Foundations for Decision Making Chapter 2
ecision-making processes need to accommodate both specialist and
non-specialist meanings of the concepts they apply. Various disciplines
often have different definitions for the same terms or use different terms
for the same action or object, which is a major barrier for communication
and decision making (Adger, 2003; see also Chapter 21). For example,
adaptation is defined differently with respect to biological evolution,
climate change, and social adaptation. Budescu et al. (2012) found that
people prefer imprecise wording but precise numbers when appropriate.
Personal lexicons vary widely, leading to differing interpretations of
uncertainty terms (Morgan et al., 1990); in the IPCC’s case leading to
uncertainty ranges often being interpreted differently than intended
(Patt and Schrag, 2003; Patt and Dessai, 2005; Budescu et al., 2012).
Addressing both technical and everyday meanings of key terms can help
bridge the analytic and emotive aspects of cognition. For example,
words like danger, disaster, uncertainty, and catastrophe have technical
and emotive aspects (Britton, 1986; Carvalho and Burgess, 2005). Terms
where this issue is especially pertinent include adaptation, vulnerability,
risk, dangerous, catastrophe, resilience, and disaster. Other words have
definitional issues because they contain different epistemological frames;
sustainability and risk are key examples (Harding, 2006; Hamilton et al.,
2007). Many authors advocate that narrow definitions focused solely
on climate need to be expanded to suit the context in which they are
being used (Huq and Reid, 2004; O’Brien et al., 2007; Schipper, 2007).
This is a key role for risk communication, ensuring that different types
of knowledge are integrated within decision context and outlining the
different values—implicit and explicit—involved in the decision process
(e.g., Morgan, 2002; Lundgren and McMakin, 2013).
The language of risk has a crucial role in framing and belief. Section
2.1.2 described over-arching and climate-specific definitions but risk
enters into almost every aspect of social discourse, so is relevant to how
risk is framed and communicated (e.g., Hansson, 2004). Meanings of
risk range from its ordinary use in everyday language to power and
political discourse, health, emergency, disaster, and seeking benefits,
ranging from specific local meanings to broad-ranging concepts such
as the risk society (Beck and Ritter, 1992; Beck, 2000; Giddens, 2000).
Complex framings in the word risk (Fillmore and Atkins, 1992; Hamilton
et al., 2007) feature in general English as both a noun and a verb,
reflecting harm and chance with negative and positive senses (Fillmore
and Atkins, 1992). Problem analysis applies risk as a noun (at-risk),
whereas risk management applies risk as a verb (to-risk) (Jones, 2011).
For simple risks, this transition is straightforward because of agreement
around values and agency (Figure 2-2). In complex situations, risk as a
problem and as an opportunity can compete with each other, and if
socially amplified can lead to action paralysis (Renn, 2011). For example,
unfamiliar adaptation options that seem to be risky themselves will force
a comparison between the risk of maladaptation and future climate risks,
echoing the risk trap where problems and solutions come into conflict
(Beck, 2000). Fear-based dialogs in certain circumstances can cause
disengagement (O’Neill and Nicholson-Cole, 2009), by emphasizing risk
aversion. Young (2013) proposes framing adaptation as a solution to
overcome the limitations of framing through the problem, and links it to
innovation, which provides established pathways for the implementation
of actions, proposing a problem-solution framework linking decision
making to action. Framing decisions and modeling actions on positive risk-
seeking behavior can help people to address uncertainty as opportunity
(e.g., Keeney, 1992).
arratives are accounts of events with temporal or causal coherence
that may be goal directed (László and Ehmann, 2012) and play a key
role in communication, learning, and understanding. They operate at
the personal to societal scales, are key determinants of framing, and
have a strong role in creating social legitimacy. Narratives can also be
non-verbal: visualization, kinetic learning by doing, and other sensory
applications can be used to communicate science and art and to enable
learning through play (Perlovsky, 2009; Radford, 2009). Narratives of
climate change have evolved over time and invariably represent
uncertainty and risk (Hamblyn, 2009) being characterized as tools for
analysis, communication, and engagement (Cohen, 2011; Jones et al.,
2013; Westerhoff and Robinson, 2013) by:
• Providing a social and environmental context to modelled futures
(Arnell et al., 2004; Kriegler et al., 2012; O’Neill et al., 2014), by
describing aspects of change that drive or shape those futures as
part of scenario construction (Cork et al., 2012).
• Communicating knowledge and ideas to increase understanding
and increase agency framing it in ways so that actions can be
implemented (Juhola et al., 2011) or provide a broader socio-
ecological context to specific knowledge (Burley et al., 2012). These
narratives bridge the route between scientific knowledge and local
understandings of adaptation, often by working with multiple
actors in order to creatively explore and develop collaborative
potential solutions (Turner and Clifton, 2009; Paton and Fairbairn-
Dunlop, 2010; Tschakert and Dietrich, 2010).
• Exploring responses at an individual/institutional level to an aspect
of adaptation, and communicating that experience with others
(Bravo, 2009; Cohen, 2011). For example, a community that believes
itself to be resilient and self-reliant is more likely to respond
proactively, contrasted to a community that believes itself to be
vulnerable (Farbotko and Lazrus, 2012). Bravo (2009) maintains that
narratives of catastrophic risk and vulnerability demotivate
indigenous peoples whereas narratives combining scientific
knowledge and active citizenship promote resilience (Section2.5.2). Ethics
Climate ethics can be used to formalize objectives, values (Section, rights, and needs into decisions, decision-making processes,
and actions (see also Section 16.7). Principal ethical concerns include
intergenerational equity; distributional issues; the role of uncertainty in
allocating fairness or equity; economic and policy decisions; international
justice and law; voluntary and involuntary levels of risk; cross-cultural
relations; and human relationships with nature, technology, and the
sociocultural world. Climate change ethics have been developing over
the last 20 years (Jamieson, 1992, 1996; Gardiner, 2004; Gardiner et al.,
2010), resulting in a substantial literature (Garvey, 2008; Harris, 2010;
O’Brien et al., 2010; Arnold, 2011; Brown, 2012; Thompson and Bendik-
Keymer, 2012). Equity, inequity, and responsibility are fundamental
concepts in the UNFCCC (UN, 1992) and therefore are important
considerations in policy development for CIAV. Climate ethics examine
effective responsible and “moral” decision making and action, not only
by governments but also by individuals (Garvey, 2008).
An important discourse on equity is that industrialized countries have,
through their historical emissions, created a natural debt (Green and