the delivery of flexible management
approaches (e.g., McLain and Lee, 1996).
Community-based adaptation (CBA) refers to the generation and
implementation of locally driven adaptation strategies that address both
climate change impacts and development deficits for the climate-
vulnerable poor and that aim to strengthen the adaptive capacity of
local people to climate and non-climate risk factors (Nicholls et al.,
2007; Reid et al., 2009; Ayers and Dodman, 2010; Ayers and Huq, 2013;
see also Sections 14.2.1,, CBA is a bottom-up approach
to adaptation involving all relevant stakeholders, especially local
communities (Ayers and Huq, 2009; UNDP, 2010; Riadh et al., 2012)
(Table 5-4). As such, CBA approaches have been developed through
active participatory processes with local stakeholders (Ayers and Forsyth,
2009), and operated on a learning-by-doing, bottom-up, empowerment
paradigm (Kates, 2000; Huq and Reid, 2007).
CBA experiences emphasize that it is important to understand a
community’s unique perception of its adaptive capacities in order to
identify useful solutions (Parvin et al., 2008; Badjeck et al., 2010; Paul
and Routray, 2010) and that scientific and technical information on
anticipated coastal climate impacts needs to be translated into a suitable
language and format that allows people to be able to participate in
adaptation planning (Saroar and Routray, 2010). Furthermore, effective
CBA needs to consider measures that cut across sectors and technological,
social, and institutional processes, as technology by itself is only one
component of successful adaptation (Pelling, 2011; Rawlani and Sovacool,
2011; Sovacool et al., 2011).
Efforts are also being made to integrate climate change adaptation into
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) frameworks (Mercer, 2010; Polack, 2010;
Romieu et al., 2010; Gero et al., 2011) and adaptation practice is likely
to move forward as climate change adaptation (CCA) converges with
disaster risk reduction (UNISDR, 2009; Setiadi et al., 2010; Tran and
Nitivattananon, 2011; Hay, 2012). In Japan, for example, coastal climate
change adaptation has been mainstreamed into the framework of
Coastal Disaster Management in the aftermath of the 2011 Tohoku
Earthquake Tsunami. The priority of upgrading coastal defenses in the
face of sea level rise is thereby judged from the potential damage on
the assets in predicted inundation areas on the one hand as well as
from the age and earthquake resistance of the coastal structures on the
other hand (Central Disaster Management Council, 2011; Committee
on Adaptation Strategy for Global Warming in the Coastal Zone, 2011).
Other important policy and practice frameworks in place in the coastal
zone include poverty reduction and development (Mitchell et al., 2010). Principles, Guidance, and Experiences
Much of the observed adaptation practice deals with the coastal
hazards of erosion and flooding (Hanak and Moreno, 2012). In many
Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas Chapter 5
parts of the world, small island indigenous communities address climate
change consequences based on their own traditional knowledge
(Percival, 2008; Langton et al., 2012; Nakashima et al., 2012). Long-
term adaptation to sea level rise has been confined to a few major
projects such as the Venice Lagoon project, the Thames Estuary 2100
project (Box 5-1), and the Delta Programme, Netherlands (Norman,
Through the Delta Programme, the Dutch government has set out far-
reaching recommendations on how to keep the country flood-proof over
the 21st century taking into account a sea level rise as high as 0.65 to
1.3 m by 2100. These recommendations constitute a paradigm shift from
“fighting” the forces of nature with engineered structures to “working
with nature” and providing “room for river” instead (Kabat et al., 2009).
The recommendations include soft and environmentally friendly
solutions such as preserving land from development to accommodate
increased river inundation, maintaining coastal protection by beach
nourishment, improving the standards of flood protection, and putting
in place the necessary political-administrative, legal, and financial
resources (Stive et al., 2011).
From adaptation experiences, good practices (practices that have shown
consistently better results and could be used as benchmark) have been
derived. For some European cases, for example, McInnes (2006) has
collected good practices for coastlines facing coastal erosion, flooding,
and landslide events. In the California adaptation study that includes
coasts, the lessons learnt include using best available science, decision
on goals and early actions, locating relevant partners, identification and
elimination of regulatory barriers, and encouragement of introduction
of new state mandates and guidelines (Bedsworth and Hanak, 2010).
Boateng (2010) presented 15 case studies from 12 countries of best
practice in coastal adaptation to help coastal managers and policymakers.
Bangladesh provides good examples on awareness raising, disaster
warning and control, and protective building measures (Martinez et al.,
2011). In general, documentation on good adaptation practices for
coasts is improving.
In addition, numerous principles have been set forward. In a broad-scale
assessment of climate change threats to Australia’s coastal ecosystems,
seven principles in adaptation were suggested: clearly defined goals by
location, thorough understanding of connectivity within and between
Impact Type of option Measures Brief description References
ew and diversifi ed
aline-tolerant crop
armer production of saline-tolerant multi-vegetable varieties and non-rice crops Ahmed (2010); Rabbani et al.
ew and diversifi ed
eora nursery Mangrove fruit production to develop local female entrepreneurship Ahmed (2010)
ew and diversifi ed
rab fattening Collection, rearing, and feeding of crabs for 15 days to increase local market value Pouliotte et al. (2009)
tructural Homestead protection Houses constructed on raised foundations to mitigate salinity ingress Ayers and Forsyth (2009)
F l o o d i n g /
Socio-technical Disaster management
Multi-community stakeholder committees established to discuss disaster
reparedness and response on a monthly basis
Ahammad (2011)
ocio-technical Early fl ood warning systems Established systems converted into a language and format understood by local
communities; warning dissemination through community radio services
hmed (2005); Saroar and
Routray (2010)
ew and diversifi ed
quaculture: cage and
integrated approaches
mall-scale fi sh culture in cages on submerged agriculture land; aquaculture
integrated with other livelihood practices
omeroy et al. (2006); Pouliotte
et al. (2009); Khan et al. (2012)
ew and diversifi ed
mbankment cropping Growing different vegetable varieties around heightened shrimp enclosures /coastal
polders for productive use of fallow land
hmed (2010)
New and diversifi ed
Hydroponics Cultivating vegetables and other crops on fl oating gardens Ayers and Forsyth (2009);
hmed (2010); Dev (2013)
C y c l o n e s /
storm surges
Structural / hard Homestead reinforcement Low-cost retrofitting to strengthen existing household structures, especially roofs;
trict implementation of building codes
Sales (2009); Ahmed (2010)
S t r u c t u r a l / s o f t H o m e s t e a d e c o s y s t e m
Plantation of specifi c fruit trees around homestead area Haq et al. (2012)
Structural / hard Underground bunker
Underground bunker established, providing protected storage space for valuable
community assets
Raihan et al. (2010)
Sea level rise
Institutional Risk insurance mechanisms Farmers educated on comprehensive risk insurance, focusing on sea level rise and
coastal agriculture
Khan et al. (2012)
Institutional Integrating climate change
into education
Formal and informal teacher training and curriculum development on climate
change, vulnerability, and risk management
Ahmed (2010)
Institutional Integrated coastal zone
management (ICZM) plan
ICZM plan development at local institutional level, including land and sea use
zoning for ecosystem conservation
Sales (2009)
S t r u c t u r a l / s o f t R e s t o r a t i o n , r e g e n e r a t i o n
and management of coastal
Community-led reforestation and afforestation of mangrove plantations, including
integration of aquaculture and farming to increase household income levels
Rawlani and Sovacool, (2011);
Sovacool et al. (2012)
Institutional Community participation in
local government decision-
Active female participation in local government planning and budgeting processes
to facilitate delivery of priority coastal adaptation needs
Faulkner and Ali (2012)
I n s t i t u t i o n a l /
Improved research and
knowledge management
Establishment of research centers; community-based monitoring of changes in
coastal areas
Sales (2009); Rawlani and
Sovacool (2011)
Table 5-4 | Community-based adaptation measures.
Chapter 5 Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas
cosystems, consideration of non-climatic drivers, involvement of all
relevant stakeholders, easily available and shared data, re-thinking of
existing policy and planning constraints, and adaptation at local/regional
scales (Hadwen et al., 2011). Based on Oxfam’s adaptation programs
in South Asia that include coastal communities, additional principles
presented include a focus on the poor, vulnerable, and marginalized;
community or local ownership; flexible and responsive implementation;
and preparation for future and capacity building at multiple levels
(Sterrett, 2011). An assessment of worldwide case studies indicates the
importance of knowledge transfer of good practice methods for scaling
up adaptation strategies in and between regions and beyond the
national scale (Martinez et al., 2011).
Further principles reported include: Information on efficient adaptation
options alone (as assessed through DA approaches) may not fully serve
the needs of managers and must to be supplemented by financial and
technical assistance as well as boundary organizations that serve as an
interface between science and practice (Tribbia and Moser, 2008). The
adaptation and decision-making processes should be participatory and
inclusive, integrating all relevant stakeholders in a way that is culturally
appropriate (Milligan et al., 2009; Nunn, 2009). The adaptation processes
should foster mutual learning, experimentation, and deliberation among
stakeholders and researchers (Fazey et al., 2010; Kenter et al., 2011).
For example, neither scientific climate knowledge alone nor indigenous
knowledge alone is considered sufficient for coastal adaptation (Sales,
2009; Dodman and Mitlin, 2011; Bormann et al., 2012). Finally, since
coastal systems are complex, diverse, and dynamic, their governance
requires experimentation and learning by doing (Jentoft, 2007).
In summary, a wealth of adaptation activities can now be observed in
the coastal zone that depend on technology, policy, financial, and
institutional support, and are supported by documentation on good
practices (very high confidence). ICZM, with its emphasis on integration,
is likely to remain a major framework for coastal adaptation. While there
is high agreement on adaptation principles, there is to date little systematic
review of and hence limited evidence on why a given principle or
approach is effective in a given context (and not in another), which
emphasizes the need for research to better understand this context
(Section Some of the literature on adaptation practice needs
to be treated with caution, because normative principles that have been
established ex ante are not systematically distinguished from ex post
evaluations of the experiences carried out. Despite the wealth of coastal
adaptation activities, it must, however, be emphasized that meeting the
multiple goals of coastal adaptation, improving governance, accounting
for the most vulnerable populations and sectors and fully integrating
consideration of natural ecosystems is still largely aspirational. Meanwhile,
development continues in high-risk coastal areas, coastal ecosystems
continue to degrade in many regions, coastal freshwater resources are
being overexploited in many highly populated areas, and vulnerability to
coastal disasters grows (e.g., Shipman and Stojanovic, 2007; McFadden,
2008; Jentoft, 2009; Mercer, 2010).
5.5.5. Global Adaptation Costs and Benefits
This section reports on studies that provide internally consistent estimates
of the direct costs of sea level rise impacts and adaptation at global
cales. These studies have used the models FUND and DIVA, which
are described in Section 5.4.1. Studies that use computable general
equilibrium models and growth models to estimate the indirect and
dynamic costs of climate change, including sea level rise, are reviewed
in Chapter 10.
Generally, cost estimates are difficult to compare across studies owing
to differences in scenarios used, impacts and adaptation options
considered, methodologies applied, and baseline conditions assumed.
Global adaptation costs have only been assessed for protection via dikes
and nourishment. Nicholls et al. (2011) estimate annual adaptation cost
in terms of dike construction, dike maintenance, and nourishment to be
US$25 to 270 billion per year in 2100 under a 0.5 to 2.0 m GMSLR for
2005–2100. Anthoff et al. (2010) estimate the net present value of dike
construction costs for 2005–2100 to be US$80 to 120 billion for 0.5 m
GMSLR and US$900 to 1100 billion for a 2 m GMSLR, respectively.
The available global studies show that it is economically rational to
protect large parts of the worlds coastline during the 21st century
against sea level rise impacts of increased coastal flood damage and
land loss (Nicholls and Tol, 2006; Anthoff et al., 2010; Hinkel et al., 2013;
limited evidence, high agreement). For dry land and wetlands loss, the
FUND model shows that cost-benefit analysis would justify protecting
80% of the exposed coast in all but 15 countries under a GMSLR of 20
to 40 cm per century (Nicholls and Tol, 2006). Using the same method,
Nicholls et al. (2008) show that under extreme GMSLR of up to 4 m in
2100, this fraction would drop to 30% to 50%. For coastal flooding, an
application of DIVA shows that, for 21st century GMSLR scenarios of
60 to 126 cm, the global costs of protection through dikes (levees) are
much lower than the costs of damages avoided through adaptation
(Hinkel et al., 2013).
At the same time, costs and benefits of sea level rise impacts and
adaptation vary strongly between regions and countries with some
developing countries and small islands reaching limits of adaption or
not being able to bear the costs of impacts and adaptation (limited
evidence, high agreement) (Section The cost of 1 m of GMSLR
in 2100 (considering land loss due to submergence and protection costs)
is projected to be above 1% of national GDP for Micronesia, Palau, the
Bahamas, and Mozambique (Anthoff et al., 2010). For coastal flooding,
annual damage and protection costs are projected to amount to several
percentages of the national GDP for small island states such as Kiribati,
the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and Tuvalu under GMSLR projections of
0.6 to 1.3 m by 2100 (Hinkel et al., 2013). Further substantial costs arise,
particularly for developing countries owing to their current adaptation
deficit (i.e., coastal defenses are not adapted to the current climate
variability), which is not well understood and requires further analysis
(Parry et al., 2009). For example, the adaption deficit of Africa with
regard to coastal flooding is estimated at US$300 billion (Hinkel et al.,
2011) and that of Bangladesh with respect to cyclones at US$25 billion
(World Bank, 2011).
Several methodological gaps remain. As there are so few studies on the
costs and benefits of sea level rise at a global level, uncertainties are largely
unknown and the need for further research is great. The socioeconomic
drivers, sea level rise scenarios, and impacts considered as well as
damages and losses valued are incomplete. For example, costs of salinity
Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas Chapter 5
ntrusion, land loss due to increased coastal erosion, cost of forced
migration due to permanent inundation, the backwater effect, and the
impact of sea level rise in combination with other drivers on ecosystems
have not been assessed at global scales (Section 5.5.5). Generally for
sea level rise impacts, it is difficult to establish a “no adaptation”
baseline and the choice of the baseline changes damage costs (Yohe et
al., 2011).
Another gap is related to the fact that global studies have focused on
protection via hard structures while many more potentially cheaper or
socially preferable measures are available including “soft” protection,
retreat, and accommodation measures (Section 5.1). Future work needs
to consider trade-offs between all available measures. Hard protection
measures, for example, may incur additional costs on adjacent unprotected
coasts (Brown et al., 2013) or destroy coastal wetlands through coastal
squeeze (Section While the costs of “soft” protection measures
such as ecosystem-based adaptation (EBA) are largely unknown (Linham
and Nicholls, 2010; Engineers Australia, 2012), these may provide
additional benefits in the form of a variety of ecosystem services (Alongi,
2008; IUCN, 2008; Anthony et al., 2009; Vignola et al., 2009; Pérez et
al., 2010; Espinosa-Romero et al., 2011; McGinnis and McGinnis, 2011;
Zeitlin et al., 2012). Finally, it must be noted that protection also further
attracts people and development to the floodplain, which in turn increases
the risk of potential catastrophic consequence in the case of defense
failure. This is particularly true for many coastal cities such as London,
Tokyo, Shanghai, Hamburg, and Rotterdam that already rely heavily on
coastal defenses (Nicholls et al., 2007).
5.5.6. Adaptation Opportunities, Constraints, and Limits
There is a growing recognition of the potential co-benefits and new
opportunities that can be achieved by mainstreaming adaptation with
existing local to national goals and priorities (Section 14.3.4). DRR and
adaptation share the common goals of reducing vulnerability against
impacts of extreme events while creating strategies that limit risk from
hazards (IPCC, 2012). This is especially true in coastal areas where extreme
flooding events due to severe storm surges are one of the main sources
of hazard. Besides, integrating adaptation with national and local
planning can also contribute to building resilience in coastal areas.
EBA is considered to be an emerging adaptation opportunity (Munroe
et al. 2011) (Section 16.6, Box CC-EA). In coastal areas, the conservation
or restoration of habitats (e.g., mangroves, wetlands, and deltas) can
provide effective measures against storm surge, saline intrusion, and
coastal erosion by using their physical characteristics, biodiversity, and
the ecosystem services they provide as a means for adaptation (Borsje
et al., 2011; Jones et al., 2012; Cheong et al., 2013; Duarte et al., 2013b;
see also Section 5.5.7).
Since AR4, a variety of studies have been published providing a better
understanding of the nature of the constraints and limits to adaptation,
both generally (Sections 16.3, 16.4) and more specifically in the coastal
sector (e.g., Ledoux et al., 2005; Moser et al., 2008; Tribbia and Moser,
2008; Bedsworth and Hanak, 2010; Frazier et al., 2010; Saroar and
Routray, 2010; Mozumber et al., 2011; Storbjörk and Hedrén, 2011; Lata
and Nunn, 2012).
onstraints specific to coastal adaptation are polarized views in the
community regarding the risk of sea level rise and concerns regarding
the fairness of retreat schemes in Australia (Ryan et al., 2011); lack of
awareness of sea level rise risks and spiritual beliefs in Fiji (Lata and
Nunn, 2012); insufficient budget for the development of adaptation
policies and other currently pressing issues in the USA (Tribbia and Moser,
2008; Mozumber et al., 2011); distinct preferences for retreat options
depending on several social and exposure conditions in Bangladesh (Saroar
and Routray, 2010); and the need to provide compensatory habitats
under the Habitats Regulations and lack of local public support in the
UK (Ledoux et al., 2005). Other relevant constraints include the lack of
locally relevant information, resource tenure, and political will, especially
critical in developing countries (robust evidence, high agreement).
Besides, a gap exists between the useful climate information provided
by scientists and the one demanded by decision makers.
Different constraints typically do not act in isolation, but in interacting
bundles (robust evidence, high agreement). Therefore it is difficult to predict
which constraints matter most in any specific context but instead multiple
constraints need to be addressed if adaptation is to move successfully
through the different stages of the management process (Moser and
Ekstrom, 2010; Londsdale et al., 2010; Storbjörk, 2010; medium evidence,
high agreement). Besides, some factors can act as enablers and add to
the adaptation capacity, while acting as constraints for others (Burch,
2010; Storbjörk, 2010; medium evidence, high agreement).
Finally, a common concern emerging from the literature reviews
(Biesbroek et al., 2010; Ekstrom et al., 2011) is that some critical
constraints arise from the interactions across policy domains, existing
laws and regulations, and long-term impacts of past decisions and
policies (low evidence, high agreement).
A limit is reached when adaptation efforts are unable to provide an
acceptable level of security from risks to existing objectives and values
and prevent the loss of key attributes, components, or services of an
ecosystem (Box 16-1; Sections 16.2, 16.5) and may arise as a result of
most of the constraints described above.
Regarding coastal areas, it is widely recognized that biophysical
limitations arise, for example, in small island developing states where
adaptation through retreat to increasing impact of sea level rise in
conjunction with storm surges and flooding is not an option due to limited
high land availability, creating a temporary and eventually permanent
human displacement from low-lying areas (Pelling and Uitto, 2001;
medium evidence, high agreement). Nicholls et al. (2011) show that
only a limited number of adaptation options are available for specific
coastal areas if sea level exceeds a certain threshold (1 m) at the end
of the century.
Regarding natural (unassisted) adaptation, several researchers have
examined biophysical limits, for example, of coastal marshes (Craft et
al., 2009; Langley et al., 2009; Mudd et al., 2009; Kirwan et al., 2010),
and found that under certain nonlinear feedbacks among inundation,
plant growth, organic matter accretion, and sediment deposition coastal
wetlands can adapt to conservative rates of sea level rise (SRES A1B) if
suspended sediment surpasses a certain threshold. In contrast, even
coastal marshes with high sediment supplies will submerge near the
Chapter 5 Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas
nd of the 21st century under scenarios of more rapid sea level rise
(e.g., those that include ice sheet melting).
Increased ocean acidification is expected to limit adaptation of coral
reefs to climate change (Boxes CC-OA and CC-CR).
.5.7. Synergies and Trade-offs
between Mitigation and Adaptation
Klein et al. (2007, p. 749) defined trade-offs between mitigation and
adaptation as the “balancing of adaptation and mitigation when it is not
possible to carry out both activities fully at the same time (e.g., due to
financial or other constraints). Successful adaptive coastal management
of climate risks will involve assessing and minimizing potential trade-
offs with other non-climate policy goals (e.g., economic development,
enhancement of coastal tourism) and interactions between adaptation
and mitigation (e.g., Brown et al., 2002; Tol, 2007; Barbier et al., 2008;
Bunce et al., 2010).
Adaptation will be the predominant approach to reducing climate risks
to coastal communities, populations, resources, and activities over the
21st century as large increases in sea level rise cannot be ruled out (WGI
AR5 Section 13.5.2) and because of the time lag between emissions
reductions, temperature changes, and impacts on global sea levels
(Nicholls et al., 2007, 2011; see also Section 5.5.7). Still, positive synergies
and complementarities between mitigation and adaptation in the
coastal sector exist.
Since AR4, a series of studies have pointed out that marine vegetated
habitats (seagrasses, salt marshes, macroalgae, or mangroves)
contribute to almost 50% of the total organic carbon burial in ocean
sediments leading to the so-called Blue Carbon (coastal carbon stocks)
strategies (Nellemann et al., 2009; McLeod et al., 2011; Duarte et al.,
2013b). These strategies aim at exploring and implementing the
necessary mechanisms allowing Blue Carbon to become part of emission
and mitigation protocols along with other carbon-binding ecosystems
such as rainforests (Nellemann et al., 2009). Besides, marine vegetated
habitats provide additional functions including the buffering of impacts
against storm surges and waves, soil preservation, raising the seafloor,
and shelter for fish nursery or habitat protection (Alongi, 2002; Kennedy
and Björk, 2009; Duarte et al., 2013b). Consequently, restoration or
ecosystem engineering of marine vegetated areas can be considered as
a good example of positive synergies between adaptation and mitigation
in coastal areas (Borsje et al., 2011; Jones et al., 2012; Duarte et al.,
2013b) and should be further explored to be considered as a valid
alternative in the portfolio of measures for climate change mitigation and
adaptation. Only recently results have been presented on the role of a
1700 ha seagrass restoration in carbon storage in sediments of shallow
coastal ecosystems in Virginia (USA). Restored seagrass meadows are
expected to accumulate carbon at a rate comparable to ranges measured
in natural seagrass meadows within 12 years of seeding, providing an
estimated social cost of US$4.10 ha
(Greiner et al., 2013).
Many coastal zone-based activities and various coastal management
strategies involve emissions of GHGs. Reduction or cessation of some of
them may have positive implications for both mitigation and adaptation.
imiting offshore oil production may imply a net reduction in GHG
emissions depending on what form of energy replaces it, but also a
reduced risk of oil spills, a reduction of stresses on the marine/coastal
ecosystems, and variable socioeconomic impacts on human communities
and public health (O’Rourke and Connolly, 2003). This may result in
reduced vulnerability or increased resilience and consequently could
prove positive for adaptation. However, this measure would increase
the vulnerability of countries whose economies are highly dependent
on oil extraction.
Some coastal adaptation options may have potentially negative
implications on mitigation. Relocation of infrastructure and development
out of the coastal floodplains (retreat) will imply increase in one-time
GHG emissions due to rebuilding of structures and possible increase in
low-density urban development and ongoing transportation-related
emissions (Biesbroek et al., 2010). The building or upgrading of coastal
protection structures or ports will also imply an increased energy use
and GHG emissions related to construction (e.g., cement production)
(Boden et al., 2011).
Similarly, actions beneficial for mitigation may result in potential
negative impacts for adaptation. A more compact coastal urban design,
increasing development in floodplains (Giridharan et al., 2007), or the
development of marine renewable energy (Boehlert and Gill, 2010) may
introduce additional drivers on coastal systems reducing coastal
resilience and adaptive capacity.
5.5.8. Long-Term Commitment
to Sea Level Rise and Adaptation
In AR4, both WGI and WGII highlighted the long-term commitment to
sea level rise (Meehl et al., 2007; Nicholls et al., 2007), which means
that sea levels will continue to rise for centuries due to global warming
until reaching equilibrium conditions even if climate forcing is stabilized,
because there is a delay in the response of sea level rise to global warming
(WGI AR5 Section13.4.1). WGI AR5 has now assessed GMSLR until 2500
and this shows that even with aggressive mitigation measures (RCP2.6),
sea level continues to rise after 2100 (Table 5-1; see also WGI AR5
Sections 13.5.1, 13.5.4). With more moderate (RCP4.5.) and little (RCP8.5)
mitigation, larger ongoing increases in sea level are expected, lasting
for several centuries. Note that the ranges given after 2100 are only
model spread and not likely ranges. Looking beyond 2500, Levermann
et al. (2013) project that GMSL will rise on average by about 2.3 m per
degree Celsius of global warming within the next 2000 years. Under
present levels of global warming, this means that we have already
committed to a long-term sea level rise of 1.3 m above current levels
(Strauss, 2013). For other climate-related drivers, responses to global
warming levels are more immediate. For ocean acidification, for example,
pH rise would cease several decades after strict CO
emission reductions
begin (Bernie et al. 2010; see also Section 19.7.1).
This long-term commitment to sea level rise means that there is also a
long-term commitment to sea level rise impacts and adaptation. Few
studies have considered this and, from a methodological point of view,
it is difficult to look at socioeconomic conditions and human responses
on such large temporal scales. A limited number of studies have estimated
Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas Chapter 5
he effects of mitigation on coastal impacts on human settlements and
adaptation for the 21st century (Section These studies show
that despite the delayed response of sea level rise to global warming,
mitigation can reduce impacts significantly already during the 21st
century. These studies also show that for most urban areas, coastal
protection is cost-efficient in reducing impacts during the 21st century
(Section 5.5.5). Past and current adaptation practice also confirms this:
cities such as Tokyo and Shanghai have protected themselves against
local sea level rise of several meters during the 20th century and the
Dutch and UK governments have decided that they can protect urban
Netherlands and London against 21st century sea level rise above 1 m
(Section 5.5.4). Not protecting cities such as Amsterdam, Rotterdam,
and London during the 21st century is not an option. On the other hand,
there are coastal areas such as small islands where protecting against
several meters of sea level rise in the long term is not a viable option.
Failing to mitigate, thus increasingly commits us to a world where
densely populated areas lock into a trajectory of increasingly costly hard
defenses and rising residual risks on the one hand and less densely
populated areas being abandoned on the other hand. Mitigation thus
plays, in the long term, a very important role in avoiding climate change
impacts in coastal areas by reducing the rate of sea level rise and
providing more time for long-term strategic adaptation measures to be
adopted. However, even if anthropogenic CO
emissions were reduced to
zero, sea levels would continue to rise for centuries, making adaptation
in coastal areas inevitable.
5.6. Information Gaps, Data Gaps,
and Research Needs
This chapter has updated knowledge on the impacts of climate change
on the coastal systems not in isolation but also from the perspective of
overexploitation and degradation that have been responsible for most
of the historical changes. There is a better understanding of the varying
impacts of weather and climate extremes and long-term sea level rise
on human systems.
That sea levels will rise is a confident projection of climate science but
uncertainties around the magnitude of future sea level rise remain large.
The rates and magnitude of sea level rise are summarized in Table 5-1
but, under present levels of global warming, we are already committed
to 1.3 m future sea level rise above current levels (Section 5.5.8). However,
many sea level rise assessments are not provided at spatial or temporal
scales most relevant for decision makers who require information on
baseline conditions and projections of change (Kettle, 2012) of RSLR (i.e.,
including local subsidence) for vulnerability assessment and adaptation
Generally, quantitative predictions of future coastal change remain
difficult despite the application of improvements in technology—for
example, aerial photographs, satellite imagery, Light Detection And
Ranging (LiDAR; Sesil et al., 2009; Revell et al., 2011; Pe’eri and Long,
2012)—to investigate and characterize large-scale shoreline changes.
There is incomplete understanding of coastal changes over the decade
and century time scales (Woodroffe and Murray-Wallace, 2012). Shoreline
response is more complex than simple submergence because of factors
such as sediment supply, mobilization and storage, offshore geology,
ngineering structures, and wave forcing (Ashton et al., 2011). The
projection of the future impacts of climate change on natural systems
is often hampered by the lack of sufficiently detailed data at the required
levels of space and time. Although observations have been made on
impacts on beaches, rocky coasts, wetlands, coastal aquifers, delta areas,
or river mouths by multi-drivers of climate and human-induced origin, there
is still an incomplete understanding of the relative role played by each of
these drivers and, especially of their combined effect. Uncertainties are
even higher when it comes to the evaluation of projected impacts.
For coastal ecosystems, more work needs to be done to develop predictive
models based on findings from multi-stressor experiments, both in the
field and in the laboratory. Reliable predictions require information on
multifactorial experiments performed on communities (preferably in the
field), and on time scales of months to years in order to take into
consideration the processes of biological acclimation and adaptation.
Although sea level is projected to rise in the future, there are significant
gaps in vulnerability assessment of other specific coastal impacts. For
example, the modeling of diseases that could affect coastal areas is
based mainly on the mean values of climate. Also, despite tourism being
one of the most important industries in the coastal areas, not enough
is known about tourists’ reactions to projected climatic change (Moreno
and Amelung, 2009b) or required adaptation measures for port facilities
(UNCTAD, 2009).
A wide range of coastal management frameworks and measures is
available and used in coastal adaptation to climate change, and the scope
for their integration has increased by combining scenarios of climate
change and socioeconomic conditions and risk assessment (Kirshen et
al., 2012). While various adaptation measures are available, at the local
level, there remains insufficient information on assessment of adaptation
options, particularly in developing countries.
Data and knowledge gaps exist or their reliability is insufficient. Despite
the availability of potentially useful climate information, a gap exists
between what is useful information for scientists and for decision makers.
For example, at the project level, engineers may have difficulties to “plug
in” climate projections presented by scientists. The proposed actions to
improve usability include varying levels of interaction, customization,
value-adding, retailing, and wholesaling (Lemos et al., 2012) so that
data and methods can be more openly accessible to fellow scientists,
users, and the public (Kleiner, 2011).
Coastal systems are affected by human and climate drivers and there
are also complex interactions between the two. In general, certain
components of coastal systems are sensitive and attributable to climate
drivers while others are not clearly discernible. For example, data are
available on the range shift in coastal plant and animal species and the
role of higher temperatures on coral bleaching (see Box CC-CR).
However, in many cases in the human systems, the detectable changes
can be largely attributed to human drivers (Section 5.3.4). Reducing our
knowledge gaps on the understanding of the processes inducing
changes would help to respond to them more efficiently.
The economics of coastal adaptation are under-researched. More
comprehensive assessments of valuation of coastal ecosystem services,
Chapter 5 Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas
daptation costs, and benefits that simultaneously consider both the
gradual impact of land loss due to sea level rise and the stochastic
impacts of extreme water levels (storm surges, cyclones) are needed,
as well as other impacts such as saltwater intrusion, wetlands loss and
change, and backwater effects. Assessments should also consider a
more comprehensive range of adaptation options and strategies,
including “soft” protection, accommodation, and retreat options as well
as the trade-offs between these.
Governance of coastal adaptation and the role of institutions in the
transition toward sustainable coasts are under-researched. While
institutional factors are recognized to be decisive in constraining and
enabling coastal adaptation, most work remains descriptive. There is a
great need for dedicated social science research aimed at understanding
institutional change and which institutional arrangements are effective
in which socioeconomic and biophysical contexts (Kay, 2012; see also
Sections 5.5.3, 5.5.4).
Developing a coastal adaptation knowledge network between scientists,
policymakers, stakeholders, and the general public could be considered
a priority area for large coastal areas or regional areas affected by
climate change and sea level rise. This is well developed in the USA,
European Union, the Mediterranean, and Australia but less so in the
developing countries, except in certain regions, for example, Caribbean
islands and the Pacific Islands.
Future research needs for coastal adaptation are identified by several
developments in climate science. Based on the Li et al. (2011) survey of
the foci of climate research in the 21st century, the implications for coasts
would be on biodiversity and flooding. Future technological advances
may be significant—for example, new forms of energy and food
production and information and communication technology (ICT) for risk
monitoring (Delta Commission, 2008; Campbell et al., 2009; Zevenbergen
et al., 2013)—and these would be useful for flood risks and food
production in deltas and coastal systems (aquaculture).
With recent adverse climatic and environmental events on coasts,
adaptation demands different decision regimes (Kiker et al., 2010) but
adaptation, mitigation, and avoidance measures still require integrating
research that includes natural and social sciences (CCSP, 2009). Although
many gaps still remain, there is nevertheless a greater foundation of
climate change research on coasts across a wide range of fields
(Grieneisen and Zhang, 2011) upon which scientists, policymakers, and
the public may find improved solutions for coastal adaptation.
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