Central and South America
Coordinating Lead Authors:
Graciela O. Magrin (Argentina), José A. Marengo (Brazil)
Lead Authors:
Jean-Phillipe Boulanger (France), Marcos S. Buckeridge (Brazil), Edwin Castellanos
(Guatemala), Germán Poveda (Colombia), Fabio R. Scarano (Brazil), Sebastián Vicuña (Chile)
Contributing Authors:
Eric Alfaro (Costa Rica), Fabien Anthelme (France), Jonathan Barton (UK), Nina Becker
(Germany), Arnaud Bertrand (France), Ulisses Confalonieri (Brazil), Amanda Pereira de Souza
(Brazil), Carlos Demiguel (Spain), Bernard Francou (France), Rene Garreaud (Chile),
Iñigo Losada (Spain), Melanie McField (USA), Carlos Nobre (Brazil), Patricia Romero Lankao
(Mexico), Paulo Saldiva (Brazil), Jose Luis Samaniego (Mexico), María Travasso (Argentina),
Ernesto Viglizzo (Argentina), Alicia Villamizar (Venezuela)
Review Editors:
Leonidas Osvaldo Girardin (Argentina), Jean Pierre Ometto (Brazil)
Volunteer Chapter Scientist:
Nina Becker (Germany)
This chapter should be cited as:
, G.O., J.A. Marengo, J.-P. Boulanger, M.S. Buckeridge, E. Castellanos, G. Poveda, F.R. Scarano, and S. Vicuña,
2014: Central and South America. In: Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part B:
Regional Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change [Barros, V.R., C.B. Field, D.J. Dokken, M.D. Mastrandrea, K.J. Mach, T.E. Bilir, M. Chatterjee,
K.L. Ebi, Y.O. Estrada, R.C. Genova, B. Girma, E.S. Kissel, A.N. Levy, S. MacCracken, P.R. Mastrandrea, and L.L. White
(eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp. 1499-1566.
Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 1502
27.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 1504
27.1.1. The Central and South America Region .......................................................................................................................................... 1504
27.1.2. Summary of the Fourth Assessment Report and IPCC Special Report on Managing the Risks of
Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation Findings ............................................................................ 1504 Fourth Assessment Report Findings ................................................................................................................................. 1504 IPCC Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters
to Advance Climate Change Adaptation Findings ............................................................................................................ 1504
27.2. Major Recent Changes and Projections in the Region ......................................................................................... 1506
27.2.1. Climatic Stressors ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1506 Climate Trends, Long-Term Changes in Variability, and Extremes .................................................................................... 1506
Box 27-1. Extreme Events, Climate Change Perceptions, and Adaptive Capacity in Central America ........................... 1508 Climate Projections ......................................................................................................................................................... 1510
27.2.2. Non-Climatic Stressors .................................................................................................................................................................... 1513 Trends and Projections in Land Use and Land Use Change ............................................................................................. 1513 Trends and Projections in Socioeconomic Conditions ...................................................................................................... 1515
27.3. Impacts, Vulnerabilities, and Adaptation Practices ............................................................................................... 1516
27.3.1. Freshwater Resources ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1516 Observed and Projected Impacts and Vulnerabilities ....................................................................................................... 1516 Adaptation Practices ....................................................................................................................................................... 1521
27.3.2. Terrestrial and Inland Water Systems .............................................................................................................................................. 1522 Observed and Projected Impacts and Vulnerabilities ....................................................................................................... 1522 Adaptation Practices ....................................................................................................................................................... 1523
27.3.3. Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas ............................................................................................................................................ 1524 Observed and Projected Impacts and Vulnerabilities ....................................................................................................... 1524 Adaptation Practices ....................................................................................................................................................... 1526
27.3.4. Food Production Systems and Food Security ................................................................................................................................... 1527 Observed and Projected Impacts and Vulnerabilities ....................................................................................................... 1527 Adaptation Practices ....................................................................................................................................................... 1530
27.3.5. Human Settlements, Industry, and Infrastructure ............................................................................................................................ 1530 Observed and Projected Impacts and Vulnerabilities ....................................................................................................... 1530
Box 27-2. Vulnerability of South American Megacities to Climate Change:
The Case of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo ....................................................................................... 1532 Adaptation Practices ....................................................................................................................................................... 1533
Table of Contents
Central and South America Chapter 27
27.3.6. Renewable Energy .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1533 Observed and Projected Impacts and Vulnerabilities ....................................................................................................... 1533 Adaptation Practices ....................................................................................................................................................... 1534
27.3.7. Human Health ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1535 Observed and Projected Impacts and Vulnerabilities ....................................................................................................... 1535 Adaptation Strategies and Practices ................................................................................................................................ 1537
27.4. Adaptation Opportunities, Constraints, and Limits .............................................................................................. 1537
27.4.1. Adaptation Needs and Gaps ........................................................................................................................................................... 1537
27.4.2. Practical Experiences of Autonomous and Planned Adaptation, Including Lessons Learned ........................................................... 1538
27.4.3. Observed and Expected Barriers to Adaptation .............................................................................................................................. 1539
27.5. Interactions between Adaptation and Mitigation ................................................................................................ 1539
27.6. Case Studies .......................................................................................................................................................... 1540
27.6.1. Hydropower .................................................................................................................................................................................... 1540
27.6.2. Payment for Ecosystem Services ..................................................................................................................................................... 1540
27.7. Data and Research Gaps ....................................................................................................................................... 1541
27.8. Conclusions ........................................................................................................................................................... 1542
References ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1545
Frequently Asked Questions
27.1: What is the impact of glacier retreat on natural and human systems in the tropical Andes? ......................................................... 1522
27.2: Can payment for ecosystem services be used as an effective way for helping local communities to adapt to climate change? ..... 1526
27.3: Are there emerging and reemerging human diseases as a consequence of climate variability and change in the region? ............ 1536
Chapter 27 Central and South America
Executive Summary
Significant trends in precipitation and temperature have been observed in Central America (CA) and South America (SA) (high
confidence). In addition, changes in climate variability and in extreme events have severely affected the region (medium
Increasing trends in annual rainfall in southeastern South America (SESA; 0.6 mm day
50 yr
during 1950–2008) contrast with
decreasing trends in CA and central-southern Chile (–1 mm day
50 yr
during 1950–2008). Warming has been detected throughout CA and
SA (near 0.7°C to 1°C 40 yr
since the mid-1970s), except for a cooling off the Chilean coast of about –1 °C 40 yr
. Increases in temperature
extremes have been identified in CA and most of tropical and subtropical SA (medium confidence), while more frequent extreme rainfall in
SESA has favored the occurrence of landslides and flash floods (medium confidence). {; Table 27-1; Box 27-1}
Climate projections suggest increases in temperature, and increases or decreases in precipitation for CA and SA by 2100
(medium confidence). In post-Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) climate projections, derived from dynamic downscaling forced by Coupled
Model Intercomparison Project Phase 3 (CMIP3) models for various Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES) scenarios, and from different
global climate models from the CMIP5 for various Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) (4.5 and 8.5), warming varies from +1.6°C to
+4.0°C in CA, and +1.7°C to +6.7°C in SA (medium confidence). Rainfall changes for CA range between –22 and +7% by 2100, while in SA
rainfall varies geographically, most notably showing a reduction of –22% in northeast Brazil, and an increase of +25% in SESA (low confidence).
By 2100 projections show an increase in dry spells in tropical SA east of the Andes, and in warm days and nights in most of SA (medium
confidence). {; Table 27-2}
Changes in streamflow and water availability have been observed and projected to continue in the future in CA and SA, affecting
already vulnerable regions (high confidence). The Andean cryosphere is retreating, affecting the seasonal distribution of streamflows
(high confidence). {Table 27-3} Increasing runoffs in the La Plata River basin and decreasing ones in the Central Andes (Chile, Argentina) and in
CA in the second half of the 20th century were associated with changes in precipitation (high confidence). Risk of water supply shortages will
increase owing to precipitation reductions and evapotranspiration increases in semi-arid regions (high confidence) {Table 27-4}, thus affecting
water supply for cities (high confidence) {, 27.3.5}, hydropower generation (high confidence) {27.3.6, 27.6.1}, and agriculture.
{} Current practices to reduce the mismatch between water supply and demand could be used to reduce future vulnerability (medium
confidence). Ongoing constitutional and legal reforms toward more efficient and effective water resources management and coordination
constitute another adaptation strategy (medium confidence). {}
Land use change contributes significantly to environmental degradation, exacerbating the negative impacts of climate change
(high confidence). Deforestation and land degradation are attributed mainly to increased extensive and intensive agriculture. The agricultural
expansion, in some regions associated with increases in precipitation, has affected fragile ecosystems, such as the edges of the Amazon forest
and the tropical Andes. Even though deforestation rates in the Amazon have decreased substantially since 2004 to a value of 4,656 km
2012, other regions such as the Cerrado still present high levels of deforestation, with average rates as high as 14,179 km
for the period
2002–2008. {}
Conversion of natural ecosystems is the main cause of biodiversity and ecosystem loss in the region, and is a driver of
anthropogenic climate change (high confidence). Climate change is expected to increase the rates of species extinction (medium
For instance, vertebrate species turnover until 2100 will be as high as 90% in specific areas of CA and the Andes Mountains. In
Brazil, distribution of some groups of birds and plants will be dislocated southward, where there are fewer natural habitats remaining. However,
CA and SA have still large extensions of natural vegetation cover for which the Amazon is the main example. {} Ecosystem-based
adaptation practices are increasingly common across the region, such as the effective management and establishment of protected areas,
conservation agreements, and community management of natural areas. {}
Socioeconomic conditions have improved since AR4; however, there is still a high and persistent level of poverty in most countries,
resulting in high vulnerability and increasing risk to climate variability and change (high confidence).
Poverty levels in most countries
remain high (45% for CA and 30% for SA for year 2010) in spite of the sustained economic growth observed in the last decade. The Human
Development Index varies greatly between countries, from Chile and Argentina with the highest values to Guatemala and Nicaragua with the
Central and South America Chapter 27
lowest values in 2007. The economic inequality translates into inequality in access to water, sanitation, and adequate housing, particularly for
the most vulnerable groups, translating into low adaptive capacities to climate change. {}
Sea level rise (SLR) and human activities on coastal and marine ecosystems pose threats to fish stocks, corals, mangroves,
recreation and tourism, and control of diseases (high confidence). SLR varied from 2 to 7 mm yr
between 1950 and 2008. Frequent
coral bleaching events associated with ocean warming and acidification occur in the Mesoamerican Coral Reef. In CA and SA, the main drivers
of mangrove loss are deforestation and land conversion to agriculture and shrimp ponds. {} Brazilian fisheries’ co-management (a
participatory multi-stakeholder process) is an example of adaptation as it favors a balance between conservation of marine biodiversity, the
improvement of livelihoods, and the cultural survival of traditional populations. {}
Changes in agricultural productivity with consequences for food security associated with climate change are expected to exhibit
large spatial variability (medium confidence).
In SESA, where projections indicate more rainfall, average productivity could be sustained or
increased until the mid-century (medium confidence; SRES: A2, B2). {Table 27-5} In CA, northeast of Brazil, and parts of the Andean region,
increases in temperature and decreases in rainfall could decrease the productivity in the short term (by 2030), threatening the food security of
the poorest population (medium confidence). {Table 27-5} Considering that SA will be a key food-producing region in the future, one of the
challenges will be to increase the food and bioenergy quality and production while maintaining environmental sustainability under climate
change. {} Some adaptation measures include crop, risk, and water use management along with genetic improvement (high confidence).
Renewable energy based on biomass has a potential impact on land use change and deforestation and could be affected by
climate change (medium confidence).
Sugarcane and soy are likely to respond positively to CO
and temperature changes, even with a
decrease in water availability, with an increase in productivity and production (high confidence). The expansion of sugarcane, soy, and oil palm
may have some effect on land use, leading to deforestation in parts of the Amazon and CA, among other regions, and loss of employment in
some countries (medium confidence). {} Advances in second-generation bioethanol from sugarcane and other feedstocks will be
important as a measure of mitigation. {}
Changes in weather and climatic patterns are negatively affecting human health in CA and SA, by increasing morbidity, mortality,
and disabilities (high confidence), and through the emergence of diseases in previously non-endemic areas (high confidence).
With very high confidence, climate-related drivers are associated with respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, vector- and water-borne diseases
(malaria, dengue, yellow fever, leishmaniasis, cholera, and other diarrheal diseases), hantaviruses and rotaviruses, chronic kidney diseases, and
psychological trauma. Air pollution is associated with pregnancy-related outcomes and diabetes, among others. {} Vulnerabilities vary
with geography, age, gender, race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status, and are rising in large cities (very high confidence). {} Climate
change will exacerbate current and future risks to health, given the region’s population growth rates and vulnerabilities in existing health,
water, sanitation and waste collection systems, nutrition, pollution, and food production in poor regions (medium confidence).
In many CA and SA countries, a first step toward adaptation to future climate changes is to reduce the vulnerability to present
Long-term planning and the related human and financial resource needs may be seen as conflicting with the present social deficit in
the welfare of the CA and SA population. Various examples demonstrate possible synergies between development, adaptation, and mitigation
planning, which can help local communities and governments to allocate efficiently available resources in the design of strategies to reduce
vulnerability. However, the generalization of such actions at a continental scale requires that both the CA and SA citizens and governments
address the challenge of building a new governance model, where imperative development needs, vulnerability reduction, and adaptation
strategies to climate stresses will be truly intertwined. {27.3.4, 27.4-5}
Chapter 27 Central and South America
27.1. Introduction
7.1.1. The Central and South America Region
he Central America (CA) and South America (SA) region harbors unique
ecosystems and has the highest biodiversity on the planet and a variety
of eco-climatic gradients. Unfortunately, this natural wealth is threatened
by advancing agricultural frontiers resulting from a rapidly growing
agricultural and cattle production (Grau and Aide, 2008). The region
experienced a steady economic growth, accelerated urbanization, and
important demographic changes in the last decade; poverty and inequality
are decreasing continuously, but at a low pace (ECLAC, 2011c). Adaptive
capacity is improving in part thanks to poverty alleviation and development
initiatives (McGray et al., 2007).
The region has multiple stressors on natural and human systems derived
in part from significant land use changes and exacerbated by climate
variability/climate change. Climate variability at various time scales has
been affecting social and natural systems, and extremes in particular have
affected large regions. In Central and South America, 613 climatological
and hydro-meteorological extreme events occurred in the period 2000–
2013, resulting in 13,883 fatalities, 53.8 million people affected, and
economic losses of US$52.3 billion (www.emdat.be). Land is facing
increasing pressure from competing uses such as cattle ranching, food
production, and bioenergy.
The region is regarded as playing a key role in the future world economy
because countries such as Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Panama, among
others, are rapidly developing and becoming economically important in
the world scenario. The region is bound to be exposed to the pressure
related to increasing land use and industrialization. Therefore, it is
expected to have to deal with increasing emission potentials. Thus,
science-based decision making is thought to be an important tool to
control innovation and development of the countries in the region.
Two other important contrasting features characterize the region: having
the biggest tropical forest of the planet on the one side, and possessing
the largest potential for agricultural expansion and development during
the next decades on the other. This is the case because the large
countries of SA, especially, would have a major role in food and bioenergy
production in the future, as long as policies toward adaptation to global
climate change will be strategically designed. The region is already one
of the top producers and user of bioenergy and this experience will
serve as an example to other developing regions as well as developed
27.1.2. Summary of the Fourth Assessment Report and
IPCC Special Report on Managing the Risks of
Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate
Change Adaptation Findings Fourth Assessment Report Findings
According to the Working Group II contribution to the Fourth Assessment
Report (WGII AR4), Chapter 13 (Latin America), during the last decades
of the 20th century, unusual extreme weather events have been
everely affecting the Latin America (LA) region, contributing greatly
to the strengthening of the vulnerability of human systems to natural
disasters. In addition, increases in precipitation were observed in
southeastern South America (SESA), northwest Peru, and Ecuador; while
decreases were registered in southern Chile, southwest Argentina,
southern Peru, and western CA since 1960. Mean warming was near
0.1ºC per decade. The rate of sea level rise (SLR) has accelerated over
the last 20 years, reaching 2 to 3 mm yr
. The glacier-retreat trend has
intensified, reaching critical conditions in the Andean countries. Rates
of deforestation have been continuously increasing, mainly due to
agricultural expansion, and land degradation has been intensified for
the entire region.
Mean warming for LA at the end of 21st century could reach 1ºC to 4ºC
(SRES B2) or C to 6ºC (SRES A2) (medium confidence; WGII AR4
Chapter 13, p. 583). Rainfall anomalies (positive or negative) will be
larger for the tropical part of LA. The frequency and intensity of weather
and climate extremes is likely to increase (medium confidence).
Future impacts include: “significant species extinctions, mainly in tropical
LA(high confidence); “replacement of tropical forest by savannas, and
semi-arid vegetation by arid vegetation (medium confidence); “increases
in the number of people experiencing water stress” (medium confidence);
“probable reductions in rice yields and possible increases of soy yield
in SESA (WGII AR4 Chapter 13, p. 583); and “increases in crop pests
and diseases” (medium confidence; WGII AR4 Chapter 13, p. 607)—
with “some coastal areas affected by sea level rise, weather and climatic
variability and extremes” (high confidence; WGII AR4 Chapter 13, p.
Some countries have made efforts to adapt to climate change and
variability, for example, through the conservation of key ecosystems
(e.g., biological corridors in Mesoamerica, Amazonia, and Atlantic forest;
compensation for ecosystem services in Costa Rica), the use of early
warning systems and climate forecast (e.g., fisheries in eastern Pacific,
subsistence agriculture in northeast Brazil), and the implementation of
disease surveillance systems (e.g., Colombia) (WGII AR4 Chapter 13, p.
591). However, several constraints such as the lack of basic information,
observation, and monitoring systems; the lack of capacity-building and
appropriate political, institutional, and technological frameworks; low
income; and settlements in vulnerable areas outweigh the effectiveness
of these efforts. IPCC Special Report on Managing the Risks
of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance
Climate Change Adaptation Findings
As reported in Section 3.4 of the IPCC Special Report on Managing
the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change
Adaptation (SREX; IPCC, 2012b), a changing climate leads to changes
in the frequency, intensity, spatial extent, or duration of weather and
climate extremes, and can result in unprecedented extremes. Levels of
confidence in historical changes depend on the availability of high-
quality and homogeneous data and relevant model projections. This
has been a major problem in CA and SA, where a lack of long-term
homogeneous and continuous climate and hydrological records and of
Central and South America Chapter 27
omplete studies on trends has not allowed for an identification of
trends in extremes, particularly in CA.
Recent observational studies and projections from global and regional
models suggest changes in extremes. With medium confidence, increases
in warm days and decreases in cold days, as well as increases on warm
nights and decreases in cold nights, have been identified in CA, northern
SA, northeast Brazil (NEB), SESA, and the west coast of SA. In CA, there
is low confidence that any observed long-term increase in tropical
cyclone activity is robust, after accounting for past changes in observing
capabilities. In other regions, such as Amazonia (insufficient evidence),
inconsistencies among studies and detected trends result in low
confidence of observed rainfall trends. Although it is likely that there has
been an anthropogenic influence on extreme temperature in the region,
there is low confidence in attribution of changes in tropical cyclone
activity to anthropogenic influences.
Projections for the end of the 21st century for differing emissions
scenarios (SRES A2 and A1B) show that for all CA and SA, models
project substantial warming in temperature extremes. It is likely that
ncreases in the frequency and magnitude of warm daily temperature
extremes and decreases in cold extremes will occur in the 21st century
on the global scale. With medium confidence, it is very likely that the
length, frequency, and/or intensity of heat waves will experience a large
increase over most of SA, with a weaker tendency toward increasing in
SESA. With low confidence, the models also project an increase of the
proportion of total rainfall from heavy falls for SESA and the west coast
of SA, while for Amazonia and the rest of SA and CA there are not
consistent signals of change. In some regions, there is low confidence
in projections of changes in fluvial floods. Confidence is low owing to
limited evidence and because the causes of regional changes are complex.
There is medium confidence that droughts will intensify along the 21st
century in some seasons and areas due to reduced precipitation and/or
increased evapotranspiration in Amazonia and NEB.
The character and severity of the impacts from climate extremes
depend not only on the extremes themselves but also on exposure and
vulnerability. These are influenced by a wide range of factors, including
anthropogenic climate change, climate variability, and socioeconomic
Continued next page
Region Variable Reference Period Observed changes
America and
Precipitation in NAMS Englehart and Douglas (2006) 1943 2002 +0.94 mm day
over 58 years
Rainfall onset in NAMS Grantz et al. (2007) 1948 2004 10 to – 20 days over 57 years
Summertime precipitation in NAMS Anderson et al. (2010) 1931 2000 +17.6 mm per century
Rainfall extremes (P95) in NAMS Cavazos et al. (2008) 1961 1998 +1.3% per decade
Cold days and nights in CA and northern SA Donat et al. (2013) 1951 2010 Cold days: –1 day per decade.
Cold nights: –2 days per decade
Warm days and nights in northern SA Donat et al. (2013) 1951 2010 Warm days: +2 to +4 days per decade.
Warm nights: +1 to +3 days per decade
Heavy precipitation (R10) in northern SA Donat et al. (2013) 1951 2010 +1 to +2 days per decade
CDDs in northern SA Donat et al. (2013) 1951 2010 2 days per decade
West coast
of South
Sea surface temperature and air temperatures off coast of Peru and Chile
(15°S 35°S)
Falvey and Garreaud (2009);
Gutiérrez et al. (2011a,b);
Kosaka and Xie (2013)
1960 2010 0.25°C per decade,0.7°C over 11
years for 2002 2012
Temperature, precipitation, cloud cover, and number of rainy days since the mid-
1970s off the coast of Chile (18°S 30°S)
Schulz et al. (2012) 1920 2009 1°C over 40 years,1.6 mm over 40
years, – 2 oktas over 40 years, and – 0.3
day over 40 years
Wet days until 1970, increase after that, reduction in the precipitation rate in
southern Chile (37°S 43°S)
Quintana and Aceituno (2012) 1900 2007 0.34% until 1970 and +0.37% after
Cold days and nights on all SA coast Donat et al. (2013) 1951 2010 Cold days:1 day per decade. Cold
nights:2 days per decade
Warm nights on all SA coast, warm days in the northern coast of SA, warm days
off the coast of Chile
Donat et al. (2013) 1951 2010 Warm nights: – 1 day per decade. Warm
days: +3 days per decade. Warm days: – 1
day per decade
Warm nights on the coast of Chile Dufek et al. (2008) 1961 1990 +5% to +9% over 31 years
Dryness as estimated by the PDSI for most of the west coast of SA (Chile,
Ecuador, northern Chile)
Dai (2011) 1950 2008 2 to – 4 over 50 years
Heavy precipitation (R95) in northern and central Chile Dufek et al. (2008) 1961 1990 45 to – 105 mm over 31 years
Temperature and extreme precipitation in southern Chile Vicuña et al. (2013) 1976 2008 Increase in annual maximum
temperature from +0.5°C to +1.1°C per
decade; change in number of days with
intense rainfall events from – 2.7 to +4.2
days per decade.
Table 27-1 | Regional observed changes in temperature, precipitation, and climate extremes in various sectors of Central America (CA) and South America (SA). Additional
information on changes in observed extremes can be found in the IPCC Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change
Adaptation (SREX; Seneviratne et al., 2012) and the IPCC WGI AR5, Sections 2.4 2.6. (CDDs = consecutive dry days; NAMS = North American Monsoon System; PDSI = Palmer
Drought Severity Index; SAMS = South American Monsoon System; SD = standard deviation.)
Chapter 27 Central and South America
27.2. Major Recent Changes
and Projections in the Region
27.2.1. Climatic Stressors Climate Trends, Long-Term Changes
in Variability, and Extremes
In CA and SA, decadal variability and changes in extremes have been
affecting large sectors of the population, especially those more vulnerable
and exposed to climate hazards. Observed changes in some regions
have been attributed to natural climate variability, while in others they
have been attributed to land use change (e.g., increased urbanization),
meaning that land use change is a result of anthropogenic drivers. Table
27-1 summarizes the observed trends in the region’s climate.
Since around 1950, in CA and the North American Monsoon System
(NAMS), rainfall has been starting increasingly later and has become
more irregular in space and time, while rainfall has been increasing and
the intensity of rainfall has been increasing during the onset season
(see references in Table 27-1). Arias et al. (2012) relate those changes
to decadal rainfall variations in NAMS.
The west coast of SA experienced a prominent but localized coastal
cooling of about 1°C during the past 30 to 50 years extending from
central Peru down to central Chile. This occurs in connection with an
increased upwelling of coastal waters favored by the more intense trade
winds (Falvey and Garreaud, 2009; Narayan et al., 2010; Gutiérrez et
al., 2011a,b; Schulz et al., 2012; Kosaka and Xie, 2013). In the extremely
arid northern coast of Chile, rainfall, temperature, and cloudiness show
strong interannual and decadal variability, and since the mid-1970s,
Continued next page
Region Variable Reference Period Observed changes
ean annual air temperature in southern Brazil Sansigolo and Kayano (2010) 1913 2006 +0.5°C to +0.6°C per decade
requency of cold days and nights, warm days in Argentina and Uruguay Rusticucci and Renom (2008) 1935 2002 1.2% per decade,1% per decade,
+0.2% per decade
ighest annual maximum temperature, lowest annual minimum air temperature
in Argentina and Uruguay
usticucci and Tencer (2008) 1956 2003 +0.8°C over 47 years,
+0.6°C over 47 years
arm nights in Argentina and Uruguay and southern Brazil Rusticucci (2012) 1960 2009 +10 20% over 41 years
arm nights in most of the region Dufek et al. (2008) 1961 1990 +7% to +9% over 31 years
Cold nights in most of the region Dufek et al. (2008) 1961 1990 5% to – 9% over 31 years
Warm days and nights in most of the region Donat et al. (2013) 1951 2010 Warm nights: +3 days per decade.
arm days: +4 days per decade
Cold days and nights in most of the region Donat et al. (2013) 1951 2010 Cold nights:3 days per decade.
old days:3 days per decade
CDDs in the La Plata Basin countries (Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay) and
decrease of CDDs in SA south of 30°S
Dufek et al. (2008) 1961 1990 +15 to +21 days over 31 years,
21 to – 27 days over 31 years
umber of dry months during the warm season (October– March) in the Pampas
region between 25°S and 40°S
arrucand et al. (2007) 1904 2000 From 2 3 months in 1904–1920 to 1 2
months in 1980 2000
oister conditions as estimated by the PDSI in most of southeastern SA Dai (2011) 1950 2008 0 4 PDSI over 50 years
ainfall trends in the Paraná River Basin Dai et al. (2009) 1948 2008 +1.5 mm day
over 50 years
Number of days with precipitation above 10 mm (R10) in most of the region Donat et al. (2013) 1951 2010 +2 days per decade
eavy precipitation (R95) in most of the region Donat et al. (2013) 1951 1910 +1% per decade and – 4 days per decade
Heavy precipitation (R95) in most of the region Dufek et al. (2008) 1961 1990 +45 to +135 mm over 31 years
Heavy precipitation (R95) in the state of São Paulo Dufek and Ambrizzi (2008) 1950 1999 +50 to +75 mm over 40 years
CDDs in the state of São Paulo Dufek and Ambrizzi (2008) 1950 1990 –25 to –50 days over 40 years
Lightning activity varies signifi cantly with change in temperature in the state of
São Paulo
Pinto and Pinto (2008);
Pinto et al. (2013)
1951 2006 +40% per 1°C for daily and monthly
time scales and approximately +30% per
1°C for decadal time scale
Number of days with rainfall above 20 mm in the city of São Paulo Silva Dias et al. (2012);
Marengo et al. (2013)
2005 2011 +5 to +8 days over 11 years
Excess rainfall events duration after 1950 Krepper and Zucarelli (2010) 1901 2003 +21 months over 53 years
Dry events and events of extreme dryness from 1972 to 1996 Vargas et al. (2011) 1972 1996 29 days over 24 years
Number of dry days in Argentina Rivera et al. (2013) 1960 2005 2 to – 4 days per decade
Extreme daily rainfall in La Plata Basin Penalba and Robledo (2010) 1950 2000 +33% to +60% increase in spring,
summer, and autumn,10% to – 25%
decrease in winter
Frequency of heavy rainfall in Argentina, southern Brazil, and Uruguay Re and Barros (2009) 1959 2002 +50 to +150 mm over 43 years
Annual precipitation in the La Plata Basin Doyle and Barros (2011);
Doyle et al. (2012)
1960 2005 +5 mm year
Table 27-1 (continued)
Central and South America Chapter 27
the minimum daily temperature, cloudiness, and precipitation have
decreased. In central Chile, a negative precipitation trend was observed
over the period 1935–1976, and an increase after 1976, while further
south, the negative trend in rainfall that prevailed since the 1950s has
intensified by the end of the 20th century (Quintana and Aceituno,
2012). To the east of the Andes, NEB exhibits large interannual rainfall
variability, with a slight decrease since the 1970s (Marengo et al. 2013a).
Droughts in this region (e.g., 1983, 1987, 1998) have been associated
with El Niño and/or a warmer Tropical North Atlantic Ocean. However,
not all El Niño years result in drought in NEB, as the 2012–2013 drought
occurred during La Niña (Marengo et al., 2013a).
In the La Plata Basin in SESA, various studies have documented interannual
and decadal scale circulation changes that have led to decreases in the
Region Variable Reference Period Observed changes
Mean maximum temperature along the Andes, and increase in the number of
rost days
Marengo et al. (2011b) 1921 2010 +0.10°C to +0.12°C per decade in
921 2010, and +0.23 0.24°C per
decade during 1976 2010; +8 days per
ecade during 1996 2002
Air temperature and changes in precipitation in northern Andes (Colombia,
Villacís (2008) 1961 1990 +0.1°C to +0.22°C per decade,
4% to +4% per decade
emperature and precipitation in northern and central Andes of Peru SENAMHI (2005, 2007,
963 2006 +0.2°C to +0.45°C per decade,
20% to – 30% over 40 years
emperature and precipitation in the southern Andes of Peru SENAMHI (2007, 2009a,b,c,d);
Marengo et al. (2011b)
964 2006 +0.2°C to +0.6°C per decade,
11 to +2 mm per decade
Air temperature and rainfall over Argentinean and Chilean Andes and Patagonia Masiokas et al. (2008);
alvey and Garreaud (2009)
1950 1990 +0.2°C to +0.45°C per decade,
10% to – 12% per decade
Number of days with rainfall above 10 mm (R10) Donat et al. (2013) 1950 2010 3 days per decade
ryness in the Andes between 35.65°S and 39.9°S using the PDSI Christie et al. (2011) 1950 2003 7 PDSI over 53 years
Rainfall decrease in the Mantaro Valley, central Andes of Peru SENAMHI (2009c) 1970 2005 44 mm per decade
ir temperature in Colombian Andes Poveda and Pineda (2009) 1959 2007 +1°C over 20 years
Decadal variability of rainfall in northern and southern Amazonia Marengo et al. (2009b);
Satyamurty et al. (2010)
1920 2008 3 SDs over 30 years in northern
Amazonia and +4 SDs over 30 years in
outhern Amazonia since the mid-1970s
Rainfall in all the region Espinoza et al. (2009a,b) 1975 2003 0.32% over 28 years
Onset of the rainy season in southern Amazonia Butt et al. (2011);
arengo et al. (2011b)
1950 2010 1 month since 1976 2010
Precipitation in the SAMS core region Wang et al. (2012) 1979 2008 +2 mm day
per decade
Onset becomes steadily earlier from 1948 to early 1970s, demise dates have
remained later, and SAMS duration was longer after 1972
Carvalho et al. (2011) 1948 2008 SAMS from 170 days (1948 1972) to
195 days (1972 1982)
Spatially varying trends of heavy precipitation (R95), increase in many areas and
insuffi cient evidence in others
Marengo et al. (2009b) 1961 1990 +100 mm over 31 years in western and
extreme eastern Amazonia
Spatially varying trends in dry spells (CDDs), increase in many areas and
decrease in others
Marengo et al. (2009b, 2010) 1961 1990 +15 mm over 31 years in western
Amazonia,20 mm in southern
Rainfall in most of Amazonia and in western Amazonia Dai et al. (2009); Dai (2011) 1948 2008 +1 mm day
over 50 years,
1.5 mm day
over 50 years
Dryness as estimated by the PDSI in southern Amazonia and moister conditions
in western Amazonia
Dai (2011) 1950 2008 2 to – 4 over 50 years,
+2 to +4 over 50 years
Seasonal mean convection and cloudiness Arias et al. (2011) 1984 2007 +30 W m
over 23 years,
8% over 23 years
Onset of rainy season in southern Amazonia due to land use change Butt et al. (2011) 1970 2010 0.6 days over 30 years
Precipitation in the region Gloor et al. (2013) 1990 2010 20 mm over 21 years
Rainfall trends in interior northeastern Brazil and in northern northeastern Brazil Dai et al. (2009); Dai (2011) 1948 2008 0.3 mm day
over 50 years,
+1.5 mm day
over 50 years
Heavy precipitation (R95) in some areas, and in southern northeastern Brazil Silva and Azevedo (2008) 1970 2006 2 mm over 24 years to +6 mm over
24 years
CDDs in most of southern northeastern Brazil Silva and Azevedo (2008) 1970 2006 0.99 day over 24 years
Total annual precipitation in northern northeastern Brazil Santos and Brito (2007) 1970 2006 +1 to +4 mm year
over 24 years
Spatially varying trends in heavy precipitation (R95) in northern northeastern
Santos and Brito (2007) 1970 2006 0.1 to +5 mm year
over 24 years
Spatially varying trends in heavy precipitation (R95) and CDDs in northern
northeastern Brazil
Santos et al. (2009) 1935 2006 0.4 to +2.5 mm year
over 69 years,
1.5 to +1.5 days year
over 69 years
Dryness in southern northeastern Brazil as estimated by the PDSI, and northern
northeastern Brazil
Dai (2011) 1950 2008 2 to – 4 over 50 years,
0 to +1 over 50 years
Table 27-1 (continued)
Chapter 27 Central and South America
frequency of cold nights in austral summer, as well as to increases
in warm nights and minimum temperatures during the last 40 years.
Simultaneously, a reduction in the number of dry months in the warm
season is found since the mid-1970s, while heavy rain frequency is
increasing in SESA (references in Table 27-1). In SESA, increases in
precipitation are responsible for changes in soil moisture (Collini et al.,
2008; Saulo et al., 2010), and although feedback mechanisms are
present at all scales, the effect on atmospheric circulation is detected
at large scales. Moreover, land use change studies in the Brazilian
southern Amazonia for the last decades showed that the impact on the
hydrological response is time lagged at larger scales (Rodriguez, D.A.
et al., 2010).
In the central Andes, in the Mantaro Valley (Peru), precipitation shows
a strong negative trend, while warming is also detected (SENAMHI,
2007). In the southern Andes of Peru air temperatures have increased
during 1964–2006, but no clear signal on precipitation changes has been
detected (Marengo et al., 2009a). In the northern Andes (Colombia,
Ecuador), changes in temperature and rainfall in 1961–1990 have been
identified by Villacís (2008). In the Patagonia region, Masiokas et al.
(2008) have identified an increase of temperature together with
precipitation reductions during 1912–2002. Vuille et al. (2008a) found
that climate in the tropical Andes has changed significantly over the
past 50 to 60 years. Temperature in the Andes has increased by
approximately 0.1°C per decade, with only 2 of the last 20 years being
below the 1961–1990 average. Precipitation has slightly increased in
the second half of the 20th century in the inner tropics and decreased
in the outer tropics. The general pattern of moistening in the inner
tropics and drying in the subtropical Andes is dynamically consistent
with observed changes in the large-scale circulation, suggesting a
strengthening of the tropical atmospheric circulation. Moreover, a
positive significant trend in mean temperature of 0.09°C per decade
during 1965–2007 has been detected over the Peruvian Andes by
Lavado et al. (2012).
Box 27-1 | Extreme Events, Climate Change Perceptions, and Adaptive Capacity in Central America
Central America (CA) has traditionally been characterized as a region with high exposure to geo-climatic hazards derived from its
location and topography and with high vulnerability of its human settlements (ECLAC, 2010c). It has also been identified as the most
responsive tropical region to climate change (Giorgi, 2006). Evidence for this has been accumulating particularly in the last 30 years,
with a steady increase in extreme events including storms, floods, and droughts. In the period 2000–2009, 39 hurricanes occurred in
the Caribbean basin compared to 15 and 9 in the 1980s and 1990s, respectively (UNEP and ECLAC, 2010). The impacts of these events
on the population and the economy of the region have been tremendous: the economic loss derived from 11 recent hydrometereological
events evaluated amounted to US$13.64 billion and the number of people impacted peaked with Hurricane Mitch in 1998, with more
than 600,000 persons affected (ECLAC, 2010c). A high percentage of the population in CA live on or near highly unstable steep terrain
with sandy, volcanic soils prone to mudslides, which are the main cause of casualties and destruction (Restrepo and Alvarez, 2006).
The increased climatic variability in the past decade certainly changed the perception of people in the region with respect to climate
change. In a survey to small farmers in 2003, Tucker et al. (2010) found that only 25% of respondents included climate events as a
major concern. A subsequent survey in 2007 (Eakin et al., 2013) found that more than 50% of respondents cited drought conditions
and torrential rains as their greatest concern. Interestingly, there was no consensus on the direction in climate change pattern: The
majority of households in Honduras reported an increase in the frequency of droughts but in Costa Rica and Guatemala a decrease or
no trend at all was reported. A similar discrepancy in answers was reported with the issue of increased rainfall. But there was general
agreement in all countries that rainfall patterns were more variable, resulting in higher difficulty in recognizing the start of the rainy
The high levels of risk to disasters in CA are the result of high exposure to hazards and the high vulnerability of the population and
its livelihoods derived from elevated levels of poverty and social exclusion (Programa Estado de la Nación-Región, 2011). Disaster
management in the region has focused on improving early warning systems and emergency response for specific extreme events
(Saldaña-Zorrilla, 2008) but little attention has been paid to strengthening existing social capital in the form of local organizations
and cooperatives. These associations can be central in increasing adaptive capacity through increased access to financial instruments
and strategic information on global markets and climate (Eakin et al., 2011). There is a need to increase the communication of the
knowledge from local communities involved in processes of autonomous adaptation to policymakers responsible for strengthening
the adaptive capacities in CA (Castellanos et al., 2013).
Central and South America Chapter 27
or the Amazon basin, Marengo (2004) and Satyamurty et al. (2010)
concluded that no systematic unidirectional long-term trends toward
drier or wetter conditions in both the northern and southern Amazon
have been identified since the 1920s. Rainfall fluctuations are more
characterized by interannual scales linked to El Niño-Southern Oscillation
(ENSO) or decadal variability. Analyzing a narrower time period, Espinoza
et al. (2009a,b) found that mean rainfall in the Amazon basin for 1964–
2003 has decreased, with stronger amplitude after 1982, especially in
the Peruvian western Amazonia (Lavado et al., 2012), consistent with
reductions in convection and cloudiness in the same region (Arias et
al., 2011). Recent studies by Donat et al. (2013) suggest that heavy rains
re increasing in frequency in Amazonia. Regarding seasonal extremes
in the Amazon region, two major droughts and three floods have affected
the region from 2005 to 2012, although these events have been related
to natural climate variability rather than to deforestation (Marengo et
al., 2008, 2012, 2013a; Espinoza et al., 2011, 2012, 2013; Lewis et al.,
2011; Satyamurty et al., 2013).
On the impacts of land use changes on changes in the climate and
hydrology of Amazonia, Zhang et al. (2009) suggest that biomass-burning
aerosols can work against the seasonal monsoon circulation transition,
and thus reinforce the dry season rainfall pattern for southern Amazonia,
Continued next page
Region Variable Reference Models and scenarios Projected changes
America and
Leaf Area Index, evapotranspiration by
070 2099 in CA
Imbach et al. (2012) 23 CMIP3 models, A2 Evapotranspiration: +20%; Leaf Area Index:
20% + 0.94 mm / day/ 58 years
ir temperature by 2075 and 2100 in CA Aguilar et al. (2009) 9 CMIP3 models, A2 +2.2°C by 2075; +3.3°C by 2100
Rainfall in CA and Venezuela, air temperature
n the region
Kitoh et al. (2011);
all et al. (2013)
20 km MRI-AGCM3.1S model, A1B Rainfall decrease / increase of about –10% /+10%
y 2079. Temperature increases of about +2.5°C
to +3.5°C by 2079
Precipitation and evaporation in most of the
region. Soil moisture in most land areas in all
Nakaegawa et al. (2013b) 20 km MRI-AGCM3.1S model, A1B Precipitation decrease of about – 5 mm day
evaporation increase of about +3 to +5 mm
; soil moisture to decrease by – 5 mm day
Rainfall in Nicaragua, Honduras, northern
Colombia, and northern Venezuela; rainfall
in Costa Rica and Panama. Temperature in all
regions by 2071– 2100
Campbell et al. (2011) PRECIS forced with HadAM3, A2 Rainfall:25% to – 50%, and +25% to +50%;
temperature: +3°C to +6°C
Precipitation and temperature in northern SA,
decrease in interior Venezuela, temperature
increases by 2071– 2100
Marengo et al. (2011a) Eta forced with HadCM3, A1B Increases by +30% to +50%;
reductions by –10% to – 20%;
temperature: +4°C to +5°C
Precipitation and temperature by 2100 in CA Karmalkar et al. (2011) PRECIS forced with HadAM3, A2 Precipitation: – 24% to – 48%;
temperature: +4°C to +5°C
Warm nights, CDDs, and heavy precipitation in
Venezuela by 2100
Marengo et al. (2009a, 2010) PRECIS forced with HadAM3, A2 Increase of +12% to +18%, +15 to +25 days,
and reduction of 75 to 105 days
Air temperature and precipitation in CA by 2100 Giorgi and Diffenbaugh (2008) 23 CMIP3 models, A1B Increase of +3°C to +5°C;
reduction of –10% to – 30%
CDDs and heavy precipitation by 2099 Kamiguchi et al. (2006) 20 km MRI-AGCM3.1S model, A1B Increase of +5 days, increase of +2% to +8%
Rainfall over Panama by 2099 Fábrega et al. (2013) 20 km MRI-AGCM3.1S model, A1B Increase of +5%
West coast
of South
Precipitation, runoff, and temperature at the
Limari river basin in semi-arid Chile by 2100
Vicuña et al. (2011) PRECIS forced with HadAM3, A2 Precipitation: –15% to – 25%; runoff:6% to
27%; temperature: +3°C to +4°C
Air temperature and surface winds in west coast
of SA (Chile) by 2100
Garreaud and Falvey (2009) 15 CMIP3 models, PRECIS forced
with HadAM3, A2
Temperature: +1°C; coastal winds: +1.5 m s
Precipitation in the bands 5°N –10°S,
25°S 30°S, 10°S 25°S, and 30°S 50°S;
temperature increase by 2100
Marengo et al. (2011a) Eta forced with HadCM3, A1B Increases of 30 40%; increases of 3°C to 5°C
Warm nights, CDDs, and heavy precipitation in
5°N 5°S by 2100
Marengo et al. (2009a, 2010) PRECIS forced with HadAM3, A2 Increase of +3% to +18%, reduction of – 5 to – 8
days, increase of +75 to +105 days
Air temperature, increase in precipitation
between 0° and 10°S, and between 20°S and
40°S by 2100
Giorgi and Diffenbaugh (2008) 23 CMIP3 models, A1B Increase of +2°C to +3°C; increase of 10%,
reduction of –10% to – 30%
CDDs between 5°N and 10°S and south of 30°S;
heavy precipitation between 5°S and 20°S and
south of 20°S by 2099
Kamiguchi et al. (2006) 20 km MRI-AGCM3.1S model, A1B Increase of 10 days and between +2% and +10%
Precipitation between 15°S and 35°S and south
of 40°S; temperature by 2100
Nuñez et al. (2009) MM5 forced with HadAM3, A2 Precipitation:2 mm day
; +2 mm day
temperature: +2.5°C
Precipitation in Panama and Venezuela by 2099 Sörensson et al. (2010) RCA forced with ECHAM5 MPI
OM model, A1B
Precipitation: –1 to – 3 mm day
Table 27-2 | Regional projected changes in temperature, precipitation, and climate extremes in different sectors of Central America (CA) and South America (SA). Various studies
used A2 and B2 scenarios from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 3 (CMIP3) and various Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios for CMIP5, and
different time slices from 2010 to 2100. To make results comparable, the CMIP3 and CMIP5 at the time slice ending in 2100 are included. Additional information on changes in
projected extremes can be found in the IPCC Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX; see IPCC,
2012), and in IPCC WGI AR5 Sections 9.5, 9.6, 14.2, and 14.7. (CDDs = consecutive dry days.)
Chapter 27 Central and South America
while Wang et al. (2011) suggests the importance of deforestation and
vegetation dynamics on decadal variability of rainfall in the region. Costa
and Pires (2010) have suggested a possible decrease in precipitation
due to soybean expansion in Amazonia, mainly as a consequence of its
very high albedo. In the SouthAmerican Monsoon System (SAMS) region,
positive trends in rainfall extremes have been identified in the last 30
years, with a pattern of increasing frequency and intensity of heavy
rainfall events, and earlier onsets and late demise of the rainy season
(see Table 27-1). Climate Projections
Since the AR4, substantial additional regional analysis has been carried
out using the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 3 (CMIP3)
model ensemble. In addition, projections from CMIP5 models and new
experiences using regional models (downscaling) have allowed for a
better description of future changes in climate and extremes in CA and
SA. Using CMIP3 and CMIP5 models, Giorgi (2006), Diffenbaugh et al.
(2008), Xu et al. (2009), Diffenbaugh and Giorgi (2012), and Jones and
Carvalho (2013) have identified areas of CA/western North America and
the Amazon as persistent regional climate change hotspots throughout
the 21st century of the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP)8.5
and RCP4.5. Table 27-2 summarizes projected climatic changes derived
from global and regional models for the region, indicating the projected
change, models, emission scenarios, time spans, and references.
In CA and Northern Venezuela, projections from CMIP3 models and
from downscaling experiments suggest precipitation reductions and
warming together with an increase in evaporation, and reductions in
Region Variable Reference Models and scenarios Projected changes
recipitation and runoff, and air temperature
by 2100
arengo et al. (2011a) Eta forced with HadCM3, A1B Precipitation: +20% to +30%; runoff: +10% to
+20%; air temperature: +2.5°C to +3.5°C
recipitation and temperature in the La Plata
basin by 2050
abré et al. (2010) MM5 forced with HadAM3, A2 Precipitation: +0.5 to 1.5 mm day
temperature: +1.5°C to 2.5°C
arm nights, CDDs, and heavy precipitation
y 2100
enendez and Carril (2010) 7 CMIP3 models, A1B Warm nights: +10% to +30%; CDDs: +1 to +5
ays; heavy precipitation: +3% to +9%
Precipitation during summer and spring, and in
all and winter by 2100
Seth et al. (2010) 9 CMIP3 models, A2 Precipitation: +0.4 to +0.6 mm day
0.02 to – 0.04 mm day
Warm nights, CDDs, and heavy precipitation
y 2100
Marengo et al. (2009a, 2010) PRECIS forced with HadAM3, A2 Increase of +6% to +12%, +5 to +20 days,
75 to +105 days
ir temperature and rainfall by 2100 Giorgi and Diffenbaugh (2008) 23 CMIP3 models, A1B Increase of +2°C to +4°C,
increase of +20% to +30%
DDs and heavy precipitation by 2099 Kamiguchi et al. (2006) 20 km MRI-AGCM3.1S model, A1B Increase of +5% to +10% and of +2% to +8%
Precipitation in north central Argentina,
ecrease in southern Brazil, increase of air
temperature by 2100
Nuñez et al. (2009) MM5 forced with HadAM3, A2 Increase of +0.5 to +1 mm day
eduction of – 0.5 mm day
increase of +3°C to +4.5°C
Drought frequency, intensity, and duration in
A south of 20°S for 2011– 2040 relative to
1979 2008
Penalba and Rivera (2013) 15 CMIP5 models, RCP4.5 and 8.5 Frequency increase of 10 20%, increase in
everity of 5 15%, and reduction in duration of
10 30%
recipitation, heavy precipitation, reduction of
CDDs in the eastern part of the region, increase
n the western part of the region by 2099
örensson et al. (2010) RCA forced with ECHAM5, A1B Increase of +2 mm day
of +5 to +15 mm,
reduction of – 10 days and increase of +5 days
Precipitation in southeastern SA by 2100 Sörensson et al. (2010) 9 CMIP3 models, A1B Increase of +0.3 to +0.5 mm day
Precipitation and temperature, increase by 2100
in the Altiplano
Minvielle and Garreaud (2011) 11 CMP3 models, A2 Precipitation:10% to – 30%; temperature: > 3°C
Precipitation at 5°N 5°S and 30°S 45°S, at
5°S 25°S; temperature by 2100
Marengo et al. (2011a) Eta forced with HadCM3, A1B Increase of +10% to +30%, decrease of – 20% to
30%, increase of +3.5°C to +4.5°C
Warm nights, heavy precipitation, and CDDs
south of 15°S by 2100
Marengo et al. (2009a) PRECIS forced with HadAM3, A2 Increase of +3% to +18%, reduction of – 10 to
20 days, and reduction of – 75 to – 105 days
Air temperature, rainfall between 0° and 10°S,
and reduction between 10°S and 40°S
Giorgi and Diffenbaugh (2008) 23 CMIP3 models, A1B Increase of +3°C to +4°C, increase of 10%, and
reduction of – 10%
CDDs and increase of heavy precipitation by
Kamiguchi et al. (2006) 20 km MRI-AGCM3.1S model, A1B Reduction of – 5 days, increase of +2 to +4%
south of 20°S
Precipitation, heavy precipitation, and CDDs by
2070 2099
Sörensson et al. (2010) RCA forced with ECHAM5, A1B Increases of +1 to +3 mm day
, +5 mm and of
+5 to +10 days
Summer precipitation and surface air
temperature in the Altiplano region by 2099
Minvielle and Garreaud (2011) 9 CMIP3 models, A2 Reduction in precipitation between – 10% and
30%, and temperature increase of +3°C
Temperature and rainfall in lowland Bolivia in
2070 2099
Seiler et al. (2013) 5 CMIP3 models (A1B) and 5
CMIP5 models (RCP4.5, 8.5)
Increase of 2.5°C to 5°C, reduction of 9% annual
Precipitation in the dry season, temperature,
and evapotranspiration 2079 2098
Guimberteau et al. (2013) CMIP3 models, A1B 1.1 mm; +2°C; +7%
Table 27-2 (continued)
Continued next page
Central and South America Chapter 27
soil moisture for most of the land during all seasons by the end of the
21st century (see references in Table 27-2). However, the spread of
projections is high for future precipitation.
Analyses from global and regional models in tropical and subtropical
SA show common patterns of projected climate in some sectors of the
continent. Projections from CMIP3 regional and high-resolution global
models show by the end of the 21st century, for the A2 emission scenario,
a consistent pattern of increase of precipitation in SESA, northwest of
Peru and Ecuador, and western Amazonia, while decreases are projected
for northern SA, eastern Amazonia, central eastern Brazil, NEB, the
Altiplano, and southern Chile (Table 27-2). For some regions, projections
show mixed results in rainfall projections for Amazonia and the SAMS
region, suggesting high uncertainties on the projections (Table 27-2).
As for extremes, CMIP3 models and downscaling experiments show
increases in dry spells are projected for eastern Amazonia and NEB,
while rainfall extremes are projected to increase in SESA, in western
Amazonia, northwest Peru, and Ecuador, while over southern Amazonia,
NEB, and eastern Amazonia, the maximum number of consecutive dry
days tends to augment, suggesting a longer dry season. Increases in
warm nights throughout SA are also projected by the end of the 21st
century (see references in Table 27-2). Shiogama et al. (2011) suggest
that, although the CMIP3 ensemble mean assessment suggested
wetting across most of SA, the observational constraints indicate a
higher probability of drying in the eastern Amazon basin.
The CMIP5 models project an even larger expansion of the monsoon
regions in NAMS in future scenarios (Jones and Carvalho, 2013; Kitoh
et al., 2013). A comparison from eight models from CMIP3 and CMIP5
identifies some improvements in the new generation models. For
example, CMIP5 inter-model variability of temperature in summer was
lower over northeastern Argentina, Paraguay, and northern Brazil, in
the last decades of the 21st century, as compared to CMIP3. Although
Region Variable Reference Models and scenarios Projected changes
Rainfall in central and eastern Amazonia and
n western Amazonia; air temperature in all
regions by 2100
Marengo et al. (2011a) Eta forced with HadCM3, A1B Precipitation: – 20% to – 30%, +20% to +30%;
emperature: +5°C to +7°C
ntensity of the South Atlantic Convergence
one and in rainfall in the South American
monsoon region, 2081– 2100
ombardi and Carvalho (2009) 10 CMIP3 models, A1B Precipitation:100 to – 200 mm over 20 years
Precipitation in western Amazonia during
ummer and in winter in Amazonia by 2100
Mendes and Marengo (2010) 5 CMIP3 models, A2 and ANN +1.6% in summer and – 1.5% in winter
Number of South American Low Level Jet
SALLJ) events east of the Andes, and the
oisture transport from Amazonia to the La
Plata basin by 2090
Soares and Marengo (2009) PRECIS forced with HadAM3, A2 +50% SALLJ events during summer,
ncrease in moisture transport by 50%
recipitation in the South American monsoon
during summer and spring, and during fall and
inter by 2100
eth et al. (2010) 9 CMIP3 models, A2 Increase of +0.15 to +0.4 mm / day,
reductions of – 0.10 to – 0.26 mm / day
Warm nights, CDDs in eastern Amazonia; heavy
precipitation in western Amazonia and in
astern Amazonia by 2100
Marengo et al. (2009a) PRECIS forced with HadAM3, A2 Increase of +12% to +15%, of 25 30 days in
eastern Amazonia, increase in western Amazonia
f 75 105 days, and reduction of – 15 to – 75
days in eastern Amazonia
ncrease in air temperature; rainfall increase
in western Amazonia and decrease in eastern
mazonia by 2100
iorgi and Diffenbaugh (2008) CMIP3 models, A1B Increase of +4°C to +6°C, increase of +10%, and
decrease between – 10% and – 30%
Reduction of CDDs and increase in heavy
precipitation by 2099
Kamiguchi et al. (2006) 20 km MRI-AGCM3.1S model, A1B Reduction of – 5 to – 10 days,
increase of +2% to +8%
nset and late demise of the rainy season in
South American Monsoon System (SAMS) by
2040 2050 relative to 1951– 1980
ones and Carvalho (2013) 10 CMIP5 models, RCP8.5 Onset 14 days earlier than present,
demise 17 days later than present
Precipitation in SAMS during the monsoon wet
season in 2071– 2100 relative to 1951– 1980
Jones and Carvalho (2013) 10 CMIP5 models, RCP8.5 Increase of 300 mm during the wet season
Precipitation in western Amazonia, heavy
precipitation in northern Amazonia and in
southern Amazonia, CDDs in western Amazonia
and increase by 2099
Sörensson et al. (2010) RCA forced with ECHAM5, A1B Increase of +1 to +3 mm day
, reduction of – 1
to – 3 mm, increase of +5 to +10 mm, decrease of
5 to – 10 days, increase of +20 to +30 days
Rainfall and temperature in the entire region
by 2100
Marengo et al. (2011a) Eta forced with HadCM3, A1B Precipitation: – 20% to +20%;
temperature: +3°C to +4°C
Warm nights, CDDs, heavy precipitation by 2100 Marengo et al. (2009a) PRECIS forced with HadAM3, A2 Increase of +18% to +24%, of +25 to +30 days,
and –15 to –75 days
Air temperature and precipitation by 2100 Giorgi and Diffenbaugh (2008) 23 CMIP3 models, A1B Increase of +2°C to +4°C,
reduction of – 10% to – 30%
CDDs and heavy precipitation by 2099 Kamiguchi et al. (2006) 20 km MRI-AGCM3.1S model, A1B Reduction of – 5% to – 10%,
increase of +2% to +6%
Precipitation, heavy precipitation, and CDDs
by 2099
Sörensson et al. (2010) RCA forced with ECHAM5, A1B Increase of +1 to +2 mm day
, increase of +5 to
+10 mm, and increase of +10 to +30 days
Table 27-2 (continued)
Chapter 27 Central and South America
Central America/Mexico
Northeast Brazil
West coast South America
Southeast South America
1900 1950 2000 2050 2100
1900 1950 2000 2050 2100
1900 1950 2000 2050 2100
1900 1950 2000 2050 2100
1900 1950 2000 2050 2100
1900 1950 2000 2050 2100
900 1950 2000 2050 2100
1900 1950 2000 2050 2100
1900 1950 2000 2050 2100
1900 1950 2000 2050 2100
ear-surface air temperature (land)
Precipitation (land)
Figure 27-1 | Observed and simulated variations in past and projected future annual average temperature over the Central and South American regions defined in IPCC
(2012a). Black lines show various estimates from observational measurements. Shading denotes the 5th to 95th percentile range of climate model simulations driven with
“historical” changes in anthropogenic and natural drivers (63 simulations), historical changes in “natural” drivers only (34), the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP)2.6
emissions scenario (63), and RCP8.5 (63). Data are anomalies from the 1986–2006 average of the individual observational data (for the observational time series) or of the
corresponding historical all-forcing simulations. Further details are given in Table SM21-5.
Central and South America Chapter 27
o major differences were observed in both precipitation data sets,
CMIP5 inter-model variability was lower over northern and eastern
Brazil in the summer by 2100 (Blázquez and Nuñez, 2013; Jones and
Carvalho, 2013).
The projections from the CMIP5 models at regional level for CA and SA
(using the same regions from SREX) are shown in Figure 27-1, and update
some of these previous projections based on SRES A2 and B2 emission
scenarios from CMIP3. Figure 27-1 shows that in relation to the baseline
period 1986–2005, for CA and northern SA–Amazonia, temperatures are
projected to increase by approximately 0.6°C and 2°C for the RCP2.6
scenario, and by 3.6°C and 5.2°C for the RCP8.5 scenario. For the rest
of SA, increases by about 0.6°C to 2°C are projected for the RCP4.5 and
by about 2.2°C to 7°C for the RCP8.5 scenario. The observed records
show increases of temperature from 1900 to 1986 by about 1°C. For
precipitation, while for CA and northern SA–Amazonia precipitation is
projected to vary between +10 and –25% (with a large spread among
models). For NEB, there is a spread among models between +30 and
–30%, making it hard to identify any projected rainfall change. This
spread is much lower in the western coast of SA and SESA, where the
spread is between +20 and –10% (Chapter 21; Box 21-3).
CMIP5-derived RCP8.5 projections for the late 21st century, as depicted
in Figure 27-2, follow: CA – mean annual warming of 2.5ºC and rainfall
eduction of 10%, and reduction in summertime precipitation; SA
mean warming of 4ºC, with rainfall reduction up to 15% in tropical SA
east of the Andes, and an increase of about 15 to 20% in SESA and in
other regions of the continent. Changes shown for the mid-21st century
are small. Both Figures 27-1 and 27-2 illustrate that there is some degree
of uncertainty on climate change projections for regions, particularly for
rainfall in CA and tropical SA.
27.2.2. Non-Climatic Stressors Trends and Projections
in Land Use and Land Use Change
Land use change is a key driver of environmental degradation for the
region that exacerbates the negative impacts from climate change
(Sampaio et al., 2007; Lopez-Rodriguez and Blanco-Libreros, 2008). The
high levels of deforestation observed in most of the countries in the
region have been widely discussed in the literature as a deliberate
development strategy based on the expansion of agriculture to satisfy
the growing world demand for food, energy, and minerals (Benhin,
2006; Grau and Aide, 2008; Müller et al., 2008). Land is facing increasing
pressure from competing uses, among them cattle ranching, food, and
bioenergy production. The enhanced competition for land increases the
Annual Precipitation Change
Solid Color
Very strong
Little or
no change
Diagonal LinesWhite Dots
Annual Temperature Change
late 21st centurymid 21st century
Difference from
19862005 mean (%)
Difference from
19862005 mean (˚C)
–20 0 20 40
late 21st centurymid 21st century
02 46
Figure 27-2 | Projected changes in annual average temperature and precipitation. CMIP5 multi-model mean projections of annual average temperature changes (left panel) and
average percent changes in annual mean precipitation (right panel) for 2046–2065 and 2081–2100 under RCP2.6 and 8.5, relative to 1986–2005. Solid colors indicate areas
with very strong agreement, where the multi-model mean change is greater than twice the baseline variability (natural internal variability in 20-yr means) and ≥90% of models
agree on sign of change. Colors with white dots indicate areas with strong agreement, where ≥66% of models show change greater than the baseline variability and ≥66% of
models agree on sign of change. Gray indicates areas with divergent changes, where ≥66% of models show change greater than the baseline variability, but <66% agree on
sign of change. Colors with diagonal lines indicate areas with little or no change, where <66% of models show change greater than the baseline variability, although there may
be significant change at shorter timescales such as seasons, months, or days. Analysis uses model data and methods building from WGI AR5 Figure SPM.8. See also Annex I of
WGI AR5. [Boxes 21-2 and CC-RC]
Chapter 27 Central and South America
isk of land use changes, which may lead to negative environmental
and socioeconomic impacts. Agricultural expansion has relied in many
cases on government subsidies, which have often resulted in lower land
productivity and more land speculation (Bulte et al., 2007; Roebeling and
Hendrix, 2010). Some of the most affected areas due to the expansion of
the agricultural frontier are fragile ecosystems such as the edges of the
Amazon forest in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, and tropical Andes
including the Paramo, where activities such as deforestation, agriculture,
cattle ranching, and gold mining are causing severe environmental
degradation (ECLAC, 2010d), and the reduction of environmental services
provided by these ecosystems.
Deforestation rates for the region remain high in spite of a reducing
trend in the last decade (Ramankutty et al., 2007; Fearnside, 2008).
Brazil is by far the country with the highest area of forest loss in the
world according to the latest Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
statistics (2010): 21,940 km
, equivalent to 39% of world deforestation
for the period 2005–2010. Bolivia, Venezuela, and Argentina follow in
deforested area (Figure 27-3), with 5.5, 5.2, and 4.3% of the total world
deforestation, respectively. The countries of CA and SA lost a total of
38,300 km
of forest per year in that period (69% of the total world
deforestation; FAO, 2010). These numbers are limited by the fact that
many countries do not have comparable information through time,
particularly for recent years. Aide et al. (2013) completed a wall-to-wall
analysis for the region for the period 2001–2010, analyzing not only
deforestation but also reforestation, and reported very different results
than FAO (2010) for some countries where reforestation seems to be
higher than deforestation, particularly in Honduras, El Salvador, Panama,
Colombia, and Venezuela. For Colombia and Venezuela, these results
are contradictory with country analyses that align better with the FAO
data (Rodríguez, J.P. et al., 2010; Armenteras et al., 2013).
Deforestation in the Amazon forest has received much international
attention in the last decades, both because of its high rates and its
rich biodiversity. Brazilian Legal Amazon is now one of the best-
monitored ecosystems in terms of deforestation since 1988 (INPE, 2011).
Deforestation for this region peaked in 2004 and has steadily declined
since then to a lowest value of 4656 km
for the year 2012 (see
Figure 27-4). Such reduction results from a series of integrated policies
to control illegal deforestation, particularly enforcing protected areas,
which now shelter 54% of the remaining forests of the Brazilian Amazon
(Soares-Filho et al., 2010). Deforestation in Brazil is now highest in the
Cerrado (drier ecosystem south of Amazon), with an average value of
14,179 km
for the period 2002–2008 (FAO, 2009).
The area of forest loss in CA is considerably less than in SA, owing to
smaller country sizes (Carr et al., 2009), but when relative deforestation
rates are considered, Honduras and Nicaragua show the highest values
for CA and SA (FAO, 2010). At the same time, CA includes some countries
where forest cover shows a small recovery trend in the last years: Costa
Rica, El Salvador, Panama, and possibly Honduras, where data are
conflicting in the literature (FAO, 2010; Aide et al., 2013). This forest
transition is the result of (1) economies less dependent on agriculture,
and more on industry and services (Wright and Samaniego, 2008); (2)
processes of international migration with the associated remittances
(Hecht and Saatchi, 2007); and (3) a stronger emphasis on the recognition
of environmental services of forest ecosystems (Kaimowitz, 2008). The
same positive trend is observed in some SA countries (Figure 27-3).
However, a substantial amount of forest is gained through (single-crop)
plantations, most noticeably in Chile (Aguayo et al., 2009), which has a
much lower ecological value than the depleted natural forests (Echeverría
et al., 2006; Izquierdo et al., 2008).
Land degradation is also an important process compromising extensive
areas of CA and SA very rapidly. According to data from the Global Land
Degradation Assessment and Improvement (GLADA) project of the
Global Environmental Facility (GEF), additional degraded areas reached
16.4% of the entire territory of Paraguay, 15.3% of Peru, and 14.2% of
Ecuador for the period 1982–2002. In CA, Guatemala shows the highest
proportion of degraded land, currently at 58.9% of the country’s territory,
followed by Honduras (38.4%) and Costa Rica (29.5%); only El Salvador
shows a reversal of the land degradation process, probably due to eased
land exploitation following intensive international migratory processes
(ECLAC, 2010d).
Deforestation and land degradation are attributed mainly to increased
extensive and intensive agriculture. Two activities have traditionally
Costa Rica
Observed rate of change:
Figure 27-3 | Forest cover change per year for selected countries in Central and
South America (2005–2010). Notice three countries listed with a positive change in
forest cover (based on data from FAO, 2010).
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Annual Deforestation Rate (km
igure 27-4 | Deforestation rates in Brazilian Amazonia (km² yr
based on
measurements by the PRODES project (INPE, 2011).
Central and South America Chapter 27
ominated the agricultural expansion: soy production (only in SA) and
beef. But, more recently, biomass for biofuel production has become as
important (Nepstad and Stickler, 2008) with some regions also affected
by oil and mining extractions. Deforestation by small farmers, coming
mainly from families who migrate in search for land, is relatively low:
extensive cattle production is the predominant land use in deforested
areas of tropical and subtropical Latin America (Wassenaar et al., 2007).
Cattle is the only land use variable correlated with deforestation in
Colombia (Armenteras et al., 2013), and in the Brazilian Amazon the
peak of deforestation in 2004 (Figure 27-4) was primarily the result of
increased cattle ranching (Nepstad et al., 2006). Mechanized farming,
agro-industrial production, and cattle ranching are the major land
use change drivers in eastern Bolivia but subsistence agriculture by
indigenous colonists is also important (Killeen et al., 2008).
In recent years, soybean croplands have expanded continuously in SA,
becoming increasingly more important in the agricultural production of
the region. Soybean-planted area in Amazonian states (mainly Mato
Grosso) in Brazil expanded 12.1% per year during the 1990s, and 16.8%
per year from 2000 to 2005 (Costa et al., 2007). This landscape-scale
conversion from forest to soy and other large-scale agriculture can alter
substantially the water balance for large areas of the region, resulting
in important feedbacks to the local climate (Hayhoe et al., 2011; Loarie
et al., 2011; see Section
Soybean and beef production have also impacted other ecosystems
next to the Amazon, such as the Cerrado (Brazil) and the Chaco dry
forests (Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil). Gasparri et al. (2008)
estimated carbon emissions from deforestation in northern Argentina,
and concluded that deforestation in the Chaco forest has accelerated
in the past decade from agricultural expansion and is now the most
important source of carbon emissions for that region. In northwest
Argentina (Tucumán and Salta provinces), 14,000 km
of dry forest were
cleared from 1972 to 2007 as a result of technological improvements and
increasing rainfall (Gasparri and Grau, 2009). Deforestation continued
during the 1980s and 1990s, resulting in cropland area covering up to
63% of the region by 2005 (Viglizzo et al., 2011). In central Argentina
(northern Córdoba province), cultivated lands have increased from 3 to
30% (between 1969 and 1999); and the forest cover has decreased from
52.5 to 8.2%. This change has also been attributed to the synergistic
effect of climatic, socioeconomic, and technological factors (Zak et al.,
2008). Losses in the Atlantic forest are estimated in 29% of the original
area in 1960, and in 28% of the Yunga forest area, mainly due to cattle
ranching migration from the Pampas and Espinal (Viglizzo et al., 2011).
Palm oil is a significant biofuel crop also linked to recent deforestation
in tropical CA and SA. Its magnitude is still small compared with
deforestation related to soybean and cattle ranching, but is considerable
for specific countries and expected to increase due to increasing demands
for biofuels (Fitzherbert et al., 2008). The main producers of palm oil in
the region are Colombia and Ecuador, followed by Costa Rica, Honduras,
Guatemala, and Brazil; Brazil has the largest potential for expansion,
as nearly half of the Amazonia is suitable for oil palm cultivation (Butler
and Laurance, 2009). Palm oil production is also growing in the
Amazonian region of Peru, where 72% of new plantations have expanded
into forested areas, representing 1.3% of the total deforestation for that
country for the years 2000–2010 (Gutiérrez-Vélez et al., 2011).
owever, forests are not the only important ecosystems threatened in
the region. An assessment of threatened ecosystems in SA by Jarvis et
al. (2010) concluded that grasslands, savannahs, and shrublands are
more threatened than forests, mainly from excessively frequent fires
(>1 yr
) and grazing pressure. An estimation of burned land in LA by
Chuvieco et al. (2008) also concluded that herbaceous areas presented
the highest occurrence of fires. In the Río de la Plata region (central-
east Argentina, southern Brazil, and Uruguay), grasslands decreased from
67.4 to 61.4% between 1985 and 2004. This reduction was associated
with an increase in annual crops, mainly soybean, sunflower, wheat,
and maize (Baldi and Paruelo, 2008).
Even with technological changes that might result in agricultural
intensification, the expansion of pastures and croplands is expected to
continue in the coming years (Wassenaar et al., 2007; Kaimowitz and
Angelsen, 2008), particularly from an increasing global demand for food
and biofuels (Gregg and Smith, 2010) with the consequent increase in
commodity prices. This agricultural expansion will be mainly in LA and
sub-Saharan Africa as these regions hold two-thirds of the global land
with potential to expand cultivation (Nepstad and Stickler, 2008). It is
important to consider the policy and legal needs to keep this process of
large-scale change under control as much as possible; Takasaki (2007)
showed that policies to eliminate land price distortions and promote
technological transfers to poor colonists could reduce deforestation. It
is also important to consider the role of indigenous groups; there is a
growing acknowledgment that recognizing the land ownership and
authority of indigenous groups can help central governments to better
manage many of the natural areas remaining in the region (Oltremari
and Jackson, 2006; Larson, 2010). The impact of indigenous groups on
land use change can vary: de Oliveira et al. (2007) found that only 9%
of the deforestation in the Peruvian Amazon between 1999 and 2005
happened in indigenous territories, but Killeen et al. (2008) found that
Andean indigenous colonists in Bolivia were responsible for the largest
land cover changes in the period 2001–2004. Indigenous groups are
important stakeholders in many territories in the region and their well-
being should be considered when designing responses to pressures on
the land by a globalized economy (Gray et al., 2008; Killeen et al., 2008). Trends and Projections in Socioeconomic Conditions
Development in the region has traditionally displayed four characteristics:
low growth rates, high volatility, structural heterogeneity, and very unequal
income distribution (ECLAC, 2008; Bárcena, 2010). This combination of
factors has generated high and persistent poverty levels (45% for CA and
30% for SA for year 2010), with the rate of poverty being generally higher
in rural than urban areas (ECLAC, 2009b). SA has based its economic
growth in natural resource exploitation (mining, energy, agricultural),
which involves direct and intensive use of land and water, and in energy-
intensive and, in many cases, highly polluting natural resource-based
manufactures. In turn, CA has exploited its proximity to the North
American market and its relatively low labor costs (ECLAC, 2010e). The
region shows a marked structural heterogeneity, where modern
production structures coexist with large segments of the population with
low productivity and income levels (ECLAC, 2010g). The gross domestic
product (GDP) per capita in SA is twice that of CA; in addition, in the
latter, poverty is 50% higher (see Figure 27-5).
Chapter 27 Central and South America
The 2008 financial crisis reached CA and SA through exports and credits,
remittances, and worsening expectations by consumers and producers
(Bárcena, 2010; Kacef and pez-Monti, 2010). This resulted in the
sudden stop of six consecutive years of robust growth and improving
social indicators (ECLAC, 2010e), which contributed to higher poverty
in 2009 after 6 years where poverty had declined by 11%. Poverty rates
fell from 44 to 33% of the total population from 2003 to 2008 (Figure
27-5), leaving 150 million people in this situation while extreme poverty
diminished from 19.4 to 12.9% (which represents slightly more than 70
million people) (ECLAC, 2009b).
In the second half of 2009, industrial production and exports began to
recover and yielded a stronger economic performance (GDP growth of
6.4% in SA and 3.9% in CA in 2010; ECLAC, 2012b). SA benefited the
most because of the larger size of their domestic markets and the
greater diversification of export markets. Conversely, slower growth was
observed in CA, with more open economies and a less diversified
portfolio of trading partners and a greater emphasis on manufacturing
trade (ECLAC, 2010g).
The region is expected to continue to grow in the short term, albeit at
a pace that is closer to potential GDP growth, helped by internal
demand as the middle class becomes stronger and as credit becomes
more available. In SA, this could be boosted by external demand from
the Asian economies as they continue to grow at a rapid pace. The
macroeconomic challenge is to act counter cyclically, creating conditions
for productive development that is not based solely on commodity
exports (ECLAC, 2010f).
In spite of its economic growth, CA and SA still display high and
persistent inequality: most countries have Gini coefficients between
.5 and 0.6, whereas the equivalent figures in a group of 24 developed
countries vary between under 0.25 and around 0.4. The average per
capita income of the richest 10% of households is approximately 17 times
that of the poorest 40% of households (ECLAC, 2010g). Nevertheless,
during the first decade of the century, prior to the financial crisis, the
region has shown a slight but clear trend toward a more equitable
distribution of income and a stronger middle class population, resulting
in a higher demand for goods (ECLAC, 2010g,h, 2011b). Latin American
countries also reported gains in terms of human development, although
these gains have slowed down slightly over recent years. In comparative
terms, as measured by the Human Development Index (HDI), the
performance of countries varied greatly in 2007 (from Chile with 0.878
and Argentina with 0.866 to Guatemala with 0.704 and Nicaragua with
0.699), although those with lower levels of HDI showed notably higher
improvements than countries with the highest HDI (UNDP, 2010).
Associated with inequality are disparities in access to water, sanitation,
and adequate housing for the most vulnerable groups—for example,
indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants, children, and women living in
poverty—and in their exposure to the effects of climate change. The
strong heterogeneity of subnational territorial entities in the region
takes the form of high spatial concentration and persistent disparities
in the territorial distribution of wealth (ECLAC, 2010g,h, 2011b).
The region faces significant challenges in terms of environmental
sustainability and adaptability to a changing climate (ECLAC, 2010h),
resulting from the specific characteristics of its population and economy
already discussed and aggravated with a significant deficit in infrastructure
development. CA and SA countries have made progress in incorporating
environmental protection into decision-making processes, particularly
in terms of environmental institutions and legislation, but there are still
difficulties to effectively incorporate environmental issues into relevant
public policies (ECLAC, 2010h). Although climate change imposes new
challenges, it also provides an opportunity to shift development and
economic growth patterns toward a more environmentally friendly course.
27.3. Impacts, Vulnerabilities,
and Adaptation Practices
27.3.1. Freshwater Resources
CA and SA are regions with high average but unevenly distributed water
resources availability (Magrin et al., 2007a). The main user of water is
agriculture, followed by the region’s 580 million inhabitants (including
the Caribbean), of which 86% had access to water supply by 2006
(ECLAC, 2010b). According to the International Energy Agency (IEA),
the region meets 60% of its electricity demand through hydropower
generation, which contrasts with the 20% average contribution of other
regions (see Table 27-6 and case study in Section 27.6.1). Observed and Projected Impacts and Vulnerabilities
In CA and SA there is much evidence of changing hydrologic related
conditions. The most robust trend for major rivers is found in the sub-
basins of the La Plata River basin (high confidence, based on robust
a) GDP per capita
(b) % poverty
(US$ per capita)
19951990 201020052000
19951990 201020052000
outh America Central America
Figure 27-5 | Evolution of GDP per capita and poverty (income below US$2 per day)
from 1990–2010: Central and South America (US$ per inhabitant at 2005 prices and
percentages) (ECLAC, 2011c; 2012a).
Central and South America Chapter 27
vidence, high agreement). This basin, second only to the Amazon in
size, shows a positive trend in streamflow in the second half of the
20th century at different sites (Pasquini and Depetris, 2007; Krepper et
al., 2008; Saurral et al., 2008; Amsler and Drago, 2009; Conway and
Mahé, 2009; Dai et al., 2009; Krepper and Zucarelli, 2010; Dai, 2011;
Doyle and Barros, 2011). An increase in precipitation and a reduction in
evapotranspiration from land use changes have been associated with the
trend in streamflows (Saurral et al., 2008; Doyle and Barros, 2011), with
he former being more important in the southern sub-basins and the
latter in the northern ones (Doyle and Barros, 2011; see Section 27.2.1).
Increasing trends in streamflows have also been found in the Patos
Lagoon in southern Brazil (Marques, 2012) and Laguna Mar Chiquita
(a closed lake), and in the Santa Fe Province, both in Argentina, with
ecological and erosive consequences (Pasquini et al., 2006; Rodrigues
Catulo et al., 2010; Troin et al., 2010; Venencio and García, 2011; Bucher
and Curto, 2012).
Continued next page
Country Documented massifs Latitude
Signifi cant changes recorded
Description of trend [period of observed trend]
ordillera de Mérida 10°N 1 +300 to +500 m [between LIA maximum and today] Morris et al. (2006); Polissar
et al. (2006)
5 Accelerated melting [since 1972]. Risk of disappearing completely, as equilibrium line
altitude is close to the highest peak (Pico Bolívar, 4979 m)
Parque Los Nevados 4°50’N 3 LIA maximum between 1600 and 1850 Ceballos et al. (2006); Ruiz
et al. (2008); Poveda and
ineda (2009); IDEAM
(2012); Rabatel et al. (2013)
Sierra Nevada del Cocuy 6°30’N 3 Many small / low elevation glaciers (<5000 meters above sea level) have disappeared.
ierra Nevada de Santa
0°40’N 3 60 to – 84% [1850 2000]; – 50% [last 50 years];10 to – 50% [past 15 years];
retreat 3.0 km² year
[since 2000]
ntisana 0°28’S 1 +300 m [between the middle of the 18th century (LIA maximum) and the last
decades of the 20th century]; about +200 m [20th century]
rancou et al. (2007); Vuille
et al. (2008); Jomelli et
al. (2009); Cáceres (2010);
Rabatel et al. (2013)
Chimborazo and
1°S 3 About – 45% [1976 2006]. Glaciers below 5300 m in process of extinction
Cordillera Blanca 9°S 1 About +100 m [between LIA maximum and beginning of the 20th century];
+150 m [20th century]
Raup et al. (2007); Jomelli et
al. (2009); Mark et al. (2010);
UGHR (2010); Bury et al.
(2011); Baraer et al. (2012);
Rabatel et al. (2013)
3 12 to – 17% [18th century];17 to 20% [19th century]; 20 to 35% [1960s 2000s]
4 8 m decade
[since 1970] (Yanamarey glacier)
8 +1.6% (±1.1) (watersheds with >20% glacier area)
8 Seven out of nine watersheds decreasing dry-season discharge
Coropuna volcano 15°33’S 3 26% [1962 2000] Racoviteanu et al. (2007)
Cordillera Vilcanota 13°55’S 3 10 times faster [in 1991– 2005 compared to 1963 2005] Thompson et al. (2006, 2011)
3, 5 About – 30% area and about – 45% volume [since 1985] Salzmann et al. (2013)
Cordillera Real and
Cordillera Quimsa Cruz
16°S 1 +300 m [between LIA maximum and late 20th century]; +180 to +200 m [20th century] Rabatel et al. (2006, 2008);
Francou et al. (2007); Vuille
et al. (2008); Soruco et al.
(2009); Gilbert et al. (2010);
Jomelli et al. (2011); Rabatel
et al. (2013)
3 48% [1976 2006] in the Cordillera Real; Chacaltaya vanished [in 2010].
5 Zongo glacier has lost a mean of 0.4 m (w.e.) year
[in the 1991– 2011 period];
glaciers in the Cordillera Real lost 43% of their volume [1963 2006; maximum rate
of loss in 1976 2006].
2 +1.1°C ± 0.2°C [over the 20th century] at about 6340 meters above sea level
Caquella rock glacier
(South Bolivian Altiplano)
21°30’S 7 Evidence of recent degradation Francou et al. (1999)
Table 27-3 | Observed trends related to Andean cryosphere. (LIA = Little Ice Age; w.e. = water equivalent.)
m a s s i f s / s i t e s
Signifi cant changes recorded
Value of trend [period of observed trend]
Chile, Argentina,
Bolivia, and
South of
6 No signifi cant trend Foster et al. (2009)
Desert Andes
(17°S 31°S)
Huasco basin
29°S 5 0.84 m (w.e.) year
[2003 / 2004 2007/ 2008] Nicholson et al. (2009);
Gascoin et al. (2011);
Rabatel et al. (2011)
(b) Extratropical Andean cryosphere (glaciers, snowpack, runoff effects) trends.
(a) Andean tropical glacier trends.
Chapter 27 Central and South America
There is no clear long-term trend for the Amazon River. Espinoza et al.
(2009a, 2011) showed that the 1974–2004 apparent stability in mean
discharge at the main stem of the Amazon in Obidos is explained by
opposing regional features of Andean rivers (e.g., increasing trends
during the high-water period in Peruvian and Colombian Amazons and
decreasing trend during the low-water period in Peruvian and Bolivian
Amazons (Lavado et al., 2012). In recent years extremely low levels were
experienced during the droughts of 2005 and 2010, while record high
levels were detected during the 2009 and 2012 floods (Section 27.2.1).
Major Colombian rivers draining to the Caribbean Sea (Magdalena and
Cauca) exhibit decreasing trends along their main channels (Carmona
and Poveda, 2011), while significant trends are absent for all other
major large rivers in NEB and northern SA (Dai et al., 2009). Dai (2011)
showed a drying trend in CA rivers.
A rapid retreat and melting of the tropical Andes glaciers of Venezuela,
Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia has been further reported following
the IPCC AR4, through use of diverse techniques (high confidence, based
m a s s i f s / s i t e s
Signifi cant changes recorded
Value of trend [period of observed trend]
Central Andes
(31°S 36°S)
iloto / Las Cuevas 32°S 5 10.50 m (w.e.) [last 24 years] Leiva et al. (2007)
Aconcagua basin
33°S 3 20% [last 48 years] Pellicciotti et al. (2007);
own et al. (2008)
3 14% [1955 2006]
Signifi cant decrease in Aconcagua basin streamfl ow
Central Andes
33°S 36°S 3 3% [since 1955] Le Quesne et al. (2009)
4 50 to − 9 m year
[during 20th century]
0.76 to – 0.56 m (w.e.) year
[during 20th century]
Central Andes 1 +122 ± 8 m (winter) and +200 ± 6 m (summer) [1975 2001] Carrasco et al. (2005)
nowpack 30°S 37°S 6 Positive, though nonsignifi cant, linear trend [1951– 2005] Masiokas et al. (2006); Vich
et al. (2007); Vicuña et al.
8 Mendoza River streamfl ow: possible link to rising temperatures and snowpack /
lacier effects. Not conclusive; increase in high and low fl ows possibly associated
with increase in temperature and effects on snowpack
Morenas Coloradas
ock glacier
32°S 33°S 7Signi cant change in active layer possibly associated with warming processes Trombotto and Borzotta
Cryosphere in the
ndes of Santiago
33.5°S 5 Expansion of thermokarst depressions Bodin et al. (2010)
Basins 28°S 47°S 8Non-signi cant increase in February runoff; possible increase of glacier melt
1950 2007]
Casassa et al. (2009)
30°S 40°S 8Signi cant negative timing trend (centroid timing date shifting toward earlier in the
year) for 23 out of the 40 analyzed series
Cortés et al. (2011)
(36°S 55°S)
Basins 28°S 47°S 8 Not signifi cant increase in February runoff trends that might suggest an increase of
glacier melt in the Andes [1950 2007]
Casassa et al. (2009)
38°S 45°S 4 Recession of six glaciers based on aerial photograph analysis Masiokas et al. (2008)
Proglacial lakes 40°S 50°S 8 Summertime negative trend on lakes indicating that melt water is decreasing Pasquini et al. (2008)
Casa Pangue glacier 41°S 5 2.3 ± 0.6 m (w.e.) year
[1961– 1998] Bown and Rivera (2007)
4 3.6 ± 0.6 m year
[1981– 1998]
Manso Glacier 41°S 8 Reduction in discharge associated with reduction in melt and precipitation Pasquini et al. (2013)
Patagonian Ice Field 47°S 51°S 5 1.6 m (w.e.) year
or – 27.9 ± 11 km
(w.e.) year
[2002 2006] Chen et al. (2007)
Patagonian Ice Field
47°S 8 Glacial lake outburst fl ood possible response to retreat of Calafate glacier [20th
Harrison et al. (2006)
Patagonian Ice Field
48°S 51°S 4 Larger retreating rates observed on the west side coinciding with lower elevations of
equilibrium line altitudes
Barcaza et al. (2009)
Northern Patagonian,
Southern Patagonian,
and Cordillera
Darwin ice elds
47°S 51°S,
4 5.7 to 12.2 km [1945 2005] Lopez et al. (2010)
Gran Campo Nevado 53°S 4 2.8% of glacier length per decade [1942 2002] Schneider et al. (2007)
3 2.4% per decade [1942 2002]
Cordón Martial
54°S 5 Slow retreat from late LIA. Acceleration started 60 years ago. Sterlin and Iturraspe (2007)
Variable coding: (1) Increase in equilibrium line altitude; (2) atmospheric warming revealed by englacial temperature measured at high elevation; (3) area reduction; (4) frontal
retreat; (5) volume reduction; (6) snow cover; (7) rock glaciers; (8) runoff change.
Table 27-3(b) (continued)
Central and South America Chapter 27
Continued next page
Region Basins studied
Projected change Period
General circulation model
(greenhouse gas scenario)
Río de La Plata
Basin and
South America
araná River 1 +4.9% (not robust) 2081– 2100 CMIP3 models (A1B) Nohara et al. (2006)
10 to +20% 2100 Eta-HadCM3 (A1B) Marengo et al.
18.4% (signifi cant) 2075 2100 CMIP3 models (A1B) Nakaegawa et al.
io Grande 1 +20 to – 20% Different periods 7 CMIP3 models Gosling et al. (2011);
Nóbrega et al. (2011);
odd et al. (2011)
Itaipu Power Plant
(on the Paraná River)
1 Left bank: − 5 to −15%; right bank: +30% 2010 2040 CCCMA–CGCM2 (A2) Rivarola et al. (2011)
0 to − 30% 2070 2100
oncórdia River 1 40% 2070 2100 HadRM3P (A2, B2) Perazzoli et al. (2013)
Carcarañá River 2 Increase 2010 2030 HadCM3 (A2) Venencio and García
Slight reduction
Amazon Basin
Peruvian Amazon
1 Increase in some basins; reduction in others Three time slices BCM2, CSMK3 and MIHR (A1B, B1) Lavado et al. (2011)
Basins in region of
lto Beni, Bolivia
1 Increase and reduction 2070 2100 CMIP3 models (A1B) Fry et al. (2012)
Always reduction
5 Increase in water stress
aute and
Tomebamba Rivers
Increase in some scenarios; reduction in others 2070 2100 CMIP3 models (A1B) Buytaert et al. (2011)
Amazon River 1 +5.4% (not robust) 2081– 2100 CMIP3 models (A1B) Nohara et al. (2006)
+6% 2000– 2100 ECBilt–CLIO–VECODE (A2) Aerts et al. (2006)
+3.7% (signifi cant) 2075 2100 CMIP3 models (A1B) Nakaegawa et al.
At Óbidos Station: no change in high fl ow;
reduction in low fl ow
2046 2065/
2079 2098
8 AR4 GCMs (B1, A1B, and A2) Guimberteau et al.
Amazon and Orinoco
1 20% 2050s HadCM3 (A2) Palmer et al.(2008)
Basins in Brazil 1 Consistent decrease 2050s HadCM3 and CMIP3 models
Arnell and Gosling
Tropical Andes
Colombian glaciers 4 Disappearance by 2020s Linear extrapolation Poveda and Pineda
Cordillera Blanca
glacierized basins
1 Increase for next 20 50 years, reduction
2005 2020 Temperature output only (B2) Chevallier et al.
4 Area – 38 to – 60%. Increased seasonality 2050 Not specifi ed (A1, A2, B1, B2) Juen et al. (2007)
Area – 49 to –75%. Increased seasonality 2080
Increased seasonality 2030 16 CMIP3 models (A1B, B1) Condom et al. (2012)
Basins providing
water to cities of
Bogotá, Quito, Lima,
and La Paz
5 Inner tropics: only small change; increase in
precipitation and increase in evapotranspiration
2010 2039 and
2040 2069
19 CMIP3 models (A1B, A2) Buytaert and De
Bièvre (2012)
Outer tropics: severe reductions; decrease in
precipitation and increase in evapotranspiration
Central Andes
Limarí River 1 20 to – 40% 2070 2100 HadCM3 (A2, B2) Vicuña et al. (2011)
20% 2010 2040 15 CMIP3 models (A1B, B2, B1) Vicuña et al. (2012)
30 to – 40%; change in seasonality 2070 2100
Maipo River 1 30% Three 30-year periods HadCM3 (A2, B2) ECLAC (2009a);
Melo et al. (2010);
Meza et al. (2012)
5 Unmet demand up to 50% 2070 2090
Mataquito River 1 Reduction in average and low fl ows
Increase in high fl ows
Three 30-year periods CMIP3 (A2, B1) and CMIP5
(RCP4.5 and 8.5) models
Demaria et al. (2013)
Maule and Laja
1 30% Three 30-year periods HadCM3 (A2, B2) ECLAC (2009a);
McPhee et al. (2010)
Bío Bío River 1 81 to +7% 2070 2100 8 GCMs (6 SRES) Stehr et al. (2010)
Limay River 1 –10 to – 20% 2080s HadCM2 (NS) Seoane and López
Table 27-4 | Synthesis of projected climate change impacts on hydrological variables in Central American and South American basins and major glaciers.
Chapter 27 Central and South America
on robust evidence, high agreement). Rabatel et al. (2013) provides a
synthesis of these studies (specific papers are presented in Table 27-3a).
Tropical glaciers’ retreat has accelerated in the second half of the 20th
century (area loss between 20 and 50%), especially since the late 1970s
in association with increasing temperature in the same period (Bradley
et al., 2009). In early stages of glacier retreat, associated streamflow
tends to increase due to an acceleration of glacier melt, but after a peak
in streamflow as the glacierized water reservoir gradually empties,
runoff tends to decrease, as evidenced in the Cordillera Blanca of Peru
(Chevallier et al., 2011; Baraer et al., 2012), where seven out of nine
river basins have probably crossed a critical threshold, exhibiting a
decreasing dry-season discharge (Baraer et al., 2012). Likewise, glaciers
and ice fields in the extratropical Andes located in central-south Chile
and Argentina face significant reductions (see review in Masiokas et al.
(2009) and details in Table 27-3b), with their effect being compounded
by changes in snowpack extent, thus magnifying changes in hydrograph
seasonality by reducing flows in dry seasons and increasing them in
wet seasons (Pizarro et al., 2013; Vicuña et al., 2013). Central-south
Chile and Argentina also face significant reductions in precipitation as
shown in Section 27.2.1, contributing to runoff reductions in the last
decades of the 20th century (Seoane and López, 2007; Rubio-Álvarez
and McPhee, 2010; Urrutia et al., 2011; Vicuña et al., 2013), corroborated
with long-term trends found through dendrochronology (Lara et al.,
2007; Urrutia et al., 2011). Trends in precipitation and runoff are less
evident in the central-north region in Chile (Fiebig-Wittmaack et al., 2012;
Souvignet et al., 2012).
As presented in Table 27-4, the assessment of future climate scenarios
implications in hydrologic related conditions shows a large range of
uncertainty across the spectrum of climate models (mostly using CMIP3
simulations with the exception of Demaria et al. (2013)) and scenarios
considered. Nohara et al. (2006) studied climate change impacts on 24
of the main rivers in the world considering a large number of General
Circulation Models (GCMs), and found no robust change for the Paraná
Region Basins studied
Projected change Period
General circulation model
(greenhouse gas scenario)
Basins in the
razilian states of
Ceará and Piauí
1 No signifi cant change up to 2025. After 2025:
trong reduction with ECHAM4; slight increase
with HadCM2.
2000 2100 HadCM2, ECHAM4 (NS) Krol et al. (2006);
rol and Bronstert
aracatu River 1 +31 to +131% 2000 2100 HadCM3 (A2) De Mello et al.
o signifi cant change 2000 2100 HadCM3 (B2)
Jaguaribe River 2 Demand: +33 to +44% 2040 HadCM3 (A2, B2) Gondim et al. (2008,
rrigation water needs: +8 to +9% 2025 2055 HadCM3 (B2)
arnaíba River 1 80% 2050s HadCM3 (A2) Palmer et al. (2008)
Mimoso River 1 Dry scenario: – 25 to –75% 2010 2039,
040 2069, and
2070 2099
CSMK3 and HadCM3 (A2, B1) Montenegro and
agab (2010)
et scenario: +40 to +140%
3 No change
apacurá River 1 B1:4.89%, –14.28%,20.58% Three 30-year periods CSMK3 and MPEH5 (A2, B1) Montenegro and
Ragab (2012)
A2: +25.25%, +39.48%, +21.95%
Benguê Catchment 1 –15% reservoir yield Sensitivity scenario in 2100 selected from Third and
ourth Assessment Report general circulation models with
good skill. +15% potential evapostranspiration, –10%
Krol et al. (2011)
quifers in
northeastern Brazil
Reduction 2040 2070 HadCM3, ECHAM4 (A2,B2) Hirata and Conicelli
South America
Essequibo River 1 50% 2050s HadCM3 (A2) Palmer et al. (2008)
Magdalena River 1Non-signi cant changes in near future. End of
21st century changes in seasonality.
2015 2035 and
2075 2099
CMIP3 multi-model ensemble
Nakaegawa and
Vergara (2010)
Sinú River 1 2 to – 35% 2010 2039 CCSRNIES, CSIROMK2B, CGCM2,
HadCM3 (A2)
Ospina-Noreña et al.
Lempa River 1 –13% 2070 2100 CMIP3 models (B1) Maurer et al. (2009)
24% 2070 2100 CMIP3 models (A2)
Río Grande
de Matagalpa
1 –70% 2050s HadCM3 (A2) Palmer et al. (2008)
Basins in
1 Decrease across the region 2070 2100 CMIP3 (A2, A1B, B1) Imbach et al. (2012)
Consistent decrease 2050s HadCM3 and CMIP3 models
Arnell and Gosling
Consistent reduction in northern CA 2050 2099 30 GCMs (A1B) Hidalgo et al. (2013)
Basins in Panama 1 Basins discharging into the Paci c: +35 to +40% 2075 2099 MRI-AGCM3.1 (A1B) Fábrega et al. (2013)
Basins in the Bocas del Toro region: – 50%
Variable coding: (1) Runoff/discharge; (2) demand; (3) recharge; (4) glacier change; (5) unmet demand/water availability.
Table 27-4 (continued)
Central and South America Chapter 27
La Plata Basin) and Amazon Rivers. Nevertheless, in both cases the
average change showed a positive value consistent, at least with
observations for the La Plata Basin. In a more recent work Nakaegawa
et al. (2013a) showed a statistically significant increase for both basins
in a study that replicated that of Nohara et al. (2006) but with a different
hydrologic model. Focusing in extreme flows Guimberteau et al. (2013)
show that by the middle of the century no change is found in high flow
on the main stem of the Amazon River but there is a systematic reduction
in low-flow streamflow. In contrast, the northwestern part of the
Amazon River shows a consistent increase in high flow and inundated
area (Guimberteau et al., 2013; Langerwisch et al., 2013). On top of
such climatic uncertainty, future streamflows and water availability
projections are confounded by the potential effects of land use changes
(Moore et al., 2007; Coe et al., 2009; Georgescu et al., 2013).
The CA region shows a consistent future runoff reduction. Maurer et al.
(2009) studied climate change projections for the Lempa River basin, one
of the largest basins in CA, covering portions of Guatemala, Honduras,
and El Salvador. They showed that future climate projections (increase
in evaporation and reduction in precipitation) imply a reduction of 20%
in inflows to major reservoirs in this system (see Table 27-4). Imbach et
al. (2012) found similar results using a modeling approach that also
considered potential changes in vegetation. These effects could have
large hydropower generation implications as discussed in the case study
in Section 27.6.1.
The evolution of tropical Andes glaciers associated future climate
scenarios has been studied using trend (e.g., Poveda and Pineda, 2009),
regression (e.g., Juen et al., 2007; Chevallier et al., 2011), and explicit
modeling (e.g., Condom et al., 2012) analysis. These studies indicate that
glaciers will continue their retreat (Vuille et al., 2008a) and even disappear
as glacier equilibrium line altitude rises, with larger hydrological effects
during the dry season (Kaser et al., 2010; Gascoin et al., 2011). This is
expected to happen during the next 20 to 50 years (Juen et al., 2007;
Chevallier et al., 2011; see Table 27-4). After that period water availability
during the dry months is expected to diminish. A projection by Baraer
et al. (2012) for the Santa River in the Peruvian Andes finds that once
the glaciers are completely melt, annual discharge would decrease by
2 to 30%, depending on the watershed. Glacier retreat can exacerbate
current water resources-related vulnerability (Bradley et al., 2006; Casassa
et al., 2007; Vuille et al., 2008b; Mulligan et al., 2010), diminishing the
mountains’ water regulation capacity, making the supply of water for
diverse purposes, as well as for ecosystems integrity, more expensive
and less reliable (Buytaert et al., 2011). Impacts on economic activities
associated with conceptual scenarios of glacier melt reduction have been
monetized (Vergara et al., 2007), representing about US$100 million in
the case of water supply for Quito, and between US$212 million and
US$1.5 billion in the case of the Peruvian electricity sector due to losses
of hydropower generation (see the case study in Section 27.6.1). Andean
communities will face an important increase in their vulnerability, as
documented by Mark et al. (2010), Pérez et al. (2010), and Buytaert and
De Bièvre (2012).
In central Chile, Vicuña et al. (2011) project changes in the seasonality of
streamflows of the upper snowmelt-driven watersheds of the Limarí River,
associated with temperature increases and reductions in water availability
owing to a reduction (increase) in precipitation (evapotranspiration).
imilar conclusions are derived across the Andes on the Limay River in
Argentina by Seoane and López (2007). Under these conditions, semi-
arid highly populated basins (e.g., Santiago, Chile) and with extensive
agriculture irrigation and hydropower demands are expected to increase
their current vulnerability (high confidence; ECLAC, 2009a; Souvignet
et al., 2010; Fiebig-Wittmaack et al., 2012; Vicuña et al., 2012; see Table
27-4). Projected changes in the cryosphere conditions of the Andes
could affect the occurrence of extreme events, such as extreme low and
high flows (Demaria et al., 2013), Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF)
occurring in the ice fields of Patagonia (Dussaillant et al., 2010; Marín et
al., 2013), volcanic collapse and debris flow associated with accelerated
glacial melting in the tropical Andes (Carey, 2005; Carey et al., 2012b;
Fraser, 2012), and with volcanoes in southern Chile and Argentina
(Tormey, 2010), as well as scenarios of water quality pollution by exposure
to contaminants as a result of glaciers’ retreat (Fortner et al., 2011).
Another semi-arid region that has been studied thoroughly is northeast
Brazil (Hastenrath, 2012). de Mello et al. (2008), Gondim et al. (2008),
Souza et al. (2010), and Montenegro and Ragab (2010) have shown
that future climate change scenarios would decrease water availability
for agriculture irrigation owing to reductions in precipitation and increases
in evapotranspiration (medium confidence). Krol and Bronstert (2007)
and Krol et al. (2006) presented an integrated modeling study that
linked projected impacts on water availability for agriculture with
economic impacts that could potentially drive full-scale migrations in
the NEB region. Adaptation Practices
At an institutional level, a series of policies have been developed to reduce
vulnerability to climate variability as faced today in different regions
and settings. In 1997, Brazil instituted the National Water Resources
Policy and created the National Water Resources Management System
under the shared responsibility between the states and the federal
government. Key to this new regulation has been the promotion of
decentralization and social participation through the creation of National
Council of Water Resources and their counterparts in the states, the
States Water Resources Councils. The challenges and opportunities
dealing with water resources management in Brazil in the face of climate
variability and climate change have been well studied (Abers, 2007;
Kumler and Lemos, 2008; Medema et al., 2008; Engle et al., 2011; Lorz et
al., 2012). Other countries in the region are following similar approaches.
In the last years, there have been constitutional and legal reforms
toward more efficient and effective water resources management and
coordination among relevant actors in Honduras, Nicaragua, Ecuador,
Peru, Uruguay, Bolivia, and Mexico; although in many cases, these
innovations have not been completely implemented (Hantke-Domas,
2011). Institutional and governance improvements are required to
ensure an effective implementation of these adaptation measures (e.g.,
Halsnæs and Verhagen, 2007; Engle and Lemos, 2010; Lemos et al.,
2010; Zagonari, 2010; Pittock, 2011; Kirchhoff et al. 2013).
With regard to region-specific freshwater resources issues it is important
to consider adaptation to reduce vulnerabilities in the communities along
the tropical Andes and the semi-arid basins in Chile-Argentina, NEB,
and the northern CA basins. Different issues have been addressed in
Chapter 27 Central and South America
assessment of adaptation strategies for tropical Andean communities
such as the role of governance and institutions (Young and Lipton, 2006;
Lynch, 2012), technology (Carey et al., 2012a), and the dynamics of
multiple stressors (McDowell and Hess, 2012; Bury et al., 2013). Semi-
arid regions are characterized by pronounced climatic variability and
often by water scarcity and related social stress (Krol and Bronstert,
2007; Scott et al., 2012, 2013). Adaptation tools to face the threats of
climate change for the most vulnerable communities in the Chilean
semi-arid region are discussed by Young et al. (2010) and Debels et al.
(2009). In CA, Benegas et al. (2009), Manuel-Navarrete et al. (2007),
and Aguilar et al. (2009) provide different frameworks to understand
vulnerability and adaptation strategies to climate change and variability
in urban and rural contexts, although no specific adaptation strategies
are suggested. The particular experience in NEB provides other examples
of adaptation strategies to manage actual climate variability. Broad et
al. (2007) and Sankarasubramanian et al. (2009) studied the potential
benefits of streamflow forecast as a way to reduce the impacts of
climate change and climate variability on water distribution under stress
conditions. An historical review and analysis of drought management
in this region are provided by Campos and Carvalho (2008). de Souza
Filho and Brown (2009) studied different water distribution policy
scenarios, finding that the best option depended on the degree of
water scarcity. The study by Nelson and Finan (2009) provides a critical
perspective of drought-related policies, arguing that they constitute an
example of maladaptation as they do not try to solve the causes of
vulnerability and instead undermine resilience. Tompkins et al. (2008)
are also critical of risk reduction practices in this region because they
have fallen short of addressing the fundamental causes of vulnerability
needed for efficient longer term drought management. Other types of
adaptation options that stem from studies on arid and semi-arid regions
are related to (1) increase in water supply from groundwater pumping
(Döll, 2009; Kundzewicz and Döll, 2009; Zagonari, 2010; Burte et al.,
2011; Nadal et al., 2013), fog interception practices (Holder, 2006;
Klemm et al., 2012), and reservoirs and irrigation infrastructure (Fry et
al., 2010; Vicuña et al., 2010, 2012); and (2) improvements in water
demand management associated with increased irrigation efficiency
and practices (Geerts et al., 2010; Montenegro and Ragab, 2010; van
Oel et al., 2010; Bell et al., 2011; Jara-Rojas et al., 2012) and changes
toward less water-intensive crops (Montenegro and Ragab, 2010).
Finally, flood management practices also provide a suite of options to
deal with actual and future vulnerabilities related to hydrologic extremes,
such as the management of ENSO-related events in Peru via participatory
(Warner and Oré, 2006) or risk reduction approaches (Khalil et al., 2007),
the role of land use management (Bathurst et al., 2010, 2011; Coe et al.,
2011), and flood hazard assessment (Mosquera-Machado and Ahmad,
2006) (medium confidence).
27.3.2. Terrestrial and Inland Water Systems Observed and Projected Impacts and Vulnerabilities
CA and SA house the largest biological diversity and several of the
world’s megadiverse countries (Mittermeier et al., 1997; Guevara and
Laborde, 2008). However, land use change has led to the existence of
six biodiversity hotspots, that is, places with a great species diversity
that show high habitat loss and also high levels of species endemism:
Mesoamerica, Chocó-Darien-Western Ecuador, Tropical Andes, Central
Chile, Brazilian Atlantic forest, and Brazilian Cerrado (Mittermeier et al.,
2005). Thus, conversion of natural ecosystems is the main proximate cause
of biodiversity and ecosystem loss in the region (Ayoo, 2008). Tropical
deforestation is the second largest driver of anthropogenic climate
change on the planet, adding up to 17 to 20% of total greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions during the 1990s (Gullison et al., 2007; Strassburg et al.,
2010). In parallel, the region still has large extensions of wilderness areas
for which the Amazon is the most outstanding example. Nevertheless,
some of these areas are precisely the new frontier of economic expansion.
For instance, between 1996 and 2005, Brazil deforested about 19,500
, which represented 2 to 5% of global annual carbon dioxide (CO
emissions (Nepstad et al., 2009). Between 2005 and 2009, deforestation
in the Brazilian Amazon dropped by 36%, which is partly related to the
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ 27.1 | What is the impact of glacier retreat on
natural and human systems in the tropical Andes?
The retreat of glaciers in the tropical Andes mountains, with some uctuations, started after the Little Ice Age
16th to 19th centuries), but the rate of retreat (area reduction between 20 and 50%) has accelerated since the
late 1970s. The changes in runoff from glacial retreat into the basins fed by such runoff vary depending on the size
and phase of glacier retreat. In an early phase, runoff tends to increase as a result of accelerated melting, but after
peak, as the glacierized water reservoir gradually empties, runoff tends to decrease. This reduction in runoff is
more evident during dry months, when glacier melt is the major contribution to runoff (high confidence).
reduction in runoff could endanger high Andean wetlands (bofedales) and intensify conflicts between different
water users among the highly vulnerable populations in high-elevation Andean tropical basins. Glacier retreat has
also been associated with disasters such as glacial lake outburst floods that are a continuous threat in the region.
Glacier retreat could also impact activities in high mountainous ecosystems such as alpine tourism, mountaineering,
and adventure tourism (high confidence).
Central and South America Chapter 27
etwork of protected areas that now covers around 45.6% of the biome
in Brazil (Soares-Filho et al., 2010). Using the LandSHIFT modeling
framework for land use change and the IMPACT projections of crop/
livestock production, Lapola et al. (2011) projected that zero deforestation
in the Brazilian Amazon forest by 2020 (and of the Cerrado by 2025)
would require either a reduction of 26 to 40% in livestock production
until 2050 or a doubling of average livestock density from 0.74 to 1.46
head per hectare. Thus, climate change may imply reduction of yields
and entail further deforestation.
Local deforestation rates or rising GHGs globally drive changes in the
regional SA that during this century might lead the Amazon rainforest
into crossing a critical threshold at which a relatively small perturbation
can qualitatively alter the state or development of a system (Cox et al.,
2000; Salazar et al., 2007; Sampaio et al., 2007; Lenton et al., 2008;
Nobre and Borma, 2009). Various models are projecting a risk of reduced
rainfall and higher temperatures and water stress, which may lead to
an abrupt and irreversible replacement of Amazon forests by savanna-
like vegetation, under a high emission scenario (A2), from 2050–2060
to 2100 (Betts et al., 2004, 2008; Cox et al., 2004; Salazar et al., 2007;
Sampaio et al., 2007; Malhi et al., 2008, 2009; Sitch et al., 2008; Nobre
and Borma, 2009; Marengo et al., 2011c ). The possible “savannization”
or “die-back” of the Amazon region would potentially have large-scale
impacts on climate, biodiversity, and people in the region. The possibility
of this die-back scenario occurring, however, is still an open issue and
the uncertainties are still very high (Rammig et al., 2010; Shiogama et
al., 2011).
Plant species are rapidly declining in CA, SA, Central and West Africa,
and Southeast Asia (Bradshaw et al., 2009). Risk estimates of plant
species extinction in the Amazon, which do not take into account
possible climate change impacts, range from 5 to 9% by 2050 with a
habitat reduction of 12 to 24% (Feeley and Silman, 2009) to 33% by
2030 (Hubbell et al., 2008). The highest percentage of rapidly declining
amphibian species occurs in CA and SA. Brazil is among the countries
with most threatened bird and mammal species (Bradshaw et al., 2009).
A similar scenario is found in inland water systems. Among components
of aquatic biodiversity, fish are the best-known organisms (Abell et al.,
2008), with Brazil accounting for the richest icthyofauna of the planet
(Nogueira et al., 2010). For instance, the 540 Brazilian small microbasins
host 819 fish species with restrict distribution. However, 29% of these
microbasins have historically lost more than 70% of their natural
vegetation cover and only 26% show a significant overlap with protected
areas or indigenous reserves. Moreover, 40% of the microbasins overlap
with hydrodams (see Section 27.6.1 and Chapter 3) or have few protected
areas and high rates of habitat loss (Nogueira et al., 2010).
The faster and more severe the rate of climate change, the more severe
the biological consequences such as species decline (Brook et al., 2008).
Vertebrate fauna in North and South America is projected to suffer
species losses until 2100 of at least 10%, as forecasted in more than
80% of the climate projections based on a low-emissions scenario
(Lawler et al., 2009). Vertebrate species turnover until 2100 will be as
high as 90% in specific areas of CA and the Andes Mountains for
emission scenarios varying from low B1 to mid-high A2 (Lawler et al.,
2009). Elevational specialists, that is, a small proportion of species with
mall geographic ranges restricted to high mountains, are most frequent
in the Americas (e.g., Andes and Sierra Madre) and might be particularly
vulnerable to global warming because of their small geographic ranges
and high energetic and area requirements, particularly birds and
mammals (Laurance et al., 2011). In Brazil, projections for Atlantic
forest birds (Anciães and Peterson, 2006), endemic bird species (Marini
et al., 2009), and plant species (by 2055, scenarios HHGSDX50 and
HHGGAX50; Siqueira and Peterson, 2003) of the Cerrado indicate that
distribution will dislocate toward the south and southeast, precisely
where fragmentation and habitat loss are worse. Global climate change
is also predicted to increase negative impacts worldwide, including SA,
on freshwater fisheries due to alterations in physiology and life histories
of fish (Ficke et al., 2007).
In addition to climate change impacts at the individual species level,
biotic interactions will be affected. Modifications in phenology, structure
of ecological networks, predator-prey interactions, and non-trophic
interactions among organisms have been forecasted (Brooker et al.,
2008; Walther, 2010). The outcome of non-trophic interactions among
plants is expected to shift along with variation in climatic parameters,
with more facilitative interactions in more stressful environments, and
more competitive interactions in more benign environments (Brooker
et al., 2008; Anthelme et al., 2012). These effects are expected to have a
strong influence of community and ecosystem (re-)organization given the
key engineering role played by plants on the functioning of ecosystems
(Callaway, 2007). High Andean ecosystems, especially those within the
tropics, are expected to face exceptionally strong warming effects during
the 21st century because of their uncommonly high altitude (Bradley
et al., 2006). At the same time they provide a series of crucial ecosystem
services for millions of people (Buytaert et al., 2011). For these reasons
shifts in biotic interactions are expected to have negative consequences
on biodiversity and ecosystem services in this region.
Although in the region biodiversity conservation is largely confined to
protected areas, with the magnitude of climatic changes projected for
the century, it is expected that many species and vegetational types will
lose representativeness inside such protected areas (Heller and Zavaleta,
2009). Adaptation Practices
The subset of practices that are multi-sectoral, multi-scale, and based on
the premise that ecosystem services reduce the vulnerability of society
to climate change are known as Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA;
Vignola et al., 2009; see Glossary and Box CC-EA). Schemes such as the
payment for environmental services (PES) and community management
fit the concept of EbA that begins to spread in CA and SA (Vignola et al.,
2009). The principle behind these schemes is the valuation of ecosystem
services that should reflect both the economic and cultural benefits
derived from the human-ecosystem interaction and the capacity of
ecosystems to secure the flow of these benefits in the future (Abson
and Termansen, 2011).
Because PES schemes have developed more commonly in CA and SA
than in other parts of the world (Balvanera et al., 2012), this topic will
be covered as a case study (see Section 27.6.2).
Chapter 27 Central and South America
cological restoration, conservation in protected areas, and community
management can all be important tools for adaptation. A meta-analysis
of 89 studies by Benayas et al. (2009) (with a time scale of restoration
varying from <5 to 300 years), including many in SA, showed that
ecological restoration enhances the provision of biodiversity and
environmental services by 44 and 25%, respectively, as compared to
degraded systems. Moreover, ecological restoration increases the
potential for carbon sequestration and promotes community organization,
economic activities, and livelihoods in rural areas (Chazdon, 2008), as
seen in examples of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (Calmon et al., 2011;
Rodrigues et al., 2011). In that sense, Locatelli et al. (2011) revised
several ecosystem conservation and restoration initiatives in CA and
SA that simultaneously help mitigate and adapt to climate change.
Chazdon et al. (2009) also highlight the potential of restoration efforts
to build ecological corridors (see Harvey et al., 2008, for an example in
Central America).
The effective management of natural protected areas and the creation
of new protected areas within national protected area systems and
community management of natural areas are also efficient tools to
adapt to climate change and to reconcile biodiversity conservation with
socioeconomic development (e.g., Bolivian Andes: Hoffmann et al., 2011;
Panama: Oestreicher et al., 2009). Porter-Bolland et al. (2012) compared
protected areas with areas under community management in different
parts of the tropical world, including CA and SA, and found that protected
areas have higher deforestation rates than areas with community
management. Similarly, Nelson and Chomitz (2011) found for the region
that (1) protected areas of restricted use reduced fire substantially, but
multi-use protected areas are even more effective; and (2) in indigenous
reserves the incidence of forest fire was reduced by 16% as compared
to non-protected areas. This contrasts with the findings of Miteva et al.
(2012), who found protected areas more efficient in constraining
deforestation than other schemes. Other good examples of adaptive
community management in the continent include community forest
concessions (e.g., Guatemala: Radachowsky et al., 2012), multiple-use
management of forests (Guariguata et al., 2012; see also examples in
Brazil: Klimas et al., 2012, Soriano et al., 2012, and Bolivia: Cronkleton
et al., 2012); and local communities where research and monitoring
protocols are in place to pay the communities for collecting primary
scientific data (Luzar et al., 2011).
27.3.3. Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas Observed and Projected Impacts and Vulnerabilities
Climate change is altering coastal and marine ecosystems (Hoegh-
Guldberg and Bruno, 2010). Coral reefs (Chapter 5; Box CC-CR), seagrass
beds, mangroves, rocky reefs and shelves, and seamounts have few to
no areas left in the world that remain unaffected by human influence
(Halpern et al., 2008). Anthropogenic drivers associated with climate
change decreased ocean productivity, altered food web dynamics,
reduced the abundance of habitat-forming species, shifted species
distributions, and led to a greater incidence of disease (Hoegh-Guldberg
and Bruno, 2010). Coastal and marine impacts and vulnerability are often
associated with collateral effects of climate change such as SLR, ocean
warming, and ocean acidification (Box CC-OA). Overfishing, habitat
ollution and destruction, and the invasion of species also negatively
impact biodiversity and the delivery of ecosystem services (Guarderas
et al., 2008; Halpern et al., 2008). Such negative impacts lead to losses
that pose significant challenges and costs for societies, particularly in
developing countries (Hoegh-Guldberg and Bruno, 2010). For instance,
the Ocean Health Index (Halpern et al., 2012), which measures how
healthy the coupling of the human-ocean system is for every coastal
country (including parameters related to climate change), indicates that
CA countries rank among the lowest values. For SA, Suriname stands
out with one of the highest scores.
Coastal states of LA and the Caribbean have a human population of
more than 610 million, three-fourths of whom live within 200 km of
the coast (Guarderas et al., 2008). For instance, studying seven countries
in the region (El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia,
Venezuela, Ecuador), Lacambra and Zahedi (2011) found that more
than 30% of the population lives in coastal areas directly exposed to
climatic events. Large coastal populations are related to the significant
transformation marine ecosystems have been undergoing in the region.
Fish stocks, places for recreation and tourism, and controls of pests and
pathogens are all under pressure (Guarderas et al., 2008; Mora, 2008).
Moreover, SLR varied from 2 to 7 mm yr
between 1950 and 2008 in
CA and SA. The Western equatorial border, influenced by the ENSO
phenomenon, shows a lower variation (of about 1 mm yr
) and a range
of variation under El Niño events of the same order of magnitude
that sustained past changes (Losada et al., 2013). The distribution of
population is a crucial factor for inundation impact, with coastal
areas being non-homogeneously impacted. A scenario of 1 m SLR would
affect some coastal populations in Brazil and the Caribbean islands (see
Figure 27-6; ECLAC, 2011a). Coastal impacts
Based on trends observed and projections, Figure 27-6 shows how
potential impacts may be distributed in the region. (a) Flooding: Since
flooding probability increases with increasing sea level, one may expect a
higher probability of flooding in locations showing >40% of change over
the last 60 years in the 100-years total sea level (excluding hurricanes).
The figure also identifies urban areas where the highest increase in
flooding level has been obtained. (b) Beach erosion: It increases with
potential sediment transport, thus locations where changes in potential
sediment transport have increased over a certain threshold have a
higher probability to be eroded. (c) Sea ports and reliability of coastal
structures: The figure shows locations where, in the case of having a
protection structure in place, there is a reduction in the reliability of the
structures owing to the increase in the design wave height estimates
(ECLAC, 2011a). Coastal dynamics
Information on coastal dynamics is based on historical time series that
have been obtained by a combination ofdatareanalysis,available
instrumental information, and satellite information. Advanced statistical
techniques have been used for obtaining trends including uncertainties
(Izaguirre et al., 2013; Losada et al., 2013).
Central and South America Chapter 27
The greatest flooding levels (hurricanes not considered) in the region
are found in Rio de La Plata area, which combine a 5 mm yr
in storm surge with SLR changes in extreme flooding levels (ECLAC,
2011a; Losada et al., 2013). Extreme flooding events may become more
frequent because return periods are decreasing, and urban coastal areas
in the eastern coast will be particularly affected, while at the same time
beach erosion is expected to increase in southern Brazil and in scattered
areas at the Pacific coast (ECLAC, 2011a).
The majority of the literature concerning climate change impacts for
coastal and marine ecosystems considers coral reefs (see also Chapter 5;
Box CC-CR), mangroves, and fisheries. Coral reefs are particularly
sensitive to climate-induced changes in the physical environment (Baker
et al., 2008) to an extent that one-third of the more than 700 species
of reef-building corals worldwide are already threatened with extinction
(Carpenter et al., 2008). Coral bleaching and mortality are often associated
with ocean warming and acidification (Baker et al., 2008). If extreme
sea surface temperatures were to continue, the projections using SRES
scenarios (A1FI, 3ºC sensitivity, and A1B with 2ºC and 4.5ºC sensitivity)
indicate that it is possible that the Mesoamerican coral reef will collapse
by mid-century (between 2050 and 2070), causing major economic
losses (Vergara, 2009). Extreme high sea surface temperatures have
been increasingly documented in the western Caribbean near the coast
of CA and have resulted in frequent bleaching events (1993, 1998, 2005,
and again in 2010) of the Mesoamerican coral reef, located along the
coasts of Belize, Honduras, and Guatemala (Eakin et al., 2010). Reef and
also mangrove ecosystems are estimated to contribute greatly to goods
and services in economic terms. In Belize, for example, this amount is
approximately US$395 to US$559 million annually, primarily through
marine-based tourism, fisheries, and coastal protection (Cooper et al.,
2008). In the Eastern Tropical Pacific, seascape trace abundance of
cement and elevated nutrients in upwelled waters are factors that help
explain high bioerosion rates of local coral reefs (Manzello et al., 2008).
In the southwestern Atlantic coast, eastern Brazilian reefs might suffer
a massive coral cover decline in the next 50 years (Francini-Filho et al.,
2008). This estimate is based on coral disease prevalence and progression
rate, along with growth rate of Mussismilia braziliensis—a major reef-
building coral species that is endemic in Brazil. These authors also
pointed out that coral diseases intensified between 2005 and 2007 based
on qualitative observations since the 1980s and regular monitoring since
2001. They have also predicted that the studied coral species will be
nearly extinct in less than a century if the current rate of mortality due
to disease is not reversed.
Mangroves are largely affected by anthropogenic activities whether or
not they are climate driven. All mangrove forests, along with important
ea level rise of 2 mm yr
long-term trends in the
Atlantic coast)
−2 mm yr
torm surges
0.3° yr
>0.3° yr
lockwise (CCW)
mm yr
storm surges
(a) Coastal impacts
(b) Coastal dynamics
0.3 m yr
in significant wave
height exceeded 12 hours per
ear on average (Hs12)
<0.1 m yr
in annual mean wave
0−40% of change in the
50-year flooding event between
decades of 1950−1960 and
Lower sea level rise detected
approximately 1 mm yr
nnual Mean Energy Flux
Direction shift (°C per year)
Strong trends found in storm
urge extremes
>40% of change over the last 60 years in the
00-year total sea level (excluding hurricanes)
Changes in potential sediment transport rate
Possible sea ports affected for
navigation due to increase in wave heights
Reduction in the reliability of coastal structures
Beach erosion
rosion due to beach rotation
Infrastructures affected below 1 m
>6mm yr
in extreme coastal flooding
0.2° yr
clockwise (CW)
NSO interannual variability
of the same order of
agnitude than sea level
rise in the last 6 decades
eneralized beach erosion due to
ea level rise from 0.16 to 0.3 m yr
(regional scale)
>2–3 mm yr
xtreme flooding
Sea ports
Figure 27-6 | Current and predicted coastal impacts (a) and coastal dynamics (b) in response to climate change. (a) Coastal impacts: Based on trends observed and projections,
the figure shows how potential impacts may be distributed in the region (ECLAC, 2011a). Flooding: Since flooding probability increases with increasing sea level, one may
expect a higher probability of flooding in locations showing >40% of change over the last 60 years in 100-year total sea level (excluding hurricanes). The figure also identifies
urban areas where the highest increase in flooding level has been obtained. Beach erosion: Increases with potential sediment transport, and thus locations where changes in
potential sediment transport have increased over a certain threshold have a higher probability of being eroded. Sea ports and reliability of coastal structures: Shows
locations where, in the case of having a protection structure in place, there is a reduction in the reliability of the structures due to the increase in the design wave height
estimates. (b) Coastal dynamics: Information based on historical time series that have been obtained by a combination of data reanalysis, available instrumental information, and
satellite information. Advanced statistical techniques have been used for obtaining trends including uncertainties (Izaguirre et al., 2013; Losada et al., 2013).
Chapter 27 Central and South America
cosystem goods and services, could be lost in the next 100 years if the
present rate of loss continues (1 to 2% a year; Duke et al., 2007). Moreover,
estimates are that climate change may lead to a maximum global loss
of 10 to 15% of mangrove forest by 2100 (Alongi, 2008). In CA and SA,
some of the main drivers of loss are deforestation and land conversion,
agriculture, and shrimp ponds (Polidoro et al., 2010). The Atlantic and
Pacific coasts of CA are some of the most endangered on the planet
with regard to mangroves, as approximately 40% of present species
are threatened with extinction (Polidoro et al., 2010). Approximately
75% of the global mangrove extension is concentrated in 15 countries,
among which Brazil is included (Giri et al., 2011). The rate of survival of
original mangroves lies between 12.8 and 47.6% in the Tumaco Bay
(Colombia), resulting in ecosystem collapse, fisheries reduction, and
impacts on livelihoods (Lampis, 2010). Gratiot et al. (2008) project for the
current decade an increase of mean high water levels of 6 cm followed
by 90 m shoreline retreat, implying flooding of thousands of hectares
of mangrove forest along the coast of French Guiana.
Peru and Colombia are two of the eight most vulnerable countries to
climate change impacts on fisheries, owing to the combined effect of
observed and projected warming, to species and productivity shifts in
upwelling systems, to the relative importance of fisheries to national
economies and diets, and limited societal capacity to adapt to potential
impacts and opportunities (Allison et al., 2009). Fisheries production
systems are already pressured by overfishing, habitat loss, pollution,
invasive species, water abstraction, and damming (Allison et al., 2009).
In Brazil, a decadal rate of 0.16 trophic level decline (as measured by
the Marine Trophic Index, which refers to the mean trophic level of the
catch) has been detected through most of the northeastern coast,
between 1978 and 2000, which is one of the highest rates documented
in the world (Freire and Pauly, 2010).
Despite the focus in the literature on corals, mangroves, and fisheries,
there is evidence that other benthic marine invertebrates that provide key
services to reef systems, such as nutrient cycling, water quality regulation,
and herbivory, are also threatened by climate change (Przeslawski et al.,
2008). The same applies for seagrasses, for which a worldwide decline
has accelerated from a median of 0.9% yr
before 1940 to 7% yr
990, which is comparable to rates reported for mangroves, coral reefs,
and tropical rainforests, and place seagrass meadows among the most
threatened ecosystems on earth (Waycott et al., 2009).
A major challenge of particular relevance at local and global scales will
be to understand how these physical changes will impact the biological
environment of the ocean (e.g., Gutiérrez et al., 2011b), as the Humboldt
Current system—flowing along the west coast of SA—is the most
productive upwelling system of the world in terms of fish productivity. Adaptation Practices
Designing marine protected areas (MPAs) that are resilient to climate
change is a key adaptation strategy in coastal and marine environments
(McLeod et al., 2009). By 2007, LA and the Caribbean (which includes CA
and SA countries) had more than 700 MPAs established covering around
1.5% of the coastal and shelf waters, most of which allow varying levels
of extractive activities (Guarderas et al., 2008). This protected area cover,
however, is insufficient to preserve important habitats or connectivity
among populations at large biogeographic scales (Guarderas et al., 2008).
Nevertheless, examples of adaptation in CA and SA are predominantly
related to MPAs. In Brazil, a protected area type known as “Marine
Extractive Reserves” currently benefits 60,000 small-scale fishermen along
the coast (de Moura et al., 2009). Examples of fisheries’ co-management,
a form of a participatory process involving local fishermen communities,
government, academia, and non-governmental organizations, are reported
to favor a balance between conservation of marine fisheries, coral reefs,
and mangroves on the one hand (Francini-Filho and de Moura, 2008),
and the improvement of livelihoods, as well as the cultural survival of
traditional populations on the other (de Moura et al., 2009; Hastings,
Significant financial and human resources are expended annually in the
marine reserves to support reef management efforts. These actions,
including the creation of marine reserves to protect from overfishing,
improvement of watershed management, and protection or replanting of
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ 27.2 | Can payment for ecosystem services be used as an effective way
to help local communities adapt to climate change?
Ecosystems provide a wide range of basic services, such as providing breathable air, drinkable water, and moderating
flood risk (very high confidence). Assigning values to these services and designing conservation agreements based
on these (broadly known as payment for ecosystem services, or PES) can be an effective way to help local communities
adapt to climate change. It can simultaneously help protect natural areas and improve livelihoods and human well-
being (medium confidence). However, during design and planning, a number of factors need to be taken into
consideration at the local level to avoid potentially negative results. Problems can arise if (1) the plan sets poor
definitions about whether the program should focus just on actions to be taken or the end result of those actions,
(2) many perceive the initiative as commoditization of nature and its intangible values, (3) the action is inefficient
to reduce poverty, (4) difficulties emerge in building trust between various stakeholders involved in agreements,
and (5) there are eventual gender or land tenure issues.
Central and South America Chapter 27
oastal mangroves, are proven tools to improve ecosystem functioning.
In Mesoamerican reefs Carilli et al. (2009) found out that such actions
may also actually increase the thermal tolerance of corals to bleaching
stress and thus the associated likelihood of surviving future warming.
In relation to mangroves, in addition to marine protected areas that
include mangroves and functionally linked ecosystems, Gilman et al. (2008)
list a number of other relevant adaptation practices: coastal planning
to facilitate mangrove migration with SLR, management of activities
within the catchment that affect long-term trends in the mangrove
sediment elevation, better management of non-climate stressors, and
the rehabilitation of degraded areas. However, such types of practices
are not frequent in the region.
On the other hand, the implementation of adaptation strategies to SLR
or to address coastal erosion is more commonly seen in many countries
in the region (Lacambra and Zahedi, 2011). For instance, redirecting new
settlements to better-protected locations and to promote investments
in appropriate infrastructure shall be required in the low elevation
coastal zones (LECZ) of the region, particularly in lower income countries
with limited resources, which are especially vulnerable. The same applies
to countries with high shares of land (e.g., Brazil ranking 7th worldwide
of the total land area in the LECZ) and/or population (e.g., Guyana and
Suriname ranking 2nd and 5th by the share of population in the LECZ,
having respectively 76 and 55% of their populations in such areas)
(McGranahan et al., 2007). Adaptation will demand effective and
enforceable regulations and economic incentives, all of which require
political will as well as financial and human capital (McGranahan et al.,
2007). Adaptive practices addressing river flooding are also being
made available as in the study of Casco et al. (2011) for the low Paraná
River in Argentina (see also Chapters 5 and 6 for coastal and marine
27.3.4. Food Production Systems and Food Security Observed and Projected Impacts and Vulnerabilities
Increases in the global demand for food and biofuels promoted a sharp
increase in agricultural production in SA and CA, associated mainly
with the expansion of planted areas (see Chapter 7), and this trend is
predicted to continue in the future (see Section Ecosystems
are being and will be affected in isolation and synergistically by climate
variability/change and land use changes, which are comparable drivers
of environmental change (see Sections, By the end
of the 21st century (13 GCMs, under SRES A1B and B1) SA could lose
between 1 and 21% of its arable land due to climate change and
population growth (Zhang and Cai, 2011).
Optimal land management could combine efficient agricultural and
biofuels production with ecosystem preservation under climate change.
However, current practices are leading to a deterioration of ecosystems
throughout the continent (see Section 27.3.2). In southern Brazilian
Amazonia water yields (mean daily discharge (mm d
)) were near four
times higher in soy than in forested watersheds, and showed greater
seasonal variability (Hayhoe et al., 2011). In the Argentinean Pampas
current land use changes disrupt water and biogeochemical cycles and
ay result in soil salinization, altered carbon and nitrogen storage,
surface runoff, and stream acidification (Nosetto et al., 2008; Berthrong
et al., 2009; Farley et al., 2009). In central Argentina flood extension
was associated with the dynamics of groundwater level, which has been
influenced by precipitation and land use change (Viglizzo et al., 2009).
2 Observed impacts
The SESA region has shown significant increases in precipitation and
wetter soil conditions during the 20th century (Giorgi, 2002; see Table
27-1) that benefited summer crops and pastures productivity, and
contributed to the expansion of agricultural areas (Barros, 2008a; Hoyos
et al., 2012). Wetter conditions observed during 1970–2000 (in relation
to 1930–1960) led to increases in maize and soybean yields (9 to 58%)
in Argentina, Uruguay, and southern Brazil (Magrin et al., 2007b). Even
if rainfall projections estimate increases of about 25% in SESA for 2100,
agricultural systems could be threatened if climate reverts to a drier
situation due to inter-decadal variability. This could put at risk the viability
of continuous agriculture in marginal regions of Argentina’s Pampas
(Podestá et al., 2009). During the 1930s and 1940s, dry and windy
conditions together with deforestation, overgrazing, overcropping, and
non-suitable tillage produced severe dust storms, cattle mortality, crop
failure, and rural migration (Viglizzo and Frank, 2006).
At the global scale (see Chapter 7), warming since 1981 has reduced
wheat, maize, and barley productivity, although the impacts were small
compared with the technological yield gains over the same period
(Lobell and Field, 2007). In central Argentina, simulated potential wheat
yield—without considering technological improvements—has been
decreasing at increasing rates since 1930 (1930–2000:28 kg ha
1970–2000: –53 kg ha
) in response to increases in minimum
temperature during October–November (1930–2000: +0.4°C per decade;
1970–2000: +0.6°C per decade) (Magrin et al., 2009). The observed
changes in the growing season temperature and precipitation between
1980 and 2008 have slowed the positive yield trends due to improved
genetics in Brazilian wheat, maize, and soy, as well as Paraguayan soy.
In contrast, rice in Brazil and soybean in Argentina have benefited from
precipitation and temperature trends (Lobell et al., 2011). In Argentina,
increases in soybean yield may be associated with weather types that
favor the entry of cold air from the south, reducing thermal stress during
flowering and pod set, and weather types that increase the probability
of dry days at harvest (Bettolli et al., 2009). Projected impacts
Assessment of future climate scenarios implications to food production
and food security (see Table 27-5) shows a large range of uncertainty
across the spectrum of climate models and scenarios. One of the
uncertainties is related to the effect of CO
on plant physiology. Many
crops (such as soybean, common bean, maize, and sugarcane) can
probably respond with an increasing productivity as a result of higher
growth rates and better water use efficiency. However, food quality
could decrease as a result of higher sugar contents in grain and fruits,
and decreases in the protein content in cereals and legumes (DaMatta
et al., 2010). Uncertainties associated with climate and crop models, as
Chapter 27 Central and South America
ell as with the uncertainty in human behavior, potentially lead to large
error bars on any long-term prediction of food output. However, the
trends presented here represent the current available information.
In SESA, some crops could be benefitted until mid-21st century if CO
effects are considered (see Table 27-5), although interannual and decadal
climate variability could provoke important damages. In Uruguay and
rgentina, productivity could increase or remain almost stable until the
2030s–2050s depending on the SRES scenario (ECLAC, 2010c). Warmer
and wetter conditions may benefit crops toward the southern and western
zone of the Pampas (Magrin et al., 2007c; ECLAC, 2010c). In south Brazil,
irrigated rice yield (Walter et al., 2010) and bean productivity (Costa et
al., 2009) are expected to increase. If technological improvement is
considered, the productivity of common bean and maize could increase
Continued next page
Country/region Activity Time slice
Special report
on Emissions
Changes Source
Annual crops 2030 / 2050 / 2070 / 2100 A2 +185 / –194 / 284 / 508 ECLAC (2010a)
030 / 2050 B2 + 9 2 / + 1 6 9
Livestock 2030 / 2050 / 2070 / 2100 A2 +174 / 80 / –160 / 287
2030 / 2050 B2 + 1 3 6 / + 1 8 2
orestry 2030 / 2050 / 2070 / 2100 A2 + 1 5 / + 3 9 / + 5 2 / + 1 9
2030 / 2050 / 2070 B2 + 6 / + 1 3 / + 1 8
assava 2020 / 2050 / 2080 A2 + 1 6 / + 2 2 / + 2 2 E C L A C ( 2 0 1 0 a )
Wheat 2020 / 2050 / 2080 A2 +4 / 9/ –13
B2 –1/+1/ 5
Maize 2020 / 2050 / 2080 A2 + 3 / + 3 / + 8
B2 + 3 / + 1 / + 6
Soybean 2020 / 2050 / 2080 A2 0 / –10 / –15
B2 0 / –15 / 2
Bean 2020 / 2050 / 2080 A2 1 / + 1 0 / + 1 6
Maize 2080 A2 / B2 N 24 / –15 ECLAC (2010a)
A2 / B2 Y + 1 / 0
Soybean 2080 A2 / B2 N 25 / –14
A2 / B2 Y + 1 4 / + 1 9
Wheat 2080 A2 / B2 N–16 / –11
A2 / B2 Y+3/+3
Soybean 2020 / 2050 / 2080 A2 Y + 2 4 / + 4 2 / + 4 8 Travasso et al. (2008)
B2 Y + 1 4 / + 3 0 / + 3 3
Maize 2020 / 2050 / 2080 A2 Y + 8 / + 1 1 / + 1 6
B2 Y + 5 / + 5 / + 9
Rice 2CO
/ 0ºC Y+60 Walter et al. (2010)
/+5ºC Y+30
Bean 2050 / 2080 A2 N Up to – 30% Costa et al. (2009)
2020 / 2050 / 2080 A2+CO
Y Up to: +30 /+30 /+45
+T Y Up to: +45 /+75 /+90
Maize 2050 / 2080 A2 N Up to – 30%
Y Near to –15%
2020 / 2050 / 2080 A2+CO
+T Y Up to: +40 /+60 /+90
Arabica coffee +0 to +1ºC +1.5% Zullo et al. (2011)
+1 to +2ºC +15.9%
+2 to +3ºC +28.6%
+3 to +4ºC –12.9%
State of São Paulo, Brazil
Sugarcane 2040 Pessimistic +6% Marin et al. (2009)
Optimistic +2%
Table 27-5 | Impacts on agriculture.
Central and South America Chapter 27
etween 40 and 90% (Costa et al., 2009). Sugarcane production could
benefit, as warming could allow the expansion of planted areas toward
the south, where low temperatures are a limiting factor (Pinto et al.,
2008). Increases in crop productivity could reach 6% in São Paulo state
toward 2040 (Marin et al., 2009). In Paraguay the yields of soybean,
maize, and wheat could have slight variations (–1.4 to +3.5%) until 2020
(ECLAC, 2010a).
In Chile and western Argentina, yields could be reduced by water limitation.
In central Chile (30ºS to 42ºS) temperature increases, reduction in chilling
hours, and water shortages may reduce productivity of winter crops, fruits,
vines, and radiata pine. Conversely, rising temperatures, more moderate
frosts, and more abundant water will very likely benefit all species toward
the south (ECLAC, 2010a; Meza and da Silva, 2009). In northern Patagonia
(Argentina) fruit and vegetable growing could be negatively affected
ecause of a reduction in rainfall and in average flows in the Neuquén
River basin. In the north of the Mendoza basin (Argentina) increases in
water demand, due to population growth, may compromise the availability
of subterranean water for irrigation, pushing up irrigation costs and
forcing many producers out of farming toward 2030. Also, water quality
could be reduced by the worsening of existing salinization processes
(ECLAC, 2010a).
In CA, NEB, and parts of the Andean region (Table 27-5) climate change
could affect crop yields, local economies, and food security. It is very likely
that growing season temperatures in parts of tropical SA, east of the
Andes, and CA exceed the extreme seasonal temperatures documented
from 1900 to 2006 at the end of this century (23 GCMs), affecting
regional agricultural productivity and human welfare (Battisti and Naylor,
2009). For NEB, declining crop yields in subsistence crops such as beans,
Country/region Activity Time slice
Special report
on Emissions
Changes Source
Northeastern Brazil
Cassava 2020 2040 N 0 to –10 Lobell et al. (2008)
aize 2020 2040 N 0 to –10
Rice 2020 2040 N –1 to –10
Wheat 2020 2040 N –1 to –14
Maize 20 to – 30 Margulis et al. (2010)
Bean 20 to – 30
Rice 20 to – 30
Cowpea bean +1.5ºC 26% Silva et al. (2010)
+3.0ºC 44%
+5.0ºC 63%
Central America
Maize 2030 / 2050 / 2070 / 2100 A2 0 / 0 / –10 / 30 ECLAC (2010a)
Bean 2030 / 2050 / 2070 / 2100 A2 4 / –19/ 29/ 87
Rice 2030 / 2050 / 2070 / 2100 A2 +3 / 3 / –14 / 63
Rice 2020 2040 N 0 to –10 Lobell et al. (2008)
Wheat 2020 2040 N –1 to – 9
Maize 2020 / 2050 / 2080 A2 Y 0.5 /+2.4 /+4.5 Ruane et al. (2011)
B1 Y 0.1/ 0.8/+1.5
Andean Region
Wheat 2020 2040 N –14 to +2 Lobell et al. (2008)
Barley 2020 2040 N 0 to –13
Potato 2020 2040 N 0 to – 5
Maize 2020 2040 N 0 to – 5
All main crops 2050 17 GCMs (A2) 80% of crops impacted in more than
60% of current cultivated areas
Ramirez et al. (2012)
Chile (34.6º to 38.5ºS)
Maize 2050 A1FI Y 5% to –10% Meza and Silva (2009)
Wheat 2050 A1FI Y –10% to – 20%
Changes are expressed as differences in relative yield (%), except for
N: Without considering CO
biological effects.
Y: Considering CO
biological effects.
Considering double CO
concentration (780 ppm CO
T: Considering technological improvement (genetic changes).
Gross value of production (millions of US$).
Huge spatial variability; values are approximated.
Changes in the percentage of areas with low climate risk.
Table 27-5 (continued)
Chapter 27 Central and South America
orn, and cassava are projected (Lobell et al., 2008; Margulis et al.,
2010). In addition, increases in temperature could reduce the areas
currently favorable to cowpea bean (Silva et al., 2010). The highest
warming foreseen for 2100 (5.8°C, under SRES A2 scenario) could make
the coffee crop unfeasible in Minas Gerais and São Paulo (southeast
Brazil) if no adaptation action is accomplished. Thus, the coffee crop
may have to be transferred to southern regions where temperatures are
lower and the frost risk will be reduced (Camargo, 2010). With +3ºC,
Arabica coffee is expected to expand in the extreme south of Brazil,
the Uruguayan border, and northern Argentina (Zullo Jr. et al., 2011).
Brazilian potato production could be restricted to a few months in
currently warm areas, which today allow potato production year-round
(Lopes et al., 2011). Large losses of suitable environments for the “Pequi
tree (Caryocar brasiliense, an economically important Cerrado fruit tree)
are projected by 2050, affecting mainly the poorest communities in
central Brazil (Nabout et al., 2011). In the Amazon region soybean yields
would be reduced by 44% in the worst scenario (Hadley Centre climate
prediction model 3 (HadCM3) and no CO
fertilization) by 2050 (Lapola
et al., 2011). By 2050, according to 17 GCMs under SRES A2 scenario,
80% of crops will be impacted in more than 60% of current areas of
cultivation in Colombia, with severe impacts in perennial and exportable
crops (Ramirez-Villegas et al., 2012).
Teixeira et al. (2013) identified hotspots for heat stress toward 2071–
2100 under the A1B scenario and suggest that rice in southeast Brazil,
maize in CA and SA, and soybean in central Brazil will be the crops and
zones most affected by increases in temperature.
In CA, changes projected in climate could severely affect the poorest
population and especially their food security, increasing the current rate
of chronic malnutrition. Currently, Guatemala is the most food insecure
country by percentage of the population (30.4%) and the problem has
been increasing in recent years (FAO, WFP, and IFAD, 2012). The impact
of climate variability and change is a great challenge in the region. As
an example, the recent rust problem on the coffee sector of 2012–2013
has affected nearly 600,000 ha (55% of the total area) (ICO, 2013) and
will reduce employment by 30 to 40% for the harvest 2013–2014
(FEWS NET, 2013). At least 1.4 million people in Guatemala, El Salvador,
Honduras, and Nicaragua depend on the coffee sector, which is very
susceptible to climate variations. In Pana, the large interannual climate
variability will continue to be the dominant influence on seasonal maize
yield into the coming decades (Ruane et al., 2013). In the future, warming
conditions combined with more variable rainfall are expected to reduce
maize, bean, and rice productivity (ECLAC, 2010c); rice and wheat
yields could decrease up to 10% by 2030 (Lobell et al., 2008; medium
confidence). In CA, nearly 90% of agricultural production destined for
internal consumption is composed by maize (70%), bean (25%), and
rice (6%) (ECLAC, 2011d).
Climate change may also alter the current scenario of plant diseases
and their management, having effects on productivity (Ghini et al.,
2011). In Argentina, years with severe infection of late cycle diseases
in soybean could increase; severe outbreaks of the Mal de Rio Cuarto
virus in maize (natural vectors: Delphacodes kuscheli and Delphacodes
hayward) could be more frequent; and wheat head fusariosis will increase
slightly in the south of the Pampas region by the end of the century
(ECLAC, 2010a). In Brazil favorable areas for soybean and coffee rusts
ill move toward the south, particularly for the hottest scenario of 2080
(Alves et al., 2011). Potato late blight (Phytophtora infestans) severity
is expected to increase in Peru (Giraldo et al., 2010).
The choice of livestock species could change in the future. For example,
by 2060, under a hot and dry scenario, beef and dairy cattle, pig, and
chicken production choice could decrease between 0.9 and 3.2%, while
sheep election could increase by 7% mainly in the Andean countries
(Seo et al., 2010). Future climate could strongly affect milk production
and feed intake in dairy cattle in Brazil, where substantial modifications
in areas suitable for livestock, mainly in the Pernambuco region, are
expected (da Silva et al., 2009). Warming and drying conditions in
Nicaragua could reduce milk production, mainly among farmers who
are already seriously affected under average dry season conditions
(Lentes et al., 2010).
Climate change impact on regional welfare will depend not only on
changes in yield, but also in international trade. According to Hertel et
al. (2010), by 2030, global cereal price could change between increases
of 32% (low-productivity scenario) or decreases of 16% (optimistic yield
scenario). A rise in prices could benefit net exporting countries such as
Brazil, where gains from terms of trade shifts could outweigh the losses
due to climate change. Despite experiencing significant negative yield
shocks, some countries tend to gain from higher commodity prices.
However, most poor household are food purchasers and rising commodity
prices tend to have a negative effect on poverty (von Braun, 2007).
According to Chapter 7, increases in prices during 2007–2009 led to
rising poverty in Nicaragua. Adaptation Practices
Genetic advances and suitable soil and technological management
may induce an increase in some crops’ yield despite unfavorable future
climate conditions. In Argentina, genetic techniques, specific scientific
knowledge, and land use planning are viewed as promising sources of
adaptation (Urcola et al., 2010). Adjustments in sowing dates and
fertilization rates could reduce negative impacts or increase yields in
maize and wheat crops in Argentina and Chile (Magrin et al., 2009;
Meza and da Silva, 2009; Travasso et al., 2009b). Furthermore, in central
Chile and southern Pampas in Argentina warmer climates could allow
performing two crops per season, increasing productivity per unit land
(Monzon et al., 2007; Meza et al., 2008). In Brazil, adaptation strategies
for coffee crops include planting at high densities, vegetated soil, accurate
irrigation and breeding programs, and shading management system
(arborization) (Camargo, 2010). Shading is also used in Costa Rica and
Colombia. In south Brazil, a good option for irrigated rice could be to
plant early cultivars (Walter et al., 2010).
Water management is another option for needed better preparedness
regarding water scarcity (see Section 27.3.1). In Chile, the adoption of
water conservation practices depends on social capital, farm size, and land
use; and the adoption of technologies that require investment depend on
the access to credit and irrigation water subsidies (Jara-Rojas et al., 2012).
Deficit irrigation could be an effective measure for water savings in dry
areas such as the Bolivian Altiplano (quinoa), central Brazil (tomatoes),
and northern Argentina (cotton) (Geerts and Raes, 2009). In rainfed
Central and South America Chapter 27
rops adaptive strategies might need to look at the harvest, storage,
temporal transfer, and efficient use of rainfall water. In addition, some
agronomic practices such as fallowing, crop sequences, groundwater
management, no-till operations, cover crops, and fertilization could
improve the adaptation to water scarcity (Quiroga and Gaggioli, 2011).
One approach to adapting to future climate change is by assisting people
to cope with current climate variability (Baethgen, 2010), for which the
use of climatic forecasts in agricultural planning presents a measure.
Increased access and improvement of climate forecast information
enhances the ability of farmers in the Brazilian Amazon to cope with El
Niño impacts (Moran et al., 2006). The Southern Oscillation Index for
maize and the South Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature for soybean and
sunflower were the best indicators of annual crop yield variability in
Argentina (Travasso et al., 2009a). Another possibility to cope with extreme
events consists in transferring weather-related risks by using different
types of rural insurance (Baethgen, 2010). Index insurance is one
mechanism that has been recently introduced to overcome obstacles
to traditional agricultural and disaster insurance markets (see Chapter
15). For the support of such parametric agricultural insurance, a Central
American climate database was recently established (SICA, 2013).
Local and indigenous knowledge has the potential to bring solutions
even in the face of rapidly changing climatic conditions (Folke et al.,
2002; Altieri and Koohafkan, 2008), although migration, climate change,
and market integration are reducing indigenous capacity for dealing
with weather and climate risk (Pérez et al., 2010; Valdivia et al., 2010).
Crop diversification is used in the Peruvian Andes to suppress pest
outbreaks and dampen pathogen transmission (Lin, 2011). In Honduras,
Nicaragua, and Guatemala traditional practices have proven more
resilient to erosion and runoff and have helped retain more topsoil and
moisture (Holt-Gimenez, 2002). In El Salvador, if local sustainability
efforts continue, the future climate vulnerability index could only slightly
increase by 2015 (Aguilar et al., 2009). Studies with Indigenous farmers
in highland Bolivia and Peru indicate that constraints on access to key
resources must be addressed for reducing vulnerability over time
(McDowell and Hess, 2012; Sietz et al., 2012). In Guatemala and
Honduras adaptive response between coffees farmers is mainly related
to land availability, while participation in organized groups and access
to information contribute to adaptive decision making (Tucker et al.,
2010). Otherwise, adaptation may include an orientation toward non-
farming activities to sustain their livelihoods and be able to meet their
food requirements (Sietz, 2011). In NEB increasing vulnerability related
to degradation of natural resources (due to overuse of soil and water)
encouraged farmers toward off-farm activities; however, they could not
improve their well-being (Sietz et al., 2006, 2011). Migration is another
strategy in ecosystems and regions at high risk of climate hazards (see
Section During 1970–2000 LA and the Caribbean has had a
great rate of net migration per population in the dryland zones (de
Sherbinin et al., 2012). In CA nearly 25% of the surveyed households
reported some type of migration during the coffee crisis (Tucker et al.,
2010). Some migrations—for example, Guatemala, 1960s–1990s; El
Salvador, 1950s–1980s; NEB, 1960s–present—have provoked conflict
in receiving areas (Reuveny, 2007).
Shifting in agricultural zoning has been an autonomous adaptation
observed in SA. In Argentina., for example, increases in precipitation
romoted the expansion of the agricultural frontier to the west and
north of the traditional agricultural area, resulting in environmental
damage that could be aggravated in the future (República Argentina,
2007; Barros, 2008b). Adjustment of production practices—like those
of farmers in the semi-arid zones of mountain regions of Bolivia, which
began as they noticed strong changes in the climate since the 1980s,
including upward migration of crops, selection of more resistant varieties,
and water capturing—presents a further adaptation measure (PNCC,
Organic systems could enhance adaptive capacity as a result of the
application of traditional skills and farmers’ knowledge, soil fertility-
building techniques, and a high degree of diversity (ITC, 2007). As
mentioned previously, crop diversity, local knowledge, soil conservation,
and economic diversity are all documented strategies for managing
risk in CA and SA. A controversial but important issue in relation to
adaptation is the use of genetically modified plants to produce food,
with biotech crops being a strategy to cope with the needed food
productivity increase considering the global population trend (see
Chapter 7). Brazil and Argentina are the second and third fastest
growing biotech crop producers in the world after the USA (Marshall,
2012). However, this option is problematic for the small farms (Mercer
et al., 2012), which are least favorable toward GMO (Soleri et al., 2008).
According to Eakin and Wehbe (2009) some practices could be an
adaptive option for specific farm enterprises, but may have maladaptive
implications at regional scales, and over time become maladaptive for
individual enterprises.
27.3.5. Human Settlements, Industry, and Infrastructure
According to the World Bank database (World Bank, 2012) CA and SA
are the geographic regions with the second highest urban population
(79%), behind North America (82%) and well above the world average
(50%). Therefore this section focuses on assessing the literature on
climate change impacts and vulnerability of urban human settlements.
The information provided should be complemented with other sections
of the chapter (see Sections, 27.3.1, 27.3.3, 27.3.7). Observed and Projected Impacts and Vulnerabilities
Urban human settlements suffer from many of the vulnerabilities and
impacts already presented in several sections of this chapter. The
provision of critical resources and services as already discussed in the
chapter—water, health, and energy—and of adequate infrastructure and
housing remain determinants of urban vulnerability that are enhanced
by climate change (Smolka and Larangeira, 2008; Winchester, 2008;
Roberts, 2009; Romero-Lankao et al., 2012c, 2013b).
Water resource management (see Section 27.3.1) is a major concern
for many cities that need to provide both drinking water and sanitation
(Henquez Ruiz, 2009). More than 20% of the population in the region
are concentrated in the largest city in each country (World Bank, 2012),
hence water availability for human consumption in the regions megacities
(e.g., São Paulo, Santiago, Lima, Buenos Aires) is of great concern. In
this context, reduction in glacier and snowmelt related runoff in the
Chapter 27 Central and South America
Andes poses important adaptation challenges for many cities, for
example, the metropolitan areas of Lima, La Paz/El Alto, and Santiago
de Chile (Bradley et al., 2006; Hegglin and Huggel, 2008; Melo et al.,
2010). Flooding is also a preoccupation in several cities. In São Paulo
for example, according to Marengo et al. (2009b, 2013b) the number
of days with rainfall above 50 mm were almost zero during the 1950s
and now they occur between two and five times per year (2000–2010).
The increase in precipitation is one of the expected risks affecting the
city of São Paulo as presented in Box 27-2. Increases in flood events
during 1980–2000 have been observed also in the Buenos Aires
province and Metropolitan Area (Andrade and Scarpati, 2007; Barros et
al., 2008; Hegglin and Huggel, 2008; Nabel et al., 2008). There are also
the combined effects of climate change impacts, human settlements’
features, and other stresses, such as more intense pollution events
(Moreno, 2006; Nobre, 2011; Nobre et al., 2011; Romero-Lankao et al.,
2013b) and more intense hydrological cycles from urban heat island
effects. In terms of these combined effects, peri-urban areas and
irregular settlements pose particular challenges to urban governance
and risk management given their scale, lack of infrastructure, and
socioeconomic fragility (Romero-Lankao et al., 2012a).
Changes in prevailing urban climates have led to changing patterns
of disease vectors, and water-borne disease issues linked to water
availability and subsequent quality (see Section 27.3.7). The influence
of climate change on particulate matter and other local contaminants
is another concern (Moreno, 2006; Romero-Lankao et al., 2013b). It is
important to highlight the relationship between water and health, given
the problems of water stress and intense precipitation events affecting
many urban centers. Both relate to changing disease risks, as well as wider
problems of event-related mortalities and morbidity, and infrastructure
and property damage. These risks are compounded for low-income
groups in settlements with little or no service provision, for example,
waste collection, piped drinking water, and sanitation (ECLAC, 2008).
Existing cases of flooding, air pollution, and heat waves reveal that not
only low-income groups are at risk, but also that wealthier sectors are
not spared. Factors such as high-density settlement (Barros et al., 2008)
and the characteristics of some hazards explain this—for example, poor
and wealthy alike are at risk from air pollution and temperature in
Santiago de Chile and Bogotá (Romero-Lankao et al., 2012b, 2013b).
There are also other climate change risks in terms of economic activity
location and impacts on urban manufacturing and service workers (e.g.,
thermal stress; Hsiang, 2010) and the forms of urban expansion or sprawl
into areas where ecosystem services may be compromised and risks
enhanced (e.g., floodplains). Both processes are also related to rising
motorization rates that facilitate suburban development and new
Box 27-2 | Vulnerability of South American Megacities to Climate Change:
The Case of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo
Research in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (MRSP), between 2009 and 2011, represents a comprehensive and interdisciplinary
project on the impacts of climate variability and change, and vulnerability of Brazilian megacities. Studies derived from this project
(Nobre et al., 2011; Marengo et al., 2013b) identify the impacts of climate extremes on the occurrence of natural disasters and
human health. These impacts are linked to a projected increase of 38% in the extension of the urban area of the MRSP by 2030,
accompanied by a projected increase in rainfall extremes. These may induce an intensification of urban flash floods and landslides,
affecting large populated areas already vulnerable to climate extremes and variability. The urbanization process in the MRSP has
been affecting the local climate, and the intensification of the heat island effect to a certain degree may be responsible for the 2°C
warming detected in the city during the last 50 years (Nobre et al., 2011). This warming has been further accompanied by an increase
in heavy precipitation as well as more frequent warm nights (Silva Dias et al., 2012; Marengo et al., 2013b). By 2100, climate projections
based on data from 1933–2010 show an expected warming between 2°C and 3°C in the MRSP, together with a possible doubling of
the number of days with heavy precipitation in comparison to the present (Silva Dias et al., 2012; Marengo et al., 2013b).
With the projected changes in climate and in the extension of the MRSP (Marengo et al., 2013b) more than 20% of the total area of
the city could be potentially affected by natural disasters. More frequent floods may increase the risk of leptospirosis, which, together
with increasing air pollution and worsening environmental conditions that trigger the risk of respiratory diseases, would leave the
population of the MRSP more vulnerable. Potential adaptation measures include a set of strategies that need to be developed by the
MRSP and its institutions to face these environmental changes. These include improved building controls to avoid construction in risk
areas, investment in public transportation, protection of the urban basins, and the creation of forest corridors in the collecting basins
and slope regions. The lessons learned suggest that the knowledge on the observed and projected environmental changes, as well as
on the vulnerability of populations living in risk areas, is of great importance for defining adaptation policies that in turn constitute a
first step toward building resilient cities that in turn improve urban quality of life in Brazil.
Central and South America Chapter 27
egional agglomerations that bring pressure to bear on land uses that
favor infiltration, surface cooling, and biodiversity; the number of light
vehicles in LA and the Caribbean is expected to double between 2000 and
2030, and be three times the 2000 figure by 2050 (Samaniego, 2009).
While urban populations face diverse social, political, economic, and
environmental risks in daily life, climate change adds a new dimension
to these risk settings (Pielke, Jr. et al., 2003; Roberts, 2009; Romero-
Lankao and Qin, 2011). Because urban development remains fragile in
many cases, with weak planning responses, climate change can compound
existing challenges. The probabilities and magnitudes of these events
in each urban center will differ significantly according to socioeconomic,
institutional, and physical contexts. Adaptation Practices
The direct and indirect effects of climate change such as flooding, heat
islands, and food insecurity present cities with a set of challenges and
opportunities for mainstreaming flood management, warning systems,
and other adaptation responses with sustainability goals (Bradley et al.,
2006; Hegglin and Huggel, 2008; Hardoy and Pandiella, 2009; Romero-
Lankao, 2010, 2012a; Romero-Lankao et al., 2013a).
Urban populations, economic activities, and authorities have a long
experience of responding to climate-related hazards, particularly through
disaster risk management, for example, Tucuman and San Martin,
Argentina (Plaza and Pasculi, 2007; Sayago et al., 2010), and land use
and economic development planning to a limited extent (Barton, 2009).
Climate policies can build on these. Local administrations participate in
the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI),
Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40), Inter-American Development
Bank (IDB), Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative (ESCI) (IDB, 2013),
and other networks, demonstrating their engagement in the generation
of more climate-resilient cities. In smaller settlements, there is less
capacity for adequate responses, for example, climate change and
vulnerability information (Hardoy and Romero-Lankao, 2011). Policies,
plans, and programs are required to reduce social vulnerability, and
identify and reduce potential economic effects of climate on the local
economy. Rio de Janeiro, for example, with its coastline property and
high dependence on tourists (and their perceptions of risk), cannot
ignore these climate-related hazards (Gasper et al., 2011).
Poverty and vulnerability, as interlinked elements of the adaptation
challenge in CA and SA, remain pivotal to understanding how urban
climate policies can be streamlined with broader development issues
and not solely the capacity to respond to climate change (Hardoy and
Pandiella, 2009; Winchester and Szalachman, 2009; Hardoy and
Romero-Lankao, 2011). These broader links include addressing the
determinants of vulnerability (e.g., access to education, health care, and
infrastructure, and to emergency response systems (Romero-Lankao,
2007a; Romero-Lankao and Qin, 2011)). Among these response options,
a focus on social assets has been highlighted by Rubin and Rossing
(2012), rather than a purely physical asset focus.
Much urbanization involves in-migrating or already resident, low-
income groups and their location in risk-prone zones (da Costa Fereira
t al., 2011). The need to consider land use arrangements, particularly
urban growth on risk-prone zones, as part of climate change adaptation
highlights the role of green areas that mitigate the heat island effect
and reduce risks from landslides and flooding (Rodríguez Laredo, 2011;
Krellenberg et al., 2013).
In the case of governance frameworks, there is clear evidence that
incorporation of climate change considerations into wider city planning
is still a challenge, as are more inter-sectoral and participative processes
that have been linked to more effective policies (Barton, 2009, 2013;
de Oliveira, 2009; Romero-Lankao et al., 2013a). Several metropolitan
adaptation plans have been generated over the last 5 years, for example,
Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Esmeraldas, Quito, and São Paulo, although for
the most part they have been restricted to the largest conglomerations
and are often included as an addition to mitigation plans (Romero-
Lankao, 2007b; Carmin et al., 2009; Romero-Lankao et al., 2012b, 2013a;
Luque et al., 2013).
27.3.6. Renewable Energy Observed and Projected Impacts and Vulnerabilities
Table 27-6 shows the relevance of renewable energy in the LA energy
matrix as compared to the world for 2009 according to IEA statistics
(IEA, 2012). Hydropower is the most representative source of renewable
energy and therefore analyzed separately (see the case study in Section
27.6.1.). Geothermal energy is not discussed, as it is assumed that there
is no impact of climate change on the effectiveness of this energy type
(Arvizu et al., 2011).
Hydro, wind energy, and biofuel production might be sensitive to
climate change in Brazil (de Lucena et al., 2009). With the vital role that
renewable energy plays in mitigating the effects of climate change,
being by far the most important sources of non-hydro renewable energy
in SA and CA, this sensitivity demands the implementation of renewable
energy projects that will increase knowledge on the crops providing
For historical reasons, CA and SA developed sugarcane as bioenergy
feedstock. Brazil accounts for the most intensive renewable energy
production as bioethanol, which is used by the majority of the cars in
the country (Goldemberg, 2008) whereas biodiesel comprises 5% of
all diesel nationwide. With the continent’s long latitudinal length, the
expected impacts of climate change on plants will be complex owing
to a wide variety of climate conditions, so that different crops would
have to be used in different regions. In Brazil, most of the biodiesel
comes from soybeans, but there are promising new sources such as
palm oil (de Lucena et al., 2009). The development of palm oil as well
as soybean are important factors that induce land use change, with a
potential to influence stability of forests and biodiversity in certain key
regions in SA, such as the Amazon (Section
Biofuels can help CA and SA to decrease emissions from energy
production and use. However, renewable energy might imply potential
problems such as those related to positive net emissions of GHGs,
threats to biodiversity, an increase in food prices, and competition for
Chapter 27 Central and South America
water resources (Section 27.2.3), some of which can be reverted or
attenuated (Koh and Ghazoul, 2008). For example, the sugarcane agro-
industry in Brazil combusts bagasse to produce electricity, providing
power for the bioethanol industry and increasing sustainability. The
excess heat energy is then used to generate bioelectricity, thus allowing
the biorefinery to be self-sufficient in energy utilization (Amorim et al.,
2011; Dias et al., 2012). In 2005–2006 the production of bioelectricity
was estimated to be 9.2 kWh per tonne of sugarcane (Macedo et al.,
2008). Most bioenergy feedstocks at present in production in CA and
SA are grasses. In the case of sugarcane, the responses to the elevation
of CO
concentration up to 720 ppmv have been shown to be positive
in terms of biomass production and principally regarding water use
efficiency (de Souza et al., 2008).
The production of energy from renewable sources such as hydro- and
wind power is greatly dependent on climatic conditions and therefore
may be impacted in the future by climate change. de Lucena et al.
(2010a) suggest an increasing energy vulnerability of the poorest
regions of Brazil to climate change together with a possible negative
influence on biofuels production and electricity generation, mainly
biodiesel and hydropower respectively.
Expansion of biofuel crops in Brazil might cause both direct and indirect
land use changes (e.g., biofuel crops replacing rangelands, which
previously replaced forests) with the direct land use changes, according
to simulation performed by Lapola et al. (2010) of the effects for 2020.
The same study shows that sugarcane ethanol and biodiesel derived
from soybean each contribute, with about one-half of the indirect
deforestation projected for 2020 (121,970 km
) (Lapola et al., 2010).
Thus, indirect land use changes, especially those causing the rangeland
frontier to move further into the Amazonian forests, might potentially
offset carbon savings from biofuel production.
The increase in global ethanol demand is leading to the development
of new hydrolytic processes capable of converting cellulose into ethanol
(dos Santos et al., 2011). The expected increase in the hydrolysis
technologies is very likely to balance the requirement of land for
biomass crops. Thus, the development of these technologies has a
strong potential to diminish social (e.g., negative health effects due the
burning process, poor labor conditions) and environmental impacts (e.g.,
loss of biodiversity, water and land uses) whereas it can improve the
economic potential of sugarcane. One adaptation measure will be to
increase the productivity of bioenergy crops due to planting in high
productivity environments with highly developed technologies, in order
to use less land. As one of the main centers of biotech agriculture
application in the world (Gruskin, 2012), the region has a great potential
to achieve this goal.
As the effects previously reported on crops growing in SESA might
prevail (see Section, that is, that an increase in productivity
may happen due to increasing precipitation, future uncertainty will have
to be dealt with by preparing adapted varieties of soybean in order to
maintain food and biodiesel production, mainly in Argentina, as it is
one of the main producers of biodiesel from soybean in the world (Chum
et al., 2011).
Other renewable energy sources—such as wind power generation—
may also be vulnerable, raising the need for further research. According
to de Lucena et al. (2009, 2010b), the projections of changes in wind
power in Brazil may favor the use of this kind of energy in the future. Adaptation Practices
Renewable energy will become increasingly more important over time,
as this is closely related to the emissions of GHGs (Fischedick et al., 2011).
Thus, renewable energy could have an important role as adaptation
means to provide sustainable energy for development in the region (see
also Section 27.6.1). However, the production of renewable energy
requires large available areas for agriculture, which is the case of
Energy resource
Latin America World
(via electricity
(via electricity
Fossil Coal and
008 3% 1398 2% 10,406 3% 831,897 12% 581,248 40% 1,413,145 17%
189,313 55% 8685 13% 197,998 48% 3,462,133 52% 73,552 5% 3,535,685 44%
Natural gas
59,440 17% 9423 14% 68,863 17% 1,265,862 19% 307,956 21% 1,573,818 19%
0 0% 1449 2% 1449 0% 0 0% 193,075 13% 193,075 2%
Renewable Biofuels and
82,997 24% 2179 3% 85,176 21% 1,080,039 16% 20,630 1% 1,100,669 14%
0% 45,920 66% 45,920 11% 0 0% 238,313 17% 238,313 3%
solar, wind,
08 0% 364 1% 772 0% 18,265 0% 26,592 2% 44,857 1%
41,166 100% 69,418 100% 410,584 100% 6,658,196 100% 1,441,366 100% 8,099,562 100%
Table 27-6 | Comparison of consumption of different energy sources in Latin America and the world (in thousand tonnes of oil equivalent on a net calorifi c value basis).
TFC = Total fi nal consumption.
Source: IEA (2012).
Central and South America Chapter 27
rgentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela, which
together represent 90% of the total area of CA and SA. However, for
small countries it might not be possible to use bioenergy. Instead, they
could benefit in the future from other types of renewable energy, such
as geothermal, eolic, photovoltaic, and so forth, depending on policies
and investment in different technologies. This is important because
economic development is thought to be strongly correlated with an
increase in energy use (Smil, 2000), which is itself associated with an
increase in emissions (Sathaye et al., 2011).
LA is second to Africa in terms of technical potential for bioenergy
production from rainfed lignocellulosic feedstocks on unprotected
grassland and woodlands (Chum et al., 2011). Among the most important
adaptation measures regarding renewable energy are (1) management
of land use change ; and (2) development of policies for financing and
management of science and technology for all types of renewable
energy in the region.
If carefully managed, biofuel crops can be used as a means to regenerate
biodiversity as proposed by Buckeridge et al. (2012), highlighting that
the technology for tropical forest regeneration has become available
and that forests could share land with biofuel crops (such as sugarcane)
taking advantage of forests’ mitigating potential. A possible adaptation
measure could be to expand the use of reforestation technology to other
countries in CA and SA.
One of the main adaptation issues is related to food versus fuel (Valentine
et al., 2012). This is important because an increase in bioenergy feedstocks
might threaten primary food production in a scenario expected to feed
future populations with an increase of 70% in production (Gruskin,
2012; Valentine et al., 2012). This is particularly important in the region,
as it has one of the highest percentages of arable land available for
food production in the world (Nellemann et al., 2009). As CA and SA
develop new strategies to produce more renewable energy there might
be a pressure for more acreage to produce bioenergy. Because climate
change will affect bioenergy and food crops at the same time, their
effects, as well as the adaptation measures related to agriculture,
will be similar. The main risks identified by Arvizu et al. (2011) are (1)
business as usual, (2) unreconciled growth, and (3) environment and
food versus fuel. Thus, the most important adaptation measures will
be the ones related to the control of economic growth, environmental
management, and agriculture production. The choice for lignocellulosic
feedstocks (e.g., sugarcane second-generation technologies) will be an
important mitigation/adaptation measure because these feedstocks do
not compete with food (Arvizu et al., 2011). In the case of sugarcane,
for instance, an increase of approximately 40% in the production of
bioethanol is expected as a result of the implantation of second-
generation technologies coupled with the first-generation ones already
existent in Brazil (Dias et al., 2012; de Souza et al., 2013).
Biodiesel production has the lowest costs in LA (Chum et al., 2011)
owing to the high production of soybean in Brazil and Argentina. The
use of biodiesel to complement oil-derived diesel is a productive choice
for adaptation measures regarding this bioenergy source. Also, the cost
of ethanol, mainly derived from sugarcane, is the lowest in CA, SA, and
LA (Chum et al., 2011) and as an adaptation measure, such costs, as
well as the one of biodiesel, should be lowered even more by improving
echnologies related to agricultural and industrial production of both.
Indeed, it has been reported that in LA the use of agricultural budgets
by governments for investment in public goods induces faster growth,
decreasing poverty and environmental degradation (López and Galinato,
2007).The pressure of soy expansion due to biodiesel demand can lead
to land use change and consequently to economic teleconnections, as
suggested by Nepstad et al. (2006). These teleconnections may link
Amazon deforestation derived from soy expansion to economic growth
in some developing countries because of changes in the demand of soy.
These effects may possibly mean a decrease in jobs related to small to big
farms in agriculture in Argentina (Tomei and Upham, 2009) on the one
hand, and deforestation in the Amazon due to the advance of soybean
cropping in the region on the other (Nepstad and Stickler, 2008).
27.3.7. Human Health Observed and Projected Impacts and Vulnerabilities
Changes in weather extremes and climatic patterns are affecting human
health (high confidence), by increasing morbidity, mortality, and disabilities,
and through the emergence of diseases in previously non-endemic
regions (high confidence; Winchester and Szalachman, 2009; Rodríguez-
Morales, 2011). Heat waves and cold spells have increased urban
mortality rates (McMichael et al., 2006; Bell et al., 2008; Hardoy and
Pandiella, 2009; Muggeo and Hajat, 2009; Hajat et al., 2010). Outbreaks
of vector- and water-borne diseases were triggered in CA by Hurricane
Mitch in 1998 (Costello et al., 2009; Rodríguez-Morales et al., 2010),
while the 2010–2012 Colombian floods caused hundreds of deaths and
displaced thousands of people (Hoyos et al., 2012).
The number of cases of malaria have increased in Colombia during the
last 5 decades alongside air temperatures (Poveda et al., 2011; Arevalo-
Herrera et al., 2012), but also in urban and rural Amazonian regions
undergoing large environmental changes (Gil et al., 2007; Tada et al., 2007;
Cabral et al., 2010; da Silva-Nunes et al., 2012). Malaria transmission
has reached 2300 m in the Bolivian Andes, and vectors are found at
higher altitudes from Venezuela to Bolivia (Benítez and Rodríguez-
Morales, 2004; Lardeux et al., 2007; Pinault and Hunter, 2011).
Although the incidence of malaria has decreased in Argentina, its vector
density has increased in the northwest along with climate variables
(Dantur Juri et al., 2010, 2011). El Niño drives malaria outbreaks in
Colombia (Mantilla et al., 2009; Poveda et al., 2011), amidst other
factors (Rodríguez-Morales et al., 2006; Osorio et al., 2007; Restrepo-
Pineda et al., 2008). Linkages between ENSO and malaria are also
reported in Ecuador and Peru (Anyamba et al., 2006; Kelly-Hope and
Thomson, 2010), French Guiana (Hanf et al., 2011), Amazonia (Olson et
al., 2009), and Venezuela (Moreno et al., 2007).
Unlike malaria, dengue fever and its hemorrhagic variant are mostly
urban diseases whose vector is affected by climate conditions. Their
incidence have risen in tropical America in the last 25 years, causing
annual economic losses of US$2.1+ (1 to 4) billion (Torres and Castro,
2007; Tapia-Conyer et al., 2009; Shepard et al., 2011). Environmental
and climatic variability affect their incidence in CA (Fuller et al.,
2009; Rodríguez-Morales et al., 2010; Mena et al., 2011), in Colombia
Chapter 27 Central and South America
Arboleda et al., 2009), and in French Guiana alongside malaria (Carme
et al., 2009; Gharbi et al., 2011). In Venezuela, dengue fever increases
during La Niña (Rodguez-Morales and Herrera-Martinez, 2009; Herrera-
Martinez and Rodríguez-Morales, 2010). Weather and climate variability
are also associated with dengue fever in southern SA (Honório et al.,
2009; Costa et al., 2010; de Carvalho-Leandro et al., 2010; Degallier et
al., 2010; Lowe et al., 2011), involving also demographic and geographic
factors in Argentina (Carbajo et al., 2012). In Rio de Janeiro a C increase
in monthly minimum temperature led to a 45% increase of dengue fever
in the next month, and 10 mm increase in rainfall to a 6% increase
(Gomes et al., 2012). Despite large vaccination campaigns, the risk of
yellow fever outbreaks has increased mostly in tropical America’s
densely populated poor urban settings (Gardner and Ryman, 2010),
alongside climate conditions (Jentes et al., 2011).
Schistosomiasis is endemic in rural areas of Suriname, Venezuela, the
Andean highlands, and rural and peripheral urbanized regions of Brazil
(Barbosa et al., 2010; Kelly-Hope and Thomson, 2010; Igreja, 2011). It
is highly likely that schistosomiasis will increase in a warmer climate
(Mangal et al., 2008; Mas-Coma et al., 2009; Lopes et al., 2010).
Vegetation indices are associated with human fascioliasis in the Andes
(Fuentes, 2004).
Hantaviruses have been recently reported throughout the region
(Jonsson et al., 2010; MacNeil et al., 2011), and El Niño and climate
change augment their prevalence (Dearing and Dizney, 2010). Variation
in hantavirus reservoirs in Patagonia is strongly dependent on climate
and environmental conditions (Andreo et al., 2012; Carbajo et al., 2009).
In Venezuela, rotavirus is more frequent and more severe in cities with
minimal seasonality (Kane et al., 2004). The peak of rotavirus in
Guatemala occurs in the dry season, causing 60% of total diarrhea cases
(Cortes et al., 2012).
In spite of its rapid decline, climate-sensitive Chagas disease is still a
major public health issue (Tourre et al., 2008; Moncayo and Silveira,
2009; Abad-Franch et al., 2009; Araújo et al., 2009; Gottdenker et al.,
2011). Climate also affects the most prevalent mycosis (Barrozo et al.,
2009), and ENSO is associated with outbreaks of bartonellosis in Peru
(Payne and Fitchett, 2010).
he high incidence of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Bolivia is exacerbated
during La Niña (Gomez et al., 2006; García et al., 2009). Cutaneous
leishmaniasis is affected in Costa Rica by temperature, forest cover, and
ENSO (Chaves et al., 2008), and in Colombia by land cover, altitude,
climatic variables, and El Niño (Cárdenas et al., 2006, 2007, 2008;
Valderrama-Ardila et al., 2010), and decreases during La Niña in
Venezuela (Cabaniel et al., 2005). Cutaneous leishmaniasis in Suriname
peaks during the March dry season (35%; van der Meide et al., 2008),
and in French Guiana is intensified after the October-December dry
season (Rotureau et al., 2007). The incidence of visceral leishmaniasis
has increased in Brazil (highest in LA) in association with El Niño and
deforestation (Ready, 2008; Cascio et al., 2011; Sortino-Rachou et al.,
2011), as in Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay (Bern et al., 2008;
Dupnik et al., 2011; Salomón et al., 2011; Fernández et al., 2012).
Visceral leishmaniasis transmission in Venezuela is associated with
rainfall seasonality (Feliciangeli et al., 2006; Rodríguez-Morales et al.,
2007). The incidence of skin cancer in Chile has increased in recent years,
concomitantly with climate and geographic variables (Salinas et al., 2006).
Onchocerciasis (river blindness) vector exhibits seasonal biting rates
(Botto et al., 2005; Rodríguez-Pérez et al., 2011), and leptospirosis is
prevalent in CA’s warm-humid tropical regions (Valverde et al., 2008).
Other climate-driven infectious diseases are ascariasis and gram-
positive cocci in Venezuela (Benítez et al., 2004; Rodríguez-Morales et
al., 2010) and Carrion’s disease in Peru (Huarcaya et al., 2004).
Seawater temperature affects the abundance of cholera bacteria (Koelle,
2009; Jutla et al., 2010; Marcheggiani et al., 2010; Hofstra, 2011), which
explains the outbreaks during El Niño in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and
Venezuela (Cerda Lorca et al., 2008; Martínez-Urtaza et al., 2008;
Salazar-Lindo et al., 2008; Holmner et al., 2010; Gavilán and Martínez-
Urtaza, 2011; Murugaiah, 2011).
The worsening of air quality and higher temperatures in urban settings
are increasing chronic respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, and
morbidity from asthma and rhinitis (Grass and Cane, 2008; Martins and
Andrade, 2008; Gurjar et al., 2010; Jasinski et al., 2011; Rodriguez et
al., 2011), but also atherosclerosis, pregnancy-related outcomes, cancer,
cognitive deficit, otitis, and diabetes (Olmo et al., 2011). Dehydration
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ 27.3 | Are there emerging and reemerging human diseases
as a consequence of climate variability and change in the region?
Human health impacts have been exacerbated by variations and changes in climate extremes. Climate-related
diseases have appeared in previously non-endemic regions (e.g., malaria in the Andes, dengue in CA and southern
SA) (high confidence). Climate variability and air pollution have also contributed to increase the incidence of
respiratory and cardiovascular, vector- and water-borne and chronic kidney diseases, hantaviruses and rotaviruses,
pregnancy-related outcomes, and psychological trauma (very high confidence). Health vulnerabilities vary with
geography, age, gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status, and are rising in large cities. Without adaptation
measures (e.g., extending basic public health services), climate change will exacerbate future health risks, owing
to population growth rates and existing vulnerabilities in health, water, sanitation and waste collection systems,
nutrition, pollution, and food production in poor regions (medium confidence).
Central and South America Chapter 27
rom heat waves increases hospitalizations for chronic kidney diseases
(Kjellstrom et al., 2010), affecting construction, sugarcane, and cotton
workers in CA (Crowe et al., 2009, 2010; Kjellstrom and Crowe, 2011;
Peraza et al., 2012).
Extreme weather/climate events affect mental health in Brazil (depression,
psychological distress, anxiety, mania, and bipolar disorder), in particular
in drought-prone areas of NEB (Coêlho et al., 2004; Volpe et al., 2010).
Extreme weather, meager crop yields, and low GDP are also associated
with increased violence (McMichael et al., 2006).
Multiple factors increase the region’s vulnerability to climate change:
precarious health systems; malnutrition; inadequate water and sanitation
services; poor waste collection and treatment systems; air, soil, and
water pollution; lack of social participation; and inadequate governance
(Luber and Prudent, 2009; Rodríguez-Morales, 2011; Sverdlik, 2011).
Human health vulnerabilities in the region depend on geography, age
(Perera, 2008; Martiello and Giacchi, 2010; Åstrom et al., 2011; Graham
et al., 2011), gender (de Oliveira et al., 2011), race, ethnicity, and
socioeconomic status (Diez Roux et al., 2007; Martiello and Giacchi,
2010). Neglected tropical diseases in LA cause 1.5 to 5.0 million
disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) (Hotez et al., 2008).
Vulnerability of megacities (see Section 27.3.5) is aggravated by access
to clean water, rapid spread of diseases (Borsdorf and Coy, 2009), and
migration from rural areas forced by disasters (Campbell-Lendrum and
Corvalán, 2007; Borsdorf and Coy, 2009; Hardoy and Pandiella, 2009).
Human health vulnerabilitieshave been assessed in Brazil through
composite indicators involving epidemiological variables, downscaled
climate scenarios,and socioeconomic projections (Confalonieri et al.,
2009; Barata et al., 2011; Barbieri and Confalonieri, 2011). The Andes and
CA are among the regions of highest predicted losses (1 to 27%) in
labor productivity from future climate scenarios (Kjellstrom et al., 2009). Adaptation Strategies and Practices
Adaptation efforts in the region (Blashki et al., 2007; Costello et al.,
2011) are hampered by lack of political commitment, gaps in scientific
knowledge, and institutional weaknesses (Keim, 2008; Lesnikowski et
al., 2011; Olmo et al., 2011; see Section 27.4.3). Research priorities and
current strategies must be reviewed (Halsnæs and Verhagen, 2007;
Romero and Boelaert, 2010; Karanja et al., 2011), and preventive/
responsive systems must be put in place (Bell, 2011) to foster adaptive
capacity (Campbell-Lendrum and Bertollini, 2010; Huang et al., 2011).
Colombia established a pilot adaptation program to cope with changes
in malaria transmission and exposure (Poveda et al., 2011). The city of
São Paulo has implemented local pollution control measures, with the
co-benefit of reducing GHG emissions (de Oliveira, 2009; Nath and
Behera, 2011).
Human well-being indices must be explicitly stated as adaptation
policies in LA (e.g., Millennium Development Goals; Franco-Paredes et
al., 2007; Halsnæs and Verhagen, 2007; Mitra and Rodriguez-Fernandez,
2010). South–south cooperation and multidisciplinary research are
required to design relevant adaptation and mitigation strategies (Tirado
et al., 2010; Team and Manderson, 2011).
27.4. Adaptation Opportunities,
Constraints, and Limits
27.4.1. Adaptation Needs and Gaps
During the last few years, the study of adaptation to climate change
has progressively switched from an impact-focused approach (mainly
climate-driven) to include a vulnerability-focused vision (Boulanger et
al., 2011). As a consequence, the development and implementation of
systemic adaptation strategies, involving institutional, social, ecosystem,
environmental, financial, and capacity components (see Chapter 14) to
cope with present climate extreme events is a key step toward climate
change adaptation, especially in SA and CA countries. Although different
frameworks and definitions of vulnerability exist, a general tendency
aims at studying vulnerability to climate change, especially in SA and
CA, focusing on the following aspects: urban vulnerability (e.g., Hardoy
and Pandiella, 2009; Heinrichs and Krellenberg, 2011), rural community
(McSweeney and Coomes, 2011; Ravera et al., 2011), rural farmer
vulnerability (Oft, 2010), and sectoral vulnerability (see Section 27.3). The
approach used can be holistic or systemic (Ison, 2010; Carey et al., 2012b),
where climate drivers are actually few with respect to all other drivers
related to human and environment interactions including physical,
economic, political, and social context, as well as local characteristics
such as occupations, resource uses, accessibility to water, and so forth
(Manuel-Navarrete et al., 2007; Young et al., 2010).
In developing and emergent countries, there exists a general consensus
that the adaptive capacity is low, strengthened by the fact that poverty
is the key determinant of vulnerability in LA (to climate-related natural
hazards; see Rubin and Rossing, 2012) and thus a limit to resilience
(Pettengell, 2010) leading to a “low human development trap” (UNDP,
2007). However, Magnan (2009, p. 1) suggests that this analysis is biased
by a “relative immaturity of the science of adaptation to explain what
are the processes and the determinants of adaptive capacity. Increasing
research efforts on the study of adaptation is therefore of great
importance to improve understanding of the actual societal, economical,
community, and individual drivers defining the adaptive capacity.
Especially, a major focus on traditions and their transmission (Young
and Lipton, 2006) may actually indicate potential adaption potentials
in remote and economically poor regions of SA and CA. Such a potential
does not dismiss the fact that the nature of future challenges may
actually not be compared to past climate variability (e.g., glacier retreat
in the Andes).
Coping with new situations may require new approaches such as a multi-
level risk governance (Corfee-Morlot et al., 2011; Young and Lipton, 2006)
associated with decentralization in decision making and responsibility.
Although the multi-level risk governance and the local participatory
approach are interesting frameworks for strengthening adaptation
capacity, perception of local and national needs is diverging, challenging
the implementation of adaptation strategies in CA/SA (Salzmann et al.,
2009). At present, despite an important improvement during the last
few years, there still exists a certain lack of awareness of environmental
changes and their implications for livelihoods and businesses (Young
et al., 2010). Moreover, considering the limited financial resources of
some states in CA and SA, long-term planning and the related human
and financial resource needs may be seen as conflicting with present
Chapter 27 Central and South America
ocial deficit in the welfare of the population. This situation weakens
the importance of adaptation planning to climate change in the political
agenda (Carey et al., 2012b), and therefore requires international
involvement as one facilitating factor in natural hazard management
and climate change adaptation, with respect to sovereignty according
to international conventions including the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In addition, as pointed out
by McGray et al. (2007), development, adaptation, and mitigation are
not separate issues. Development and adaptation strategies especially
should be tackled together in developing countries such as SA and CA,
focusing on strategies to reduce vulnerability. The poor level of adaptation
of present-day climate in SA and CA countries is characterized by the
fact that responses to disasters are mainly reactive rather than preventive.
Some early warning systems are being implemented, but the capacity
of responding to a warning is often limited, particularly among poor
populations. Finally, actions combining public communication (and
education), public decision-maker capacity-building, and a synergetic
development-adaptation funding will be key to sustain the adaptation
process that CA and SA require to face future climate change challenges.
27.4.2. Practical Experiences of Autonomous and
Planned Adaptation, Including Lessons Learned
Adaptation processes in many cases have been initiated a few years
ago, and there is still a lack of literature to evaluate their efficiency in
reducing vulnerability and building resilience of the society against
climate change. However, experiences of effective adaptation and
maladaptation are slowly being documented (see also Section 27.4.3);
some lessons have already been learned from these first experiences
(see Section 27.3); and tools, such as the Index of Usefulness of Practices
for Adaptation (IUPA) to evaluate adaptation practices, have been
developed for the region (Debels et al., 2009). Evidenced by these
practical experiences, there is a wide range of options to foster adaptation
and thus adaptive capacity in CA and SA. In CA and SA, many societal
issues are strongly connected to development goals and are often
considered a priority in comparison to adaptation efforts to climate
change. However, according to the 135 case studies analyzed by McGray
et al. (2007), 21 of which were in CA and SA, the synergy between
development and adaptation actions makes it possible to ensure a
sustainable result of the development projects.
Vulnerability and disaster risk reduction may not always lead to long-
term adaptive capacity (Tompkins et al., 2008; Nelson and Finan, 2009),
except when structural reforms based on good governance (Tompkins
et al., 2008) and negotiations (de Souza Filho and Brown, 2009) are
implemented. While multi-level governance can help to create resilience
and reduce vulnerability (Roncoli, 2006; Young and Lipton, 2006;
Corfee-Morlot et al., 2011), capacity-building (Eakin and Lemos, 2006),
good governance, and enforcement (Lemos et al., 2010; Pittock, 2011)
are key components.
Autonomous adaptation experience is mainly realized at local levels
(individual or communitarian) with examples found, for instance, for rural
communities in Honduras (McSweeney and Coomes, 2011), Indigenous
communities in Bolivia (Valdivia et al., 2010), and coffee agroforestry
systems in Brazil (de Souza et al., 2012). However, such adaptation
rocesses do not always respond specifically to climate forcing. For
instance, the agricultural sector adapts rapidly to economic stressors,
although, despite a clear perception of climate risks, it may last longer
before responding to climate changes (Tucker et al., 2010). In certain
regions or communities, such as Anchioreta in Brazil (Schlindwein et al.,
2011), adaptation is part of a permanent process and is actually tackled
through a clear objective of vulnerability reduction, maintaining and
diversifying a large set of natural varieties of corn, allowing the farmers
to diversify their planting. Another kind of autonomous adaptation is
the southward displacement of agriculture activities (e.g., wine, coffee)
through the purchase of lands, which will become favorable for such
agriculture activities in a warmer climate. In Argentina, the increase of
precipitation observed during the last 30 years contributed to a
westward displacement of the annual crop frontier.
However, local adaptation to climate and non-climate drivers may
undermine long-term resilience of socio-ecological systems when local,
short-term strategies designed to deal with specific threats or challenges
do not integrate a more holistic and long-term vision of the system at
threat (Adger et al., 2011). Thus, policy should identify the sources of
and conditions for local resilience and strengthen their capacities to
adapt and learn (Borsdorf and Coy, 2009; Adger et al., 2011; Eakin et
al., 2011), as well as to integrate new adapted tools (Oft, 2010). This
sets the question of convergence between the local-scale/short-term
and broad-scale/long-term visions in terms of perceptions of risks, needs
to adapt, and appropriate policies to be implemented (Eakin and Wehbe,
2009; Salzmann et al., 2009). Even if funding for adaptation is available,
the overarching problem is the lack of capacity and/or willingness to
address the risks, especially those threatening lower income groups
(Satterthwaite, 2011a). Adaptation to climate change cannot eliminate
the extreme weather risks, and thus efforts should focus on disaster
preparedness and post-disaster response (Sverdlik, 2011). Migration is
the last resort for rural communities facing water stress problems in CA
and SA (Acosta-Michlik et al., 2008).
In natural hazard management contributing to climate change adaptation,
specific cases such as the one in Lake 513 in Peru (Carey et al., 2012b)
clearly allowed identification of facilitating factors for a successful
adaptation process (technical capacity, disaster events with visible
hazards, institutional support, committed individuals, and international
involvement) as well as impediments (divergent risk perceptions, imposed
government policies, institutional instability, knowledge disparities, and
invisible hazards). In certain cases, forward-looking learning (anticipatory
process), as a contrast to learning by shock (reactive process), has been
found as a key element for adaptation and resilience (Tschakert and
Dietrich, 2010) and should be promoted as a tool for capacity-
building at all levels (stakeholders, local and national governments). Its
combination with role-playing game and agent-based models (Rebaudo
et al., 2011) can strengthen and accelerate the learning process.
Planned adaptation policies promoted by governments have been
strengthened by participation in international networks, where experience
and knowledge can be exchanged. As an example, the C40 Cities-Climate
Leadership Group or ICLEI include Bogotá (Colombia), Buenos Aires
(Argentina), Caracas (Venezuela), Curitiba, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo
(Brazil), Lima (Peru), and Santiago de Chile (Chile). Most of these cities
have come up with related action and strategy plans (e.g., Action Plan
Central and South America Chapter 27
uenos Aires 2030, Plan of Caracas 2020, or the Metropolitan Strategy
to CCA of Lima) (C40 Cities, 2011).
At a regional policy level, an example of intergovernmental initiatives
in SA and CA is the Ibero-American Programme on Adaptation to Climate
Change (PIACC), developed by the Ibero-American Network of Climate
Change Offices (RIOCC) (Keller et al., 2011b). For CA specifically, the
Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD)
brings together the environmental ministries of the Central American
Integration System (Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA))
that released its climate change strategy in 2010 (CCAD and SICA, 2010;
Keller et al., 2011a).
These initiatives demonstrate that there has been a growing awareness
of CA and SA governments on the need to integrate climate change
and future climate risks in their policies. To date, in total, 18 regional
Non-Annex countries, including Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile,
Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras,
Nicaragua, Guyana, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and
Venezuela, have already published their first and/or second National
Communication to the UNFCCC (see UNFCCC, 2012), making it possible
to measure the country’s emissions and to assess its present and future
27.4.3. Observed and Expected Barriers to Adaptation
Adaptation is a dynamic process, which to be efficient requires a
permanent evolution and even transformation of the vulnerable system.
Such a transformation process can be affected by several constraints,
including constraints affecting the context of adaptation as well as the
implementation of policies and measures (see Section 16.3.2).
Major constraints related to the capacity and resources needed to
support the implementation of adaptation policies and processes include:
access to (Lemos et al., 2010) and exchange of knowledge (e.g., adaptive
capacity can be enhanced by linking indigenous and scientific knowledge;
Valdivia, 2010); access to and quality of natural resources (López-
Marrero, 2010); access to financial resources, especially for poor
households (Satterthwaite, 2011b; Hickey and Weis, 2012; Rubin and
Rossing, 2012), as well as for institutions (Pereira et al., 2009); access to
technological resources (López-Marrero, 2010) and technical assistance
(Guariguata, 2009; Eakin et al., 2011), as well as the fostering of public-
private technology transfer (La Rovere et al., 2009; Ramirez-Villegas et
al., 2012) and promotion of technical skills (Hickey and Weis, 2012); and
social asset-based formation at the local level (Rubin and Rossing,
In terms of framing adaptation, as a constraint to affect the adaptation
context, it is usually considered that a major barrier to adaptation is
the perception of risks, and many studies focused on such an issue (e.g.,
Schlindwein et al., 2011). New studies (Adger et al., 2009) identified
social limits to possible adaptation to climate change in relation with
issues of values and ethics, risk, knowledge, and culture, even though
such limits can evolve in time. Indeed, while being a necessary condition,
perception may not be the main driver for initiating an adaptation
process. As pointed out by Tucker et al. (2010) with a specific focus on
A, exogenous factors (economic, land tenure, cost, etc.) may actually
strongly constrain the decision-making process involved in a possible
adaptation process. In that sense, efficient governance and management
are key components in the use of climate and non-climate information
in the decision-making and adaptation process. As a consequence, it is
difficult to describe adaptation without defining at which level it is
thought. Indeed, though much effort is invested in national and regional
policy initiatives, most of the final adaptation efforts will be local.
National and international (transborder) governance is key to build
adaptive capacity (Engle and Lemos, 2010) and therefore to strengthen
(or weaken) local adaptation through efficient policies and delivery of
resources. At a smaller scale (Agrawal, 2008), local institutions can
strongly contribute to vulnerability reduction and adaptation. However,
at all levels, the efficiency in national and local adaptation activities
strongly depend on the capacity-building and information transmission
to decision makers (Eakin and Lemos, 2006).
27.5 Interactions between
Adaptation and Mitigation
Synergies between adaptation and mitigation strategies on the local
level can be reached as a result of self-organization of communities in
cooperatives (see, e.g., “The SouthSouthNorth Capacity Building Module
on Poverty Reduction” (SSN Capacity Building Team, 2006), which
manages recycling or renewable energy production, leading to an
increase in energy availability, thus production capacity, and therefore
new financial resources). Moreover, Venema and Cisse (2004) also
support the development of decentralized renewable energy solutions
for the growth of renewable energy in CA and SA (see also Section
27.3.6) next to a large infrastructure project (see their case studies for
Argentina and Brazil).
In spite of their smaller size (individual or communitarian), these solutions
offer adaptation and mitigation benefits. On one hand, fossil-based
energy consumption is reduced, while energy availability is increased.
On the other hand, reduction of energy precariousness is key in any
development strategy. Thus, it allows local community and individuals
to grow socially and economically, and therefore to reduce vulnerability,
avoiding the poverty trap (UNDP, 2007), and to initiate an adaptation
process based on non-fossil fuel energy sources. Such initiatives also
depend on local and organizational leaderships (UN-HABITAT, 2011).
Such integrated strategies of income generation as adaptation measures
as well as production of renewable energy are also identified for
vulnerable, small farmers diversifying their crops toward crops for
vegetable oil and biodiesel production in Brazil. Barriers identified
concern capacity-building and logistical requirements, making policy tools,
credit mechanism, and organization into cooperatives, and fostering
necessary research (La Rovere et al., 2009). Other promising interactions
of mitigation and adaptation are identified, for example, for the
management of Brazilian tropical natural and planted forest (Guariguata,
At national and regional scales, CA and SA countries will require the
allocation of human and financial resources to adapt to climate change.
While resources are limited, too large an economic dependence of these
Chapter 27 Central and South America
ountries to fossil fuels will reduce their adaptive capacity. The reduction
in energy consumption and the integration of renewable energies in
their energetic matrix is therefore a key issue for all these countries to
sustain their development and growth and therefore increase their
adaptive capacity (see also Section 27.3.6).
Reforestation and avoided deforestation are important practices that
contribute to both mitigation and adaptation efforts in the region as
in other parts of the world. Maintaining forest cover can provide a
suite of environmental services including local climate regulation, water
regulation, and reduced soil erosion—all of which can reduce the
vulnerability of communities to variable climate (see Section;
Vignola et al., 2009).
27.6. Case Studies
27.6.1. Hydropower
Hydropower is the main source of renewable energy in CA and SA (see
Section 27.3.6). The region is second only to Asia in terms of hydropower
energy generation in the world, displaying a 20% share of total annual
generation and an average regional capacity factor of greater than 50%
(SRREN Table 5-1; IPCC, 2011). As a result, the region has by far the
largest proportion of electricity generated through hydropower facilities
(Table 27-6). The hydropower proportion of total electricity production
is greater than 40% in the region, and in some cases is near or close to
80%, as in the case of Brazil, Colombia, and Costa Rica (IEA, 2012).
Although there is debate, especially in tropical environments, about GHG
emissions from hydropower reservoirs (Fearnside and Pueyo, 2012), this
form of electricity generation is often seen as a major contributor to
mitigating GHG emissions worldwide (see IPCC, 2011; Kumar et al., 2011).
But, on the other hand, hydropower is a climate-related sector, thus
making it prone to the potential effects of changing climate conditions
(see Section In this regard the CA and SA region constitutes
a unique example to study these relations between climate change
mitigation and adaptation in relation to hydropower generation.
Diverse studies have analyzed the potential impacts of climate change
on hydropower generation (Table 27-4). Maurer et al. (2009) studied
future conditions for the Lempa River (El Salvador, Honduras, and
Guatemala), showing a potential reduction in hydropower capacity of
33 to 53% by 2070–2099. A similar loss is expected for the Sinú-Caribe
basin in Colombia where, despite a general projection of increased
precipitation, losses due to evaporation enhancement reduce inflows
to hydroelectric systems, thus reducing electricity generation up to 35%
(Ospina Noreña et al., 2009a). Further studies (Ospina Noreña et al.,
2011a,b) have estimated vulnerability indices for the hydropower sector
in the same basin, and identified reservoir operation strategies to reduce
this vulnerability. Overall reductions in hydropower generation capacity
are also expected in Chile for the main hydropower generation river
basins (Maule, Laja, and Biobio (ECLAC, 2009a; McPhee et al., 2010; Stehr
et al., 2010)), and also in the Argentinean Limay River basin (Seoane and
López, 2007). Ecuador, on the other hand, faces an increase in generation
capacity associated with an increment in precipitation on its largest
hydroelectric generator, the Paute River basin (Buytaert et al., 2010).
Brazil, although being the country with the largest installed hydroelectric
apacity in the region, still has unused generation capacity in sub-basins
of the Amazon River (Soito and Freitas, 2011). However, future climate
conditions plus environmental concerns pose an important challenge
for the expansion of the system (Freitas and Soito, 2009; Andrade et al.,
2012; Finer and Jenkins, 2012). According to de Lucena et al. (2009),
hydropower systems in southern Brazil (most significantly the Parana
River system) could face a slight increase in energy production under
an A2 scenario. However, the rest of the country’s hydropower system,
especially those in NEB, could face a reduction in power generation,
thus reducing the reliability of the whole system (de Lucena et al., 2009).
An obvious implication of the mentioned impacts is the need to replace
the energy lost through alternative (see Section or traditional
sources. Adaptation measures have been studied for Brazil (de Lucena
et al., 2010a), with results implying an increase in natural gas and
sugarcane bagasse electricity generation on the order of 300 TWh,
increase in operation costs on the order of US$7 billion annually, and
US$50 billion in terms of investment costs by 2035. In Chile, the study
by ECLAC (2009a) assumed that the loss in hydropower generation, on
the order of 18 TWh for the 2011–2040 period (a little over 10% of
actual total hydropower generation capacity) would be compensated by
the least operating cost source available, coal-fired power plant, implying
an increase of 2 MT CO
-eq of total GHG emissions (emissions for the
electricity sector in Chile totaled 25 MT CO
-eq in 2009). Ospina Noreña
(2011a,b) studied some adaptation options, such as changes in water
use efficiency or demand growth that could mitigate the expected
impacts on hydropower systems in the Colombian Sinú-Caribe River
basin. Changes in seasonality and total availability could also increase
complexities in the management of multiple-use dedicated basins in
Peru (Juen et al., 2007; Condom et al., 2012), Chile (ECLAC, 2009a), and
Argentina (Seoane and López, 2007), that could affect the relationship
between different water users within a basin. It is worth noting that
those regions that are projected to face an increase in streamflow and
associated generation capacity, such as Ecuador or Costa Rica, also
share difficulties in managing deforestation, erosion, and sedimentation
which limits the useful life of reservoirs (see Section In these
cases it is important to consider these effects in future infrastructure
operation (Ferreira and Teegavarapu, 2012) and planning, and also to
enhance the ongoing process of recognizing the value of the relation
between ecosystem services and hydropower system operations (Leguía
et al., 2008) (see more on PES in Sections, 27.6.2).
27.6.2. Payment for Ecosystem Services
Payment for ecosystem services (PES) is commonly described as a set of
transparent schemes for securing a well-defined ecosystem service (or a
land use capable to secure that service) through conditional payments
or compensations to voluntary providers (Engel et al., 2008; Tacconi,
2012). Van Noordwijk et al. (2012) provides a broader definition to PES
by arguing that it encompasses three complementary approaches: (1)
the one above, that is, commodification of predefined ecosystem services
so that prices can be negotiated between buyers and sellers; plus (2)
compensation for opportunities forgone voluntarily or by command and
control decisions; and (3) coinvestment in environmental stewardships.
Therefore, the terms conservation agreements, conservation incentives,
and community conservation are often used as synonyms or as something
Central and South America Chapter 27
different or broader than PES (Milne and Niesten, 2009; Cranford and
Mourato, 2011). For simplicity, we refer to PES in its broadest sense
(van Noordwijk et al., 2012).
Services subjected to such types of agreements often include regulation
of freshwater flows, carbon storage, provision of habitat for biodiversity,
and scenic beauty (de Koning et al., 2011; Montagnini and Finney, 2011).
Because the ecosystems that provide the services are mostly privately
owned, policies often aim at supporting landowners to maintain the
provision of services over time (Kemkes et al., 2010). Irrespective of the
debate as to whether payments or compensations should be designed
to focus on actions or results (Gibbons et al., 2011), experiences in
Colombia, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua show that PES can finance
conservation, ecosystem restoration, and better land use practices
(Montagnini and Finney, 2011; see also Table 27-5). However, based on
examples from Ecuador and Guatemala, Southgate et al. (2010) argue
that uniformity of payment for beneficiaries can be inefficient if recipients
accept less compensation in return for conservation measures, or if
recipients that promote greater environmental gains receive only the
prevailing payment. Other setbacks to PES schemes might include cases
where there is a perception of commoditization of nature and its
intangible values (e.g., Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, and Venezuela); other
cases where mechanisms are inefficient to reduce poverty; and slowness
to build trust between buyers and sellers, as well as gender and land
tenure issues that might arise (Asquith et al., 2008; Peterson et al., 2010;
Balvanera et al., 2012; van Noordwijk et al., 2012). Table 27-7 lists
select examples of PES schemes in Latin America, with a more complete
and detailed list given in Balvanera et al. (2012).
The PES concept (or “fishing agreements”) also applies to coastal and
marine areas, although only a few cases have been reported. Begossi
(2011) argues that this is due to three factors: origin (the mechanism
was originally designed for forests), monitoring (marine resources such
as fish are more difficult to monitor than terrestrial resources), and
definition of resource boundaries in offshore water. One example of a
compensation mechanism in the region is the so-called defeso, in Brazil.
It consists of a period (reproductive season) when fishing is forbidden
by the government and fishermen receive a financial compensation. It
applies to shrimp, lobster, and both marine and freshwater fisheries
(Begossi et al., 2011).
27.7. Data and Research Gaps
The scarcity of and difficulty in obtaining high-resolution, high quality,
and continuous climate, oceanic, and hydrological data, together with
availability of only very few complete regional studies, pose challenges
for the region to address changes in climate variability and the
identification of trends in extremes, in particular for CA. This situation
hampers studies on frequency and variability of extremes, as well as
impacts and vulnerability analyses of the present and future climates,
and the development of vulnerability assessments and adaptation
Related to observed impacts in most sectors, there is an imbalance in
information availability among countries. While more studies have been
performed for Brazil, southern SA, and SESA region, much less are
available for CA and for some regions of tropical SA. An additional
problem is poor dissemination of results in peer-reviewed publications
because most information is available only as grey literature. There is a
need for studies focused on current impacts and vulnerabilities across
sectors throughout CA and SA, with emphasis on extremes to improve
risk management assessments.
The complex interactions between climate and non-climate drivers make
the assessment of impacts and projections difficult, as is the case for
water availability and streamflows owing to current and potential
deforestation, overfishing and pollution regarding the impacts on fisheries,
or impacts on hydroenergy production. The lack of interdisciplinary
integrated studies limits our understanding of the complex interactions
between natural and socioeconomic systems. In addition, accelerating
deforestation and land use changes, as well as changes in economic
conditions, impose a continuous need for updated and available data
sets that feed basic and applied studies.
To address the global challenge of food security and food quality, both
important issues in CA and SA, investment in scientific agricultural
knowledge needs to be reinforced, mainly with regard to the integration
of agriculture with organic production, and the integration of food and
bioenergy production. It is necessary to consider ethical aspects when
the competition for food and bioenergy production is analyzed to
identify which activity is most important at a given location and time
and whether bioenergy production would affect food security for a
particular population.
SLR and coastal erosion are also relevant issues; the lack of comparable
measurements of SLR in CA and SA make the present and future
integrated assessment of the impacts of SLR in the region difficult. Of
local and global importance will be improving our understanding of the
physical oceanic processes, in particular of the Humboldt Current system
flowing along the west coast of SA, which is one of the most productive
systems worldwide.
Countries Level Start Name Benefi ts References
Brazil Sub-national
Amazonas state)
2007 Bolsa Floresta By 2008, 2700 traditional and indigenous families already benefi tted: nancial
ompensation and health assistance in exchange for zero deforestation in primary forests.
Viana (2008)
Costa Rica National 1997 Fondo Nacional de
inanciamiento Forestal
PES is a strong incentive for reforestation and, for agroforestry ecosystems alone, more than
000 contracts have been set since 2003 and nearly 2 million trees planted.
Montagnini and Finney
cuador National 2008 Socio-Bosque By 2010, the program already included more than half a million hectares of natural
ecosystems protected and has more than 60,000 benefi ciaries.
e Koning et al. (2011)
uatemala National 1997 Programa de Incentivos
y 2009, the program included 4174 benefi ciaries, who planted 94,151 hectares of forest. In
addition, 155,790 hectares of natural forest were under protection with monetary incentives.
NE (2011)
Countries Level Start Name Benefi ts References
razil Sub-national
(Amazonas state)
007 Bolsa Floresta By 2008, 2700 traditional and indigenous families already benefi tted: nancial
compensation and health assistance in exchange for zero deforestation in primary forests.
iana (2008)
osta Rica National 1997 Fondo Nacional de
Financiamiento Forestal
ES is a strong incentive for reforestation and, for agroforestry ecosystems alone, more than
7000 contracts have been set since 2003 and nearly 2 million trees planted.
ontagnini and Finney
cuador National 2008 Socio-Bosque By 2010, the program already included more than half a million hectares of natural
ecosystems protected and has more than 60,000 benefi ciaries.
e Koning et al. (2011)
Guatemala National 1997 Programa de Incentivos
By 2009, the program included 4174 benefi ciaries, who planted 94,151 hectares of forest. In
ddition, 155,790 hectares of natural forest were under protection with monetary incentives.
INE (2011)
Countries Level Start Name Benefi ts References
razil Sub-national
(Amazonas state)
007 Bolsa Floresta By 2008, 2700 traditional and indigenous families already benefi tted: nancial
compensation and health assistance in exchange for zero deforestation in primary forests.
iana (2008)
osta Rica National 1997 Fondo Nacional de
Financiamiento Forestal
ES is a strong incentive for reforestation and, for agroforestry ecosystems alone, more than
7000 contracts have been set since 2003 and nearly 2 million trees planted.
ontagnini and Finney
cuador National 2008 Socio-Bosque By 2010, the program already included more than half a million hectares of natural
ecosystems protected and has more than 60,000 benefi ciaries.
e Koning et al. (2011)
Guatemala National 1997 Programa de Incentivos
By 2009, the program included 4174 benefi ciaries, who planted 94,151 hectares of forest. In
ddition, 155,790 hectares of natural forest were under protection with monetary incentives.
INE (2011)
Table 27-7 | Cases of government-funded physiological-ecological simulation (PES) schemes in Central America and South America.
Chapter 27 Central and South America
ore information and research about the impacts of climate variability
and change on human health is needed. One problem is the difficulty
in accessing health data that are not always archived and ready to be
used in integrated studies. Another need refers to building the necessary
critical mass of transdisciplinary scientists to tackle the climate change-
human health problems in the region. The prevailing gaps in scientific
knowledge hamper the implementation of adaptation strategies, thus
demanding a review of research priorities toward better disease control.
With the aim of further studying the health impacts of climate change
and identifying resilience, mitigation, and adaptation strategies, South-
South cooperation and multidisciplinary research are considered to be
relevant priorities.
In spite of the uncertainty that stems from global and regional climatic
projections, the region needs to act in preparation for a possible increase
in climate variability and in extremes. It is necessary to undertake research
activities leading to public policies to assist societies in coping with
current climate variability, such as, for example, risk assessment and risk
management. Another important aspect since AR4 is the improvement
of climate modeling and the generation of high-resolution climate
scenarios, which in countries in CA and SA resulted in the first integrated
regional studies on impacts and vulnerability assessments of climate
change focusing on sectors such as agriculture, energy, and human
Research on adaptation and the scientific understanding of the various
processes and determinants of adaptive capacity is also mandatory for
the region, with particular emphasis on increasing adaptation capacity
involving the traditional knowledge of ancestral cultures and how this
knowledge is transmitted. Linking indigenous knowledge with scientific
knowledge is important. The concept of “mother earth” (madre tierra
in Spanish) as a living system has been mentioned in recent years, as a
key sacred entity on the view of indigenous nations and as a system
that may be affected and also resilient to climate change. Although
some adaptation processes have been initiated in recent years dealing
with this and other indigenous knowledge, there is only very limited
scientific literature discussing these subjects so far.
The research agenda needs to address vulnerability and foster adaptation
in the region, encompassing an inclusion of the regions’ researchers and
focusing also on governance structures and action-oriented research
that addresses resource distribution inequities.
Regional and international partnerships, and research networks and
programs, have allowed linking those programs with local strategies
for adaptation and mitigation, also providing opportunities to address
research gaps and exchange among researchers. Examples are the
European Union funded projects CLARIS LPB (La Plata Basin) in SESA,
and AMAZALERT in Amazonia. Other important initiatives come from
the Interamerican Institute for Global Change Research (IAI), World
Health Organization (WHO), Global Environment Facility (GEF), Inter-
American Development Bank (IDB), Economic Commission for Latin
America and the Caribbean (ECLAC, CEPAL), La Red, and BirdLife
International, among others. The same holds for local international
networks such as the International Council for Local Environmental
Initiatives (ICLEI) or C40, of which CA and SA cities form part. The
weADAPT initiative is a good example on how CA and SA practitioners,
esearchers, and policy makers can have access to credible, high-quality
information and to share experiences and lessons learned in other
regions of the world.
27.8. Conclusions
CA and SA harbor unique ecosystems and maximum biodiversity, with
a variety of eco-climatic gradients rapidly changing from development
initiatives. Agricultural and beef production as well as bioenergy crops
are on the rise, mostly by expanding agricultural frontiers. Poverty and
inequality are decreasing, but at a slow pace. Socioeconomic development
shows a high level of heterogeneity and a very unequal income
distribution, resulting in high vulnerability to climatic conditions. There
is still a high and persistent level of poverty in most countries (45% for
CA and 30% for SA for year 2010) in spite of the sustained economic
growth observed in the last decade.
The IPCC AR4 and SREX reports contain ample evidence of increase in
extreme climate events in CA and SA. During 2000–2013, 613 weather
and climate extreme events led to 13,883 fatalities and 53.8 million
people affected, with estimated losses of US$52.3 billion. During 2000–
2009, 39 hurricanes occurred in the CA-Caribbean basin compared to
15 and 9 in the decade of 1980 and 1990, respectively. In SESA, more
frequent and intense rainfall extremes have favored an increase in the
occurrence of flash floods and landslides. In Amazonia extreme droughts
were reported in 2005 and 2010, and record floods were observed in
2009 and 2012. In 2012–2013 an extreme drought affected NEB.
While warming occurred in most of CA and SA, cooling was detected
off the coast of southern Peru and Chile. There is growing evidence that
Andean glaciers (both tropical and extratropical) are retreating in
response to warming trends. Increases in precipitation were registered
in SESA, CA, and the NAMS regions, while decreases were observed in
southern Chile, and a slight decrease in NEB after the middle 1970s.
In CA a gradual delay of the beginning of the rainfall season has been
observed. SLR varied from 2 to 7 mm yr
between 1950 and 2008 in
CA and SA, which is a reason for concern because a large proportion of
the population of the region lives by the coast.
Land use and land cover change are key drivers of regional environmental
change in SA and CA. Natural ecosystems are affected by climate
variability/change and land use change. Deforestation, land degradation,
and biodiversity loss are attributed mainly to increased extensive
agriculture for traditional export activities and bioenergy crops.
Agricultural expansion has affected fragile ecosystems, causing severe
environmental degradation and reducing the environmental services
provided by these ecosystems. Deforestation has intensified the process
of land degradation, increasing the vulnerability of communities exposed
to floods, landslides, and droughts. Plant species are rapidly declining
in CA and SA, with a high percentage of rapidly declining amphibian
species. However, the region has still large extensions of natural
vegetation cover, with the Amazon being the main example. Ecosystem-
based adaptation practices, such as the establishment of protected
areas and their effective management, conservation agreements,
community management of natural areas, and payment for ecosystem
services are increasingly more common across the region.
Central and South America Chapter 27
Figure 27-7 summarizes of some of the main observed trends in global
environmental change drivers across different representative regions of
CA and SA. Changes in climate and non-climate drivers have to be
compounded with other socioeconomic related trends, such as the rapid
urbanization experienced in the region.
Some observed impacts on human and natural systems can be directly
or indirectly attributed to human influences (see also Figure 27-8):
Changes in river flow variability in the Amazon River during the last
2 decades, robust positive trends in streamflow in sub-basins of the
La Plata River basin, and increased dryness for most of the river
basins in west coast of South America during the last 50 years
Reduction in tropical glaciers and ice fields in extratropical and
tropical Andes over the second half of the 20th century that can be
attributed to an increase in temperature
Coastal erosion, bleaching of coral reefs in the coast of CA, and
reduction in fisheries stock
Increase in agricultural yield in SESA, and shift in agricultural zoning
(significant expansion of agricultural areas, mainly in climatically
marginal regions)
Increase in frequency and extension of dengue fever, yellow fever,
and malaria.
However, for some impacts the number of concluding studies is still
insufficient, leading to low levels of confidence for attribution to human
By the end of the century, the CMIP5-derived projections for RCP8.5
yielded: CA mean annual warming of 2.5ºC (range: 1.5°C to 5.0°C),
mean rainfall reduction of 10% (range: –25% to +10%), and reduction
in summertime precipitation; SA – mean warming of 4ºC (range: 2.0°C
to 5.0°C), with rainfall reduction up to 15% in tropical SA east of the
Andes, and an increase of about 15 to 20% in SESA and in other regions
of the continent, and increases in warm days and nights very likely to
occur in most of SA; SESA increases in heavy precipitation, and
increases in dry spell in northeastern SA. However, there is some degree
of uncertainty in climate change projections for regions, particularly for
rainfall in CA and tropical SA.
Current vulnerability in terms of water supply in the semi-arid zones and
the tropical Andes is expected to increase even further due to climate
change. This would be exacerbated by the expected glacier retreat,
precipitation reduction, and increased evapotranspiration demands as
expected in the semi-arid regions of CA and SA. These scenarios would
affect water supply for large cities, small communities, food production,
and hydropower generation. There is a need for reassessing current
practices to reduce the mismatch between water supply and demand
to reduce future vulnerability, and to implement constitutional and legal
reforms toward more efficient and effective water resources management.
SLR due to climate change and human activities on coastal and marine
ecosystems pose threats to fish stocks, corals, mangroves, recreation
1. CA-NSA: Central America, northern South
2. AMA: Amazonia
7. SESA: Southeastern South America
6. NE: Northeast Brazil
4. CAnd: Central Andes
5. PAT: Patagonia
3. TAnd: Tropical Andes
Seasonality ChangeIncrease
land use
Figure 27-7 | Summary of observed changes in climate and other environmental factors in representative regions of Central and South America. The boundaries of the regions in
the map are conceptual (neither geographic nor political precision). Information and references to changes provided are presented in different sections of the chapter.
Chapter 27 Central and South America
and tourism, and diseases control in CA and SA.Coral reefs, mangroves,
fisheries, and other benthic marine invertebrates that provide key
ecosystem services, such as nutrient cycling, water quality regulation,
and herbivory, are also threatened by climate change.It is possible that
the Mesoamerican coral reef will collapse by mid-century (between
2050 and 2070), causing major economic and environmental losses.In
the southwestern Atlantic coast,eastern Brazilian reefs might suffer a
massive coral cover decline in the next 50 years.In the Rio de La Plata
area extreme flooding events may become more frequent because
return periods are decreasing,and urban coastalareasin the eastern
coast will be particularly affected. Beach erosion is expected to increase
in southern Brazil and in scattered areas at the Pacific coast.
Urban populations in CA and SA face diverse social, political, economic,
and environmental risks in daily life, and climate change will add a new
dimension to these risks. Because urban development remains fragile
in many cases, with weak planning responses, climate change can
compound existing challenges, for example, water supply in cities from
glacier, snowmelt, and paramos related runoff in the Andes (Lima, La
Paz/El Alto, Santiago de Chile, Bogotá), flooding in several cities such
as São Paulo and Buenos Aires, and health-related challenges in many
cities of the region.
Climate change will affectindividual species and biotic interactions.
Vertebrate fauna will suffer major species losses especially in high-altitude
areas; elevational specialists might be particularly vulnerable because
of their small geographic ranges and high energetic requirements.
Freshwater fisheries can suffer alterations in physiology and life histories.
In addition,modifications in phenology, structure of ecological networks,
predator-prey interactions, and non-trophic interactions among organisms
will affect biotic interactions. Shifts in biotic interactions are expected to
have negative consequences on biodiversity and ecosystem services in
High Andean ecosystems.Although in the region biodiversity conservation
is largely confined to protected areas, it is expected that many species
and vegetational types will lose representativeness inside such protected
Changes in food production and food security are expected to have
great spatial variability, with a wide range of uncertainty mainly related
to climate and crop models. In SESA average productivity could be
sustained or increased until the mid-century, although interannual and
decadal climate variability is likely to impose important damages. In
other regions such as NEB, CA, and some Andean countries agricultural
productivity could decrease in the short term, threatening the food
security of the poorest population. The expansion of pastures and
croplands is expected to continue in the coming years, particularly from
an increasing global demand for food and biofuels. The great challenge
for CA and SA will be to increase the food and bioenergy production
and at the same time sustain the environmental quality in a scenario
of climate change.
Renewable energy provides great potential for adaptation and mitigation.
Hydropower is currently the main source of renewable energy in CA and
SA, followed by biofuels. SESA is one of the main sources of production
of the feedstocks for biofuel production, mainly with sugarcane and
soybean, and future climate conditions may lead to an increase in
ontinental scale
Very low
Very low Low Medium
Degree of confidence in detection of a trend in climate-sensitive systems
High Very high
Low Medium
Degree of confidence in attribution
High Very high
1. Glacier retreat in the Andes in South America (Section
. Streamflow increase La Plata Basin (Section
3. Increase in heavy precipitation and in risk of land slides and
ooding in southeastern South America, and in Central America
and northern South America (Section
. Changes in extreme flows in Amazon River (Section
. Coastal erosion and other physical sea level impacts (Section
6. Bleaching of coral reefs in western Caribbean and coast of Central
America (Section
. Degrading and receding rainforest in Amazonia and in Central
merica and northern South America (Section
8. Reduction in fisheries stock (Section
. Increase in frequency and extension of dengue fever and malaria
10. Increases in agricultural yield in southeastern South America (Section
11. Shifting in agricultural zoning (Section
hysical systems
Biological systems
Human and managed systems
Figure 27-8 | Observed impacts of climate variations and attribution of causes to climate change in Central and South America.
Central and South America Chapter 27
roductivity and production. Advances in second-generation biofuels
will be important as a measure of adaptation, as they have the potential
to increase biofuel productivity. In spite of the large amount of arable
land available, the expansion of biofuels might have some direct and
indirect land use change effects, producing teleconnections that could
lead to deforestation of native tropical forests and loss of employment
in some countries. This might also affect food security.
Changes in weather and climatic patterns are negatively affecting human
health in CA and SA, by increasing morbidity, mortality, and disabilities,
and through the emergence of diseases in previously non-endemic
regions. Multiple factors increase the region’s vulnerability to climate
change: precarious health systems; malnutrition; inadequate water
and sanitation services; population growth; poor waste collection and
treatment systems; air, soil, and water pollution; food in poor regions;
lack of social participation; and inadequate governance. Vulnerabilities
vary with geography, age, gender, race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic
status, and are rising in large cities. Climate change and variability may
exacerbate current and future risks to health.
Climate change will bring modifications to environmental conditions in
space and time, and the frequency and intensity of weather and climate
processes.In many CA and SA countries, a first step toward adaptation
o climate change is to reduce the vulnerability to present climate,
taking into account future potential impacts, particularly of weather
and climate extremes. Long-term planning and the related human and
financial resource needs may be seen as conflicting with present social
deficit in the welfare of the CA and SA population. Such conditions
weaken the importance of adaptation planning to climate change on
the political agenda. Currently, there are few experiences on synergies
between development, adaptation, and mitigation planning, which can
help local communities and governments to allocate available resources
in the design of strategies to reduce vulnerability and develop adaptation
measures. Facing a new climate system and, in particular, the exacerbation
of extreme events, will call for new ways to manage human and natural
systems for achieving sustainable development.
Abad-Franch, F., F.A. Monteiro, N. Jaramillo O., R. Gurgel-Gonçalves, F.B.S. Dias, and
L. Diotaiuti, 2009: Ecology, evolution, and the long-term surveillance of vector-
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Acta Tropica, 110(2-3), 159-177.
Abell, R., M.L. Thieme, C. Revenga, M. Bryer, M. Kottelat, N. Bogutskaya, B. Coad, N.
Mandrak, S. Contreras-Balderas, W. Bussing, M.L.J. Stiassny, P. Skelton, G.R. Allen,
P. Unmack, A. Naseka, R. Ng, N. Sindorf, J. Robertson, E. Armijo, J.V. Higgins, T.J.
Near term
Long term
CA coral reef bleaching (high confidence)
Limited evidence for autonomous genetic adaptation of corals; other adaptation
options are limited to reducing other stresses, mainly enhancing water quality
and limiting pressures from tourism and fishing.
Table 27-8 | Key risks from climate change and the potential for risk reduction through mitigation and adaptation.
Key risk Adaptation issues & prospects
Risk & potential for
Carbon dioxide
Climate-related drivers of impacts
Level of risk & potential for adaptation
Potential for additional adaptation
to reduce risk
Risk level with
current adaptation
Risk level with
high adaptation
not available
not available
Near term
Long term
Spread of vector-borne diseases in altitude
and latitude (high confidence)
• Development of early warning systems for disease control and mitigation
based on climatic and other relevant inputs. Many factors augment
• Establishing programs to extend basic public health services
Near term
Long term
Decreased food production and food quality
(medium confidence)
• Development of new crop varieties more adapted to climate change
(temperature and drought)
• Offsetting of human and animal health impacts of reduced food quality
• Offsetting of economic impacts of land-use change
• Strengthening traditional indigenous knowledge systems and practices
Near term
Long term
Water availability in semi-arid and
glacier-melt-dependent regions and Central
America; flooding and landslides in urban
and rural areas due to extreme precipitation
(high confidence)
• Integrated water resource management
• Urban and rural flood management (including infrastructure), early warning
systems, better weather and runoff forecasts, and infectious disease control
Chapter 27 Central and South America
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