This chapter should be cited as:
Bindoff, N.L., P.A. Stott, K.M. AchutaRao, M.R. Allen, N. Gillett, D. Gutzler, K. Hansingo, G. Hegerl, Y. Hu, S. Jain, I.I.
Mokhov, J. Overland, J. Perlwitz, R. Sebbari and X. Zhang, 2013: Detection and Attribution of Climate Change:
from Global to Regional. In: Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group
I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Stocker, T.F., D. Qin, G.-K.
Plattner, M. Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex and P.M. Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.
Coordinating Lead Authors:
Nathaniel L. Bindoff (Australia), Peter A. Stott (UK)
Lead Authors:
Krishna Mirle AchutaRao (India), Myles R. Allen (UK), Nathan Gillett (Canada), David Gutzler
(USA), Kabumbwe Hansingo (Zambia), Gabriele Hegerl (UK/Germany), Yongyun Hu (China),
Suman Jain (Zambia), Igor I. Mokhov (Russian Federation), James Overland (USA), Judith
Perlwitz (USA), Rachid Sebbari (Morocco), Xuebin Zhang (Canada)
Contributing Authors:
Magne Aldrin (Norway), Beena Balan Sarojini (UK/India), Jürg Beer (Switzerland), Olivier
Boucher (France), Pascale Braconnot (France), Oliver Browne (UK), Ping Chang (USA), Nikolaos
Christidis (UK), Tim DelSole (USA), Catia M. Domingues (Australia/Brazil), Paul J. Durack (USA/
Australia), Alexey Eliseev (Russian Federation), Kerry Emanuel (USA), Graham Feingold (USA),
Chris Forest (USA), Jesus Fidel González Rouco (Spain), Hugues Goosse (Belgium), Lesley Gray
(UK), Jonathan Gregory (UK), Isaac Held (USA), Greg Holland (USA), Jara Imbers Quintana
(UK), William Ingram (UK), Johann Jungclaus (Germany), Georg Kaser (Austria), Veli-Matti
Kerminen (Finland), Thomas Knutson (USA), Reto Knutti (Switzerland), James Kossin (USA),
Mike Lockwood (UK), Ulrike Lohmann (Switzerland), Fraser Lott (UK), Jian Lu (USA/Canada),
Irina Mahlstein (Switzerland), Valérie Masson-Delmotte (France), Damon Matthews (Canada),
Gerald Meehl (USA), Blanca Mendoza (Mexico), Viviane Vasconcellos de Menezes (Australia/
Brazil), Seung-Ki Min (Republic of Korea), Daniel Mitchell (UK), Thomas Mölg (Germany/
Austria), Simone Morak (UK), Timothy Osborn (UK), Alexander Otto (UK), Friederike Otto (UK),
David Pierce (USA), Debbie Polson (UK), Aurélien Ribes (France), Joeri Rogelj (Switzerland/
Belgium), Andrew Schurer (UK), Vladimir Semenov (Russian Federation), Drew Shindell (USA),
Dmitry Smirnov (Russian Federation), Peter W. Thorne (USA/Norway/UK), Muyin Wang (USA),
Martin Wild (Switzerland), Rong Zhang (USA)
Review Editors:
Judit Bartholy (Hungary), Robert Vautard (France), Tetsuzo Yasunari (Japan)
Detection and Attribution
of Climate Change:
from Global to Regional
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ..................................................................... 869
10.1 Introduction ...................................................................... 872
10.2 Evaluation of Detection and Attribution
Methodologies ................................................................. 872
10.2.1 The Context of Detection and Attribution ................. 872
10.2.2 Time Series Methods, Causality and Separating
Signal from Noise ...................................................... 874
Box 10.1: How Attribution Studies Work ................................ 875
10.2.3 Methods Based on General Circulation Models
and Optimal Fingerprinting ....................................... 877
10.2.4 Single-Step and Multi-Step Attribution and the
Role of the Null Hypothesis ....................................... 878
10.3 Atmosphere and Surface .............................................. 878
10.3.1 Temperature .............................................................. 878
Box 10.2: The Sun’s Influence on the Earth’s Climate ........... 885
10.3.2 Water Cycle ............................................................... 895
10.3.3 Atmospheric Circulation and Patterns of
Variability .................................................................. 899
10.4 Changes in Ocean Properties....................................... 901
10.4.1 Ocean Temperature and Heat Content ...................... 901
10.4.2 Ocean Salinity and Freshwater Fluxes ....................... 903
10.4.3 Sea Level ................................................................... 905
10.4.4 Oxygen and Ocean Acidity ........................................ 905
10.5 Cryosphere ........................................................................ 906
10.5.1 Sea Ice ...................................................................... 906
10.5.2 Ice Sheets, Ice Shelves and Glaciers .......................... 909
10.5.3 Snow Cover ............................................................... 910
10.6 Extremes ............................................................................ 910
10.6.1 Attribution of Changes in Frequency/Occurrence
and Intensity of Extremes.......................................... 910
10.6.2 Attribution of Weather and Climate Events ............... 914
10.7 Multi-century to Millennia Perspective .................... 917
10.7.1 Causes of Change in Large-Scale Temperature over
the Past Millennium .................................................. 917
10.7.2 Changes of Past Regional Temperature ..................... 919
10.7.3 Summary: Lessons from the Past ............................... 919
10.8 Implications for Climate System Properties
and Projections ................................................................ 920
10.8.1 Transient Climate Response ...................................... 920
10.8.2 Constraints on Long-Term Climate Change and the
Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity .................................. 921
10.8.3 Consequences for Aerosol Forcing and Ocean
Heat Uptake .............................................................. 926
10.8.4 Earth System Properties ............................................ 926
10.9 Synthesis ............................................................................ 927
10.9.1 Multi-variable Approaches ........................................ 927
10.9.2 Whole Climate System .............................................. 927
References .................................................................................. 940
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ 10.1 Climate Is Always Changing. How Do We
Determine the Causes of Observed
Changes? ................................................................. 894
FAQ 10.2 When Will Human Influences on Climate
Become Obvious on Local Scales? ....................... 928
Supplementary Material
Supplementary Material is available in online versions of the report.
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
In this Report, the following terms have been used to indicate the assessed likelihood of an outcome or a result: Virtually certain 99–100% probability, Very likely 90–100%,
Likely 66–100%, About as likely as not 33–66%, Unlikely 0–33%, Very unlikely 0-10%, Exceptionally unlikely 0–1%. Additional terms (Extremely likely: 95–100%, More likely
than not >50–100%, and Extremely unlikely 0–5%) may also be used when appropriate. Assessed likelihood is typeset in italics, e.g., very likely (see Section 1.4 and Box TS.1
for more details).
In this Report, the following summary terms are used to describe the available evidence: limited, medium, or robust; and for the degree of agreement: low, medium, or high.
A level of confidence is expressed using five qualifiers: very low, low, medium, high, and very high, and typeset in italics, e.g., medium confidence. For a given evidence and
agreement statement, different confidence levels can be assigned, but increasing levels of evidence and degrees of agreement are correlated with increasing confidence (see
Section 1.4 and Box TS.1 for more details).
Executive Summary
Atmospheric Temperatures
More than half of the observed increase in global mean surface
temperature (GMST) from 1951 to 2010 is very likely
due to the
observed anthropogenic increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) con-
centrations. The consistency of observed and modeled changes across
the climate system, including warming of the atmosphere and ocean,
sea level rise, ocean acidification and changes in the water cycle, the
cryosphere and climate extremes points to a large-scale warming
resulting primarily from anthropogenic increases in GHG concentra-
tions. Solar forcing is the only known natural forcing acting to warm
the climate over this period but it has increased much less than GHG
forcing, and the observed pattern of long-term tropospheric warming
and stratospheric cooling is not consistent with the expected response
to solar irradiance variations. The Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation
(AMO) could be a confounding influence but studies that find a signif-
icant role for the AMO show that this does not project strongly onto
1951–2010 temperature trends. {10.3.1, Table 10.1}
It is extremely likely that human activities caused more than
half of the observed increase in GMST from 1951 to 2010. This
assessment is supported by robust evidence from multiple studies
using different methods. Observational uncertainty has been explored
much more thoroughly than previously and the assessment now con-
siders observations from the first decade of the 21st century and sim-
ulations from a new generation of climate models whose ability to
simulate historical climate has improved in many respects relative to
the previous generation of models considered in AR4. Uncertainties in
forcings and in climate models’ temperature responses to individual
forcings and difficulty in distinguishing the patterns of temperature
response due to GHGs and other anthropogenic forcings prevent a
more precise quantification of the temperature changes attributable to
GHGs. {9.4.1, 9.5.3, 10.3.1, Figure 10.5, Table 10.1}
GHGs contributed a global mean surface warming likely to be
between 0.5°C and 1.3°C over the period 1951–2010, with the
contributions from other anthropogenic forcings likely to be
between –0.6°C and 0.1°C, from natural forcings likely to be
between –0.1°C and 0.1°C, and from internal variability likely
to be between –0.1°C and 0.1°C. Together these assessed contri-
butions are consistent with the observed warming of approximately
0.6°C over this period. {10.3.1, Figure 10.5}
It is virtually certain that internal variability alone cannot
account for the observed global warming since 1951. The
observed global-scale warming since 1951 is large compared to cli-
mate model estimates of internal variability on 60-year time scales. The
Northern Hemisphere (NH) warming over the same period is far out-
side the range of any similar length trends in residuals from reconstruc-
tions of the past millennium. The spatial pattern of observed warming
differs from those associated with internal variability. The model-based
simulations of internal variability are assessed to be adequate to make
this assessment. {9.5.3, 10.3.1, 10.7.5, Table 10.1}
It is likely that anthropogenic forcings, dominated by GHGs,
have contributed to the warming of the troposphere since 1961
and very likely that anthropogenic forcings, dominated by the
depletion of the ozone layer due to ozone-depleting substanc-
es, have contributed to the cooling of the lower stratosphere
since 1979. Observational uncertainties in estimates of tropospheric
temperatures have now been assessed more thoroughly than at the
time of AR4. The structure of stratospheric temperature trends and
multi-year to decadal variations are well represented by models and
physical understanding is consistent with the observed and modelled
evolution of stratospheric temperatures. Uncertainties in radiosonde
and satellite records make assessment of causes of observed trends in
the upper troposphere less confident than an assessment of the overall
atmospheric temperature changes. {2.4.4, 9.4.1, 10.3.1, Table 10.1}
Further evidence has accumulated of the detection and attri-
bution of anthropogenic influence on temperature change in
different parts of the world. Over every continental region, except
Antarctica, it is likely that anthropogenic influence has made a sub-
stantial contribution to surface temperature increases since the mid-
20th century. The robust detection of human influence on continental
scales is consistent with the global attribution of widespread warming
over land to human influence. It is likely that there has been an anthro-
pogenic contribution to the very substantial Arctic warming over the
past 50 years. For Antarctica large observational uncertainties result
in low confidence
that anthropogenic influence has contributed to
the observed warming averaged over available stations. Anthropo-
genic influence has likely contributed to temperature change in many
sub-continental regions. {2.4.1, 10.3.1, Table 10.1}
Robustness of detection and attribution of global-scale warm-
ing is subject to models correctly simulating internal variabili-
ty. Although estimates of multi-decadal internal variability of GMST
need to be obtained indirectly from the observational record because
the observed record contains the effects of external forcings (meaning
the combination of natural and anthropogenic forcings), the standard
deviation of internal variability would have to be underestimated in
climate models by a factor of at least three to account for the observed
warming in the absence of anthropogenic influence. Comparison with
observations provides no indication of such a large difference between
climate models and observations. {9.5.3, Figures 9.33, 10.2, 10.3.1,
Table 10.1}
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
The observed recent warming hiatus, defined as the reduction
in GMST trend during 1998–2012 as compared to the trend
during 1951–2012, is attributable in roughly equal measure to
a cooling contribution from internal variability and a reduced
trend in external forcing (expert judgement, medium confi-
dence). The forcing trend reduction is primarily due to a negative forc-
ing trend from both volcanic eruptions and the downward phase of the
solar cycle. However, there is low confidence in quantifying the role of
forcing trend in causing the hiatus because of uncertainty in the mag-
nitude of the volcanic forcing trends and low confidence in the aerosol
forcing trend. Many factors, in addition to GHGs, including changes
in tropospheric and stratospheric aerosols, stratospheric water vapour,
and solar output, as well as internal modes of variability, contribute to
the year-to-year and decade- to-decade variability of GMST. {Box 9.2,
10.3.1, Figure 10.6}
Ocean Temperatures and Sea Level Rise
It is very likely that anthropogenic forcings have made a sub-
stantial contribution to upper ocean warming (above 700 m)
observed since the 1970s. This anthropogenic ocean warming has
contributed to global sea level rise over this period through thermal
expansion. New understanding since AR4 of measurement errors and
their correction in the temperature data sets have increased the agree-
ment in estimates of ocean warming. Observations of ocean warming
are consistent with climate model simulations that include anthropo-
genic and volcanic forcings but are inconsistent with simulations that
exclude anthropogenic forcings. Simulations that include both anthro-
pogenic and natural forcings have decadal variability that is consistent
with observations. These results are a major advance on AR4. {3.2.3,
10.4.1, Table 10.1}
It is very likely that there is a substantial contribution from
anthropogenic forcings to the global mean sea level rise since
the 1970s. It is likely that sea level rise has an anthropogenic con-
tribution from Greenland melt since 1990 and from glacier mass loss
since 1960s. Observations since 1971 indicate with high confidence
that thermal expansion and glaciers (excluding the glaciers in Antarc-
tica) explain 75% of the observed rise. {10.4.1, 10.4.3, 10.5.2, Table
10.1, 13.3.6}
Ocean Acidification and Oxygen Change
It is very likely that oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon
dioxide has resulted in acidification of surface waters which
is observed to be between –0.0014 and –0.0024 pH units per
year. There is medium confidence that the observed global pattern
of decrease in oxygen dissolved in the oceans from the 1960s to the
1990s can be attributed in part to human influences. {3.8.2, Box 3.2,
10.4.4, Table 10.1}
The Water Cycle
New evidence is emerging for an anthropogenic influence on
global land precipitation changes, on precipitation increases
in high northern latitudes, and on increases in atmospheric
humidity. There is medium confidence that there is an anthropogenic
contribution to observed increases in atmospheric specific humidi-
ty since 1973 and to global scale changes in precipitation patterns
over land since 1950, including increases in NH mid to high latitudes.
Remaining observational and modelling uncertainties, and the large
internal variability in precipitation, preclude a more confident assess-
ment at this stage. {2.5.1, 2.5.4, 10.3.2, Table 10.1}
It is very likely that anthropogenic forcings have made a dis-
cernible contribution to surface and subsurface oceanic salini-
ty changes since the 1960s. More than 40 studies of regional and
global surface and subsurface salinity show patterns consistent with
understanding of anthropogenic changes in the water cycle and ocean
circulation. The expected pattern of anthropogenic amplification of cli-
matological salinity patterns derived from climate models is detected
in the observations although there remains incomplete understanding
of the observed internal variability of the surface and sub-surface salin-
ity fields. {3.3.2, 10.4.2, Table 10.1}
It is likely that human influence has affected the global water
cycle since 1960. This assessment is based on the combined evidence
from the atmosphere and oceans of observed systematic changes that
are attributed to human influence in terrestrial precipitation, atmos-
pheric humidity and oceanic surface salinity through its connection
to precipitation and evaporation. This is a major advance since AR4.
{3.3.2, 10.3.2, 10.4.2, Table 10.1}
Anthropogenic forcings are very likely to have contributed to
Arctic sea ice loss since 1979. There is a robust set of results from
simulations that show the observed decline in sea ice extent is simu-
lated only when models include anthropogenic forcings. There is low
confidence in the scientific understanding of the observed increase in
Antarctic sea ice extent since 1979 owing to the incomplete and com-
peting scientific explanations for the causes of change and low confi-
dence in estimates of internal variability. {10.5.1, Table 10.1}
Ice sheets and glaciers are melting, and anthropogenic influ-
ences are likely to have contributed to the surface melting of
Greenland since 1993 and to the retreat of glaciers since the
1960s. Since 2007, internal variability is likely to have further enhanced
the melt over Greenland. For glaciers there is a high level of scientific
understanding from robust estimates of observed mass loss, internal
variability and glacier response to climatic drivers. Owing to a low level
of scientific understanding there is low confidence in attributing the
causes of the observed loss of mass from the Antarctic ice sheet since
1993. {4.3.3, 10.5.2, Table 10.1}
It is likely that there has been an anthropogenic component to
observed reductions in NH snow cover since 1970. There is high
agreement across observations studies and attribution studies find a
human influence at both continental and regional scales. {10.5.3, Table
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
Climate Extremes
There has been a strengthening of the evidence for human influ-
ence on temperature extremes since the AR4 and IPCC Special
Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters
to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX) reports. It is very
likely that anthropogenic forcing has contributed to the observed
changes in the frequency and intensity of daily temperature extremes
on the global scale since the mid-20th century. Attribution of changes
in temperature extremes to anthropogenic influence is robustly seen in
independent analyses using different methods and different data sets.
It is likely that human influence has substantially increased the prob-
ability of occurrence of heatwaves in some locations. {10.6.1, 10.6.2,
Table 10.1}
In land regions where observational coverage is sufficient for
assessment, there is medium confidence that anthropogen-
ic forcing has contributed to a global-scale intensification of
heavy precipitation over the second half of the 20th century.
There is low confidence in attributing changes in drought over global
land areas since the mid-20th century to human influence owing to
observational uncertainties and difficulties in distinguishing decad-
al-scale variability in drought from long-term trends. {10.6.1, Table
There is low confidence in attribution of changes in tropical
cyclone activity to human influence owing to insufficient obser-
vational evidence, lack of physical understanding of the links
between anthropogenic drivers of climate and tropical cyclone
activity and the low level of agreement between studies as to
the relative importance of internal variability, and anthropo-
genic and natural forcings. This assessment is consistent with that
of SREX. {10.6.1, Table 10.1}
Atmospheric Circulation
It is likely that human influence has altered sea level pressure
patterns globally. Detectable anthropogenic influence on changes
in sea level pressure patterns is found in several studies. Changes in
atmospheric circulation are important for local climate change since
they could lead to greater or smaller changes in climate in a particular
region than elsewhere. There is medium confidence that stratospheric
ozone depletion has contributed to the observed poleward shift of the
southern Hadley Cell border during austral summer. There are large
uncertainties in the magnitude of this poleward shift. It is likely that
stratospheric ozone depletion has contributed to the positive trend
in the Southern Annular Mode seen in austral summer since the mid-
20th century which corresponds to sea level pressure reductions over
the high latitudes and an increase in the subtropics. There is medium
confidence that GHGs have also played a role in these trends of the
southern Hadley Cell border and the Southern Annular Mode in Austral
summer. {10.3.3, Table 10.1}
A Millennia to Multi-Century Perspective
Taking a longer term perspective shows the substantial role
played by anthropogenic and natural forcings in driving climate
variability on hemispheric scales prior to the twentieth century.
It is very unlikely that NH temperature variations from 1400 to 1850
can be explained by internal variability alone. There is medium confi-
dence that external forcing contributed to NH temperature variability
from 850 to 1400 and that external forcing contributed to European
temperature variations over the last five centuries. {10.7.2, 10.7.5,
Table 10.1}
Climate System Properties
The extended record of observed climate change has allowed
a better characterization of the basic properties of the climate
system that have implications for future warming. New evidence
from 21st century observations and stronger evidence from a wider
range of studies have strengthened the constraint on the transient
climate response (TCR) which is estimated with high confidence to
be likely between 1°C and 2.5°C and extremely unlikely to be greater
than 3°C. The Transient Climate Response to Cumulative CO
(TCRE) is estimated with high confidence to be likely between 0.8°C
and 2.5°C per 1000 PgC for cumulative CO
emissions less than about
2000 PgC until the time at which temperatures peak. Estimates of the
Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ECS) based on multiple and partly
independent lines of evidence from observed climate change indicate
that there is high confidence that ECS is extremely unlikely to be less
than 1°C and medium confidence that the ECS is likely to be between
1.5°C and 4.5°C and very unlikely greater than 6°C. These assessments
are consistent with the overall assessment in Chapter 12, where the
inclusion of additional lines of evidence increases confidence in the
assessed likely range for ECS. {10.8.1, 10.8.2, 10.8.4, Box 12.2}
Combination of Evidence
Human influence has been detected in the major assessed com-
ponents of the climate system. Taken together, the combined
evidence increases the level of confidence in the attribution of
observed climate change, and reduces the uncertainties associ-
ated with assessment based on a single climate variable. From
this combined evidence it is virtually certain that human influ-
ence has warmed the global climate system. Anthropogenic influ-
ence has been identified in changes in temperature near the surface
of the Earth, in the atmosphere and in the oceans, as well as changes
in the cryosphere, the water cycle and some extremes. There is strong
evidence that excludes solar forcing, volcanoes and internal variability
as the strongest drivers of warming since 1950. {10.9.2, Table 10.1}
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
10.1 Introduction
This chapter assesses the causes of observed changes assessed in
Chapters 2 to 5 and uses understanding of physical processes, climate
models and statistical approaches. The chapter adopts the terminolo-
gy for detection and attribution proposed by the IPCC good practice
guidance paper on detection and attribution (Hegerl et al., 2010) and
for uncertainty Mastrandrea et al. (2011). Detection and attribution of
impacts of climate changes are assessed by Working Group II, where
Chapter 18 assesses the extent to which atmospheric and oceanic
changes influence ecosystems, infrastructure, human health and activ-
ities in economic sectors.
Evidence of a human influence on climate has grown stronger over
the period of the four previous assessment reports of the IPCC. There
was little observational evidence for a detectable human influence on
climate at the time of the First IPCC Assessment Report. By the time
of the second report there was sufficient additional evidence for it to
conclude that ‘the balance of evidence suggests a discernible human
influence on global climate’. The Third Assessment Report found that
a distinct greenhouse gas (GHG) signal was robustly detected in the
observed temperature record and that ‘most of the observed warming
over the last fifty years is likely to have been due to the increase in
greenhouse gas concentrations.
With the additional evidence available by the time of the Fourth Assess-
ment Report, the conclusions were further strengthened. This evidence
included a wider range of observational data, a greater variety of more
sophisticated climate models including improved representations of
forcings and processes and a wider variety of analysis techniques.
This enabled the AR4 report to conclude that ‘most of the observed
increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is
very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse
gas concentrations’. The AR4 also concluded that ‘discernible human
influences now extend to other aspects of climate, including ocean
warming, continental-average temperatures, temperature extremes
and wind patterns.
A number of uncertainties remained at the time of AR4. For example,
the observed variability of ocean temperatures appeared inconsist-
ent with climate models, thereby reducing the confidence with which
observed ocean warming could be attributed to human influence. Also,
although observed changes in global rainfall patterns and increases
in heavy precipitation were assessed to be qualitatively consistent
with expectations of the response to anthropogenic forcings, detec-
tion and attribution studies had not been carried out. Since the AR4,
improvements have been made to observational data sets, taking more
complete account of systematic biases and inhomogeneities in obser-
vational systems, further developing uncertainty estimates, and cor-
recting detected data problems (Chapters 2 and 3). A new set of sim-
ulations from a greater number of AOGCMs have been performed as
part of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5).
These new simulations have several advantages over the CMIP3 sim-
ulations assessed in the AR4 (Hegerl et al., 2007b). They incorporate
some moderate increases in resolution, improved parameterizations,
and better representation of aerosols (Chapter 9). Importantly for attri-
bution, in which it is necessary to partition the response of the climate
system to different forcings, most CMIP5 models include simulations of
the response to natural forcings only, and the response to increases in
well mixed GHGs only (Taylor et al., 2012).
The advances enabled by this greater wealth of observational and
model data are assessed in this chapter. In this assessment, there is
increased focus on the extent to which the climate system as a whole
is responding in a coherent way across a suite of climate variables
such as surface mean temperature, temperature extremes, ocean heat
content, ocean salinity and precipitation change. There is also a global
to regional perspective, assessing the extent to which not just global
mean changes but also spatial patterns of change across the globe can
be attributed to anthropogenic and natural forcings.
10.2 Evaluation of Detection and Attribution
Detection and attribution methods have been discussed in previous
assessment reports (Hegerl et al., 2007b) and the IPCC Good Practice
Guidance Paper (Hegerl et al., 2010), to which we refer. This section
reiterates key points and discusses new developments and challenges.
10.2.1 The Context of Detection and Attribution
In IPCC Assessments, detection and attribution involve quantifying the
evidence for a causal link between external drivers of climate change
and observed changes in climatic variables. It provides the central,
although not the only (see Section 1.2.3) line of evidence that has
supported statements such as ‘the balance of evidence suggests a dis-
cernible human influence on global climate’ or ‘most of the observed
increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is
very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse
gas concentrations.
The definition of detection and attribution used here follows the ter-
minology in the IPCC guidance paper (Hegerl et al., 2010). ‘Detection
of change is defined as the process of demonstrating that climate or
a system affected by climate has changed in some defined statistical
sense without providing a reason for that change. An identified change
is detected in observations if its likelihood of occurrence by chance
due to internal variability alone is determined to be small’ (Hegerl
et al., 2010). Attribution is defined as ‘the process of evaluating the
relative contributions of multiple causal factors to a change or event
with an assignment of statistical confidence’. As this wording implies,
attribution is more complex than detection, combining statistical anal-
ysis with physical understanding (Allen et al., 2006; Hegerl and Zwiers,
2011). In general, a component of an observed change is attributed to
a specific causal factor if the observations can be shown to be consist-
ent with results from a process-based model that includes the causal
factor in question, and inconsistent with an alternate, otherwise iden-
tical, model that excludes this factor. The evaluation of this consistency
in both of these cases takes into account internal chaotic variability
and known uncertainties in the observations and responses to external
causal factors.
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
Attribution does not require, and nor does it imply, that every aspect
of the response to the causal factor in question is simulated correct-
ly. Suppose, for example, the global cooling following a large volcano
matches the cooling simulated by a model, but the model underes-
timates the magnitude of this cooling: the observed global cooling
can still be attributed to that volcano, although the error in magni-
tude would suggest that details of the model response may be unre-
liable. Physical understanding is required to assess what constitutes
a plausible discrepancy above that expected from internal variability.
Even with complete consistency between models and data, attribution
statements can never be made with 100% certainty because of the
presence of internal variability.
This definition of attribution can be extended to include antecedent
conditions and internal variability among the multiple causal factors
contributing to an observed change or event. Understanding the rela-
tive importance of internal versus external factors is important in the
analysis of individual weather events (Section 10.6.2), but the primary
focus of this chapter will be on attribution to factors external to the
climate system, like rising GHG levels, solar variability and volcanic
There are four core elements to any detection and attribution study:
1. Observations of one or more climate variables, such as surface
temperature, that are understood, on physical grounds, to be rel-
evant to the process in question
2. An estimate of how external drivers of climate change have
evolved before and during the period under investigation, includ-
ing both the driver whose influence is being investigated (such as
rising GHG levels) and potential confounding influences (such as
solar activity)
3. A quantitative physically based understanding, normally encapsu-
lated in a model, of how these external drivers are thought to have
affected these observed climate variables
4. An estimate, often but not always derived from a physically
based model, of the characteristics of variability expected in these
observed climate variables due to random, quasi-periodic and cha-
otic fluctuations generated in the climate system that are not due
to externally driven climate change
A climate model driven with external forcing alone is not expected to
replicate the observed evolution of internal variability, because of the
chaotic nature of the climate system, but it should be able to capture
the statistics of this variability (often referred to as ‘noise’). The relia-
bility of forecasts of short-term variability is also a useful test of the
representation of relevant processes in the models used for attribution,
but forecast skill is not necessary for attribution: attribution focuses on
changes in the underlying moments of the ‘weather attractor’, mean-
ing the expected weather and its variability, while prediction focuses
on the actual trajectory of the weather around this attractor.
In proposing that ‘the process of attribution requires the detection of a
change in the observed variable or closely associated variables(Hegerl
et al., 2010), the new guidance recognized that it may be possible, in
some instances, to attribute a change in a particular variable to some
external factor before that change could actually be detected in the
variable itself, provided there is a strong body of knowledge that links
a change in that variable to some other variable in which a change can
be detected and attributed. For example, it is impossible in principle to
detect a trend in the frequency of 1-in-100-year events in a 100-year
record, yet if the probability of occurrence of these events is physically
related to large-scale temperature changes, and we detect and attrib-
ute a large-scale warming, then the new guidance allows attribution
of a change in probability of occurrence before such a change can be
detected in observations of these events alone. This was introduced
to draw on the strength of attribution statements from, for example,
time-averaged temperatures, to attribute changes in closely related
Attribution of observed changes is not possible without some kind of
model of the relationship between external climate drivers and observ-
able variables. We cannot observe a world in which either anthropo-
genic or natural forcing is absent, so some kind of model is needed
to set up and evaluate quantitative hypotheses: to provide estimates
of how we would expect such a world to behave and to respond to
anthropogenic and natural forcings (Hegerl and Zwiers, 2011). Models
may be very simple, just a set of statistical assumptions, or very com-
plex, complete global climate models: it is not necessary, or possible,
for them to be correct in all respects, but they must provide a physically
consistent representation of processes and scales relevant to the attri-
bution problem in question.
One of the simplest approaches to detection and attribution is to com-
pare observations with model simulations driven with natural forc-
ings alone, and with simulations driven with all relevant natural and
anthropogenic forcings. If observed changes are consistent with simu-
lations that include human influence, and inconsistent with those that
do not, this would be sufficient for attribution providing there were no
other confounding influences and it is assumed that models are sim-
ulating the responses to all external forcings correctly. This is a strong
assumption, and most attribution studies avoid relying on it. Instead,
they typically assume that models simulate the shape of the response
to external forcings (meaning the large-scale pattern in space and/or
time) correctly, but do not assume that models simulate the magnitude
of the response correctly. This is justified by our fundamental under-
standing of the origins of errors in climate modelling. Although there
is uncertainty in the size of key forcings and the climate response, the
overall shape of the response is better known: it is set in time by the
timing of emissions and set in space (in the case of surface tempera-
tures) by the geography of the continents and differential responses of
land and ocean (see Section
So-called ‘fingerprint’ detection and attribution studies characterize
their results in terms of a best estimate and uncertainty range for ‘scal-
ing factors’ by which the model-simulated responses to individual forc-
ings can be scaled up or scaled down while still remaining consistent
with the observations, accounting for similarities between the patterns
of response to different forcings and uncertainty due to internal climate
variability. If a scaling factor is significantly larger than zero (at some
significance level), then the response to that forcing, as simulated by
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
that model and given that estimate of internal variability and other
potentially confounding responses, is detectable in these observations,
whereas if the scaling factor is consistent with unity, then that mod-
el-simulated response is consistent with observed changes. Studies do
not require scaling factors to be consistent with unity for attribution,
but any discrepancy from unity should be understandable in terms of
known uncertainties in forcing or response: a scaling factor of 10, for
example, might suggest the presence of a confounding factor, calling
into question any attribution claim. Scaling factors are estimated by fit-
ting model-simulated responses to observations, so results are unaffect-
ed, at least to first order, if the model has a transient climate response,
or aerosol forcing, that is too low or high. Conversely, if the spatial or
temporal pattern of forcing or response is wrong, results can be affect-
ed: see Box 10.1 and further discussion in Section and Hegerl
and Zwiers (2011) and Hegerl et al. (2011b). Sensitivity of results to the
pattern of forcing or response can be assessed by comparing results
across multiple models or by representing pattern uncertainty explicitly
(Huntingford et al., 2006), but errors that are common to all models
(through limited vertical resolution, for example) will not be addressed
in this way and are accounted for in this assessment by downgrading
overall assessed likelihoods to be generally more conservative than the
quantitative likelihoods provided by individual studies.
Attribution studies must compromise between estimating responses
to different forcings separately, which allows for the possibility of dif-
ferent errors affecting different responses (errors in aerosol forcing
that do not affect the response to GHGs, for example), and estimating
responses to combined forcings, which typically gives smaller uncer-
tainties because it avoids the issue of ‘degeneracy’: if two responses
have very similar shapes in space and time, then it may be impossible
to estimate the magnitude of both from a single set of observations
because amplification of one may be almost exactly compensated for
by amplification or diminution of the other (Allen et al., 2006). Many
studies find it is possible to estimate the magnitude of the responses
to GHG and other anthropogenic forcings separately, particularly when
spatial information is included. This is important, because it means the
estimated response to GHG increase is not dependent on the uncer-
tain magnitude of forcing and response due to aerosols (Hegerl et al.,
The simplest way of fitting model-simulated responses to observations
is to assume that the responses to different forcings add linearly, so
the response to any one forcing can be scaled up or down without
affecting any of the others and that internal climate variability is inde-
pendent of the response to external forcing. Under these conditions,
attribution can be expressed as a variant of linear regression (see Box
10.1). The additivity assumption has been tested and found to hold
for large-scale temperature changes (Meehl et al., 2003; Gillett et al.,
2004) but it might not hold for other variables like precipitation (Hegerl
et al., 2007b; Hegerl and Zwiers, 2011; Shiogama et al., 2012), nor for
regional temperature changes (Terray, 2012). In principle, additivity is
not required for detection and attribution, but to date non-additive
approaches have not been widely adopted.
The estimated properties of internal climate variability play a central
role in this assessment. These are either estimated empirically from
the observations (Section 10.2.2) or from paleoclimate reconstructions
(Section 10.7.1) (Esper et al., 2012) or derived from control simula-
tions of coupled models (Section 10.2.3). The majority of studies use
modelled variability and routinely check that the residual variability
from observations is consistent with modelled internal variability used
over time scales shorter than the length of the instrumental record
(Allen and Tett, 1999). Assessing the accuracy of model-simulated
variability on longer time scales using paleoclimate reconstructions is
complicated by the fact that some reconstructions may not capture
the full spectrum of variability because of limitations of proxies and
reconstruction methods, and by the unknown role of external forcing in
the pre-instrumental record. In general, however, paleoclimate recon-
structions provide no clear evidence either way whether models are
over- or underestimating internal variability on time scales relevant for
attribution (Esper et al., 2012; Schurer et al., 2013).
10.2.2 Time Series Methods, Causality and
Separating Signal from Noise
Some studies attempt to distinguish between externally driven climate
change and changes due to internal variability minimizing the use of
climate models, for example, by separating signal and noise by time
scale (Schneider and Held, 2001), spatial pattern (Thompson et al.,
2009) or both. Other studies use model control simulations to identify
patterns of maximum predictability and contrast these with the forced
component in climate model simulations (DelSole et al., 2011): see
Section 10.3.1. Conclusions of most studies are consistent with those
based on fingerprint detection and attribution, while using a different
set of assumptions (see review in Hegerl and Zwiers, 2011).
A number of studies have applied methods developed in the econo-
metrics literature (Engle and Granger, 1987) to assess the evidence
for a causal link between external drivers of climate and observed
climate change, using the observations themselves to estimate the
expected properties of internal climate variability (e.g., Kaufmann
and Stern, 1997). The advantage of these approaches is that they do
not depend on the accuracy of any complex global climate model, but
they nevertheless have to assume some kind of model, or restricted
class of models, of the properties of the variables under investigation.
Attribution is impossible without a model: although this model may
be implicit in the statistical framework used, it is important to assess
its physical consistency (Kaufmann et al., 2013). Many of these time
series methods can be cast in the overall framework of co-integration
and error correction (Kaufmann et al., 2011), which is an approach
to analysing relationships between stationary and non-stationary time
series. If there is a consistent causal relationship between two or more
possibly non-stationary time series, then it should be possible to find
a linear combination such that the residual is stationary (contains no
stochastic trend) over time (Kaufmann and Stern, 2002; Kaufmann
et al., 2006; Mills, 2009). Co-integration methods are thus similar in
overall principle to regression-based approaches (e.g., Douglass et al.,
2004; Stone and Allen, 2005; Lean, 2006) to the extent that regression
studies take into account the expected time series properties of the
data—the example described in Box 10.1 might be characterized as
looking for a linear combination of anthropogenic and natural forcings
such that the observed residuals were consistent with internal climate
variability as simulated by the CMIP5 models. Co-integration and error
correction methods, however, generally make more explicit use of time
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
Box 10.1 | How Attribution Studies Work
This box presents an idealized demonstration of the concepts underlying most current approaches to detection and attribution of cli-
mate change and how these relate to conventional linear regression. The coloured dots in Box 10.1a, Figure 1 show observed annual
GMST from 1861 to 2012, with warmer years coloured red and colder years coloured blue. Observations alone indicate, unequivocally,
that the Earth has warmed, but to quantify how different external factors have contributed to this warming, studies must compare
such observations with the expected responses to these external factors. The orange line shows an estimate of the GMST response to
anthropogenic (GHG and aerosol) forcing obtained from the mean of the CMIP3 and CMIP5 ensembles, while the blue line shows the
CMIP3/CMIP5 ensemble mean response to natural (solar and volcanic) forcing.
In statistical terms, attribution involves finding the combination of these anthropogenic and natural responses that best fits these
observations: this is shown by the black line in panel (a). To show how this fit is obtained in non-technical terms, the data are plotted
against model-simulated anthropogenic warming, instead of time, in panel (b). There is a strong correlation between observed temper-
atures and model-simulated anthropogenic warming, but because of the presence of natural factors and internal climate variability,
correlation alone is not enough for attribution.
To quantify how much of the observed warming is attributable to human influence, panel (c) shows observed temperatures plotted
against the model-simulated response to anthropogenic forcings in one direction and natural forcings in the other. Observed tempera-
tures increase with both natural and anthropogenic model-simulated warming: the warmest years are in the far corner of the box. A
flat surface through these points (here obtained by an ordinary least-squares fit), indicated by the coloured mesh, slopes up away from
the viewer.
The orientation of this surface indicates how model-simulated responses to natural and anthropogenic forcing need to be scaled to
reproduce the observations. The best-fit gradient in the direction of anthropogenic warming (visible on the rear left face of the box) is
0.9, indicating the CMIP3/CMIP5 ensemble average overestimates the magnitude of the observed response to anthropogenic forcing
by about 10%. The best-fit gradient in the direction of natural changes (visible on the rear right face) is 0.7, indicating that the observed
response to natural forcing is 70% of the average model-simulated response. The black line shows the points on this flat surface that
are directly above or below the observations: each ‘pin’ corresponds to a different year. When re-plotted against time, indicated by the
years on the rear left face of the box, this black line gives the black line previously seen in panel (a). The length of the pins indicates
‘residual’ temperature fluctuations due to internal variability.
The timing of these residual temperature fluctuations is unpredictable, representing an inescapable source of uncertainty. We can
quantify this uncertainty by asking how the gradients of the best-fit surface might vary if El Niño events, for example, had occurred
in different years in the observed temperature record. To do this, we repeat the analysis in panel (c), replacing observed temperatures
with samples of simulated internal climate variability from control runs of coupled climate models. Grey diamonds in panel (d) show
the results: these gradients cluster around zero, because control runs have no anthropogenic or natural forcing, but there is still some
scatter. Assuming that internal variability in global temperature simply adds to the response to external forcing, this scatter provides an
estimate of uncertainty in the gradients, or scaling factors, required to reproduce the observations, shown by the red cross and ellipse.
The red cross and ellipse are clearly separated from the origin, which means that the slope of the best-fit surface through the obser-
vations cannot be accounted for by internal variability: some climate change is detected in these observations. Moreover, it is also
separated from both the vertical and horizontal axes, which means that the responses to both anthropogenic and natural factors are
individually detectable.
The magnitude of observed temperature change is consistent with the CMIP3/CMIP5 ensemble average response to anthropogenic
forcing (uncertainty in this scaling factor spans unity) but is significantly lower than the model-average response to natural forcing (this
5 to 95% confidence interval excludes unity). There are, however, reasons why these models may be underestimating the response to
volcanic forcing (e.g., Driscoll et al, 2012), so this discrepancy does not preclude detection and attribution of both anthropogenic and
natural influence, as simulated by the CMIP3/CMIP5 ensemble average, in the observed GMST record.
The top axis in panel (d) indicates the attributable anthropogenic warming over 1951–2010, estimated from the anthropogenic warm-
ing in the CMIP3/CMIP5 ensemble average, or the gradient of the orange line in panel (a) over this period. Because the model-simulat-
ed responses have been scaled to fit the observations, the attributable anthropogenic warming in this example is 0.6°C to 0.9°C and
does not depend on the magnitude of the raw model-simulated changes. Hence an attribution statement based on such an analysis,
(continued on next page)
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
Box 10.1 (continued)
such as ‘most of the warming over the past 50 years is attributable to anthropogenic drivers’, depends only on the shape, or time his-
tory, not the size, of the model-simulated warming, and hence does not depend on the models’ sensitivity to rising GHG levels.
Formal attribution studies like this example provide objective estimates of how much recent warming is attributable to human influ-
ence. Attribution is not, however, a purely statistical exercise. It also requires an assessment that there are no confounding factors that
could have caused a large part of the ‘attributed’ change. Statistical tests can be used to check that observed residual temperature
fluctuations (the lengths and clustering of the pins in panel (c)) are consistent with internal variability expected from coupled models,
but ultimately these tests must complement physical arguments that the combination of responses to anthropogenic and natural forc-
ing is the only available consistent explanation of recent observed temperature change.
This demonstration assumes, for visualization purposes, that there are only two candidate contributors to the observed warming,
anthropogenic and natural, and that only GMST is available. More complex attribution problems can be undertaken using the same
principles, such as aiming to separate the response to GHGs from other anthropogenic factors by also including spatial information.
These require, in effect, an extension of panel (c), with additional dimensions corresponding to additional causal factors, and additional
points corresponding to temperatures in different regions.
Box 10.1, Figure 1 | Example of a simplified detection and attribution study. (a) Observed global annual mean temperatures relative to 1880–1920 (coloured dots)
compared with CMIP3/CMIP5 ensemble-mean response to anthropogenic forcing (orange), natural forcing (blue) and best-fit linear combination (black). (b) As (a) but
all data plotted against model-simulated anthropogenic warming in place of time. Selected years (increasing nonlinearly) shown on top axis. (c) Observed temperatures
versus model-simulated anthropogenic and natural temperature changes, with best-fit plane shown by coloured mesh. (d) Gradient of best-fit plane in (c), or scaling on
model-simulated responses required to fit observations (red diamond) with uncertainty estimate (red ellipse and cross) based on CMIP5 control integrations (grey dia-
monds). Implied attributable anthropogenic warming over the period 1951–2010 is indicated by the top axis. Anthropogenic and natural responses are noise-reduced
with 5-point running means, with no smoothing over years with major volcanoes.
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
series properties (notice how date information is effectively discarded
in panel (b) of Box 10.1, Figure 1) and require fewer assumptions about
the stationarity of the input series.
All of these approaches are subject to the issue of confounding fac-
tors identified by Hegerl and Zwiers (2011). For example, Beenstock et
al. (2012) fail to find a consistent co-integrating relationship between
atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO
) concentrations and GMST using pol-
ynomial cointegration tests, but the fact that CO
concentrations are
derived from different sources in different periods (ice cores prior to the
mid-20th-century, atmospheric observations thereafter) makes it diffi-
cult to assess the physical significance of their result, particularly in the
light of evidence for co-integration between temperature and radiative
forcing (RF) reported by Kaufmann et al. (2011) using tests of linear
cointegration, and also the results of Gay-Garcia et al. (2009), who find
evidence for external forcing of climate using time series properties.
The assumptions of the statistical model employed can also influence
results. For example, Schlesinger and Ramankutty (1994) and Zhou
and Tung (2013a) show that GMST are consistent with a linear anthro-
pogenic trend, enhanced variability due to an approximately 70-year
Atlantic Meridional Oscillation (AMO) and shorter-term variability. If,
however, there are physical grounds to expect a nonlinear anthropo-
genic trend (see Box 10.1 Figure 1a), the assumption of a linear trend
can itself enhance the variance assigned to a low-frequency oscillation.
The fact that the AMO index is estimated from detrended historical tem-
perature observations further increases the risk that its variance may
be overestimated, because regressors and regressands are not inde-
pendent. Folland et al. (2013), using a physically based estimate of the
anthropogenic trend, find a smaller role for the AMO in recent warming.
Time series methods ultimately depend on the structural adequacy of
the statistical model employed. Many such studies, for example, use
models that assume a single exponential decay time for the response
to both external forcing and stochastic fluctuations. This can lead to
an overemphasis on short-term fluctuations, and is not consistent with
the response of more complex models (Knutti et al., 2008). Smirnov and
Mokhov (2009) propose an alternative characterization that allows
them to distinguish a ‘long-term causality’ that focuses on low-fre-
quency changes. Trends that appear significant when tested against
an AR(1) model may not be significant when tested against a process
that supports this ‘long-range dependence’ (Franzke, 2010). Although
the evidence for long-range dependence in global temperature data
remains a topic of debate (Mann, 2011; Rea et al., 2011) , it is generally
desirable to explore sensitivity of results to the specification of the sta-
tistical model, and also to other methods of estimating the properties
of internal variability, such as more complex climate models, discussed
next. For example, Imbers et al. (2013) demonstrate that the detection
of the influence of increasing GHGs in the global temperature record
is robust to the assumption of a Fractional Differencing (FD) model of
internal variability, which supports long-range dependence.
10.2.3 Methods Based on General Circulation Models
and Optimal Fingerprinting
Fingerprinting methods use climate model simulations to provide
more complete information about the expected response to different
external drivers, including spatial information, and the properties of
internal climate variability. This can help to separate patterns of forced
change both from each other and from internal variability. The price,
however, is that results depend to some degree on the accuracy of the
shape of model-simulated responses to external factors (e.g., North
and Stevens, 1998), which is assessed by comparing results obtained
with expected responses estimated from different climate models.
When the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio is low, as can be the case for
some regional indicators and some variables other than temperature,
the accuracy of the specification of variability becomes a central factor
in the reliability of any detection and attribution study. Many studies
of such variables inflate the variability estimate from models to deter-
mine if results are sensitive to, for example, doubling of variance in the
control (e.g., Zhang et al., 2007), although Imbers et al. (2013) note
that errors in the spectral properties of simulated variability may also
be important.
A full description of optimal fingerprinting is provided in Appendix 9.A
of Hegerl et al. (2007b) and further discussion is to be found in Hassel-
mann (1997), Allen and Tett (1999), Allen et al. (2006), and Hegerl and
Zwiers (2011). Box 10.1 provides a simple example of ‘fingerprinting’
based on GMST alone. In a typical fingerprint analysis, model-simu-
lated spatio-temporal patterns of response to different combinations
of external forcings, including segments of control integrations with
no forcing, are ‘observed’ in a similar manner to the historical record
(masking out times and regions where observations are absent). The
magnitudes of the model-simulated responses are then estimated in
the observations using a variant of linear regression, possibly allowing
for signals being contaminated by internal variability (Allen and Stott,
2003) and structural model uncertainty (Huntingford et al., 2006).
In ‘optimal’ fingerprinting, model-simulated responses and observa-
tions are normalized by internal variability to improve the S/N ratio.
This requires an estimate of the inverse noise covariance estimated
from the sample covariance matrix of a set of unforced (control) sim-
ulations (Hasselmann, 1997), or from variations within an initial-con-
dition ensemble. Because these control runs are generally too short
to estimate the full covariance matrix, a truncated version is used,
retaining only a small number, typically of order 10 to 20, of high-vari-
ance principal components. Sensitivity analyses are essential to ensure
results are robust to this, relatively arbitrary, choice of truncation (Allen
and Tett, 1999; Ribes and Terray, 2013; Jones et al., 2013 ). Ribes et
al. (2009) use a regularized estimate of the covariance matrix, mean-
ing a linear combination of the sample covariance matrix and a unit
matrix that has been shown (Ledoit and Wolf, 2004) to provide a more
accurate estimate of the true covariance, thereby avoiding dependence
on truncation. Optimization of S/N ratio is not, however, essential for
many attribution results (see, e.g., Box 10.1) and uncertainty analysis
in conventional optimal fingerprinting does not require the covariance
matrix to be inverted, so although regularization may help in some
cases, it is not essential. Ribes et al. (2010) also propose a hybrid of
the model-based optimal fingerprinting and time series approaches,
referred to as ‘temporal optimal detection’, under which each signal is
assumed to consist of a single spatial pattern modulated by a smoothly
varying time series estimated from a climate model (see also Santer et
al., 1994).
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
The final statistical step in an attribution study is to check that the
residual variability, after the responses to external drivers have been
estimated and removed, is consistent with the expected properties of
internal climate variability, to ensure that the variability used for uncer-
tainty analysis is realistic, and that there is no evidence that a potential-
ly confounding factor has been omitted. Many studies use a standard
F-test of residual consistency for this purpose (Allen and Tett, 1999).
Ribes et al. (2013) raise some issues with this test, but key results are
not found to be sensitive to different formulations. A more important
issue is that the F-test is relatively weak (Berliner et al., 2000; Allen et
al., 2006; Terray, 2012), so ‘passing’ this test is not a safeguard against
unrealistic variability, which is why estimates of internal variability are
discussed in detail in this chapter and in Chapter 9.
A further consistency check often used in optimal fingerprinting is
whether the estimated magnitude of the externally driven responses
are consistent between model and observations (scaling factors con-
sistent with unity in Box 10.1): if they are not, attribution is still possi-
ble provided the discrepancy is explicable in terms of known uncertain-
ties in the magnitude of either forcing or response. As is emphasized
in Section 10.2.1 and Box 10.1, attribution is not a purely statistical
assessment: physical judgment is required to assess whether the com-
bination of responses considered allows for all major potential con-
founding factors and whether any remaining discrepancies are consist-
ent with a physically based understanding of the responses to external
forcing and internal climate variability.
10.2.4 Single-Step and Multi-Step Attribution and the
Role of the Null Hypothesis
Attribution studies have traditionally involved explicit simulation of
the response to external forcing of an observable variable, such as sur-
face temperature, and comparison with corresponding observations of
that variable. This so-called ‘single-step attribution’ has the advantage
of simplicity, but restricts attention to variables for which long and
consistent time series of observations are available and that can be
simulated explicitly in current models driven solely with external cli-
mate forcing.
To address attribution questions for variables for which these condi-
tions are not satisfied, Hegerl et al. (2010) introduced the notation of
‘multi-step attribution’, formalizing existing practice (e.g., Stott et al.,
2004). In a multi-step attribution study, the attributable change in a
variable such as large-scale surface temperature is estimated with a
single-step procedure, along with its associated uncertainty, and the
implications of this change are then explored in a further (physically
or statistically based) modelling step. Overall conclusions can only be
as robust as the least certain link in the multi-step procedure. As the
focus shifts towards more noisy regional changes, it can be difficult
to separate the effect of different external forcings. In such cases, it
can be useful to detect the response to all external forcings, and then
determine the most important factors underlying the attribution results
by reference to a closely related variable for which a full attribution
analysis is available (e.g., Morak et al., 2011).
Attribution results are typically expressed in terms of conventional ‘fre-
quentist’ confidence intervals or results of hypothesis tests: when it is
reported that the response to anthropogenic GHG increase is very likely
greater than half the total observed warming, it means that the null
hypothesis that the GHG-induced warming is less than half the total
can be rejected with the data available at the 10% significance level.
Expert judgment is required in frequentist attribution assessments, but
its role is limited to the assessment of whether internal variability and
potential confounding factors have been adequately accounted for,
and to downgrade nominal significance levels to account for remaining
uncertainties. Uncertainties may, in some cases, be further reduced if
prior expectations regarding attribution results themselves are incor-
porated, using a Bayesian approach, but this not currently the usual
This traditional emphasis on single-step studies and placing lower
bounds on the magnitude of signals under investigation means that,
very often, the communication of attribution results tends to be con-
servative, with attention focussing on whether or not human influence
in a particular variable might be zero, rather than the upper end of the
confidence interval, which might suggest a possible response much
bigger than current model-simulated changes. Consistent with previous
Assessments and the majority of the literature, this chapter adopts this
conservative emphasis. It should, however, be borne in mind that this
means that positive attribution results will tend to be biased towards
well-observed, well-modelled variables and regions, which should be
taken into account in the compilation of global impact assessments
(Allen, 2011; Trenberth, 2011a).
10.3 Atmosphere and Surface
This section assesses causes of change in the atmosphere and at the
surface over land and ocean.
10.3.1 Temperature
Temperature is first assessed near the surface of the Earth in Section and then in the free atmosphere in Section Surface (Air Temperature and Sea Surface Temperature) Observations of surface temperature change
GMST warmed strongly over the period 1900–1940, followed by a
period with little trend, and strong warming since the mid-1970s (Sec-
tion 2.4.3, Figure 10.1). Almost all observed locations have warmed
since 1901 whereas over the satellite period since 1979 most regions
have warmed while a few regions have cooled (Section 2.4.3; Figure
10.2). Although this picture is supported by all available global
near-surface temperature data sets, there are some differences in
detail between them, but these are much smaller than both interan-
nual variability and the long-term trend (Section 2.4.3). Since 1998
the trend in GMST has been small (see Section 2.4.3, Box 9.2). Urban-
ization is unlikely to have caused more than 10% of the measured
centennial trend in land mean surface temperature, though it may have
contributed substantially more to regional mean surface temperature
trends in rapidly developing regions (Section
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10 Simulations of surface temperature change
As discussed in Section 10.1, the CMIP5 simulations have several
advantages compared to the CMIP3 simulations assessed by (Hegerl et
al., 2007b) for the detection and attribution of climate change. Figure
10.1a shows that when the effects of anthropogenic and natural exter-
nal forcings are included in the CMIP5 simulations the spread of sim-
Figure 10.1 | (Left-hand column) Three observational estimates of global mean surface temperature (GMST, black lines) from Hadley Centre/Climatic Research Unit gridded surface
temperature data set 4 (HadCRUT4), Goddard Institute of Space Studies Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP), and Merged Land–Ocean Surface Temperature Analysis (MLOST),
compared to model simulations [CMIP3 models – thin blue lines and CMIP5 models – thin yellow lines] with anthropogenic and natural forcings (a), natural forcings only (b) and
greenhouse gas (GHG) forcing only (c). Thick red and blue lines are averages across all available CMIP5 and CMIP3 simulations respectively. CMIP3 simulations were not avail-
able for GHG forcing only (c). All simulated and observed data were masked using the HadCRUT4 coverage (as this data set has the most restricted spatial coverage), and global
average anomalies are shown with respect to 1880–1919, where all data are first calculated as anomalies relative to 1961–1990 in each grid box. Inset to (b) shows the three
observational data sets distinguished by different colours. (Adapted from Jones et al., 2013.) (Right-hand column) Net adjusted forcing in CMIP5 models due to anthropogenic and
natural forcings (d), natural forcings only (e) and GHGs only (f). (From Forster et al., 2013.) Individual ensemble members are shown by thin yellow lines, and CMIP5 multi-model
means are shown as thick red lines.
ulated GMST anomalies spans the observational estimates of GMST
anomaly in almost every year whereas this is not the case for simu-
lations in which only natural forcings are included (Figure 10.1b) (see
also Jones et al., 2013; Knutson et al., 2013). Anomalies are shown
relative to 1880–1919 rather than absolute temperatures. Showing
anomalies is necessary to prevent changes in observational cover-
age being reflected in the calculated global mean and is reasonable
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
because climate sensitivity is not a strong function of the bias in GMST
in the CMIP5 models (Section 9.7.1; Figure 9.42). Simulations with GHG
changes only, and no changes in aerosols or other forcings, tend to sim-
ulate more warming than observed (Figure 10.1c), as expected. Better
agreement between models and observations when the models include
anthropogenic forcings is also seen in the CMIP3 simulations (Figure
10.1, thin blue lines). RF in the simulations including anthropogenic
and natural forcings differs considerably among models (Figure 10.1d),
and forcing differences explain much of the differences in temperature
response between models over the historical period (Forster et al., 2013
). Differences between observed GMST based on three observational
data sets are small compared to forced changes (Figure 10.1).
As discussed in Section 10.2, detection and attribution assessments
are more robust if they consider more than simple consistency argu-
ments. Analyses that allow for the possibility that models might be
consistently over- or underestimating the magnitude of the response
to climate forcings are assessed in Section, the conclusions
from which are not affected by evidence that model spread in GMST
in CMIP3, is smaller than implied by the uncertainty in RF (Schwartz
et al., 2007). Although there is evidence that CMIP3 models with a
higher climate sensitivity tend to have a smaller increase in RF over
the historical period (Kiehl, 2007; Knutti, 2008; Huybers, 2010), no
such relationship was found in CMIP5 (Forster et al., 2013 ) which
may explain the wider spread of the CMIP5 ensemble compared to
the CMIP3 ensemble (Figure 10.1a). Climate model parameters are
typically chosen primarily to reproduce features of the mean climate
and variability (Box 9.1), and CMIP5 aerosol emissions are standard-
ized across models and based on historical emissions (Lamarque et
al., 2010; Section 8.2.2), rather than being chosen by each modelling
group independently (Curry and Webster, 2011; Hegerl et al., 2011c).
Figure 10.2a shows the pattern of annual mean surface temperature
trends observed over the period 1901–2010, based on Hadley Centre/
Climatic Research Unit gridded surface temperature data set 4 (Had-
CRUT4). Warming has been observed at almost all locations with suffi-
cient observations available since 1901. Rates of warming are general-
ly higher over land areas compared to oceans, as is also apparent over
the 1951–2010 period (Figure 10.2c), which simulations indicate is
due mainly to differences in local feedbacks and a net anomalous heat
transport from oceans to land under GHG forcing, rather than differ-
ences in thermal inertia (e.g., Boer, 2011). Figure 10.2e demonstrates
that a similar pattern of warming is simulated in the CMIP5 simula-
tions with natural and anthropogenic forcing over the 1901–2010
period. Over most regions, observed trends fall between the 5th and
95th percentiles of simulated trends, and van Oldenborgh et al. (2013)
find that over the 1950–2011 period the pattern of observed grid cell
trends agrees with CMIP5 simulated trends to within a combination of
-90 0 90 180
-90 0 90 180
-90 0 90 180
-180 -90 0 90 180
-2 -1 012
Trend (°C per period)
1901-2010 1901-1950 1951-2010 1979-2010
Figure 10.2 | Trends in observed and simulated temperatures (K over the period shown) over the 1901–2010 (a, e, i, m), 1901–1950 (b, f, j, n), 1951–2010 (c, g, k, o) and
1979–2010 (d, h, l, p) periods. Trends in observed temperatures from the Hadley Centre/Climatic Research Unit gridded surface temperature data set 4 (HadCRUT4) (a–d), CMIP3
and CMIP5 model simulations including anthropogenic and natural forcings (e–h), CMIP3 and CMIP5 model simulations including natural forcings only (i–l) and CMIP3 and CMIP5
model simulations including greenhouse gas forcing only (m–p). Trends are shown only where sufficient observational data are available in the HadCRUT4 data set, and grid cells
with insufficient observations to derive trends are shown in grey. Boxes in (e–p) show where the observed trend lies outside the 5 to 95th percentile range of simulated trends,
and the ratio of the number of such grid cells to the total number of grid cells with sufficient data is shown as a percentage in the lower right of each panel. (Adapted from Jones
et al., 2013.)
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
(°C per 110 years)
90S 60S 30S 0 30N 60N 90N
(°C per 50 years)
(°C per 60 years)
(°C per 32 years)
90S 60S 30S 0 30N 60N 90N
historical 5-95% range
historicalNat 5-95% range
model spread and internal variability. Areas of disagreement over the
1901–2010 period include parts of Asia and the Southern Hemisphere
(SH) mid-latitudes, where the simulations warm less than the obser-
vations, and parts of the tropical Pacific, where the simulations warm
more than the observations (Jones et al., 2013; Knutson et al., 2013).
Stronger warming in observations than models over parts of East Asia
could in part be explained by uncorrected urbanization influence in the
observations (Section, or by an overestimate of the response
to aerosol increases. Trends simulated in response to natural forcings
only are generally close to zero, and inconsistent with observed trends
in most locations (Figure 10.2i) (see also Knutson et al., 2013). Trends
simulated in response to GHG changes only over the 1901–2010
period are larger than those observed at most locations, and in many
cases significantly so (Figure 10.2m). This is expected because these
simulations do not include the cooling effects of aerosols. Differenc-
es in patterns of simulated and observed seasonal mean temperature
trends and possible causes are considered in more detail in Box 11.2.
Over the period 1979–2010 most observed regions exhibited warming
(Figure 10.2d), but much of the eastern Pacific and Southern Oceans
cooled. These regions of cooling are not seen in the simulated trends
over this period in response to anthropogenic and natural forcing
(Figure 10.2h), which show significantly more warming in much of
these regions (Jones et al., 2013; Knutson et al., 2013). This cooling
and reduced warming in observations over the Southern Hemisphere
mid-latitudes over the 1979–2010 period can also be seen in the zonal
mean trends (Figure 10.3d), which also shows that the models tend to
warm too much in this region over this period. However, there is no dis-
crepancy in zonal mean temperature trends over the longer 1901–2010
period in this region (Figure 10.3a), suggesting that the discrepancy
over the 1979–2010 period either may be an unusually strong manifes-
tation of internal variability in the observations or relate to regionally
important forcings over the past three decades which are not included
in most CMIP5 simulations, such as sea salt aerosol increases due to
strengthened high latitude winds (Korhonen et al., 2010), or sea ice
extent increases driven by freshwater input from ice shelf melting (Bin-
tanja et al., 2013). Except at high latitudes, zonal mean trends over the
1901–2010 period in all three data sets are inconsistent with natural-
ly forced trends, indicating a detectable anthropogenic signal in most
zonal means over this period (Figure 10.3a). McKitrick and Tole (2012)
find that few CMIP3 models have significant explanatory power when
fitting the spatial pattern of 1979–2002 trends in surface temperature
over land, by which they mean that these models add little or no skill
to a fit including the spatial pattern of tropospheric temperature trends
as well as the major atmospheric oscillations. This is to be expected,
as temperatures in the troposphere are well correlated in the vertical,
and local temperature trends over so short a period are dominated by
internal variability.
CMIP5 models generally exhibit realistic variability in GMST on decadal
to multi-decadal time scales (Jones et al., 2013; Knutson et al., 2013;
Section, Figure 9.33), although it is difficult to evaluate internal
variability on multi-decadal time scales in observations given the short-
ness of the observational record and the presence of external forcing.
The observed trend in GMST since the 1950s is very large compared to
model estimates of internal variability (Stott et al., 2010; Drost et al.,
2012; Drost and Karoly, 2012). Knutson et al. (2013) compare observed
trends in GMST with a combination of simulated internal variability
and the response to natural forcings and find that the observed trend
would still be detected for trends over this period even if the magni-
tude of the simulated natural variability (i.e., the standard deviation of
trends) were tripled. Attribution of observed global-scale temperature
The evolution of temperature since the start of the global
instrumental record
Since the AR4, detection and attribution studies have been carried out
using new model simulations with more realistic forcings, and new
observational data sets with improved representation of uncertainty
(Christidis et al., 2010; Jones et al., 2011, 2013; Gillett et al., 2012,
2013; Stott and Jones, 2012; Knutson et al., 2013; Ribes and Terray,
2013). Although some inconsistencies between the simulated and
observed responses to forcings in individual models were identified
( Gillett et al., 2013; Jones et al., 2013; Ribes and Terray, 2013) over-
Figure 10.3 | Zonal mean temperature trends over the 1901–2010 (a), 1901–1950
(b), 1951–2010 (c) and 1979–2010 (d) periods. Solid lines show Hadley Centre/Cli-
matic Research Unit gridded surface temperature data set 4 (HadCRUT4, red), God-
dard Institute of Space Studies Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP, brown) and
Merged Land–Ocean Surface Temperature Analysis (MLOST, green) observational data
sets, orange hatching represents the 90% central range of CMIP3 and CMIP5 simula-
tions with anthropogenic and natural forcings, and blue hatching represents the 90%
central range of CMIP3 and CMIP5 simulations with natural forcings only. All model
and observations data are masked to have the same coverage as HadCRUT4. (Adapted
from Jones et al., 2013.)
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
all these results support the AR4 assessment that GHG increases very
likely caused most (>50%) of the observed GMST increase since the
mid-20th century (Hegerl et al., 2007b).
The results of multiple regression analyses of observed temperature
changes onto the simulated responses to GHG, other anthropogen-
ic and natural forcings are shown in Figure 10.4 (Gillett et al., 2013;
Jones et al., 2013; Ribes and Terray, 2013). The results, based on Had-
CRUT4 and a multi-model average, show robustly detected responses
to GHG in the observational record whether data from 1861–2010 or
only from 1951–2010 are analysed (Figure 10.4b). The advantage of
analysing the longer period is that more information on observed and
modelled changes is included, while a disadvantage is that it is difficult
to validate climate models’ estimates of internal variability over such
a long period. Individual model results exhibit considerable spread
among scaling factors, with estimates of warming attributable to each
forcing sensitive to the model used for the analsys (Figure 10.4; Gillett
-1 0 1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 -1 0 1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
(°C per 60 years) (°C per 60 years)
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Scaling factor Scaling factor
et al., 2013; Jones et al., 2013; Ribes and Terray, 2013), the period over
which the analysis is applied (Figure 10.4; Gillett et al., 2013; Jones et
al., 2013), and the Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) truncation or
degree of spatial filtering (Jones et al., 2013; Ribes and Terray, 2013).
In some cases the GHG response is not detectable in regressions using
individual models (Figure 10.4; Gillett et al., 2013; Jones et al., 2013;
Ribes and Terray, 2013), or a residual test is failed (Gillett et al., 2013;
Jones et al., 2013; Ribes and Terray, 2013), indicating a poor fit between
the simulated response and observed changes. Such cases are proba-
bly due largely to errors in the spatio-temporal pattern of responses
to forcings simulated in individual models (Ribes and Terray, 2013),
although observational error and internal variability errors could also
play a role. Nonetheless, analyses in which responses are averaged
across multiple models generally show much less sensitivity to period
and EOF trucation (Gillett et al., 2013; Jones et al., 2013), and more
consistent residuals (Gillett et al., 2013), which may be because model
response errors are smaller in a multi-model mean.
Figure 10.4 | (a) Estimated contributions of greenhouse gas (GHG, green), other anthropogenic (yellow) and natural (blue) forcing components to observed global mean surface
temperature (GMST) changes over the 1951–2010 period. (b) Corresponding scaling factors by which simulated responses to GHG (green), other anthropogenic (yellow) and
natural forcings (blue) must be multiplied to obtain the best fit to Hadley Centre/Climatic Research Unit gridded surface temperature data set 4 (HadCRUT4; Morice et al., 2012)
observations based on multiple regressions using response patterns from nine climate models individually and multi-model averages (multi). Results are shown based on an analysis
over the 1901–2010 period (squares, Ribes and Terray, 2013), an analysis over the 1861–2010 period (triangles, Gillett et al., 2013) and an analysis over the 1951–2010 period
(diamonds, Jones et al., 2013). (c, d) As for (a) and (b) but based on multiple regressions estimating the contributions of total anthropogenic forcings (brown) and natural forcings
(blue) based on an analysis over 1901–2010 period (squares, Ribes and Terray, 2013) and an analysis over the 1861–2010 period (triangles, Gillett et al., 2013). Coloured bars
show best estimates of the attributable trends (a and c) and 5 to 95% confidence ranges of scaling factors (b and d). Vertical dashed lines in (a) and (c) show the best estimate
HadCRUT4 observed trend over the period concerned. Vertical dotted lines in (b) and d) denote a scaling factor of unity.
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
We derive assessed ranges for the attributable contributions of GHGs,
other anthropogenic forcings and natural forcings by taking the small-
est ranges with a precision of one decimal place that span the 5 to
95% ranges of attributable trends over the 1951–2010 period from
the Jones et al. (2013) weighted multi-model analysis and the Gillett
et al. (2013) multi-model analysis considering observational uncer-
tainty (Figure 10.4a). The assessed range for the attributable contri-
bution of combined anthropogenic forcings was derived in the same
way from the Gillett et al. (2013) multi-model attributable trend and
shown in Figure 10.4c. We moderate our likelihood assessment and
report likely ranges rather than the very likely ranges directly implied
by these studies in order to account for residual sources of uncertainty
including sensitivity to EOF truncation and analysis period (e.g., Ribes
and Terray, 2013). In this context, GHGs means well-mixed greenhouse
gases (WMGHGs), other anthropogenic forcings means aerosol chang-
es, and in most models ozone changes and land use changes, and nat-
ural forcings means solar irradiance changes and volcanic aerosols.
Over the 1951–2010 period, the observed GMST increased by approx-
imately 0.6°C. GHG increases likely contributed 0.5°C to 1.3°C, other
anthropogenic forcings likely contributed –0.6°C to 0.1°C and natural
forcings likely contributed –0.1°C to 0.1°C to observed GMST trends
over this period. Internal variability likely contributed –0.1°C to 0.1°C
to observed trends over this period (Knutson et al., 2013). This assess-
ment is shown schematically in Figure 10.5. The assessment is support-
ed additionally by a complementary analysis in which the parameters
of an Earth System Model of Intermediate Complexity (EMIC) were
constrained using observations of near-surface temperature and ocean
heat content, as well as prior information on the magnitudes of forc-
ings, and which concluded that GHGs have caused 0.6°C to 1.1°C (5
to 95% uncertainty) warming since the mid-20th century (Huber and
Knutti, 2011); an analysis by Wigley and Santer (2013), who used an
energy balance model and RF and climate sensitivity estimates from
AR4, and they concluded that there was about a 93% chance that
GHGs caused a warming greater than observed over the 1950–2005
period; and earlier detection and attribution studies assessed in the
AR4 (Hegerl et al., 2007b).
The inclusion of additional data to 2010 (AR4 analyses stopped at
1999; Hegerl et al. (2007b)) helps to better constrain the magnitude of
the GHG-attributable warming (Drost et al., 2012; Gillett et al., 2012;
Stott and Jones, 2012; Gillett et al., 2013), as does the inclusion of
spatial information (Stott et al., 2006; Gillett et al., 2013), though Ribes
and Terray (2013) caution that in some cases there are inconsistencies
between observed spatial patterns of response and those simulated in
indvidual models. While Hegerl et al. (2007b) assessed that a significant
cooling of about 0.2 °C was attributable to natural forcings over the
1950–1999 period, the temperature trend attributable to natural forc-
ings over the 1951–2010 period is very small (<0.1°C). This is because,
while Mt Pinatubo cooled global temperatures in the early 1990s,
there have been no large volcanic eruptions since, resulting in small
simulated trends in response to natural forcings over the 1951–2010
period (Figure 10.1b). Regression coefficients for natural forcings tend
to be smaller than one, suggesting that the response to natural forc-
ings may be overestimated by the CMIP5 models on average (Figure
10.4; Gillett et al., 2013; Knutson et al., 2013). Attribution of observed
changes is robust to observational uncertainty which is comparably
important to internal climate variability as a source of uncertainty in
GHG-attributable warming and aerosol-attributable cooling (Jones and
Stott, 2011; Gillett et al., 2013; Knutson et al., 2013). The response to
GHGs was detected using Hadley Centre new Global Environmental
Model 2-Earth System (HadGEM2-ES; Stott and Jones, 2012), Canadian
Earth System Model 2 (CanESM2; Gillett et al., 2012) and other CMIP5
models except for Goddard Institute for Space Studies-E2-H (GISS-
E2-H; Gillett et al., 2013; Jones et al., 2013) (Figure 10.4). However, the
influence of other anthropogenic forcings was detected only in some
CMIP5 models (Figure 10.4). This lack of detection of other anthro-
pogenic forcings compared to detection of an aerosol response using
four CMIP3 models over the period 1900–1999 (Hegerl et al., 2007b)
does not only relate to the use of data to 2010 rather than 2000 (Stott
and Jones, 2012), although this could play a role (Gillett et al., 2013;
Ribes and Terray, 2013). Whether it is associated with a cancellation of
aerosol cooling by ozone and black carbon (BC) warming in the CMIP5
simulations, making the signal harder to detect, or by some aspect of
the response to other anthropogenic forcings that is less realistic in
these models is not clear.
Although closely constraining the GHG and other anthropogenic con-
tributions to observed warming remains challenging owing to their
degeneracy and sensitivity to methodological choices (Jones et al.,
2013; Ribes and Terray, 2013), a total anthropogenic contribution to
warming can be much more robustly constrained by a regression of
observed temperature changes onto the simulated responses to all
anthropogenic forcings and natural forcings (Figure 10.4; Gillett et
al., 2013; Ribes and Terray, 2013). Robust detection of anthropogenic
influence is also found if a new optimal detection methodology, the
Regularised Optimal Fingerprint approach (see Section 10.2; Ribes et
al., 2013), is applied (Ribes and Terray, 2013). A better constrained
estimate of the total anthropogenic contribution to warming since the
mid-20th century than the GHG contribution is also found by Wigley
and Santer (2013). Knutson et al. (2013) demonstrate that observed
trends in GMST are inconsistent with the simulated response to natural
forcings alone, but consistent with the simulated response to natural
and anthropogenic forcings for all periods beginning between 1880
and 1990 and ending in 2010, which they interpret as evidence that
warming is in part attributable to anthropogenic influence over these
periods. Based on the well-constrained attributable anthropogenic
trends shown in Figure 10.4 we assess that anthropogenic forcings
likely contributed 0.6°C to 0.8°C to the observed warming over the
1951–2010 period (Figure 10.5).
There are some inconsistencies in the simulated and observed magni-
tudes of responses to forcing for some CMIP5 models (Figure 10.4); for
example, CanESM2 has a GHG regression coefficient significantly less
than 1 and a regression coefficient for other anthropogenic forcings
also significantly less than 1 (Gillett et al., 2012; Gillett et al., 2013;
Jones et al., 2013; Ribes and Terray, 2013), indicating that this model
overestimates the magnitude of the response to GHGs and to other
anthropogenic forcings. Averaged over the ensembles of models con-
sidered by Gillett et al. (2013) and Jones et al. (2013), the best-estimate
GHG and OA scaling factors are less than 1 (Figure 10.4), indicating
that the model mean GHG and OA responses should be scaled down
to best match observations. The best-estimate GHG scaling factors are
larger than the best-estimate OA scaling factors, although the discrep-
ancy from 1 is not significant in either case and the ranges of the GHG
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
Figure 10.5 | Assessed likely ranges (whiskers) and their mid-points (bars) for attributable warming trends over the 1951–2010 period due to well-mixed greenhouse gases, other
anthropogenic forcings (OA), natural forcings (NAT), combined anthropogenic forcings (ANT) and internal variability. The Hadley Centre/Climatic Research Unit gridded surface
temperature data set 4 (HadCRUT4) observations are shown in black with the 5 to 95% uncertainty range due to observational uncertainty in this record (Morice et al., 2012).
and OA scaling factors are overlapping. Overall there is some evidence
that some CMIP5 models have a higher transient response to GHGs
and a larger response to other anthropogenic forcings (dominated by
the effects of aerosols) than the real world (medium confidence). Incon-
sistencies between simulated and observed trends in GMST were also
identified in several CMIP3 models by Fyfe et al. (2010) after remov-
ing volcanic, El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and Cold Ocean/
Warm Land pattern (COWL) signals from GMST, although uncertainties
may have been underestimated because residuals were modelled by
a first-order autoregressive processes. A longer observational record
and a better understanding of the temporal changes in forcing should
make it easier to identify discrepancies between the magnitude of the
observed response to a forcing, and the magnitude of the response
simulated in individual models. To the extent that inconsistencies
between simulated and observed changes are independent between
models, this issue may be addressed by basing our assessment on attri-
bution analyses using the mean response from multiple models, and
by accounting for model uncertainty when making such assessments.
In conclusion, although some inconsistencies in the forced respons-
es of individual models and observations have been identified, the
detection of the global temperature response to GHG increases using
average responses from multiple models is robust to observational
uncertainty and methodological choices. It is supported by basic phys-
ical arguments. We conclude, consistent with Hegerl et al. (2007b),
that more than half of the observed increase in GMST from 1951 to
2010 is very likely due to the observed anthropogenic increase in GHG
The influence of BC aerosols (from fossil and biofuel sources) has
been detected in the recent global temperature record in one analy-
sis, although the warming attributable to BC by Jones et al. (2011) is
small compared to that attributable to GHG increases. This warming is
simulated mainly over the Northern Hemisphere (NH) with a sufficient-
ly distinct spatio-temporal pattern that it could be separated from the
response to other forcings in this study.
Several recent studies have used techniques other than regres-
sion-based detection and attribution analyses to address the causes
of recent global temperature changes. Drost and Karoly (2012)
demonstrated that observed GMST, land–ocean temperature con-
trast, meridional temperature gradient and annual cycle amplitude
exhibited trends over the period 1956–2005 that were outside the 5
to 95% range of simulated internal variability in eight CMIP5 models,
based on three different observational data sets. They also found that
observed trends in GMST and land–ocean temperature contrast were
larger than those simulated in any of 36 CMIP5 simulations with nat-
ural forcing only. Drost et al. (2012) found that 1961–2010 trends in
GMST and land–ocean temperature contrast were significantly larger
than simulated internal variability in eight CMIP3 models. By compar-
ing observed GMST with simple statistical models, Zorita et al. (2008)
concluded that there is a very low probability that observed clustering
of very warm years in the last decade occurred by chance. Smirnov and
Mokhov (2009), adopting an approach that allowed them to distin-
guish between conventional Granger causality and a ‘long-term cau-
sality’ that focuses on low-frequency changes (see Section 10.2), found
that increasing CO
concentrations are the principal determining factor
in the rise of GMST over recent decades. Sedlacek and Knutti (2012)
found that the spatial patterns of sea surface temperature (SST) trends
from simulations forced with increases in GHGs and other anthropo-
genic forcings agree well with observations but differ from warming
patterns associated with internal variability.
Several studies that have aimed to separate forced surface temper-
ature variations from those associated with internal variability have
identified the North Atlantic as a dominant centre of multi-decadal
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
internal variability, and in particular modes of variability related to
the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO; Section 14.7.6). The AMO
index is defined as an area average of North Atlantic SSTs, and it has
an apparent period of around 70 years, which is long compared to
the length of observational record making it difficult to deduce robust
conclusions about the role of the AMO from only two cycles. Never-
theless, several studies claim a role for internal variability associated
with the AMO in driving enhanced warming in the 1980s and 1990s
as well as the recent slow down in warming (Box 9.2), while attribut-
ing long-term warming to anthropogenically forced variations either
by analysing time series of GMST, forcings and indices of the AMO
(Rohde et al., 2013; Tung and Zhou, 2013; Zhou and Tung, 2013a) or by
analysing both spatial and temporal patterns of temperature (Swan-
son et al., 2009; DelSole et al., 2011; Wu et al., 2011). Studies based
on global mean time series could risk falsely attributing variability to
the AMO when variations in external forcings, for example, associated
with aerosols, could also cause similar variability. In contrast, studies
using space–time patterns seek to distinguish the spatialstructure of
temperature anomalies associated with the AMO from those associat-
ed with forced variability. Unforced climate simulations indicate that
internal multi-decadal variability in the Atlantic is characterized by
surface anomalies of the same sign from the equator to the high lat-
itudes,with maximum amplitudes in subpolar regions (Delworth and
Mann, 2000; Latif et al., 2004; Knight et al., 2005; DelSole et al., 2011)
while the net response to anthropogenic and naturalforcing over the
20th century, such as observed temperature change, is characterized
by warming nearly everywhere onthe globe, but with minimum warm-
ing or even cooling in the subpolar regions of the NorthAtlantic (Figure
10.2; Ting et al., 2009; DelSole et al., 2011).
Some studies implicate tropospheric aerosols in driving decadal var-
iations in Atlantic SST (Evan et al., 2011; Booth et al., 2012; Terray,
2012), and temperature variations in eastern North America (Leibens-
perger et al., 2012). Booth et al. (2012) find that most multi-decadal
variability in North Atlantic SSTs is simulated in one model mainly in
response to aerosol variations, although its simulated changes in North
Atlantic ocean heat content and salinity have been shown to be incon-
sistent with observations (Zhang et al., 2012). To the extent that cli-
mate models simulate realistic internal variability in the AMO (Section, AMO variability is accounted for in uncertainty estimates
from regression-based detection and attribution studies (e.g., Figure
To summarize, recent studies using spatial features of observed tem-
perature variations to separate AMO variability from externally forced
changes find that detection of external influence on global tempera-
tures is not compromised by accounting for AMO-congruent variability
(high confidence). There remains some uncertainty about how much
decadal variability of GMST that is attributed to AMO in some studies
is actually related to forcing, notably from aerosols. There is agree-
ment among studies that the contribution of the AMO to global warm-
ing since 1951 is very small (considerably less than 0.1°C; see also
Figure 10.6) and given that observed warming since 1951 is very large
compared to climate model estimates of internal variability (Section, which are assessed to be adequate at global scale (Section, we conclude that it is virtually certain that internal variability
alone cannot account for the observed global warming since 1951.
Box 10.2 | The Sun’s Influence on the Earth’s Climate
A number of studies since AR4 have addressed the possible influences of long-term fluctuations of solar irradiance on past climates,
particularly related to the relative warmth of the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) and the relative coolness in the Little Ice Age (LIA).
There is medium confidence that both external solar and volcanic forcing, and internal variability, contributed substantially to the spa-
tial patterns of surface temperature changes between the MCA and the LIA, but very low confidence in quantitative estimates of their
relative contributions (Sections and 5.5.1). The combined influence of volcanism, solar forcing and a small drop in greenhouse
gases (GHGs) likely contributed to Northern Hemisphere cooling during the LIA (Section 10.7.2). Solar radiative forcing (RF) from the
Maunder Minimum (1745) to the satellite era (average of 1976–2006) has been estimated to be +0.08 to +0.18 W m
(low confidence,
Section This may have contributed to early 20th century warming (low confidence, Section 10.3.1).
More recently, it is extremely unlikely that the contribution from solar forcing to the observed global warming since 1950 was larger
than that from GHGs (Section It is very likely that there has been a small decrease in solar forcing of –0.04 [–0.08 to 0.00]
W m
over a period with direct satellite measurements of solar output from 1986 to 2008 (Section There is high confidence
that changes in total solar irradiance have not contributed to global warming during that period.
Since AR4, there has been considerable new research that has connected solar forcing to climate. The effect of solar forcing on GMST
trends has been found to be small, with less than 0.1°C warming attributable to combined solar and volcanic forcing over the 1951–
2010 period (Section 10.3.1), although the 11-year cycle of solar variability has been found to have some influence on GMST variability
over the 20th century. GMST changes between solar maxima and minima are estimated to be of order 0.1°C from some regression
studies of GMST and forcing estimates (Figure 10.6), although several studies have suggested these results may be too large owing to
issues including degeneracy between forcing and with internal variability, overfitting of forcing indices and underestimated uncertain-
ties in responses (Ingram, 2007; Benestad and Schmidt, 2009; Stott and Jones, 2009). Climate models generally show less than half this
variability (Jones et al., 2012). (continued on next page)
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
Box 10.2 (continued)
Variability associated with the 11-year solar cycle has also been shown to produce measurable short-term regional and seasonal
climate anomalies (Miyazaki and Yasunari, 2008; Gray et al., 2010; Lockwood, 2012; National Research Council, 2012) particularly in
the Indo-Pacific, Northern Asia and North Atlantic regions (medium evidence). For example, studies have suggested an 11-year solar
response in the Indo-Pacific region in which the equatorial eastern Pacific sea surface temperatures (SSTs) tend to be below normal,
the sea level pressure (SLP) in the Gulf of Alaska and the South Pacific above normal, and the tropical convergence zones on both
hemispheres strengthened and displaced polewards under solar maximum conditions, although it can be difficult to discriminate the
solar-forced signal from the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) signal (van Loon et al., 2007; van Loon and Meehl, 2008; White and Liu,
2008; Meehl and Arblaster, 2009; Roy and Haigh, 2010, 2012; Tung and Zhou, 2010; Bal et al., 2011; Haam and Tung, 2012; Hood and
Soukharev, 2012; Misios and Schmidt, 2012). For northern summer, there is evidence that for peaks in the 11-year solar cycle, the Indian
monsoon is intensified (Kodera, 2004; van Loon and Meehl, 2012), with solar variability affecting interannual connections between
the Indian and Pacific sectors due to a shift in the location of the descending branch of the Walker Circulation (Kodera et al., 2007). In
addition, model sensitivity experiments (Ineson et al., 2011) suggest that the negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is
more prevalent during solar minima and there is some evidence of this in observations, including an indication of increased frequency
of high-pressure ‘blocking’ events over Europe in winter (Barriopedro et al., 2008; Lockwood et al., 2010; Woollings et al., 2010).
Two mechanisms have been identified in observations and simulated with climate models that could explain these low amplitude
regional responses (Gray et al., 2010; medium evidence). These mechanisms are additive and may reinforce one another so that the
response to an initial small change in solar irradiance is amplified regionally (Meehl et al., 2009). The first mechanism is a top-down
mechanism first noted by Haigh (1996) where greater solar ultraviolet radiation (UV) in peak solar years warms the stratosphere direct-
ly via increased radiation and indirectly via increased ozone production. This can result in a chain of processes that influences deep
tropical convection (Balachandran et al., 1999; Shindell et al., 1999; Kodera and Kuroda, 2002; Haigh et al., 2005; Kodera, 2006; Matthes
et al., 2006). In addition, there is less heating than average in the tropical upper stratosphere under solar minimum conditions which
weakens the equator-to-pole temperature gradient. This signal can propagate downward to weaken the tropospheric mid-latitude
westerlies, thus favoring a negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation (AO) or NAO. This response has been shown in several models (e.g.,
Shindell et al., 2001; Ineson et al., 2011) though there is no significant AO or NAO response to solar irradiance variations on average in
the CMIP5 models (Gillett and Fyfe, 2013).
The second mechanism is a bottom-up mechanism that involves coupled air–sea radiative processes in the tropical and subtropical Pacif-
ic that also influence convection in the deep tropics (Meehl et al., 2003, 2008; Rind et al., 2008; Bal et al., 2011; Cai and Tung, 2012; Zhou
and Tung, 2013b). Such mechanisms have also been shown to influence regional temperatures over longer time scales (decades to cen-
turies), and can help explain patterns of regional temperature changes seen in paleoclimate data (e.g., Section 10.7.2; Mann et al., 2009;
Goosse et al., 2012b) although they have little effect on global or hemispheric mean temperatures at either short or long time scales.
A possible amplifying mechanism linking solar variability and the Earth’s climate system via cosmic rays has been postulated. It is
proposed that variations in the cosmic ray flux associated with changes in solar magnetic activity affect ion-induced aerosol nucleation
and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) production in the troposphere (Section 7.4.6). A strong solar magnetic field would deflect cosmic
rays and lead to fewer CCN and less cloudiness, thereby allowing for more solar energy into the system. Since AR4, there has been
further evidence to disprove the importance of this amplifying mechanism. Correlations between cosmic ray flux and observed aerosol
or cloud properties are weak and local at best, and do not prove to be robust on the regional or global scale (Section 7.4.6). Although
there is some evidence that ionization from cosmic rays may enhance aerosol nucleation in the free troposphere, there is medium evi-
dence and high agreement that the cosmic ray–ionization mechanism is too weak to influence global concentrations of CCN or their
change over the last century or during a solar cycle in any climatically significant way (Sections 7.4.6 and The lack of trend in
cosmic ray intensity over the 1960–2005 period (McCracken and Beer, 2007) provides another argument against the hypothesis of a
major contribution of cosmic ray variations to the observed warming over that period given the existence of short time scales in the
climate system response.
Thus, although there is medium confidence that solar variability has made contributions to past climate fluctuations, since the mid-
20th century there has been little trend in solar forcing. There are at least two amplifying mechanisms that have been proposed and
simulated in some models that could explain small observed regional and seasonal climate anomalies associated with the 11-year solar
cycle, mostly in the Indo-Pacific region and northern mid to high latitudes.
Regarding possible future influences of the sun on the Earth’s climate, there is very low confidence in our ability to predict future solar
output, but there is high confidence that the effects from solar irradiance variations will be much smaller than the projected climate
changes from increased RF due to GHGs (Sections and
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
Based on a range of detection and attribution analyses using multi-
ple solar irradiance reconstructions and models, Hegerl et al. (2007b)
concluded that it is very likely that GHGs caused more global warming
than solar irradiance variations over the 1950–1999 period. Detection
and attribution analyses applied to the CMIP5 simulations (Figure
10.4) indicate less than 0.1°C temperature change attributable to com-
bined solar and volcanic forcing over the 1951–2010 period. Based on
a regression of paleo temperatures onto the response to solar forc-
ing simulated by an energy balance model, Scafetta and West (2007)
find that up to 50% of the warming since 1900 may be solar-induced,
but Benestad and Schmidt (2009) show this conclusion is not robust,
being based on disregarding forcings other than solar in the prein-
dustrial period, and assuming a high and precisely known value for
climate sensitivity. Despite claims that more than half the warming
since 1970 can be ascribed to solar variability (Loehle and Scaffetta,
2011) , a conclusion based on an incorrect assumption of no anthro-
pogenic influence before 1950 and a 60-year solar cycle influence on
global temperature (see also Mazzarella and Scafetta, 2012), several
studies show that solar variations cannot explain global mean surface
warming over the past 25 years, because solar irradiance has declined
over this period (Lockwood and Fröhlich, 2007, 2008; Lockwood, 2008,
2012 ). Lean and Rind (2008) conclude that solar forcing explains only
10% of the warming over the past 100 years, while contributing a
small cooling over the past 25 years. Thus while there is some evidence
for solar influences on regional climate variability (Box 10.2) solar forc-
ing has only had a small effect on GMST. Overall, we conclude that it
is extremely unlikely that the contribution from solar forcing to the
warming since 1950 was larger than that from GHGs.
A range of studies have used statistical methods to separate out the
influence of known sources of internal variability, including ENSO
and, in some cases, the AMO, from the response to external drivers,
including volcanoes, solar variability and anthropogenic influence,
in the recent GMST record: see, for example, Lockwood (2008), Lean
and Rind (2009), Folland et al. (2013 ), Foster and Rahmstorf (2011)
and Kaufmann et al. (2011). Representative results, as summarized in
Imbers et al. (2013), are shown in Figure 10.6. These consistently attrib-
ute most of the warming over the past 50 years to anthropogenic influ-
ence, even allowing for potential confounding factors like the AMO.
While results of such statistical approaches are sensitive to assump-
tions regarding the properties of both responses to external drivers and
internal variability (Imbers et al., 2013), they provide a complementary
approach to attribution studies based on global climate models.
Overall, given that the anthropogenic increase in GHGs likely caused
0.5°C to 1.3°C warming over 1951–2010, with other anthropogenic
forcings probably contributing counteracting cooling, that the effects
of natural forcings and natural internal variability are estimated to be
small, and that well-constrained and robust estimates of net anthropo-
genic warming are substantially more than half the observed warming
(Figure 10.4) we conclude that it is extremely likely that human activ-
ities caused more than half of the observed increase in GMST from
1951 to 2010.
The early 20th century warming
The instrumental GMST record shows a pronounced warming during
the first half of the 20th century (Figure 10.1a). Correction of residual
biases in SST observations leads to a higher estimate of 1950s temper-
atures, but does not substantially change the warming between 1900
and 1940 (Morice et al., 2012). The AR4 concluded that ‘the early 20th
century warming is very likely in part due to external forcing’ (Hegerl
et al., 2007b), and that it is likely that anthropogenic forcing contrib-
uted to this warming. This assessment was based on studies including
Shiogama et al. (2006) who find a contribution from solar and volcanic
forcing to observed warming to 1949, and Min and Hense (2006), who
find strong evidence for a forced (either natural or combined natu-
ral and anthropogenic) contribution to global warming from 1900 to
1949. Ring et al. (2012) estimate, based on time series analysis, that
part of the early 20th century warming was due to GHG increases (see
also Figure 10.6), but find a dominant contribution by internal varia-
bility. CMIP5 model simulations of the historical period show forced
warming over the early 20th century (Figure 10.1a), consistent with
earlier detection and attribution analyses highlighted in the AR4 and
TAR. The early 20th century contributes to the detection of external
forcings over the 20th century estimated by detection and attribution
results (Figure 10.4; Gillett et al., 2013; Ribes and Terray, 2013) and
to the detected change over the last millennium to 1950 (see Figure
10.19; Schurer et al., 2013).
The pattern of warming and residual differences between models and
observations indicate a role for circulation changes as a contributor to
early 20th cenury warming (Figure 10.2), and the contribution of internal
variability to the early 20th century warming has been analysed in sev-
eral publications since the AR4. Crook and Forster (2011) find that the
observed 1918–1940 warming was significantly greater than that simu-
lated by most of the CMIP3 models. A distinguishing feature of the early
20th century warming is its pattern (Brönnimann, 2009) which shows
the most pronounced warming in the Arctic during the cold season, fol-
lowed by North America during the warm season, the North Atlantic
Ocean and the tropics. In contrast, there was no unusual warming in
Australia among other regions (see Figure 10.2b). Such a pronounced
pattern points to a role for circulation change as a contributing factor
to the regional anomalies contributing to this warming. Some studies
have suggested that the warming is a response to the AMO (Schlesinger
and Ramankutty, 1994; Polyakov et al., 2005; Knight et al., 2006; Tung
and Zhou, 2013), or a large but random expression of internal variability
(Bengtsson et al., 2006; Wood and Overland, 2010). Knight et al. (2009)
diagnose a shift from the negative to the positive phase of the AMO
from 1910 to 1940, a mode of circulation that is estimated to contribute
approximately 0.1°C, trough to peak, to GMST (Knight et al., 2005).
Nonetheless, these studies do not challenge the AR4 assessment that
external forcing very likely made a contribution to the warming over this
period. In conclusion, the early 20th century warming is very unlikely to
be due to internal variability alone. It remains difficult to quantify the
contribution to this warming from internal variability, natural forcing
and anthropogenic forcing, due to forcing and response uncertainties
and incomplete observational coverage.
Year-to-year and decade-to-decade variability of global mean
surface temperature
Time series analyses, such as those shown in Figure 10.6, seek to par-
tition the variability of GMST into components attributable to anthro-
pogenic and natural forcings and modes of internal variability such
as ENSO and the AMO. Although such time series analyses support
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
the major role of anthropogenic forcings, particularly due to increasing
GHG concentrations, in contributing to the overall warming over the
last 60 years, many factors, in addition to GHGs, including changes
in tropospheric and stratospheric aerosols, stratospheric water vapour
and solar output, as well as internal modes of variability, contribute
to the year-to-year and decade-to-decade variability of GMST (Figure
10.6). Detailed discussion of the evolution of GMST of the past 15
years since 1998 is contained in Box 9.2.
Obs. & reconstructions (°C)
Estimated contributions to global mean temperature change
All temperatures relative to 1980−2000
HadCRUT3 observations
Volcanoes (°C)
Solar (°C)
Anthropogenic (°C)
1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
AMO and other (°C)
Figure 10.6 | (Top) The variations of the observed global mean surface temperature (GMST) anomaly from Hadley Centre/Climatic Research Unit gridded surface temperature data
set version 3 (HadCRUT3, black line) and the best multivariate fits using the method of Lean (red line), Lockwood (pink line), Folland (green line) and Kaufmann (blue line). (Below)
The contributions to the fit from (a) El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), (b) volcanoes, (c) solar forcing, (d) anthropogenic forcing and (e) other factors (Atlantic Multi-decadal
Oscillation (AMO) for Folland and a 17.5-year cycle, semi-annual oscillation (SAO), and Arctic Oscillation (AO) from Lean). (From Lockwood (2008), Lean and Rind (2009), Folland
et al. (2013 ) and Kaufmann et al. (2011), as summarized in Imbers et al. (2013).) Attribution of regional surface temperature change
Anthropogenic influence on climate has been robustly detected on
the global scale, but for many applications an estimate of the anthro-
pogenic contribution to recent temperature trends over a particular
region is more useful. However, detection and attribution of climate
change at continental and smaller scales is more difficult than on the
global scale for several reasons (Hegerl et al., 2007b; Stott et al., 2010).
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
First, the relative contribution of internal variability compared to the
forced response to observed changes tends to be larger on smaller
scales, as spatial differences in internal variations are averaged out in
large-scale means. Second, because the patterns of response to climate
forcings tend to be large scale, there is less spatial information to help
distinguish between the responses to different forcings when attention
is restricted to a sub-global area. Third, forcings omitted in some global
climate model simulations may be important on regional scales, such
as land use change or BC aerosol. Lastly, simulated internal variability
and responses to forcings may be less reliable on smaller scales than
on the global scale. Knutson et al. (2013) find a tendency for CMIP5
models to overestimate decadal variability in the NH extratropics in
individual grid cells and underestimate it elsewhere, although Karoly
and Wu (2005) and Wu and Karoly (2007) find that variability is not
generally underestimated in earlier generation models.
Based on several studies, Hegerl et al. (2007b) concluded that ‘it is
likely that there has been a substantial anthropogenic contribution
Temperature anomaly (°C)
1880 1920 1960 2000
1880 1920 1960 2000
Global Land
1880 1920 1960 2000
Global ocean
North America
South America
1880 1920 1960 2000
1880 1920 1960 2000
1880 1920 1960 2000
historical 5-95%
historicalNat 5-95%
Figure 10.7 | Global, land, ocean and continental annual mean temperatures for CMIP3 and CMIP5 historical (red) and historicalNat (blue) simulations (multi-model means shown
as thick lines, and 5 to 95% ranges shown as thin light lines) and for Hadley Centre/Climatic Research Unit gridded surface temperature data set 4 (HadCRUT4, black). Mean tem-
peratures are shown for Antarctica and six continental regions formed by combining the sub-continental scale regions defined by Seneviratne et al. (2012). Temperatures are shown
with respect to 1880–1919 for all regions apart from Antarctica where temperatures are shown with respect to 1950–2010. (Adapted from Jones et al., 2013.)
to surface temperature increases in every continent except Antarcti-
ca since the middle of the 20th century’. Figure 10.7 shows compari-
sons of observed continental scale temperatures (Morice et al., 2012)
with CMIP5 simulations including both anthropogenic and natural
forcings (red lines) and including just natural forcings (blue lines).
Observed temperatures are largely within the range of simulations
with anthropogenic forcings for all regions and outside the range of
simulations with only natural forcings for all regions except Antarctica
(Jones et al., 2013 ). Averaging over all observed locations, Antarcti-
ca has warmed over the 1950–2008 period (Section; Gillett et
al., 2008b; Jones et al., 2013 ), even though some individual locations
have cooled, particularly in summer and autumn, and over the shorter
1960–1999 period (Thompson and Solomon, 2002; Turner et al., 2005).
When temperature changes associated with changes in the South-
ern Annular Mode are removed by regression, both observations and
model simulations indicate warming at all observed locations except
the South Pole over the 1950–1999 period (Gillett et al., 2008b). An
analysis of Antarctic land temperatures over the period 1950–1999
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
detected separate natural and anthropogenic responses of consist-
ent magnitude in simulations and observations (Gillett et al., 2008b).
Thus anthropogenic influence on climate has now been detected on all
seven continents. However the evidence for human influence on Ant-
arctic temperature is much weaker than for the other six continental
regions. There is only one attribution study for this region, and there
is greater observational uncertainty than the other regions, with very
few data before 1950, and sparse coverage that is mainly limited to
the coast and the Antarctic Peninsula. As a result of the observational
uncertainties, there is low confidence in Antarctic region land surface
air temperatures changes (Section and we conclude for Ant-
arctica there is low confidence that anthropogenic influence has con-
tributed to the observed warming averaged over available stations.
Since the publication of the AR4 several other studies have applied
attribution analyses to continental and sub-continental scale regions.
Min and Hense (2007) applied a Bayesian decision analysis technique
to continental-scale temperatures using the CMIP3 multi-model ensem-
ble and concluded that forcing combinations including GHG increases
provide the best explanation of 20th century observed changes in tem-
perature on every inhabited continent except Europe, where the obser-
vational evidence is not decisive in their analysis. Jones et al. (2008)
detected anthropogenic influence on summer temperatures over all
NH continents and in many subcontinental NH land regions in an
optimal detection analysis that considered the temperature responses
to anthropogenic and natural forcings. Christidis et al. (2010) used a
multi-model ensemble constrained by global-scale observed tempera-
ture changes to estimate the changes in probability of occurrence of
warming or cooling trends over the 1950–1997 period over various
sub-continental scale regions. They concluded that the probability of
occurrence of warming trends had been at least doubled by anthro-
pogenic forcing over all such regions except Central North America.
The estimated distribution of warming trends over the Central North
America region was approximately centred on the observed trend, so
no inconsistency between simulated and observed trends was identi-
fied there. Knutson et al. (2013) demonstrated that observed temper-
ature trends from the beginning of the observational record to 2010
averaged over Europe, Africa, Northern Asia, Southern Asia, Australia
and South America are all inconsistent with the simulated response to
natural forcings alone, and consistent with the simulated response to
combined natural and anthropogenic forcings in the CMIP5 models.
They reached a similar conclusion for the major ocean basins with the
exception of the North Atlantic, where variability is high.
Several recent studies have applied attribution analyses to specific
sub-continental regions. Anthropogenic influence has been found in
winter minimum temperature over the western USA (Bonfils et al., 2008;
Pierce et al., 2009), a conclusion that is found to be robust to weighting
models according to various aspects of their climatology (Pierce et al.,
2009); anthropogenic influence has been found in temperature trends
over New Zealand (Dean and Stott, 2009) after circulation-related var-
iability is removed as in Gillett et al. (2000); and anthropogenic influ-
ence has been found in temperature trends over France, using a first-or-
der autoregressive model of internal variability (Ribes et al., 2010).
Increases in anthropogenic GHGs were found to be the main driver
of the 20th-century SST increases in both Atlantic and Pacific tropical
cyclogenesis regions (Santer et al., 2006; Gillett et al., 2008a). Over both
regions, the response to anthropogenic forcings is detected when the
response to natural forcings is also included in the analysis (Gillett et al.,
2008a). Knutson et al. (2013) detect an anthropogenic influence over
Canada, but not over the continental USA, Alaska or Mexico.
Gillett et al. (2008b) detect anthropogenic influence on near-surface
Arctic temperatures over land, with a consistent magnitude in simu-
lations and observations. Wang et al. (2007) also find that observed
Arctic warming is inconsistent with simulated internal variability. Both
studies ascribe Arctic warmth in the 1930s and 1940s largely to inter-
nal variability. Shindell and Faluvegi (2009) infer a large contribution
to both mid-century Arctic cooling and late century warming from
aerosol forcing changes, with GHGs the dominant driver of long-term
warming, though they infer aerosol forcing changes from temperature
changes using an inverse approach which may lead to some changes
associated with internal variability being attributed to aerosol forc-
ing. We therefore conclude that despite the uncertainties introduced
by limited observational coverage, high internal variability, modelling
uncertainties (Crook et al., 2011) and poorly understood local forcings,
such as the effect of BC on snow, there is sufficiently strong evidence
to conclude that it is likely that there has been an anthropogenic con-
tribution to the very substantial warming in Arctic land surface temper-
atures over the past 50 years.
Some attribution analyses have considered temperature trends at the
climate model grid box scale. At these spatial scales robust attribu-
tion is difficult to obtain, since climate models often lack the processes
needed to simulate regional details realistically, regionally important
forcings may be missing in some models and observational uncertain-
ties are very large for some regions of the world at grid box scale
(Hegerl et al., 2007b; Stott et al., 2010). Nevertheless an attribution
analysis has been carried out on Central England temperature, a record
that extends back to 1659 and is sufficiently long to demonstrate that
the representation of multi-decadal variability in the single grid box in
the model used, Hadley Centre climate prediction model 3 (HadCM3)
is adequate for detection (Karoly and Stott, 2006). The observed trend
in Central England Temperature is inconsistent with either internal var-
iability or the simulated response to natural forcings, but is consistent
with the simulated response when anthropogenic forcings are included
(Karoly and Stott, 2006).
Observed 20th century grid cell trends from Hadley Centre/Climatic
Research Unit gridded surface temperature data set 2v (HadCRUT2v;
Jones et al., 2001) are inconsistent with simulated internal variability
at the 10% significance level in around 80% of grid cells even using
HadCM2 which was found to overestimate variability in 5-year mean
temperatures at most latitudes (Karoly and Wu, 2005). Sixty percent of
grid cells were found to exhibit significant warming trends since 1951,
a much larger number than expected by chance (Karoly and Wu, 2005;
Wu and Karoly, 2007), and similar results apply when circulation-relat-
ed variability is first regressed out (Wu and Karoly, 2007). However, as
discussed in the AR4 (Hegerl et al., 2007b), when a global field signifi-
cance test is applied, this becomes a global detection study; since not
all grid cells exhibit significant warming trends the overall interpreta-
tion of the results in terms of attribution at individual locations remains
problematic. Mahlstein et al. (2012) find significant changes in summer
season temperatures in about 40% of low-latitude and about 20% of
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
extratropical land grid cells with sufficient observations, when testing
against the null hypothesis of no change in the distribution of summer
temperatures. Observed grid cell trends are compared with CMIP5 sim-
ulated trends in Figure 10.2i, which shows that in the great majority
(89%) of grid cells with sufficient observational coverage, observed
trends over the 1901–2010 period are inconsistent with a combination
of simulated internal variability and the response to natural forcings
(Jones et al., 2013). Knutson et al. (2013) find some deficiencies in the
simulation of multi-decadal variability at the grid cell scale in CMIP5
models, but demonstrate that trends at more than 75% of individu-
al grid cells with sufficient observational coverage in HadCRUT4 are
inconsistent with the simulated response to natural forcings alone, and
consistent or larger than the simulated response to combined anthro-
pogenic and natural forcings in CMIP5 models.
In summary, it is likely that anthropogenic forcing has made a substan-
tial contribution to the warming of each of the inhabited continents
since 1950. For Antarctica large observational uncertainties result in
low confidence that anthropogenic influence has contributed to the
observed warming averaged over available stations. Anthropogen-
ic influence has likely contributed to temperature change in many
sub-continental regions. Detection and attribution of climate change at
continental and smaller scales is more difficult than at the global scale
due to the greater contribution of internal variability, the greater dif-
ficulty of distinguishing between different causal factors, and greater
errors in climate models’ representation of regional details. Neverthe-
less, statistically significant warming trends are observed at a majority
of grid cells, and the observed warming is inconsistent with estimates
of possible warming due to natural causes at the great majority of grid
cells with sufficient observational coverage. Atmosphere
This section presents an assessment of the causes of global and region-
al temperature changes in the free atmosphere. In AR4, Hegerl et al.
(2007b) concluded that ‘the observed pattern of tropospheric warming
and stratospheric cooling is very likely due to the influence of anthro-
pogenic forcing, particularly greenhouse gases and stratospheric ozone
depletion.’ Since AR4, insight has been gained into regional aspects of
free tropospheric trends and the causes of observed changes in strat-
ospheric temperature.
Atmospheric temperature trends through the depth of the atmos-
phere offer the possibility of separating the effects of multiple climate
forcings, as climate model simulations indicate that each external
forcing produces a different characteristic vertical and zonal pattern
of temperature response (Hansen et al., 2005b; Hegerl et al., 2007b;
Penner et al., 2007; Yoshimori and Broccoli, 2008). GHG forcing is
expected to warm the troposphere and cool the stratosphere. Strat-
ospheric ozone depletion cools the stratosphere, with the cooling
being most pronounced in the polar regions. Its effect on tropospheric
temperatures is small, which is consistent with a small estimated RF
of stratospheric ozone changes (SPARC CCMVal, 2010; McLandress
et al., 2012). Tropospheric ozone increase, on the other hand, causes
tropospheric warming. Reflective aerosols like sulphate cool the trop-
osphere while absorbing aerosols like BC have a warming effect. Free
atmosphere temperatures are also affected by natural forcings: solar
irradiance increases cause a general warming of the atmosphere and
volcanic aerosol ejected into the stratosphere causes tropospheric
cooling and stratospheric warming (Hegerl et al., 2007b). Tropospheric temperature change
Chapter 2 concludes that it is virtually certain that globally the tropo-
sphere has warmed since the mid-twentieth century with only medium
(NH extratropics) to low confidence (tropics and SH extratropics) in the
rate and vertical structure of these changes. During the satellite era
CMIP3 and CMIP5 models tend to warm faster than observations spe-
cifically in the tropics (McKitrick et al., 2010; Fu et al., 2011; Po-Chedley
and Fu, 2012; Santer et al., 2013); however, because of the large uncer-
tainties in observed tropical temperature trends (Section 2.4.4; Seidel
et al. (2012); Figures 2.26 and Figure 2.27) there is only low confidence
in this assessment (Section Outside the tropics, and over
the period of the radiosonde record beginning in 1961, the discrep-
ancy between simulated and observed trends is smaller (Thorne et al.,
2011; Lott et al., 2013; Santer et al., 2013). Specifically there is better
agreement between observed trends and CMIP5 model trends for the
NH extratropics (Lott et al., 2013). Factors other than observational
uncertainties that contribute to inconsistencies between observed and
simulated free troposphere warming include specific manifestation of
natural variability in the observed coupled atmosphere–ocean system,
forcing errors incorporated in the historical simulations and model
response errors (Santer et al., 2013).
Utilizing a subset of CMIP5 models with single forcing experiments
extending until 2010, Lott et al. (2013) detect influences of both
human induced GHG increase and other anthropogenic forcings (e.g.,
ozone and aerosols) in the spatio-temporal changes in tropospheric
temperatures from 1961 to 2010 estimated from radiosonde observa-
tions. Figure 10.8 illustrates that a subsample of CMIP5 models (see
Supplementary Material for model selection) forced with both anthro-
pogenic and natural climate drivers (red profiles) exhibit trends that
are consistent with radiosonde records in the troposphere up to about
300 hPa, albeit with a tendency for this subset of models to warm more
than the observations. This finding is seen in near-globally averaged
data (where there is sufficient observational coverage to make a mean-
ingful comparison: 60°S to 60°N) (right panel), as well as in latitudinal
bands of the SH extratropics (Figure 10.8, first panel), tropics (Figure
10.8, second panel) and the NH extratropics (Figure 10.8, third panel).
Figure 10.8 also illustrates that it is very unlikely that natural forc-
ings alone could have caused the observed warming of tropospheric
temperatures (blue profiles). The ensembles with both anthropogen-
ic and natural forcings (red) and with GHG forcings only (green) are
not clearly separated. This could be due to cancellation of the effects
of increases in reflecting aerosols, which cool the troposphere, and
absorbing aerosol (Penner et al., 2007) and tropospheric ozone, which
both warm the troposphere. Above 300 hPa the three radiosonde data
sets exhibit a larger spread as a result of larger uncertainties in the
observational record (Thorne et al., 2011; Section 2.4.4). In this region
of the upper troposphere simulated CMIP5 temperature trends tend
to be more positive than observed trends (Figure 10.8). Further, an
assessment of causes of observed trends in the upper troposphere is
less confident than an assessment of overall atmospheric temperature
changes because of observational uncertainties and potential remain-
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
ing systematic biases in observational data sets in this region (Thorne
et al., 2011; Haimberger et al., 2012). An analysis of contributions of
natural and anthropogenic forcings to more recent trends from 1979 to
2010 (Supplementary Material, Figure S.A.1) is less robust because of
increased uncertainty in observed trends (consistent with Seidel et al.
(2012)) as well as decreased capability to separate between individual
forcings ensembles.
One approach to identify a climate change signal in a time series is the
analysis of the ratio between the amplitude of the observed signal of
change divided by the magnitude of internal variability, in other words
the S/N ratio of the data record. The S/N ratio represents the result
of a non-optimal fingerprint analysis (in contrast to optimal finger-
print analyses where model-simulated responses and observations are
normalized by internal variability to improve the S/N ratio (see Section
10.2.3). For changes in the lower stratospheric temperature between
1979 and 2011, S/N ratios vary from 26 to 36, depending on the choice
of observational data set. In the lower troposphere, the fingerprint
strength in observations is smaller, but S/N ratios are still significant at
the 1% level or better, and range from 3 to 8. There is no evidence that
these ratios are spuriously inflated by model variability errors. After all
global mean signals are removed, model fingerprints remain identifi-
able in 70% of the tests involving tropospheric temperature changes
(Santer et al., 2013).
Hegerl et al. (2007a) concluded that increasing GHGs are the main
cause for warming of the troposphere. This result is supported by a
Figure 10.8 | Observed and simulated zonal mean temperatures trends from 1961 to 2010 for CMIP5 simulations containing both anthropogenic and natural forcings (red),
natural forcings only (blue) and greenhouse gas forcing only (green) where the 5 to 95th percentile ranges of the ensembles are shown. Three radiosonde observations are shown
(thick black line: Hadley Centre Atmospheric Temperature data set 2 (HadAT2), thin black line: RAdiosone OBservation COrrection using REanalyses 1.5 (RAOBCORE 1.5), dark grey
band: Radiosonde Innovation Composite Homogenization (RICH)-obs 1.5 ensemble and light grey: RICH- τ 1.5 ensemble. (After Lott et al., 2013.)
subsample of CMIP5 models that also suggest that the warming effect
of well mixed GHGs is partly offset by the combined effects of reflect-
ing aerosols and other forcings. Our understanding has been increased
regarding the time scale of detectability of global scale troposphere
temperature. Taken together with increased understanding of the
uncertainties in observational records of tropospheric temperatures
(including residual systematic biases; Section 2.4.4) the assessment
remains as it was for AR4 that it is likely that anthropogenic forcing has
led to a detectable warming of tropospheric temperatures since 1961. Stratospheric temperature change
Lower stratospheric temperatures have not evolved uniformly over
the period since 1958 when the stratosphere has been observed with
sufficient regularity and spatial coverage. A long-term global cooling
trend is interrupted by three 2-year warming episodes following large
volcanic eruptions (Section 2.4.4). During the satellite period the cool-
ing evolved mainly in two steps occurring in the aftermath of the El
Chichón eruption in 1982 and the Mt Pinatubo eruption of 1991, with
each cooling transition being followed by a period of relatively steady
temperatures (Randel et al., 2009; Seidel et al., 2011). Since the mid-
1990s little net change has occurred in lower stratospheric tempera-
tures (Section 2.4.4).
Since AR4, progress has been made in simulating the observed evo-
lution of global mean lower stratospheric temperature. On the one
hand, this has been achieved by using models with an improved
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
representation of stratospheric processes (chemistry–climate models
and some CMIP5 models). It is found that in these models which have
an upper boundary above the stratopause with an altitude of about
50 km (so-called high-top models) and improved stratospheric physics,
variability of lower stratosphere climate in general is well simulated
(Butchart et al., 2011; Gillett et al., 2011; Charlton-Perez et al., 2013)
whereas in so-called low-top models (including models participating
in CMIP3) it is generally underestimated (Cordero and Forster, 2006;
Charlton-Perez et al., 2013). On the other hand, CMIP5 models all
include changes in stratospheric ozone (Eyring et al., 2013) whereas
only about half of the models participating in CMIP3 include strato-
spheric ozone changes (Section A comparison of a low-top
and high-top version of the HadGEM2 model shows detectable dif-
ferences in modelled temperature changes, particularly in the lower
tropical stratosphere, with the high-top version’s simulation of tem-
perature trends in the tropical troposphere in better agreement with
radiosondes and reanalyses over 1981–2010 (Mitchell et al., 2013).
CMIP5 models forced with changes in WMGHGs and stratospheric
ozone as well as with changes in solar irradiance and volcanic aerosol
forcings simulate the evolution of observed global mean lower strat-
ospheric temperatures over the satellite era reasonably well although
they tend to underestimate the long-term cooling trend (Charlton-Per-
ez et al., 2013; Santer et al., 2013). Compared with radiosonde data the
cooling trend is also underestimated in a subset of CMIP5 simulations
over the period 1961–2010 (Figure 10.8) and in CMIP3 models over
the 1958–1999 period (Cordero and Forster, 2006). Potential causes
for biases in lower stratosphere temperature trends are observational
uncertainties (Section 2.4.4) and forcing errors related to prescribed
stratospheric aerosol loadings and stratospheric ozone changes affect-
ing the tropical lower stratosphere (Free and Lanzante, 2009; Solomon
et al., 2012; Santer et al., 2013).
Since AR4, attribution studies have improved our knowledge of the
role of anthropogenic and natural forcings in observed lower strato-
spheric temperature change. Gillett et al. (2011) use the suite of chem-
istry climate model simulations carried out as part of the Chemistry
Climate Model Validation (CCMVal) activity phase 2 for an attribution
study of observed changes in stratospheric zonal mean temperatures.
Chemistry–climate models prescribe changes in ozone-depleting sub-
stances (ODS) and ozone changes are calculated interactively. Gillett et
al. (2011) partition 1979–2005 Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) lower
stratospheric temperature trends into ODS-induced and GHG-induced
changes and find that both ODSs and natural forcing contributed to
the observed stratospheric cooling in the lower stratosphere with the
impact of ODS dominating. The influence of GHGs on stratospheric
temperature could not be detected independently of ODSs.
The step-like cooling of the lower stratosphere can only be explained
by the combined effects of changes in both anthropogenic and natu-
ral factors (Figure 10.9; Eyring et al., 2006; Ramaswamy et al., 2006).
Although the anthropogenic factors (ozone depletion and increases in
WMGHGs) cause the overall cooling, the natural factors (solar irradi-
ance variations and volcanic aerosols) modulate the evolution of the
cooling (Figure 10.9; Ramaswamy et al., 2006; Dall’Amico et al., 2010)
with temporal variability of global mean ozone contributing to the
step-like temperature evolution (Thompson and Solomon, 2009).
Models disagree with observations for seasonally varying changes in
the strength of the Brewer–Dobson circulation in the lower strato-
sphere (Ray et al., 2010) which has been linked to zonal and seasonal
patterns of changes in lower stratospheric temperatures (Thompson
and Solomon, 2009; Fu et al., 2010; Lin et al., 2010b; Forster et al.,
2011; Free, 2011). One robust feature is the observed cooling in spring
over the Antarctic, which is simulated in response to stratospheric
ozone depletion in climate models (Young et al., 2012), although this
has not been the subject of a formal detection and attribution study.
Since AR4, progress has been made in simulating the response of
global mean lower stratosphere temperatures to natural and anthro-
pogenic forcings by improving the representation of climate forcings
and utilizing models that include more stratospheric processes. New
detection and attribution studies of lower stratospheric temperature
changes made since AR4 support an assessment that it is very likely
that anthropogenic forcing, dominated by stratospheric ozone deple-
tion due to ozone-depleting substances, has led to a detectable cooling
of the lower stratosphere since 1979. Overall atmospheric temperature change
When temperature trends from the troposphere and stratosphere
are analysed together, detection and attribution studies using CMIP5
models show robust detections of the effects of GHGs and other
anthropogenic forcings on the distinctive fingerprint of tropospheric
warming and stratospheric cooling seen since 1961 in radiosonde data
(Lott et al., 2013; Mitchell et al., 2013). Combining the evidence from
free atmosphere changes from both troposphere and stratosphere
shows an increased confidence in the attribution of free atmosphere
temperature changes compared to AR4 owing to improved under-
standing of stratospheric temperature changes. There is therefore
stronger evidence than at the time of AR4 to support the conclusion
that it is very likely that anthropogenic forcing, particularly GHGs and
stratospheric ozone depletion, has led to a detectable observed pattern
of tropospheric warming and lower stratospheric cooling since 1961.
Figure 10.9 | Time series (1979–2010) of observed (black) and simulated global mean
(82.5°S to 82.5°N) Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) lower stratosphere temperature
anomalies in a subset of CMIP5 simulations (simulations with both anthropogenic and
natural forcings (red), simulations with well-mixed greenhouse gases (green), simula-
tions with natural forcings (blue)). Anomalies are calculated relative to 1996–2010.
(Adapted from Ramaswamy et al., 2006.)
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ 10.1 | Climate Is Always Changing. How Do We Determine the Causes of Observed
The causes of observed long-term changes in climate (on time scales longer than a decade) are assessed by determin-
ing whether the expected ‘fingerprints’ of different causes of climate change are present in the historical record.
These fingerprints are derived from computer model simulations of the different patterns of climate change caused
by individual climate forcings. On multi-decade time scales, these forcings include processes such as greenhouse gas
increases or changes in solar brightness. By comparing the simulated fingerprint patterns with observed climate
changes, we can determine whether observed changes are best explained by those fingerprint patterns, or by natu-
ral variability, which occurs without any forcing.
The fingerprint of human-caused greenhouse gas increases is clearly apparent in the pattern of observed 20th cen-
tury climate change. The observed change cannot be otherwise explained by the fingerprints of natural forcings
or natural variability simulated by climate models. Attribution studies therefore support the conclusion that ‘it is
extremely likely that human activities have caused more than half of the observed increase in global mean surface
temperatures from 1951 to 2010.’
The Earth’s climate is always changing, and that can occur for many reasons. To determine the principal causes of
observed changes, we must first ascertain whether an observed change in climate is different from other fluctua-
tions that occur without any forcing at all. Climate variability without forcing—called internal variability—is the
consequence of processes within the climate system. Large-scale oceanic variability, such as El Niño-Southern Oscil-
lation (ENSO) fluctuations in the Pacific Ocean, is the dominant source of internal climate variability on decadal to
centennial time scales.
Climate change can also result from natural forcings external to the climate system, such as volcanic eruptions, or
changes in the brightness of the sun. Forcings such as these are responsible for the huge changes in climate that are
clearly documented in the geological record. Human-caused forcings include greenhouse gas emissions or atmo-
spheric particulate pollution. Any of these forcings, natural or human caused, could affect internal variability as well
as causing a change in average climate. Attribution studies attempt to determine the causes of a detected change in
observed climate. Over the past century we know that global average temperature has increased, so if the observed
change is forced then the principal forcing must be one that causes warming, not cooling.
Formal climate change attribution studies are carried out using controlled experiments with climate models. The
model-simulated responses to specific climate forcings are often called the fingerprints of those forcings. A climate
model must reliably simulate the fingerprint patterns associated with individual forcings, as well as the patterns of
unforced internal variability, in order to yield a meaningful climate change attribution assessment. No model can
perfectly reproduce all features of climate, but many detailed studies indicate that simulations using current models
are indeed sufficiently reliable to carry out attribution assessments.
FAQ 10.1, Figure 1 illustrates part of a fingerprint assessment of global temperature change at the surface during
the late 20th century. The observed change in the latter half of the 20th century, shown by the black time series
in the left panels, is larger than expected from just internal variability. Simulations driven only by natural forcings
(yellow and blue lines in the upper left panel) fail to reproduce late 20th century global warming at the surface with
a spatial pattern of change (upper right) completely different from the observed pattern of change (middle right).
Simulations including both natural and human-caused forcings provide a much better representation of the time
rate of change (lower left) and spatial pattern (lower right) of observed surface temperature change.
Both panels on the left show that computer models reproduce the naturally forced surface cooling observed for a
year or two after major volcanic eruptions, such as occurred in 1982 and 1991. Natural forcing simulations capture
the short-lived temperature changes following eruptions, but only the natural + human caused forcing simulations
simulate the longer-lived warming trend.
A more complete attribution assessment would examine temperature above the surface, and possibly other climate
variables, in addition to the surface temperature results shown in FAQ 10.1, Figure 1. The fingerprint patterns asso-
ciated with individual forcings become easier to distinguish when more variables are considered in the assessment.
(continued on next page)
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
10.3.2 Water Cycle
Detection and attribution studies of anthropogenic change in hydro-
logic variables are challenged by the length and quality of observed
data sets, and by the difficulty in simulating hydrologic variables in
dynamical models. AR4 cautiously noted that the observed increase
in atmospheric water vapour over oceans was consistent with warm-
ing of SSTs attributed to anthropogenic influence, and that observed
changes in the latitudinal distribution of precipitation, and increased
incidence of drought, were suggestive of a possible human influence.
Many of the published studies cited in AR4, and some of the studies
FAQ 10.1 (continued)
Overall, FAQ 10.1, Figure 1 shows that the pattern of observed temperature change is significantly different than
the pattern of response to natural forcings alone. The simulated response to all forcings, including human-caused
forcings, provides a good match to the observed changes at the surface. We cannot correctly simulate recent
observed climate change without including the response to human-caused forcings, including greenhouse gases,
stratospheric ozone, and aerosols. Natural causes of change are still at work in the climate system, but recent trends
in temperature are largely attributable to human-caused forcing.
FAQ 10.1, Figure 1 | (Left) Time series of global and annual-averaged surface temperature change from 1860 to 2010. The top left panel shows results from two
ensemble of climate models driven with just natural forcings, shown as thin blue and yellow lines; ensemble average temperature changes are thick blue and red lines.
Three different observed estimates are shown as black lines. The lower left panel shows simulations by the same models, but driven with both natural forcing and
human-induced changes in greenhouse gases and aerosols. (Right) Spatial patterns of local surface temperature trends from 1951 to 2010. The upper panel shows the
pattern of trends from a large ensemble of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) simulations driven with just natural forcings. The bottom panel
shows trends from a corresponding ensemble of simulations driven with natural + human forcings. The middle panel shows the pattern of observed trends from the
Hadley Centre/Climatic Research Unit gridded surface temperature data set 4 (HadCRUT4) during this period.
1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
Temperature anomaly (°C)
Natural and Human forcing
1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
Temperature anomaly (°C)
Natural forcing
180 90W 0 90E 180
Observed trend 1951-2010
180 90W 0 90E 180
Natural and Human forcing
180 90W 0 90E 180
Natural forcing
-2 -1 012
Trend (°C per period)
cited in this section, use less formal detection and attribution criteria
than are often used for assessments of temperature change, owing
to difficulties defining large-scale fingerprint patterns of hydrologic
change in models and isolating those fingerprints in data. For example,
correlations between observed hydrologic changes and the patterns of
change in models forced by increasing GHGs can provide suggestive
evidence towards attribution of change.
Since the publication of AR4, in situ hydrologic data sets have been
reanalysed with more stringent quality control. Satellite-derived data
records of worldwide water vapour and precipitation variations have
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
lengthened. Formal detection and attribution studies have been car-
ried out with newer models that potentially offer better simulations
of natural variability. Reviews of detection and attribution of trends in
various components of the water cycle have been published by Stott et
al. (2010) and Trenberth (2011b). Changes in Atmospheric Water Vapour
In situ surface humidity measurements have been reprocessed since
AR4 to create new gridded analyses for climatic research, as discussed
in Chapter 2. The HadCRUH Surface Humidity data set (Willett et
al., 2008) indicates significant increases in surface specific humidity
between 1973 and 2003 averaged over the globe, the tropics, and the
NH, with consistently larger trends in the tropics and in the NH during
summer, and negative or non significant trends in relative humidity.
These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the distribution
of relative humidity should remain roughly constant under climate
change (see Section 2.5). Simulations of the response to historical
anthropogenic and natural forcings robustly generate an increase in
atmospheric humidity consistent with observations (Santer et al., 2007;
Willett et al., 2007; Figure 9.9). A recent cessation of the upward trend
in specific humidity is observed over multiple continental areas in Had-
CRUH and is also found in the European Centre for Medium range
Weather Forecast (ECMWF) interim reanalysis of the global atmos-
phere and surface conditions (ERA-Interim; Simmons et al. 2010). This
change in the specific humidity trend is temporally correlated with a
levelling off of global ocean temperatures following the 1997–1998 El
Niño event (Simmons et al., 2010).
The anthropogenic water vapour fingerprint simulated by an ensemble
of 22 climate models has been identified in lower tropospheric mois-
ture content estimates derived from Special Sensor Microwave/Imager
(SSM/I) data covering the period 1988–2006 (Santer et al., 2007).
Santer et al. (2009) find that detection of an anthropogenic response
in column water vapour is insensitive to the set of models used. They
rank models based on their ability to simulate the observed mean total
column water vapour, and its annual cycle and variability associated
with ENSO. They report no appreciable differences between the finger-
prints or detection results derived from the best or worst performing
models, and so conclude that attribution of water vapour changes to
anthropogenic forcing is not sensitive to the choice of models used for
the assessment.
In summary, an anthropogenic contribution to increases in specific
humidity at and near the Earth’s surface is found with medium con-
fidence. Evidence of a recent levelling off of the long-term surface
atmospheric moistening trend over land needs to be better understood
and simulated as a prerequisite to increased confidence in attribution
studies of water vapour changes. Length and quality of observation-
al humidity data sets, especially above the surface, continue to limit
detection and attribution studies of atmospheric water vapour. Changes in Precipitation
Analysis of CMIP5 model simulations yields clear global and region-
al scale changes associated with anthropogenic forcing (e.g., Scheff
and Frierson, 2012a, 2012b), with patterns broadly similar to those
identified from CMIP3 models (e.g., Polson et al., 2013). The AR4 con-
cluded that ‘the latitudinal pattern of change in land precipitation and
observed increases in heavy precipitation over the 20th century appear
to be consistent with the anticipated response to anthropogenic forc-
ing’. Detection and attribution of regional precipitation changes gen-
erally focuses on continental areas using in situ data because observa-
tional coverage over oceans is limited to a few island stations (Arkin
et al., 2010; Liu et al., 2012; Noake et al., 2012) , although model-data
comparisons over continents also illustrate large observational uncer-
tainties (Tapiador, 2010; Noake et al., 2012; Balan Sarojini et al., 2012;
Polson et al., 2013). Available satellite data sets that could supplement
oceanic studies are short and their long-term homogeneity is still
unclear (Chapter 2); hence they have not yet been used for detection
and attribution of changes. Continuing uncertainties in climate model
simulations of precipitation make quantitative model/data compari-
sons difficult (e.g., Stephens et al., 2010), which also limits confidence
in detection and attribution. Furthermore, sparse observational cover-
age of precipitation across much of the planet makes the fingerprint
of precipitation change challenging to isolate in observational records
(Balan Sarojini et al., 2012; Wan et al., 2013).
Considering just land regions with sufficient observations, the largest
signal of differences between models with and without anthropogenic
forcings is in the high latitudes of the NH, where increases in precip-
itation are a robust feature of climate model simulations (Scheff and
Frierson, 2012a, 2012b). Such increases have been observed (Figure
10.10) in several different observational data sets (Min et al., 2008a;
Noake et al., 2012; Polson et al., 2013), although high-latitude trends
vary between data sets and with coverage (e.g., Polson et al., 2013).
Attribution of zonally averaged precipitation trends has been attempt-
ed using different observational products and ensembles of forced
simulations from both the CMIP3 and CMIP5 archives, for annu-
al-averaged (Zhang et al., 2007; Min et al., 2008a) and season-spe-
cific (Noake et al., 2012; Polson et al., 2013) results (Figure 10.11).
Zhang et al. (2007) identify the fingerprint of anthropogenic chang-
es in observed annual zonal mean precipitation averaged over the
periods 1925–1999 and 1950–1999, and separate the anthropogenic
fingerprint from the influence of natural forcing. The fingerprint of
external forcing is also detected in seasonal means for boreal spring
in all data sets assessed by Noake et al. (2012), and in all but one
data set assessed by Polson et al. (2013) (Figure 10.11), and in boreal
winter in all but one data set (Noake et al., 2012), over the period
1951–1999 and to 2005. The fingerprint features increasing high-lati-
tude precipitation, and decreasing precipitation trends in parts of the
tropics that are reasonably robustly observed in all four data sets con-
sidered albeit with large observational uncertainties north of 60°N
(Figure 10.11). Detection of seasonal-average precipitation change is
less convincing for June, July, August (JJA) and September, October,
November (SON) and results vary with observation data set (Noake
et al., 2012; Polson et al., 2013). Although Zhang et al. (2007) detect
anthropogenic changes even if a separate fingerprint for natural forc-
ings is considered, Polson et al. (2013) find that this result is sensi-
tive to the data set used and that the fingerprints can be separated
robustly only for the data set most closely constrained by station data.
The analysis also finds that model simulated precipitation variability
is smaller than observed variability in the tropics (Zhang et al., 2007;
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
1950 1970 1990 2010
1950 1970 1990 2010
1950 1970 1990 2010
Land masked by Obs
1950 1970 1990 2010
Figure 10.10 | Global and zonal average changes in annual mean precipitation (mm
) over areas of land where there are observations, expressed relative to the base-
line period of 1961–1990, simulated by CMIP5 models forced with both anthropogenic
and natural forcings (red lines) and natural forcings only (blue lines) for the global mean
and for three latitude bands. Multi-model means are shown in thick solid lines. Observa-
tions (gridded values derived from Global Historical Climatology Network station data,
updated from Zhang et al. (2007) are shown as a black solid line. An 11-year smoothing
is applied to both simulations and observations. Green stars show statistically significant
changes at 5% level (p value <0.05) between the ensemble of runs with both anthropo-
genic and natural forcings (red lines) and the ensemble of runs with just natural forcings
(blue lines) using a two-sample two-tailed t-test for the last 30 years of the time series.
(From Balan Sarojini et al., 2012.) Results for the Climate Research Unit (CRU) TS3.1
data set are shown in Figure 10.A.2.
Polson et al., 2013) which is addressed by increasing the estimate of
variance from models (Figure 10.11).
Another detection and attribution study focussed on precipitation in
the NH high latitudes and found an attributable human influence (Min
et al., 2008a). Both Min et al. (2008a) and Zhang et al. (2007) find that
the observed changes are significantly larger than the model simulated
changes. However, Noake et al. (2012) and Polson et al. (2013) find that
the difference between models and observations decreases if changes
are expressed as a percentage of climatological precipitation and that
the observed and simulated changes are largely consistent between
CMIP5 models and observations given data uncertainty. Use of addi-
tional data sets illustrates remaining observational uncertainty in high
latitudes of the NH (Figure 10.11). Regional-scale attribution of pre-
cipitation change is still problematic although regional climate models
have yielded simulations consistent with observed wintertime changes
for northern Europe (Bhend and von Storch, 2008; Tapiador, 2010).
Precipitation change over ocean has been attributed to human influ-
ence by Fyfe et al. (2012) for the high-latitude SH in austral summer,
where zonally averaged precipitation has declined around 45°S and
increased around 60°S since 1957, consistent with CMIP5 historical
simulations, with the magnitude of the half-century trend outside the
range of simulated natural variability. Confidence in this attribution
result, despite limitations in precipitation observations, is enhanced by
its consistency with trends in large-scale sea level pressure data (see
Section 10.3.3).
In summary, there is medium confidence that human influence has con-
tributed to large-scale changes in precipitation patterns over land. The
expected anthropogenic fingerprints of change in zonal mean precip-
itation—reductions in low latitudes and increases in NH mid to high
latitudes—have been detected in annual and some seasonal data.
Observational uncertainties including limited global coverage and large
natural variability, in addition to challenges in precipitation modeling,
limit confidence in assessment of climatic changes in precipitation. Changes in Surface Hydrologic Variables
This subsection assesses recent research on detection and attribu-
tion of long-term changes in continental surface hydrologic variables,
including soil moisture, evapotranspiration and streamflow. Stream-
flows are often subject to large non-climatic human influence, such as
diversions and land use changes, that must be accounted for in order
to attribute detected hydrologic changes to climate change. Cryospher-
ic aspects of surface hydrology are discussed in Section 10.5; extremes
in surface hydrology (such as drought) and precipitation are covered in
Section 10.6.1. The variables discussed here are subject to large mod-
eling uncertainties (Chapter 9) and observational challenges (Chapter
2), which in combination place severe limits on climate change detec-
tion and attribution.
Direct observational records of soil moisture and surface fluxes tend
to be sparse and/or short, thus limiting recent assessments of change
in these variables (Jung et al., 2010). Assimilated land surface data
sets and new satellite observations (Chapter 2) are promising tools,
but assessment of past and future climate change of these variables
(Hoekema and Sridhar, 2011) is still generally carried out on derived
quantities such as the Palmer Drought Severity Index, as discussed
more fully in Section 10.6.1. Recent observations (Jung et al., 2010)
show regional trends towards drier soils. An optimal detection analysis
of reconstructed evapotranspiration identifies the effects of anthro-
pogenic forcing on evapotranspiration, with the Centre National de
Recherches Météorologiques (CNRM)-CM5 model simulating chang-
es consistent with those estimated to have occurred (Douville et al.,
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
−40 −20 0204060
Precipitation trend (% per decade)
−40 −20 0204060
Precipitation trend (% per decade)
−40 −20 0204060
Precipitation trend (% per decade)
Scaling factor
1−sig 2−sig
Observation dataset
Figure 10.11 | Detection and attribution results for zonal land precipitation trends in the second half of the 20th century. (Top left) Scaling factors for precipitation changes. (Top
right and bottom) Zonally averaged precipitation changes over continents from models and observations. (a) Crosses show the best-guess scaling factor derived from multi-model
means. Thick bars show the 5 to 95% uncertainty range derived from model-simulated variability, and thin bars show the uncertainty range if doubling the multi-model variance.
Red bars indicate scaling factors for the estimated response to all forcings, blue bars for natural-only forcing and brown bars for anthropogenic-only forcing. Labels on the x-axis
identify results from four different observational data sets (Z is Zhang et al. (2007), C is Climate Research Unit (CRU), V is Variability Analyses of Surface Climate Observations (Vas-
ClimO), G is Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC), H is Hadley Centre gridded data set of temperature and precipitation extremes (HadEX)). (a) Detection and attribution
results for annual averages, both single fingerprint (“1-sig”; 1950–1999) and two fingerprint results (“2-sig”; Z, C, G (1951–2005), V (1952–2000)). (b) Scaling factors resulting
from single-fingerprint analyses for seasonally averaged precipitation (Z, C, G (1951–2005), V (1952–2000); the latter in pink as not designed for long-term homogeneity) for four
different seasons. (c) Scaling factors for spatial pattern of Arctic precipitation trends (1951–1999). (d) Scaling factors for changes in large-scale intense precipitation (1951–1999).
(e) Thick solid lines show observed zonally and annually averaged trends (% per decade) for four different observed data sets. Corresponding results from individual simulations
from 33 different climate models are shown as thin solid lines, with the multimodel mean shown as a red dashed line. Model results are masked to match the spatial and temporal
coverage of the GPCC data set (denoted G in the seasonal scaling factor panel). Grey shading indicates latitude bands within which >75% of simulations yield positive or negative
trends. (f, g) Like (e) but showing zonally averaged precipitation changes for (f) June, July, August (JJA) and (g) December, January, February (DJF) seasons. Scaling factors (c) and (d)
adapted from Min et al. (2008a) and Min et al. (2011), respectively; other results adapted from Zhang et al. (2007) and Polson et al. (2013).
Trends towards earlier timing of snowmelt-driven streamflows in west-
ern North America since 1950 have been demonstrated to be differ-
ent from natural variability (Hidalgo et al., 2009). Similarly, internal
variability associated with natural decade-scale fluctuations could
not account for recent observed declines of northern Rocky Mountain
streamflow (St Jacques et al., 2010). Statistical analyses of stream-
flows demonstrate regionally varying changes that are consistent with
changes expected from increasing temperature, in Scandinavia (Wilson
et al., 2010), Europe (Stahl et al., 2010) and the USA (Krakauer and
Fung, 2008; Wang and Hejazi, 2011). Observed increases in Arctic river
discharge, which could be a good integrator for monitoring changes
in precipitation in high latitudes, are found to be explainable only if
model simulations include anthropogenic forcings (Min et al., 2008a).
Barnett et al. (2008) analysed changes in the surface hydrology of
the western USA, considering snow pack (measured as snow water
equivalent), the seasonal timing of streamflow in major rivers, and
average January to March daily minimum temperature over the region,
the two hydrological variables they studied being closely related to
temperature. Observed changes were compared with the output of a
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
regional hydrologic model forced by the Parallel Climate Model (PCM)
and Model for Interdisciplinary Research On Climate (MIROC) climate
models. They derived a fingerprint of anthropogenic changes from the
two climate models and found that the observations, when projected
onto the fingerprint of anthropogenic changes, show a positive signal
strength consistent with the model simulations that falls outside
the range expected from internal variability as estimated from 1600
years of downscaled climate model data. They conclude that there is a
detectable and attributable anthropogenic signature on the hydrology
of this region.
In summary, there is medium confidence that human influence on
climate has affected stream flow and evapotranspiration in limited
regions of middle and high latitudes of the NH. Detection and attribu-
tion studies have been applied only to limited regions and using a few
models. Observational uncertainties are large and in the case of evap-
otranspiration depend on reconstructions using land surface models.
10.3.3 Atmospheric Circulation and Patterns of Variability
The atmospheric circulation is driven by various processes including
the uneven heating of the Earth’s surface by solar radiation, land–sea
contrast and orography. The circulation transports heat from warm to
cold regions and thereby acts to reduce temperature contrasts. Thus,
changes in circulation and in patterns of variability are of critical impor-
tance for the climate system, influencing regional climate and regional
climate variability. Any such changes are important for local climate
change because they could act to reinforce or counteract the effects of
external forcings on climate in a particular region. Observed changes
in atmospheric circulation and patterns of variability are assessed in
Section 2.7.5. Although new and improved data sets are now available,
changes in patterns of variability remain difficult to detect because of
large variability on interannual to decadal time scales (Section 2.7).
Since AR4, progress has been made in understanding the causes of
changes in circulation-related climate phenomena and modes of var-
iability such as the width of the tropical circulation, and the Southern
Annular Mode (SAM). For other climate phenomena, such as ENSO,
Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), and mon-
soons, there are large observational and modelling uncertainties (see
Section 9.5 and Chapter 14), and there is low confidence that changes
in these phenomena, if observed, can be attributed to human-induced
influence. Tropical Circulation
Various indicators of the width of the tropical belt based on independ-
ent data sets suggest that the tropical belt as a whole has widened
since 1979; however, the magnitude of this change is very uncertain
(Fu et al., 2006; Hudson et al., 2006; Hu and Fu, 2007; Seidel and
Randel, 2007; Seidel et al., 2008; Lu et al., 2009; Fu and Lin, 2011;
Hu et al., 2011; Davis and Rosenlof, 2012; Lucas et al., 2012; Wilcox
et al., 2012; Nguyen et al., 2013) (Section 2.7.5). CMIP3 and CMIP5
simulations suggest that anthropogenic forcings have contributed to
the observed widening of the tropical belt since 1979 (Johanson and
Fu, 2009; Hu et al., 2013). On average the poleward expansion of the
Hadley circulation and other indicators of the width of the tropical belt
is greater than determined from CMIP3 and CMIP5 simulations (Seidel
et al., 2008; Johanson and Fu, 2009; Hu et al., 2013; Figure 10.12). The
causes as to why models underestimate the observed poleward expan-
sion of the tropical belt are not fully understood. Potential factors are
lack of understanding of the magnitude of natural variability as well
as changes in observing systems that also affect reanalysis products
(Thorne and Vose, 2010; Lucas et al., 2012; Box 2.3).
Climate model simulations suggest that Antarctic ozone depletion is
a major factor in causing poleward expansion of the southern Hadley
cell during austral summer over the last three to five decades with
GHGs also playing a role (Son et al., 2008, 2009, 2010; McLandress
et al., 2011; Polvani et al., 2011; Hu et al., 2013). In reanalysis data
a detectable signal of ozone forcing is separable from other external
forcing including GHGs when utilizing both CMIP5 and CMIP3 simu-
lations combined (Min and Son, 2013). An analysis of CMIP3 simula-
tions suggests that BC aerosols and tropospheric ozone were the main
drivers of the observed poleward expansion of the northern Hadley
cell in boreal summer (Allen et al., 2012). It is found that global green-
house warming causes increase in static stability, such that the onset
of baroclinicity is shifted poleward, leading to poleward expansion of
the Hadley circulation (Frierson, 2006; Frierson et al., 2007; Hu and
Fu, 2007; Lu et al., 2007, 2008). Tropical SST increase may also con-
tribute to a widening of the Hadley circulation (Hu et al., 2011; Staten
et al., 2012). Althoughe some Atmospheric General Circulation Model
(AGCM) simulations forced by observed time-varying SSTs yield a wid-
ening by about 1° in latitude over 1979–2002 (Hu et al., 2011), other
simulations suggest that SST changes have little effect on the tropical
expansion when based on the tropopause metric of the tropical width
(Lu et al., 2009). However, it is found that the tropopause metric is not
Poleward expansion (°C per decade)
Figure 10.12 | December to February mean change of southern border of the Hadley
circulation. Unit is degree in latitude per decade. Reanalysis data sets (see also Box 2.3)
are marked with different colours. Trends are all calculated over the period of 1979–
2005. The terms historicalNAT, historicalGHG, and historical denote CMIP5 simulations
with natural forcing, with greenhouse gas forcing and with both anthropogenic and
natural forcings, respectively. For each reanalysis data set, the error bars indicate the
95% confidence level of the standard t-test. For CMIP5 simulations, trends are first
calculated for each model, and all ensemble members of simulations are used. Then,
trends are averaged for multi-model ensembles. Trend uncertainty is estimated from
multi-model ensembles, as twice the standard error. (Updated from Hu et al., 2013.)
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
very reliable because of the use of arbitrary thresholds (Birner, 2010;
Davis and Rosenlof, 2012).
In summary, there are multiple lines of evidence that the Hadley cell
and the tropical belt as a whole have widened since at least 1979;
however, the magnitude of the widening is very uncertain. Based on
modelling studies there is medium confidence that stratospheric ozone
depletion has contributed to the observed poleward shift of the south-
ern Hadley cell border during austral summer, with GHGs also playing
a role. The contribution of internal climate variability to the observed
poleward expansion of the Hadley circulation remains very uncertain. Northern Annular Mode/North Atlantic Oscillation
The NAO, which exhibited a positive trend from the 1960s to the 1990s,
has since exhibited lower values, with exceptionally low anomalies in
the winters of 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 (Section 2.7.8). This means
that the positive trend in the NAO discussed in the AR4 has considera-
bly weakened when evaluated up to 2011. Similar results apply to the
closely related Northern Annular Mode (NAM), with its upward trend
over the past 60 years in the 20th Century Reanalysis (Compo et al.,
2011) and in Hadley Centre Sea Level Pressure data set 2r (HadSLP2r;
Allan and Ansell, 2006) not being significant compared to internal var-
iability (Figure 10.13). An analysis of CMIP5 models shows that they
simulate positive trends in NAM in the DJF season over this period,
albeit not as large as those observed which are still within the range of
natural internal variability (Figure 10.13).
Other work (Woollings, 2008) demonstrates that while the NAM is
largely barotropic in structure, the simulated response to anthropogen-
ic forcing has a strong baroclinic component, with an opposite geopo-
tential height trends in the mid-troposphere compared to the surface
in many models. Thus while the circulation response to anthropogenic
forcing may project onto the NAM, it is not entirely captured by the
NAM index.
Consistent with previous findings (Hegerl et al., 2007b), Gillett and
Fyfe (2013) find that GHGs tend to drive a positive NAM response in
the CMIP5 models. Recent modelling work also indicates that ozone
changes drive a small positive NAM response in spring (Morgenstern
et al., 2010; Gillett and Fyfe, 2013). Southern Annular Mode
The Southern Annular Mode (SAM) index has remained mainly positive
since the publication of the AR4, although it has not been as strongly
positive as in the late 1990s. Nonetheless, an index of the SAM shows
a significant positive trend in most seasons and data sets over the
1951–2011 period (Figure 10.13; Table 2.14). Recent modelling studies
confirm earlier findings that the increase in GHG concentrations tends
to lead to a strengthening and poleward shift of the SH eddy-driven
polar jet (Karpechko et al., 2008; Son et al., 2008, 2010; Sigmond et al.,
2011; Staten et al., 2012; Swart and Fyfe, 2012; Eyring et al., 2013; Gil-
lett and Fyfe, 2013) which projects onto the positive phase of the SAM.
Stratospheric ozone depletion also induces a strengthening and pole-
ward shift of the polar jet in models, with the largest response in aus-
tral summer (Karpechko et al., 2008; Son et al., 2008, 2010; McLandress
SAM trend (hPa per decade)
NAM trend (hPa per decade)
Figure 10.13 | Simulated and observed 1951–2011 trends in the Northern Annular
Mode (NAM) index (a) and Southern Annular Mode (SAM) index (b) by season. The NAM
is a Li and Wang (2003) index based on the difference between zonal mean seal level
pressure (SLP) at 35°N and 65°N. and the, and the SAM index is a difference between
zonal mean SLP at 40°S and 65°S (Gong and Wang, 1999). Both indices are defined
without normalization, so that the magnitudes of simulated and observed trends can
be compared. Black lines show observed trends from the HadSLP2r data set (Allan and
Ansell, 2006) (solid), and the 20th Century Reanalysis (Compo et al., 2011) (dotted).
Grey bars and red boxes show 5 to 95% ranges of trends in CMIP5 control and histori-
cal simulations respectively. Ensemble mean trends and their 5 to 95% uncertainties
are shown for the response to greenhouse gases (light green), aerosols (dark green),
ozone (magenta) and natural (blue) forcing changes, based on CMIP5 individual forcing
simulations. (Adapted from Gillett and Fyfe, 2013.)
et al., 2011; Polvani et al., 2011; Sigmond et al., 2011; Gillett and Fyfe,
2013). Sigmond et al. (2011) find approximately equal contributions
to simulated annual mean SAM trends from GHGs and stratospher-
ic ozone depletion up to the present. Fogt et al. (2009) demonstrate
that observed SAM trends over the period 1957–2005 are positive in
all seasons, but only statistically significant in DJF and March, April,
May (MAM), based on simulated internal variability. Roscoe and Haigh
(2007) apply a regression-based approach and find that stratospheric
ozone changes are the primary driver of observed trends in the SAM.
Observed trends are also consistent with CMIP3 simulations including
stratospheric ozone changes in all seasons, though in MAM observed
trends are roughly twice as large as those simulated (Miller et al., 2006).
Broadly consistent results are found when comparing observed trends
and CMIP5 simulations (Figure 10.13), with a station-based SAM index
showing a significant positive trend in MAM, JJA and DJF, compared
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
to simulated internal variability over the 1951–2010 period. Fogt et
al. (2009) find that the largest forced response has likely occurred in
DJF, the season in which stratospheric ozone depletion has been the
dominant contributor to the observed trends.
Taking these findings together, it is likely that the positive trend in
the SAM seen in austral summer since the mid-20th century is due in
part to stratospheric ozone depletion. There is medium confidence that
GHGs have also played a role. Change in Global Sea Level Pressure Patterns
A number of studies have applied formal detection and attribution
studies to global fields of atmospheric SLP finding detection of human
influence on global patterns of SLP (Gillett et al., 2003, 2005; Gil-
lett and Stott, 2009). Analysing the contributions of different forcings
to observed changes in SLP, Gillett and Stott (2009) find separately
detectable influences of anthropogenic and natural forcings in zonal
mean seasonal mean SLP, strengthening evidence for a human influ-
ence on SLP. Based on the robustness of the evidence from multiple
models we conclude that it is likely that human influence has altered
SLP patterns globally since 1951.
10.4 Changes in Ocean Properties
This section assesses the causes of oceanic changes in the main prop-
erties of interest for climate change: ocean heat content, ocean salinity
and freshwater fluxes, sea level, oxygen and ocean acidification.
10.4.1 Ocean Temperature and Heat Content
The oceans are a key part of the Earth’s energy balance (Boxes 3.1 and
13.1). Observational studies continue to demonstrate that the ocean
heat content has increased in the upper layers of the ocean during
the second half of the 20th century and early 21st century (Section
3.2; Bindoff et al., 2007), and that this increase is consistent with a
net positive radiative imbalance in the climate system. It is of signifi-
cance that this heat content increase is an order of magnitude larger
than the increase in energy content of any other component of the
Earth’s ocean–atmosphere–cryosphere system and accounts for more
than 90% of the Earth’s energy increase between 1971 and 2010 (e.g.,
Boxes 3.1 and 13.1; Bindoff et al., 2007; Church et al., 2011; Hansen
et al., 2011).
Despite the evidence for anthropogenic warming of the ocean, the
level of confidence in the conclusions of the AR4 report—that the
warming of the upper several hundred meters of the ocean during the
second half of the 20th century was likely to be due to anthropogenic
forcing—reflected the level of uncertainties at that time. The major
uncertainty was an apparently large decadal variability (warming in
the 1970s and cooling in the early 1980s) in the observational esti-
mates that was not simulated by climate models (Hegerl et al., 2007b,
see their Table 9.4). The large decadal variability in observations raised
concerns about the capacity of climate models to simulate observed
variability. There were also lingering concerns about the presence of
non-climate–related biases in the observations of ocean heat content
change (Gregory et al., 2004; AchutaRao et al., 2006). After the IPCC
AR4 report in 2007, time-and depth-dependent systematic errors in
bathythermograph temperatures were discovered (Gouretski and
Koltermann, 2007; Section 3.2). Bathythermograph data account for a
large fraction of the historical temperature observations and are there-
fore a source of bias in ocean heat content studies. Bias corrections
were then developed and applied to observations. With the newer
bias-corrected estimates (Domingues et al., 2008; Wijffels et al., 2008;
Ishii and Kimoto, 2009; Levitus et al., 2009), it became obvious that the
large decadal variability in earlier estimates of global upper-ocean heat
content was an observational artefact (Section 3.2).
The interannual to decadal variability of ocean temperature simulat-
ed by the CMIP3 models agrees better with observations when the
model data is sampled using the observational data mask (AchutaRao
et al., 2007). In the upper 700 m, CMIP3 model simulations agreed
more closely with observational estimates of global ocean heat con-
tent based on bias-corrected ocean temperature data, both in terms of
the decadal variability and multi-decadal trend (Figure 10.14a) when
forced with the most complete set of natural and anthropogenic forc-
ings (Domingues et al., 2008). For the simulations with the most com-
plete set of forcings, the multi-model ensemble mean trend was only
10% smaller than observed for 1961–1999. Model simulations that
included only anthropogenic forcing (i.e., no solar or volcanic forcing)
significantly overestimate the multi-decadal trend and underestimate
decadal variability. This overestimate of the trend is partially caused
by the ocean’s response to volcanic eruptions, which results in rapid
cooling followed by decadal or longer time variations during the recov-
ery phase. Although it has been suggested (Gregory, 2010) that the
cooling trend from successive volcanic events is an artefact because
models were not spun up with volcanic forcing, this discrepancy is not
expected to be as significant in the upper ocean as in the deeper layers
where longer term adjustments take place (Gregory et al., 2012 ). Thus
for the upper ocean, there is high confidence that the more frequent
eruptions during the second half of the 20th century have caused a
multi-decadal cooling that partially offsets the anthropogenic warm-
ing and contributes to the apparent decadal variability (Church et al.,
2005; Delworth et al., 2005; Fyfe, 2006; Gleckler et al., 2006; Gregory
et al., 2006; AchutaRao et al., 2007; Domingues et al., 2008; Palmer et
al., 2009; Stenchikov et al., 2009).
Gleckler et al. (2012) examined the detection and attribution of upper-
ocean warming in the context of uncertainties in the underlying
observational data sets, models and methods. Using three bias-cor-
rected observational estimates of upper-ocean temperature changes
(Domingues et al., 2008; Ishii and Kimoto, 2009; Levitus et al., 2009)
and models from the CMIP3 multi-model archive, they found that mul-
ti-decadal trends in the observations were best understood by includ-
ing contributions from both natural and anthropogenic forcings. The
anthropogenic fingerprint in observed upper-ocean warming, driven by
global mean and basin-scale pattern changes, was also detected. The
strength of this signal (estimated from successively longer trend peri-
ods of ocean heat content starting from 1970) crossed the 5% and 1%
significance threshold in 1980 and progressively becomes more strong-
ly detected for longer trend periods (Figure 10.14b), for all ocean heat
content time series. This stronger detection for longer periods occurs
because the noise (standard deviation of trends in the unforced chang-
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
es in pattern similarity from model control runs) tends to decrease for
longer trend lengths. On decadal time scales, there is limited evidence
that basin scale space-time variability structure of CMIP3 models is
approximately 25% lower than the (poorly constrained) observations,
this underestimate is far less than the factor of 2 needed to throw
the anthropogenic fingerprint into question. This result is robust to a
number of known observational, model, methodological and structural
An analysis of upper-ocean (0 to 700 m) temperature changes for
1955–2004, using bias-corrected observations and 20 global climate
models from CMIP5 (Pierce et al., 2012) builds on previous detection
and attribution studies of ocean temperature (Barnett et al., 2001,
2005; Pierce et al., 2006). This analysis found that observed tempera-
ture changes during the above period are inconsistent with the effects
of natural climate variability. That is signal strengths are separated
from zero at the 5% significance level, and the probability that the
Figure 10.14 | (A) Comparison of observed global ocean heat content for the upper 700 m (updated from Domingues et al. 2008) with simulations from ten CMIP5 models that
included only natural forcings (‘HistoricalNat’ runs shown in blue lines) and simulations that included natural and anthropogenic forcings (‘Historical’ runs in pink lines). Grey shad-
ing shows observational uncertainty. The global mean stratospheric optical depth (Sato et al., 1993) in beige at the bottom indicates the major volcanic eruptions and the brown
curve is a 3-year running average of these values. (B) Signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio (plotted as a function of increasing trend length L) of basin-scale changes in volume averaged
temperature of newer, expendable bathythermograph (XBT)-corrected data (solid red, purple and blue lines), older, uncorrected data (dashed red and blue lines); the average of
the three corrected observational sets (AveObs; dashed cyan line); and simulations that include volcanic (V) or exclude volcanic eruptions (NoV) (black solid and grey dashed lines
respectively). The start date for the calculation of signal trends is 1970 and the initial trend length is 10 years. The 1% and 5% significance thresholds are shown (as horizontal grey
lines) and assume a Gaussian distribution of noise trends in the V-models control-run pseudo-principal components. The detection time is defined as the year at which S/N exceeds
and remains above 1% or 5% significance threshold (Gleckler et al., 2012).
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
null hypothesis of observed changes being consistent with natural var-
iability is less than 0.05 from variability either internal to the climate
system alone, or externally forced by solar fluctuations and volcanic
eruptions. However, the observed ocean changes are consistent with
those expected from anthropogenically induced atmospheric changes
from GHGs and aerosol concentrations.
Attribution to anthropogenic warming from recent detection and attri-
bution studies (Gleckler et al., 2012; Pierce et al., 2012) have made use
of new bias-corrected observations and have systematically explored
methodological uncertainties, yielding more confidence in the results.
With greater consistency and agreement across observational data
sets and resolution of structural issues, the major uncertainties at the
time of AR4 have now largely been resolved. The high levels of confi-
dence and the increased understanding of the contributions from both
natural and anthropogenic sources across the many studies mean that
it is very likely that the increase in global ocean heat content observed
in the upper 700 m since the 1970s has a substantial contribution from
anthropogenic forcing.
Although there is high confidence in understanding the causes of global
heat content increases, attribution of regional heat content changes
are less certain. Earlier regional studies used a fixed depth data and
only considered basin-scale averages (Barnett et al., 2005). At regional
scales, however, changes in advection of ocean heat are important and
need to be isolated from changes due to air–sea heat fluxes (Palmer
et al., 2009; Grist et al., 2010). Their fixed isotherm (rather than fixed
depth) approach to optimal detection analysis, in addition to being
largely insensitive to observational biases, is designed to separate the
ocean’s response to air–sea flux changes from advective changes. Air–
sea fluxes are the primary mechanism by which the oceans are expect-
ed to respond to externally forced anthropogenic and natural volcanic
influences. The finer temporal resolution of the analysis allowed Palmer
et al. (2009) to attribute distinct short-lived cooling episodes to major
volcanic eruptions while, at multi-decadal time scales, a more spatially
uniform near-surface (~ upper 200 m) warming pattern was detected
across all ocean basins (except in high latitudes where the isotherm
approach has limitations due to outcropping of isotherms at the ocean
surface) and attributed to anthropogenic causes at the 5% significance
level. Considering that individual ocean basins are affected by different
observational and modelling uncertainties and that internal variabili-
ty is larger at smaller scales, detection of significant anthropogenic
forcing through space and time studies (Palmer et al., 2009; Pierce et
al., 2012) provides more compelling evidence of human influence at
regional scales of near-surface ocean warming observed during the
second half of the 20th century.
10.4.2 Ocean Salinity and Freshwater Fluxes
There is increasing recognition of the importance of ocean salinity as
an essential climate variable (Doherty et al., 2009), particularly for
understanding the hydrological cycle. In the IPCC Fourth Assessment
Report observed ocean salinity change indicated that there was a sys-
tematic pattern of increased salinity in the shallow subtropics and a
tendency to freshening of waters that originate in the polar regions
(Bindoff et al., 2007; Hegerl et al., 2007b) (Figure 10.15a, upper and
lower panels). New atlases and revisions of the earlier work based on
the increasing number of the Array for Real-time Geostrophic Ocean-
ography (ARGO) profile data, and historical data have extended the
observational salinity data sets allowing the examination of the long-
term changes at the surface and in the interior of the ocean (Section
3.3) and supporting analyses of precipitation changes over land (see
Sections and 2.5.1).
Patterns of subsurface salinity changes largely follow the existing
mean salinity pattern at the surface and within the ocean. For example,
the inter-basin contrast between the Atlantic (salty) and Pacific Oceans
(fresh) has intensified over the observed record (Boyer et al., 2005;
Hosoda et al., 2009; Roemmich and Gilson, 2009; von Schuckmann
et al., 2009; Durack and Wijffels, 2010). In the Southern Ocean, many
studies show a coherent freshening of Antarctic Intermediate Water
that is subducted at about 50°S (Johnson and Orsi, 1997; Wong et al.,
1999; Bindoff and McDougall, 2000; Curry et al., 2003; Boyer et al.,
2005; Roemmich and Gilson, 2009; Durack and Wijffels, 2010; Helm et
al., 2010; Kobayashi et al., 2012). There is also a clear increase in salin-
ity of the high-salinity subtropical waters (Durack and Wijffels, 2010;
Helm et al., 2010).
The 50-year trends in surface salinity show that there is a strong pos-
itive correlation between the mean climate of the surface salinity and
its temporal changes from 1950 to 2000 (see Figures 3.4 and 10.15b
‘ocean obs’ point). The correlation between the climate and the trends
in surface salinity of 0.7 implies that fresh surface waters get fresh-
er, and salty waters get saltier (Durack et al., 2012). Such patterns of
surface salinity change are also found in Atmosphere–Ocean General
Circulation Models (AOGCM) simulations both for the 20th century
and projected future changes into the 21st century (Figure 10.15b).
The pattern of temporal change in observations from CMIP3 simula-
tions is particularly strong for those projections using Special Report on
Emission Scenarios (SRES) with larger global warming changes (Figure
10.15b). For the period 1950–2000 the observed amplification of the
surface salinity is 16 ± 10% per °C of warming and is twice the simu-
lated surface salinity change in CMIP3 models. This difference between
the surface salinity amplification is plausibly caused by the tendency
of CMIP3 ocean models mixing surface salinity into deeper layers and
consequently surface salinity increases at a slower rate than observed
(Durack et al., 2012).
Although there are now many established observed long-term trends
of salinity change at the ocean surface and within the interior ocean
at regional and global scales (Section 3.3), there are relatively few
studies that attribute these changes formally to anthropogenic forcing.
Analysis at the regional scale of the observed recent surface salinity
increases in the North Atlantic (20°N to 50°N) show a small signal that
could be attributed to anthropogenic forcings but for this ocean is not
significant compared with internal variability (Stott et al., 2008a; Terray
et al., 2012; and Figure 10.15c). On a larger spatial scale, the surface
salinity patterns in the band from 30°S to 50°N show anthropogenic
contributions that are larger than the 5 to 95% uncertainty range
(Terray et al., 2012). The strongest signals that can be attributed to
anthropogenic forcing are in the tropics (TRO, 30°S to 30°N) and the
western Pacific. These results also show the salinity contrast between
the Pacific and Atlantic oceans is also enhanced with significant
contributions from anthropogenic forcing.
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
Figure 10.15 | Ocean salinity change and hydrologic cycle. (A) Ocean salinity change observed in the interior of the ocean (A, lower panel in practical salinity units or psu, and
white lines are surfaces of constant density) and comparison with ten CMIP3 model projections of precipitation minus evaporation δ (P – E) in mm yr
for the same period as the
observed changes (1970 to 1990s) (A, top panel, red line is the mean of the simulations and error bars are the simulated range). (B) The amplification of the current surface salinity
pattern over a 50-year period as a function of global temperature change. Ocean surface salinity pattern amplification has a 16% increase for the 1950–2000 period (red diamond,
see text and Section 3.3). Also on this panel CMIP3 simulations from Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES) (yellow squares) and from 20th century simulations (blue circles).
A total of 93 simulations have been used. (C) Regional detection and attribution in the equatorial Pacific and Atlantic Oceans for 1970 to 2002. Scaling factors for all forcings
(anthropogenic) fingerprint are shown (see Box 10.1) with their 5 to 95% uncertainty range, estimated using the total least square approach. Full domain (FDO, 30°S to 50°N),
Tropics (TRO, 30°S to 30°N), Pacific (PAC, 30°S to 30°N), west Pacific (WPAC, 120°E to 160°W), east Pacific (EPAC, 160°W to 80°W), Atlantic (ATL, 30°S to 50°N), subtropical north
Atlantic (NATL, 20°N to 40°N) and equatorial Atlantic (EATL, 20°S to 20°N) factors are shown. Black filled dots indicate when the residual consistency test passes with a truncation
of 16 whereas empty circles indicate a higher truncation was needed to pass the consistency test. Horizontal dashed lines indicate scaling factor of 0 or 1. (A, B and C are adapted
from Helm et al. (2010), Durack et al. (2012) and Terray et al. (2012), respectively.)
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
On a global scale surface and subsurface salinity changes (1955–2004)
over the upper 250 m of the water column cannot be explained by
natural variability (probability is <0.05) (Pierce et al., 2012). However,
the observed salinity changes match the model distribution of forced
changes (GHG and tropospheric aerosols), with the observations
typically falling between the 25th and 75th percentile of the model
distribution at all depth levels for salinity (and temperature). Natural
external variability taken from the simulations with just solar and vol-
canic variations in forcing do not match the observations at all, thus
excluding the hypothesis that observed trends can be explained by just
solar or volcanic variations.
The results from surface salinity trends and changes are consistent
with the results from studies of precipitation over the tropical ocean
from the shorter satellite record (Wentz et al., 2007; Allan et al., 2010).
These surface salinity results are also consistent with our understand-
ing of the thermodynamic response of the atmosphere to warming
(Held and Soden, 2006; Stephens and Hu, 2010) and the amplification
of the water cycle. The large number of studies showing patterns of
change consistent with amplification of the water cycle, and the detec-
tion and attribution studies for the tropical oceans (Terray et al., 2012)
and the global pattern of ocean salinity change (Pierce et al., 2012),
when combined with our understanding of the physics of the water
cycle and estimates of internal climate variability, give high confidence
in our understanding of the drivers of surface and near surface salinity
changes. It is very likely that these salinity changes have a discernable
contribution from anthropogenic forcing since the 1960s.
10.4.3 Sea Level
At the time of the AR4, the historical sea level rise budget had not been
closed (within uncertainties), and there were few studies quantifying
the contribution of anthropogenic forcing to the observed sea level
rise and glacier melting. Relying on expert assessment, the AR4 had
concluded based on modelling and ocean heat content studies that
ocean warming and glacier mass loss had very likely contributed to
sea level rise during the latter half of the 20th century. The AR4 had
reported that climate models that included anthropogenic and natural
forcings simulated the observed thermal expansion since 1961 reason-
ably well, and that it is very unlikely that the warming during the past
half century is due only to known natural causes (Hegerl et al., 2007b).
Since the AR4, corrections applied to instrumental errors in ocean
temperature measurements have considerably improved estimates of
upper-ocean heat content (see Sections 3.2 and 10.4.1), and there-
fore ocean thermal expansion. Closure of the global mean sea level
rise budget as an evolving time series since the early1970s (Church
et al., 2011) indicates that the two major contributions to the rate of
global mean sea level rise have been thermal expansion and glacier
melting with additional contributions from Greenland and Antarctic
ice sheets. Observations since 1971 indicate with high confidence that
thermal expansion and glaciers (excluding the glaciers in Antarctica)
explain 75% of the observed rise (see Section 13.3.6). Ice sheet con-
tributions remain the greatest source of uncertainty over this period
and on longer time scales. Over the 20th century, the global mean sea
level rise budget (Gregory et al., 2012 ) has been another important
step in understanding the relative contributions of different drivers.
The observed contribution from thermal expansion is well captured
in climate model simulations with historical forcings as are contribu-
tions from glacier melt when simulated by glacier models driven by
climate model simulations of historical climate (Church et al., 2013;
Table 13.1). The model results indicate that most of the variation in the
contributions of thermal expansion and glacier melt to global mean
sea level is in response to natural and anthropogenic RFs (Domingues
et al., 2008; Palmer et al., 2009; Church et al., 2013).
The strong physical relationship between thermosteric sea level and
ocean heat content (through the equation of state for seawater) means
that the anthropogenic ocean warming (Section 10.4.1) has contribut-
ed to global sea level rise over this period through thermal expansion.
As Section 10.5.2 concludes, it is likely that the observed substantial
mass loss of glaciers is due to human influence and that it is likely
that anthropogenic forcing and internal variability are both contribu-
tors to recent observed changes on the Greenland ice sheet. The causes
of recently observed Antarctic ice sheet contribution to sea level are
less clear due to the short observational record and incomplete under-
standing of natural variability. Taking the causes of Greenland ice sheet
melt and glacier mass loss together (see Section 10.5.2), it is concluded
with high confidence that it is likely that anthropogenic forcing has
contributed to sea level rise from melting glaciers and ice sheets. Com-
bining the evidence from ocean warming and mass loss of glaciers we
conclude that it is very likely that there is a substantial contribution
from anthropogenic forcing to the global mean sea level rise since the
On ocean basin scales, detection and attribution studies do show the
emergence of detectable signals in the thermosteric component of sea
level that can be largely attributed to human influence (Barnett et al.,
2005; Pierce et al., 2012). Regional changes in sea level at the sub-
ocean basin scales and finer exhibit more complex variations asso-
ciated with natural (dynamical) modes of climate variability (Section
13.6). In some regions, sea level trends have been observed to differ
significantly from global mean trends. These have been related to
thermosteric changes in some areas and in others to changing wind
fields and resulting changes in the ocean circulation (Han et al., 2010;
Timmermann et al., 2010; Merrifield and Maltrud, 2011). The regional
variability on decadal and longer time scales can be quite large (and
is not well quantified in currently available observations) compared
to secular changes in the winds that influence sea level. Detection of
human influences on sea level at the regional scale (that is smaller
than sub-ocean basin scales) is currently limited by the relatively small
anthropogenic contributions compared to natural variability (Meyssig-
nac et al., 2012) and the need for more sophisticated approaches than
currently available.
10.4.4 Oxygen and Ocean Acidity
Oxygen is an important physical and biological tracer in the ocean
(Section 3.8.3) and is projected to decline by 3 to 6% by 2100 in
response to surface warming (see Section 6.4.5). Oxygen decreases are
also observed in the atmosphere and linked to burning of fossil fuels
(Section Despite the relatively few observational studies of
oxygen change in the oceans (Bindoff and McDougall, 2000; Ono et al.,
2001; Keeling and Garcia, 2002; Emerson et al., 2004; Aoki et al., 2005;
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
Mecking et al., 2006; Nakanowatari et al., 2007; Brandt et al., 2010)
they all show a pattern of change consistent with the known ocean
circulation and surface ventilation. A recent global analysis of oxygen
data from the 1960s to 1990s for change confirm these earlier results
and extends the spatial coverage from local to global scales (Helm et
al., 2011). The strongest decreases in oxygen occur in the mid-latitudes
of both hemispheres, near regions where there is strong water renew-
al and exchange between the ocean interior and surface waters. The
attribution study of oxygen decreases using two Earth System Models
(ESMs) concluded that observed changes for the Atlantic Ocean are
‘indistinguishable from natural internal variability’; however, the
changes of the global zonal mean to external forcing (all forcings
including GHGs) has a detectable influence at the 10% significance
level (Andrews et al., 2013). The chief sources of uncertainty are the
paucity of oxygen observations, particularly in time, the precise role of
the biological pump and changes in ocean productivity in the models
(see Sections 3.8.3 and 6.4.5), and model circulation biases particularly
near the oxygen minimum zone in tropical waters (Brandt et al., 2010;
Keeling et al., 2010; Stramma et al., 2010). These results of observed
changes in oxygen and the attribution studies of oxygen changes
(Andrews et al., 2013), along with the attribution of human influences
on the physical factors that affect oxygen in the oceans such as surface
temperatures changes (Section 10.3.2), increased ocean heat content
(Section 10.4.1) and observed increased in ocean stratification (Section
3.2.2) provides evidence for human influence on oxygen. When these
lines of evidence are taken together it is concluded that with medium
confidence or about as likely as not that the observed oxygen decreas-
es can be attributed in part to human influences.
The observed trends (since the 1980s) for ocean acidification and its
cause from rising CO
concentrations is discussed in Section 3.8.2 (Box
3.2 and Table 10.1). There is very high confidence that anthropogen-
ic CO
has resulted in the acidification of surface waters of between
–0.0015 and –0.0024 pH units per year.
10.5 Cryosphere
This section considers changes in sea ice, ice sheets and ice shelves,
glaciers, snow cover. The assessment of attribution of human influenc-
es on temperature over the Arctic and Antarctica is in Section 10.3.1.
10.5.1 Sea Ice Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice
The Arctic cryosphere shows large observed changes over the last
decade as noted in Chapter 4 and many of these shifts are indicators
of major regional and global feedback processes (Kattsov et al., 2010).
An assessment of sea ice models‘ capacity to simulate Arctic and Ant-
arctic sea ice extent is given in Section 9.4.3. Of principal importance is
Arctic Amplification’ (see Box 5.1) where surface temperatures in the
Arctic are increasing faster than elsewhere in the world.
The rate of decline of Arctic sea ice thickness and September sea ice
extent has increased considerably in the first decade of the 21st cen-
tury (Maslanik et al., 2007; Nghiem et al., 2007; Comiso and Nishio,
2008; Deser and Teng, 2008; Zhang et al., 2008; Alekseev et al., 2009;
Comiso, 2012; Polyakov et al., 2012). Based on a sea ice reanalysis
and verified by ice thickness estimates from satellite sensors, it is
estimated that three quarters of summer Arctic sea ice volume has
been lost since the 1980s (Schweiger et al., 2011; Maslowski et al.,
2012; Laxon et al., 2013; Overland and Wang, 2013). There was also
a rapid reduction in ice extent, to 37% less in September 2007 and to
49% less in September 2012 relative to the 1979–2000 climatology
(Figure 4.11, Section 4.2.2). Unlike the loss record set in 2007 that
was dominated by a major shift in climatological winds, sea ice loss
in 2012 was more due to a general thinning of the sea ice (Lindsay
et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2009a; Zhang et al., 2013). All recent years
have ice extents that fall at least two standard deviations below the
long-term sea ice trend.
The amount of old, thick multi-year sea ice in the Arctic has decreased
by 50% from 2005 through 2012 (Giles et al., 2008; Kwok et al., 2009;
Kwok and Untersteiner, 2011 and Figures 4.13 and 4.14). Sea ice has
also become more mobile (Gascard et al., 2008). We now have seven
years of data that show sea ice conditions are substantially different
to that observed prior to 2006. The relatively large increase in the per-
centage of first year sea ice across the Arctic basin can be considered
‘a new normal.’
Confidence in detection of change comes in part from the consistency
of multiple lines of evidence. Since AR4, evidence has continued to
accumulate from a range of observational studies that systematic
changes are occurring in the Arctic. Persistent trends in many Arctic
variables, including sea ice, the timing of spring snow melt, increased
shrubbiness in tundra regions, changes in permafrost, increased area of
forest fires, changes in ecosystems, as well as Arctic-wide increases in
air temperatures, can no longer be associated solely with the dominant
climate variability patterns such as the Arctic Oscillation, Pacific North
American pattern or Atlantic Meridional Oscillation (AMO) (Quadrelli
and Wallace, 2004; Vorosmarty et al., 2008; Overland, 2009; Brown and
Robinson, 2011; Mahajan et al., 2011; Oza et al., 2011a; Wassmann et
al., 2011; Nagato and Tanaka, 2012). Duarte et al. (2012) completed a
meta-analysis showing evidence from multiple indicators of detectable
climate change signals in the Arctic.
The increase in the magnitude of recent Arctic temperature and
decrease in sea ice volume and extent are hypothesized to be due to
coupled Arctic amplification mechanisms (Serreze and Francis, 2006;
Miller et al., 2010). These feedbacks in the Arctic climate system sug-
gest that the Arctic is sensitive to external forcing (Mahlstein and
Knutti, 2012 ). Historically, changes were damped by the rapid forma-
tion of sea ice in autumn causing a negative feedback and a rapid
seasonal cooling. But recently, the increased mobility and loss of multi-
year sea ice, combined with enhanced heat storage in the sea ice-free
regions of the Arctic Ocean form a connected set of processes with
positive feedbacks causing an increase in Arctic temperatures and a
decrease in sea ice extent (Manabe and Wetherald, 1975; Gascard et
al., 2008; Serreze et al., 2009; Stroeve et al., 2012a, 2012b) . In addition
to the well known ice albedo feedback where decreased sea ice cover
decreases the amount of insolation reflected from the surface, there
is a late summer/early autumn positive ice insulation feedback due to
additional ocean heat storage in areas previously covered by sea ice
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
(Jackson et al., 2010). Arctic amplification may also have a contribution
from poleward heat transport in the atmosphere and ocean (Langen
and Alexeev, 2007; Graversen and Wang, 2009; Doscher et al., 2010;
Yang et al., 2010).
It appears that recent Arctic changes are in response to a combination
of global-scale warming, from warm anomalies from internal climate
variability on different time scales, and are amplified from the mul-
tiple feedbacks described above. For example, when the 2007 sea ice
minimum occurred, Arctic temperatures had been rising and sea ice
extent had been decreasing over the previous two decades (Stroeve et
al., 2008; Screen and Simmonds, 2010). Nevertheless, it took unusually
persistent southerly winds along the dateline over the summer months
to initiate the sea ice loss event in 2007 (Zhang et al., 2008; Wang et
al., 2009b). Similar southerly wind patterns in previous years did not
initiate major reductions in sea ice extent because the sea ice was
too thick to respond (Overland et al., 2008). Increased oceanic heat
transport through the Barents Sea in the first decade of the 21st cen-
tury and the AMO on longer time scales may also have played a role
in determining sea ice anomalies in the Atlantic Arctic (Dickson et al.,
2000; Semenov, 2008; Zhang et al., 2008; Day et al., 2012) . Based
on the evidence in the previous paragraphs there is high confidence
that these Arctic amplification mechanisms are currently affecting
regional Arctic climate. But it also suggests that the timing of future
major sea ice loss events will be difficult to project. There is evidence
therefore that internal variability of climate, long-term warming, and
Arctic Amplification feedbacks have all contributed to recent decreases
in Arctic sea ice (Kay et al., 2011b; Kinnard et al., 2011; Overland et al.,
2011; Notz and Marotzke, 2012).
Turning to model-based attribution studies, Min et al. (2008b) com-
pared the seasonal evolution of Arctic sea ice extent from observations
with those simulated by multiple General Circulation Models (GCMs)
for 1953–2006. Comparing changes in both the amplitude and shape
of the annual cycle of the sea ice extent reduces the chance of spuri-
ous detection due to coincidental agreement between the response
to anthropogenic forcing and other factors, such as slow internal vari-
ability. They found that human influence on the sea ice extent changes
has been robustly detected since the early 1990s. The anthropogenic
signal is also detectable for individual months from May to December,
suggesting that human influence, strongest in late summer, now also
extends into colder seasons. Kay et al. (2011b), Jahn et al. (2012) and
Schweiger et al. (2011) used the Community Climate System Model 4
(CCSM4) to investigate the influence of anthropogenic forcing on late
20th century and early 21st century Arctic sea ice extent and volume
trends. On all time scales examined (2 to 50+ years), the most extreme
negative extent trends observed in the late 20th century cannot be
explained by modeled internal variability alone. Comparing trends
from the CCSM4 ensemble to observed trends suggests that inter-
nal variability could account for approximately half of the observed
1979–2005 September Arctic sea ice extent loss. Attribution of anthro-
pogenic forcing is also shown by comparing September sea ice extent
as projected by seven models from the set of CMIP5 models’ hindcasts
to control runs without anthropogenic forcing (Figure 10.16a; Wang
and Overland, 2009). The mean of sea ice extents in seven models’
ensemble members are below the level of their control runs by about
1995, similar to the result of Min et al. (2008b).
A question as recently as 6 years ago was whether the recent Arctic
warming and sea ice loss was unique in the instrumental record and
whether the observed trend would continue (Serreze et al., 2007).
Arctic temperature anomalies in the 1930s were apparently as large as
those in the 1990s and 2000s. There is still considerable discussion of
the ultimate causes of the warm temperature anomalies that occurred
in the Arctic in the 1920s and 1930s (Ahlmann, 1948; Veryard, 1963;
Hegerl et al., 2007a, 2007b). The early 20th century warm period, while
reflected in the hemispheric average air temperature record (Brohan et
al., 2006), did not appear consistently in the mid-latitudes nor on the
Pacific side of the Arctic (Johannessen et al., 2004; Wood and Overland,
2010). Polyakov et al. (2003) argued that the Arctic air temperature
records reflected a natural cycle of about 50 to 80 years. However,
many authors (Bengtsson et al., 2004; Grant et al., 2009; Wood and
Overland, 2010; Brönnimann et al., 2012) instead link the 1930s tem-
peratures to internal variability in the North Atlantic atmospheric and
ocean circulation as a single episode that was sustained by ocean
and sea ice processes in the Arctic and north Atlantic. The Arctic-wide
increases of temperature in the last decade contrast with the episodic
regional increases in the early 20th century, suggesting that it is unlike-
ly that recent increases are due to the same primary climate process as
the early 20th century.
In the case of the Arctic we have high confidence in observations since
1979, from models (see Section 9.4.3 and from simulations comparing
with and without anthropogenic forcing), and from physical under-
standing of the dominant processes; taking these three factors togeth-
er it is very likely that anthropogenic forcing has contributed to the
observed decreases in Arctic sea ice since 1979.
Whereas sea ice extent in the Arctic has decreased, sea ice extent in the
Antarctic has very likely increased (Section 4.2.3). Sea ice extent across
the SH over the year as a whole increased by 1.3 to 1.67% per decade
from 1979 to 2012, with the largest increase in the Ross Sea during
the autumn, while sea ice extent decreased in the Amundsen-Belling-
shausen Sea (Comiso and Nishio, 2008; Turner et al., 2009, 2013; Sec-
tion 4.2.3; Oza et al., 2011b). The observed upward trend in Antarctic
sea ice extent is found to be inconsistent with internal variability based
on the residuals from a linear trend fitted to the observations, though
this approach could underestimate multi-decadal variability (Section
4.2.3; Turner et al., 2013; Section 4.2.3; Zunz et al., 2013). The CMIP5
simulations on average simulate a decrease in Antarctic sea ice extent
(Turner et al., 2013; Zunz et al., 2013; Figure 10.16b), though Turner et
al. (2013) find that approximately 10% of CMIP5 simulations exhibit
an increasing trend in Antarctic sea ice extent larger than observed
over the 1979–2005 period. However, Antarctic sea ice extent varia-
bility appears on average to be too large in the CMIP5 models (Turner
et al., 2013; Zunz et al., 2013). Overall, the shortness of the observed
record and differences in simulated and observed variability preclude
an assessment of whether or not the observed increase in Antarctic
sea ice extent is inconsistent with internal variability. Based on Figure
10.16b and Meehl et al. (2007b), the trend of Antarctic sea ice loss in
simulations due to changes in forcing is weak (relative to the Arctic)
and the internal variability is high, and thus the time necessary for
detection is longer than in the Arctic.
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
Figure 10.16 | September sea ice extent for Arctic (top) and Antarctic (bottom) adaptedfrom (Wang and Overland, 2012). Only CMIP5 models that simulated seasonal mean
and magnitude of seasonal cycle in reasonable agreement with observationsare included in the plot. The grey lines are the runs from the pre-industrial control runs, and the red
lines are from Historical simulations runs patched with RCP8.5 runs for the period of 2005–2012. The black line is based on data from National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC).
There are 24 ensemble members from 11 models for the Arctic and 21 members from 6 models for the Antarctic plot. See Supplementary Material for the precise models used in
the top and bottom panel.
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
NH40−90N September ice extent
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
SH40−90S September ice extent
Several recent studies have investigated the possible causes of Antarctic
sea ice trends. Early studies suggested that stratospheric ozone deple-
tion may have driven increasing trends in Antarctic ice extent (Goosse
et al., 2009; Turner et al., 2009; WMO (World Meteorological Organi-
zation), 2011), but recent studies demonstrate that simulated sea ice
extent decreases in response to prescribed changes in stratospheric
ozone (Sigmond and Fyfe, 2010; Bitz and Polvani, 2012). An alternative
explanation for the lack of melting of Antarctic sea ice is that sub-sur-
face ocean warming, and enhanced freshwater input possibly in part
from ice shelf melting, have made the high-latitude Southern Ocean
fresher (see Section 3.3) and more stratified, decreasing the upward
heat flux and driving more sea ice formation (Zhang, 2007; Goosse et
al., 2009; Bintanja et al., 2013). An idealized simulation of the response
to freshwater input similar to that estimate due to ice shelf melting
exhibited an increase in sea ice extent (Bintanja et al., 2013), but this
result has yet to be reproduced with other models. Overall we con-
clude that there is low confidence in the scientific understanding of
the observed increase in Antarctic sea ice extent since 1979, owing to
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
the larger differences between sea ice simulations from CMIP5 models
and to the incomplete and competing scientific explanations for the
causes of change and low confidence in estimates of internal variabil-
ity (Section 9.4.3).
10.5.2 Ice Sheets, Ice Shelves and Glaciers Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets
The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are important to regional and
global climate because (along with other cryospheric elements) they
cause a polar amplification of surface temperatures, a source of fresh
water to the ocean, and represent a source of potentially irrevers-
ible change to the state of the Earth system (Hansen and Lebedeff,
1987). These two ice sheets are important contributors to sea level
rise representing two-thirds of the contributions from all ice covered
regions (Jacob et al., 2012; Pritchard et al., 2012; see Sections 4.4 and
13.3.3). Observations of surface mass balance (increased ablation
versus increased snowfall) are dealt with in Section 4.4.3 and ice sheet
models are discussed in Sections 13.3 and 13.5.
Attribution of change is difficult as ice sheet and glacier changes
are local and ice sheet processes are not generally well represented
in climate models thus precluding formal single-step detection and
attribution studies. However, Greenland observational records show
large recent changes. Section 13.3 concludes that regional models for
Greenland can reproduce trends in the surface mass balance loss quite
well if they are forced with the observed meteorological record, but
not with forcings from a Global Climate Model. Regional model simula-
tions (Fettweis et al., 2013) show that Greenland surface melt increas-
es nonlinearly with rising temperatures due to the positive feedback
between surface albedo and melt.
There have been exceptional changes in Greenland since 2007 marked
by record-setting high air temperatures, ice loss by melting and
marine-terminating glacier area loss (Hanna et al., 2013; Section 4.4.
4). Along Greenland’s west coast temperatures in 2010 and 2011were
the warmest since record keeping began in 1873 resulting in the high-
est observed melt rates in this region since 1958 (Fettweis et al., 2011).
The annual rate of area loss in marine-terminating glaciers was 3.4
times that of the previous 8 years, when regular observations became
available. In 2012, a new record for summertime ice mass loss was two
standard deviations below the 2003–2012 mean, as estimated from
the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite (Tedes-
co et al., 2012). The trend of summer mass change during 2003–2012
is rather uniform over this period at –29 ± 11 Gt yr
Record surface melts during 2007–2012 summers are linked to per-
sistent atmospheric circulation that favored warm air advection over
Greenland. These persistent events have changed in frequency since the
beginning of the 2000s (L’Heureux et al., 2010; Fettweis et al., 2011).
Hanna et al. (2013) show a weak relation of Greenland temperatures
and ice sheet runoff with the AMO; they more strongly correlate with
a Greenland atmospheric blocking index. Overland et al. (2012) and
Francis and Vavrus (2012) suggest that the increased frequency of the
Greenland blocking pattern is related to broader scale Arctic changes.
Since 2007, internal variability is likely to have further enhanced the
melt over Greenland. Mass loss and melt is also occurring in Greenland
through the intrusion of warm water into the major glaciers such as
Jacobshaven Glacier (Holland et al., 2008; Walker et al., 2009).
Hanna et al. (2008) attribute increased Greenland runoff and melt since
1990 to global warming; southern Greenland coastal and NH summer
temperatures were uncorrelated between the 1960s and early 1990s
but correlated significantly positively thereafter. This relationship was
modulated by the NAO, whose summer index significantly negatively
correlated with southern Greenland summer temperatures until the
early 1990s but not thereafter. Regional modelling and observations
tell a consistent story of the response of Greenland temperatures and
ice sheet runoff to shifts in recent regional atmospheric circulation
associated with larger scale flow patterns and global temperature
increases. It is likely that anthropogenic forcing has contributed to sur-
face melting of the Greenland ice sheet since 1993.
There is clear evidence that the West Antarctic ice sheet is contribut-
ing to sea level rise (Bromwich et al., 2013). Estimates of ice mass in
Antarctic since 2000 show that the greatest losses are at the edges
(see Section 4.4). An analysis of observations underneath a floating ice
shelf off West Antarctica shows that ocean warming and more trans-
port of heat by ocean circulation are largely responsible for increasing
melt rates (Jacobs et al., 2011; Joughin and Alley, 2011; Mankoff et al.,
2012; Pritchard et al., 2012).
Antarctica has regionally dependent decadal variability in surface tem-
perature with variations in these trends depending on the strength of
the SAM climate pattern. Recent warming in continental west Antarc-
tica has been linked to SST changes in the tropical Pacific (Ding et al.,
2011). As with Antarctic sea ice, changes in Antarctic ice sheets have
complex causes (Section 4.4.3). The observational record of Antarctic
mass loss is short and the internal variability of the ice sheet is poorly
understood. Due to a low level of scientific understanding there is low
confidence in attributing the causes of the observed loss of mass from
the Antarctic ice sheet since 1993. Possible future instabilities in the
west Antarctic ice sheet cannot be ruled out, but projection of future
climate changes over West Antarctica remains subject to considerable
uncertainty (Steig and Orsi, 2013). Glaciers
In the 20th century, there is robust evidence that large-scale internal
climate variability governs interannual to decadal variability in glacier
mass (Hodge et al., 1998; Nesje et al., 2000; Vuille et al., 2008; Huss et
al., 2010; Marzeion and Nesje, 2012) and, along with glacier dynamics,
impacts glacier length as well (Chinn et al., 2005). On time periods
longer than years and decades, there is now evidence of recent ice
loss (see Section 4.3.3) due to increased ambient temperatures and
associated regional moisture changes. However, few studies evaluate
the direct attribution of the current observed mass loss to anthropo-
genic forcing, owing to the difficulty associated with contrasting scales
between glaciers and the large-scale atmospheric circulation (Mölg et
al., 2012). Reichert et al. (2002) show for two sample sites at mid and
high latitude that internal climate variability over multiple millennia as
represented in a GCM would not result in such short glacier lengths as
observed in the 20th century. For a sample site at low latitude using
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
multi-step attribution, Mölg et al. (2009) (and references therein) found
a close relation between glacier mass loss and the externally forced
atmosphere–ocean circulation in the Indian Ocean since the late 19th
century. A second, larger group of studies makes use of century-scale
glacier records (mostly glacier length but mass balance as well) to
extract evidence for external drivers. These include local and regional
changes in precipitation and air temperature, and related parameters
(such as melt factors and solid/liquid precipitation ratio) estimated
from the observed change in glaciers. In general these studies show
that the glacier changes reveal unique departures since the 1970s, and
that the inferred climatic drivers in the 20th century and particularly in
most recent decades, exceed the variability of the earlier parts of the
records (Oerlemans, 2005; Yamaguchi et al., 2008; Huss and Bauder,
2009; Huss et al., 2010; Leclercq and Oerlemans, 2011). These results
underline the contrast to former centuries where observed glacier
fluctuations can be explained by internal climate variability (Reichert
et al., 2002; Roe and O’Neal, 2009; Nussbaumer and Zumbühl, 2012).
Anthropogenic land cover change is an unresolved forcing, but a first
assessment suggests that it does not confound the impacts of recent
temperature and precipitation changes if the land cover changes are
of local nature (Mölg et al., 2012). The robustness of the estimates
of observed mass loss since the 1960s (Section 4.3, Figure 4.11), the
confidence we have in estimates of natural variations and internal vari-
ability from long-term glacier records, and our understanding of glacier
response to climatic drivers provides robust evidence and, therefore,
high confidence that a substantial part of the mass loss of glaciers is
likely due to human influence.
10.5.3 Snow Cover
Both satellite and in situ observations show significant reductions in
the NH snow cover extent (SCE) over the past 90 years, with most
reduction occurring in the 1980s (see Section 4.5). Formal detection
and attribution studies have indicated anthropogenic influence on NH
SCE (Rupp et al., 2013) and western USA snow water equivalent (SWE,
Pierce et al., 2008). Pierce et al. (2008) detected anthropogenic influ-
ence in the ratio of 1 April SWE over October to March precipitation
over the period 1950–1999. These reductions could not be explained
by natural internal climate variability alone, nor by changes in solar
and volcanic forcing. In their analysis of NH SCE using 13 CMIP5 sim-
ulations over the 1922–2005 period, Rupp et al. (2013) showed that
some CMIP5 simulations with natural external and anthropogenic
forcings could explain the observed decrease in spring SEC though the
CMIP5 simulations with all forcing as a whole could only explain half
of the magnitude of decrease, and that volcanic and solar variations
(from four CMIP5 simulations) were inconsistent with observations.
We conclude with high confidence in the observational and modelling
evidence that the decrease in NH snow extent since the 1970s is likely
to be caused by all external forcings and has an anthropogenic contri-
bution (see Table 10.1).
10.6 Extremes
Because many of the impacts of climate changes may manifest them-
selves through weather and climate extremes, there is increasing inter-
est in quantifying the role of human and other external influences on
those extremes. SREX assessed causes of changes in different types
of extremes including temperature and precipitation, phenomena that
influence the occurrence of extremes (e.g., storms, tropical cyclones),
and impacts on the natural physical environment such as drought (Sen-
eviratne et al., 2012). This section assesses current understanding of
causes of changes in weather and climate extremes, using AR4 as a
starting point. Any changes or modifications to SREX assessment are
10.6.1 Attribution of Changes in Frequency/
Occurrence and Intensity of Extremes
This sub-section assesses attribution of changes in the characteristics
of extremes including frequency and intensity of extremes. Many of the
extremes discussed in this sub-section are moderate extreme events
that occur more than once in a year (see Box 2.4 for detailed discus-
sion). Attribution of changes in the risk of specific extreme events,
which are also very rare in general, is assessed in the next sub-section. Temperature Extremes
AR4 concluded that ‘surface temperature extremes have likely been
affected by anthropogenic forcing’. Many indicators of climate
extremes and variability showed changes consistent with warming,
including a widespread reduction in number of frost days in mid-lat-
itude regions and evidence that in many regions warm extremes had
become warmer and cold extremes had become less cold. We next
assess new studies made since AR4.
Relatively warm seasonal mean temperatures (e.g., those that have
a recurrence once in 10 years) have seen a rapid increase in frequen-
cy for many regions worldwide (Jones et al., 2008; Stott et al., 2011;
Hansen et al., 2012) and an increase in the occurrence frequencies of
unusually warm seasonal and annual mean temperatures has been
attributed in part to human influence (Stott et al., 2011; Christidis et
al., 2012a, 2012b).
A large amount of evidence supports changes in daily data based tem-
perature extreme indices consistent with warming, despite different
data sets or different methods for data processing having been used
(Section 2.6). The effects of human influence on daily temperature
extremes is suggested by both qualitative and quantitative compar-
isons between observed and CMIP3 based modelled values of warm
days and warm nights (the number of days exceeding the 90th percen-
tile of daily maximum and daily minimum temperatures referred to as
TX90p and TN90p, see also Section 2.7) and cold days and cold nights
(the number of days with daily maximum and daily minimum tem-
peratures below the 10th percentile referred to as TX10p and TN10p;
see also Section 2.7). Trends in temperature extreme indices comput-
ed for Australia (Alexander and Arblaster, 2009) and the USA (Meehl
et al., 2007a) using observations and simulations of the 20th century
with nine GCMs that include both anthropogenic and natural forcings
are found to be consistent. Both observations and model simulations
show a decrease in the number of frost days, and an increase in the
growing season length, heatwave duration and TN90p in the second
half of the 20th century. Two of the models (PCM and CCSM3) with
simulations that include only anthropogenic or only natural forcings
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
indicate that the observed changes are simulated with anthropogenic
forcings, but not with natural forcings (even though there are some
differences in the details of the forcings). Morak et al. (2011) found
that over many sub-continental regions, the number of warm nights
(TN90p) shows detectable changes over the second half of the 20th
century that are consistent with model simulated changes in response
to historical external forcings. They also found detectable changes in
indices of temperature extremes when the data were analysed over
the globe as a whole. As much of the long-term change in TN90p
can be predicted based on the interannual correlation of TN90p with
mean temperature, Morak et al. (2013) conclude that the detectable
changes are attributed in a multi-step approach (see Section 10.2.4)
in part to GHG increases. Morak et al. (2013) have extended this anal-
ysis to TX10p, TN10p, TX90p as well as TN90p, using fingerprints from
HadGEM1 and find detectable changes on global scales and in many
regions (Figure 10.17).
Human influence has also been detected in two different measures
of the intensity of extreme daily temperatures in a year. Zwiers et al.
(2011) compared four extreme temperature variables including warm-
est daily maximum and minimum temperatures (annual maximum
Figure 10.17 | Detection results for changes in intensity and frequency of extreme events. The left side of each panel shows scaling factors and their 90% confidence intervals for
intensity of annual extreme temperatures in response to external forcings for the period 1951–2000. TNn and TXn represent coldest daily minimum and maximum temperatures,
respectively, while TNx and TXx represent warmest daily minimum and maximum temperatures (updated from Zwiers et al., 2011). Fingerprints are based on simulations of climate
models with both anthropogenic and natural forcings. Right-hand sides of each panel show scaling factors and their 90% confidence intervals for changes in the frequency of
temperature extremes for winter (October to March for the Northern Hemisphere and April to September for the Southern Hemisphere), and summer half years. TN10p, TX10p are
respectively the frequency of cold nights and days (daily minimum and daily maximum temperatures falling below their 10th percentiles for the base period 1961–1990). TN90p
and TX90p are the frequency of warm nights and days (daily minimum and daily maximum temperatures above their respective 90th percentiles calculated for the 1961–1990
base period (Morak et al., 2013) with fingerprints based on simulations of Hadley Centre Global Environmental Model 1 (HadGEM1) with both anthropogenic and natural forcings.
Detection is claimed at the 5% significance level if the 90% confidence interval of a scaling factor is entirely above the zero line. Grey represents regions with insufficient data.
daily maximum and minimum temperatures, referred to as TXx, TNx)
and coldest daily maximum and minimum temperatures (annual
minimum daily maximum and minimum temperatures, referred to as
TXn, TNn) from observations and from simulations with anthropogen-
ic forcing or anthropogenic and natural external forcings from seven
GCMs. They consider these extreme daily temperatures to follow gen-
eralized extreme value (GEV) distributions with location, shape and
scale parameters. They fit GEV distributions to the observed extreme
temperatures with location parameters as linear functions of signals
obtained from the model simulation. They found that both anthropo-
genic influence and combined influence of anthropogenic and natural
forcing can be detected in all four extreme temperature variables at
the global scale over the land, and also regionally over many large
land areas (Figure 10.17). In a complementary study, Christidis et al.
(2011) used an optimal fingerprint method to compare observed and
modelled time-varying location parameters of extreme temperature
distributions. They detected the effects of anthropogenic forcing on
warmest daily temperatures in a single fingerprint analysis, and were
able to separate the effects of natural from anthropogenic forcings in
a two fingerprint analysis.
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
Human influence on annual extremes of daily temperatures may be
detected separately from natural forcing at the global scale (Christidis
et al., 2011) and also at continental and sub-continental scales (Min
et al., 2013). Over China, Wen et al. (2013) showed that anthropo-
genic influence may be separately detected from that of natural forc-
ing in daily extreme temperatures (TNn, TNx, TXn and TXx), although
the influence of natural forcing is not detected, and they also showed
that the influence of GHGs in these indices may be separately detect-
ed from other anthropogenic forcings. Christidis et al. (2013) found
that on a quasi-global scale, the cooling effect due to the decrease
in tree cover and increase in grass cover since pre-industrial times as
simulated by one ESM is detectable in the observed change of warm
extremes. Urbanization may have also affected extreme temperatures
in some regions; for example Zhou and Ren (2011) found that extreme
temperature warms more in rural stations than in urban sites in China.
The effect of land use change and urban heat Island is found to be
small in GMST (Section Consequently, this effect on extreme
temperature is also expected to be small in the global average.
These new studies show that there is stronger evidence for anthropo-
genic forcing on changes in extreme temperatures than at the time of
the SREX assessment. New evidence since SREX includes the separation
of the influence of anthropogenic forcings from that of natural forcings
on extreme daily temperatures at the global scale and to some extent
at continental and sub-continental scales in some regions. These new
results suggest more clearly the role of anthropogenic forcing on tem-
perature extremes compared to results at the time of the SREX assess-
ment. We assess that it is very likely that human influence has contrib-
uted to the observed changes in the frequency and intensity of daily
temperature extremes on the global scale since the mid-20th century. Precipitation Extremes
Observations have showed a general increase in heavy precipitation
at the global scale. This appears to be consistent with the expected
response to anthropogenic forcing as a result of an enhanced moisture
content in the atmosphere but a direct cause-and-effect relationship
between changes in external forcing and extreme precipitation had
not been established at the time of the AR4. As a result, the AR4 con-
cluded that increases in heavy precipitation were more likely than not
consistent with anthropogenic influence during the latter half of the
20th century (Hegerl et al., 2007b).
Extreme precipitation is expected to increase with warming. A com-
bination of evidence leads to this conclusion though by how much
remains uncertain and may vary with time scale (Section 7.6.5). Obser-
vations and model projected future changes both indicate increase in
extreme precipitation associated with warming. Analysis of observed
annual maximum 1-day precipitation (RX1day) over global land areas
with sufficient data smaples indicates a significant increase in extreme
percipitation globally, with a median increase about 7% °C
increase (Westra et al., 2013). CMIP3 and CMIP5 simulations project
an increase in the globally averaged 20-year return values of annual
maximum 24-hour precipitation amounts of about 6 to 7% with each
degree Celsius of global mean warming, with the bulk of models sim-
ulating values in the range of 4 to 10% °C
(Kharin et al., 2007; Kharin
et al., 2013). Anthropogenic influence has been detected on various
aspects of the global hydrological cycle (Stott et al., 2010), which is
directly relevant to extreme precipitation changes. An anthropogen-
ic influence on increasing atmospheric moisture content has been
detected (see Section 10.3.2). A higher moisture content in the atmos-
phere would be expected to lead to stronger extreme precipitation as
extreme precipitation typically scales with total column moisture if cir-
culation does not change. An observational analysis shows that winter
maximum daily precipitation in North America has statistically signifi-
cant positive correlations with local atmospheric moisture (Wang and
Zhang, 2008).
There is only a modest body of direct evidence that natural or anthro-
pogenic forcing has affected global mean precipitation (see Section
10.3.2 and Figure 10.10), despite a robust expectation of increased
precipitation (Balan Sarojini et al., 2012 ) and precipitation extremes
(see Section 7.6.5). However, mean precipitation is expected to
increase less than extreme precipitation because of energy constraints
(e.g., Allen and Ingram, 2002). A perfect model analysis with an ensem-
ble of GCM simulations shows that anthropogenic influence should
be detectable in precipitation extremes in the second half of the 20th
century at global and hemispheric scales, and at continental scale as
well but less robustly (Min et al., 2008c), see also Hegerl et al. (2004).
One study has also linked the observed intensification of precipitation
extremes (including RX1day and annual maximum 5-day precipitation
(RX5day)) over NH land areas to human influence using a limited set
of climate models and observations (Min et al., 2011). However, the
detection was less robust if using the fingerprint for combined anthro-
pogenic and natural influences compared to that for anthropogenic
influences only, possibly due to a number of factors including weak
S/N ratio and uncertainties in observation and model simulations. Also,
models still have difficulties in simulating extreme daily precipitation
directly comparable with those observed at the station level, which has
been addressed to some extent by Min et al. (2011) by independently
transforming annual precipitation extremes in models and observations
onto a dimensionless scale that may be more comparable between the
two. Detection of anthropogenic influence on smaller spatial scales
is more difficult due to the increased level of noise and uncertainties
and confounding factors on local scales. Fowler and Wilby (2010) sug-
gested that there may have only been a 50% likelihood of detecting
anthropogenic influence on UK extreme precipitation in winter at that
time, and a very small likelihood of detecting it in other seasons.
Given the evidence of anthropogenic influence on various aspects of
the global hydrological cycle that implies that extreme precipitation
would be expected to have increased and some limited direct evidence
of anthropogenic influence on extreme precipitation, but given also the
difficulties in simulating extreme precipitation by climate models and
limited observational coverage, we assess, consistent with SREX (Sen-
eviratne et al., 2012) that there is medium confidence that anthropo-
genic forcing has contributed to a global scale intensification of heavy
precipitation over the second half of the 20th century in land regions
where observational coverage is sufficient for assessment. Drought
AR4 concluded that that an increased risk of drought was more likely
than not due to anthropogenic forcing during the second half of the
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
20th century. This assessment was based on one detection study that
identified an anthropogenic fingerprint in a global Palmer Drought
Severity Index (PDSI) data set (Burke et al., 2006) and studies of some
regions which indicated that droughts in those regions were linked
to SST changes or to a circulation response to anthropogenic forcing.
SREX (Seneviratne et al., 2012) assessed that there was medium confi-
dence that anthropogenic influence has contributed to some changes
in the drought patterns observed in the second half of the 20th century
based on attributed impact of anthropogenic forcing on precipitation
and temperature changes, and that there was low confidence in the
assessment of changes in drought at the level of single regions.
Drought is a complex phenomenon that is affected by precipitation
predominantly, as well as by other climate variables including temper-
ature, wind speed and solar radiation (e.g., Seneviratne, 2012; Shef-
field et al., 2012). It is also affected by non-atmospheric conditions
such as antecedent soil moisture and land surface conditions. Trends
in two important drought-related climate variables (precipitation and
temperature) are consistent with the expected responses to anthro-
pogenic forcing over the globe. However, there is large uncertainty
in observed changes in drought (Section and its attribution
to causes globally. The evidence for changes in soil moisture indices
and drought indices over the period since 1950 globally is conflicting
(Hoerling et al., 2012; Sheffield et al., 2012; Dai, 2013), possibly due to
the examination of different time periods, different forcing fields used
to drive land surface models and uncertainties in land surface models
(Pitman et al., 2009; Seneviratne et al., 2010; Sheffield et al., 2012).
In a recent study, Sheffield et al. (2012) identify the representation
of potential evaporation as solely dependent on temperature (using
the Thornthwaite-based formulation) as a possible explanation for
their finding that PDSI-based estimates might overestimate historical
drought trends. This stands in partial contradiction to previous assess-
ments suggesting that using a more sophisticated formulation (Pen-
man-Monteith) for potential evaporation did not affect the results of
respective PDSI trends (Dai, 2011; van der Schrier et al., 2011). Sheffield
et al. (2012) argue that issues with the treatment of spurious trends in
atmospheric forcing data sets and/or the choice of calibration periods
explain these conflicting results. These conflicting results point out the
challenges in quantitatively defining and detecting long-term changes
in a multivariable phenomenon such as drought.
Recent long-term droughts in western North America cannot defini-
tively be shown to lie outside the very large envelope of natural precip-
itation variability in this region (Cayan et al., 2010; Seager et al., 2010),
particularly given new evidence of the history of high-magnitude nat-
ural drought and pluvial episodes suggested by palaeoclimatic recon-
structions (see Chapter 5). Low-frequency tropical ocean temperature
anomalies in all ocean basins appear to force circulation changes that
promote regional drought (Hoerling and Kumar, 2003; Seager et al.,
2005; Dai, 2011). Uniform increases in SST are not particularly effective
in this regard (Schubert et al., 2009; Hoerling et al., 2012). Therefore,
the reliable separation of natural variability and forced climate change
will require simulations that accurately reproduce changes in large-
scale SST gradients at all time scales.
In summary, assessment of new observational evidence, in conjunc-
tion with updated simulations of natural and forced climate varia-
bility, indicates that the AR4 conclusions regarding global increasing
trends in droughts since the 1970s should be tempered. There is not
enough evidence to support medium or high confidence of attribution
of increasing trends to anthropogenic forcings as a result of observa-
tional uncertainties and variable results from region to region (Section Combined with difficulties described above in distinguishing
decadal scale variability in drought from long-term climate change we
conclude consistent with SREX that there is low confidence in detec-
tion and attribution of changes in drought over global land areas since
the mid-20th century. Extratropical Cyclones
AR4 concluded that an anthropogenic influence on extratropical
cyclones was not formally detected, owing to large internal variability
and problems due to changes in observing systems. Although there
is evidence that there has been a poleward shift in the storm tracks
(see Section 2.6.4), various causal factors have been cited including
oceanic heating (Butler et al., 2010) and changes in large-scale cir-
culation due to effects of external forcings (Section 10.3.3). Increases
in mid-latitude SST gradients generally lead to stronger storm tracks
that are shifted poleward and increases in subtropical SST gradients
may lead to storm tracks shifting towards the equator (Brayshaw et
al., 2008; Semmler et al., 2008; Kodama and Iwasaki, 2009; Graff and
LaCasce, 2012). However, changes in storm-track intensity are much
more complicated, as they are sensitive to the competing effects of
changes in temperature gradients and static stability at different levels
and are thus not linked to GMST in a simple way (Ulbrich et al., 2009;
O’Gorman, 2010). Overall global average cyclone activity is expected
to change little under moderate GHG forcing (O’Gorman and Schnei-
der, 2008; Ulbrich et al., 2009; Bengtsson and Hodges, 2011), although
in one study, human influence has been detected in geostrophic wind
energy and ocean wave heights derived from sea level pressure data
(Wang et al., 2009b). Tropical Cyclones
AR4 concluded that ‘anthropogenic factors more likely than not have
contributed to an increase in tropical cyclone intensity’ (Hegerl et al.,
2007b). Evidence that supports this assessment was the strong correla-
tion between the Power Dissipation Index (PDI, an index of the destruc-
tiveness of tropical cyclones) and tropical Atlantic SSTs (Emanuel,
2005; Elsner, 2006) and the association between Atlantic warming and
the increase in GMST (Mann and Emanuel, 2006; Trenberth and Shea,
2006). Observations suggest an increase globally in the intensities of
the strongest tropical cyclones (Elsner et al., 2008) but it is difficult
to attribute such changes to particular causes (Knutson et al., 2010).
The US Climate Change Science Program (CCSP; Kunkel et al., 2008)
discussed human contributions to recent hurricane activity based on
a two-step attribution approach. They concluded merely that it is very
likely (Knutson et al., 2010) that human-induced increase in GHGs has
contributed to the increase in SSTs in the hurricane formation regions
and that over the past 50 years there has been a strong statistical
connection between tropical Atlantic SSTs and Atlantic hurricane activ-
ity as measured by the PDI. Knutson et al. (2010), assessed that ‘…it
remains uncertain whether past changes in tropical cyclone activity
have exceeded the variability expected from natural causes.’ Senevi-
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
ratne et al. (2012) concurred with this finding. Section 14.6.1 gives a
detailed account of past and future changes in tropical cyclones. This
section assesses causes of observed changes.
Studies that directly attribute tropical cyclone activity changes to
anthropogenic GHG emission are lacking. Among many factors that
may affect tropical cyclone activity, tropical SSTs have increased and
this increase has been attributed at least in part to anthropogen-
ic forcing (Gillett et al., 2008a). However, there are diverse views on
the connection between tropical cyclone activity and SST (see Section
14.6.1 for details). Strong correlation between the PDI and tropical
Atlantic SSTs (Emanuel, 2005; Elsner, 2006) would suggest an anthro-
pogenic influence on tropical cyclone activity. However, recent stud-
ies also suggest that regional potential intensity correlates with the
difference between regional SSTs and spatially averaged SSTs in the
tropics (Vecchi and Soden, 2007; Xie et al., 2010; Ramsay and Sobel,
2011) and projections are uncertain on whether the relative SST will
increase over the 21st century under GHG forcing (Vecchi et al., 2008;
Xie et al., 2010; Villarini and Vecchi, 2012, 2013) . Analyses of CMIP5
simulations suggest that while PDI over the North Atlantic is project-
ed to increase towards late 21st century no detectable change in PDI
should be present in the 20th century (Villarini and Vecchi, 2013) . On
the other hand, Emanuel et al. (2013) point out that while GCM hind-
casts indeed predict little change over the 20th century, downscaling
driving by reanalysis data that incorporate historical observations are
in much better accord with observations and do indicate a late 20th
century increase.
Some recent studies suggest that the reduction in the aerosol forcing
(both anthropogenic and natural) over the Atlantic since the 1970s
may have contributed to the increase in tropical cyclone activity in the
region (see Section 14.6.1 for details), and similarly that aerosols may
have acted to reduce tropical cyclone activity in the Atlantic in ear-
lier years when aerosol forcing was increasing (Villarini and Vecchi,
2013). However, there are different views on the relative contribution
of aerosols and decadal natural variability of the climate system to
the observed changes in Atlantic tropical cyclone activity among these
studies. Some studies indicate that aerosol changes have been the
main driver (Mann and Emanuel, 2006; Evan et al., 2009; Booth et al.,
2012; Villarini and Vecchi, 2012, 2013). Other studies infer the influ-
ence of natural variability to be as large as or larger than that from
aerosols (Zhang and Delworth, 2009; Villarini and Vecchi, 2012, 2013).
Globally, there is low confidence in any long-term increases in tropical
cyclone activity (Section 2.6.3) and we assess that there is low con-
fidence in attributing global changes to any particular cause. In the
North Atlantic region there is medium confidence that a reduction in
aerosol forcing over the North Atlantic has contributed at least in part
to the observed increase in tropical cyclone activity since the 1970s.
There remains substantial disagreement on the relative importance of
internal variability, GHG forcing and aerosols for this observed trend.
It remains uncertain whether past changes in tropical cyclone activity
are outside the range of natural internal variability.
10.6.2 Attribution of Weather and Climate Events
Since many of the impacts of climate change are likely to manifest
themselves through extreme weather, there is increasing interest in
quantifying the role of human and other external influences on climate
in specific weather events. This presents particular challenges for both
science and the communication of results. It has so far been attempted
for a relatively small number of specific events (e.g., Stott et al., 2004;
Pall et al., 2011) although Peterson et al. (2012) attempt, for the first
time, a coordinated assessment to place different high-impact weather
events of the previous year in a climate perspective. In this assessment,
selected studies are used to illustrate the essential principles of event
attribution: see Stott et al. (2013) for a more exhaustive review.
Two distinct ways have emerged of framing the question of how an
external climate driver like increased GHG levels may have contributed
to an observed weather event. First, the ‘attributable risk’ approach
considers the event as a whole, and asks how the external driver
may have increased or decreased the probability of occurrence of an
event of comparable magnitude. Second, the ‘attributable magnitude’
approach considers how different external factors contributed to the
event or, more specifically, how the external driver may have increased
the magnitude of an event of comparable occurrence probability. Hoer-
ling et al. (2013) uses both methods to infer changes in magnitude and
likelihood of the 2011 Texas heat wave.
Quantifying the absolute risk or probability of an extreme weather
event in the absence of human influence on climate is particularly
challenging. Many of the most extreme events occur because a self-re-
inforcing process that occurs only under extreme conditions amplifies
an initial anomaly (e.g., Fischer et al., 2007). Hence the probability of
occurrence of such events cannot, in general, be estimated simply by
extrapolating from the distribution of less extreme events that are
sampled in the historical record. Proxy records of pre-industrial climate
generally do not resolve high-frequency weather, so inferring changes
in probabilities requires a combination of hard-to-test distributional
assumptions and extreme value theory. Quantifying absolute probabil-
ities with climate models is also difficult because of known biases in
their simulation of extreme events. Hence, with only a couple of excep-
tions (e.g., Hansen et al., 2012), studies have focussed on how risks
have changed or how different factors have contributed to an observed
event, rather than claiming that the absolute probability of occurrence
of that event would have been extremely low in the absence of human
influence on climate.
Even without considering absolute probabilities, there remain con-
siderable uncertainties in quantifying changes in probabilities. The
assessment of such changes will depend on the selected indicator, time
period and spatial scale on which the event is analysed, and the way in
which the event-attribution question is framed can substantially affect
apparent conclusions . If an event occurs in the tail of the distribution,
then a small shift in the distribution as a whole can result in a large
increase in the probability of an event of a given magnitude: hence it
is possible for the same event to be both ‘mostly natural’ in terms of
attributable magnitude (if the shift in the distribution due to human
influence is small compared to the anomaly in the natural variability
that was the primary cause) and ‘mostly anthropogenic’ in terms of
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
attributable risk (if human influence has increased its probability of
occurrence by more than a factor of 2). These issues are discussed fur-
ther using the example of the 2010 Russian heat wave below.
The majority of studies have focussed on quantifying attributable risk.
Formally, risk is a function of both hazard and vulnerability (IPCC,
2012), although most studies attempting to quantify risk in the con-
text of extreme weather do not explicitly use this definition, which is
discussed further in Chapter 19 of WGII, but use the term as a short-
hand for the probability of the occurrence of an event of a given mag-
nitude. Any assessment of change in risk depends on an assumption
of ‘all other things being equal’, including natural drivers of climate
change and vulnerability. Given this assumption, the change in hazard
is proportional to the change in risk, so we will follow the published
literature and continue to refer to Fraction Attributable Risk, defined
as FAR = 1 – P0/P1, P0 being the probability of an event occurring in
the absence of human influence on climate, and P1 the corresponding
probability in a world in which human influence is included. FAR is
thus the fraction of the risk that is attributable to human influence (or,
potentially, any other external driver of climate change) and does not
require knowledge of absolute values of P0 and P1, only their ratio.
For individual events with return times greater than the time scale
over which the signal of human influence is emerging (30 to 50 years,
meaning P0 and P1 less than 2 to 3% in any given year), it is impossi-
ble to observe a change in occurrence frequency directly because of the
shortness of the observed record, so attribution is necessarily a mul-
ti-step procedure. Either a trend in occurrence frequency of more fre-
quent events is attributed to human influence and a statistical model
is then used to extrapolate to the implications for P0 and P1; or an
attributable trend is identified in some other variable, such as surface
temperature, and a physically based weather model is used to assess
the implications for extreme weather risk. Neither approach is free of
assumptions: no atmospheric model is perfect, but statistical extrapo-
lation may also be misleading for reasons given above.
Pall et al. (2011) provide an example of multi-step assessment of
attributable risk using a physically based model, applied to the floods
that occurred in the UK in the autumn of 2000, the wettest autumn
to have occurred in England and Wales since records began. To assess
the contribution of the anthropogenic increase in GHGs to the risk of
these floods, a several thousand member ensemble of atmospheric
models with realistic atmospheric composition, SST and sea ice bound-
ary conditions imposed was compared with a second ensemble with
composition and surface temperatures and sea ice boundary condi-
tions modified to simulate conditions that would have occurred had
there been no anthropogenic increase in GHGs since 1900. Simulated
daily precipitation from these two ensembles was fed into an empirical
rainfall-runoff model and daily England and Wales runoff used as a
proxy for flood risk. Results (Figure 10.18a) show that including the
influence of anthropogenic greenhouse warming increases flood risk
at the threshold relevant to autumn 2000 by around a factor of two in
the majority of cases, but with a broad range of uncertainty: in 10% of
cases the increase in risk is less than 20%.
Kay et al. (2011a), analysing the same ensembles but using a more
sophisticated hydrological model found a reduction in the risk of snow
melt–induced flooding in the spring season (Figure 10.18b) which,
aggregated over the entire year, largely compensated for the increased
risk of precipitation-induced flooding in autumn. This illustrates an
Return time (yr)
Daily runoff in (mm day
a) Autumn runoff, England and Wales
10% 1%
Chance of exceeding
threshold in a given year
1 10 100
Autumn 2000
Return time (yr)
Daily peak flow in (m
b) Spring flow, River Don, UK
1 10 100
Spring 2001
Return time (yr)
Monthly temperature equivalent in (°C)
c) July temperatures, Western Russia
1 10 100
Figure 10.18 | Return times for precipitation-induced floods aggregated over England and Wales for (a) conditions corresponding to September to November 2000 with bound-
ary conditions as observed (blue) and under a range of simulations of the conditions that would have obtained in the absence of anthropogenic greenhouse warming over the
20th century (green) with different AOGCMs used to define the greenhouse signal, black horizontal line corresponds to the threshold exceeded in autumn 2000 (from Pall et al.,
2011); (b) corresponding to January to March 2001 with boundary conditions as observed (blue) and under a range of simulations of the condition that would have obtained in the
absence of anthropogenic greenhouse warming over the 20th century (green) adapted from Kay et al. (2011a); (c) return periods of temperature-geopotential height conditions in
the model simulations for the 1960s (green) and the 2000s (blue). The vertical black arrow shows the anomaly of the 2010 Russian heat wave (black horizontal line) compared to
the July mean temperatures of the 1960s (dashed line). The vertical red arrow gives the increase in temperature for the event whereas the horizontal red arrow shows the change
in the return period (from Otto et al., 2012).
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
important general point: even if a particular flood event may have
been made more likely by human influence on climate, there is no cer-
tainty that all kinds of flood events in that location, country or region
have been made more likely.
Rahmstorf and Coumou (2011) provide an example of an empirical
approach to the estimation of attributable risk applied to the 2010
Russian heat wave. They fit a nonlinear trend to central Russian tem-
peratures and show that the warming that has occurred in this region
since the 1960s has increased the risk of a heat wave of the mag-
nitude observed in 2010 by around a factor of 5, corresponding to
an FAR of 0.8. They do not address what has caused the trend since
1960, although they note that other studies have attributed most of
the large-scale warming over this period to the anthropogenic increase
in GHG concentrations.
Dole et al. (2011) take a different approach to the 2010 Russian heat
wave, focussing on attributable magnitude, analysing contributions
from various external factors, and conclude that this event was ‘mainly
natural in origin’. First, observations show no evidence of a trend in
occurrence frequency of hot Julys in western Russia, and despite the
warming that has occurred since the 1960s, mean July temperatures in
that region actually display a (statistically insignificant) cooling trend
over the century as a whole, in contrast to the case for central and
southern European summer temperatures (Stott et al., 2004). Mem-
bers of the CMIP3 multi-model ensemble likewise show no evidence
of a trend towards warming summers in central Russia. Second, Dole
et al. (2011) note that the 2010 Russian event was associated with
a strong blocking atmospheric flow anomaly, and even the complete
2010 boundary conditions are insufficient to increase the probability
of a prolonged blocking event in this region, in contrast again to the
situation in Europe in 2003. This anomaly in the large-scale atmos-
pheric flow led to low-pressure systems being redirected around the
blocking over Russia causing severe flooding in Pakistan which could
so far not be attributed to anthropogenic causes (van Oldenborgh et
al., 2012), highlighting that a global perspective is necessary to unravel
the different factors influencing individual extreme events (Trenberth
and Fasullo, 2012).
Otto et al. (2012) argue that it is possible to reconcile the results of
Rahmstorf and Coumou (2011) with those of Dole et al. (2011) by
relating the attributable risk and attributable magnitude approaches
to framing the event attribution question. This is illustrated in Figure
10.18c, which shows return times of July temperatures in western
Russia in a large ensemble of atmospheric model simulations for the
1960s (in green) and 2000s (in blue). The threshold exceeded in 2010
is shown by the solid horizontal line which is almost 6°C above 1960s
mean July temperatures, shown by the dashed line. The difference
between the green and blue lines could be characterized as a 1.5°C
increase in the magnitude of a 30-year event (the vertical red arrow,
which is substantially smaller than the size of the anomaly itself, sup-
porting the assertion that the event was ‘mainly natural’ in terms of
attributable magnitude. Alternatively, it could be characterized as a
threefold increase in the risk of the 2010 threshold being exceeded,
supporting the assertion that risk of the event occurring was mainly
attributable to the external trend, consistent with Rahmstorf and
Coumou (2011). Rupp et al. (2012) and Hoerling et al. (2013) reach
similar conclusions about the 2011 Texas heat wave, both noting the
importance of La Niña conditions in the Pacific, with anthropogenic
warming making a relatively small contribution to the magnitude of
the event, but a more substantial contribution to the risk of temper-
atures exceeding a high threshold. This shows that the quantification
of attributable risks and and changes in magnitude are affected by
modelling error (e.g., Visser and Petersen, 2012) as they depend on the
atmospheric model’s ability to simulate the observed anomalies in the
general circulation (Chapter 9).
Because much of the magnitude of these two heat waves is attrib-
utable to atmospheric flow anomalies, any evidence of a causal link
between rising GHGs and the occurrence or persistence of flow anom-
alies such as blocking would have a very substantial impact on attri-
bution claims. Pall et al. (2011) argue that, although flow anomalies
played a substantial role in the autumn 2000 floods in the UK, thermo-
dynamic mechanisms were primarily responsible for the change in risk
between their ensembles. Regardless of whether the statistics of flow
regimes themselves have changed, observed temperatures in recent
years in Europe are distinctly warmer than would be expected for anal-
ogous atmospheric flow regimes in the past, affecting both warm and
cold extremes (Yiou et al., 2007; Cattiaux et al., 2010).
In summary, increasing numbers of studies are finding that the prob-
ability of occurrence of events associated with extremely high tem-
peratures has increased substantially due to the large-scale warming
since the mid-20th century. Because most of this large-scale warming
is very likely due to the increase in atmospheric GHG concentrations, it
is possible to attribute, via a multi-step procedure, some of the increase
in probability of these regional events to human influence on climate.
Such an increase in probability is consistent with the implications of
single-step attribution studies looking at the overall implications of
increasing mean temperatures for the probabilities of exceeding tem-
perature thresholds in some regions. We conclude that it is likely that
human influence has substantially increased the probability of occur-
rence of heat waves in some locations. It is expected that attributable
risks for extreme precipitation events are generally smaller and more
uncertain, consistent with the findings in Kay et al. (2011a) and Pall
et al. (2011). The science of event attribution is still confined to case
studies, often using a single model, and typically focussing on high-im-
pact events for which the issue of human influence has already arisen.
While the increasing risk of heat waves measured as the occurrence of
a previous temperature record being exceeded can simply be explained
by natural variability superimposed by globally increasing temperature,
conclusions for holistic events including general circulation patterns
are specific to the events that have been considered so far and rely on
the representation of relevant processes in the model.
Anthropogenic warming remains a relatively small contributor to the
overall magnitude of any individual short-term event because its mag-
nitude is small relative to natural random weather variability on short
time scales (Dole et al., 2011; Hoerling et al., 2013). Because of this
random variability, weather events continue to occur that have been
made less likely by human influence on climate, such as extreme winter
cold events (Massey et al., 2012), or whose probability of occurrence
has not been significantly affected either way. Quantifying how dif-
ferent external factors contribute to current risks, and how risks are
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
changing, is possible with much higher confidence than quantifying
absolute risk. Biases in climate models, uncertainty in the probability
distribution of the most extreme events and the ambiguity of paleocli-
matic records for short-term events mean that it is not yet possible to
quantify the absolute probability of occurrence of any observed weath-
er event in a hypothetical pristine climate. At present, therefore, the
evidence does not support the claim that we are observing weather
events that would, individually, have been extremely unlikely in the
absence of human-induced climate change, although observed trends
in the concurrence of large numbers of events (see Section 10.6.1)
may be more easily attributable to external factors. The most impor-
tant development since AR4 is an emerging consensus that the role of
external drivers of climate change in specific extreme weather events,
including events that might have occurred in a pre-industrial climate,
can be quantified using a probabilistic approach.
10.7 Multi-century to Millennia Perspective
Evaluating the causes of climate change before the 20th century is
important to test and improve our understanding of the role of inter-
nal and forced natural climate variability for the recent past. This sec-
tion draws on assessment of temperature reconstructions of climate
change over the past millennium and their uncertainty in Chapter 5
(Table 5.A.1; Sections 5.3.5 and 5.5.1 for regional records), and on
comparisons of models and data over the pre-instrumental period in
Chapters 5 and 9 (Sections 5.3.5, 5.5.1 and 9.5.3), and focuses on the
evidence for the contribution by radiatively forced climate change to
reconstructions and early instrumental records. In addition, the residual
variability that is not explained by forcing from palaeoclimatic records
provides a useful comparison to estimates of climate model internal
variability. The model dependence of estimates of internal variability is
an important uncertainty in detection and attribution results.
The inputs for detection and attribution studies for periods covered by
indirect, or proxy, data are affected by more uncertainty than those
from the instrumental period (see Chapter 5), owing to the sparse data
coverage, particularly further back in time, and uncertainty in the link
between proxy data and, for example, temperature. Records of past
radiative influences on climate are also uncertain (Section 5.2; see
Schmidt et al., 2011; Schmidt et al., 2012). For the preindustrial part of
the last millennium changes in solar, volcanic, GHG forcing, and land
use change, along with a small orbital forcing are potentially important
external drivers of climate change. Estimates of solar forcing (Figure
5.1a; Box 10.2) are uncertain, particularly in their amplitude, as well as
in modelling, for example, of the influence of solar forcing on atmos-
pheric circulation involving stratospheric dynamics (see Box 10.2; Gray
et al., 2010). Estimates of past volcanism are reasonably well estab-
lished in their timing, but the magnitude of the RF of individual erup-
tions is uncertain (Figure 5.1a). It is possible that large eruptions had a
more moderated climate effect than simulated by many climate models
due to faster fallout associated with larger particle size (Timmreck et
al., 2009), or increased amounts of injected water vapour (Joshi and
Jones, 2009). Reconstructed changes in land cover and its effect on
climate are also uncertain (Kaplan et al., 2009; Pongratz et al., 2009).
Forcing of WMGHGs shows only very subtle variations over the last
millennium up to 1750. This includes a small drop and partial recovery
in the 17th century (Section 6.2.3, Figure 6.7), followed by increases in
GHG concentrations with industrialization since the middle of the 18th
century (middle of the 19th century for N
O, Figure 6.11).
When interpreting reconstructions of past climate change with the help
of climate models driven with estimates of past forcing, it helps that
the uncertainties in reconstructions and forcing are independent from
each other. Thus, uncertainties in forcing and reconstructions combined
should lead to less, rather than more similarity between fingerprints
of forced climate change and reconstructions, making it improbable
that the response to external drivers is spuriously detected. Howev-
er, this is the case only if all relevant forcings and their uncertainties
are considered, reducing the risk of misattribution due to spurious
correlations between external forcings, and if the data are homoge-
neous and statistical tests properly applied (e.g., Legras et al., 2010).
Hence this section focuses on work that considers all relevant forcings
10.7.1 Causes of Change in Large-Scale Temperature
over the Past Millennium
Despite the uncertainties in reconstructions of past NH mean temper-
atures, there are well-defined climatic episodes in the last millennium
that can be robustly identified (Chapter 5, see also Figure 10.19). Chap-
ter 5 concludes that in response to solar, volcanic and anthropogenic
RFs, climate models simulate temperature changes in the NH which
are generally consistent in magnitude and timing with reconstructions,
within their broad uncertainty ranges (Section 5.3.5). Role of External Forcing in the Last Millennium
The AR4 concluded that A substantial fraction of the reconstructed
NH inter-decadal temperature variability of the seven centuries prior
to 1950 is very likely attributable to natural external forcing’. The lit-
erature since the AR4, and the availability of more simulations of the
last millennium with more complete forcing (see Schmidt et al., 2012),
including solar, volcanic and GHG influences, and generally also land
use change and orbital forcing) and more sophisticated models, to a
much larger extent coupled climate or coupled ESMs (Chapter 9), some
of them with interactive carbon cycle, strengthens these conclusions.
Most reconstructions show correlations with external forcing that are
similar to those found between pre-Paleoclimate Modelling Intercom-
parison Project Phase 3 (PMIP3) simulations of the last millennium
and forcing, suggesting an influence by external forcing (Fernández-
Donado et al., 2013). From a global scale average of new regional
reconstructions, Past Global Changes 2k (PAGES 2k) Consortium
(2013) find that periods with strong volcanic and solar forcing com-
bined occurring over the last millennium show significantly cooler
conditions than randomly selected periods from the last two millen-
nia. Detection analyses based on PMIP3 and CMIP5 model simulations
for the years from 850 to 1950 and also from 850 to 1850 find that
the fingerprint of external forcing is detectable in all reconstructions
of NH mean temperature considered (Schurer et al., 2013; see Figure
10.19), but only in about half the cases considered does detection also
occur prior to 1400. The authors find a smaller response to forcing in
reconstructions than simulated, but this discrepancy is consistent with
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
uncertainties in forcing or proxy response to it, particularly associated
with volcanism. The discrepancy is reduced when using more strongly
smoothed data or omitting major volcanic eruptions from the analysis.
The level of agreement between fingerprints from multiple models in
response to forcing and reconstructions decreases earlier in time, and
the forced signal is detected only in about half the cases considered
when analysing the period 851 to 1401. This may be partly due to
weaker forcing and larger forcing uncertainty early in the millennium
and partly due to increased uncertainty in reconstructions. Detection
results indicate a contribution by external drivers to the warm con-
ditions in the 11th to 12th century, but cannot explain the warmth
around the 10th century in some of the reconstructions (Figure 10.19).
This detection of a role of external forcing extends work reported in
AR4 back into to the 9th century CE.
Figure 10.19 | The top panel compares the mean annual Northern Hemisphere (NH) surface air temperature from a multi-model ensemble to several NH temperature reconstruc-
tions. These reconstructions are: CH-blend from Hegerl et al. (2007a) in purple, which is a reconstruction of 30°N to 90°N land only (Mann et al., 2009), plotted for the region 30°N
to 90°N land and sea (green) and D’Arrigo et al. (2006) in red, which is a reconstruction of 20°N to 90°N land only. The dotted coloured lines show the corresponding instrumental
data. The multi-model mean for the reconstructed domain is scaled to fit each reconstruction in turn, using a total least squares (TLS) method. The best estimate of the detected
forced signal is shown in orange (as an individual line for each reconstruction; lines overlap closely) with light orange shading indicating the range expected if accounting for
internal variability. The best fit scaling values for each reconstruction are given in the insert as well as the detection results for six other reconstructions (M8; M9 (Mann et al., 2008,
2009); AW (Ammann and Wahl, 2007); Mo (Moberg et al., 2005); Ju (Juckes et al., 2007); CH (Hegerl et al., 2007a); CL (Christiansen and Ljungqvist, 2011) and inverse regressed
onto the instrumental record CS; DA (D’Arrigo et al., 2006); Fr (Frank et al., 2007). An asterisk next to the reconstruction name indicates that the residuals (over the more robustly
reconstructed period 1401–1950) are inconsistent with the internal variability generated by the combined control simulations of all climate models investigated (for details see
Schurer et al., 2013). The ensemble average of a data-assimilation simulation (Goosse et al., 2012b) is plotted in blue, for the region 30°N to 90°N land and sea, with the error
range shown in light blue shading. The bottom panel is similar to the top panel, but showing the European region, following Hegerl et al. (2011a) but using the simulations and
method in Schurer et al. (2013). The detection analysis is performed for the period 1500–1950 for two reconstructions: Luterbacher et al. (2004)(representing the region 35°N to
70°N,25°W to 40°E, “land only, labelled ‘Lu’ in the insert”) shown in red, and Mann et al. (2009) (averaged over the region 25°N to 65°N, 0° to 60°E, land and sea, labelled ‘M9’
in the insert), shown in green. As in the top panel, best fit estimates are shown in dark orange with uncertainty range due to internal variability shown in light orange. The data
assimilation from Goosse et al. (2012a), constrained by the Mann et al. (2009) reconstruction is shown in blue, with error range in light blue. All data are shown with respect to the
mean of the period covered by the white part of the figure (850–1950 for the NH, 1500–1950 for European mean data).
Detection and attribution studies support results from modelling stud-
ies that infer a strong role of external forcing in the cooling of NH tem-
peratures during the Little Ice Age (LIA; see Chapter 5 and Glossary).
Both model simulations (Jungclaus et al., 2010) and results from detec-
tion and attribution studies (Hegerl et al., 2007a; Schurer et al., 2013)
suggest that a small drop
in GHG concentrations may have contributed
to the cool conditions during the 16th and 17th centuries. Note, how-
ever, that centennial variations of GHG during the late Holocene are
very small relative to their increases since pre-industrial times (Section
6.2.3). The role of solar forcing is less clear except for decreased agree-
ment if using very large solar forcing (e.g., Ammann et al., 2007; Feul-
ner, 2011). Palastanga et al. (2011) demonstrate that neither a slow-
down of the thermohaline circulation nor a persistently negative NAO
alone can explain the reconstructed temperature pattern over Europe
during the periods 1675–1715 and 1790–1820.
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
Data assimilation studies support the conclusion that external forcing,
together with internal climate variability, provides a consistent expla-
nation of climate change over the last millennium. Goosse et al. (2010,
2012a, 2012b) select, from a very large ensemble with an EMIC, the
individual simulations that are closest to the spatial reconstructions of
temperature between 30°N and 60°N by Mann et al. (2009) account-
ing for reconstruction uncertainties. The method also varies the exter-
nal forcing within uncertainties, determining a combined realization of
the forced response and internal variability that best matches the data.
Results (Figure 10.19) show that simulations reproduce the target
reconstruction within the uncertainty range, increasing confidence
in the consistency of the reconstruction and the forcing. The results
suggest that long-term circulation anomalies may help to explain the
hemispheric warmth early in the millennium, although results vary
dependent on input parameters of the method. Role of Individual Forcings
Volcanic forcing shows a detectable influence on large-scale tempera-
ture (see AR4; Chapter 5), and volcanic forcing plays an important role
in explaining past cool episodes, for example, in the late 17th and early
19th centuries (see Chapter 5 and 9; Hegerl et al., 2007b; Jungclaus et
al., 2010; Miller et al., 2012) . Schurer et al. (2013) separately detect the
response to GHG variations between 1400 and 1900 in most NH recon-
structions considered, and that of solar and volcanic forcing combined
in all reconstructions considered.
Even the multi-century perspective makes it difficult to distinguish
century-scale variations in NH temperature due to solar forcing alone
from the response to other forcings, due to the few degrees of freedom
constraining this forcing (see Box 10.2). Hegerl et al. (2003, 2007a)
found solar forcing detectable in some cases. Simulations with higher
than best guess solar forcing may reproduce the warm period around
1000 more closely, but the peak warming occurs about a century ear-
lier in reconstructions than in solar forcing and with it model simu-
lations (Jungclaus et al., 2010; Figure 5.8; Fernández-Donado et al.,
2013). Even if solar forcing were on the high end of estimates for the
last millennium, it would not be able to explain the recent warming
according both to model simulations (Ammann et al., 2007; Tett et al.,
2007; Feulner, 2011) and detection and attribution approaches that
scale the temporal fingerprint of solar forcing to best match the data
(Hegerl et al., 2007a; Schurer et al., 2013; Figure 10.19). Some studies
suggest that particularly for millennial and multi-millenial time scales
orbital forcing may be important globally (Marcott et al., 2013) and for
high-latitude trends (Kaufman et al., 2009) based on a comparison of
the correspondence between long-term Arctic cooling in models and
data though the last millennium up to about 1750 (see also PAGES 2k
Consortium, 2013). Estimates of Internal Climate Variability
The interdecadal and longer-term variability in large-scale temper-
atures in climate model simulations with and without past external
forcing is quite different (Tett et al., 2007; Jungclaus et al., 2010), con-
sistent with the finding that a large fraction of temperature variance in
the last millennium has been externally driven. The residual variability
in past climate that is not explained by changes in RF provides an
estimate of internal variability for NH mean temperature that is not
directly derived from climate model simulation. This residual variability
is somewhat larger than control simulation variability for some recon-
structions if the comparison is extended to the full period since 850
CE (Schurer et al., 2013), However, when extracting 50- and 60-year
trends from this residual variability, the distribution of these trends is
similar to the multi-model control simulation ensemble used in Schurer
et al. (2013). In all cases considered, the most recent 50-and 60-year
trend from instrumental data is far outside the range of any 50-year
trend in residuals from reconstructions of NH mean temperature of the
past millennium.
10.7.2 Changes of Past Regional Temperature
Several reconstructions of European regional temperature variability
are available (Section 5.5). While Bengtsson et al. (2006) emphasized
the role of internal variability in pre-industrial European climate as
reconstructed by Luterbacher et al. (2004), Hegerl et al. (2011a) find
a detectable response to external forcing in summer temperatures in
the period 1500–1900, for winter temperatures during 1500–1950 and
1500–2000; and throughout the record for spring. The fingerprint of
the forced response shows coherent time evolution between models
and reconstructed temperatures over the entire analysed period (com-
pare to annual results in Figure 10.19, using a larger multi-model
ensemble). This suggests that the cold European winter conditions in
the late 17th and early 19th century and the warming in between were
at least partly externally driven.
Data assimilation results focussing on the European sector suggests
that the explanation of forced response combined with internal varia-
bility is self-consistent (Goosse et al., 2012a, Figure 10.19). The assim-
ilated simulations reproduce the warmth of the MCA better than the
forced only simulations do. The response to individual forcings is diffi-
cult to distinguish from each other in noisier regional reconstructions.
An epoch analysis of years immediately following strong, largely tropi-
cal, volcanic eruptions shows that European summers show detectable
fingerprints of volcanic response , while winters show a noisy response
of warming in northern Europe and cooling in southern Europe (Hegerl
et al., 2011a). Landrum et al. (2013) suggest similar volcanic responses
for North America, with warming in the north of the continent and
cooling in the south. There is also evidence for a decrease in SSTs fol-
lowing tropical volcanic forcing in tropical reconstructions over the
past 450 years (D’Arrigo et al., 2009). There is also substantial liter-
ature suggesting solar influences on regional climate reconstructions,
possibly due to circulation changes, for example, changes in Northern
Annular Modes (e.g., Kobashi et al., 2013; see Box 10.2).
10.7.3 Summary: Lessons from the Past
Detection and attribution studies strengthen results from AR4 that
external forcing contributed to past climate variability and change prior
to the 20th century. Ocean–Atmosphere General Circulation Models
(OAGCMs) simulate similar changes on hemispheric and annual scales
as those by simpler models used earlier, and enable detection of
regional and seasonal changes. Results suggest that volcanic forcing
GHG forcing in particular are important for explaining past chang-
es in NH temperatures. Results from data assimilation runs confirm
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
that the combination of internal variability and external forcing pro-
vides a consistent explanation of the last millennium and suggest that
changes in circulation may have further contributed to climate anoma-
lies. The role of external forcing extends to regional records, for exam-
ple, European seasonal temperatures. In summary, it is very unlikely
that NH temperature variations from 1400 to 1850 can be explained
by internal variability alone. There is medium confidence that external
forcing contributed to NH temperature variability from 850 to 1400.
There is medium confidence that external forcing (anthropogenic and
natural forcings together) contributed to European temperatures of the
last five centuries.
10.8 Implications for Climate System
Properties and Projections
Detection and Attribution results can be used to constrain predictions
of future climate change (see Chapters 11 and 12) and key climate
system properties. These properties include: the Equilibrium Climate
Sensitivity (ECS), which determines the long-term equilibrium warming
response to stable atmospheric composition, but not accounting for
vegetation or ice sheet changes (Section 12.5.3; see Box 12.2); the
transient climate response (TCR), which is a measure of the magni-
tude of transient warming while the climate system, particularly the
deep ocean, is not in equilibrium; and the transient climate response to
cumulative CO
emissions (TCRE), which is a measure of the transient
warming response to a given mass of CO
injected into the atmos-
phere, and combines information on both the carbon cycle and cli-
mate response. TCR is more tightly constrained by the observations
of transient warming than ECS. The observational constraints on TCR,
ECS and TCRE assessed here focus on information provided by recent
observed climate change, complementing analysis of feedbacks and
climate modelling information, which are assessed in Chapter 9. The
assessment in this chapter also incorporates observational constraints
based on palaeoclimatic information, building on Chapter 5, and con-
tributes to the overall synthesis assessment in Chapter 12 (Box 12.2).
Because neither ECS nor TCR is directly observed, any inference about
them requires some form of climate model, ranging in complexity from
a simple zero-dimensional energy balance box model to OAGCMs
(Hegerl and Zwiers, 2011). Constraints on estimates of long-term
climate change and equilibrium climate change from recent warm-
ing hinge on the rate at which the ocean has taken up heat (Section
3.2), and by the extent to which recent warming has been reduced by
cooling from aerosol forcing. Therefore, attempts to estimate climate
sensitivity (transient or equilibrium) often also estimate the total aer-
osol forcing and the rate of ocean heat uptake, which are discussed in
Section 10.8.3. The AR4 contained a detailed discussion on estimat-
ing quantities relevant for projections, and included an appendix with
the relevant estimation methods. Here, we build on this assessment,
repeating information and discussion only where necessary to provide
10.8.1 Transient Climate Response
The AR4 discussed for the first time estimates of the TCR. TCR was
originally defined as the warming at the time of CO
doubling (i.e.,
after 70 years) in a 1% yr
increasing CO
experiment (see Hegerl et
al., 2007b), but like ECS, it can also be thought of as a generic property
of the climate system that determines the global temperature response
ΔT to any gradual increase in RF, ΔF, taking place over an approximate-
ly 70-year time scale, normalized by the ratio of the forcing change to
the forcing due to doubling CO
, F
: TCR = F
ΔTF (Frame et
al., 2006; Gregory and Forster, 2008; Held et al., 2010; Otto et al., 2013).
This generic definition of the TCR has also been called the ‘Transient
Climate Sensitivity’ (Held et al., 2010). TCR is related to ECS and the
global energy budget as follows: ECS = F
/α, where α is the sensi-
tivity parameter representing the net increase in energy flux to space
per degree of warming given all feedbacks operating on these time
scales. Hence, by conservation of energy, ECS = F
ΔT/(ΔF – ΔQ),
where ΔQ is the change in the rate of increase of climate system heat
content in response to the forcing ΔF. On these time scales, deep ocean
heat exchange affects the surface temperature response as if it were
an enhanced radiative damping, introducing a slow, or ‘recalcitrant’,
component of the response which would not be reversed for many
decades even if it were possible to return RF to pre-industrial values
(Held et al., 2010): hence the difficulty of placing an upper bound on
ECS from observed surface warming alone (Forest et al., 2002; Frame
et al., 2006). Because ΔQ is always positive at the end of a period of
increasing forcing, before the climate system has re-equilibrated, TCR
is always less than ECS, and since ΔQ is uncertain, TCR is generally
better constrained by observations of recent climate change than ECS.
Because TCR focuses on the short- and medium-term response, con-
straining TCR with observations is a key step in narrowing estimates of
future global temperature change in the relatively short term and under
scenarios where forcing continues to increase or peaks and declines
(Frame et al., 2006). After stabilization, the ECS eventually becomes the
relevant climate system property. Based on observational constraints
alone, the AR4 concluded that TCR is very likely to be larger than 1°C
and very unlikely to be greater than 3.5°C (Hegerl et al., 2007b). This
supported the overall assessment that the transient climate response is
very unlikely greater than 3°C and very likely greater than 1°C (Meehl
et al., 2007a). New estimates of the TCR are now available.
Scaling factors derived from detection and attribution studies (see Sec-
tion 10.2) express how model responses to GHGs and aerosols need to
be scaled to match the observations over the historical period. These
scaled responses were used in AR4 to provide probabilistic projections
of both TCR and future changes in global temperature in response to
these forcings under various scenarios (Allen et al., 2000; Stott and Ket-
tleborough, 2002; Stott et al., 2006, 2008b; Kettleborough et al., 2007;
Meehl et al., 2007b; Stott and Forest, 2007). Allen et al. (2000), Frame
et al. (2006) and Kettleborough et al. (2007) demonstrate a near linear
relationship between 20th century warming, TCR and warming by the
mid-21st century as parameters are varied in Energy Balance Models,
justifying this approach. Forster et al. (2013 ) show how the ratio ΔT/
ΔF does depend on the forcing history, with very rapid increases in
forcing giving lower values: hence any inference from past attributable
warming to future warming or TCR depends on a model (which may be
simple or complex, but ideally physically based) to relate these quanti-
ties. Such inferences also depend on forcing estimates and projections.
Recent revisions to RF (see Chapter 8) suggest higher net anthropo-
genic forcing over the 20th century, and hence a smaller estimated
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
TCR. Stott et al. (2008b) demonstrated that optimal detection analy-
sis of 20th century temperature changes (using HadCM3) are able to
exclude the very high and low temperature responses to aerosol forc-
ing. Consequently, projected 21st century warming may be more close-
ly constrained than if the full range of aerosol forcings is used (Andreae
et al., 2005). Stott and Forest (2007) demonstrate that projections
obtained from such an approach are similar to those obtained by con-
straining EMIC parameters from observations. Stott et al. (2011), using
HadGEM2-ES, and Gillett et al. (2012), using CanESM2, both show that
the inclusion of observations between 2000 and 2010 in such an anal-
ysis reduces the uncertainties in projected warming in the 21st century,
and tends to constrain the maximum projected warming to below that
projected using data to 2000 only (Stott et al, 2006). Such an improve-
ment is consistent with prior expectations of how additional data will
narrow uncertainties (Stott and Kettleborough, 2002).
TCR estimates have been derived using a variety of methods (Figure
10.20a). Knutti and Tomassini (2008) compare EMIC simulations with
20th century surface and ocean temperatures to derive a probability
density function for TCR skewed slightly towards lower values with a
5 to 95% range of 1.1°C to 2.3°C. Libardoni and Forest (2011) take a
similar approach with a different EMIC and include atmospheric data
and, under a variety of assumptions, obtain 5 to 95%ranges for TCR
spanning 0.9°C to 2.4°C. Updating this study to include data to 2004
gives results that are essentially unchanged. Using a single model and
observations from 1851 to 2010 Gillett et al. (2012) derive a 5 to 95%
range of 1.3°C to 1.8°C and using a single model, but using multiple
sets of observations and analysis periods ending in 2010 and begin-
ning in 1910 or earlier, Stott et al. (2011) derive 5 to 95% ranges that
were generally between 1°C and 3°C. Both Stott et al. (2011) and Gil-
lett et al. (2012) find that the inclusion of data between 2000 and
2010 helps to constrain the upper bound of TCR. Gillett et al. (2012)
find that the inclusion of data prior to 1900 also helps to constrain
TCR, though Stott et al. (2011) do not. Gillett et al. (2013 ) account for
a broader range of model and observational uncertainties, in particular
addressing the efficacy of non-CO
gases, and find a range of 0.9°C to
2.3°C. Several of the estimates of TCR that were cited by Hegerl et al.
(2007b) may have underestimated non-CO
efficacies relative to the
more recent estimates in Forster et al. (2007). Because observational-
ly constrained estimates of TCR are based on the ratio between past
attributable warming and past forcing, this could account for a high
bias in some of the inputs used for the AR4 TCR estimate.
Held et al. (2010) show that a two-box model originally proposed by
Gregory (2000), distinguishing the ‘fast’ and ‘recalcitrant’ responses,
fits both historical simulations and instantaneous doubled CO
ulations of the GFDL coupled model CM2.1. The fast response has a
relaxation time of 3 to 5 years, and the historical simulation is almost
completely described by this fast component of warming. Padilla et al.
(2011) use this simple model to derive an observationally constrained
estimate of the TCR of 1.3°C to 2.6°C. Schwartz (2012) uses this two-
time scale formulation to obtain TCR estimates ranging from 0.9°C to
1.9°C, the lower values arising from higher estimates of forcing over
the 20th century. Otto et al. (2013) update the analysis of Gregory et
al. (2002) and Gregory and Forster (2008) using forcing estimates from
Forster et al. (2013 ) to obtain a 5 to 95% range for TCR of 0.9°C to
2.0°C comparing the decade 2000–2009 with the period 1860–1879.
They note, however, the danger of overinterpreting a single, possibly
anomalous, decade, and report a larger TCR range of 0.7°C to 2.5°C
replacing the 2000s with the 40 years 1970–2009.
Tung et al. (2008) examine the response to the 11-year solar cycle using
discriminant analysis, and find a high range for TCR: >2.5°C to 3.6°C
However, this estimate may be affected by different mechanisms by
which solar forcing affects climate (see Box 10.2). The authors attempt
to minimize possible aliasing with the response to other forcings in
the 20th century and with internal climate variability, although some
influence by them cannot be ruled out.
Rogelj et al. (2012) take a somewhat different approach, using a simple
climate model to match the distribution of TCR to observational con-
straints and a consensus distribution of ECS (which will itself have
been informed by recent climate change), following Meinshausen et
al. (2009). Harris et al. (2013) estimate a distribution for TCR based on
a large sample of emulated GCM equilibrium responses, constrained
by multiannual mean observations of recent climate and adjusted to
account for additional uncertainty associated with model structural
deficiencies (Sexton et al., 2012). The equilibrium responses are scaled
by global temperature changes associated with the sampled model
variants, reweighting the projections based on the likelihood that they
correctly replicate observed historical changes in surface temperature,
to predict the TCR distribution. Both of these studies represent a com-
bination of multiple lines of evidence, although still strongly informed
by recent observed climate change, and hence are assessed here for
Based on this evidence, including the new 21st century observations
that were not yet available to AR4, we conclude that, on the basis of
constraints provided by recent observed climate change, TCR is likely to
lie in the range 1°C to 2.5°C and extremely unlikely to be greater than
3°C. This range for TCR is smaller than given at the time of AR4, due
to the stronger observational constraints and the wider range of stud-
ies now available. Our greater confidence in excluding high values of
TCR arises primarily from higher and more confident estimates of past
forcing: estimates of TCR are not strongly dependent on observations
of ocean heat uptake.
10.8.2 Constraints on Long-Term Climate Change and the
Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity
The equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) is defined as the warming in
response to a sustained doubling of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
relative to pre-industrial levels (see AR4). The equilibrium to which
the ECS refers to is generally assumed to be an equilibrium involving
the ocean–atmosphere system, which does not include Earth system
feedbacks such as long-term melting of ice sheets and ice caps, dust
forcing or vegetation changes (see Chapter 5 and Section 12.5.3). The
ECS cannot be directly deduced from transient warming attributable to
GHGs, or from TCR, as the role of ocean heat uptake has to be taken
into account (see Forest et al., 2000; Frame et al., 2005; Knutti and
Hegerl, 2008). Estimating the ECS generally relies on the paradigm of
a comparison of observed change with results from a physically based
climate model, sometimes a very simple one, given uncertainty in the
model, data, RF and due to internal variability.
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
For example, estimates can be based on the simple box model intro-
duced in Section 10.8.1, ECS = F
ΔT/(ΔF – ΔQ). Simple energy
balance calculations rely on a very limited representation of climate
response time scales, and cannot account for nonlinearities in the cli-
mate system that may lead to changes in feedbacks for different forc-
ings (see Chapter 9). Alternative approaches are estimates that use
climate model ensembles with varying parameters that evaluate the
ECS of individual models and then infer the probability density function
(PDF) for the ECS from the model–data agreement or by using optimi-
zation methods (Tanaka et al., 2009).
As discussed in the AR4, the probabilistic estimates available in the
literature for climate system parameters, such as ECS and TCR have all
been based, implicitly or explicitly, on adopting a Bayesian approach
and therefore, even if it is not explicitly stated, involve using some
kind of prior information. The shape of the prior has been derived from
expert judgement in some studies, observational or experimental evi-
dence in others or from the distribution of the sample of models avail-
able. In all cases the constraint by data, for example, from transient
warming, or observations related to feedbacks is fairly weak on the
upper tail of ECS (e.g., Frame et al., 2005). Therefore, results are sensi-
tive to the prior assumptions (Tomassini et al., 2007; Knutti and Hegerl,
2008; Sanso and Forest, 2009; Aldrin et al., 2012). When the prior distri-
bution fails to taper off for high sensitivities, as is the case for uniform
priors (Frame et al., 2005), this leads to long tails (Frame et al., 2005;
Annan and Hargreaves, 2011; Lewis, 2013). Uniform priors have been
criticized (e.g., Annan and Hargreaves, 2011; Pueyo, 2012; Lewis, 2013)
since results assuming a uniform prior in ECS translates instead into a
strongly structured prior on climate feedback parameter and vice versa
(Frame et al., 2005; Pueyo, 2012). Objective Bayesian analyses attempt
to avoid this paradox by using a prior distribution that is invariant
to parameter transforms and rescaling, for example, a Jeffreys prior
(Lewis, 2013). Estimated probability densities based on priors that are
strongly non-uniform in the vicinity of the best fit to the data, as is typi-
cally the case for the Jeffreys prior in this instance, can peak at values
very different from the location of the best fit, and hence need to be
interpreted carefully. To what extent results are sensitive to priors can
be evaluated by using different priors, and this has been done more
consistently in studies than at the time of AR4 (see Figure 10.20b) and
is assessed where available, illustrated in Figure 10.20. Results will also
be sensitive to the extent to which uncertainties in forcing (Tanaka et
al., 2009), models and observations and internal climate variability are
taken into account, and can be acutely sensitive to relatively arbitrary
choices of observation period, choice of truncation in estimated covar-
iance matrices and so forth (Lewis, 2013), illustrating the importance
of sensitivity studies. Analyses that make a more complete effort to
estimate all uncertainties affecting the model–data comparison lead to
more trustworthy results, but end up with larger uncertainties (Knutti
and Hegerl, 2008).
The detection and attribution chapter in AR4 (Hegerl et al., 2007b) con-
cluded that ‘Estimates based on observational constraints indicate that
it is very likely that the equilibrium climate sensitivity is larger than 1.5°C
with a most likely value between 2°C and 3°C’. The following sections
discuss evidence since AR4 from several lines of evidence, followed by
an overall assessment of ECS based on observed climate changes, and a
subset of available new estimates is shown in Figure 10.20b. Estimates from Recent Temperature Change
As estimates of ECS based on recent temperature change can only
sample atmospheric feedbacks that occur with presently evolving cli-
mate change, they provide information on the ‘effective climate sen-
sitivity’ (e.g., Forest et al., 2008). As discussed in AR4, analyses based
on global scale data find that within data uncertainties, a strong aer-
osol forcing or a large ocean heat uptake might have masked a strong
greenhouse warming (see, e.g., Forest et al., 2002; Frame et al., 2005;
Stern, 2006; Roe and Baker, 2007; Hannart et al., 2009; Urban and
Keller, 2009; Church et al., 2011). This is consistent with the finding that
a set of models with a large range of ECS and aerosol forcing could
be consistent with the observed warming (Kiehl, 2007). Consequent-
ly, such analyses find that constraints on aerosol forcing are essen-
tial to provide tighter constraints on future warming (Tanaka et al.,
2009; Schwartz et al., 2010). Aldrin et al. (2012) analyse the observed
record from 1850 to 2007 for hemispheric means of surface temper-
ature, and upper 700 m ocean heat content since 1955. The authors
use a simple climate model and a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Bayesian
technique for analysis. The authors find a quite narrow range of ECS,
which narrows further if using a uniform prior in 1/ECS rather than
ECS (Figure 10.20). If observations are updated to 2010 and forcing
estimates including further indirect aerosol effects are used (following
Skeie et al., 2011), this yields a reduced upper tail (see Figure 10.20b,
dash dotted). However, this estimate involves a rather simple model for
internal variability, hence may underestimate uncertainties. Olson et
al. (2012) use similar global scale constraints and surface temperature
to 2006, and ocean data to 2003 and arrive at a wide range if using a
uniform prior in ECS, and a quite well constrained range if using a prior
derived from current mean climate and Last Glacial Maximum (LGM)
constraints (see Figure 10.20b). Some of the differences between Olson
et al. (2012) and Aldrin et al. (2012) may be due to structural differences
in the model used (Aldrin et al. use a simple EBM while Olson use the
UVIC EMIC), some due to different statistical methods and some due to
use of global rather than hemispheric temperatures in the latter work.
An approach based on regressing forcing histories used in 20th century
simulations on observed surface temperatures (Schwartz, 2012) esti-
mates ranges of ECS that encompass the AR4 ranges if accounting for
data uncertainty (Figure 10.20). Otto et al. (2013) updated the Greg-
ory et al. (2002) global energy balance analysis (see equation above),
using temperature and ocean heat content data to 2009 and estimates
of RF that are approximately consistent with estimates from Chapters
7 and 8, and ocean heat uptake estimates that are consistent with
Chapter 3 and find that inclusion of recent deep ocean heat uptake and
temperature data considerably narrow estimates of ECS compared to
results using data to the less recent past.
Estimates of ECS and TCR that make use of both spatial and tempo-
ral information, or separate the GHG attributable warming using fin-
gerprint methods, can yield tighter estimates (e.g., Frame et al., 2005;
Forest et al., 2008; Libardoni and Forest, 2011). The resulting GHG
attributable warming tends to be reasonably robust to uncertainties in
aerosol forcing (Section Forest et al. (2008) have updated
their earlier study using a newer version of the MIT model and five
different surface temperature data sets (Libardoni and Forest, 2011).
Correction of statistical errors in estimation procedure pointed out by
Lewis (see Lewis, 2013) changes their result only slightly (Libardoni
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
and Forest, 2013). The overarching 5 to 95% range of effective cli-
mate sensitivity widens to 1.2°C to 5.3°C when all five data sets are
used, and constraints on effective ocean diffusivity become very weak
(Forest et al., 2008). Uncertainties would likely further increase if esti-
mates of forcing uncertainty, for example, due to natural forcings, are
also included (Forest et al., 2006). Lewis (2013) reanalysed the data
used in Forest et al. (2006) using an objective Bayesian method (see
discussion at top of section). The author finds that use of a Jeffreys
prior narrows the upper tail considerably, to 3.6°C for the 95th percen-
tile. When revising the method, omitting upper air data, and adding 6
more years of data a much reduced 5 to 95% range of 1.2°C to 2.2°C
results (see Figure 10.20), similar to estimates by Ring et al. (2012)
using data to 2008. Lewis’s upper limit extends to 3.0°C if accounting
for forcing and surface temperature uncertainty (Lewis, 2013). Lewis
(2013) also reports a range of 1.1°C to 2.9°C using his revised diag-
nostics and the Forest et al. (2006) statistical method, whereas adding
9 more years to the Libardoni and Forest (2013) corrected diagnostic
(after Libardoni and Forest, 2011; Figure 10.20; using an expert prior
in both cases), does not change results much (Figure 10.20b). The dif-
ferences between results reported in Forest et al. (2008); Libardoni and
Forest (2011); Lewis (2013); Libardoni and Forest (2013) are still not
fully understood, but appear to be due to a combination of sensitivity
of results to the choice of analysis period as well as differences in diag-
nostics and statistical approach.
In summary, analyses that use the most recent decade find a tighten-
ing of the range of ECS based on a combination of recent heat uptake
and surface temperature data. Results consistently give low probability
to ECS values under 1.0°C (Figure 10.20). The mode of the PDFs varies
considerably with period considered as expected from the influence of
internal variability on the single realization of observed climate change.
Estimates including the most recent data tend to have reduced upper
tails (Libardoni and Forest, 2011; Aldrin et al., 2012 and update; Ring
et al., 2012 and update cf. Figure 10.20; Lewis, 2013; Otto et al., 2013),
although further uncertainty in statistical assumptions and structural
uncertainties in simple models used, as well as neglected uncertainties,
for example, in forcings, increase assessed uncertainty. Estimates Based on Top of the Atmosphere Radiative
With the satellite era, measurements are now long enough to allow
direct estimates of variations in the energy budget of the planet,
although the measurements are not sufficiently accurate to determine
absolute top of the atmosphere (TOA) fluxes or trends (see Section 2.3
and Box 13.1). Using a simple energy balance relationship between
net energy flow towards the Earth, net forcing and a climate feedback
parameter and the satellite measurements Murphy et al. (2009) made
direct estimates of the climate feedback parameter as the regression
coefficient of radiative response against GMST. The feedback parame-
ter in turn is inversely proportional to the ECS (see above, also Forster
and Gregory, 2006). Such regression based estimates are, however,
subject to uncertainties (see Section; see also, Gregory and For-
ster, 2008; Murphy and Forster, 2010). Lindzen and Choi (2009) used
data from the radiative budget and simple energy balance models over
the tropics to investigate feedbacks in climate models. Their result
suggests that climate models overestimate the outgoing shortwave
radiation compared to Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) data,
but this result was found unreliable owing to use of a limited sample
of periods and of a domain limited to low latitudes (Murphy and For-
ster, 2010). Lindzen and Choi (2011) address some of these criticisms
(Chung et al., 2010; Trenberth et al., 2010), but the results remains
uncertain. For example, the lag-lead relationship between TOA balance
and SST (Lindzen and Choi, 2011) is replicated by Atmospheric Model
Intercomparison Project (AMIP) simulations where SST cannot respond
(Dessler, 2011). Hence, as discussed in Section, the influence of
internal temperature variations on short time scales seriously affects
such estimates of feedbacks. In addition, the energy budget changes
that are used to derive feedbacks are also affected by RF, which Lin-
dzen and Choi (2009) do not account for. Murphy and Forster (2010)
further question if estimates of the feedback parameter are suitable
to estimate the ECS, as multiple time scales are involved in feedbacks
that contribute to climate sensitivity (Knutti and Hegerl, 2008; Dessler,
2010). Lin et al. (2010a) use data over the 20th century combined with
an estimate of present TOA imbalance based on modelling (Hansen et
al., 2005a) to estimate the energy budget of the planet and give a best
estimate of ECS of 3.1°C, but do not attempt to estimate a distribution
that accounts fully for uncertainties. In conclusion, measurement and
methodological uncertainties in estimates of the feedback parameter
and the ECS from short-term variations in the satellite period preclude
strong constraints on ECS. When accounting for these uncertainties,
estimates of ECS based on the TOA radiation budget appear consistent
with those from other lines of evidence within large uncertainties (e.g.,
Forster and Gregory, 2006; Figure 10.20b). Estimates Based on Response to Volcanic Forcing or
Internal Variability
Some analyses used in AR4 were based on the well observed forcing
and responses to major volcanic eruptions during the 20th century.
The constraint is fairly weak because the peak response to short-term
volcanic forcing depends nonlinearly on ECS (Wigley et al., 2005; Boer
et al., 2007). Recently, Bender et al. (2010) re-evaluated the constraint
and found a close relationship in 9 out of 10 AR4 models between the
shortwave TOA imbalance, the simulated response to the eruption of
Mt Pinatubo and the ECS. Applying the constraint from observations
suggests a range of ECS of 1.7°C to 4.1°C. This range for ECS is subject
to observational uncertainty and uncertainty due to internal climate
variability, and is derived from a limited sample of models. Schwartz
(2007) tried to relate the ECS to the strength of natural variability using
the fluctuation dissipation theorem but studies suggest that the obser-
vations are too short to support a well constrained and reliable esti-
mate and would yield an underestimate of sensitivity (Kirk-Davidoff,
2009); and that assuming single time scales is too simplistic for the
climate system (Knutti and Hegerl, 2008) . Thus, credible estimates of
ECS from the response to natural and internal variability do not disa-
gree with other estimates, but at present cannot provide more reliable
estimates of ECS. Paleoclimatic Evidence
Palaeoclimatic evidence is promising for estimating ECS (Edwards
et al., 2007). This section reports on probabilistic estimates of ECS
derived from paleoclimatic data by drawing on Chapter 5 information
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
on forcing and temperature changes. For periods of past climate, which
were close to radiative balance or when climate was changing slowly,
for example, the LGM, radiative imbalance and with it ocean heat
uptake is less important than for the present (Sections and Treating the RF due to ice sheets, dust and CO
as forcings
rather than feedbacks implies that the corresponding RF contributions
are associated with considerable uncertainties (see Section
Koehler et al. (2010) used an estimate of LGM cooling along with its
uncertainties together with estimates of LGM RF and its uncertainty to
derive an overall estimate of climate sensitivity. This method accounts
for the effect of changes in feedbacks for this very different climatic
state using published estimates of changes in feedback factors (see
Section; Hargreaves et al., 2007; Otto-Bliesner et al., 2009). The
authors find a best estimate of 2.4°C and a 5 to 95% range of ECS
from 1.4°C to 5.2°C, with sensitivities beyond 6°C difficult to reconcile
with the data. In contrast, Chylek and Lohmann (2008b) estimate the
ECS to be 1.3°C to 2.3°C based on data for the transition from the
LGM to the Holocene. However, the true uncertainties are likely larger
due to uncertainties in relating local proxies to large-scale temperature
change observed over a limited time (Ganopolski and von Deimling,
2008; Hargreaves and Annan, 2009). The authors also use an aerosol
RF estimate that may be high (see response by Chylek and Lohmann,
2008a; Ganopolski and von Deimling, 2008).
At the time of the AR4, several studies were assessed in which param-
eters in climate models had been perturbed systematically in order to
estimate ECS, and further studies have been published since, some
making use of expanded data for LGM climate change (see Section, Table 5.3). Sometimes substantial differences between esti-
mates based on similar data reflect not only differences in assumptions
on forcing and use of data, but also structural model uncertainties, for
example, in how feedbacks change between different climatic states
(e.g., Schneider von Deimling et al., 2006; Hargreaves et al., 2007; (see
also Otto-Bliesner et al., 2009). Holden et al. (2010) analysed which
versions of the EMIC Genie are consistent with LGM tropical SSTs and
find a 90% range of 2.0°C to 5.0°C. Recently, new data synthesis prod-
ucts have become available for assessment with climate model simu-
lations of the LGM which together with further data cover much more
of the LGM ocean and land areas, although there are still substantial
gaps and substantial data uncertainty (Section 5.3.3). An analysis of
the recent SST and land temperature reconstructions for the LGM com-
pared to simulations with an EMIC suggests a 90% range of 1.4°C to
2.8°C for ECS, with SST data providing a narrower range and lower
values than land data only (see Figure 10.20; Schmittner et al., 2011).
However, structural model uncertainty as well as data uncertainty may
increase this range substantially (Fyke and Eby, 2012; Schmittner et
al., 2012). Hargreaves et al. (2012) derived a relationship between ECS
and LGM response for seven model simulations from PMIP2 simula-
tions and found a linear relationship between tropical cooling and ECS
(see Section which has been used to derive an estimate of
ECS (Figure 10.20); and has been updated using PMIP3 simulations
(Section However, uncertainties remain as the relationship is
dependent on the ensemble of models used.
Estimates of ECS from other, more distant paleoclimate periods (e.g.,
Royer et al., 2007; Royer, 2008; Pagani et al., 2009; Lunt et al., 2010)
are difficult to directly compare, as climatic conditions were very
different from today and as climate sensitivity can be state depend-
ent, as discussed above. Also, the response on very long time scales is
determined by the Earth System Sensitivity, which includes very slow
feedbacks by ice sheets and vegetation (see Section 12.5.3). Paleosens
Members (2012) reanalysed the relationship between RF and temper-
ature response from paleoclimatic studies, considering Earth system
feedbacks as forcings in order to derive an estimate of ECS that is limit-
ed to atmospheric feecbacks (sometimes referred to as Charney sensi-
tivity and directly comparable to ECS), and find that resulting estimates
are reasonably consistent over the past 65 million years (see detailed
discussion in Section 5.3.1). They estimate a 95% range of 1.1°C to
7.0°C, largely based on the past 800,000 years. However, uncertain-
ties in paleoclimate estimates of ECS are likely to be larger than from
the instrumental record, for example, due to changes in feedbacks
between different climatic states. In conclusion, estimates of ECS have
continued to emerge from palaeoclimatic periods that indicate that
ECS is very likely less than 6°C and very likely greater than 1.0°C (see
Section 5.3.3). Combining Evidence and Overall Assessment
Most studies find a lower 5% limit for ECS between 1°C and 2°C (Figure
10.20). The combined evidence thus indicates that the net feedbacks to
RF are significantly positive. At present, there is no credible individual
line of evidence that yields very high or very low climate sensitivity as
best estimate. Some recent studies suggest a low climate sensitivity
(Chylek et al., 2007; Schwartz et al., 2007; Lindzen and Choi, 2009).
However, these are based on problematic assumptions, for example,
about the climate’s response time, the cause of climate fluctuations,
or neglect uncertainty in forcing, observations and internal variability
(as discussed in Foster et al., 2008; Knutti and Hegerl, 2008; Murphy
and Forster, 2010). In some cases the estimates of the ECS have been
refuted by testing the method of estimation with a climate model of
known sensitivity (e.g., Kirk-Davidoff, 2009).
Several authors (Annan and Hargreaves, 2006; Hegerl et al., 2006;
Annan and Hargreaves, 2010) had proposed combining estimates
of climate sensitivity from different lines of evidence by the time of
AR4; these and recent work is shown in the panel ‘combined’ in Figure
10.20. Aldrin et al. (2012) combined the Hegerl et al. (2006) estimate
based on the last millennium with their estimate based on the 20th
century; and Olson et al. (2012) combined weak constraints from cli-
matology and the LGM in their prior, updated by data on temperature
changes. This approach is robust only if the lines of evidence used are
truly independent. The latter is hard to evaluate when using prior distri-
butions based on expert knowledge (e.g., Libardoni and Forest, 2011).
If lines of evidence are not independent, overly confident assessments
of equilibrium climate sensitivity may result (Henriksson et al., 2010;
Annan and Hargreaves, 2011).
In conclusion, estimates of the Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ECS)
based on multiple and partly independent lines of evidence from
observed climate change, including estimates using longer records of
surface temperature change and new palaeoclimatic evidence, indi-
cate that there is high confidence that ECS is extremely unlikely less
than 1°C and medium confidence that the ECS is likely between 1.5°C
and 4.5°C and very unlikely greater than 6°C. They complement the
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
012 3 4 5 6
Dashed lines AR4 studies
Transient Climate Response (°C)
Probability / Relative Frequency (°C
)Probability / Relative Frequency (°C
Knutti & Tomassini (2008) uniform ECS prior
Knutti & Tomassini (2008) expert ECS prior
Meinshausen et al (2009)
Harris et al (2013)
Rogelj et al (2012)
Otto et al (2013) −− 1970−2009 budget
Otto et al (2013) −− 2000−2009 budget
Tung et al (2008)
Gillett et al (2013)
Stott & Forest (2007)
Gregory & Forster (2008)
Padilla et al (2011)
Libardoni & Forest (2011)
Schwartz (2012)
0 1 2 3 4
8 9 10
Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity
Aldrinetal. (2012)
Bender et al.(2010)
Linetal. (2010)
Lindzen&Choi (2011)
Murphy et al.(2009)
Olsonetal. (2012)
Otto et al.(2013)
Tomassini et al.(2007)
Hargreaves et al.(2012)
Holden et al.(2010)
ohleretal. (2010)
Palaeosens (2012)
Schmittner et al.(2012)
Aldrinetal. (2012)
Olsonetal. (2012)
Similar climate
base state
Similar feedbacks
Close to equilibrium
Uncertainties accounted
Overall level of
scientific understanding
Figure 10.20 | (a) Examples of distributions of the transient climate response (TCR, top) and the equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS, bottom) estimated from observational con-
straints. Probability density functions (PDFs), and ranges (5 to 95%) for the TCR estimated by different studies (see text). The grey shaded range marks the very likely range of 1°C to
2.5°C for TCR and the grey solid line represents the extremely unlikely <3°C upper bound as assessed in this section. Representative distributions from AR4 shown as dashed lines
and open bar. (b) Estimates of ECS are compared to overall assessed likely range (solid grey), with solid line at 1°C and a dashed line at 6°C. The figure compares some selected
old estimates used in AR4 (no labels, thin lines; for references see Supplementary Material) with new estimates available since AR4 (labelled, thicker lines). Distributions are shown
where available, together with 5 to 95% ranges and median values (circles). Ranges that are assessed as being incomplete are marked by arrows; note that in contrast to the other
estimates Schwartz (2012), shows a sampling range and Chylek and Lohmann a 95% range. Estimates are based on changes over the instrumental period (top row); and changes
from palaeoclimatic data (2nd row). Studies that combine multiple lines of evidence are shown in the bottom panel. The boxes on the right-hand side indicate limitations and
strengths of each line of evidence, for example, if a period has a similar climatic base state, if feedbacks are similar to those operating under CO
doubling, if the observed change
is close to equilibrium, if, between all lines of evidence plotted, uncertainty is accounted for relatively completely, and summarizes the level of scientific understanding of this line of
evidence overall. A blue box indicates an overall line of evidence that is well understood, has small uncertainty, or many studies and overall high confidence. Pale yellow indicates
medium, and dark red low, confidence (i.e., poorly understood,very few studies, poor agreement, unknown limitations, after Knutti and Hegerl, 2008). Where available, results
are shown using several different prior distributions; for example for Aldrin et al. (2012) solid shows the result using a uniform prior in ECS, which is shown as updated to 2010
in dash-dots; dashed: uniform prior in 1/ECS; and in bottom panel, result combining with Hegerl et al. (2006) prior, For Lewis (2013), dashed shows results using the Forest et al.
(2006) diagnostic and an objective Bayesian prior, solid a revised diagnostic. For Otto et al. (2013), solid is an estimate using change to 1979–2009, dashed using the change to
2000–2009. Palaeoclimate: Hargreaves et al. (2012) is shown in solid, with dashed showing an update based on PMIP3 simulations (see Chapter 5); For Schmittner et al. (2011),
solid is land-and-ocean, dashed land-only, and dash-dotted is ocean-only diagnostic.
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
evaluation in Chapter 9 and support the overall assessment in Chapter
12 that concludes between all lines of evidence with high confidence
that ECS is likely in the range 1.5°C to 4.5°C. Earth system feedbacks
can lead to different, probably larger, warming than indicated by ECS
on very long time scales.
10.8.3 Consequences for Aerosol Forcing and Ocean
Heat Uptake
Some estimates of ECS also yield estimates of aerosol forcing that are
consistent with observational records, which we briefly mention here.
Note that the estimate will reflect any forcings with a time or time–
space pattern resembling aerosol forcing that is not explicitly includ-
ed in the overall estimate (see discussion in Olson et al., 2012), for
example, BC on snow; and should hence be interpreted as an estimate
of aerosol plus neglected forcings. Estimates will also vary with the
method applied and diagnostics used (e.g., analyses including spatial
information will yield stronger results). Murphy et al. (2009) use cor-
relations between surface temperature and outgoing shortwave and
longwave flux over the satellite period to estimate how much of the
total recent forcing has been reduced by aerosol total reflection, which
they estimate as –1.1 ± 0.4 W m
from 1970 to 2000 (1 standard devi-
ation), while Libardoni and Forest (2011), see also Forest et al. (2008),
based on the 20th century, find somewhat lower estimates, namely a
90% bound of –0.83 to –0.19 W m
for the 1980s relative to preindus-
trial. Lewis (2013), using similar diagnostics but an objective Bayesi-
an method, estimates a total aerosol forcing of about –0.6 to –0.1W
or –0.6 to 0.0 W m
dependent on diagnostic used. The range of
the aerosol forcing estimates that are based on the observed climate
change are in-line with the expert judgement of the effective RF by
aerosol radiation and aerosol cloud interactions combined (ERFaci+ari;
Chapter 7) of –0.9 W m
with a range from –1.9 to –0.1 W m
has been guided by climate models that include aerosol effects on
mixed-phase and convective clouds in addition to liquid clouds, satel-
lite studies and models that allow cloud-scale responses (see Section
Several estimates of ECS also estimate a parameter that describe the
efficiency with which the ocean takes up heat, e.g., effective global
vertical ocean diffusivity (e.g., Tomassini et al., 2007; Forest et al., 2008;
Olson et al., 2012; Lewis, 2013). Forest and Reynolds (2008) find that
the effective global ocean diffusivity K
in many of the CMIP3 models
lies above the median value based on observational constraints, result-
ing in a positive bias in their ocean heat uptake. Lewis (2013) similarly
finds better agreement for small values of effective ocean diffusivity.
However, such a finding was very sensitive to data sets used for sur-
face temperature (Libardoni and Forest, 2011) and ocean data (Sokolov
et al., 2010), is somewhat sensitive to the diagnostic applied (Lewis,
2013), and limited by difficulties observing heat uptake in the deep
ocean (see, e.g., Chapters 3 and 13). Olson et al. (2012) and Tomassini
et al. (2007) find that data over the historical period provide only a
weak constraint on background ocean effective diffusivity. Compari-
son of the vertical profiles of temperature and of historical warming
in models and observations suggests that the ocean heat uptake effi-
ciency may be typically too large (Kuhlbrodt and Gregory, 2012; Sec-
tion 13.4.1; see also Sections 9.4.2, 10.4.1, 10.4.3). If effective diffu-
sivity were high in models this might lead to a tendency to bias ocean
warming high relative to surface warming; but this uncertainty makes
only a small contribution to uncertainty in TCR (Knutti and Tomassini,
2008; Kuhlbrodt and Gregory, 2012; see Section 13.4.1). Nonetheless,
ocean thermal expansion and heat content change simulated in CMIP5
models show relatively good agreement with observations, although
this might also be due to a compensation between ocean heat uptake
efficiency and atmospheric feedbacks (Kuhlbrodt and Gregory, 2012).
In summary, constraints on effective ocean diffusivity are presently not
10.8.4 Earth System Properties
A number of papers have found the global warming response to CO
emissions to be determined primarily by total cumulative emissions of
, irrespective of the timing of those emissions over a broad range
of scenarios (Allen et al., 2009; Matthews et al., 2009; Zickfeld et al.,
2009; Section, although Bowerman et al. (2011) find that,
when scenarios with persistent ‘emission floors’ are included, the
strongest predictor of peak warming is cumulative emissions to 2200.
Moreover, the ratio of global warming to cumulative carbon emissions,
known variously as the Absolute Global Temperature Change Poten-
tial (AGTP; defined for an infinitesimal pulse emission) (Shine et al.,
2005), the Cumulative Warming Commitment (defined based on peak
warming in response to a finite injection; CWC) (Allen et al., 2009) or
the Carbon Climate Response (CCR) (Matthews et al., 2009), is approx-
imately scenario-independent and constant in time.
The ratio of CO
-induced warming realized by a given year to cumula-
tive carbon emissions to that year is known as the Transient Climate
Response to cumulative CO
Emissions (TCRE, see Chapter 12). TCRE
depends on TCR and the Cumulative Airborne Fraction (CAF), which is
the ratio of the increased mass of CO
in the atmosphere to cumula-
tive CO
emissions (not including natural fluxes and those arising from
Earth system feedbacks) over a long period, typically since pre-indus-
trial times (Gregory et al., 2009): TCRE = TCR × CAF/C
, where C
is the
mass of carbon (in the form of CO
) in the pre-industrial atmosphere
(590 PgC). Given estimates of CAF to the time of CO
doubling of 0.4
to 0.7 (Zickfeld et al., 2013), we therefore expect values of TCRE, if
expressed in units of °C per 1000 PgC, to be similar to or slightly lower
than, and more uncertain than, values of TCR (Gillett et al., 2013 ).
TCRE may be estimated from observations by dividing an estimate of
warming to date attributable to CO
by historical cumulative carbon
emissions, which gives a 5 to 95% range of 0.7°C to 2.0°C per 1000
PgC (Gillett et al., 2013 ), 1.0°C to 2.1°C per 1000 PgC (Matthews et
al., 2009) or 1.4°C to 2.5°C per 1000 PgC (Allen et al., 2009), the higher
range in the latter study reflecting a higher estimate of CO
able warming to 2000. The peak warming induced by a given total
cumulative carbon emission (Peak Response to Cumulative Emissions
(PRCE)) is less well constrained, since warming may continue even
after a complete cessation of CO
emissions, particularly in high-re-
sponse models or scenarios. Using a combination of observations and
models to constrain temperature and carbon cycle parameters in a
simple climate-carbon-cycle model, (Allen et al., 2009), obtain a PRCE
5 to 95% confidence interval of 1.3°C to 3.9°C per 1000 PgC. They
also report that (Meinshausen et al., 2009) obtain a 5 to 95% range
in PRCE of 1.1°C to 2.7°C per 1000 PgC using a Bayesian approach
with a different simple model, with climate parameters constrained
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
by observed warming and carbon cycle parameters constrained by the
C4MIP simulations (Friedlingstein et al., 2006).
The ratio of warming to cumulative emissions, the TCRE, is assessed
to be likely between 0.8°C and 2.5ºC per 1000 PgC based on observa-
tional constraints. This implies that, for warming due to CO
alone to be likely less than 2°C at the time CO
emissions cease, total
cumulative emissions from all anthropogenic sources over the entire
industrial era would need to be limited to about 1000 PgC, or one
trillion tonnes of carbon (see Section 12.5.4).
10.9 Synthesis
The evidence has grown since the Fourth Assessment Report that wide-
spread changes observed in the climate system since the 1950s are
attributable to anthropogenic influences. This evidence is document-
ed in the preceding sections of this chapter, including for near sur-
face temperatures (Section, free atmosphere temperatures
(Section, atmospheric moisture content (Section,
precipitation over land (Section, ocean heat content (Sec-
tion 10.4.1), ocean salinity (Section 10.4.2), sea level (Section 10.4.3),
Arctic sea ice (Section 10.5.1), climate extremes (Section 10.6) and evi-
dence from the last millenium (Section 10.7). These results strengthen
the conclusion that human influence on climate has played the domi-
nant role in observed warming since the 1950s. However, the approach
taken so far in this chapter has been to examine each aspect of the
climate system—the atmosphere, oceans, cryosphere, extremes, and
from paleoclimate archives—separately in each section and sub-sec-
tion. In this section we look across the whole climate system to assess
the extent that a consistent picture emerges across sub-systems and
climate variables.
10.9.1 Multi-variable Approaches
Multi-variable studies provide one approach to gain a more compre-
hensive view across the climate system, although there have been rela-
tively few applications of multi-variable detection and attribution stud-
ies in the literature. A combined analysis of near-surface temperature
from weather stations and free atmosphere temperatures from radio-
sondes detected an anthropogenic influence on the joint changes in
temperatures near the surface and aloft (Jones et al., 2003). In a Bayes-
ian application of detection and attribution Schnur and Hasselmann
(2005) combined surface temperature, diurnal temperature range and
precipitation into a single analysis and showed strong net evidence
for detection of anthropogenic forcings despite low likelihood ratios
for diurnal temperature range and precipitation on their own. Barnett
et al. (2008) applied a multi-variable approach in analysing changes in
the hydrology of the Western United States (see also Section
The potential for a multi-variable analysis to have greater power to
discriminate between forced changes and internal variability has been
demonstrated by Stott and Jones (2009) and Pierce et al. (2012). In the
former case, they showed that a multi-variable fingerprint consisting of
the responses of GMST and sub-tropical Atlantic salinity has a higher
S/N ratio than the fingerprints of each variable separately. They found
reduced detection times as a result of low correlations between the
two variables in the control simulation although the detection result
depends on the ability of the models to represent the co-variability of
the variables concerned. Multi-variable attribution studies potentially
provide a stronger test of climate models than single variable attribu-
tion studies although there can be sensitivity to weighting of different
components of the multi-variable fingerprint. In an analysis of ocean
variables, Pierce et al. (2012) found that the joint analysis of tempera-
ture and salinity changes yielded a stronger signal of climate change
than ‘either salinity or temperature alone’.
Further insights can be gained by considering a synthesis of evidence
across the climate system. This is the subject of the next subsection.
10.9.2 Whole Climate System
To demonstrate how observed changes across the climate system can
be understood in terms of natural and anthropogenic causes Figure
10.21 compares observed and modelled changes in the atmosphere,
ocean and cryosphere. The instrumental records associated with each
element of the climate system are generally independent (see FAQ 2.1),
and consequently joint interpretations across observations from the
main components of the climate system increases the confidence to
higher levels than from any single study or component of the climate
system. The ability of climate models to replicate observed changes
(to within internal variability) across a wide suite of climate indicators
also builds confidence in the capacity of the models to simulate the
Earth’s climate.
The coherence of observed changes for the variables shown in Figure
10.21 with climate model simulations that include anthropogenic and
natural forcing is remarkable. Surface temperatures over land, SSTs
and ocean heat content changes show emerging anthropogenic and
natural signals with a clear separation between the observed changes
and the alternative hypothesis of just natural variations (Figure 10.21,
Global panels). These signals appear not just in the global means, but
also at continental and ocean basin scales in these variables. Sea ice
emerges strongly from the range expected from natural variability for
the Arctic and Antarctica remains broadly within the range of natural
variability consistent with expectations from model simulations includ-
ing anthropogenic forcings.
Table 10.1 illustrates a larger suite of detection and attribution results
across the climate system than summarized in Figure 10.21. These
results include observations from both the instrumental record and
paleo-reconstructions on a range of time scales ranging from daily
extreme precipitation events to variability over millennium time scales.
From up in the stratosphere, down through the troposphere to the sur-
face of the Earth and into the depths of the oceans there are detectable
signals of change such that the assessed likelihood of a detectable, and
often quantifiable, human contribution ranges from likely to extremely
likely for many climate variables (Table 10.1). Indeed to successfully
describe the observed warming trends in the atmosphere, ocean and
at the surface over the past 50 years, contributions from both anthro-
pogenic and natural forcings are required (e.g., results 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9
in Table 10.1). This is consistent with anthropogenic forcings warming
the surface of the Earth, troposphere and oceans superimposed with
cooling events caused by the three large explosive volcanic eruptions
since the 1960’s. These two effects (anthropogenic warming and vol-
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ 10.2 | When Will Human Influences on Climate Become Obvious on Local Scales?
Human-caused warming is already becoming locally obvious on land in some tropical regions, especially during the
warm part of the year. Warming should become obvious in middle latitudes—during summer at first—within the
next several decades. The trend is expected to emerge more slowly there, especially during winter, because natural
climate variability increases with distance from the equator and during the cold season. Temperature trends already
detected in many regions have been attributed to human influence. Temperature-sensitive climate variables, such
as Arctic sea ice, also show detected trends attributable to human influence.
Warming trends associated with global change are generally more evident in averages of global temperature than
in time series of local temperature (‘local’ here refers generally to individual locations, or small regional averages).
This is because most of the local variability of local climate is averaged away in the global mean. Multi-decadal
warming trends detected in many regions are considered to be outside the range of trends one might expect from
natural internal variability of the climate system, but such trends will only become obvious when the local mean cli-
mate emerges from the ‘noise’ of year-to-year variability. How quickly this happens depends on both the rate of the
warming trend and the amount of local variability. Future warming trends cannot be predicted precisely, especially
at local scales, so estimates of the future time of emergence of a warming trend cannot be made with precision.
In some tropical regions, the warming trend has already emerged from local variability (FAQ 10.2, Figure 1). This
happens more quickly in the tropics because there is less temperature variability there than in other parts of the
globe. Projected warming may not emerge in middle latitudes until the mid-21st century—even though warming
trends there are larger—because local temperature variability is substantially greater there than in the tropics. On a
seasonal basis, local temperature variability tends to be smaller in summer than in winter. Warming therefore tends
to emerge first in the warm part of the year, even in regions where the warming trend is larger in winter, such as in
central Eurasia in FAQ 10.2, Figure 1.
Variables other than land surface temperature, including some oceanic regions, also show rates of long-term change
different from natural variability. For example, Arctic sea ice extent is declining very rapidly, and already shows a
human influence. On the other hand, local precipitation trends are very hard to detect because at most locations
the variability in precipitation is quite large. The probability of record-setting warm summer temperatures has
increased throughout much of the Northern Hemisphere . High temperatures presently considered extreme are
projected to become closer to the norm over the coming decades. The probabilities of other extreme events, includ-
ing some cold spells, have lessened.
In the present climate, individual extreme weather events cannot be unambiguously ascribed to climate change,
since such events could have happened in an unchanged climate. However the probability of occurrence of such
events could have changed significantly at a particular location. Human-induced increases in greenhouse gases are
estimated to have contributed substantially to the probability of some heatwaves. Similarly, climate model studies
suggest that increased greenhouse gases have contributed to the observed intensification of heavy precipitation
events found over parts of the Northern Hemisphere. However, the probability of many other extreme weather
events may not have changed substantially. Therefore, it is incorrect to ascribe every new weather record to climate
The date of future emergence of projected warming trends also depends on local climate variability, which can
temporarily increase or decrease temperatures. Furthermore, the projected local temperature curves shown in FAQ
10.2, Figure 1 are based on multiple climate model simulations forced by the same assumed future emissions sce-
nario. A different rate of atmospheric greenhouse gas accumulation would cause a different warming trend, so the
spread of model warming projections (the coloured shading in FAQ 10.2, Figure 1) would be wider if the figure
included a spread of greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. The increase required for summer temperature change to
emerge from 20th century local variability (regardless of the rate of change) is depicted on the central map in FAQ
10.2, Figure 1.
A full answer to the question of when human influence on local climate will become obvious depends on the
strength of evidence one considers sufficient to render something ‘obvious’. The most convincing scientific evidence
for the effect of climate change on local scales comes from analysing the global picture, and from the wealth of
evidence from across the climate system linking many observed changes to human influence. (continued on next page)
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
FAQ 10.2, Figure 1 | Time series of projected temperature change shown at four representative locations for summer (red curves, representing June, July and August
at sites in the tropics and Northern Hemisphere or December, January and February in the Southern Hemisphere) and winter (blue curves). Each time series is surrounded
by an envelope of projected changes (pink for the local warm season, blue for the local cold season) yielded by 24 different model simulations, emerging from a grey
envelope of natural local variability simulated by the models using early 20th century conditions. The warming signal emerges first in the tropics during summer. The
central map shows the global temperature increase (°C) needed for temperatures in summer at individual locations to emerge from the envelope of early 20th century
variability. Note that warm colours denote the smallest needed temperature increase, hence earliest time of emergence. All calculations are based on Coupled Model
Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) global climate model simulations forced by the Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5) emissions scenario.
Envelopes of projected change and natural variability are defined as ±2 standard deviations. (Adapted and updated from Mahlstein et al., 2011.)
1900 1940 1980 2020 2060 2100
DJF temperature anomaly (°C)
JJA temperature anomaly (°C)
1900 1940 1980 2020 2060 2100
DJF temperature anomaly (°C)
JJA temperature anomaly (°C)
1900 1940 1980 2020 2060 2100
DJF temperature anomaly (°C)
JJA temperature anomaly (°C)
1900 1940 1980 2020 2060 2100
DJF temperature anomaly (°C)
JJA temperature anomaly (°C)
Global temperature increase (°C) needed for temperatures
in summer at individual locations to emerge from the
envelope of early 20th century variability
FAQ 10.2 (continued)
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
Figure 10.21 | Detection and attribution signals in some elements of the climate system, at regional scales (top panels) and global scales (bottom four panels). Brown panels are
land surface temperature time series, green panels are precipitation time series, blue panels are ocean heat content time series and white panels are sea ice time series. Observa-
tions are shown on each panel in black or black and shades of grey. Blue shading is the model time series for natural forcing simulations and pink shading is the combined natural
and anthropogenic forcings. The dark blue and dark red lines are the ensemble means from the model simulations. All panels show the 5 to 95% intervals of the natural forcing
simulations, and the natural and anthropogenic forcing simulations. For surface temperature the results are from Jones et al. (2013 ) (and Figure 10.1). The observed surface tem-
perature is from Hadley Centre/Climatic Research Unit gridded surface temperature data set 4 (HadCRUT4). Observed precipitation is from Zhang et al. (2007) (black line) and CRU
TS 3.0 updated (grey line). Three observed records of ocean heat content (OHC) are shown. Sea ice anomalies (rather than absolute values) are plotted and based on models in
Figure 10.16. The green horizontal lines indicate quality of the observations and estimates.For land and ocean surface temperatures panels and precipitation panels, solid green
lines at bottom of panels indicate where data spatial coverage being examined is above 50% coverage and dashed green lines where coverage is below 50%. For example, data
coverage of Antarctica never goes above 50% of the land area of the continent. For ocean heat content and sea ice panels the solid green line is where the coverage of data is
good and higher in quality, and the dashed green line is where the data coverage is only adequate. More details of the sources of model simulations and observations are given in
the Supplementary Material (10.SM.1).
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
canic eruptions) cause much of the observed response (see also Figures
10.5, 10.6, 10.9, 10.14a and 10.21). Both natural and anthropogenic
forcings are required to understand fully the variability of the Earth
system during the past 50 years.
Water in the free atmosphere is expected to increase, as a consequence
of warming of the atmosphere (Section 10.6.1), and atmospheric circu-
lation controls the global distribution of precipitation and evaporation.
Simulations show that GHGs increase moisture in the atmosphere and
change its transport in such a way as to produce patterns of precipi-
tation and evaporation that are quite distinct from the observed pat-
terns of warming. Our assessment shows that anthropogenic forcings
have contributed to observed increases in moisture content in the
atmosphere (result 16, medium confidence, Table 10.1), to global scale
changes in precipitation patterns over land (result 14, medium confi-
dence), to a global scale intensification of heavy precipitation in land
regions where there observational coverage is sufficient to make an
assessment (result 15, medium confidence), and to changes in surface
and sub-surface ocean salinity (result 11, very likely). Combining evi-
dence from both atmosphere and ocean that systematic changes in
precipitation over land and ocean salinity can be attributed to human
influence supports an assessment that it is likely that human influence
has affected the global water cycle since 1960.
Warming of the atmosphere and the oceans affects the cryosphere, and
in the case of snow and sea ice warming leads to positive feedbacks
that amplify the warming response in the atmosphere and oceans.
Retreat of mountain glaciers has been observed with an anthropo-
genic influence detected (result 17, likely, Table 10.1), Greenland ice
sheet has melted at the edges and accumulating snow at the higher
elevations is consistent with GHG warming supporting an assessment
for an anthropogenic influence on the negative surface mass balance
of Greenland’s ice sheet (result 18, likely, Table 10.1). Our level of sci-
entific understanding is too low to provide a quantifiable explanation
of the observed mass loss of the Antarctic ice sheet (low confidence,
result 19, Table 10.1). Sea ice in the Arctic is decreasing rapidly and the
changes now exceed internal variability and with an anthropogenic
contribution detected (result 20, very likely, Table 10.1). Antarctic sea
ice extent has grown overall over the last 30 years but there is low sci-
entific understanding of the spatial variability and changes in Antarctic
sea ice extent (result 21, Table 10.1). There is evidence for an anthro-
pogenic component to observed reductions in NH snow cover since the
1970s (likely, result 22, Table 10.1).
Anthropogenic forcing has also affected temperature on continental
scales, with human influences having made a substantial contribution
to warming in each of the inhabited continents (results 28, likely, Table
10.1), and having contributed to the very substantial Arctic warming
over the past 50 years (result 29, likely, Table 10.1) while because of
large observational uncertainties there is low confidence in attribution
of warming averaged over available stations over Antarctica (result 30,
Table 10.1). There is also evidence that anthropogenic forcings have
contributed to temperature change in many sub-continental regions
(result 32, likely, Table 10.1) and that anthropogenic forcings have
contributed to the observed changes in the frequency and intensity
of daily temperature extremes on the global scale since the mid-20th
century (result 8, very likely, Table 10.1). Furthermore there is evidence
that human influence has substantially increased the probability of
occurrence of heat waves in some locations (result 33, likely, Table
An analysis of these results (from Table 10.1) shows that there is high
confidence in attributing many aspects of changes in the climate
system to human influence including from atmospheric measurements
of temperature. Synthesizing the results in Table 10.1 shows that the
combined evidence from across the climate system increases the level
of confidence in the attribution of observed climate change to human
influence and reduces the uncertainties associated with assessments
based on a single variable. From this combined evidence, it is virtually
certain that human influence has warmed the global climate system.
We acknowledge the major contributions of the following scientists
who took a substantial part in the production of key figures: Beena
Balan Sarojini, Oliver Browne, Jara Imbers Quintana, Gareth Jones,
Fraser Lott, Irina Mahlstein, Alexander Otto, Debbie Polson, Andrew
Schurer, Lijun Tao, and Muyin Wang. We also acknowledge the contri-
butions of Viviane Vasconcellos de Menezes for her work on the pro-
duction of figures and for her meticulous management of the bibliog-
raphy database used for this chapter.
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
Table 10.1 | Synthesis of detection and attribution results across the climate system from this chapter. Note that we follow the guidance note for lead authors of the IPCC AR5 on consistent treatment of uncertainties (Mastrandrea et al.,
2011). Where the confidence is medium or less there is no assessment given of the quantified likelihood measure, and the table cell is marked not applicable (N/A).
Result (1) Statement about
variable or property:
time, season
(2) Confidence
(Very high, High,
medium or low,
very low)
(3) Quantified measure of uncer-
tainty where the probability of
the outcome can be quantified
(Likelihood given generally only
if high or very high confidence)
(4) Data sources
Observational evidence (Chapters 2
to 5); Models (Chapter 9)
(5) Type, amount, quality, consistency
of evidence from attribution studies
and degree of agreement of studies.
(6) Factors contributing to the assessments
including physical understanding, observational
and modelling uncertainty, and caveats.
Global Scale Atmospheric Temperature Changes
1 More than half of the
observed increase in global
mean surface temperatures
from 1951 to 2010 is due to
the observed anthropogenic
increase in greenhouse gas
(GHG) concentrations.
High Very likely Four global surface temperature series
CMIP3 and CMIP5 models.
· Many formal attribution studies,
including optimal fingerprint time-space
studies and time series based studies.
· Robust evidence. Attribution of more
than half of warming since 1950 to
GHGs seen in multiple independent
analyses using different observational
data sets and climate models.
· High agreement. Studies agree in
robust detection of GHG contribu-
tion to observed warming that
is larger than any other factor
including internal variability.
The observed warming is well understood in terms
of contributions of anthropogenic forcings such
as greenhouse gases (GHGs) and tropospheric
aerosols and natural forcings from volcanic erup-
tions. Solar forcing is the only other forcing that
could explain long-term warming but pattern of
warming is not consistent with observed pattern
of change in time, vertical change and estimated
to be small. AMO could be confounding influ-
ence but studies that find significant role for AMO
show this does not project strongly onto 60-year
trends. (Section, Figures 10.4 and 10.5)
2 More than half of the
observed increase in global
mean surface temperatures
from 1951 to 2010 is due to
human influence on climate.
High Extremely likely Mutliple CMIP5 models and
multiple methodologies.
· Formal attribution studies including
different optimal detection methodolo-
gies and time series based studies.
· Robust evidence of well-constrained
estimates of net anthropogenic warming
estimated in optimal detection studies.
· High agreement. Both optimal detec-
tion and time series studies agree in
robust detection of anthropogenic
influence that is substantially more
than half of the observed warming.
The observed warming is well understood in
terms of contributions of anthropogenic and
natural forcings. Solar forcing and AMO could be
confounding influence but are estimated to be
smaller than the net effects of human influence.
(Section, Figures 10.4, 10.5, 10.6)
3 Early 20th century warming is
due in part to external forcing.
High Very likely Instrumental global surface temperature
series and reconstructions of the last
millenium. CMIP3 and CMIP5 models.
· Formal detection and attribution studies
looking at early century warming and
studies for the last few hundred years.
· High agreement across a number
of studies in detecting external
forcings when including early 20th
century period although they vary in
contributions from different forcings.
Modelling studies show contribution from external
forcings to early century warming. Residual differ-
ences between models and observations indicate role
for circulation changes as contributor.
(Section, Figures 10.1, 10.2, 10.6)
4 Warming since 1950 cannot
be explained without external
High Virtually certain Estimates of internal variability from CMIP3
and CMIP5 models, observation based
time series and space pattern analyses,
and estimating residuals of the non-forced
component from paleo data.
· Many, including optimal fingerprint
time-space studies, observation
based time series and space pattern
analyses and paleo data studies.
· Robust evidence and high agreement.
· Detection of anthropogenic finger-
print robustly seen in independent
analyses using different observa-
tional data sets, climate models,
and methodological approaches.
Based on all evidence above combined. Observed
warming since 1950 is very large compared to climate
model estimates of internal variability, which are
assessed to be adequate at global scale. The Northern
Hemisphere (NH) mean warming since 1950 is far out-
side the range of any similar length trend in residuals
from reconstructions of NH mean temperature of
the past millennium. The spatial pattern of observed
warming differs from those associated with internal
variability. (Sections,, 10.7.1)
(continued on next page)
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
(1) Statement about
variable or property:
time, season
(2) Confidence
(Very high, High,
medium or low,
very low)
(3) Quantified measure of uncer-
tainty where the probability of
the outcome can be quantified
(Likelihood given generally only
if high or very high confidence)
(4) Data sources
Observational evidence (Chapters 2
to 5); Models (Chapter 9)
(5) Type, amount, quality, consistency
of evidence from attribution studies
and degree of agreement of studies.
(6) Factors contributing to the assessments
including physical understanding, observational
and modelling uncertainty, and caveats.
5 Anthropogenic forcing
has led to a detectable
warming of troposphere
temperatures since 1961.
High Likely Multiple radiosonde data sets from
1958 and satellite data sets from 1979
to present. CMIP3 and CMIP5 models.
· Formal attribution studies with CMIP3
models (assessed in AR4) and CMIP5
· Robust detection and attribution of
anthropogenic influence on
tropospheric warming with large
signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios estimated.
· Studies agree in detecting an anthropo-
genic influence on tropospheric
warming trends.
Observational uncertainties in radiosondes are
now much better documented than at time of
AR4. It is virtually certain that the troposphere has
warmed since the mid-20th century but there is
only medium confidence in the rate and vertical
structure of those changes in the NH extratropi-
cal troposphere and low confidence elsewhere.
Most, though not all, CMIP3 and CMIP5 models
overestimate the observed warming trend in the
tropical troposphere during the satellite period
although observational uncertainties are large
and outside the tropics and over the period of the
radiosonde record beginning in 1961 there is better
agreement between simulated and observed trends.
(Sections 2.4.4,,, Figure 10.8)
6 Anthropogenic forcing
dominated by the depletion
of the ozone layer due to
ozone depleting substances,
has led to a detectable
cooling of lower stratosphere
temperatures since 1979.
High Very Likely Radiosonde data from 1958 and satellite
data from 1979 to present. CCMVal,
CMIP3 and CMIP5 simulations.
· A formal optimal detection attribution
study using stratosphere resolving
chemistry climate models and a
detection study analysing the S/N
ratio of the data record together
with many separate modelling
studies and observational studies.
· Physical reasoning and model studies
show very consistent understanding
of observed evolution of stratospheric
temperatures, consistent with formal
detection and attribution results.
· Studies agree in showing very strong
cooling in stratosphere that can be
explained only by anthropogenic
forcings dominated by ozone
depleting substances.
New generation of stratosphere resolving models
appear to have adequate representation of lower
stratospheric variability. Structure of stratospheric
temperature trends and variations is reasonably
well represented by models. CMIP5 models all
include changes in stratospheric ozone while only
about half of the models participating in CMIP3
include stratospheric ozone changes. (Sections,, Figures10.8 and 10.9)
7 Anthropogenic forcing, particu-
larly GHGs and stratospheric
ozone depletion has led to a
detectable observed pattern
of tropospheric warming
and lower stratospheric
cooling since 1961.
High Very likely Radiosonde data from 1958 and
satellite data from 1979 to present.
· Attribution studies using CMIP3 and
CMIP5 models.
· Physical reasoning and modelling sup-
ports robust expectation of fingerprint
of anthropogenic influence of tropo-
spheric warming and lower stratospheric
cooling which is robustly detected
in multiple observational records.
· Fingerprint of anthropogenic influence
is detected in different measures of
free atmosphere temperature changes
including tropospheric warming,
and a very clear identification of
stratospheric cooling in models that
include anthropogenic forcings.
Fingerprint of changes expected from physical under-
standing and as simulated by models is detected in
observations. Understanding of stratospheric changes
has improved since AR4. Understanding of obser-
vational uncertainty has improved although uncer-
tainties remain particularly in the tropical upper tropo-
sphere. (Sections 2.4.4,, Figures 10.8, 10.9)
(continued on next page)
Table 10.1 (continued)
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
(1) Statement about
variable or property:
time, season
(2) Confidence
(Very high, High,
medium or low,
very low)
(3) Quantified measure of uncer-
tainty where the probability of
the outcome can be quantified
(Likelihood given generally only
if high or very high confidence)
(4) Data sources
Observational evidence (Chapters 2
to 5); Models (Chapter 9)
(5) Type, amount, quality, consistency
of evidence from attribution studies
and degree of agreement of studies.
(6) Factors contributing to the assessments
including physical understanding, observational
and modelling uncertainty, and caveats.
8 Anthropogenic forcing has
contributed to the observed
changes in the frequency and
intensity of daily temperatures
extremes on the global scale
since the mid-20th century.
High Very Likely Indices for frequency and intensity of
extreme temperatures including annual
maximum and annual minimum daily
temperatures, over land areas of the
World except parts of Africa, South
America and Antarctica. CMIP3 and
CMIP5 simulations, 1950–2005.
· Several studies including fingerprint
time–space studies.
· Detection of anthropogenic influence
robustly seen in independent analysis
using different statistical methods and
different indices.
Expected from physical principles that changes in
mean temperature should bring changes in extremes,
confirmed by detection and attribution studies.
New evidence since AR4 for detection of human
influence on extremely warm daytime maximum
temperatures and new evidence that influence of
anthropogenic forcing can be separately detected
from natural forcing. More limited observational
data and greater observational uncertainties than for
mean temperatures. (Section, Figure 10.17)
9 Anthropogenic forcings
have made a substantial
contribution to upper ocean
warming (above 700 m)
observed since the 1970s.
This anthropogenic ocean
warming has contrib-
uted to global sea level rise
over this period through
thermal expansion.
High Very likely Several observational data sets since
the 1970s. CMIP3 and CMIP5 models.
· Several new attribution studies detect
role of anthropogenic forcing on
observed increase in ocean’s global
heat content with volcanic forcing also
contributing to observed variability.
· The evidence is very robust, and tested
against known structural deficiencies
in the observations, and in the models.
· High levels of agreement across attribu-
tion studies and observation and model
comparison studies. The strong physical
relationship between thermosteric sea
level and ocean heat content means that
the anthropogenic ocean warming has
contributed to global sea level rise over
this period through thermal expansion.
New understanding of the structural errors in the
temperature data sets has led to their correction
which means that the unexplained multi-decadal
scale variability reported in AR4 has largely been
resolved as being spurious. The observations and
climate simulations have similar trends (including
anthropogenic and volcanic forcings) and similar
decadal variability. The detection is well above S/N
levels required at 1 and 5% significance levels.
The new results show the conclusions to be very
robust to structural uncertainties in observational
data sets and transient climate simulations. (Sec-
tions 3.2.5, 10.4.1, 10.4.3, 13.3.6, Figure 10.14)
10 Anthropogenic forcing has
contributed to sea level rise
through melting glaciers
and Greenland ice sheet.
High Likely Observational evidence of melting glaciers
(Section 4.3) and ice sheets (Section 4.4).
Global mean sea level budget closure to
within uncertainties. (Section13.3.6)
· Several new mass balance studies
quantifying glacier and ice sheet melt
rates (Section 10.5.2) and their contribu-
tions to sea level rise. (Section 13.3)
Strong observational evidence of contribution from
melting glaciers and high confidence in attribution of
glacier melt to human influence. Increasing rates of
ice sheet contributions albeit from short observa-
tional record (especially of Antarctic mass loss).
Current climate models do not represent
glacier and ice sheet processes. Natural vari-
ability of glaciers and ice sheets not fully
understood. (Sections 10.4.3, 10.5.2)
(continued on next page)
Table 10.1 (continued)
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
(1) Statement about
variable or property:
time, season
(2) Confidence
(Very high, High,
medium or low,
very low)
(3) Quantified measure of uncer-
tainty where the probability of
the outcome can be quantified
(Likelihood given generally only
if high or very high confidence)
(4) Data sources
Observational evidence (Chapters 2
to 5); Models (Chapter 9)
(5) Type, amount, quality, consistency
of evidence from attribution studies
and degree of agreement of studies.
(6) Factors contributing to the assessments
including physical understanding, observational
and modelling uncertainty, and caveats.
11 The observed ocean surface
and sub-surface salinity chang-
es since the 1960s are due, in
part, to anthropogenic forcing.
High Very likely Oceans chapter (Section 3.3) and
attribution studies in Section 10.4.2.
· Robust observational evidence for
amplification of climatological patterns
of surface salinity.
· CMIP3 simulations show patterns of
salinity change consistent with observa-
tions, but there are only a few formal
attributions studies that include a full
characterization of internal variability.
· Physical understanding of expected
patterns of change in salinity due to
changes in water cycle support results
from detection and attriution studies.
More than 40 studies of regional, global surface and
subsurface salinity observations show patterns of
change consistent with acceleration of hydrological
water cycle. Climate models that include anthropgenic
forcings show the same consistent pattern of surface
salinity change. (Sections 3.3.5, 10.4.2, Figure 10.15)
12 Observed increase in
surface ocean acidification
since 1980s is a resulted of
rising atmospheric CO
Very high Very likely Evidence from Section 3.8.2
and Box 3.2, Figure 3.18.
· Based on ocean chemistry, expert
judgement, and many analyses of time
series and other indirect measurements
· Robust evidence from time series
measurements. Measurements
have a high degree of certainty (see
Table 3.2) and instrumental records
show increase in ocean acidity.
· High agreement of the observed trends.
Very high confidence, based on the number of studies,
the updates to earlier results in AR4, and the very well
established physical understanding of gas exchange
between atmosphere and surface ocean, and the
sources of excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Alternative processes and hypotheses can be
excluded. (Section 3.8.2, Box 3.2, Section 10.4.4)
13 Observed pattern of
decrease in oxygen content
is, in part, attributable to
anthropogenic forcing.
To correctly read: Observed
pattern of decrease in oxygen
content from the 1960s to the
1990s is, in part, attributable
to anthropogenic forcing.
Medium About as likely as not Evidence from Section 3.8.3 and
attribution studies in Section 10.4.4.
· Qualitative expert judgement based on
comparison of observed and expected
changes in response to increasing CO
· Medium evidence. One specific global
ocean study, many studies of hydro-
graphic sections and repeat station
data, high agreement across
observational studies.
· Medium agreement. One attri-
bution study, and only limited
regional and large-scale modelling
and observation comparisons.
Physical understanding of ocean circulation and
ventilation, and from the global carbon cycle, and
from simulations of ocean oxygen concentrations
from coupled bio-geochemical models with OAGCMs.
Main uncertainty is observed decadal variability which
is not well understood in global and regional
inventories of dissolved oxygen in the oceans.
(Section 10.4.4)
Water Cycle
14 Global scale precipitation
patterns over land have
changed due to anthropogenic
forcings including increases
in NH mid to high latitudes.
Medium N/A Multiple observational data sets
based on rain gauges over land,
with coverage dominated by the
NH. CMIP3 and CMIP5 models.
· Several land precipitation studies exam-
ining annual and seasonal precipitation.
· Evidence for consistency between
observed and modelled changes in
global precipitation patterns over land
regions with sufficient observations.
· Medium degree of agreement of studies.
Expected anthropogenic fingerprints
of changes in zonal mean precipitation
found in annual and some seasonal
data with some sensitivity of attribution
results to observational data set used.
Increases of precipitation at high latitudes of the NH
are a robust feature of climate model simulations
and are expected from process understanding.
Global-land average long-term changes small at
present time, whereas decadal variability over some
land areas is large. Observations are very uncertain
and poor coverage of precipitation expected to
make fingerprint of changes much more indistinct.
(Sections 2.5.1,, Figures 10.10 and 10.11)
(continued on next page)
Table 10.1 (continued)
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
(1) Statement about
variable or property:
time, season
(2) Confidence
(Very high, High,
medium or low,
very low)
(3) Quantified measure of uncer-
tainty where the probability of
the outcome can be quantified
(Likelihood given generally only
if high or very high confidence)
(4) Data sources
Observational evidence (Chapters 2
to 5); Models (Chapter 9)
(5) Type, amount, quality, consistency
of evidence from attribution studies
and degree of agreement of studies.
(6) Factors contributing to the assessments
including physical understanding, observational
and modelling uncertainty, and caveats.
15 In land regions where
observational coverage is
sufficient for assessment,
anthropogenic forcing has
contributed to global-scale
intensification of heavy
precipitation over the second
half of the 20th century.
Medium N/A Wettest 1-day and 5-day precipitation
in a year obtained from rain guage
observations, CMIP3 simulations.
· Only one detection and attribution
study restricted to NH land where
observations were available.
· Study found stronger detectability
for models with natural forcings but
not able to differentiate anthro-
pogenic from natural forcings.
· Although only one formal detection
and attribution study, observa-
tions of a general increase in heavy
precipitation at the global scale
agree with physical expectations.
Evidence for anthropogenic influence on vari-
ous aspects of the hydrological cycle that implies
extreme precipitation would be expected to
increase. There are large observational uncertainties
and poor global coverage which makes assess-
ment difficult. (Section, Figure 10.11)
16 Anthropogenic contribu-
tion to atmospheric specific
humidity since 1973.
Medium N/A Observations of atmospheric moisture
content over ocean from satellite; observa-
tions of surface humidity from weather
stations and radiosondes over land.
· Detection and attribution studies of
both surface humidity from weather sta-
tions over land and atmospheric mois-
ture content over oceans from satellites.
· Detection of anthropogenic influence
on atmospheric moisture content over
oceans robust to choice of models.
· Studies looking at different variables
agree in detecting specific humidity
Recent reductions in relative humidity over land and
levelling off of specific humidity not fully under-
stood. Length and quality of observational data
sets limit detection and attribution and assimi-
lated analyses not judged sufficiently reliable for
detection and attribution. (Section
Hemispheric Scale Changes; Basin Scale Changes
17 A substantial part of glaciers
mass loss since the 1960’s
is due to human influence.
High Likely Robust agreement from
long-term glacier records. (Section 4.3.3)
· Several new recent studies since last
· High agreement across a limited
number of studies.
Well established records of glacier length, and better
methods of estimating glacier volumes and
mass loss. Better characterization of internal variability,
and better understanding of the response to natural
variability, and local land cover change. (Sections
4.3.3, 10.5.2)
18 Anthropogenic forcing
has contributed to surface
melting of the Greenland
ice sheet since 1993.
High Likely Robust agreement across in situ and
satellite derived estimates of surface
mass balance (Section 4.4). Nested or
downscaled model simulations show pat-
tern of change consistent with warming.
· Several new studies since last
· Robust evidence from different sources.
· High agreement across a limited number
of studies.
Documented evidence of surface mass loss. Uncer-
tainty caused by poor characterization of the internal
variability of the surface mass balance (strong depen-
dence on atmospheric variability) that is not well
represented in CMIP5 models. (Section 4.4.2,
19 Antarctic ice sheet mass bal-
ance loss has a contribution
from anthropogenic forcing.
Low N/A Observational evidence for Antarctic mass
sheet loss is well established across a
broad range of studies. (Section 4.4)
· No formal studies exist. Processes for
mass loss for Antarctica are not well
understood. Regional warming and
changed wind patterns (increased
westerlies, increase in the Southern
Annular Mode (SAM)) could contribute
to enhanced melt of Antarctica. High
agreement in observational studies.
Low confidence assessment based on low scientific
understanding. (Sections 4.4.2, 13.4, 10.5.2)
20 Anthropogenic forcing has
contributed to the Arctic
sea ice loss since 1979.
High Very likely Robust agreement across all
observations. (Section 4.2)
· Multiple detection and attribution
studies, large number of model simula-
tions and data comparisons for
instrumental record.
· Robust set of studies of simulations of
sea ice and observed sea ice extent.
· High agreement between stud-
ies of sea ice simulations and
observed sea ice extent.
High confidence based on documented observa-
tions of ice extent loss, and also good evidence
for a significant reduction in sea ice volume. The
physics of Arctic sea ice is well understood and
consistent with the observed warming in the region,
and from simulations of Arctic sea ice extent with
anthropogenic forcing. (Sections 9.4.3, 10.5.1)
(continued on next page)
Table 10.1 (continued)
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
(1) Statement about
variable or property:
time, season
(2) Confidence
(Very high, High,
medium or low,
very low)
(3) Quantified measure of uncer-
tainty where the probability of
the outcome can be quantified
(Likelihood given generally only
if high or very high confidence)
(4) Data sources
Observational evidence (Chapters 2
to 5); Models (Chapter 9)
(5) Type, amount, quality, consistency
of evidence from attribution studies
and degree of agreement of studies.
(6) Factors contributing to the assessments
including physical understanding, observational
and modelling uncertainty, and caveats.
21 Incomplete scientific explana-
tions of the observed increase
in Antarctic sea ice extent pre-
cludes attribution at this time.
N/A N/A The increase in sea ice extent in
observations is robust, based on
satellite measurements and ship-based
measurements. (Section 4.5.2)
· No formal attribution studies.
· Estimates of internal variability from
CMIP5 simulations exceed observed
sea ice variability.
· Modelling studies have a low level of
agreement for observed increase, and
there are competing scientific
Low confidence based on low scientific understand-
ing of the spatial variability and changes in the
Antarctic sea ice. (Sections 4.5.2, 10.5.1, 9.4.3)
22 There is an anthropogenic com-
ponent to observed reductions
in NH snow cover since 1970
High Likely Observations show decrease
in NH snow cover.
· Two snow cover attribution studies.
· Decrease in snow cover in the
observations are consistent among
many studies. (Section 4.5.2, 4.5.3)
· Reductions in observed snow cover
inconsistent with internal variability and
can be explained only by climate models
that include anthropogenic forcings.
Expert judgement and attribution studies sup-
port the human influence on reduction in snow
cover extent. (Sections 4.5.2, 4.5.3, 10.5.3)
Atmospheric Circulation and Patterns of Variability
23 Human influence has altered
sea level pressure patterns
globally since 1951.
High Likely An observational gridded data set and
reanalyses. Multiple climate models.
· A number of studies find detectable
anthropogenic influence on sea level
pressure patterns.
· Detection of anthropogenic influence is
found to be robust to currently sampled
modelling and observational uncertainty.
Detectable anthropogenic influence on changes
in sea level pressure patterns is found in several
attribution studies that sample observational and
modelling uncertainty. Observational uncertainties
not fully sampled as results based largely on variants
of one gridded data set although analyses based on
reanalyses also support the finding of a detectable
anthropogenic influence. (Section
24 The positive trend in the
SAM seen in austral summer
since 1951 is due in part to
stratospheric ozone depletion.
High Likely Measurements since 1957. Clear
signal of SAM trend in December,
January and February (DJF) is robust
to observational uncertainty.
· Many studies comparing consistency
of observed and modelled trends, and
consistency of observed trend with
simulated internal variability.
· Observed trends are consistent with
CMIP3 and CMIP5 simulations that
include stratospheric ozone depletion.
· Several studies show that the
observed increase in the DJF SAM is
inconsistent with simulated internal
variability. High agreement of model-
ling studies that ozone depletion
drives an increase in the DJF SAM
index. There is medium confidence
that GHGs have also played a role.
Consistent result of modelling studies is that
the main aspect of the anthropogenically forced
response on the DJF SAM is the impact of ozone
depletion. The observational record is relatively
short, observational uncertainties remain, and
the DJF SAM trend since 1951 is only margin-
ally inconsistent with internal variability in some
data sets. (Section, Figure 10.13)
25 Stratospheric ozone deple-
tion has contributed to the
observed poleward shift of
the Southern Hadley cell
during austral summer.
Medium N/A Multiple observational lines of
evidence for widening but large
spread in the magnitude.
Reanalysis suggest a southward
shift of southern Hadley cell border
during DJF which is also seen in
CMIP3 and CMIP5 models.
· Consistent evidence for effects of
stratospheric ozone depletion.
· Evidence from modelling studies is
robust that stratospheric ozone drives
a poleward shift of the southern Hadley
Cell border during austral summer. The
magnitude of the shift is very uncertain
and appears to be underestimated by
models. There is medium confidence
that GHGs have also played a role.
The observed magnitude of the tropical belt
widening is uncertain. The contribution of internal
climate variability to the observed poleward
expansion of the Hadley circulation remains very
uncertain. (Section, Figure 10.12)
(continued on next page)
Table 10.1 (continued)
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
(1) Statement about
variable or property:
time, season
(2) Confidence
(Very high, High,
medium or low,
very low)
(3) Quantified measure of uncer-
tainty where the probability of
the outcome can be quantified
(Likelihood given generally only
if high or very high confidence)
(4) Data sources
Observational evidence (Chapters 2
to 5); Models (Chapter 9)
(5) Type, amount, quality, consistency
of evidence from attribution studies
and degree of agreement of studies.
(6) Factors contributing to the assessments
including physical understanding, observational
and modelling uncertainty, and caveats.
26 Attribution of changes in
tropical cyclone activity
to human influence.
Low N/A Incomplete and short observa-
tional records in most basins.
· Formal attribution studies on SSTs
in tropics. However, mechanisms
linking anthropogenically induced
SST increases to changes in tropical
cyclone activity poorly understood.
· Attribution assessments depend on
multi-step attribution linking anthro-
pogenic influence to large-scale drivers
and thence to tropical cyclone activity.
· Low agreement between studies,
medium evidence.
Insufficient observational evidence of multi-decadal
scale variability. Physical understanding lacking.
There remains substantial disagreement on the
relative importance of internal variability, GHG
forcing, and aerosols. (Sections, 14.6.1)
Millennium Time Scale
27 External forcing contrib-
uted to NH temperature
variability from 1400 to 1850,
and from 850 to 1400.
High for period
from 1400 to 1850;
medium for period
from 850 to 1400.
Very likely for period
from 1400 to 1850.
See Chapter 5 for reconstructions;
simulations from PMIP3 and CMIP5
models, with more robust detec-
tion results for 1400 onwards.
· A small number of detection and
attribution studies and further evidence
from climate modelling studies; com-
parison of models with reconstructions
and results from data assimilation.
· Robust agreement from a number of
studies using a range of reconstruc-
tions and models (EBMs to ESMs)
that models are able to reproduce
key features of last seven centuries.
· Detection results and simulations
indicate a contribution by external
drivers to the warm conditions in
the 11th to 12th century, but cannot
explain the warmth around the 10th
century in some reconstructions.
Large uncertainty in reconstructions particularly for
the first half of the millennium but good agreement
between reconstructed and simulated large scale fea-
tures from 1400. Detection of forced influence robust
for a large range of reconstructions. Difficult to sepa-
rate role of individual forcings. Results prior to 1400
much more uncertain, partly due to larger data and
forcing uncertainty. (Sections 10.7.1, 10.7.2, 10.7.3)
Continental to Regional Scale Changes
28 Anthropogenic forcing has
made a substantial contribu-
tion to warming to each of
the inhabited continents.
High Likely Robust observational evidence except
for Africa due to poor sampling.
Detection and attribution studies
with CMIP3 and CMIP5 models.
· New studies since AR4 detect
anthropogenic warming on continental
and sub-continental scales.
· Robust detection of human influence on
continental scales agrees with global
attribution of widespread warming over
land to human influence.
· Studies agree in detecting human
influence on continental scales.
Anthropogenic pattern of warming widespread
across all inhabited continents. Lower S/N ratios at
continental scales than global scales. Separation of
response to forcings more difficult at these scales.
Models have greater errors in representation of
regional details. (Section,4, Box 11.2)
29 Anthropogenic contribution to
very substantial Arctic warm-
ing over the past 50 years.
High Likely Adequate observational coverage since
Detection and attribution analy-
sis with CMIP3 models.
· Multiple models show amplification of
Arctic temperatures from anthropogenic
· Large positive Arctic-wide temperature
anomalies in observations over last
decade and models are consistent only
when they include external forcing.
Large temperature signal relative to mid-latitudes but
also larger internal variability and poorer obser-
vational coverage than at lower latitudes. Known
multiple processes including albedo shifts and added
heat storage contribute to faster warming than at
lower latitudes. (Sections
(continued on next page)
Table 10.1 (continued)
Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional Chapter 10
(1) Statement about
variable or property:
time, season
(2) Confidence
(Very high, High,
medium or low,
very low)
(3) Quantified measure of uncer-
tainty where the probability of
the outcome can be quantified
(Likelihood given generally only
if high or very high confidence)
(4) Data sources
Observational evidence (Chapters 2
to 5); Models (Chapter 9)
(5) Type, amount, quality, consistency
of evidence from attribution studies
and degree of agreement of studies.
(6) Factors contributing to the assessments
including physical understanding, observational
and modelling uncertainty, and caveats.
30 Human contribution
to observed warming
averaged over available
stations over Antarctica.
Low N/A Poor observational coverage of Antarc-
tica with most observations around the
coast. Detection and attribution studies
with CMIP3 and CMIP5 models.
· One optimal detection study, and some
modelling studies.
· Clear detection in one optimal detection
Possible contribution to changes from SAM increase.
Residual when SAM induced changes are removed
shows warming consistent with expectation due to
anthropogenic forcing. High observational uncertainty
and sparse data coverage (individual stations only
mostly around the coast). (Sections,
31 Contribution by forcing to
reconstructed European
temperature variability over
last five centuries.
Medium N/A European seasonal tempera-
tures from 1500 onwards.
· One detection and attribution study and
several modelling studies.
· Clear detection of external forcings in
one study; robust volcanic signal seen
in several studies (see also Chapter 5).
Robust volcanic response detected in Epoch analyses
in several studies. Models reproduce low-frequency
evolution when include external forcings. Uncertainty
in overall level of variability, uncertainty in
reconstruction particularly prior to late 17th century.
(Sections 10.7.2, 5.5.1)
32 Anthropogenic forcing has
contributed to temperature
change in many sub-conti-
nental regions of the world.
High Likely Good observational coverage for
many regions (e.g., Europe) and
poor for others (e.g., Africa, Arctic).
Detection and attribution studies
with CMIP3 and CMIP5 models.
· A number of detection and attribution
studies have analysed temperatures
on scales from Giorgi regions to
climate model grid box scale.
· Many studies agree in showing that
an anthropogenic signal is appar-
ent in many sub-continental scale
regions. In some sub-continental-
scale regions circulation changes
may have played a bigger role.
Larger role of internal variability at smaller scales
relative to signal of climate change. In some regions
observational coverage is poor. Local forcings
and feedbacks as well as circulation changes are
important in many regions and may not be well
simulated in all regions. (Section, Box 11.2)
33 Human influence has
substantially increased the
probability of occurrence of
heat waves in some locations.
High Likely Good observational coverage for some
regions and poor for others (thus biasing
studies to regions where observational
coverage is good). Coupled modeling stud-
ies examining the effects of anthropogonic
warming and the probability of occurrence
of very warm seasonal temperatures and
targeted experiments with models forced
with prescribed sea surface temperatures.
· Multi-step attribution studies of some
events including the Europe 2003,
Western Russia 2010, and Texas 2011
heatwaves have shown an anthropo-
genic contribution to their occurrence
probability, backed up by studies
looking at the overall implications of
increasing mean temperatures for the
probability of exceeding seasonal mean
temperature thresholds in some regions.
· To infer the probability of a heatwave,
extrapolation has to be made from the
scales on which most attribution studies
have been carried out to the spatial
and temporal scales of heatwaves.
· Studies agree in finding robust evidence
for anthropogenic influence on increase
in probability of occurrence of extreme
seasonal mean temperatures in many
In some instances, circulation changes could be more
important than thermodynamic changes. This could
be a possible confounding influence since much of
the magnitude (as opposed to the probability of
occurrence) of many heat waves is attributable to
atmospheric flow anomalies. (Sections 10.6.1, 10.6.2)
Table 10.1 (continued)
Chapter 10 Detection and Attribution of Climate Change: from Global to Regional
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