This chapter should be cited as:
Boucher, O., D. Randall, P. Artaxo, C. Bretherton, G. Feingold, P. Forster, V.-M. Kerminen, Y. Kondo, H. Liao, U.
Lohmann, P. Rasch, S.K. Satheesh, S. Sherwood, B. Stevens and X.Y. Zhang, 2013: Clouds and Aerosols. In: Climate
Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Stocker, T.F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung,
A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex and P.M. Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and
New York, NY, USA.
Coordinating Lead Authors:
Olivier Boucher (France), David Randall (USA)
Lead Authors:
Paulo Artaxo (Brazil), Christopher Bretherton (USA), Graham Feingold (USA), Piers Forster
(UK), Veli-Matti Kerminen (Finland), Yutaka Kondo (Japan), Hong Liao (China), Ulrike Lohmann
(Switzerland), Philip Rasch (USA), S.K. Satheesh (India), Steven Sherwood (Australia), Bjorn
Stevens (Germany), Xiao-Ye Zhang (China)
Contributing Authors:
Govindasamy Bala (India), Nicolas Bellouin (UK), Angela Benedetti (UK), Sandrine Bony (France),
Ken Caldeira (USA), Anthony Del Genio (USA), Maria Cristina Facchini (Italy), Mark Flanner
(USA), Steven Ghan (USA), Claire Granier (France), Corinna Hoose (Germany), Andy Jones (UK),
Makoto Koike (Japan), Ben Kravitz (USA), Benjamin Laken (Spain), Matthew Lebsock (USA),
Natalie Mahowald (USA), Gunnar Myhre (Norway), Colin O’Dowd (Ireland), Alan Robock
(USA), Bjørn Samset (Norway), Hauke Schmidt (Germany), Michael Schulz (Norway), Graeme
Stephens (USA), Philip Stier (UK), Trude Storelvmo (USA), Dave Winker (USA), Matthew Wyant
Review Editors:
Sandro Fuzzi (Italy), Joyce Penner (USA), Venkatachalam Ramaswamy (USA), Claudia
Stubenrauch (France)
Clouds and Aerosols
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ..................................................................... 573
7.1 Introduction ...................................................................... 576
7.1.1 Clouds and Aerosols in the Atmosphere .................... 576
7.1.2 Rationale for Assessing Clouds, Aerosols and
Their Interactions ...................................................... 576
7.1.3 Forcing, Rapid Adjustments and Feedbacks............... 576
7.1.4 Chapter Roadmap ..................................................... 578
7.2 Clouds ................................................................................. 578
7.2.1 Clouds in the Present-Day Climate System................ 578
7.2.2 Cloud Process Modelling ........................................... 582
7.2.3 Parameterization of Clouds in Climate Models ......... 584
7.2.4 Water Vapour and Lapse Rate Feedbacks .................. 586
7.2.5 Cloud Feedbacks and Rapid Adjustments to
Carbon Dioxide ......................................................... 587
7.2.6 Feedback Synthesis ................................................... 591
7.2.7 Anthropogenic Sources of Moisture
and Cloudiness .......................................................... 592
7.3 Aerosols ............................................................................. 595
7.3.1 Aerosols in the Present-Day Climate System ............. 595
7.3.2 Aerosol Sources and Processes ................................. 599
7.3.3 Progress and Gaps in Understanding Climate
Relevant Aerosol Properties ...................................... 602
7.3.4 Aerosol–Radiation Interactions ................................. 604
7.3.5 Aerosol Responses to Climate Change
and Feedback ............................................................ 605
7.4 Aerosol–Cloud Interactions ......................................... 606
7.4.1 Introduction and Overview of Progress Since AR4 .... 606
7.4.2 Microphysical Underpinnings of Aerosol–Cloud
Interactions ............................................................... 609
7.4.3 Forcing Associated with Adjustments in
Liquid Clouds ............................................................ 609
7.4.4 Adjustments in Cold Clouds ...................................... 611
7.4.5 Synthesis on Aerosol–Cloud Interactions .................. 612
7.4.6 Impact of Cosmic Rays on Aerosols and Clouds ........ 613
7.5 Radiative Forcing and Effective Radiative
Forcing by Anthropogenic Aerosols ........................... 614
7.5.1 Introduction and Summary of AR4 ............................ 614
7.5.2 Estimates of Radiative Forcing and Effective Radiative
Forcing from Aerosol–Radiation Interactions ............ 614
7.5.3 Estimate of Effective Radiative Forcing from
Combined Aerosol–Radiation and Aerosol–Cloud
Interactions ............................................................... 618
7.5.4 Estimate of Effective Radiative Forcing from Aerosol–
Cloud Interactions Alone ........................................... 620
7.6 Processes Underlying Precipitation Changes ......... 624
7.6.1 Introduction .............................................................. 624
7.6.2 The Effects of Global Warming on Large-Scale
Precipitation Trends ................................................... 624
7.6.3 Radiative Forcing of the Hydrological Cycle .............. 624
7.6.4 Effects of Aerosol–Cloud Interactions on
Precipitation .............................................................. 625
7.6.5 The Physical Basis for Changes in
Precipitation Extremes .............................................. 626
7.7 Solar Radiation Management and Related
Methods ............................................................................. 627
7.7.1 Introduction .............................................................. 627
7.7.2 Assessment of Proposed Solar Radiation
Management Methods .............................................. 627
7.7.3 Climate Response to Solar Radiation
Management Methods .............................................. 629
7.7.4 Synthesis on Solar Radiation Management
Methods .................................................................... 635
References .................................................................................. 636
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ 7.1 How Do Clouds Affect Climate and Climate
Change? ................................................................... 593
FAQ 7.2 How Do Aerosols Affect Climate and Climate
Change? ................................................................... 622
FAQ 7.3 Could Geoengineering Counteract Climate
Change and What Side Effects Might Occur? ..... 632
Supplementary Material
Supplementary Material is available in online versions of the report.
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
In this Report, the following summary terms are used to describe the available evidence: limited, medium, or robust; and for the degree of agreement: low, medium, or high.
A level of confidence is expressed using five qualifiers: very low, low, medium, high, and very high, and typeset in italics, e.g., medium confidence. For a given evidence and
agreement statement, different confidence levels can be assigned, but increasing levels of evidence and degrees of agreement are correlated with increasing confidence (see
Section 1.4 and Box TS.1 for more details).
Executive Summary
Clouds and aerosols continue to contribute the largest uncertainty to
estimates and interpretations of the Earth’s changing energy budget.
This chapter focuses on process understanding and considers observa-
tions, theory and models to assess how clouds and aerosols contribute
and respond to climate change. The following conclusions are drawn.
Progress in Understanding
Many of the cloudiness and humidity changes simulated
by climate models in warmer climates are now understood
as responses to large-scale circulation changes that do not
appear to depend strongly on sub-grid scale model processes,
increasingconfidence in these changes.For example,multiplelines
of evidence now indicate positivefeedback contributions from circula-
tion-driven changes in both the height of high clouds and thelatitudi-
nal distribution of clouds (medium to high confidence
).However, some
aspects of the overall cloud response vary substantially among models,
and these appear to depend strongly on sub-grid scale processes in
which there is less confidence. {7.2.4, 7.2.5, 7.2.6, Figure 7.11}
Climate-relevant aerosol processes are better understood, and
climate-relevant aerosol properties better observed, than at the
time of AR4. However, the representation of relevant processes varies
greatly in global aerosol and climate models and it remains unclear
what level of sophistication is required to model their effect on climate.
Globally, between 20 and 40% of aerosol optical depth (medium confi-
dence) and between one quarter and two thirds of cloud condensation
nucleus concentrations (low confidence) are of anthropogenic origin.
{7.3, Figures 7.12 to 7.15}
Cosmic rays enhance new particle formation in the free tropo-
sphere, but the effect on the concentration of cloud condensa-
tion nuclei is too weak to have any detectable climatic influence
during a solar cycle or over the last century (medium evidence,
high agreement). No robust association between changes in cosmic
rays and cloudiness has been identified. In the event that such an asso-
ciation existed, a mechanism other than cosmic ray-induced nucleation
of new aerosol particles would be needed to explain it. {7.4.6}
Recent research has clarified the importance of distinguishing
forcing (instantaneous change in the radiative budget) and
rapid adjustments (which modify the radiative budget indirectly
through fast atmospheric and surface changes) from feedbacks
(which operate through changes in climate variables that are
mediated by a change in surface temperature). Furthermore, one
can distinguish between the traditional concept of radiative forcing
(RF) and the relatively new concept of effective radiative forcing (ERF)
that also includes rapid adjustments. For aerosols one can further dis-
tinguish forcing processes arising from aerosol–radiation interactions
(ari) and aerosol–cloud interactions (aci). {7.1, Figures 7.1 to 7.3}
The quantification of cloud and convective effects in models,
and of aerosol–cloud interactions, continues to be a challenge.
Climate models are incorporating more of the relevant process-
es than at the time of AR4, but confidence in the representation
of these processes remains weak.Cloud and aerosol properties vary
at scales significantly smaller than those resolved in climate models,
and cloud-scale processes respond to aerosol in nuanced ways at these
scales. Until sub-grid scale parameterizations of clouds and aerosol–
cloud interactions are able to address these issues, modelestimates of
aerosol–cloud interactions and their radiative effectswill carry large
uncertainties. Satellite-based estimates of aerosol–cloud interactions
remain sensitive to the treatment of meteorological influences on
clouds and assumptions on what constitutes pre-industrial conditions.
{7.3, 7.4, 7.5.3, 7.5.4, 7.6.4, Figures 7.8, 7.12, 7.16}
Precipitation andevaporation are expected to increase on aver-
age in a warmer climate, but also undergo global and regional
adjustments to carbon dioxide (CO
) and other forcings that
differ from their warming responses. Moreover, there is high
confidence that, as climate warms, extreme precipitation rates
on for example, daily time scales will increase faster than the
time average.Changesin average precipitation must remain consis-
tent with changesinthe net rate of cooling of the troposphere, which
is affected by its temperature but also by greenhouse gases (GHGs)
and aerosols. Consequently, while the increase in global mean pre-
cipitation would be 1.5 to 3.5% °C
due to surface temperature
change alone, warming caused by CO
or absorbing aerosols results
in a smaller sensitivity, even more so if it is partially offset by albedo
increases. The complexity of land surface and atmospheric process-
es limits confidence in regional projectionsof precipitation change,
especially over land, although there is a component of a ‘wet-get-wet-
ter’ and ‘dry-get-drier’ response over oceans at the large scale. Chang-
es inlocalextremes on daily and sub-daily time scales are strongly
influenced by lower-tropospheric water vapour concentrations,and on
average will increase by roughly 5 to 10% per degree Celsius of warm-
ing (medium confidence).Aerosol–cloudinteractions can influence the
character of individual storms, butevidence fora systematic aerosol
effect on storm or precipitation intensity ismore limited and ambigu-
ous. {7.2.4,7.4, 7.6, Figures 7.20, 7.21}
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
Water Vapour, Cloud and Aerosol Feedbacks
The net feedback from water vapour and lapse rate changes
combined, as traditionally defined, is extremely likely
(amplifying global climate changes). The sign of the net radia-
tive feedback due to all cloud types is less certain but likely
positive. Uncertainty in the sign and magnitude of the cloud
feedback is due primarily to continuing uncertainty in the
impact of warming on low clouds. We estimate the water vapour
plus lapse rate feedback
to be +1.1 (+0.9 to +1.3) W m
the cloud feedback from all cloud types to be +0.6 (−0.2 to +2.0) W
. These ranges are broader than those of climate models to
account for additional uncertainty associated with processes that may
not have been accounted for in those models. The mean values and
ranges in climate models are essentially unchanged since AR4, but are
now supported by stronger indirect observational evidence and better
process understanding, especially for water vapour. Low clouds con-
tribute positive feedback in most models, but that behaviour is not well
understood, nor effectively constrained by observations, so we are not
confident that it is realistic. {7.2.4, 7.2.5, 7.2.6, Figures 7.9 to 7.11}.
Aerosol–climate feedbacks occur mainly through changes in the
source strength of natural aerosols or changes in the sink effi-
ciency of natural and anthropogenic aerosols; a limited number
of modelling studies have bracketed the feedback parameter
within ±0.2 W m
with low confidence. There is medium con-
fidence for a weak dimethylsulphide–cloud condensation nuclei–cloud
albedo feedback due to a weak sensitivity of cloud condensation nuclei
population to changes in dimethylsulphide emissions. {7.3.5}
Quantification of climate forcings
due to aerosols
and clouds
The ERF due to aerosol–radiation interactions that takes rapid
adjustments into account (ERFari) is assessed to be –0.45 (–0.95
to +0.05) W m
. The RF from absorbing aerosol on snow and
ice is assessed separately to be +0.04 (+0.02 to +0.09) W m
Prior to adjustments taking place, the RF due to aerosol–radiation
interactions (RFari) is assessed to be –0.35 (–0.85 to +0.15) W m
. The
assessment for RFari is less negative than reported in AR4 because of a
re-evaluation of aerosol absorption. The uncertainty estimate is wider
but more robust, based on multiple lines of evidence from models,
remotely sensed data, and ground-based measurements. Fossil fuel
and biofuel emissions
contribute to RFari via sulphate aerosol: –0.4
(–0.6 to –0.2) W m
, black carbon (BC) aerosol: +0.4 (+0.05 to +0.8)
W m
, and primary and secondary organic aerosol: –0.12 (–0.4 to
+0.1) W m
. Additional RFari contributions occur via biomass burning
In this Report, the following terms have been used to indicate the assessed likelihood of an outcome or a result: Virtually certain 99–100% probability, Very likely 90–100%,
Likely 66–100%, About as likely as not 33–66%, Unlikely 0–33%, Very unlikely 0–10%, Exceptionally unlikely 0–1%. Additional terms (Extremely likely: 95–100%, More likely
than not >50–100%, and Extremely unlikely 0–5%) may also be used when appropriate. Assessed likelihood is typeset in italics, e.g., very likely (see Section 1.4 and Box TS.1
for more details).
This and all subsequent ranges given with this format are 90% uncertainty ranges unless otherwise specified.
All climate forcings (RFs and ERFs) are anthropogenic and relate to the period 1750–2010 unless otherwise specified.
This species breakdown is less certain than the total RFari and does not sum to the total exactly.
: +0.0 (–0.2 to +0.2) W m
, nitrate aerosol: –0.11 (–0.3 to
–0.03) W m
, and mineral dust: –0.1 (–0.3 to +0.1) W m
the latter may not be entirely of anthropogenic origin. While there
is robust evidence for the existence of rapid adjustment of clouds in
response to aerosol absorption, these effects are multiple and not well
represented in climate models, leading to large uncertainty. Unlike in
the last IPCC assessment, the RF from BC on snow and ice includes the
effects on sea ice, accounts for more physical processes and incorpo-
rates evidence from both models and observations. This RF has a 2 to 4
times larger global mean surface temperature change per unit forcing
than a change in CO
. {7.3.4, 7.5.2, Figures 7.17, 7.18}
The total ERF due to aerosols (ERFari+aci, excluding the effect
of absorbing aerosol on snow and ice) is assessed to be –0.9
(–1.9 to –0.1) W m
with medium confidence. The ERFari+aci esti-
mate includes rapid adjustments, such as changes to the cloud lifetime
and aerosol microphysical effects on mixed-phase, ice and convective
clouds. This range was obtained from expert judgement guided by cli-
mate models that include aerosol effects on mixed-phase and convec-
tive clouds in addition to liquid clouds, satellite studies and models
that allow cloud-scale responses. This forcing can be much larger
regionally but the global mean value is consistent with several new
lines of evidence suggesting less negative estimates for the ERF due to
aerosol–cloud interactions than in AR4. {7.4, 7.5.3, 7.5.4, Figure 7.19}
Persistent contrails from aviation contribute a RF of +0.01
(+0.005 to +0.03) W m
for year 2011, and the combined con-
trail and contrail-cirrus ERF from aviation is assessed to be
+0.05 (+0.02 to +0.15) W m
. This forcing can be much larger
regionally but there is now medium confidence that it does not pro-
duce observable regional effects on either the mean or diurnal range
of surface temperature. {7.2.7}
Geoengineering Using Solar Radiation Management
Theory, model studies and observations suggest that some Solar
Radiation Management (SRM) methods, if practicable, could sub-
stantially offset a global temperature rise and partially offset
some other impacts of global warming, but the compensation
for the climate change caused by GHGs would be imprecise
(high confidence). SRM methods are unimplemented and untested.
Research on SRM is in its infancy, though it leverages understanding
of how the climate responds to forcing more generally. The efficacy of
a number of SRM strategies was assessed, and there is medium con-
fidence that stratospheric aerosol SRM is scalable to counter the RF
from increasing GHGs at least up to approximately 4 W m
; however,
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
the required injection rate of aerosol precursors remains very uncertain.
There is no consensus on whether a similarly large RF could be achieved
from cloud brightening SRM owing to uncertainties in understanding
and representation of aerosol–cloud interactions. It does not appear
that land albedo change SRM can produce a large RF. Limited literature
on other SRM methods precludes their assessment. Models consistently
suggest that SRM would generally reduce climate differences compared
to a world with elevated GHG concentrations and no SRM; however,
there would also be residual regional differences in climate (e.g., tem-
perature and rainfall) when compared to a climate without elevated
GHGs. {7.4.3, 7.7}
Numerous side effects, risks and shortcomings from SRM have
beenidentified.Several lines of evidenceindicatethat SRM would
produce a small but significant decrease in globalprecipitation (with
larger differences on regional scales) if the global surface tempera-
turewere maintained.A number of side effects have been identified.
One that is relatively well characterized is the likelihood of modest
polar stratospheric ozone depletion associated with stratospheric
aerosol SRM. There could also be other as yet unanticipated conse-
quences. As long as GHG concentrations continued to increase, the
SRM would require commensurate increase, exacerbating side effects.
In addition, scaling SRM to substantial levels would carry the risk that
if the SRM were terminated for any reason, there is high confidence
that surface temperatures wouldincrease rapidly(within a decade or
two)to values consistent with the GHGforcing, which would stress
systems sensitiveto the rate of climatechange.Finally,SRM would not
compensate for ocean acidification from increasing CO
. {7.6.3, 7.7,
Figures 7.22 to 7.24}
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
7.1 Introduction
7.1.1 Clouds and Aerosols in the Atmosphere
The atmosphere is composed mostly of gases, but also contains liquid
and solid matter in the form of particles. It is usual to distinguish these
particles according to their size, chemical composition, water content
and fall velocity into atmospheric aerosol particles, cloud particles and
falling hydrometeors. Despite their small mass or volume fraction,
particles in the atmosphere strongly influence the transfer of radi-
ant energy and the spatial distribution of latent heating through the
atmosphere, thereby influencing the weather and climate.
Cloud formation usually takes place in rising air, which expands and
cools, thus permitting the activation of aerosol particles into cloud
droplets and ice crystals in supersaturated air. Cloud particles are gen-
erally larger than aerosol particles and composed mostly of liquid water
or ice. The evolution of a cloud is governed by the balance between
a number of dynamical, radiative and microphysical processes. Cloud
particles of sufficient size become falling hydrometeors, which are cat-
egorized as drizzle drops, raindrops, snow crystals, graupel and hail-
stones. Precipitation is an important and complex climate variable that
is influenced by the distribution of moisture and cloudiness, and to a
lesser extent by the concentrations and properties of aerosol particles.
Aerosol particles interact with solar radiation through absorption and
scattering and, to a lesser extent with terrestrial radiation through
absorption, scattering and emission. Aerosols
can serve as cloud
condensation nuclei (CCN) and ice nuclei (IN) upon which cloud drop-
lets and ice crystals form. They also play a wider role in atmospheric
chemistry and biogeochemical cycles in the Earth system, for instance,
by carrying nutrients to ocean ecosystems. They can be of natural or
anthropogenic origin.
Cloud and aerosol amounts
and properties are extremely variable in
space and time. The short lifetime of cloud particles in subsaturated air
creates relatively sharp cloud edges and fine-scale variations in cloud
properties, which is less typical of aerosol layers. While the distinction
between aerosols and clouds is generally appropriate and useful, it is
not always unambiguous, which can cause interpretational difficulties
(e.g., Charlson et al., 2007; Koren et al., 2007).
7.1.2 Rationale for Assessing Clouds, Aerosols and
Their Interactions
The representation of cloud processes in climate models has been rec-
ognized for decades as a dominant source of uncertainty in our under-
standing of changes in the climate system (e.g., Arakawa, 1975, 2004;
Charney et al., 1979; Cess et al., 1989; Randall et al., 2003; Bony et al.,
2006), but has never been systematically assessed by the IPCC before.
Clouds respond to climate forcing mechanisms in multiple ways, and
For convenience the term ‘aerosol’, which includes both the particles and the suspending gas, is often used in its plural form to mean ‘aerosol particles’ both in this chapter and
the rest of this Report.
In this chapter, we use ‘cloud amount’ as an inexact term to refer to the quantity of clouds, both in the horizontal and vertical directions. The term ‘cloud cover’ is used in its
usual sense and refers to the horizontal cloud cover.
inter-model differences in cloud feedbacks constitute by far the prima-
ry source of spread of both equilibrium and transient climate responses
simulated by climate models (Dufresne and Bony, 2008) despite the
fact that most models agree that the feedback is positive (Randall et
al., 2007; Section 7.2). Thus confidence in climate projections requires a
thorough assessment of how cloud processes have been accounted for.
Aerosols of anthropogenic origin are responsible for a radiative forcing
(RF) of climate change through their interaction with radiation, and
also as a result of their interaction with clouds. Quantification of this
forcing is fraught with uncertainties (Haywood and Boucher, 2000;
Lohmann and Feichter, 2005) and aerosols dominate the uncertain-
ty in the total anthropogenic RF (Forster et al., 2007; Haywood and
Schulz, 2007; Chapter 8). Furthermore, our inability to better quantify
non-greenhouse gas RFs, and primarily those that result from aerosol–
cloud interactions, underlie difficulties in constraining climate sensitiv-
ity from observations even if we had a perfect knowledge of the tem-
perature record (Andreae et al., 2005). Thus a complete understanding
of past and future climate change requires a thorough assessment of
aerosol–cloud–radiation interactions.
7.1.3 Forcing, Rapid Adjustments and Feedbacks
Figure 7.1 illustrates key aspects of how clouds and aerosols contribute
to climate change, and provides an overview of important terminolog-
ical distinctions. Forcings associated with agents such as greenhouse
gases (GHGs) and aerosols act on global mean surface temperature
through the global radiative (energy) budget. Rapid adjustments
(sometimes called rapid responses) arise when forcing agents, by alter-
ing flows of energy internal to the system, affect cloud cover or other
components of the climate system and thereby alter the global budget
indirectly. Because these adjustments do not operate through changes
in the global mean surface temperature (DT), which are slowed by the
massive heat capacity of the oceans, they are generally rapid and most
are thought to occur within a few weeks. Feedbacks are associated
with changes in climate variables that are mediated by a change in
global mean surface temperature; they contribute to amplify or damp
global temperature changes via their impact on the radiative budget.
In this report, following an emerging consensus in the literature, the
traditional concept of radiative forcing (RF, defined as the instanta-
neous radiative forcing with stratospheric adjustment only) is de-em-
phasized in favour of an absolute measure of the radiative effects of
all responses triggered by the forcing agent that are independent of
surface temperature change (see also Section 8.1). This new measure
of the forcing includes rapid adjustments and the net forcing with
these adjustments included is termed the effective radiative forcing
(ERF). The climate sensitivity to ERF will differ somewhat from tradi-
tional equilibrium climate sensitivity, as the latter include adjustment
effects. As shown in Figure 7.1, adjustments can occur through geo-
graphic temperature variations, lapse rate changes, cloud changes
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
Interactions (ari)
Interactions (aci)
Effective Radiative
Forcing (ERF) and
Clouds and
Radiative Forcing
Global Surface
Aerosol Feedbacks
Cloud Feedbacks
Other Feedbacks
Moisture and Winds
Temperature Profile
Regional Variability
Additional state
Figure 7.1 | Overview of forcing and feedback pathways involving greenhouse gases, aerosols and clouds. Forcing agents are in the green and dark blue boxes, with forcing
mechanisms indicated by the straight green and dark blue arrows. The forcing is modified by rapid adjustments whose pathways are independent of changes in the globally aver-
aged surface temperature and are denoted by brown dashed arrows. Feedback loops, which are ultimately rooted in changes ensuing from changes in the surface temperature,
are represented by curving arrows (blue denotes cloud feedbacks; green denotes aerosol feedbacks; and orange denotes other feedback loops such as those involving the lapse
rate, water vapour and surface albedo). The final temperature response depends on the effective radiative forcing (ERF) that is felt by the system, that is, after accounting for rapid
adjustments, and the feedbacks.
and vegetation effects. Measures of ERF and rapid adjustments have
existed in the literature for more than a decade, with a number of
different terminologies and calculation methods adopted. These were
principally aimed to help quantify the effects of aerosols on clouds
(Rotstayn and Penner, 2001; Lohmann et al., 2010) and understand
different forcing agent responses (Hansen et al., 2005), but it is now
realized that there are rapid adjustments in response to the CO
itself (Section
In principle rapid adjustments are independent of DT, while feedbacks
operate purely through DT. Thus, within this framework adjustments
are not another type of ‘feedback’ but rather a non-feedback phenom-
enon, required in the analysis by the fact that a single scalar DT cannot
fully characterize the system. This framework brings most efficacies
close to unity although they are not necessarily exactly 1 (Hansen et al.,
2005; Bond et al., 2013). There is also no clean separation in time scale
between rapid adjustments and warming. Although the former occur
mostly within a few days of applying a forcing (Dong et al., 2009),
some adjustments such as those that occur within the stratosphere
and snowpack can take several months or longer. Meanwhile the land
surface warms quickly so that a small part of DT occurs within days to
weeks of an applied forcing. This makes the two phenomena difficult to
isolate in model runs. Other drawbacks are that adjustments are diffi-
cult to observe, and typically more model-dependent than RF. However,
recent work is beginning to meet the challenges of quantifying the
adjustments, and has noted advantages of the new framework (e.g.,
Vial et al., 2013; Zelinka et al., 2013).
There is no perfect method to determine ERF. Two common meth-
ods are to regress the net energy imbalance onto DT in a transient
Figure 7.2 | Radiative forcing (RF) and effective radiative forcing (ERF) estimates
derived by two methods, for the example of 4 × CO
experiments in one climate model.
N is the net energy imbalance at the top of the atmosphere and DT the global mean
surface temperature change. The fixed sea surface temperature ERF estimate is from an
atmosphere–land model averaged over 30 years. The regression estimate is from 150
years of a coupled model simulation after an instantaneous quadrupling of CO
, with
the N from individual years in this regression shown as black diamonds. The strato-
spherically adjusted RF is the tropopause energy imbalance from otherwise identical
radiation calculations at 1 × and 4 × CO
concentrations. (Figure follows Andrews et al.,
2012.) See also Figure 8.1.
ERF –fixed sea surface temperature
ERF– regression
RF –stratospherically adjusted
N (W m
ΔT (ºC)
0 123456
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
warming simulation (Gregory et al., 2004; Figure 7.2), or to simulate
the climate response with sea surface temperatures (SSTs) held fixed
(Hansen et al., 2005). The former can be complicated by natural var-
iability or time-varying feedbacks, while the non-zero DT from land
warming complicates the latter. Both methods are used in this chapter.
Figure 7.3 links the former terminology of aerosol direct, semi-direct
and indirect effects with the new terminology used in this chapter and
in Chapter 8. The RF from aerosol–radiation interactions (abbreviat-
ed RFari) encompasses radiative effects from anthropogenic aerosols
before any adjustment takes place and corresponds to what is usually
referred to as the aerosol direct effect. Rapid adjustments induced by
aerosol radiative effects on the surface energy budget, the atmospheric
profile and cloudiness contribute to the ERF from aerosol–radiation
interactions (abbreviated ERFari). They include what has earlier been
referred to as the semi-direct effect. The RF from aerosol–cloud inter-
actions (abbreviated RFaci) refers to the instantaneous effect on cloud
albedo due to changing concentrations of cloud condensation and ice
nuclei, also known as the Twomey effect. All subsequent changes to
the cloud lifetime and thermodynamics are rapid adjustments, which
contribute to the ERF from aerosol–cloud interactions (abbreviated
ERFaci). RFaci is a theoretical construct that is not easy to separate
from other aerosol–cloud interactions and is therefore not quantified
in this chapter.
7.1.4 Chapter Roadmap
For the first time in the IPCC WGI assessment reports, clouds and aer-
osols are discussed together in a single chapter. Doing so allows us
to assess, and place in context, recent developments in a large and
growing area of climate change research. In addition to assessing
cloud feedbacks and aerosol forcings, which were covered in previ-
ous assessment reports in a less unified manner, it becomes possible
to assess understanding of the multiple interactions among aerosols,
Direct Effect Semi-Direct Effects Lifetime (including glaciation
& thermodynamic) Effects
Cloud Albedo Effect
Radiative Forcing (RFari) Adjustments
Effective Radiative Forcing (ERFari)
Irradiance Changes from
Aerosol-Radiation Interactions (ari)
Effective Radiative Forcing (ERFaci)
Radiative Forcing (RFaci)
Irradiance Changes from
Aerosol-Cloud Interactions (aci)
Figure 7.3 | Schematic of the new terminology used in this Assessment Report (AR5) for aerosol–radiation and aerosol–cloud interactions and how they relate to the terminology
used in AR4. The blue arrows depict solar radiation, the grey arrows terrestrial radiation and the brown arrow symbolizes the importance of couplings between the surface and the
cloud layer for rapid adjustments. See text for further details.
clouds and precipitation and their relevance for climate and climate
change. This chapter assesses the climatic roles and feedbacks of water
vapour, lapse rate and clouds (Section 7.2), discusses aerosol–radiation
(Section 7.3) and aerosol–cloud (Section 7.4) interactions and quanti-
fies the resulting aerosol RF on climate (Section 7.5). It also introduc-
es the physical basis for the precipitation responses to aerosols and
climate changes (Section 7.6) noted later in the Report, and assesses
geoengineering methods based on solar radiation management (Sec-
tion 7.7).
7.2 Clouds
This section summarizes our understanding of clouds in the current
climate from observations and process models; advances in the rep-
resentation of cloud processes in climate models since AR4; assessment
of cloud, water vapour and lapse rate feedbacks and adjustments; and
the RF due to clouds induced by moisture released by two anthropo-
genic processes (air traffic and irrigation). Aerosol–cloud interactions
are assessed in Section 7.4. The fidelity of climate model simulations of
clouds in the current climate is assessed in Chapter 9.
7.2.1 Clouds in the Present-Day Climate System Cloud Formation, Cloud Types and Cloud Climatology
To form a cloud, air must cool or moisten until it is sufficiently super-
saturated to activate some of the available condensation or freezing
nuclei. Clouds may be composed of liquid water (possibly supercooled),
ice or both (mixed phase). The nucleated cloud particles are initially
very small, but grow by vapour deposition. Other microphysical mecha-
nisms dependent on the cloud phase (e.g., droplet collision and coales-
cence for liquid clouds, riming and Wegener–Bergeron–Findeisen pro-
cesses for mixed-phase clouds and crystal aggregation in ice clouds)
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
can produce a broader spectrum of particle sizes and types; turbulent
mixing produces further variations in cloud properties on scales from
kilometres to less than a centimetre (Davis et al., 1999; Bodenschatz
et al., 2010). If and when some of the droplets or ice particles become
large enough, these will fall out of the cloud as precipitation.
Atmospheric flows often organize convection and associated clouds
into coherent systems having scales from tens to thousands of kilo-
metres, such as cyclones or frontal systems. These represent a signifi-
cant modelling and theoretical challenge, as they are usually too large
to represent within the limited domains of cloud-resolving models
(Section, but are also not well resolved nor parameterized by
most climate models; this gap, however, is beginning to close (Sec-
tion Finally, clouds and cloud systems are organized by larg-
er-scale circulations into different regimes such as deep convection
near the equator, subtropical marine stratocumulus, or mid-latitude
storm tracks guided by the tropospheric westerly jets. Figure 7.4 shows
a selection of widely occurring cloud regimes schematically and as they
might appear in a typical geostationary satellite image.
New satellite sensors and new analysis of previous data sets have given
us a clearer picture of the Earth’s clouds since AR4. A notable example
Deep Tropics
Large-scale Subsidence
Trade Winds
Land/Sea Circulation
Shallow Cumulus
Convective Anvils
Thin Cirrus
Polar (mixed phase) Stratus
High LatitudesMid-Latitudes
Melting Level
17 km 10 km
Figure 7.4 | Diverse cloud regimes reflect diverse meteorology. (a) A visible-wavelength geostationary satellite image shows (from top to bottom) expanses and long arcs of cloud
associated with extratropical cyclones, subtropical coastal stratocumulus near Baja California breaking up into shallow cumulus clouds in the central Pacific and mesoscale convec-
tive systems outlining the Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). (b) A schematic section along the dashed line from the orange star to the orange circle in (a), through a
typical warm front of an extratropical cyclone.It shows (from right to left) multiple layers of upper-tropospheric ice (cirrus) and mid-tropospheric water (altostratus) cloud in the
upper-tropospheric outflow from the frontal zone, an extensive region of nimbostratus associated with frontal uplift and turbulence-driven boundary layer cloud in the warm sector.
(c) A schematic section along the dashed line from the red star to the red circle in (a),along the low-level trade wind flow from a subtropical west coast of a continent to the ITCZ.It
shows (from right to left) typical low-latitude cloud mixtures, shallow stratocumulus trapped under a strong subsidence inversion above the cool waters of the oceanic upwelling
zone near the coast and shallow cumulus over warmer waters further offshore transitioning to precipitating cumulonimbus cloud systems with extensive cirrus anvils associated
with rising air motions in the ITCZ.
is the launch in 2006 of two coordinated, active sensors, the Cloud
Profiling Radar (CPR) on the CloudSat satellite (Stephens et al., 2002)
and the Cloud–Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) on
board the Cloud–Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Obser-
vations (CALIPSO) satellite (Winker et al., 2009). These sensors have
significantly improved our ability to quantify vertical profiles of cloud
occurrence and water content (see Figures 7.5 and 7.6), and comple-
ment the detection capabilities of passive multispectral sensors (e.g.,
Stubenrauch et al., 2010; Chan and Comiso, 2011). Satellite cloud-ob-
serving capacities are reviewed by Stubenrauch et al. (2013).
Clouds cover roughly two thirds of the globe (Figure 7.5a, c), with a
more precise value depending on both the optical depth threshold
used to define cloud and the spatial scale of measurement (Wielicki
and Parker, 1992; Stubenrauch et al., 2013). The mid-latitude ocean-
ic storm tracks and tropical precipitation belts are particularly cloudy,
while continental desert regions and the central subtropical oceans are
relatively cloud-free. Clouds are composed of liquid at temperatures
above 0°C, ice below about –38°C (e.g., Koop et al., 2000), and either
or both phases at intermediate temperatures (Figure 7.5b). Throughout
most of the troposphere, temperatures at any given altitude are usually
warmer in the tropics, but clouds also extend higher there such that ice
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
cloud amounts are no less than those at high latitudes. At any given
time, most clouds are not precipitating (Figure 7.5d).
In this chapter cloud above the 440 hPa pressure level is considered
‘high’, that below the 680 hPa level ‘low’, and that in-between is con-
sidered ‘mid-level’. Most high cloud (mainly cirrus and deep cumulus
outflows) occurs near the equator and over tropical continents, but can
also be seen in the mid-latitude storm track regions and over mid-lati-
tude continents in summer (Figure 7.6a, e); it is produced by the storms
generating most of the global rainfall in regions where tropospheric air
motion is upward, such that dynamical, rainfall and high-cloud fields
closely resemble one another (Figure 7.6d, h). Mid-level cloud (Figure
7.6b, f), comprising a variety of types, is prominent in the storm tracks
and some occurs in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Low
cloud (Figure 7.6c, g), including shallow cumulus and stratiform cloud,
occurs over essentially all oceans but is most prevalent over cooler
subtropical oceans and in polar regions. It is less common over land,
except at night and in winter.
Overlap between cloud layers has long been an issue both for sat-
ellite (or ground-based) detection and for calculating cloud radiative
effects. Active sensors show more clearly that low clouds are preva-
lent in nearly all types of convective systems, and are often under-
estimated by models (Chepfer et al., 2008; Naud et al., 2010; Haynes
et al., 2011). Cloud layers at different levels overlap less often than
typically assumed in General Circulation Models (GCMs), especially
(kg m
Height (km)
Height (km)
Ice Water Path
Liquid Water Path
1 0 0.5 0.25 0.75
Fraction (or Occurrence Frequency)
Precipitation Occurrence (x2)
Cloud OccurrenceCloud Fraction
Condensate Path
60ºS 60ºN 30º 30ºEq 60ºS 60ºN 30º 30ºEq
over high-latitude continents and subtropical oceans (Naud et al.,
2008; Mace et al., 2009), and the common assumption that the radi-
ative effects of precipitating ice can be neglected is not necessarily
warranted (Waliser et al., 2011). New observations have led to revised
treatments of overlap in some models, which significantly affects cloud
radiative effects (Pincus et al., 2006; Shonk et al., 2012). Active sensors
have also been useful in detecting low-lying Arctic clouds over sea ice
(Kay et al., 2008), improving our ability to test climate model simula-
tions of the interaction between sea ice loss and cloud cover (Kay et
al., 2011). Effects of Clouds on the Earth’s Radiation Budget
The effect of clouds on the Earth’s present-day top of the atmosphere
(TOA) radiation budget, or cloud radiative effect (CRE), can be inferred
from satellite data by comparing upwelling radiation in cloudy and
non-cloudy conditions (Ramanathan et al., 1989). By enhancing the
planetary albedo, cloudy conditions exert a global and annual short-
wave cloud radiative effect (SWCRE) of approximately –50 W m
by contributing to the greenhouse effect, exert a mean longwave effect
(LWCRE) of approximately +30 W m
, with a range of 10% or less
between published satellite estimates (Loeb et al., 2009). Some of the
apparent LWCRE comes from the enhanced water vapour coinciding
with the natural cloud fluctuations used to measure the effect, so the
true cloud LWCRE is about 10% smaller (Sohn et al., 2010). The net
global mean CRE of approximately –20 W m
implies a net cooling
Figure 7.5 | (a) Annual mean cloud fractional occurrence (CloudSat/CALIPSO 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR data set for 2006–2011; Mace et al., 2009). (b) Annual zonal mean liquid water
path (blue shading, microwave radiometer data set for 1988–2005 from O’Dell et al. (2008)) and total water path (ice path shown with grey shading, from CloudSat 2C-ICE data
set for 2006–2011 from Deng et al. (2010) over oceans). The 90% uncertainty ranges, assessed to be approximately 60 to 140% of the mean for the liquid and total water paths,
are schematically indicated by the error bars. (c–d) latitude-height sections of annual zonal mean cloud (including precipitation falling from cloud) occurrence and precipitation
(attenuation-corrected radar reflectivity >0 dBZ) occurrence; the latter has been doubled to make use of a common colour scale (2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR data set). The dashed curves
show the annual mean 0°C and −38°C isotherms.
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
Figure 7.6 | (a–d) December–January–February mean high, middle and low cloud cover from CloudSat/CALIPSO 2B-GEOPROF R04 and 2B-GEOPROF-LIDAR P1.R04 data sets
for 2006–2011 (Mace et al., 2009), 500 hPa vertical pressure velocity (colours, from ERA-Interim for 1979–2010; Dee et al., 2011), and Global Precipitation Climatology Project
(GPCP) version 2.2 precipitation rate (1981–2010, grey contours at 3 mm day
in dash and 7 mm day
in solid); (e–h) same as (a–d), except for June–July–August. For low clouds,
the GCM-Oriented CALIPSO Cloud Product (GOCCP) data set for 2007–2010 (Chepfer et al., 2010) is used at locations where it indicates a larger fractional cloud cover, because
the GEOPROF data set removes some clouds with tops at altitudes below 750 m. Low cloud amounts are probably underrepresented in regions of high cloud (Chepfer et al., 2008),
although not as severely as with earlier satellite instruments.
Mid-troposphere Vertical Pressure Velocity (hPa day
-50 50-50 0 25
0 0.80.2 0.4 0.6 1
High Cloud
Middle Cloud
Low Cloud
December–January–February June–July–August
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
effect of clouds on the current climate. Owing to the large magnitudes
of the SWCRE and LWCRE, clouds have the potential to cause signifi-
cant climate feedback (Section 7.2.5). The sign of this feedback on cli-
mate change cannot be determined from the sign of CRE in the current
climate, but depends instead on how climate-sensitive the properties
are that govern the LWCRE and SWCRE.
The regional patterns of annual-mean TOA CRE (Figure 7.7a, b) reflect
those of the altitude-dependent cloud distributions. High clouds, which
are cold compared to the clear-sky radiating temperature, dominate
patterns of LWCRE, while the SWCRE is sensitive to optically thick
clouds at all altitudes. SWCRE also depends on the available sunlight,
so for example is sensitive to the diurnal and seasonal cycles of cloud-
iness. Regions of deep, thick cloud with large positive LWCRE and
large negative SWCRE tend to accompany precipitation (Figure 7.7d),
showing their intimate connection with the hydrological cycle. The net
CRE is negative over most of the globe and most negative in regions
of very extensive low-lying reflective stratus and stratocumulus cloud
such as the mid-latitude and eastern subtropical oceans, where SWCRE
is strong but LWCRE is weak (Figure 7.7c). In these regions, the spatial
distribution of net CRE on seasonal time scales correlates strongly with
measures of low-level stability or inversion strength (Klein and Hart-
mann, 1993; Williams et al., 2006; Wood and Bretherton, 2006; Zhang
et al., 2010).
Clouds also exert a CRE at the surface and within the troposphere, thus
affecting the hydrological cycle and circulation (Section 7.6), though
this aspect of CRE has received less attention. The net downward flux
of radiation at the surface is sensitive to the vertical and horizontal
distribution of clouds. It has been estimated more accurately through
radiation budget measurements and cloud profiling (Kato et al., 2011).
Based on these observations, the global mean surface downward long-
wave flux is about 10 W m
larger than the average in climate models,
probably due to insufficient model-simulated cloud cover or lower
tropospheric moisture (Stephens et al., 2012). This is consistent with a
global mean precipitation rate in the real world somewhat larger than
current observational estimates.
7.2.2 Cloud Process Modelling
Cloud formation processes span scales from the sub-micrometre scale
of CCN, to cloud-system scales of up to thousands of kilometres. This
range of scales is impossible to resolve with numerical simulations
on computers, and this is not expected to change in the foreseeable
future. Nonetheless progress has been made through a variety of mod-
elling strategies, which are outlined briefly in this section, followed by
a discussion in Section 7.2.3 of developments in representing clouds
in global models. The implications of these discussions are synthesized
in Section Explicit Simulations in Small Domains
High-resolution models in small domains have been widely used to
simulate interactions of turbulence with various types of clouds. The
grid spacing is chosen to be small enough to resolve explicitly the dom-
inant turbulent eddies that drive cloud heterogeneity, with the effects
of smaller-scale phenomena parameterized. Such models can be run in
(mm day
Cloud Radiative Effect (W m
0 5 10
-100 0 100-50 50
Shortwave (global mean = –47.3 W m
Longwave (global mean = 26.2 W m
Net (global mean = –21.1 W m
Precipitation (global mean = 2.7 mm day
Figure 7.7 | Distribution of annual-mean top of the atmosphere (a) shortwave, (b)
longwave, (c) net cloud radiative effects averaged over the period 2001–2011 from
the Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) Energy Balanced and Filled
(EBAF) Ed2.6r data set (Loeb et al., 2009) and (d) precipitation rate (1981–2000 aver-
age from the GPCP version 2.2 data set; Adler et al., 2003).
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
idealized settings, or with boundary conditions for specific observed
cases. This strategy is typically called large-eddy simulation (LES) when
boundary-layer eddies are resolved, and cloud-resolving model (CRM)
when only deep cumulus motions are well resolved. It is useful not
only in simulating cloud and precipitation characteristics, but also in
understanding how turbulent circulations within clouds transport and
process aerosols and chemical constituents. It can be applied to any
type of cloud system, on any part of the Earth. Direct numerical simula-
tion (DNS) can be used to study turbulence and cloud microphysics on
scales of a few metres or less (e.g., Andrejczuk et al., 2006) but cannot
span crucial meteorological scales and is not further considered here.
Cloud microphysics, precipitation and aerosol interactions are treated
with varying levels of sophistication, and remain a weak point in all
models regardless of resolution. For example, recent comparisons to
satellite data show that liquid water clouds in CRMs generally begin to
rain too early in the day (Suzuki et al., 2011). Especially for ice clouds,
and for interactions between aerosols and clouds, our understanding of
the basic micro-scale physics is not yet adequate, although it is improv-
ing. Moreover, microphysical effects are quite sensitive to co-variations
of velocity and composition down to very small scales. High-resolution
models, such as those used for LES, explicitly calculate most of these
variations, and so provide much more of the information needed for
microphysical calculations, whereas in a GCM they are not explicitly
available. For these reasons, low-resolution (e.g., climate) models will
have even more trouble representing local aerosolcloud interactions
than will high-resolution models. Parameterizations are under develop-
ment that could account for the small-scale variations statistically (e.g.,
Larson and Golaz, 2005) but have not been used in the Coupled Model
Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) simulations.
High-resolution models have enhanced our understanding of cloud
processes in several ways. First, they can help interpret in situ and
high-resolution remote sensing observations (e.g., Stevens et al.,
2005b; Blossey et al., 2007; Fridlind et al., 2007). Second, they have
revealed important influences of small-scale interactions, turbulence,
entrainment and precipitation on cloud dynamics that must eventu-
ally be accounted for in parameterizations (e.g., Krueger et al., 1995;
Derbyshire et al., 2004; Kuang and Bretherton, 2006; Ackerman et al.,
2009). Third, they can be used to predict how cloud system properties
(such as cloud cover, depth, or radiative effect) may respond to cli-
mate changes (e.g., Tompkins and Craig, 1998; Bretherton et al., 2013).
Fourth, they have become an important tool in testing and improv-
ing parameterizations of cloud-controlling processes such as cumulus
convection, turbulent mixing, small-scale horizontal cloud variability
and aerosol–cloud interactions (Randall et al., 2003; Rio and Hourdin,
2008; Stevens and Seifert, 2008; Lock, 2009; Del Genio and Wu, 2010;
Fletcher and Bretherton, 2010), as well as the interplay between con-
vection and large-scale circulations (Kuang, 2008).
Different aspects of clouds, and cloud types, require different grid reso-
lutions. CRMs of deep convective cloud systems with horizontal resolu-
tions of 2 km or finer (Bryan et al., 2003) can represent some statistical
properties of the cloud system, including fractional area coverage of
cloud (Xu et al., 2002), vertical thermodynamic structure (Blossey et
al., 2007), the distribution of updraughts and downdraughts (Khair-
outdinov et al., 2009) and organization into mesoscale convective
systems (Grabowski et al., 1998). Modern high-order turbulence clo-
sure schemes may allow some statistics of boundary-layer cloud distri-
butions, including cloud fractions and fluxes of moisture and energy, to
be reasonably simulated even at horizontal resolution of 1 km or larger
(Cheng and Xu, 2006, 2008). Finer grids (down to hundreds of metres)
better resolve individual storm characteristics such as vertical velocity
or tracer transport. Some cloud ensemble properties remain sensitive
to CRM microphysical parameterization assumptions regardless of res-
olution, particularly the vertical distribution and optical depth of clouds
containing ice.
Because of these requirements, it is computationally demanding to run
a CRM in a domain large enough to capture convective organisation or
perform regional forecasts. Some studies have created smaller regions
of CRM-like resolution within realistically forced regional-scale models
(e.g., Zhu et al., 2010; Boutle and Abel, 2012; Zhu et al., 2012), a spe-
cial case of the common ‘nesting’ approach for regional downscaling
(see Section 9.6). One application has been to orographic precipitation,
associated both with extratropical cyclones (e.g., Garvert et al., 2005)
and with explicitly simulated cumulus convection (e.g., Hohenegger
et al., 2008); better resolution of the orography improves the simula-
tion of precipitation initiation and wind drift of falling rain and snow
between watersheds.
LES of shallow cumulus cloud fields with horizontal grid spacing of
about 100 m and vertical grid spacing of about 40 m produces vertical
profiles of cloud fraction, temperature, moisture and turbulent fluxes
that agree well with available observations (Siebesma et al., 2003),
though the simulated precipitation efficiency still shows some sensi-
tivity to microphysical parameterizations (vanZanten et al., 2011). LES
of stratocumulus-topped boundary layers reproduces the turbulence
statistics and vertical thermodynamic structure well (e.g., Stevens et
al., 2005b; Ackerman et al., 2009), and has been used to study the
sensitivity of stratocumulus properties to aerosols (e.g., Savic-Jovcic
and Stevens, 2008; Xue et al., 2008) and meteorological conditions.
However, the simulated entrainment rate and cloud liquid water path
are sensitive to the underlying numerical algorithms, even with vertical
grid spacings as small as 5 m, due to poor resolution of the sharp cap-
ping inversion (Stevens et al., 2005a).
These grid requirements mean that low-cloud processes dominating
the known uncertainty in cloud feedback cannot be explicitly simulat-
ed except in very small domains. Thus, notwithstanding all of the above
benefits of explicit cloud modeling, these models cannot on their own
quantify global cloud feedbacks or aerosolcloud interactions defini-
tively. They are important, however, in suggesting and testing feedback
and adjustment mechanisms (see Sections 7.2.5 and 7.4). Global Models with Explicit Clouds
Since AR4, increasing computer power has led to three types of devel-
opments in global atmospheric models. First, models have been run
with resolution that is higher than in the past, but not sufficiently high
that cumulus clouds can be resolved explicitly. Second, models have
been run with resolution high enough to resolve (or ‘permit’) large
individual cumulus clouds over the entire globe. In a third approach,
the parameterizations of global models have been replaced by
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
embedded CRMs. The first approach is assessed in Chapter 9. The other
two approaches are discussed below.
Global Cloud-Resolving Models (GCRMs) have been run with grid spac-
ings as small as 3.5 km (Tomita et al., 2005; Putman and Suarez, 2011).
At present GCRMs can be used only for relatively short simulations of a
few simulated months to a year or two on the fastest supercomputers,
but in the not-too distant future they may provide climate projections.
GCRMs provide a consistent way to couple convective circulations to
large-scale dynamics, but must still parameterize the effects of individ-
ual clouds, microphysics and boundary-layer circulations.
Because they avoid the use of uncertain cumulus parameterizations,
GCRMs better simulate many properties of convective circulations that
are very challenging for many current conventional GCMs, including
the diurnal cycles of precipitation (Sato et al., 2009) and the Asian
summer monsoon (Oouchi et al., 2009). Inoue et al. (2010) showed
that the cloudiness simulated by a GCRM is in good agreement with
observations from CloudSat and CALIPSO, but the results are sensitive
to the parameterizations of turbulence and cloud microphysics (Satoh
et al., 2010; Iga et al., 2011; Kodama et al., 2012).
Heterogeneous multiscale methods, in which CRMs are embedded in
each grid cell of a larger scale model (Grabowski and Smolarkiewicz,
1999), have also been further developed as a way to realize some of
the advantages of GCRMs but at less cost. This approach has come
to be known as super-parameterization, because the CRM effectively
replaces some of the existing GCM parameterizations (e.g., Khairoutdi-
nov and Randall, 2001; Tao et al., 2009). Super-parameterized models,
which are sometimes called multiscale modeling frameworks, occupy a
middle ground between high-resolution ‘process models’ and ‘climate
models’ (see Figure 7.8), in terms of both advantages and cost.
Like GCRMs, super-parameterized models give more realistic simula-
tions of the diurnal cycle of precipitation (Khairoutdinov et al., 2005;
Pritchard and Somerville, 2010) and the Madden-Julian Oscillation
(Benedict and Randall, 2009) than most conventional GCMs; they can
also improve aspects of the Asian monsoon and the El Niño–Southern
Oscillation (ENSO; Stan et al., 2010; DeMott et al., 2011). Moreover,
because they also begin to resolve cloud-scale circulations, both strat-
egies provide a framework for studying aerosol–cloud interactions
that conventional GCMs lack (Wang et al., 2011b). Thus both types of
global model provide important insights, but because neither of them
fully resolves cloud processes, especially for low clouds (see Section, their results must be treated with caution just as with con-
ventional GCMs.
7.2.3 Parameterization of Clouds in Climate Models Challenges of Parameterization
The representation of cloud microphysical processes in climate models
is particularly challenging, in part because some of the fundamen-
tal details of these microphysical processes are poorly understood
(particularly for ice- and mixed-phase clouds), and because spatial
heterogeneity of key atmospheric properties occurs at scales signif-
icantly smaller than a GCM grid box. Such representation, however,
General Circulation Model (GCM)
Cloud-Resolving Model (CRM)
Large-Eddy Simulation (LES)
Climate System
Cloud Processes
Spatial scale (m)
Time scale (day)
Super Parameterization (MMF)
Global Cloud-Resolving Model (GCRM)
Figure 7.8 | Model and simulationstrategy for representing the climate system and
climate processes at different space and time scales. Also shown are the ranges of
space and time scales usually associated with cloud processes (orange, lower left) and
the climate system (blue, upper right). Classes of models are usually defined based on
the range of spatialscales they represent, which in the figure is roughly spanned by the
text for each model class. Thetemporal scales simulated by a particular type of model
vary more widely. For instance, climate modelsare often run for afew time steps for
diagnostic studies, or can simulate millennia. Hence the figure indicatesthe typical time
scales for which a given model is used.Computational powerprevents one model from
covering all time and space scales. Since the AR4, thedevelopment of Global Cloud
Resolving Models (GCRMs), and hybrid approaches suchas General Circulation Models
(GCMs) using the ‘super-parameterization’ approach (sometimes called the Multiscale
Modelling Framework (MMF)), havehelped fill the gap between climatesystem and
cloud process models.
affects many aspects of a model’s overall simulated climate including
the Hadley circulation, precipitation patterns, and tropical variability.
Therefore continuing weakness in these parameterizations affects not
only modeled climate sensitivity, but also the fidelity with which these
other variables can be simulated or projected.
Most CMIP5 climate model simulations use horizontal resolutions of
100 to 200 km in the atmosphere, with vertical layers varying between
100 m near the surface to more than 1000 m aloft. Within regions
of this size in the real world, there is usually enormous small-scale
variability in cloud properties, associated with variability in humidity,
temperature and vertical motion (Figure 7.16). This variability must
be accounted for to accurately simulate cloud–radiation interaction,
condensation, evaporation and precipitation and other cloud processes
that crucially depend on how cloud condensate is distributed across
each grid box (Cahalan et al., 1994; Pincus and Klein, 2000; Larson et
al., 2001; Barker et al., 2003).
The simulation of clouds in modern climate models involves several
parameterizations that must work in unison. These include parame-
terization of turbulence, cumulus convection, microphysical processes,
radiative transfer and the resulting cloud amount (including the ver-
tical overlap between different grid levels), as well as sub-grid scale
transport of aerosol and chemical species. The system of parameter-
izations must balance simplicity, realism, computational stability and
efficiency. Many cloud processes are unrealistic in current GCMs, and
as such their cloud response to climate change remains uncertain.
Cloud processes and/or turbulence parameterization are important not
only for the GCMs used in climate projections but also for special-
ized chemistry–aerosol–climate models (see review by Zhang, 2008),
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
for regional climate models, and indeed for the cloud process models
described in Section 7.2.2 which must still parameterize small-scale
and microphysical effects. The nature of the parameterization problem,
however, shifts as model scale decreases. Section briefly assess-
es recent developments relevant to GCMs. Recent Advances in Representing Cloud
Microphysical Processes Liquid clouds
Recent development efforts have been focused on the introduction of
more complex representations of microphysical processes, with the
dual goals of coupling them better to atmospheric aerosols and link-
ing them more consistently to the sub-grid variability assumed by the
model for other calculations. For example, most CMIP3 climate models
predicted the average cloud and rain water mass in each grid cell only
at a given time, diagnosing the droplet concentration using empiri-
cal relationships based on aerosol mass (e.g., Boucher and Lohmann,
1995; Menon et al., 2002), or altitude and proximity to land. Many
were forced to employ an arbitrary lower bound on droplet concentra-
tion to reduce the aerosol RF (Hoose et al., 2009). Such formulations
oversimplify microphysically mediated cloud variations.
By contrast, more models participating in CMIP5 predict both mass and
number mixing ratios for liquid stratiform cloud. Some determine rain
and snow number concentrations and mixing ratios (e.g., Morrison and
Gettelman, 2008; Salzmann et al., 2010), allowing treatment of aerosol
scavenging and the radiative effect of snow. Some models explicitly
treat sub-grid cloud water variability for calculating microphysical pro-
cess rates (e.g., Morrison and Gettelman, 2008). Cloud droplet activa-
tion schemes now account more realistically for particle composition,
mixing and size (Abdul-Razzak and Ghan, 2000; Ghan et al., 2011;
Liu et al., 2012). Despite such advances in internal consistency, a con-
tinuing weakness in GCMs (and to a much lesser extent GCRMs and
super-parameterized models) is their inability to fully represent turbu-
lent motions to which microphysical processes are highly sensitive. Mixed-phase and ice clouds
Ice treatments are following a path similar to those for liquid water,
and face similar but greater challenges because of the greater com-
plexity of ice processes. Many CMIP3 models predicted the condensed
water amount in just two categories—cloud and precipitation—with
a temperature-dependent partitioning between liquid and ice within
either category. Although supersaturation with respect to ice is com-
monly observed at low temperatures, only one CMIP3 GCM (ECHAM)
allowed ice supersaturation (Lohmann and Kärcher, 2002).
Many climate models now include separate, physically based equations
for cloud liquid versus cloud ice, and for rain versus snow, allowing a
more realistic treatment of mixed-phase processes and ice supersatu-
ration (Liu et al., 2007; Tompkins et al., 2007; Gettelman et al., 2010;
Salzmann et al., 2010; see also Section 7.4.4). These new schemes are
tested in a single-column model against cases observed in field cam-
paigns (e.g., Klein et al., 2009) or against satellite observations (e.g.,
Kay et al., 2012), and provide superior simulations of cloud structure
than typical CMIP3 parameterizations (Kay et al., 2012). However
new observations reveal complexities not correctly captured by even
relatively advanced schemes (Ma et al., 2012a). New representations
of the Wegener–Bergeron–Findeisen process in mixed-phase clouds
(Storelvmo et al., 2008b; Lohmann and Hoose, 2009) compare the rate
at which the pre-existing ice crystals deplete the water vapour with the
condensation rate for liquid water driven by vertical updraught speed
(Korolev, 2007); these are not yet included in CMIP5 models. Climate
models are increasingly representing detailed microphysics, including
mixed-phase processes, inside convective clouds (Fowler and Randall,
2002; Lohmann, 2008; Song and Zhang, 2011). Such processes can
influence storm characteristics like strength and electrification, and are
crucial for fully representing aerosol–cloud interactions, but are still
not included in most climate models; their representation is moreover
subject to all the caveats noted in Section Recent Advances in Parameterizing Moist Turbulence
and Convection
Both the mean state and variability in climate models are sensitive to
the parameterization of cumulus convection. Since AR4, the develop-
ment of convective parameterization has been driven largely by rapidly
growing use of process models, in particular LES and CRMs, to inform
parameterization development (e.g., Hourdin et al., 2013).
Accounting for greater or more state-dependent entrainment of air into
deep cumulus updraughts has improved simulations of the Madden–
Julian Oscillation, tropical convectively coupled waves and mean rain-
fall patterns in some models (Bechtold et al., 2008; Song and Zhang,
2009; Chikira and Sugiyama, 2010; Hohenegger and Bretherton, 2011;
Mapes and Neale, 2011; Del Genio et al., 2012; Kim et al., 2012) but
usually at the expense of a degraded simulation of the mean state. In
another model, revised criteria for convective initiation and parame-
terizations of cumulus momentum fluxes improved ENSO and tropical
vertical temperature profiles (Neale et al., 2008; Richter and Rasch,
2008). Since AR4, more climate models have adopted cumulus param-
eterizations that diagnose the expected vertical velocity in cumulus
updraughts (e.g., Del Genio et al., 2007; Park and Bretherton, 2009;
Chikira and Sugiyama, 2010; Donner et al., 2011), in principle allowing
more complete representations of aerosol activation, cloud microphys-
ical evolution and gravity wave generation by the convection.
Several new parameterizations couple shallow cumulus convection
more closely to moist boundary layer turbulence (Siebesma et al.,
2007; Neggers, 2009; Neggers et al., 2009; Couvreux et al., 2010)
including cold pools generated by nearby deep convection (Grandpeix
and Lafore, 2010). Many of these efforts have led to more accurate
simulations of boundary-layer cloud radiative properties and vertical
structure (e.g., Park and Bretherton, 2009; Köhler et al., 2011), and
have ameliorated the common problem of premature deep convective
initiation over land in one CMIP5 GCM (Rio et al., 2009). Recent Advances in Parameterizing
Cloud Radiative Effects
Some models have improved representation of sub-grid scale cloud
variability, which has important effects on grid-mean radiative fluxes
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
and precipitation fluxes, for example, based on the use of probability
density functions of thermodynamic variables (Sommeria and Dear-
dorff, 1977; Watanabe et al., 2009). Stochastic approaches for radi-
ative transfer can account for this variability in a computationally
efficient way (Barker et al., 2008). New treatments of cloud overlap
have been motivated by new observations (Section Despite
these advances, the CMIP5 models continue to exhibit the ‘too few, too
bright’ low-cloud problem (Nam et al., 2012), with a systematic over-
estimation of cloud optical depth and underestimation of cloud cover. Cloud Modelling Synthesis
Global climate models used in CMIP5have improved their represen-
tation of cloud processes relative to CMIP3, butstill face challenges
and uncertainties,especially regarding details of small-scale variability
that arecrucial foraerosolcloud interactions (see Section 7.4). Finer-
scaleLES and CRM models are much better able to represent this vari-
ability andarean important research tool, but still suffer from imper-
fect representations of aerosol and cloud microphysics and known
biases. Most CRM and LES studies do not span the largespace and
time scales needed to fully determine the interactions amongdiffer-
entcloud regimes and the resulting net planetary radiative effects.Thus
our assessments in this chapter do notregard anymodel type on its
own as definitive, but weigh the implications ofprocess model studies
in assessing the quantitative results ofthe global models.
7.2.4 Water Vapour and Lapse Rate Feedbacks
Climate feedbacks determine the sensitivity of global surface temper-
ature to external forcing agents. Water vapour, lapse rate and cloud
feedbacks each involve moist atmospheric processes closely linked to
clouds, and in combination, produce most of the simulated climate
feedback and most of its inter-model spread (Section 9.7). The radia-
tive feedback from a given constituent can be quantified as its impact
(other constituents remaining equal) on the TOA net downward radi-
ative flux per degree of global surface (or near-surface) temperature
increase, and may be compared with the basic ‘black-body’ response
of −3.4 W m
(Hansen et al., 1984). This definition assigns posi-
tive values to positive feedbacks, in keeping with the literature on this
topic but contradictory to the conventions sometimes adopted in other
climate research. Water Vapour Response and Feedback
As pointed out in previous reports (Section in Randall et al.,
2007), physical arguments and models of all types suggest global
water vapour amounts increase in a warmer climate, leading to a
positive feedback via its enhanced greenhouse effect. The saturated
water vapour mixing ratio (WVMR) increases nearly exponentially and
very rapidly with temperature, at 6 to 10% °C
near the surface, and
even more steeply aloft (up to 17% °C
) where air is colder. Mounting
evidence indicates that any changes in relative humidity in warmer
climates would have much less impact on specific humidity than the
above increases, at least in a global and statistical sense. Hence the
overall WVMR is expected to increase at a rate similar to the saturated
Because global temperatures have been rising, the above arguments
imply WVMR should be rising accordingly, and multiple observing sys-
tems indeed show this (Sections 2.5.4 and 2.5.5). A study challenging
the water vapour increase (Paltridge et al., 2009) used an old reanalysis
product, whose trends are contradicted by newer ones (Dessler and
Davis, 2010) and by actual observations (Chapter 2). The study also
reported decreasing relative humidity in data from Australian radio-
sondes, but more complete studies show Australia to be exceptional
in this respect (Dai et al., 2011). Thus data remain consistent with the
expected global feedback.
Some studies have proposed that the response of upper-level humid-
ity to natural fluctuations in the global mean surface temperature is
informative about the feedback. However, small changes to the global
mean (primarily from ENSO) involve geographically heterogeneous
temperature change patterns, the responses to which may be a poor
analogue for global warming (Hurley and Galewsky, 2010a). Most
climate models reproduce these natural responses reasonably well
(Gettelman and Fu, 2008; Dessler and Wong, 2009), providing addi-
tional evidence that they at least represent the key processes.
The ‘last-saturation’ concept approximates the WVMR of air by its sat-
uration value when it was last in a cloud (see Sherwood et al., 2010a
for a review), which can be inferred from trajectory analysis. Studies
since the AR4 using a variety of models and observations (including
concentrations of water vapour isotopes) support this concept (Sher-
wood and Meyer, 2006; Galewsky and Hurley, 2010). The concept has
clarified what determines relative humidity in the subtropical upper
troposphere and placed the water vapour feedback on firmer theo-
retical footing by directly linking actual and saturation WVMR values
(Hurley and Galewsky, 2010b). CRMs show that convection can adopt
varying degrees of self-aggregation (e.g., Muller and Held, 2012),
which could modify the water vapour or other feedbacks if this were
climate sensitive, although observations do not suggest aggregation
changes have a large net radiative effect (Tobin et al., 2012).
In a warmer climate, an upward shift of the tropopause and poleward
shift of the jets and associated climate zones are expected (Sections
2.7.4 and 2.7.5) and simulated by most GCMs (Section 10.3.3). These
changes account, at least qualitatively, for robust regional changes in
the relative humidity simulated in warmer climate by GCMs, includ-
ing decreases in the subtropical troposphere and tropical uppermost
troposphere, and increases near the extratropical tropopause and
high latitudes (Sherwood et al., 2010b). This pattern may be amplified,
however, by non-uniform atmospheric temperature or wind changes
(Hurley and Galewsky, 2010b). It is also the apparent cause of most
model-predicted changes in mid- and upper-level cloudiness patterns
(Wetherald and Manabe, 1980; Sherwood et al., 2010b; see also Sec-
tion Idealized CRM simulations of warming climates also
show upward shifts of the humidity patterns with little change in the
mean (e.g., Kuang and Hartmann, 2007; Romps, 2011).
It remains unclear whether stratospheric water vapour contributes
significantly to climate feedback. Observations have shown decadal
variations in stratospheric water vapour, which may have affected the
planetary radiation budget somewhat (Solomon et al., 2010) but are
not clearly linked to global temperature (Section in Trenberth et
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
al., 2007). A strong positive feedback from stratospheric water vapour
was reported in one GCM, but with parameter settings that produced
an unrealistic present climate (Joshi et al., 2010). Relationship Between Water Vapour and Lapse
Rate Feedbacks
The lapse rate (decrease of temperature with altitude) should, in the
tropics, change roughly as predicted by a moist adiabat, due to the
strong restoring influence of convective heating. This restoring influ-
ence has now been directly inferred from satellite data (Lebsock et
al., 2010), and the near-constancy of tropical atmospheric stability and
deep-convective thresholds over recent decades is also now observ-
able in SST and deep convective data (Johnson and Xie, 2010). The
stronger warming of the atmosphere relative to the surface produces a
negative feedback on global temperature because the warmed system
radiates more thermal emission to space for a given increase in surface
temperature than in the reference case where the lapse rate is fixed.
This feedback varies somewhat among models because lapse rates in
middle and high latitudes, which decrease less than in the tropics, do
so differently among models (Dessler and Wong, 2009).
As shown by Cess (1975) and discussed in the AR4 (Randall et al.,
2007), models with a more negative lapse rate feedback tend to have
a more positive water vapour feedback. Cancellation between these
is close enough that their sum has a 90% range in CMIP3 models of
only +0.96 to +1.22 W m
(based on a Gaussian fit to the data of
Held and Shell (2012), see Figure 7.9) with essentially the same range
in CMIP5 (Section 9.7). The physical reason for this cancellation is that
as long as water vapour infrared absorption bands are nearly saturat-
ed, outgoing longwave radiation is determined by relative humidity
(Ingram, 2010) which exhibits little global systematic change in any
model (Section In fact, Held and Shell (2012) and Ingram
(2013a) argue that it makes more sense physically to redefine feed-
backs in a different analysis framework in which relative humidity,
Total Planck Lapse WVMR Planck
Standard Decomposition
Feedback (W m
RH-based Decomposition
Figure 7.9 | Feedback parameters associated with water vapour or the lapse rate
predicted by CMIP3 GCMs, with boxes showing interquartile range and whiskers show-
ing extreme values. At left is shown the total radiative response including the Planck
response. In the darker shaded region is shown the traditional breakdown of this into
a Planck response and individual feedbacks from water vapour (labelled ‘WVMR’) and
lapse rate (labelled ‘Lapse’). In the lighter-shaded region at right are the equivalent
three parameters calculated in an alternative, relative humidity-based framework. In
this framework all three components are both weaker and more consistent among the
models. (Data are from Held and Shell, 2012.)
rather than specific humidity, is the feedback variable. Analysed in that
framework the inherent stabilization by the Planck response is weaker,
but the water vapour and lapse rate feedbacks are also very small; thus
the traditional view of large and partially compensating feedbacks has,
arguably, arisen from arbitrary choices made when the analysis frame-
work was originally set out, rather than being an intrinsic feature of
climate or climate models.
There is some observational evidence (Section 2.4.4) suggesting trop-
ical lapse rates might have increased in recent decades in a way not
simulated by models (Section Because the combined lapse
rate and water vapour feedback depends on relative humidity change,
however, the imputed lapse rate variations would have little influence
on the total feedback or climate sensitivity even if they were a real
warming response (Ingram, 2013b). In summary, there is increased
evidence for a strong, positive feedback (measured in the tradition-
al framework) from the combination of water vapour and lapse rate
changes since AR4, with no reliable contradictory evidence.
7.2.5 Cloud Feedbacks and Rapid Adjustments to
Carbon Dioxide
The dominant source of spread among GCM climate sensitivities in AR4
was due to diverging cloud feedbacks, particularly due to low clouds,
and this continues to be true (Section 9.7). All global models continue to
produce a near-zero to moderately strong positive net cloud feedback.
Progress has been made since the AR4 in understanding the reasons
for positive feedbacks in models and providing a stronger theoretical
and observational basis for some mechanisms contributing to them.
There has also been progress in quantifying feedbacks—including
separating the effects of different cloud types, using radiative-kernel
residual methods (Soden et al., 2008) and by computing cloud effects
directly (e.g., Zelinka et al., 2012a)—and in distinguishing between
feedback and adjustment responses (Section
Until very recently cloud feedbacks have been diagnosed in models
by differencing cloud radiative effects in doubled CO
and control cli-
mates, normalized by the change in global mean surface temperature.
Different diagnosis methods do not always agree, and some simple
methods can make positive cloud feedbacks look negative by failing to
account for the nonlinear interaction between cloud and water vapour
(Soden and Held, 2006). Moreover, it is now recognized that some of
the cloud changes are induced directly by the atmospheric radiative
effects of CO
independently of surface warming, and are therefore
rapid adjustments rather than feedbacks (Section Most of the
published studies available for this assessment did not separate these
effects, and only the total response is assessed here unless otherwise
noted. It appears that the adjustments are sufficiently small in most
models that general conclusions regarding feedbacks are not signifi-
cantly affected.
Cloud changes cause both longwave (greenhouse warming) and short-
wave (reflective cooling) effects, which combine to give the overall
cloud feedback or forcing adjustment. Cloud feedback studies point
to five aspects of the cloud response to climate change which are
distinguished here: changes in high-level cloud altitude, effects of
hydrological cycle and storm track changes on cloud systems, changes
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
in low-level cloud amount, microphysically induced opacity (optical
depth) changes and changes in high-latitude clouds. Finally, recent
research on the rapid cloud adjustments to CO
is assessed. Feedbacks
involving aerosols (Section 7.3.5) are not considered here, and the
discussion focuses only on mechanisms affecting the TOA radiation
budget. Feedback Mechanisms Involving the Altitude of
High-Level Cloud
A dominant contributor of positive cloud feedback in models is the
increase in the height of deep convective outflows tentatively attribut-
ed in AR4 to the so-called ‘fixed anvil-temperature’ mechanism (Hart-
mann and Larson, 2002). According to this mechanism, the average
outflow level from tropical deep convective systems is determined
in steady state by the highest point at which water vapour cools the
atmosphere significantly through infrared emission; this occurs at a
particular water vapour partial pressure, therefore at a similar temper-
ature (higher altitude) as climate warms. A positive feedback results
because, since the cloud top temperature does not keep pace with that
of the troposphere, its emission to space does not increase at the rate
expected for the no-feedback system. This occurs at all latitudes and
has long been noted in model simulations (Hansen et al., 1984; Cess
et al., 1990). This mechanism, with a small modification to account for
lapse rate changes, predicts roughly +0.5 W m
of positive long-
wave feedback in GCMs (Zelinka and Hartmann, 2010), compared to
an overall cloud-height feedback of +0.35 (+0.09 to +0.58) W m
(Figure 7.10). Importantly, CRMs also reproduce this increase in cloud
height (Tompkins and Craig, 1998; Kuang and Hartmann, 2007; Romps,
2011; Harrop and Hartmann, 2012).
On average, natural fluctuations in tropical high cloud amount exert
little net TOA radiative effect in the current climate due to near-
Total High Middl e Low Amount Height Opacity
Feedback (W m
CFMIP Models
(by cloud property)
CFMIP & CMIP3 Models
(by cloud level)
Figure 7.10 | Cloud feedback parameters as predicted by GCMs for responses to CO
increase including rapid adjustments. Total feedback shown at left, with centre light-
shaded section showing components attributable to clouds in specific height ranges
(see Section, and right dark-shaded panel those attributable to specific cloud
property changes where available. The net feedback parameters are broken down in
their longwave (LW) and shortwave (SW) components. Type attribution reported for
CMIP3 does not conform exactly to the definition used in the Cloud Feedback Model
Intercomparison Project (CFMIP) but is shown for comparison, with their ‘mixed’ cat-
egory assigned to middle cloud. CFMIP data (original and CFMIP2) are from Zelinka
et al. (2012a, 2012b; 2013); CMIP3 from Soden and Vecchi (2011); and CMIP5 from
Tomassini et al. (2013).
compensation between their longwave and shortwave cloud radiative
effects (Harrison et al., 1990; Figure 7.7). Similar compensation can
be seen in the opposing variations of these two components of the
high-cloud feedback across GCMs (Figure 7.10). This might suggest
that the altitude feedback could be similarly compensated. However,
GCMs can reproduce the observed compensation in the present cli-
mate (Sherwood et al., 1994) without producing one under global
warming. In the above-noted cloud-resolving simulations, the entire
cloud field (including the typical base) moved upward, in accord with
a general upward shift of tropospheric fields (Singh and O’Gorman,
2012) and with drying at levels near cloud base (Minschwaner et al.,
2006; Sherwood et al., 2010b). This supports the prediction of GCMs
that the altitude feedback is not compensated by an increase in high-
cloud thickness or albedo.
The observational record offers limited further support for the altitude
increase. The global tropopause is rising as expected (Section 2.7.4).
Observed cloud heights change roughly as predicted with regional,
seasonal and interannual changes in near-tropopause temperature
structure (Xu et al., 2007; Eitzen et al., 2009; Chae and Sherwood,
2010; Zelinka and Hartmann, 2011), although these tests may not be
good analogues for global warming. Davies and Molloy (2012) report
an apparent recent downward mean cloud height trend but this is
probably an artefact (Evan and Norris, 2012); observed cloud height
trends do not appear sufficiently reliable to test this cloud-height feed-
back mechanism (Section 2.5.6).
In summary, the consistency of GCM responses, basic understanding,
strong support from process models, and weak further support from
observations give us high confidence in a positive feedback contribu-
tion from increases in high-cloud altitude. Feedback Mechanisms Involving the Amount of
Middle and High Cloud
As noted in Section, models simulate a range of nearly compen-
sating differences in shortwave and longwave high-cloud feedbacks,
consistent with different changes in high-cloud amount, but also show
a net positive offset consistent with higher cloud altitude (Figure 7.10).
However, there is a tendency in most GCMs toward reduced middle
and high cloud amount in warmer climates in low- and mid-latitudes,
especially in the subtropics (Trenberth and Fasullo, 2009; Zelinka and
Hartmann, 2010). This loss of cloud amount adds a positive shortwave
and negative longwave feedback to the model average, which causes
the average net positive feedback to appear to come from the short-
wave part of the spectrum. The net effect of changes in amount of all
cloud types averaged over models is a positive feedback of about +0.2
W m
, but this roughly matches the contribution from low clouds
(see the following section), implying a near-cancellation of longwave
and shortwave effects for the mid- and high-level amount changes.
Changes in predicted cloud cover geographically correlate with sim-
ulated subtropical drying (Meehl et al., 2007), suggesting that they
are partly tied to large-scale circulation changes including the pole-
ward shifts found in most models (Wetherald and Manabe, 1980; Sher-
wood et al., 2010b; Section 2.7). Bender et al. (2012) and Eastman
and Warren (2013) report poleward shifts in cloud since the 1970s
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
consistent with those reported in other observables (Section 2.5.6) and
simulated by most GCMs, albeit with weaker amplitude (Yin, 2005).
This shift of clouds to latitudes of weaker sunlight decreases the plan-
etary albedo and would imply a strong positive feedback if it were due
to global warming (Bender et al., 2012), although it is probably partly
driven by other factors (Section 10.3). The true amount of positive feed-
back coming from poleward shifts therefore remains highly uncertain,
but is underestimated by GCMs if, as suggested by observational com-
parisons, the shifts are underestimated (Johanson and Fu, 2009; Allen
et al., 2012).
The upward mass flux in deep clouds should decrease in a warmer
climate (Section 7.6.2), which might contribute to cloudiness decreases
in storm tracks or the ITCZ (Chou and Neelin, 2004; Held and Soden,
2006). Tselioudis and Rossow (2006) predict this within the storm
tracks based on observed present-day relationships with meteorologi-
cal variables combined with model-simulated changes to those driving
variables but do not infer a large feedback. Most CMIP3 GCMs produce
too little storm-track cloud cover in the southern hemisphere compared
to nearly overcast conditions in reality, but clouds are also too bright.
Arguments have been advanced that such biases could imply either
model overestimation or underestimation of feedbacks (Trenberth and
Fasullo, 2010; Brient and Bony, 2012).
The role of thin cirrus clouds for cloud feedback is not known and
remains a source of possible systematic bias. Unlike high-cloud sys-
tems overall, these particular clouds exert a clear net warming effect
(Jensen et al., 1994; Chen et al., 2000), making a significant cloud-
cover feedback possible in principle (e.g., Rondanelli and Lindzen,
2010). While this does not seem to be important in recent GCMs
(Zelinka et al., 2012b), and no specific mechanism has been suggested,
the representation of cirrus in GCMs appears to be poor (Eliasson et
al., 2011) and such clouds are microphysically complex (Section 7.4.4).
This implies significant feedback uncertainty in addition to that already
evident from model spread.
Model simulations, physical understanding and observations thus pro-
vide medium confidence that poleward shifts of cloud distributions
will contribute to positive feedback, but by an uncertain amount. Feed-
backs from thin cirrus amount cannot be ruled out and are an impor-
tant source of uncertainty. Feedback Mechanisms Involving Low Cloud
Differences in the response of low clouds to a warming are responsible
for most of the spread in model-based estimates of equilibrium climate
sensitivity (Randall et al., 2007). Since the AR4 this finding has with-
stood further scrutiny (e.g., Soden and Vecchi, 2011; Webb et al., 2013),
holds in CMIP5 models (Vial et al., 2013) and has been shown to apply
also to the transient climate response (e.g., Dufresne and Bony, 2008).
This discrepancy in responses occurs over most oceans and cannot
be clearly confined to any single region (Trenberth and Fasullo, 2010;
Webb et al., 2013), but is usually associated with the representation
of shallow cumulus or stratocumulus clouds (Williams and Tselioudis,
2007; Williams and Webb, 2009; Xu et al., 2010). Because the spread
of responses emerges in a variety of idealized model formulations
(Medeiros et al., 2008; Zhang and Bretherton, 2008; Brient and Bony,
2013), or conditioned on a particular dynamical state (Bony et al.,
2004), and is similar in equilibrium or transient simulations (Yokohata
et al., 2008), it appears to be attributable to how cloud, convective and
boundary layer processes are parameterized in GCMs.
The modelled response of low clouds does not appear to be dominated
by a single feedback mechanism, but rather the net effect of sever-
al potentially competing mechanisms as elucidated in LES and GCM
sensitivity studies (e.g., Zhang and Bretherton, 2008; Blossey et al.,
2013; Bretherton et al., 2013). Starting with some proposed negative
feedback mechanisms, it has been argued that in a warmer climate,
low clouds will be: (1) horizontally more extensive, because changes
in the lapse rate of temperature also modify the lower-tropospheric
stability (Miller, 1997); (2) optically thicker, because adiabatic ascent
is accompanied by a larger condensation rate (Somerville and Remer,
1984); and (3) vertically more extensive, in response to a weakening
of the tropical overturning circulation (Caldwell and Bretherton, 2009).
While these mechanisms may play some role in subtropical low cloud
feedbacks, none of them appears dominant. Regarding (1), dry static
stability alone is a misleading predictor with respect to climate chang-
es, as models with comparably good simulations of the current region-
al distribution and/or relationship to stability of low cloud can produce
a broad range of cloud responses to climate perturbations (Wyant et
al., 2006). Mechanism (2), discussed briefly in the next section, appears
to have a small effect. Mechanism (3) cannot yet be ruled out but does
not appear to be the dominant factor in determining subtropical cloud
changes in GCMs (Bony and Dufresne, 2005; Zhang and Bretherton,
Since the AR4, several new positive feedback mechanisms have been
proposed, most associated with the marine boundary layer clouds
thought to be at the core of the spread in responses. These include the
ideas that: warming-induced changes in the absolute humidity lapse
rate change the energetics of mixing in ways that demand a reduction
in cloud amount or thickness (Webb and Lock, 2013; Bretherton et al.,
2013; Brient and Bony, 2013); energetic constraints prevent the sur-
face evaporation from increasing with warming at a rate sufficient to
balance expected changes in dry air entrainment, thereby reducing the
supply of moisture to form clouds (Rieck et al., 2012; Webb and Lock,
2013); and that increased concentrations of GHGs reduce the radia-
tive cooling that drives stratiform cloud layers and thereby the cloud
amount (Caldwell and Bretherton, 2009; Stevens and Brenguier, 2009;
Bretherton et al., 2013). These mechanisms, crudely operating through
parameterized representations of cloud processes, could explain why
climate models consistently produce positive low-cloud feedbacks.
Among CFMIP GCMs, the low-cloud feedback ranges from −0.09 to
+0.63 W m
(Figure 7.10), and is largely associated with a reduc-
tion in low-cloud amount, albeit with considerable spatial variabili-
ty (e.g., Webb et al., 2013). One ‘super-parameterized’ GCM (Section simulates a negative low-cloud feedback (Wyant et al., 2006,
2009), but that model’s representation of low clouds was worse than
some conventional GCMs.
The tendency of both GCMs and process models to produce these
positive feedback effects suggests that the feedback contribution
from changes in low clouds is positive. However, deficient representa-
tion of low clouds in GCMs, diverse model results, a lack of reliable
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
observational constraints, and the tentative nature of the suggested
mechanisms leave us with low confidence in the sign of the low-cloud
feedback contribution. Feedbacks Involving Changes in Cloud Opacity
It has long been suggested that cloud water content could increase in
a warmer climate simply due to the availability of more vapour for con-
densation in a warmer atmosphere, yielding a negative feedback (Pal-
tridge, 1980; Somerville and Remer, 1984), but this argument ignores
the physics of crucial cloud-regulating processes such as precipitation
formation and turbulence. Observational evidence discounting a large
effect of this kind was reported in AR4 (Randall et al., 2007).
The global mean net feedback from cloud opacity changes in CFMIP
models (Figure 7.10) is approximately zero. Optical depths tend to
reduce slightly at low and middle latitudes, but increase poleward
of 50°, yielding a positive longwave feedback that roughly offsets
the negative shortwave feedback. These latitude-dependent opacity
changes may be attributed to phase changes at high latitudes and
greater poleward moisture transport (Vavrus et al., 2009), and possibly
to poleward shifts of the circulation.
Studies have reported warming-related changes in cloud opacity tied
to cloud phase (e.g., Senior and Mitchell, 1993; Tsushima et al., 2006).
This might be expected to cause negative feedback, because at mixed-
phase temperatures of –38 to 0°C, cloud ice particles have typical
diameters of 10 to 100 µm (e.g., Figure 8 in Donovan, 2003), sever-
al-fold larger than cloud water drops, so a given mass of cloud water
would have less surface area and reflect less sunlight in ice form than
in liquid form. As climate warms, a shift from ice to liquid at a given
location could increase cloud opacity. An offsetting factor that may
explain the absence of this in CFMIP, however, is that mixed-phase
clouds may form at higher altitudes, and similar local temperatures, in
warmer climates (Section The key physics is in any case not
adequately represented in climate models. Thus this particular feed-
back mechanism is highly uncertain. Feedback from Arctic Cloud Interactions with Sea Ice
Arctic clouds, despite their low altitude, have a net heating effect at
the surface in the present climate because their downward emission of
infrared radiation over the year outweighs their reflection of sunlight
during the short summer season. Their net effect on the atmosphere is
cooling, however, so their effect on the energy balance of the whole
system is ambiguous and depends on the details of the vertical cloud
distribution and the impact of cloud radiative interactions on ice cover
(Palm et al., 2010).
Low-cloud amount over the Arctic oceans varies inversely with sea ice
amount (open water producing more cloud) as now confirmed since
AR4 by visual cloud reports (Eastman and Warren, 2010) and lidar and
radar observations (Kay and Gettelman, 2009; Palm et al., 2010). The
observed effect is weak in boreal summer, when the melting sea ice
is at a similar temperature to open water and stable boundary layers
with extensive low cloud are common over both surfaces, and strong-
est in boreal autumn when cold air flowing over regions of open water
stimulates cloud formation by boundary-layer convection (Kay and
Gettelman, 2009; Vavrus et al., 2011). Kay et al. (2011) show that a
GCM can represent this seasonal sensitivity of low cloud to open water,
but doing so depends on the details of how boundary-layer clouds are
parameterized. Vavrus et al. (2009) show that in a global warming sce-
nario, GCMs simulate more Arctic low cloud in all seasons, but espe-
cially during autumn and the onset of winter when open water and
very thin sea ice increase considerably, increasing upward moisture
transport to the clouds.
A few studies in the literature suggest negative feedbacks from Arctic
clouds, based on spatial correlations of observed warming and cloud-
iness (Liu et al., 2008) or tree-ring proxies of cloud shortwave effects
over the last millenium (Gagen et al., 2011). However, the spatial cor-
relations are not reliable indicators of feedback (Section, and
the tree-ring evidence (assuming it is a good proxy) applies only to the
shortwave effect of summertime cloud cover. The GCM studies would
be consistent with warmer climates being cloudier, but have opposite
radiative effects and positive feedback during the rest of the year. Even
though a small positive feedback is suggested by models, there is over-
all little evidence for significant feedbacks from Arctic cloud. Rapid Adjustments of Clouds to a Carbon
Dioxide Change
It is possible to partition the response of TOA radiation in GCMs to
an instantaneous doubling of CO
into a ‘rapid adjustment’ in which
the land surface, atmospheric circulations and clouds respond to the
radiative effect of the CO
increase, and an ‘SST-mediated’ response
that develops more slowly as the oceans warm (see Section 7.1.3).
This distinction is important not only to help understand model pro-
cesses, but because the presence of rapid adjustments would cause
clouds to respond slightly differently to a transient climate change (in
which SST changes have not caught up to CO
changes) or to a climate
change caused by other forcings, than they would to the same warm-
ing at equilibrium driven by CO
. There is also a rapid adjustment of the
hydrological cycle and precipitation field, discussed in Section 7.6.3.
Gregory and Webb (2008) reported that in some climate models, rapid
adjustment of clouds can have TOA radiative effects comparable to
those of the ensuing SST-mediated cloud changes, though Andrews
and Forster (2008) found a smaller effect. Subsequent studies using
more accurate kernel-based techniques find a cloud adjustment
of roughly +0.4 to +0.5 W m
per doubling of CO
, with standard
deviation of about 0.3 W m
across models (Vial et al., 2013; Zelinka
et al., 2013). This would account for about 20% of the overall cloud
response in a model with average sensitivity; and because it is not
strongly correlated with model sensitivity, it contributes perhaps 20%
of the inter-model response spread (Andrews et al., 2012; Webb et al.,
2013), which therefore remains dominated by feedbacks. The response
occurs due to a general decrease in cloud cover caused by the slight
stratification driven by CO
warming of the troposphere, which espe-
cially for middle and low clouds has a net warming effect (Colman and
McAvaney, 2011; Zelinka et al., 2013). As explained at the beginning
of Section 7.2.5, feedback numbers given in this report already account
for these rapid adjustments.
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
7 Observational Constraints on Global Cloud Feedback
A number of studies since AR4 have attempted to constrain overall
cloud feedback (or climate sensitivity) from observations of natural cli-
mate variability; here we discuss those using modern cloud, radiation
or other measurements (see a complementary discussion in Section
12.5 based on past temperature data and forcing proxies).
One approach is to seek observable aspects of present-day cloud
behaviour that reveal cloud feedback or some component thereof.
Varying parameters in a GCM sometimes produces changes in cloud
feedback that correlate with the properties of cloud simulated for
the present day, but this depends on the GCM (Yokohata et al., 2010;
Gettelman et al., 2013), and the resulting relationships do not hold
across multiple models such as those from CMIP3 (Collins et al., 2011).
Among the AR4 models, net cloud feedback correlates strongly with
mid-latitude relative humidity (Volodin, 2008), with TOA radiation at
high southern latitudes (Trenberth and Fasullo, 2010), and with humid-
ity at certain latitudes during boreal summer (Fasullo and Trenberth,
2012); if valid each of these regression relations would imply a rela-
tively strong positive cloud feedback in reality, but no mechanism has
been proposed to explain or validate them and such apparent skill can
arise fortuitously (Klocke et al., 2011). Likewise, Clement et al. (2009)
found realistic decadal variations of cloud cover over the North Pacific
in only one model (HadGEM1) and argued that the relatively strong
cloud feedback in this model should therefore be regarded as more
likely, but this finding lacks a mechanistic explanation and may depend
on how model output is used (Broccoli and Klein, 2010). Chang and
Coakley (2007) examined mid-latitude maritime clouds and found
cloud thinning with increasing temperature, consistent with a positive
feedback, whereas Gordon and Norris (2010) found the opposite result
following a methodology that tried to isolate thermal and advective
effects. In summary, there is no evidence of a robust link between any
of the noted observables and the global feedback, though some appar-
ent connections are tantalizing and are being studied further.
Several studies have attempted to derive global climate sensitivity
from interannual relationships between global mean observations of
TOA radiation and surface temperature (see also Section
One problem with this is the different spatial character of interannu-
al and long-term warming; another is that the methodology can be
confounded by cloud variations not caused by those of surface tem-
perature (Spencer and Braswell, 2008). A range of climate sensitivities
has been inferred based on such analyses (Forster and Gregory, 2006;
Lindzen and Choi, 2011). Crucially, however, among different GCMs
there is no correlation between the interannual and long-term cloud–
temperature relationships (Dessler, 2010; Colman and Hanson, 2012),
contradicting the basic assumption of these methods. Many but not
all atmosphere–ocean GCMs predict relationships that are consistent
with observations (Dessler, 2010, 2013). More recently there is interest
in relating the time-lagged correlations of cloud and temperature to
feedback processes (Spencer and Braswell, 2010) but again these rela-
tionships appear to reveal only a model’s ability to simulate ENSO or
other modes of interannual variability properly, which are not obvious-
ly informative about the cloud feedback on long-term global warming
(Dessler, 2011).
For a putative observational constraint on climate sensitivity to be
accepted, it should have a sound physical basis and its assumptions
should be tested appropriately in climate models. No method yet pro-
posed meets both conditions. Moreover, cloud responses to warming
can be sensitive to relatively subtle details in the geographic warm-
ing pattern, such as the slight hemispheric asymmetry due to the lag
of southern ocean warming relative to northern latitudes (Senior and
Mitchell, 2000; Yokohata et al., 2008). Cloud responses to specified
uniform ocean warming without CO
increases are not the same as
those to CO
global warming simulated with more realis-
tic oceans (Ringer et al., 2006), partly because of rapid adjustments
(Section and because low clouds also feed back tightly to the
underlying surface (Caldwell and Bretherton, 2009). Simulated cloud
feedbacks also differ significantly between colder and warmer climates
in some models (Crucifix, 2006; Yoshimori et al., 2009) and between
volcanic and other forcings (Yokohata et al., 2005). These sensitivities
highlight the challenges facing any attempt to infer long-term cloud
feedbacks from simple data analyses.
7.2.6 Feedback Synthesis
Together, the water vapour, lapse rate and cloud feedbacks are the prin-
cipal determinants of equilibrium climate sensitivity. The water vapour
and lapse rate feedbacks, as traditionally defined, should be thought of
as a single phenomenon rather than in isolation (see Section
To estimate a 90% probability range for that feedback, we double the
variance of GCM results about the mean to account for the possibility
of errors common to all models, to arrive at +1.1 (+0.9 to +1.3) W m
. Values in this range are supported by a steadily growing body
of observational evidence, model tests, and physical reasoning. As a
corollary, the net feedback from water vapour and lapse rate changes
combined is extremely likely positive, allowing for the possibility of
deep uncertainties or a fat-tailed error distribution. Key aspects of the
responses of water vapour and clouds to climate warming now appear
to be constrained by large-scale dynamical mechanisms that are not
sensitive to poorly represented small-scale processes, and as such, are
more credible. This feedback is thus known to be positive with high
confidence, and contributes only a small part of the spread in GCM
climate sensitivity (Section 9.7). An alternative framework has recently
been proposed in which these feedbacks, and stabilization via ther-
mal emission, are all significantly smaller and more consistent among
models; thus the range given above may overstate the true uncertainty.
Several cloud feedback mechanisms now appear consistently in GCMs,
summarized in Figure 7.11, most supported by other lines of evidence.
Nearly all act in a positive direction. First, high clouds are expected
to rise in altitude and thereby exert a stronger greenhouse effect in
warmer climates. This altitude feedback mechanism is well understood,
has theoretical and observational support, occurs consistently in GCMs
and CRMs and explains about half of the mean positive cloud feedback
in GCMs. Second, middle and high-level cloud cover tends to decrease
in warmer climates even within the ITCZ, although the feedback effect
of this is ambiguous and it cannot yet be tested observationally. Third,
observations and most models suggest storm tracks shift poleward in
a warmer climate, drying the subtropics and moistening the high lat-
itudes, which causes further positive feedback via a net shift of cloud
cover to latitudes that receive less sunshine. Finally, most GCMs also
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
predict that low cloud amount decreases, especially in the subtropics,
another source of positive feedback though one that differs signifi-
cantly among models and lacks a well-accepted theoretical basis. Over
middle and high latitudes, GCMs suggest warming-induced transitions
from ice to water clouds may cause clouds to become more opaque,
but this appears to have a small systematic net radiative effect in
models, possibly because it is offset by cloud altitude changes.
Currently, neither cloud process models (CRMs and LES) nor observa-
tions provide clear evidence to contradict or confirm feedback mecha-
nisms involving low clouds. In some cases these models show stronger
low-cloud feedbacks than GCMs, but each model type has limitations,
and some studies suggest stronger positive feedbacks are more realistic
(Section Cloud process models suggest a variety of potentially
opposing response mechanisms that may account for the current spread
of GCM feedbacks. In summary we find no evidence to contradict either
the cloud or water vapour–lapse rate feedback ranges shown by current
GCMs, although the many uncertainties mean that true feedback could
still lie outside these ranges. In particular, microphysical mechanisms
affecting cloud opacity or cirrus amount may well be missing from
GCMs. Missing feedbacks, if any, could act in either direction.
Based on the preceding synthesis of cloud behaviour, the net radia-
tive feedback due to all cloud types is judged likely to be positive. This
is reasoned probabilistically as follows. First, because evidence from
observations and process models is mixed as to whether GCM cloud
feedback is too strong or too weak overall, and because the positive
feedback found in GCMs comes mostly from mechanisms now sup-
ported by other lines of evidence, the central (most likely) estimate of
the total cloud feedback is taken as the mean from GCMs (+0.6 W m
). Second, because there is no accepted basis to discredit individual
GCMs a priori, the probability distribution of the true feedback cannot
be any narrower than the distribution of GCM results. Third, since feed-
back mechanisms are probably missing from GCMs and some CRMs
suggest feedbacks outside the range in GCMs, the probable range of
Equator 30º Pole60º
Broadening of the Hadley Cell
Rising of the Melting Level
More Polar Clouds
Poleward Shift of Storms
Less Low Clouds
Narrowing of Tropical Ocean Rainfall Zones
Rising High Clouds
Rising High Clouds
Figure 7.11 | Robust cloud responses to greenhouse warming (those simulated by most models and possessing some kind of independent support or understanding). The tro-
popause and melting level are shown by the thick solid and thin grey dashed lines, respectively. Changes anticipated in a warmer climate are shown by arrows, with red colour
indicating those making a robust positive feedback contribution and grey indicating those where the feedback contribution is small and/or highly uncertain. No robust mechanisms
contribute negative feedback. Changes include rising high cloud tops and melting level, and increased polar cloud cover and/or optical thickness (high confidence); broadening of
the Hadley Cell and/or poleward migration of storm tracks, and narrowing of rainfall zones such as the Intertropical Convergence Zone (medium confidence); and reduced low-cloud
amount and/or optical thickness (low confidence). Confidence assessments are based on degree of GCM consensus, strength of independent lines of evidence from observations or
process models and degree of basic understanding.
the feedback must be broader than its spread in GCMs. We estimate
a probability distribution for this feedback by doubling the spread
about the mean of all model values in Figure 7.10 (in effect assuming
an additional uncertainty about 1.7 times as large asthat encapsu-
lated in the GCM range, added to it in quadrature). This yields a 90%
(very likely) range of −0.2 to +2.0 W m
, with a 17% probability
of a negative feedback.
Note that the assessment of feedbacks in this chapter is independent
of constraints on climate sensitivity from observed trends or palaeocli-
mate information discussed in Box 12.2.
7.2.7 Anthropogenic Sources of Moisture and Cloudiness
Human activity can be a source of additional cloudiness through spe-
cific processes involving a source of water vapour in the atmosphere.
We discuss here the impact of aviation and irrigation on water vapour
and cloudiness. The impact of water vapour sources from combustion
at the Earth’s surface is thought to be negligible. Changes to the hydro-
logical cycle because of land use change are briefly discussed in Sec-
tion 12.4.8. Contrails and Contrail-Induced Cirrus
Aviation jet engines emit hot moist air, which can form line shaped
persistent condensation trails (contrails) in environments that are
supersaturated with respect to ice and colder than about –40°C. The
contrails are composed of ice crystals that are typically smaller than
those of background cirrus (Heymsfield et al., 2010; Frömming et al.,
2011). Their effect on longwave radiation dominates over their short-
wave effect (Stuber and Forster, 2007; Rap et al., 2010b; Burkhardt and
Kärcher, 2011) but models disagree on the relative importance of the
two effects. Contrails have been observed to spread into large cirrus
sheets that may persist for several hours, and observational studies
confirm their overall positive net RF impact (Haywood et al., 2009).
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ 7.1 | How Do Clouds Affect Climate and Climate Change?
Clouds strongly affect the current climate, but observations alone cannot yet tell us how they will affect a future,
warmer climate. Comprehensive prediction of changes in cloudiness requires a global climate model. Such models
simulate cloud fields that roughly resemble those observed, but important errors and uncertainties remain. Dif-
ferent climate models produce different projections of how clouds will change in a warmer climate. Based on all
available evidence, it seems likely that the net cloud–climate feedback amplifies global warming. If so, the strength
of this amplification remains uncertain.
Since the 1970s, scientists have recognized the critical importance of clouds for the climate system, and for climate
change. Clouds affect the climate system in a variety of ways. They produce precipitation (rain and snow) that is
necessary for most life on land. They warm the atmosphere as water vapour condenses. Although some of the con-
densed water re-evaporates, the precipitation that reaches the surface represents a net warming of the air. Clouds
strongly affect the flows of both sunlight (warming the planet) and infrared light (cooling the planet as it is radi-
ated to space) through the atmosphere. Finally, clouds contain powerful updraughts that can rapidly carry air from
near the surface to great heights. The updraughts carry energy, moisture, momentum, trace gases, and aerosol
particles. For decades, climate scientists have been using both observations and models to study how clouds change
with the daily weather, with the seasonal cycle, and with year-to-year changes such as those associated with El Niño.
All cloud processes have the potential to change as the climate state changes. Cloud feedbacks are of intense inter-
est in the context of climate change. Any change in a cloud process that is caused by climate change—and in turn
influences climate—represents a cloud–climate feedback. Because clouds interact so strongly with both sunlight
and infrared light, small changes in cloudiness can have a potent effect on the climate system.
Many possible types of cloud–climate feedbacks have been suggested, involving changes in cloud amount, cloud-
top height and/or cloud reflectivity (see FAQ7.1, Figure 1). The literature shows consistently that high clouds amplify
global warming as they interact with infrared light emitted by the atmosphere and surface. There is more uncer-
tainty, however, about the feedbacks associated with low-altitude clouds, and about cloud feedbacks associated
with amount and reflectivity in general.
Thick high clouds efficiently reflect sunlight, and both thick and thin high clouds strongly reduce the amount of
infrared light that the atmosphere and surface emit to space. The compensation between these two effects makes
High clouds rise as troposphere
deepens, increasing difference
between cloud top and surface
High clouds more effectively trap
infrared radiation, increasing
surface warming.
Reduction in mid- and low-level cloudiness (left).
Shift of cloudy storm tracks poleward into
regions with less sunlight (right).
Less sunlight reflected by clouds back to space,
increasing surface warming.
FAQ 7.1, Figure 1 | Schematic of important cloud feedback mechanisms.
(continued on next page)
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
FAQ 7.1 (continued)
the surface temperature somewhat less sensitive to changes in high cloud amount than to changes in low cloud
amount. This compensation could be disturbed if there were a systematic shift from thick high cloud to thin cirrus
cloud or vice versa; while this possibility cannot be ruled out, it is not currently supported by any evidence. On
the other hand, changes in the altitude of high clouds (for a given high-cloud amount) can strongly affect surface
temperature. An upward shift in high clouds reduces the infrared light that the surface and atmosphere emit to
space, but has little effect on the reflected sunlight. There is strong evidence of such a shift in a warmer climate.
This amplifies global warming by preventing some of the additional infrared light emitted by the atmosphere and
surface from leaving the climate system.
Low clouds reflect a lot of sunlight back to space but, for a given state of the atmosphere and surface, they have
only a weak effect on the infrared light that is emitted to space by the Earth. As a result, they have a net cooling
effect on the present climate; to a lesser extent, the same holds for mid-level clouds. In a future climate warmed
by increasing greenhouse gases, most IPCC-assessed climate models simulate a decrease in low and mid-level cloud
amount, which would increase the absorption of sunlight and so tend to increase the warming. The extent of this
decrease is quite model-dependent, however.
There are also other ways that clouds may change in a warmer climate. Changes in wind patterns and storm tracks
could affect the regional and seasonal patterns of cloudiness and precipitation. Some studies suggest that the signal
of one such trend seen in climate models—a poleward migration of the clouds associated with mid-latitude storm
tracks—is already detectable in the observational record. By shifting clouds into regions receiving less sunlight, this
could also amplify global warming. More clouds may be made of liquid drops, which are small but numerous and
reflect more sunlight back to space than a cloud composed of the same mass of larger ice crystals. Thin cirrus cloud,
which exerts a net warming effect and is very hard for climate models to simulate, could change in ways not simu-
lated by models although there is no evidence for this. Other processes may be regionally important, for example,
interactions between clouds and the surface can change over the ocean where sea ice melts, and over land where
plant transpiration is reduced.
There is as yet no broadly accepted way to infer global cloud feedbacks from observations of long-term cloud trends
or shorter-time scale variability. Nevertheless, all the models used for the current assessment (and the preceding
two IPCC assessments) produce net cloud feedbacks that either enhance anthropogenic greenhouse warming or
have little overall effect. Feedbacks are not ‘put into’ the models, but emerge from the functioning of the clouds in
the simulated atmosphere and their effects on the flows and transformations of energy in the climate system. The
differences in the strengths of the cloud feedbacks produced by the various models largely account for the different
sensitivities of the models to changes in greenhouse gas concentrations.
Aerosol emitted within the aircraft exhaust may also affect high-level
cloudiness. This last effect is classified as an aerosol–cloud interaction
and is deemed too uncertain to be further assessed here (see also Sec-
tion 7.4.4). Climate model experiments (Rap et al., 2010a) confirm ear-
lier results (Kalkstein and Balling Jr, 2004; Ponater et al., 2005) that avi-
ation contrails do not have, at current levels of coverage, an observable
effect on the mean or diurnal range of surface temperature (medium
Estimates of the RF from persistent (linear) contrails often correspond
to different years and need to be corrected for the continuous increase
in air traffic. More recent estimates tend to indicate somewhat smaller
RF than assessed in the AR4 (see Table 7.SM.1 and text in Supplemen-
tary Material). We adopt an RF estimate of +0.01 (+0.005 to +0.03) W
for persistent (linear) contrails for 2011, with a medium confidence
attached to this estimate. An additional RF of +0.003 W m
is due to
emissions of water vapour in the stratosphere by aviation as estimated
by Lee et al. (2009).
Forster et al. (2007) quoted Sausen et al. (2005) to update the 2000
forcing for aviation-induced cirrus (including linear contrails) to +0.03
(+0.01 to +0.08) W m
but did not consider this to be a best esti-
mate because of large uncertainties. Schumann and Graf (2013) con-
strained their model with observations of the diurnal cycle of contrails
and cirrus in a region with high air traffic relative to a region with
little air traffic, and estimated a RF of +0.05 (+0.04 to +0.08) W m
for contrails and contrail-induced cirrus in 2006, but their model has
a large shortwave contribution, and larger estimates are possible. An
alternative approach was taken by Burkhardt and Kärcher (2011), who
estimated a global RF for 2002 of +0.03 W m
from contrails and
contrail cirrus within a climate model (Burkhardt and Kärcher, 2009),
after compensating for reduced background cirrus cloudiness in the
main traffic areas. Based on these two studies we assess the combined
contrail and contrail-induced cirrus ERF for the year 2011 to be +0.05
(+0.02 to +0.15) W m
to take into uncertainties on spreading rate,
optical depth, ice particle shape and radiative transfer and the ongoing
increase in air traffic (see also Supplementary Material). A low confi-
dence is attached to this estimate.
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
7 Irrigation-Induced Cloudiness
Boucher et al. (2004) estimated a global ERF due to water vapour from
irrigation in the range of +0.03 to +0.10 W m
but the net climate
effect was dominated by the evaporative cooling at the surface and by
atmospheric thermal responses to low-level humidification. Regional
surface cooling was confirmed by a number of more recent region-
al and global studies (Kueppers et al., 2007; Lobell et al., 2009). The
resulting increase in water vapour may induce a small enhancement in
precipitation downwind of the major irrigation areas (Puma and Cook,
2010), as well as some regional circulation patterns (Kueppers et al.,
2007). Sacks et al. (2009) reported a 0.001 increase in cloud fraction
over land (0.002 over irrigated land). This suggests an ERF no more
negative than –0.1 W m
with very low confidence.
7.3 Aerosols
The section assesses the role of aerosols in the climate system, focus-
ing on aerosol processes and properties, as well as other factors, that
influence aerosol–radiation and aerosolcloud interactions. Processes
directly relevant to aerosolcloud interactions are discussed in Section
7.4, and estimates of aerosol RFs and ERFs are assessed in Section
7.5. The time evolution of aerosols and their forcings are discussed
in Chapters 2 and 8, with Chapter 8 also covering changes in natural
volcanic aerosols.
7.3.1 Aerosols in the Present-Day Climate System Aerosol Formation and Aerosol Types
Atmospheric aerosols, whether natural or anthropogenic, originate
from two different pathways: emissions of primary particulate matter
Low volatility gases
(sulphuric & nitric acid,
ammonia, organics)
High volatility gases
, NO
, VOCs)
Secondary Particles
(inorganics, SOA)
Aged Aerosols
Primary Particles
(POA, BC, sea-salt, dust)
Atmospheric state,
Cloud distribution,
Surface properties,
Sun-earth geometry
Deposition Deposition
Gas Phase
Condensed Phase
Reactions &
Condensation & Cloud Processing
Optical Properties
(optical depth, single scattering
albedo, asymmetry factor)
Cloud Activity
(cloud condensation nuclei,
ice nuclei)
and formation of secondary particulate matter from gaseous precur-
sors (Figure 7.12). The main constituents of the atmospheric aerosol
are inorganic species (such as sulphate, nitrate, ammonium, sea salt),
organic species (also termed organic aerosol or OA), black carbon (BC,
a distinct type of carbonaceous material formed from the incomplete
combustion of fossil and biomass based fuels under certain condi-
tions), mineral species (mostly desert dust) and primary biological
aerosol particles (PBAPs). Mineral dust, sea salt, BC and PBAPs are
introduced into the atmosphere as primary particles, whereas non-sea-
salt sulphate, nitrate and ammonium are predominantly from second-
ary aerosol formation processes. The OA has both significant primary
and secondary sources. In the present-day atmosphere, the majority
of BC, sulphate, nitrate and ammonium come from anthropogenic
sources, whereas sea salt, most mineral dust and PBAPs are predomi-
nantly of natural origin. Primary and secondary organic aerosols (POA
and SOA) are influenced by both natural and anthropogenic sources.
Emission rates of aerosols and aerosol precursors are summarized in
Table 7.1. The characteristics and role of the main aerosol species are
listed in Table 7.2. Aerosol Observations and Climatology
New and improved observational aerosol data sets have emerged since
AR4. A number of field experiments have taken place such as the Inter-
continental Chemical Transport Experiment (INTEX, Bergstrom et al.,
2010; Logan et al., 2010), African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis
(AMMA; Jeong et al., 2008; Hansell et al., 2010), Integrated Campaign
for Aerosols, gases and Radiation Budget (ICARB; Moorthy et al., 2008
and references therein), Megacity Impact on Regional and Global Envi-
ronments field experiment (MILAGRO; Paredes-Miranda et al., 2009),
Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget Inter-comparisons of Longwave
and Shortwave (GERBILS, Christopher et al., 2009), Arctic Research
of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellites
Figure 7.12 | Overview of atmospheric aerosol and environmental variables and processes influencing aerosol–radiation and aerosol–cloud interactions. Gas-phase variables and
processes are highlighted in red while particulate-phase variables and processes appear in green. Although this figure shows a linear chain of processes from aerosols to forcings
(ERFari and ERFaci), it is increasingly recognized that aerosols and clouds form a coupled system with two-way interactions (see Figure 7.16).
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
Year 2000
Tg yr
or TgS yr
Black Carbon
Biomass Burning
Avg Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Min Max
Total 126.9 98.2 157.9 4.8 3.6 6.0 10.5 6.3 15.3 55.2 43.3 77.9 41.6 34.5 49.6 49.1 29.0 85.3
Western Europe 11.0 9.2 14.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 4.0 3.0 7.0 4.2 3.4 4.5 0.4 0.1 0.8
Central Europe 2.9 2.3 3.5 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 3.0 2.3 5.0 1.2 1.1 1.2 0.3 0.1 0.4
Former Soviet Union 9.8 6.5 15.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.7 0.5 0.9 5.2 3.0 7.0 1.7 1.5 2.0 5.4 3.0 7.9
Middle East 13.0 9.9 15.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 3.6 3.2 4.1 1.4 1.4 1.4 0.3 0.0 1.3
North America 17.8 14.5 20.9 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.6 8.7 7.8 10.4 4.6 3.8 5.5 2.0 0.8 4.4
Central America 3.8 2.9 4.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.3 2.1 1.9 2.8 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.44 0.3 2.7
South America 8.6 8.2 9.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.8 2.5 1.9 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.5 5.9 2.6 10.9
Africa 13.2 9.9 15.0 0.5 0.4 0.6 1.4 1.0 1.9 3.1 2.6 4.4 2.4 2.3 2.4 23.9 18.5 35.3
China 16.4 11.5 24.5 1.2 0.7 1.5 2.4 1.1 3.1 11.7 9.6 17.0 10.9 8.9 12.7 1.1 0.3 2.3
India 8.9 7.3 10.8 0.7 0.5 1.0 1.9 1.0 3.3 2.9 2.6 3.9 5.8 3.7 8.5 0.5 0.1 0.9
Rest of Asia 18.1 14.1 23.9 0.6 0.5 0.7 1.7 0.8 3.0 3.9 2.2 5.7 4.1 3.2 5.9 2.0 0.4 3.4
Oceania 1.2 1.0 1.5 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.08 1.2 0.9 1.4 0.7 0.7 0.7 5.8 2.7 16.8
International Shipping 2.1 1.3 3.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 3.3 2.1 5.5
Table 7.1 | (a) Global and regional anthropogenic emissions of aerosols and aerosol precursors. The average, minimum and maximum values are from a range of available inven-
tories (Cao et al., 2006; European Commission et al., 2009; Sofiev et al., 2009; Lu et al., 2010, 2011; Granier et al., 2011 and references therein; Knorr et al., 2012). It should be
noted that the minimum to maximum range is not a measure of uncertainties which are often difficult to quantify. Units are Tg yr
and TgS yr
for sulphur dioxide (SO
stand for non-methane volatile organic compounds. (b) Global natural emissions of aerosols and aerosol precursors. Dust and sea-spray estimates span the range in the historical
CMIP5 simulations. The ranges for monoterpenes and isoprene are from Arneth et al. (2008). There are other biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) such as sesquiterpenes,
alcohols and aldehydes which are not listed here. Marine primary organic aerosol (POA) and terrestrial primary biological aerosol particle (PBAP) emission ranges are from Gantt et
al. (2011) and Burrows et al. (2009), respectively. Note that emission fluxes from mineral dust, sea spray and terrestrial PBAPs are highly sensitive to the cut-off radius. The conver-
sion rate of BVOCs to secondary organic aerosol (SOA) is also indicated using the range from Spracklen et al. (2011) and a lower bound from Kanakidou et al. (2005). Units are Tg
except for BVOCs (monoterpenes and isoprene), in TgC yr
, and dimethysulphide (DMS), in TgS yr
Natural Global
Min Max
Sea spray 1400 6800
including marine POA 2 20
Mineral dust 1000 4000
Terrestrial PBAPs 50 1000
including spores 28
Dimethylsulphide (DMS) 10 40
Monoterpenes 30 120
Isoprene 410 600
SOA production from all BVOCs 20 380
(ARCTAS, Lyapustin et al., 2010), the Amazonian Aerosol Character-
ization Experiment 2008 (AMAZE-08, Martin et al., 2010b), the Inte-
grated project on Aerosol Cloud Climate and Air Quality interactions
(EUCAARI, Kulmala et al., 2011) and Atmospheric Brown Clouds (ABC,
Nakajima et al., 2007), which have improved our understanding of
regional aerosol properties.
Long-term aerosol mass concentrations are also measured more sys-
tematically at the surface by global and regional networks (see Section
2.2.3), and there are institutional efforts to improve the coordination
and quality assurance of the measurements (e.g., GAW, 2011). A survey
of the main aerosol types can be constructed from such measurements
(e.g., Jimenez et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2012b; Figure 7.13). Such analy-
ses show a wide spatial variability in aerosol mass concentration, dom-
inant aerosol type, and aerosol composition. Mineral dust dominates
the aerosol mass over some continental regions with relatively higher
concentrations especially in urban South Asia and China, accounting
for about 35% of the total aerosol mass with diameter smaller than
10 mm. In the urban North America and South America, organic carbon
(OC) contributes the largest mass fraction to the atmospheric aerosol
(i.e., 20% or more), while in other areas of the world the OC fraction
ranks second or third with a mean of about 16%. Sulphate normally
accounts for about 10 to 30% by mass, except for the areas in rural
Africa, urban Oceania and South America, where it is less than about
10%. The mass fractions of nitrate and ammonium are only around 6%
and 4% on average, respectively. In most areas, elemental carbon (EC,
which refers to a particular way of measuring BC) represents less than
5% of the aerosol mass, although this percentage may be larger (about
12%) in South America, urban Africa, urban Europe, South, Southeast
and East Asia and urban Oceania due to the larger impact of combus-
tion sources. Sea salt can be dominant at oceanic remote sites with 50
to 70% of aerosol mass.
Aerosol optical depth (AOD), which is related to the column-inte-
grated aerosol amount, is measured by the Aerosol Robotic Network
(AERONET, Holben et al., 1998), other ground-based networks (e.g.,
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
Table 7.2 | Key aerosol properties of the main aerosol species in the troposphere. Terrestrial primary biological aerosol particles (PBAPs), brown carbon and marine primary
organic aerosols (POA) are particular types of organic aerosols (OA) but are treated here as separate components because of their specific properties. The estimated lifetimes in
the troposphere are based on the AeroCom models, except for terrestrial PBAPs which are treated by analogy to other coarse mode aerosol types.
Aerosol Species Size Distribution Main Sources Main Sinks
Key Climate
Relevant Properties
Sulphate Primary: Aitken, accumulation
and coarse modes
Secondary: Nucleation, Aitken,
and accumulation modes
Primary: marine and volcanic emissions.
Secondary: oxidation of SO
and other S gases
from natural and anthropogenic sources
Wet deposition
Dry deposition
~ 1 week Light scattering. Very
hygroscopic. Enhances
absorption when deposited
as a coating on black
carbon. Cloud condensation
nuclei (CCN) active.
Nitrate Accumulation and coarse modes Oxidation of NO
Wet deposition
Dry deposition
~ 1 week Light scattering.
Hygroscopic. CCN active.
Black carbon Freshly emitted: <100 nm
Aged: accumulation mode
Combustion of fossil fuels, biofuels and biomass Wet deposition
Dry deposition
1 week to 10 days Large mass absorption
efficiency in the shortwave.
CCN active when coated.
May be ice nuclei (IN) active.
Organic aerosol POA: Aitken and accumulation
modes. SOA: nucleation, Aitken
and mostly accumulation modes.
Aged OA: accumulation mode
Combustion of fossil fuel, biofuel and biomass.
Continental and marine ecosystems.
Some anthropogenic and biogenic
non-combustion sources
Wet deposition
Dry deposition
~ 1 week Light scattering. Enhances
absorption when deposited
as a coating on black
carbon. CCN active
(depending on aging
time and size).
... of which
brown carbon
Freshly emitted: 100–400 nm
Aged: accumulation mode
Combustion of biofuels and biomass. Natural
humic-like substances from the biosphere
Wet deposition
Dry deposition
~ 1 week Medium mass absorption
efficiency in the UV and
visible. Light scattering.
... of which
terrestrial PBAP
Mostly coarse mode Terrestrial ecosystems Sedimentation
Wet deposition
Dry deposition
1 day to 1 week
depending on size
May be IN active. May
form giant CCN
Mineral dust Coarse and super-coarse modes,
with a small accumulation mode
Wind erosion, soil resuspension.
Some agricultural practices and
industrial activities (cement)
Dry deposition
Wet deposition
1 day to 1 week
depending on size
IN active. Light scattering
and absorption.
Greenhouse effect.
Sea spray Coarse and accumulation modes Breaking of air bubbles induced e.g., by
wave breaking. Wind erosion.
Wet deposition
Dry deposition
1 day to 1 week
depending on size
Light scattering. Very
hygroscopic. CCN active.
Can include primary
organic compounds in
smaller size range
... of which
marine POA
Preferentially Aitken and
accumulation modes
Emitted with sea spray in biologically
active oceanic regions
Wet deposition
Dry deposition
~ 1 week CCN active.
Bokoye et al., 2001; Che et al., 2009) and a number of satellite-based
sensors. Instruments designed for aerosol retrievals such as Moderate
Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS; Remer et al., 2005; Levy et
al., 2010; Kleidman et al., 2012), Multi-angle Imaging Spectro-Radi-
ometer (MISR; Kahn et al., 2005; Kahn et al., 2007) and Polarization
and Directionality of the Earth’s Reflectances (POLDER)/Polarization
and Anisotropy of Reflectances for Atmospheric Sciences Coupled with
Observations from Lidar (PARASOL) (Tanré et al., 2011) are used pref-
erentially to less specialized instruments such as Advanced Very High
Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR; e.g., Zhao et al., 2008a; Mishchenko
et al., 2012), Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS; Torres et al.,
2002) and Along Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR)/Advanced Along
Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) (Thomas et al., 2010) although
the latter are useful for building aerosol climatologies because of their
long measurement records (see Section 2.2.3). Although each AOD
retrieval by satellite sensors shows some skill against more accurate
sunphotometer measurements such as those of AERONET, there are
still large differences among satellite products in regional and seasonal
patterns because of differences and uncertainties in calibration, sam-
pling, cloud screening, treatment of the surface reflectivity and aero-
sol microphysical properties (e.g., Li et al., 2009; Kokhanovsky et al.,
2010). The global but incomplete sampling of satellite measurements
can be combined with information from global aerosol models through
data assimilation techniques (e.g., Benedetti et al., 2009; Figure 7.14a).
Owing to the heterogeneity in their sources, their short lifetime and the
dependence of sinks on the meteorology, aerosol distributions show
large variations on daily, seasonal and interannual scales.
The CALIPSO spaceborne lidar (Winker et al., 2009) complements
existing ground-based lidars. It now provides a climatology of the
aerosol extinction coefficient (Figure 7.14b–e), highlighting that over
most regions the majority of the optically active aerosol resides in the
lowest 1 to 2 km. Yu et al. (2010) and Koffi et al. (2012) found that
global aerosol models tend to have a positive bias in the aerosol extin-
ction scale height in some (but not all) regions, due to an overesti-
mate of aerosol concentrations above 6 km. There is less information
available on the vertical profile of aerosol number and mass concen-
trations, although a number of field experiments involving research
and commercial aircraft have measured aerosol concentrations (e.g.,
Heintzenberg et al., 2011). In particular vertical profiles of BC mixing
ratios have been measured during the Aerosol Radiative Forcing over
India (ARFI) aircraft/high altitude balloon campaigns (Satheesh et al.,
2008), Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Air-
craft and Satellites (ARCTAS; Jacob et al., 2010), Aerosol, Radiation,
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
1: SO
2: OC
3: NO
5: EC
6: Mineral
or Sea Salt
4: NH
(3) Europe (4) Oceania
(2) N. America
urban rural urban rural urban
(1) S. America
concentration (μg m
(5) Marine
N. Atlantic Ocean
(Mace Head)
Indian Ocean
(Amsterdam Is.
(6) Marine
High Asia
S.E.-E. Asia
S. Asia
concentration (μg m
concentration (μg m
(7) Africa (8) Asia
concentration (μg m
concentration (μg m
concentration (μg m
concentration (μg m
concentration (μg m
123456 123456 123456 123456 1 23456 123456
1234561 23456
1 23456 123456 1 23456 123456 123456123456123456
Figure 7.13 | Bar chart plots summarizing the mass concentration (μg m
) of seven major aerosol components for particles with diameter smaller than 10 μm, from various rural
and urban sites (dots on the central world map) in six continental areas of the world with at least an entire year of data and two marine sites. The density of the sites is a qualitative
measure of the spatial representativeness of the values for each area. The North Atlantic and Indian Oceans panels correspond to measurements from single sites (Mace Head and
Amsterdam Island, respectively) that are not necessarily representative. The relative abundances of different aerosol compounds are considered to reflect the relative importance
of emissions of these compounds or their precursors, either anthropogenic or natural, in the different areas. For consistency the mass of organic aerosol (OA) has been converted
to that of organic carbon (OC), according to a conversion factor (typically 1.4 to 1.6), as provided in each study. For each area, the panels represent the median, the 25th to 75th
percentiles (box), and the 10th to 90th percentiles (whiskers) for each aerosol component. These include: (1) South America (Artaxo et al., 1998; Morales et al., 1998; Artaxo et
al., 2002; Celis et al., 2004; Bourotte et al., 2007; Fuzzi et al., 2007; Mariani and Mello, 2007; de Souza et al., 2010; Martin et al., 2010a; Gioda et al., 2011); (2) North America
with urban United States (Chow et al., 1993; Kim et al., 2000; Ito et al., 2004; Malm and Schichtel, 2004; Sawant et al., 2004; Liu et al., 2005); and rural United States (Chow
et al., 1993; Malm et al., 1994; Malm and Schichtel, 2004; Liu et al., 2005); (3) Europe with urban Europe (Lenschow et al., 2001; Querol et al., 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008; Roosli
et al., 2001; Rodriguez et al., 2002, 2004; Putaud et al., 2004; Hueglin et al., 2005; Lonati et al., 2005; Viana et al., 2006, 2007; Perez et al., 2008; Yin and Harrison, 2008; Lodhi et
al., 2009); and rural Europe (Gullu et al., 2000; Querol et al., 2001, 2004, 2009; Rodriguez et al., 2002; Putaud et al., 2004; Puxbaum et al., 2004;Rodrıguez et al., 2004; Hueglin
et al., 2005; Kocak et al., 2007; Salvador et al., 2007; Yttri, 2007; Viana et al., 2008; Yin and Harrison, 2008;Theodosi et al., 2010); (4) urban Oceania (Chan et al., 1997; Maenhaut
et al., 2000; Wang and Shooter, 2001; Wang et al., 2005a; Radhi et al., 2010); (5) marine northern Atlantic Ocean (Rinaldi et al., 2009; Ovadnevaite et al., 2011); (6) marine
Indian Ocean (Sciare et al., 2009; Rinaldi et al., 2011); (7) Africa with urban Africa (Favez et al., 2008; Mkoma, 2008; Mkoma et al., 2009a); and rural Africa (Maenhaut et al.,
1996; Nyanganyura et al., 2007; Mkoma, 2008, 2009a, 2009b; Weinstein et al., 2010); (8) Asia with high Asia, with altitude larger than 1680 m (Shresth et al., 2000; Zhang et
al., 2001, 2008, 2012b; Carrico et al., 2003; Rastogi and Sarin, 2005; Ming et al., 2007a; Rengarajan et al., 2007; Qu et al., 2008; Decesari et al., 2010; Ram et al., 2010); urban
Southeast and East Asia (Lee and Kang, 2001; Oanh et al., 2006; Kim et al., 2007; Han et al., 2008; Khan et al., 2010); urban South Asia (Rastogi and Sarin, 2005; Kumar et
al., 2007; Lodhi et al., 2009; Chakraborty and Gupta, 2010; Khare and Baruah, 2010; Raman et al., 2010; Safai et al., 2010; Stone et al., 2010; Sahu et al., 2011); urban China
(Cheng et al., 2000; Yao et al., 2002; Zhang et al., 2002; Wang et al., 2003, 2005b, 2006; Ye et al., 2003; Xiao and Liu, 2004; Hagler et al., 2006; Oanh et al., 2006; Zhang et al.,
2011, 2012b); and rural China (Hu et al., 2002; Zhang et al., 2002; Hagler et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2012b).
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
Extinction coefficient (km
82ºS 60ºS 30ºS 30ºN 60ºN 82ºNEq 82ºS 60ºS 30ºS 30ºN 60ºN 82ºNEq
(d) 20ºW - 40ºE (e) 60ºE - 120ºE
(b) 180ºW - 120ºW (c) 120ºW - 60ºW
Optical Depth
(550 nm)
d e
b c
and Cloud Processes affecting Arctic Climate (ARCPAC; Warneke et
al., 2010), Aerosol Radiative Forcing in East Asia (A-FORCE; Oshima
et al., 2012) and HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO1; Schwarz
et al., 2010) campaigns. Comparison between models and observa-
tions have shown that aerosol models tend to underestimate BC mass
concentrations in some outflow regions, especially in Asia, but overes-
timate concentrations in remote regions, especially at altitudes (Koch
et al., 2009b; Figure 7.15), which make estimates of their RFari uncer-
tain (see Section 7.5.2) given the large dependence of RFari on the
vertical distribution of BC (Ban-Weiss et al., 2012). Absorption AOD
can be retrieved from sun photometer measurements (Dubovik et al.,
2002) or a combination of ground-based transmittance and satellite
reflectance measurements (Lee et al., 2007) in situations where AOD
Figure 7.14 | (a) Spatial distribution of the 550 nm aerosol optical depth (AOD, unitless) from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Integrated
Forecast System model with assimilation of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) aerosol optical depth (Benedetti et al., 2009; Morcrette et al., 2009) averaged
over the period 2003–2010; (b–e) latitudinal vertical cross sections of the 532 nm aerosol extinction coefficient (km
) for four longitudinal bands (180°W to 120°W, 120°W to
60°W, 20°W to 40°E, and 60°E to 120°E, respectively) from the Cloud–Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) instrument for the year 2010 (nighttime all-sky data,
version 3; Winker et al., 2013).
is larger than about 0.4. Koch et al. (2009b) and Bond et al. (2013)
used AERONET-based retrievals of absorption AOD to show that most
AeroCom models underestimate absorption in many regions, but there
remain representativeness issues when comparing point observations
to a model climatology.
7.3.2 Aerosol Sources and Processes Aerosol Sources
Sea spray is produced at the sea surface by bubble bursting induced
mostly, but not exclusively, by breaking waves. The effective emission
flux of sea spray particles to the atmosphere depends on the surface
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
wind speed, sea state and atmospheric stability, and to a lesser extent
on the temperature and composition of the sea water. Our understand-
ing of sea spray emissions has increased substantially since AR4; how-
ever, process-based estimates of the total mass and size distribution
of emitted sea spray particles continue to have large uncertainties (de
Leeuw et al., 2011; Table 7.1). Sea spray particles are composed of sea
salt and marine primary organic matter, the latter being found prefer-
entially in particles smaller than 200 nm in diameter (Leck and Bigg,
2008; Russell et al., 2010). The emission rate of marine POA depends
on biological activity in ocean waters (Facchini et al., 2008) and its
global emission rate has been estimated to be in the range 2 to 20
Tg yr
(Gantt et al., 2011). Uncertainty in the source and composi-
tion of sea spray translates into a significant uncertainty in the aerosol
number concentration in the marine atmosphere that, unlike aerosol
optical depth and mass concentrations, can only be constrained by in
situ observations (Heintzenberg et al., 2000; Jaeglé et al., 2011).
Pressure (hPa)
Pressure (hPa)
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
BC MMR (ng kg
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
BC MMR (ng kg
HIPPO-1 (Jan 2009)
20ºS - 20ºN
HIPPO-1 (Jan 2009)
60ºS - 20ºS
A-FORCE (Mar-Apr. 2009)
26ºN - 38ºN
HIPPO-1 (Jan 2009)
20ºN - 60ºN
Figure 7.15 | Comparison of vertical profiles of black carbon (BC) mass mixing ratios (MMR, in ng kg
) as measured by airborne single particle soot photometer (SP2) instruments
during the HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO1; Schwarz et al., 2010) and Aerosol Radiative Forcing in East Asia (A-FORCE; Oshima et al., 2012) aircraft campaigns and
simulated by a range of AeroCom II models (Schulz et al., 2009). The black solid lines are averages of a number of vertical profiles in each latitude zone with the horizontal lines
representing the standard deviation of the measurements at particular height ranges. Each HIPPO1 profile is the average of about 20 vertical profiles over the mid-Pacific in a two-
week period in January 2009. The A-FORCE profile is the average of 120 vertical profiles measured over the East China Sea and Yellow Sea downstream of the Asian continent in
March to April 2009. The model values (colour lines) are monthly averages corresponding to the measurement location and month, using meteorology and emissions corresponding
to the year 2006.
Mineral dust particles are produced mainly by disintegration of aggre-
gates following creeping and saltation of larger soil particles over
desert and other arid surfaces (e.g., Zhao et al., 2006; Kok, 2011).
The magnitude of dust emissions to the atmosphere depends on the
surface wind speed and many soil-related factors such as its texture,
moisture and vegetation cover. The range of estimates for the global
dust emissions spans a factor of about five (Huneeus et al., 2011; Table
7.1). Anthropogenic sources, including road dust and mineral dust due
to human land use change, remain ill quantified although some recent
satellite observations suggest the fraction of mineral dust due to the
latter source could be 20 to 25% of the total (Ginoux et al., 2012a,
The sources of biomass burning aerosols at the global scale are usually
inferred from satellite retrieval of burned areas and/or active fires, but
inventories continue to suffer from the lack of sensitivity of satellite
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
data to small fires (Randerson et al., 2012) and uncertainties in emis-
sion factors. Terrestrial sources of PBAPs include bacteria, pollen, fungal
spores, lichen, viruses and fragments of animals and plants (Després
et al., 2012). Most of these particles are emitted in the coarse mode
(Pöschl et al., 2010) and the contribution to the accumulation mode is
thought to be small. There are only a few estimates of the global flux
of PBAPs and these are poorly constrained (Burrows et al., 2009; Heald
and Spracklen, 2009; see Table 7.1).
The main natural aerosol precursors are dimethylsulphide (DMS) emit-
ted by the oceans and biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC)
emitted mainly by the terrestrial biosphere. BVOC emissions depend on
the amount and type of vegetation, temperature, radiation, the ambi-
ent CO
concentration and soil humidity (Grote and Niinemets, 2008;
Pacifico et al., 2009; Peñuelas and Staudt, 2010). While speciated BVOC
emission inventories have been derived for some continental regions,
global emission inventories or schemes are available only for isoprene,
monoterpenes and a few other compounds (Müller et al., 2008; Guen-
ther et al., 2012). The total global BVOC emissions have large uncer-
tainties, despite the apparent convergence in different model-based
estimates (Arneth et al., 2008).
The ratio of secondary to primary organic aerosol is larger than previ-
ously thought, but has remained somewhat ambiguous due to atmo-
spheric transformation processes affecting both these components
(Robinson et al., 2007; Jimenez et al., 2009; Pye and Seinfeld, 2010).
Globally, most of the atmospheric SOA is expected to originate from
biogenic sources, even though anthropogenic sources could be equally
important at northern mid-latitudes (de Gouw and Jimenez, 2009;
Lin et al., 2012). Recent studies suggest that the SOA formation from
BVOCs may be enhanced substantially by anthropogenic pollution due
to (1) high concentrations of nitrogen oxides (NO
) enhancing BVOC
oxidation, and (2) high anthropogenic POA concentrations that facili-
tate transformation of oxidized volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to
the particle phase (Carlton et al., 2010; Heald et al., 2011; Hoyle et
al., 2011). The uncertainty range of atmospheric SOA formation is still
large and estimated to be approximately 20 to 380 Tg yr
(Hallquist et
al., 2009; Farina et al., 2010; Heald et al., 2010; Spracklen et al., 2011;
Table 7.1).
Anthropogenic sources of aerosol particles (BC, POA) and aerosol
precursors (sulphur dioxide, ammonia, NO
and NMVOCs, hereafter
also referred to as VOCs for simplicity) can be inferred from a priori
emission inventories (Table 7.1). They are generally better constrained
than natural sources, exceptions being anthropogenic sources of BC,
which could be underestimated (Bond et al., 2013), and anthropogenic
emissions of some VOCs, fly-ash and dust which are still poorly known.
Since AR4, remote sensing by satellites has been increasingly used to
constrain natural and anthropogenic aerosol and aerosol precursor
emissions (e.g., Dubovik et al., 2008; Jaeglé et al., 2011; Huneeus et
al., 2012). Aerosol Processes
New particle formation is the process by which low-volatility vapours
nucleate into stable molecular clusters, which under certain condens-
able vapour regimes can grow rapidly to produce nanometre-sized
aerosol particles. Since AR4, substantial progress in our understanding
of atmospheric nucleation and new particle formation has been made
(e.g., Zhang et al., 2012a). Multiple lines of evidence indicate that
while sulphuric acid is the main driver of nucleation (Kerminen et al.,
2010; Sipilä et al., 2010), the nucleation rate is affected by ammonia
and amines (Kurten et al., 2008; Smith et al., 2010; Kirkby et al., 2011;
Yu et al., 2012) as well as low-volatility organic vapours (Metzger et al.,
2010; Paasonen et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2010a). Nucleation pathways
involving only uncharged molecules are expected to dominate over
nucleation induced by ionization of atmospheric molecules in conti-
nental boundary layers, but the situation might be different in the free
atmosphere (Kazil et al., 2010; Hirsikko et al., 2011).
Condensation is the main process transferring low-volatility vapours to
aerosol particles, and also usually the dominant process for growth to
larger sizes. The growth of the smallest particles depends crucially on
the condensation of organic vapours (Donahue et al., 2011b; Riipinen et
al., 2011; Yu, 2011) and is therefore tied strongly with atmospheric SOA
formation discussed in Section The treatment of condensation
of semi-volatile compounds, such as ammonia, nitric acid and most
organic vapours, remains a challenge in climate modeling. In addition,
small aerosol particles collide with one another and stick (coagulate),
one of the processes contributing to aerosol internal mixing. Coagula-
tion is an important sink for sub-micrometre size particles, typically
under high concentrations near sources and at lower concentrations in
locations where the aerosol lifetime is long and amount of condens-
able vapours is low. It is the main sink for the smallest aerosol particles
(Pierce and Adams, 2007).
Since AR4, observations of atmospheric nucleation and subsequent
growth of nucleated particles to larger sizes have been increasingly
reported in different atmospheric environments (Kulmala and Ker-
minen, 2008; Manninen et al., 2010; O’Dowd et al., 2010). Nucleation
and growth enhance atmospheric CCN concentrations (Spracklen et
al., 2008; Merikanto et al., 2009; Pierce and Adams, 2009a; Yu and
Luo, 2009) and potentially affect aerosolcloud interactions (Wang
and Penner, 2009; Kazil et al., 2010; Makkonen et al., 2012a). However,
CCN concentrations may be fairly insensitive to changes in nucleation
rate because the growth of nucleated particles to larger sizes is limited
by coagulation (see Sections and
Aerosols also evolve due to cloud processing, followed by the aerosol
release upon evaporation of cloud particles, affecting the number con-
centration, composition, size and mixing state of atmospheric aerosol
particles. This occurs via aqueous-phase chemistry taking place inside
clouds, via altering aerosol precursor chemistry around and below
clouds, and via different aerosol–hydrometeor interactions. These pro-
cesses are discussed further in Section
The understanding and modelling of aerosol sinks has seen less prog-
ress since AR4 in comparison to other aerosol processes. Improved dry
deposition models, which depend on the particle size as well as the
characteristics of the Earth’s surface, have been developed and are
increasingly being used in global aerosol models (Kerkweg et al., 2006;
Feng, 2008; Petroff and Zhang, 2010). Sedimentation throughout the
atmosphere and its role in dry deposition at the surface are impor-
tant for the largest particles in the coarse mode. The uncertainty in
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
the estimate of wet deposition by nucleation and impaction scaveng-
ing is controlled by the uncertainties in the prediction of the amount,
frequency and areal extent of precipitation, as well as the size and
chemical composition of aerosol particles. For insoluble primary parti-
cles like BC and dust, nucleation scavenging also depends strongly on
their degree of mixing with soluble compounds. Parameterization of
aerosol wet deposition remains a key source of uncertainty in aerosol
models, which affects the vertical and horizontal distributions of aer-
osols (Prospero et al., 2010; Vignati et al., 2010; Lee et al., 2011), with
further impact on model estimates of aerosol forcings.
7.3.3 Progress and Gaps in Understanding Climate
Relevant Aerosol Properties
The climate effects of atmospheric aerosol particles depend on their
atmospheric distribution, along with their hygroscopicity, optical prop-
erties and ability to act as CCN and IN. Key quantities for aerosol optical
and cloud forming properties are the particle number size distribution,
chemical composition, mixing state and morphology. These properties
are determined by a complex interplay between their sources, atmo-
spheric transformation processes and their removal from the atmo-
sphere (Section 7.3.2, Figures 7.12 and 7.16). Since AR4, measurement
of some of the key aerosol properties has been greatly improved in lab-
oratory and field experiments using advanced instrumentation, which
allows for instance the analysis of individual particles. These experi-
mental studies have in turn stimulated improvement in the model rep-
resentations of the aerosol physical, chemical and optical properties
(Ghan and Schwartz, 2007). We focus our assessment on some of the
key issues where there has been progress since AR4. Chemical Composition and Mixing State
Research on the climate impacts of aerosols has moved beyond the
simple cases of externally mixed sulphate, BC emitted from fossil fuel
combustion and biomass burning aerosols. Although the role of inor-
ganic aerosols as an important anthropogenic contributor to aerosol
radiation and aerosolcloud interactions has not been questioned, BC
has received increasing attention because of its high absorption as has
SOA because of its ubiquitous nature and ability to mix with other
aerosol types.
The physical properties of BC (strongly light-absorbing, refractory with
a vaporization temperature near 4000 K, aggregate in morphology,
insoluble in most organic solvents) allow a strict definition in principle
(Bond et al., 2013). Direct measurement of individual BC-containing
particles is possible with laser-induced incandescence (single particle
soot photometer, also called SP2; Gao et al., 2007; Schwarz et al., 2008a;
Moteki and Kondo, 2010), which has enabled accurate measurements
of the size of BC cores, as well as total BC mass concentrations. Con-
densation of gas-phase compounds on BC and coagulation with other
particles alter the mixing state of BC (e.g., Li et al., 2003; Pósfai et al.,
2003; Adachi et al., 2010), which can produce internally mixed BC in
polluted urban air on a time scale of about 12 hours (Moteki et al.,
2007; McMeeking et al., 2010). The resulting BC-containing particles
can become hygroscopic, which can lead to reduced lifetime and atmo-
spheric loading (Stier et al., 2006).
Formation processes of OA still remain highly uncertain, which is a
major weakness in the present understanding and model representa-
tion of atmospheric aerosols (Kanakidou et al., 2005; Hallquist et al.,
2009; Ziemann and Atkinson, 2012). Measurements by aerosol mass
spectrometers have provided some insights into sources and atmo-
spheric processing of OA (Zhang et al., 2005b; Lanz et al., 2007; Ulbrich
et al., 2009). Observations at continental mid-latitudes including urban
and rural/remote air suggest that the majority of SOA is probably
oxygenated OA (Zhang et al., 2005a, 2007a). Experiments within and
downstream of urban air indicate that under most circumstances SOA
substantially contributes to the total OA mass (de Gouw et al., 2005;
Volkamer et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2007a).
There is a large range in the complexity with which OA is represent-
ed in global aerosol models. Some complex, yet still parameterized,
chemical schemes have been developed recently that account for mul-
tigenerational oxidation (Robinson et al., 2007; Jimenez et al., 2009;
Donahue et al., 2011a). Since AR4, some regional and global model
have used a new scheme based on lumping VOCs into volatility bins
(Robinson et al., 2007), which is an improved representation of the
two-product absorptive partitioning scheme (Kroll and Seinfeld, 2008)
for the formation and aging of SOA. This new framework includes
organic compounds of different volatility, produced from parent VOCs
by multi-generation oxidation processes and partitioned between the
aerosol and gas phases (Farina et al., 2010; Tsimpidi et al., 2010; Yu,
2011), which improves the agreement between observed and modeled
SOA in urban areas (Hodzic et al., 2010; Shrivastava et al., 2011). Field
observations and laboratory studies suggest that OA is also formed
efficiently in aerosol and cloud and liquid water contributing a sub-
stantial fraction of the organic aerosol mass (Sorooshian et al., 2007;
Miyazaki et al., 2009; Lim et al., 2010; Ervens et al., 2011a). Chemical
reactions in the aerosol phase (e.g., oligomerization) also make OA
less volatile and more hygroscopic, influencing aerosolradiation and
aerosol–cloud interactions (Jimenez et al., 2009). As a consequence,
OA concentrations are probably underestimated in many global aero-
sol models that do not include these chemical processes (Hallquist et
al., 2009).
Some of the OA is light absorbing and can be referred to as brown
carbon (BrC; Kirchstetter et al., 2004; Andreae and Gelencser, 2006).
A fraction of the SOA formed in cloud and aerosol water is light-
absorbing in the visible (e.g., Shapiro et al., 2009), while SOA produced
from gas-phase oxidation of VOCs absorbs ultraviolet radiation (e.g.,
Nakayama et al., 2010).
Multiple observations show co-existence of external and internal mix-
tures relatively soon after emission (e.g., Hara et al., 2003; Schwarz
et al., 2008b; Twohy and Anderson, 2008). In biomass burning aero-
sol, organic compounds and BC are frequently internally mixed with
ammonium, nitrate, and sulphate (Deboudt et al., 2010; Pratt and
Prather, 2010). Over urban locations, as much as 90% of the particles
are internally mixed with secondary inorganic species (Bi et al., 2011).
Likewise mineral dust and biomass burning aerosols can become inter-
nally mixed when these aerosol types age together (Hand et al., 2010).
The aerosol mixing state can alter particle size distribution and hygro-
scopicity and hence the aerosol optical properties and ability to act as
CCN (Wex et al., 2010). Global aerosol models can now approximate
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
the aerosol mixing state using size-resolving bin or modal schemes
(e.g., Stier et al., 2005; Kim et al., 2008; Mann et al., 2010). Size Distribution and Optical Properties
Aerosol size distribution is a key parameter determining both the aero-
sol optical and CCN properties. Since the AR4, much effort has been
put into measuring and simulating the aerosol number rather than
volume size distribution. For instance, number size distributions in the
submicron range (30 to 500 nm) were measured at 24 sites in Europe
for two years (Asmi et al., 2011), although systematic measurements
are still limited in other regions. Although validation studies show
agreement between column-averaged volume size distribution from
sunphotometer measurements and direct in situ (surface as well as
aircraft-based) measurements at some locations (Gerasopoulos et al.,
2007; Radhi et al., 2010; Haywood et al., 2011), these inversion prod-
ucts have not been systematically validated. Satellite measurements
produce valuable but more limited information on aerosol size.
The aerosol scattering, absorption and extinction coefficients depend
on the aerosol size distribution, aerosol refractive index and mixing
state. The humidification of internally mixed aerosols further influenc-
es their light scattering and absorption properties, through changes
in particle shape, size and refractive index (Freney et al., 2010). Aer-
osol absorption is a key climate-relevant aerosol property and earlier
in situ methods to measure it suffered from significant uncertainties
(Moosmüller et al., 2009), partly due to the lack of proper reference
material for instrument calibration and development (Baumgardner et
al., 2012). Recent measurements using photo-acoustic methods and
laser-induced incandescence methods are more accurate but remain
sparse. The mass absorption cross sections for freshly generated BC
were measured to be 7.5 ± 1.2 m
at 550 nm (Bond et al., 2013).
Laboratory measurements conducted under well controlled conditions
show that thick coating of soluble material over BC cores enhance the
mass absorption cross section by a factor of 1.8 to 2 (Cross et al., 2010;
Shiraiwa et al., 2010). It is more difficult to measure the enhance-
ment factor in mass absorption cross sections for ambient BC, partly
owing to the necessity of removing coatings of BC. Knox et al. (2009)
observed enhancement by a factor 1.2 to 1.6 near source regions. A
much lower enhancement factor was observed by Cappa et al. (2012)
by a new measurement technique, in contradiction to the laboratory
experiments and theoretical calculations. These results may not be rep-
resentative and would require confirmation by independent measure-
ment methods.
As discussed in Section, the global mean AOD is not well con-
strained from satellite-based measurements and remains a significant
source of uncertainty when estimating aerosolradiation interactions
(Su et al., 2013). This is also true of the anthropogenic fraction of AOD
which is more difficult to constrain from observations. AeroCom phase
II models simulate an anthropogenic AOD at 550 nm of 0.03 ± 0.01
(with the range corresponding to one standard deviation) relative
to 1850, which represents 24 ± 6% of the total AOD (Myhre et al.,
2013). This is less than suggested by some satellite-based studies, i.e.,
0.03 over the ocean only in Kaufman et al. (2005), and about 0.06
as a global average in Loeb and Su (2010) and Bellouin et al. (2013),
but more than in the CMIP5 models (see Figure 9.29). Overall there
is medium confidence that between 20 and 40% of the global mean
AOD is of anthropogenic origin. There is agreement that the anthropo-
genic aerosol is smaller in size and more absorbing than the natural
aerosol (Myhre, 2009; Loeb and Su, 2010), but there is disagreement
on the anthropogenic absorption AOD and its contribution to the total
absorption AOD, that is, 0.0015 ± 0.0007 (one standard deviation) rel-
ative to 1850 in Myhre et al. (2013) but about 0.004 and half of the
total absorption AOD in Bellouin et al. (2013). Cloud Condensation Nuclei
A subset of aerosol particles acts as CCN (see Table 7.2). The ability of
an aerosol particle to take up water and subsequently activate, thereby
acting as a CCN at a given supersaturation, is determined by its size
and composition. Common CCN in the atmosphere are composed of
sea salt, sulphates and sulphuric acid, nitrate and nitric acid and some
organics. The uptake of water vapour by hygroscopic aerosols strongly
affects their RFari.
CCN activity of inorganic aerosols is relatively well understood, and
lately most attention has been paid to the CCN activity of mixed
organic/inorganic aerosols (e.g., King et al., 2010; Prisle et al., 2010).
Uncertainties in our current understanding of CCN properties are
due primarily to SOA (Good et al., 2010), mainly because OA is still
poorly characterized (Jimenez et al., 2009). The important effect of the
formation of SOA is that internally mixed SOA contributes to the mass
of aerosol particles, and therefore to their sizes. The size of the CCN
has been found to be more important than their chemical composi-
tion at two continental locations as larger particles are more readily
activated than smaller particles because they require a lower critical
supersaturation (Dusek et al., 2006; Ervens et al., 2007). However, the
chemical composition may be important in other locations such as
the marine environment, where primary organic particles (hydrogels)
have been shown to be exceptionally good CCN (Orellana et al., 2011;
Ovadnevaite et al., 2011). For SOA it is not clear how important surface
tension effects and bulk-to-surface partitioning of surfactants are, and
if the water activity coefficient changes significantly as a function of
the solute concentration (Prisle et al., 2008; Good et al., 2010).
The bulk hygroscopicity parameter k has been introduced as a concise
measure of how effectively an aerosol particle acts as a CCN (Rissler
et al., 2004, 2010; Petters and Kreidenweis, 2007). It can be measured
experimentally and is increasingly being used as a way to character-
ize aerosol properties. Pringle et al. (2010) used surface and aircraft
measurements to evaluate the k distributions simulated by a global
aerosol model, and found generally good agreement. When the aerosol
is dominated by organics, discrepancies between values of k obtained
directly from both CCN activity measurements and sub-saturated par-
ticle water uptake measurements have been observed in some instanc-
es (e.g., Prenni et al., 2007; Irwin et al., 2010; Roberts et al., 2010),
whereas in other studies closure has been obtained (e.g., Duplissy et
al., 2008; Kammermann et al., 2010; Rose et al., 2011). Adsorption
theory (Kumar et al., 2011) replaces k-theory for CCN activation for
insoluble particles (e.g., mineral dust) while alternative theories are
still required for explanation of marine POA that seem to have peculiar
gel-like properties (Ovadnevaite et al., 2011).
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
Available modelling studies (Pierce and Adams, 2009a; Wang and
Penner, 2009; Schmidt et al., 2012a) disagree on the anthropogen-
ic fraction of CCN (taken here at 0.2% supersaturation). Based on
these studies we assess this fraction to be between one fourth and
two thirds in the global mean with low confidence, and highlight
large interhemispheric and regional variations. Models that neglect
or underestimate volcanic and natural organic aerosols would over-
estimate this fraction. Ice Nuclei
Aerosols that act as IN are solid substances at atmospheric temper-
atures and supersaturations. Mineral dust, volcanic ash and primary
bioaerosols such as bacteria, fungal spores and pollen, are typically
known as good IN (Vali, 1985; Hoose and Möhler, 2012). Conflicting
evidence has been presented for the ability of BC, organic, organic
semi-solid/glassy organic and biomass burning particles to act as IN
(Hoose and Möhler, 2012; Murray et al., 2012). The importance of bio-
logical particles acting as IN is unclear. A new study finds evidence of
a large fraction of submicron particles in the middle-to-upper tropo-
sphere to be composed of biological particles (DeLeon-Rodriguez et
al., 2013); however global modelling studies suggest that their concen-
trations are not sufficient to play an important role for ice formation
(Hoose et al., 2010a; Sesartic et al., 2012). Because BC has anthropo-
genic sources, its increase since pre-industrial times may have caused
changes to the lifetime of mixed-phase clouds (Section 7.4.4) and thus
to RF (Lohmann, 2002b; Section 7.5).
Four heterogeneous ice-nucleation modes are distinguished in the
literature: immersion freezing (initiated from within a cloud droplet),
condensation freezing (freezing during droplet formation), contact
freezing (due to collision with an IN) and deposition nucleation (that
refers to the direct deposition of vapour onto IN). Lidar observations
reveal that liquid cloud droplets are present before ice crystals form via
heterogeneous freezing mechanisms (Ansmann et al., 2008; de Boer et
al., 2011), indicating that deposition nucleation does not seem to be
important for mixed-phase clouds. IN can either be bare or mixed with
other substances. As bare particles age in the atmosphere, they acquire
liquid surface coatings by condensing soluble species and water
vapour or by coagulating with soluble particles, which may transform
IN from deposition or contact nuclei into possible immersion nuclei. A
change from contact to immersion freezing implies activation at colder
temperatures, with consequences for the lifetime and radiative effect
of mixed-phase clouds (Sections 7.4.4 and 7.5.3).
The atmospheric concentrations of IN are very uncertain because of
the aforementioned uncertainties in freezing mechanisms and the dif-
ficulty of measuring IN in the upper troposphere. The anthropogenic
fraction cannot be estimated at this point because of a lack of knowl-
edge about the anthropogenic fractions of BC and mineral dust acting
as IN and the contributions of PBAPs, other organic aerosols and other
aerosols acting as IN.
7.3.4 Aerosol–Radiation Interactions Radiative Effects due to Aerosol–Radiation Interactions
The radiative effect due to aerosolradiation interactions (REari),
formerly known as direct radiative effect, is the change in radiative
flux caused by the combined scattering and absorption of radiation
by anthropogenic and natural aerosols. The REari results from well-
understood physics and is close to being an observable quantity, yet
our knowledge of aerosol and environmental characteristics needed
to quantify the REari at the global scale remains incomplete (Ander-
son et al., 2005; Satheesh and Moorthy, 2005; Jaeglé et al., 2011). The
REari requires knowledge of the spectrally varying aerosol extinction
coefficient, single scattering albedo, and phase function, which can in
principle be estimated from the aerosol size distribution, shape, chemi-
cal composition and mixing state (Figure 7.12). Radiative properties
of the surface, atmospheric trace gases and clouds also influence the
REari. In the solar spectrum under cloud-free conditions the REari is
typically negative at the TOA, but it weakens and can become posi-
tive with increasing aerosol absorption, decreasing upscatter fraction
or increasing albedo of the underlying surface. REari is weaker in
cloudy conditions, except when the cloud layer is thin or when absorb-
ing aerosols are located above or between clouds (e.g., Chand et al.,
2009). The REari at the surface is negative and can be much stronger
than the REari at the TOA over regions where aerosols are absorbing
(Li et al., 2010). In the longwave part of the spectrum, TOA REari is
generally positive and mainly exerted by coarse-mode aerosols, such
as sea spray and desert dust (Reddy et al., 2005), and by stratospheric
aerosols (McCormick et al., 1995).
There have been many measurement-based estimates of shortwave
REari (e.g., Yu et al., 2006; Bergamo et al., 2008; Di Biagio et al., 2010;
Bauer et al., 2011) although some studies involve some degree of mod-
elling. In contrast, estimates of longwave REari remain limited (e.g.,
Bharmal et al., 2009). Observed and calculated shortwave radiative
fluxes agree within measurement uncertainty when aerosol properties
are known (e.g., Osborne et al., 2011). Global observational estimates
of the REari rely on satellite remote sensing of aerosol properties and/
or measurements of the Earth’s radiative budget (Chen et al., 2011;
Kahn, 2012). Estimates of shortwave TOA REari annually averaged over
cloud-free oceans range from –4 to –6 W m
, mainly contributed by
sea spray (Bellouin et al., 2005; Loeb and Manalo-Smith, 2005; Yu et
al., 2006; Myhre et al., 2007). However, REari can reach tens of W m
locally. Estimates over land are more difficult as the surface is less well
characterized (Chen et al., 2009; Jethva et al., 2009) despite recent
progress in aerosol inversion algorithms (e.g., Dubovik et al., 2011).
Attempts to estimate the REari in cloudy sky remain elusive (e.g.,
Peters et al., 2011b), although passive and active remote sensing of
aerosols over clouds is now possible (Torres et al., 2007; Omar et al.,
2009; Waquet et al., 2009; de Graaf et al., 2012). Notable areas of posi-
tive TOA REari exerted by absorbing aerosols include the Arctic over ice
surfaces (Stone et al., 2008) and seasonally over southeastern Atlantic
stratocumulus clouds (Chand et al., 2009; de Graaf et al., 2012). While
AOD and aerosol size are relatively well constrained, uncertainties in
the aerosol single-scattering albedo (McComiskey et al., 2008; Loeb
and Su, 2010) and vertical profile (e.g., Zarzycki and Bond, 2010) con-
tribute significantly to the overall uncertainties in REari. Consequently,
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
diversity in large-scale numerical model estimates of REari increases
with aerosol absorption and between cloud-free and cloudy conditions
(Stier et al., 2013). Rapid Adjustments to Aerosol–Radiation Interactions
Aerosol–radiation interactions give rise to rapid adjustments (see
Section 7.1), which are particularly pronounced for absorbing aero-
sols such as BC. Associated cloud changes are often referred to as the
semi-direct aerosol effect (see Figure 7.3). The ERF from aerosol–radia-
tion interactions is quantified in Section 7.5.2; only the corresponding
processes governing rapid adjustments are discussed here. Impacts on
precipitation are discussed in Section 7.6.3.
Since AR4, additional observational studies have found correlations
between cloud cover and absorbing aerosols (e.g., Brioude et al., 2009;
Wilcox, 2010), and eddy-resolving, regional and global scale modelling
studies have helped confirm a causal link. Relationships between cloud
and aerosol reveal a more complicated picture than initially anticipat-
ed (e.g., Hill and Dobbie, 2008; Koch and Del Genio, 2010; Zhuang et
al., 2010; Sakaeda et al., 2011; Ghan et al., 2012).
Absorbing aerosols modify atmospheric stability in the boundary layer
and free troposphere (e.g., Wendisch et al., 2008; Babu et al., 2011).
The effect of this on cloud cover depends on the height of the aerosol
relative to the cloud and the type of cloud (e.g., Yoshimori and Broccoli,
2008; Allen and Sherwood, 2010; Koch and Del Genio, 2010; Persad et
al., 2012). Aerosol also reduces the downwelling solar radiation at the
surface. Together the changes in atmospheric stability and reduction
in surface fluxes provide a means for aerosols to significantly modify
the fraction of surface-forced clouds (Feingold et al., 2005; Sakaeda et
al., 2011). These changes may also affect precipitation as discussed in
Section 7.6.3.
Cloud cover is expected to decrease if absorbing aerosol is embedded
in the cloud layer. This has been observed (Koren et al., 2004) and sim-
ulated (e.g., Feingold et al., 2005) for clouds over the Amazon forest in
the presence of smoke aerosols. In the stratocumulus regime, absorb-
ing aerosol above cloud top strengthens the temperature inversion,
reduces entrainment and tends to enhance cloudiness. Satellite obser-
vations (Wilcox, 2010) and modelling (Johnson et al., 2004) of marine
stratocumulus show a thickening of the cloud layer beneath layers of
absorbing smoke aerosol, which induces a local negative forcing. The
responses of other cloud types, such as those associated with deep
convection, are not well determined.
Absorbing aerosols embedded in cloud drops enhance their absorp-
tion, which can affect the dissipation of cloud. The contribution to RFari
is small (Stier et al., 2007; Ghan et al., 2012), and there is contradictory
evidence regarding the magnitude of the cloud dissipation effect influ-
encing ERFari (Feingold et al., 2005; Ghan et al., 2012; Jacobson, 2012;
Bond et al., 2013). Global forcing estimates are necessarily based on
global models (see Section 7.5.2), although the accuracy of GCMs in
this regard is limited by their ability to represent low cloud processes
accurately. This is an area of concern as discussed in Section 7.2 and
limits confidence in these estimates.
7.3.5 Aerosol Responses to Climate Change and
The climate drivers of changes in aerosols can be split into physical
changes (temperature, humidity, precipitation, soil moisture, solar radi-
ation, wind speed, sea ice extent, etc.), chemical changes (availability
of oxidants) and biological changes (vegetation cover and properties,
plankton abundance and speciation, etc). The response of aerosols
to climate change may constitute a feedback loop whereby climate
processes amplify or dampen the initial perturbation (Carslaw et al.,
2010; Raes et al., 2010). We assess here the relevance and strength
of aerosol–climate feedbacks in the context of future climate change
scenarios. Changes in Sea Spray and Mineral Dust
Concentrations of sea spray will respond to changes in surface wind
speed, atmospheric stability, precipitation and sea ice cover (Struthers
et al., 2011). Climate models disagree about the balance of effects,
with estimates ranging from an overall 19% reduction in global sea
salt burden from the present-day to year 2100 (Liao et al., 2006), to
little sensitivity (Mahowald et al., 2006a), to a sizeable increase (Jones
et al., 2007; Bellouin et al., 2011). In particular there is little under-
standing of how surface wind speed may change over the ocean in a
warmer climate, and observed recent changes (e.g., Young et al., 2011;
Section 2.7.2) may not be indicative of future changes. Given that sea
spray particles comprise a significant fraction of CCN concentrations
over the oceans, such large changes will feed back on climate through
changes in cloud droplet number (Korhonen et al., 2010b).
Studies of the effects of climate change on dust loadings also give
a wide range of results. Woodward et al. (2005) found a tripling of
the dust burden in 2100 relative to present-day because of a large
increase in bare soil fraction. A few studies projected moderate (10
to 20%) increases, or decreases (e.g., Tegen et al., 2004; Jacobson and
Streets, 2009; Liao et al., 2009). Mahowald et al. (2006b) found a 60%
decrease under a doubled CO
concentration due to the effect of CO
fertilization on vegetation. The large range reflects different responses
of the atmosphere and vegetation cover to climate change forcings,
and results in low confidence in these predictions. Changes in Sulphate, Ammonium and Nitrate Aerosols
The DMS–sulphate–cloud–climate feedback loop could operate in
numerous ways through changes in temperature, absorbed solar radia-
tion, ocean mixed layer depth and nutrient recycling, sea ice extent,
wind speed, shift in marine ecosystems due to ocean acidification
and climate change, and atmospheric processing of DMS into CCN.
Although no study has included all the relevant effects, two decades of
research have questioned the original formulation of the feedback loop
(Leck and Bigg, 2007) and have provided important insights into this
complex, coupled system (Ayers and Cainey, 2007; Kloster et al., 2007;
Carslaw et al., 2010). There is now medium confidence for a weak feed-
back due to a weak sensitivity of the CCN population to changes in
DMS emissions, based on converging evidence from observations and
Earth System model simulations (Carslaw et al., 2010; Woodhouse et
al., 2010; Quinn and Bates, 2011). Parameterizations of oceanic DMS
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
production nevertheless lack robust mechanistic justification (Halloran
et al., 2010) and as a result the sensitivity to ocean acidification and
climate change remains uncertain (Bopp et al., 2004; Kim et al., 2010;
Cameron-Smith et al., 2011).
Chemical production of sulphate increases with atmospheric tempera-
ture (Aw and Kleeman, 2003; Dawson et al., 2007; Kleeman, 2008), but
future changes in sulphate are found to be more sensitive to simulated
future changes in precipitation removal. Under fixed anthropogenic
emissions, most studies to date predict a small (0 to 9%) reduction in
global sulphate burden mainly because of future increases in precipita-
tion (Liao et al., 2006; Racherla and Adams, 2006; Unger et al., 2006;
Pye et al., 2009). However, Rae et al. (2007) found a small increase
in global sulphate burden from 2000 to 2100 because the simulated
future precipitation was reduced in regions of high sulphate abun-
Changes in temperature have a large impact on nitrate aerosol forma-
tion through shifting gas–particle equilibria. There is some agreement
among global aerosol models that climate change alone will contrib-
ute to a decrease in the nitrate concentrations (Liao et al., 2006; Rach-
erla and Adams, 2006; Pye et al., 2009; Bellouin et al., 2011) with the
exception of Bauer et al. (2007) who found little change in nitrate for
year 2030. It should be noted however that these modeling studies
have reported that changes in precursor emissions are expected to
increase nitrate concentrations in the future (Section 11.3.5). Besides
the changes in meteorological parameters, climate change can also
influence ammonium formation by changing concentrations of sul-
phate and nitrate, but the effect of climate change alone was found to
be small (Pye et al., 2009). Changes in Carbonaceous Aerosols
There is evidence that future climate change could lead to increases
in the occurrence of wildfires because of changes in fuel availabili-
ty, readiness of the fuel to burn and ignition sources (Mouillot et al.,
2006; Marlon et al., 2008; Spracklen et al., 2009; Kloster et al., 2010;
Pechony and Shindell, 2010). However, vegetation dynamics may also
play a role that is not well understood. Increased fire occurrence would
increase aerosol emissions, but decrease BVOC emissions. This could
lead to a small positive or negative net radiative effect and feedback
(Carslaw et al., 2010).
A large fraction of SOA forms from the oxidation of isoprene, mono-
terpenes and sesquiterpenes from biogenic sources (Section
Emissions from vegetation can increase in a warmer atmosphere,
everything else being constant (Guenther et al., 2006). Global aerosol
models simulate an increase in isoprene emissions of 22 to 55% by
2100 in response to temperature change (Sanderson et al., 2003; Liao
et al., 2006; Heald et al., 2008) and a change in global SOA burden
of −6% to +100% through climate-induced changes in aerosol pro-
cesses and removal rates (Liao et al., 2006; Tsigaridis and Kanakidou,
2007; Heald et al., 2008). An observationally based study suggest a
small global feedback parameter of −0.01 W m
despite larger
regional effects (Paasonen et al., 2013). Increasing CO
drought and surface ozone also affect BVOC emissions (Arneth et al.,
2007; Peñuelas and Staudt, 2010), which adds significant uncertainty
to future global emissions (Makkonen et al., 2012b). Future changes
in vegetation cover, whether they are natural or anthropogenic, also
introduce large uncertainty in emissions (Lathière et al., 2010; Wu et
al., 2012). There is little understanding on how the marine source of
organic aerosol may change with climate, notwithstanding the large
range of emission estimates for the present day (Carslaw et al., 2010). Synthesis
The emissions, properties and concentrations of aerosols or aerosol pre-
cursors could respond significantly to climate change, but there is little
consistency across studies in the magnitude or sign of this response.
The lack of consistency arises mostly from our limited understanding
of processes governing the source of natural aerosols and the complex
interplay of aerosols with the hydrological cycle. The feedback param-
eter as a result of the future changes in emissions of natural aerosols
is mostly bracketed within ±0.1 W m
(Carslaw et al., 2010). With
respect to anthropogenic aerosols, Liao et al. (2009) showed a signifi-
cant positive feedback (feedback parameter of +0.04 to +0.15 W m
on a global mean basis) while Bellouin et al. (2011) simulated a
smaller negative feedback of −0.08 to −0.02 W m
. Overall we
assess that models simulate relatively small feedback parameters (i.e.,
within ±0.2 W m
) with low confidence, however regional effects
on the aerosol may be important.
7.4 Aerosol–Cloud Interactions
7.4.1 Introduction and Overview of Progress Since AR4
This section assesses our understanding of aerosol–cloud interac-
tions, emphasizing the ways in which anthropogenic aerosol may be
affecting the distribution and radiative properties of non- and weakly
precipitating clouds. The idea that anthropogenic aerosol is changing
cloud properties, thus contributing a substantial forcing to the climate
system, has been addressed to varying degrees in all of the previous
IPCC assessment reports.
Since AR4, research has continued to articulate new pathways through
which the aerosol may affect the radiative properties of clouds, as well
as the intensity and spatial patterns of precipitation (e.g., Rosenfeld
et al., 2008). Progress can be identified on four fronts: (1) global-scale
modelling now represents a greater diversity of aerosol–cloud interac-
tions, and with greater internal consistency; (2) observational studies
continue to document strong local correlations between aerosol and
cloud properties or precipitation, but have become more quantitative
and are increasingly identifying and addressing the methodological
challenges associated with such correlations; (3) regional-scale mod-
elling is increasingly being used to assess regional influences of aer-
osol on cloud field properties and precipitation; (4) fine-scale process
models have begun to be used more widely, and among other things
have shown how turbulent mixing, cloud and meso-scale circulations
may buffer the effects of aerosol perturbations.
This section focuses on the microphysics of aerosol–cloud interactions
in liquid, mixed-phase and pure ice clouds. Their radiative implications
are quantified in Section 7.5. This section also includes a discussion of
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
aerosol influences on light precipitation in shallow clouds but defers
discussion of aerosol effects on more substantial precipitation from
mixed-phase clouds to Section 7.6.4. Classification of Hypothesized Aerosol–Cloud
Denman et al. (2007) catalogued several possible pathways via which
the aerosol might affect clouds. Given the number of possible aero-
sol–cloud interactions, and the difficulty of isolating them individually,
there is little value in attempting to assess each effect in isolation,
especially because modelling studies suggest that the effects may
interact and compensate (Stevens and Feingold, 2009; Morrison and
Grabowski, 2011). Instead, all radiative consequences of aerosol–
cloud interactions are grouped into an ‘effective radiative forcing due
to aerosol–cloud interactions’, or ERFaci (Figure 7.3). ERFaci accounts
for aerosol-related microphysical modifications to the cloud albedo
(Twomey, 1977), as well as any secondary effects that result from
clouds adjusting rapidly to changes in their environment (i.e., ‘lifetime
effects’; Albrecht, 1989; Liou and Ou, 1989; Pincus and Baker, 1994).
We do assess the physical underpinnings of the cloud albedo effect,
but in contrast to previous assessments, no longer distinguish the
resultant forcing. Note that ERFaci includes potential radiative adjust-
ments to the cloud system associated with aerosol–cloud interactions
but does not include adjustments originating from aerosol–radiation
interactions (ERFari). Possible contributions to ERFaci from warm
(liquid) clouds are discussed in Section 7.4.3, separately from those
associated with adjustments by cold (ice or mixed-phase) clouds (Sec-
tion 7.4.4). Figure 7.16 shows a schematic of many of the processes to
be discussed in Sections 7.4, 7.5 and 7.6.
15 km
50 – 100 km
Ice Nucleation
Cold Pool
New Particle Production
Convective Initiation
Surface fluxes
Stratiform Convective Interactions
Clear-sky Reflectance
Shortwave Irradiance
Ice Formation &
Precipitation Initiation
Longwave Irradiance
Mesoscale Downdraughts
Scavenging by
Droplet Coalesence
Aerosol Activation
Figure 7.16 | Schematic depicting the myriad aerosol–cloud–precipitation related processes occurring within a typical GCM grid box. The schematic conveys the importance of
considering aerosol–cloud–precipitation processes as part of an interactive system encompassing a large range of spatiotemporal scales. Cloud types include low-level stratocumu-
lus and cumulus where research focuses on aerosol activation, mixing between cloudy and environmental air, droplet coalescence and scavenging which results in cloud processing
of aerosol particles, and new particle production near clouds; cirrus clouds where a key issue is ice nucleation through homogeneous and heterogeneous freezing; and deep convec-
tive clouds where some of the key questions relate to aerosol influences on liquid, ice, and liquid–ice pathways for precipitation formation, cold pool formation and scavenging.
These processes influence the shortwave and longwave cloud radiative effect and hence climate. Primary processes that affect aerosol–cloud interactions are labelled in blue while
secondary processes that result from and influence aerosol–cloud interactions are in grey. Advances and Challenges in Observing Aerosol–Cloud
Since AR4, numerous field studies (e.g., Rauber et al., 2007; Wood et
al., 2011b; Vogelmann et al., 2012) and laboratory investigations (e.g.,
Stratmann et al., 2009) of aerosol–cloud interactions have highlighted
the numerous ways that the aerosol impacts cloud processes, and how
clouds in turn modify the aerosol. The latter occurs along a number of
pathways including aqueous chemistry, which adds aerosol mass to
droplets (e.g., Schwartz and Freiberg, 1981; Ervens et al., 2011a); coa-
lescence scavenging, whereby drop collision–coalescence diminishes
the droplet (and aerosol) number concentration (Hudson, 1993) and
changes the mixing state of the aerosol; new particle formation in the
vicinity of clouds (Clarke et al., 1999); and aerosol removal by precipi-
tation (see also Section
Satellite-based remote sensing continues to be the primary source of
global data for aerosol–cloud interactions but concerns persist regard-
ing how measurement artefacts affect retrievals of both aerosol (Tanré
et al., 1996; Tanré et al., 1997; Kahn et al., 2005; Jeong and Li, 2010)
and cloud properties (Platnick et al., 2003; Yuekui and Di Girolamo,
2008) in broken cloud fields. Two key issues are that measurements
classified as ‘cloud-free’ may not be, and that aerosol measured in the
vicinity of clouds is significantly different than it would be were the
cloud field, and its proximate cause (high humidity), not present (e.g.,
Loeb and Schuster, 2008). The latter results from humidification effects
on aerosol optical properties (Charlson et al., 2007; Su et al., 2008;
Tackett and Di Girolamo, 2009; Twohy et al., 2009; Chand et al., 2012),
contamination by undetectable cloud fragments (Koren et al., 2007)
and the remote effects of radiation scattered by cloud edges on aerosol
retrieval (Wen et al., 2007; Várnai and Marshak, 2009).
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
While most passive satellite retrievals are unable to distinguish aerosol
layers above or below clouds from those intermingling with the cloud
field, active space-based remote sensing (L’Ecuyer and Jiang, 2010) has
begun to address this problem (Stephens et al., 2002; Anderson et al.,
2005; Huffman et al., 2007; Chand et al., 2008; Winker et al., 2010).
Spectral polarization and multi-angular measurements can discrimi-
nate between cloud droplets and aerosol particles and thus improve
estimates of aerosol loading and absorption (Deuzé et al., 2001; Chow-
dhary et al., 2005; Mishchenko et al., 2007; Hasekamp, 2010).
Use of active remote sensing, both from monitoring ground stations
(e.g., McComiskey et al., 2009; Li et al., 2011) and satellites (Costantino
and Bréon, 2010), as well as aerosol proxies not influenced by cloud
contamination of retrievals (Jiang et al., 2008; Berg et al., 2011) have
emerged as a particular effective way of identifying whether aerosol
and cloud perturbations are intermingled.
Because the aerosol is a strong function of air-mass history and origin,
and is strongly influenced by cloud and precipitation processes (Clarke
et al., 1999; Petters et al., 2006; Anderson et al., 2009), and both are
affected by meteorology (Engström and Ekman, 2010; Boucher and
Quaas, 2013), correlations between the aerosol and cloud, or precipi-
tation, should not be taken as generally indicating a cloud response to
the aerosol (e.g., Painemal and Zuidema, 2010). Furthermore, attempts
to control for other important factors (air-mass history or cloud dynam-
ical processes) are limited by a lack of understanding of large-scale
cloud controlling factors in the first place (Anderson et al., 2009; Siebe-
sma et al., 2009; Stevens and Brenguier, 2009). These problems are
increasingly being considered in observationally based inferences of
aerosol effects on clouds and precipitation, but ascribing changes in
cloud properties to changes in the aerosol remains a fundamental
challenge. Advances and Challenges in Modelling
Aerosol–Cloud Interactions
Modelling of aerosol–cloud interactions must contend with the fact
that the key physical processes are fundamentally occurring at the
fine scale and cannot be represented adequately based on large-scale
fields. There exist two distinct challenges: fundamental understanding
of processes and their representation in large-scale models.
Fine-scale LES and CRM models (Section have greatly advanced
as a tool for testing the physical mechanisms proposed to govern aer-
osol–cloud–precipitation interactions (e.g., Ackerman et al., 2009; van-
Zanten et al., 2011). Their main limitation is that they are idealized, for
example, they do not resolve synoptic scale circulations or allow for
representation of orography. A general finding from explicit numerical
simulations of warm (liquid) clouds is that various aerosol impact mech-
anisms tend to be mediated (and often buffered) by interactions across
scales not included in the idealized albedo and lifetime effects (Stevens
and Feingold, 2009). Specific examples involve the interplay between
the drop-size distribution and mixing processes that determine cloud
macrostructure (Stevens et al., 1998; Ackerman et al., 2004; Brether-
ton et al., 2007; Wood, 2007; Small et al., 2009), or the dependence of
precipitation development in stratiform clouds on details of the vertical
structure of the cloud (Wood, 2007). Thus warm clouds may typically
be less sensitive to aerosol perturbations in nature than in large-scale
models, which do not represent all of these compensating processes.
Hints of similar behaviour in mixed-phase (liquid and ice) stratus are
beginning to be documented (Section but process-level under-
standing and representation in models are less advanced.
Regional models include realism in the form of non-idealized meteor-
ology, synoptic scale forcing, variability in land surface, and diurnal/
monthly cycles (e.g., Iguchi et al., 2008; Bangert et al., 2011; Seifert et
al., 2012; Tao et al., 2012), however, at the expense of resolving fine-
scale cloud processes. Regional models have brought to light the pos-
sibility of aerosol spatial inhomogeneity causing changes in circulation
patterns via numerous mechanisms including changes in the radiative
properties of cloud anvils (van den Heever et al., 2011), changes in the
spatial distribution of precipitation (Lee, 2012; Section 7.6.2) or gra-
dients in heating rates associated with aerosol–radiation interactions
(Lau et al., 2006; Section
GCMs, our primary tool for quantifying global mean forcings, now rep-
resent an increasing number of hypothesized aerosol–cloud interac-
tions, but at poor resolution. GCMs are being more closely scrutinized
through comparisons to observations and to other models (Quaas et
al., 2009; Penner et al., 2012). Historically, aerosol–cloud interactions
in GCMs have been based on simple constructs (e.g., Twomey, 1977;
Albrecht, 1989; Pincus and Baker, 1994). There has been significant
progress on parameterizing aerosol activation (e.g., Ghan et al., 2011)
and ice nucleation (Liu and Penner, 2005; Barahona and Nenes, 2008;
DeMott et al., 2010; Hoose et al., 2010b); however, these still depend
heavily on unresolved quantities such as updraught velocity. Similarly,
parameterizations of aerosol influences on cloud usually do not account
for known non-monotonic responses of cloud amount and properties
to aerosols (Section Global models are now beginning to rep-
resent aerosol effects in convective, ice and mixed-phase clouds (e.g.,
Lohmann, 2008; Song and Zhang, 2011; Section 7.6.4). Nevertheless,
for both liquid-only and mixed-phase clouds, these parameterizations
are severely limited by the need to parameterize cloud-scale motions
over a huge range of spatio-temporal scales (Section 7.2.3).
Although advances have been considerable, the challenges remain
daunting. The response of cloud systems to aerosol is nuanced (e.g.,
vanZanten et al., 2011) and the representation of both clouds and
aerosol–cloud interactions in large-scale models remains primitive
(Section 7.2.3). Thus it is not surprising that large-scale models exhibit
a range of manifestations of aerosol–cloud interactions, which limits
quantitative inference (Quaas et al., 2009). This highlights the need to
incorporate into GCMs the lessons learned from cloud-scale models, in
a physically-consistent way. New ‘super-parameterization’ and prob-
ability distribution function approaches (Golaz et al., 2002; Rio and
Hourdin, 2008; Section hold promise, with recent results sup-
porting the notion that aerosol forcing is smaller than simulated by
standard climate models (Wang et al., 2011b; see Section 7.5.3). Combined Modelling and Observational Approaches
Combined approaches, which attempt to maximize the respective
advantage of models and observations, are beginning to add to
understanding of aerosol–cloud interactions. These include inversions
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
of the observed historical record using simplified climate models(e.g.,
Forest et al., 2006; Aldrin et al., 2012) but also the use of reanalysis
and chemical transport models to help interpret satellite records (Cha-
meides et al., 2002; Koren et al., 2010a; Mauger and Norris, 2010), field
study data to help constrain fine-scale modelling studies (e.g., Acker-
man et al., 2009; vanZanten et al., 2011), or satellite/surface-based
climatologies to constrain large-scale modelling (Wang et al., 2012).
7.4.2 Microphysical Underpinnings of Aerosol–Cloud
Interactions The Physical Basis
The cloud albedo effect (Twomey, 1977) is the mechanism by which
an increase in aerosol number concentration leads to an increase in
the albedo of liquid clouds (reflectance of incoming solar radiation)
by increasing the cloud droplet number concentration, decreasing the
droplet size, and hence increasing total droplet surface area, with the
liquid water content and cloud geometrical thickness hypothetically
held fixed. Although only the change in the droplet concentration is
considered in the original concept of the cloud albedo effect, a change
in the shape of the droplet size distribution that is directly induced
by the aerosols may also play a role (e.g., Feingold et al., 1997; Liu
and Daum, 2002). In the Arctic, anthropogenic aerosol may influence
the longwave emissivity of optically thin liquid clouds and generate
a positive forcing at the surface (Garrett and Zhao, 2006; Lubin and
Vogelmann, 2006; Mauritsen et al., 2011), but TOA forcing is thought
to be negligible. Observational Evidence for Aerosol–Cloud Interactions
The physical basis of the albedo effect is fairly well understood, with
research since AR4 generally reinforcing earlier work. Detailed in situ
aircraft observations show that droplet concentrations observed just
above the cloud base generally agree with those predicted based on
the aerosol properties and updraught velocity observed below the
cloud (e.g., Fountoukis et al., 2007). Vertical profiles of cloud droplet
effective radius also agree with those predicted by models that take
into account the effect of entrainment (Lu et al., 2008), although uncer-
tainties still remain in estimating the shape of the droplet size distri-
bution (Brenguier et al., 2011), and the degree of entrainment mixing
within clouds.
At relatively low aerosol loading (AOD less than about 0.3) there is
ample observational evidence for increases in aerosol resulting in an
increase in droplet concentration and decrease in droplet size (for
constant liquid water) but uncertainties remain regarding the magni-
tude of this effect, and its sensitivity to spatial averaging. Based on
simple metrics, there is a large range of physically plausible responses,
with aircraft measurements (e.g., Twohy et al., 2005; Lu et al., 2007,
2008;; Hegg et al., 2012) tending to show stronger responses than sat-
ellite-derived responses (McComiskey and Feingold, 2008; Nakajima
and Schulz, 2009; Grandey and Stier, 2010). At high AOD and high
aerosol concentration, droplet concentration tends to saturate (e.g.,
Verheggen et al., 2007) and, if the aerosol is absorbing, there may be
reductions in droplet concentration and cloudiness (Koren et al., 2008).
This absorbing effect originates from aerosol–radiation interactions
and is therefore part of ERFari (Section Negative correlation
between AOD and ice particle size has also been documented in deep
convective clouds (e.g., Sherwood, 2002; Jiang et al., 2008). Advances in Process Level Understanding
At the heart of the albedo effect lie two fundamental issues. The first is
aerosol activation and its sensitivity to aerosol and dynamical param-
eters. The primary controls on droplet concentration are the aerosol
number concentration (particularly at diameters greater than about 60
nm) and cooling rate (proportional to updraught velocity). Aerosol size
distribution can play an important role under high aerosol loadings,
whereas aerosol composition tends to be much less important, except
perhaps under very polluted conditions and low updraught veloci-
ties (e.g., Ervens et al., 2005; McFiggans et al., 2006). This is partially
because aging tends to make particles more hygroscopic regardless of
their initial composition, but also because more hygroscopic particles
lead to faster water vapour uptake, which then lowers supersaturation,
limiting the initial increase in activation.
The second issue is that the amount of energy reflected by a cloud
system is a strong function of the amount of condensate. Simple argu-
ments show that in a relative sense the amount of reflected energy is
approximately two-and-a-half times more sensitive to changes in the
liquid water path than to changes in droplet concentration (Boers and
Mitchell, 1994). Because both of these parameters experience similar
ranges of relative variability, the magnitude of aerosolcloud related
forcing rests mostly on dynamical factors such as turbulent strength
and entrainment that control cloud condensate, and a few key aerosol
parameters such as aerosol number concentration and size distribu-
tion, and to a much lesser extent, composition.
7.4.3 Forcing Associated with Adjustments in
Liquid Clouds The Physical Basis for Adjustments in Liquid Clouds
The adjustments giving rise to ERFaci are multi-faceted and are asso-
ciated with both albedo and so-called ‘lifetime’ effects (Figure 7.3).
However, this old nomenclature is misleading because it assumes a
relationship between cloud lifetime and cloud amount or water con-
tent. Moreover, the effect of the aerosol on cloud amount may have
nothing to do with cloud lifetime per se (e.g., Pincus and Baker, 1994).
The traditional view (Albrecht, 1989; Liou and Ou, 1989) has been
that adjustment effects associated with aerosol–cloud–precipitation
interactions will add to the initial albedo increase by increasing cloud
amount. The chain of reasoning involves three steps: that droplet con-
centrations depend on the number of available CCN; that precipita-
tion development is regulated by the droplet concentration; and that
the development of precipitation reduces cloud amount (Stevens and
Feingold, 2009). Of the three steps, the first has ample support in both
observations and theory (Section More problematic are the
last two links in the chain of reasoning. Although increased droplet
concentrations inhibit the initial development of precipitation (see
Section, it is not clear that such an effect is sustained in
an evolving cloud field. In the trade-cumulus regime, some modelling
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
studies suggest the opposite, with increased aerosol concentrations
actually promoting the development of deeper clouds and invigorat-
ing precipitation (Stevens and Seifert, 2008; see discussion of similar
responses in deep convective clouds in Section 7.6.4). Others have
shown alternating cycles of larger and smaller cloud water in both
aerosol-perturbed stratocumulus (Sandu et al., 2008) and trade cumu-
lus (Lee et al., 2012), pointing to the important role of environmental
adjustment. There exists limited unambiguous observational evidence
(exceptions to be given below) to support the original hypothesised
cloud-amount effects, which are often assumed to hold universally and
have dominated GCM parameterization of aerosol–cloud interactions.
GCMs lack the more nuanced responses suggested by recent work,
which influences their ERFaci estimates. Observational Evidence of Adjustments in Liquid Clouds
Since observed effects generally include both the albedo effect and
the adjustments, with few if any means of observing only one or the
other in isolation, in this section we discuss and interpret observation-
al findings that reflect both effects. Stratocumulus and trade cumulus
regimes are discussed separately. Stratocumulus
The cloud albedo effect is best manifested in so-called ship tracks,
which are bright lines of clouds behind ships. Many ship tracks are
characterized by an increase in the droplet concentration resulting
from the increase in aerosol number concentration and an absence of
drizzle size drops, which leads to a decrease in the droplet radius and
an increase in the cloud albedo (Durkee et al., 2000), all else equal.
However, liquid water changes are the primary determinant of albedo
changes (Section; Chen et al., 2012), therefore adjustments are
key to understanding radiative response. Coakley and Walsh (2002)
showed that cloud water responses can be either positive or nega-
tive. This is supported by more recent shiptrack analyses based on new
satellite sensors (Christensen and Stephens, 2011): aerosol intrusions
result in weak decreases in liquid water (−6%) in overcast clouds, but
significant increases in liquid water (+39%) and increases in cloud frac-
tion in precipitating, broken stratocumulus clouds. The global ERFaci of
visible ship tracks has been estimated from satellite and found to be
insignificant at about –0.5 mW m
(Schreier et al., 2007), although
this analysis may not have identified all shiptracks. Some observational
studies downwind of ship tracks have been unable todistinguish aero-
sol influences frommeteorological influences on cloudmicrophysical
or macrophysical properties (Peters et al., 2011a), although it is not
clear whether their methodology had sufficient sensitivity to detect the
aerosol effects. Notwithstanding evidence of shiptracks locally increas-
ing the cloud fraction and albedo of broken cloud scenes quite sig-
nificantly (e.g., Christensen and Stephens, 2011; Goren and Rosenfeld,
2012), their contribution to global ERFaci is thought to be small. These
ship track results are consistent with satellite studies of the influence
of long-term degassing of low-lying volcanic aerosol on stratocumulus,
which point to smaller droplet sizes but ambiguous changes in cloud
fraction and cloud water (Gasso, 2008). The lack of clear evidence for
a global increase in cloud albedo from shiptracks and volcanic plumes
should be borne in mind when considering geoengineering methods
that rely on cloud modification (Section
The development of precipitation in stratocumulus, whether due to
aerosol or meteorological influence can, in some instances, change
a highly reflective closed-cellular cloud field to a weakly reflective
broken open-cellular field (Comstock et al., 2005; Stevens et al., 2005a;
vanZanten et al., 2005; Sharon et al., 2006; Savic-Jovcic and Stevens,
2008; Wang and Feingold, 2009a). In some cases, compact regions
(pockets) of open-cellular convection become surrounded by regions
of closed-cellular convection. It is, however, noteworthy that observed
precipitation rates can be similar in both open and closed-cell envi-
ronments (Wood et al., 2011a). The lack of any apparent difference in
the large-scale environment of the open cells, versus the surrounding
closed cellular convection, suggests the potential for multiple equilib-
ria (Baker and Charlson, 1990; Feingold et al., 2010). Therefore in the
stratocumulus regime, the onset of precipitation due to a dearth of
aerosol may lead to a chain of events that leads to a large-scale reduc-
tion of cloudiness in agreement with Liou and Ou (1989) and Albrecht
(1989). The transition may be bidirectional: ship tracks passing through
open-cell regions also appear to revert the cloud field to a closed-cell
regime inducing a potentially strong ERFaci locally (Christensen and
Stephens, 2011; Wang et al., 2011a; Goren and Rosenfeld, 2012). Trade-cumulus
Precipitation from trade cumuli proves difficult to observe, as the
clouds are small, and not easily observed by space-based remote sens-
ing techniques (Stephens et al., 2008). Satellite remote sensing of trade
cumuli influenced by aerosol associated with slow volcanic degas-
sing points to smaller droplet size, decreased precipitation efficiency,
increased cloud amount and higher cloud tops (Yuan et al., 2011).
Other studies show that in the trade cumulus regime cloud amount
tends to increase with precipitation amount: for example, processes
that favour precipitation development also favour cloud development
(Nuijens et al., 2009); precipitation-driven colliding outflows tend to
regenerate clouds; and trade cumuli that support precipitation reach
heights where wind shear increases cloud fraction (Zuidema et al.,
While observationally based study of the microphysical aspects of aer-
osol–cloud interactions has a long history, more recent assessment of
the ability of detailed models to reproduce the associated radiative
effect in cumulus cloud fields is beginning to provide the important link
between aerosol–cloud interactions and total RF (Schmidt et al., 2009). Advances in Process Level Understanding
Central to ERFaci is the question of how susceptible is precipitation
to droplet concentration, and by inference, to the available aerosol.
Some studies point to the droplet effective radius as a threshold indi-
cator of the onset of drizzle (Rosenfeld and Gutman, 1994; Gerber,
1996; Rosenfeld et al., 2012). Others focus on the sensitivity of the
conversion of cloud water to rain water (i.e., autoconversion) to droplet
concentration, which is usually in the form of (droplet concentration)
to the power -a. Both approaches indicate that from the microphysical
standpoint, an increase in the aerosol suppresses rainfall. Models and
theory show a ranging from ½ (Kostinski, 2008; Seifert and Stevens,
2010) to 2 (Khairoutdinov and Kogan, 2000), while observational stud-
ies suggest a = 1 (approximately the inverse of drop concentration;
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
Pawlowska and Brenguier, 2003; Comstock et al., 2005; vanZanten et
al., 2005). Note that thicker liquid clouds amplify rain via accretion
of cloud droplets by raindrops, a process that is relatively insensitive
to droplet concentration, and therefore to aerosol perturbations (e.g.,
Khairoutdinov and Kogan, 2000). The balance of evidence suggests
that a = ½ is more likely and that liquid water path (or cloud depth)
has significantly more leverage over precipitation than does droplet
concentration. Many GCMs assume a much stronger relationship
between precipitation and cloud droplet number concentration (i.e., a
= 2) (Quaas et al., 2009).
Small-scale studies (Ackerman et al., 2004; Xue et al., 2008; Small et
al., 2009) and satellite observations (Lebsock et al., 2008; Christensen
and Stephens, 2011) tend to confirm two responses of the cloud liquid
water to increasing aerosol. Under clean conditions when clouds are
prone to precipitation, an increase in the aerosol tends to increase
cloud amount as a result of aerosol suppression of precipitation.
Under non-precipitating conditions, clouds tend to thin in response
to increasing aerosol through a combination of droplet sedimentation
(Bretherton et al., 2007) and evaporation–entrainment adjustments
(e.g., Hill et al., 2009). Treatment of the subtlety of these responses and
associated detail in small-scale cloud processes is not currently feasi-
ble in GCMs, although probability distribution function approaches are
promising (Guo et al., 2010).
Since AR4, cloud resolving model simulation has begun to stress the
importance of scale interactions when addressing aerosol–cloud inter-
actions. Model domains on the order of 100 km allow mesoscale circu-
lations to develop in response to changes in the aerosol. These dynam-
ical responses may have a significant impact on cloud morphology and
RF. Examples include the significant changes in cloud albedo asso-
ciated with transitions between closed and open cellular states dis-
cussed above, and the cloud-free, downdraught ‘shadows’ that appear
alongside ship tracks (Wang and Feingold, 2009b). Similar examples
of large-scale changes in circulation associated with aerosol and asso-
ciated influence on precipitation are discussed in Section 7.6.4. These
underscore the large gap between our process level understanding of
aerosol–cloud–precipitation interactions and the ability of GCMs to
represent them. Advances in and Insights Gained from Large-Scale
Modelling Studies
Regional models are increasingly including representation of aerosol–
cloud interactions using sophisticated microphysical models (Bangert
et al., 2011; Yang et al., 2011; Seifert et al., 2012). Some of these
regional models are operational weather forecast models that under-
go routine evaluation. Yang et al. (2011) show improved simulations of
stratocumulus fields when aerosol–cloud interactions are introduced.
Regional models are increasingly being used to provide the meteoro-
logical context for satellite observations of aerosol–cloud interactions
(see Section, with some (e.g., Painemal and Zuidema, 2010)
suggesting that droplet concentration differences are driven primarily
by synoptic scale influences rather than aerosol.
GCM studies that have explored sensitivity to autoconversion param-
eterization (Golaz et al., 2011) show that ERFaci can vary by 1 W m
depending on the parameterization. Elimination of the sensitivity of
rain formation to the autoconversion process has begun to be consid-
ered in GCMs (Posselt and Lohmann, 2009). Wang et al. (2012) have
used satellite observations to constrain autoconversion and find a
reduction in ERFaci of about 33% relative to a standard GCM autocon-
version parameterization. It is worth reiterating that these uncertain-
ties are not necessarily associated with uncertainties in the physical
process itself, but more so by the ability of a GCM to resolve the pro-
cesses (see Section
7.4.4 Adjustments in Cold Clouds The Physical Basis for Adjustments in Cold Clouds
Mixed-phase clouds, containing both liquid water and ice particles,
exist at temperatures between 0°C and –38°C. At warmer tempera-
tures ice melts rapidly, whereas at colder temperatures liquid water
freezes homogeneously. The formation of ice in mixed-phase clouds
depends on heterogeneous freezing, initiated by IN (Section,
which are typically solid or crystalline aerosol particles. In spite of their
very low concentrations (on the order of 1 per litre), IN have an impor-
tant influence on mixed-phase clouds. Mineral dust particles have been
identified as good IN but far less is known about the IN ability of other
aerosol types, and their preferred modes of nucleation. For example,
the ice nucleating ability of BC particles remains controversial (Hoose
and Möhler, 2012). Soluble matter can hinder glaciation by depress-
ing the freezing temperature of supercooled drops to the point where
homogeneous freezing occurs (e.g., Girard et al., 2004; Baker and
Peter, 2008). Hence anthropogenic perturbations to the aerosol have
the potential to affect glaciation, water and ice optical properties, and
their radiative effect.
Because the equilibrium vapour pressure with respect to ice is lower
than that with respect to liquid, the initiation of ice in a supercooled
liquid cloud will cause vapour to diffuse rapidly toward ice particles
at the expense of the liquid water (Wegener–Bergeron–Findeisen pro-
cess; e.g., Schwarzenbock et al., 2001; Verheggen et al., 2007; Hudson
et al., 2010). This favours the depositional growth of ice crystals, the
largest of which may sediment away from the water-saturated region
of the atmosphere, influencing the subsequent evolution of the cloud.
Hence anthropogenic perturbations to the IN can influence the rate at
which ice forms, which in turn may regulate cloud amount (Lohmann,
2002b; Storelvmo et al., 2011; see also Section, cloud optical
properties and humidity near the tropopause.
Finally, formation of the ice phase releases latent heat to the environ-
ment (influencing cloud dynamics), and provides alternate, complex
pathways for precipitation to develop (e.g., Zubler et al., 2011, and
Section 7.6.4). Observations of ERFaci in Deep Convective Clouds
As noted in Section, observations have demonstrated corre-
lations between aerosol loading and ice crystal size but influence on
cloud optical depth is unclear (e.g., Koren et al., 2005). Satellite remote
sensing suggests that aerosol-related invigoration of deep convec-
tive clouds may generate more extensive anvils that radiate at cooler
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
temperatures, are optically thinner, and generate a positive contribu-
tion to ERFaci (Koren et al., 2010b). The global influence on ERFaci is
unclear. Observations of Aerosol Effects on Arctic Ice and
Mixed-Phase Stratiform Clouds
Arctic mixed-phase clouds have received a great deal of attention
since AR4, with major field programs conducted in 2004 (Verlinde et
al., 2007) and 2008 (Jacob et al., 2010; Brock et al., 2011; McFarqu-
har et al., 2011), in addition to long-term monitoring at high north-
ern latitude stations (e.g., Shupe et al., 2008) and analysis of earlier
field experiments (Uttal et al., 2002). Mixed-phase Arctic clouds persist
for extended periods of time (days and even weeks; Zuidema et al.,
2005), in spite of the inherent instability of the ice–water mix (see
also Section In spite of their low concentrations, IN have
an important influence on cloud persistence, with clouds tending to
glaciate and disappear rapidly when IN concentrations are relatively
high and/or updraught velocities too small to sustain a liquid water
layer (e.g., Ovchinnikov et al., 2011). The details of the heterogeneous
ice-nucleation mechanism remain controversial but there is increasing
evidence that ice forms in Arctic stratus via the liquid phase (immersion
freezing) so that the CCN population also plays an important role (de
Boer et al., 2011; Lance et al., 2011). If ice indeed forms via the liquid
phase this represents a self-regulating feedback that helps sustain the
mixed-phase clouds: as ice forms, liquid water (the source of the ice)
is depleted, which restricts further ice formation and competition for
water vapour via the Wegener–Bergeron–Findeisen process (Morrison
et al., 2012). Advances in Process Level Understanding
Since AR4, research on ice-microphysical processes has been very
active as evidenced by the abovementioned field experiments (Sec-
tion The persistence of some mixed-phase stratiform clouds
has prompted efforts to explain this phenomenon in a theoretical
framework (Korolev and Field, 2008). Predicting cloud persistence may
require a high level of understanding of very detailed processes. For
example, ice particle growth by vapour diffusion depends strongly on
crystal shape (Harrington et al., 2009), the details of which may have
similar relative influence on glaciation times to the representation of
ice nucleation mechanism (Ervens et al., 2011b). A recent review (Mor-
rison et al., 2012) discusses the myriad processes that create a resilient
mixed-phase cloud system, invoking the ideas of ‘buffering’ seen in
liquid clouds (Stevens and Feingold, 2009). Importantly, the Wegener–
Bergeron–Findeisen process does not necessarily destabilize the cloud
system, unless sufficient ice exists (Korolev, 2007). Bistability has also
been observed in the mixed-phase Arctic cloud system; the resilient
cloud state is sometimes interrupted by a cloud-free state (Stramler
et al., 2011), but there is much uncertainty regarding the meteorolog-
ical and microphysical conditions determining which of these states is
Significant effort has been expended on heterogeneous freezing param-
eterizations employed in cloud or larger-scale models. Some parame-
terizations are empirical (e.g., Lohmann and Diehl, 2006; Hoose et al.,
2008; Phillips et al., 2008; Storelvmo et al., 2008a; DeMott et al., 2010;
Gettelman et al., 2010; Salzmann et al., 2010), whereas others attempt
to represent the processes explicitly (Jacobson, 2003) or ground the
development of parameterizations in concepts derived from classical
nucleation theory (Chen et al., 2008; Hoose et al., 2010b). The details
of how these processes are treated have important implications for
tropical anvils (Ekman et al., 2007; Fan et al., 2010).
Homogeneous ice nucleation in cirrus clouds (at temperatures lower
than about –38°C) depends crucially on the cloud updraught velocity
and hence the supersaturation with respect to ice. The onset relative
humidities for nucleation have been parameterized using results of
parcel model simulations (e.g., Sassen and Dodd, 1988; Barahona and
Nenes, 2009), airborne measurements in cirrus or wave clouds (Heyms-
field and Miloshevich, 1995; Heymsfield et al., 1998), extensions of clas-
sical homogeneous ice nucleation theory (Khvorostyanov and Sassen,
1998; Khvorostyanov and Curry, 2009) and data from laboratory meas-
urements (e.g., Bertram et al., 2000; Koop et al., 2000; Mohler et al.,
2003; Magee et al., 2006; Friedman et al., 2011). There is new evidence
that although ice nucleation in cirrus has traditionally been regarded as
homogeneous, the preferred freezing pathway may be heterogeneous
because it occurs at lower onset relative humidities (or higher onset
temperatures) than homogeneous nucleation (Jensen et al., 2010). The
onset relative humidities (or temperatures) for heterogeneous nuclea-
tion depend on the type and size of the IN (Section
Cloud resolving modeling of deep convective clouds points to the
potential for aerosol-related changes in cirrus anvils (e.g., Morrison
and Grabowski, 2011; van den Heever et al., 2011; Storer and van den
Heever, 2013), but the physical mechanisms involved and their influence
on ERFaci are poorly understood, and their global impact is unclear. Advances in and Insights Gained from Large-Scale
Modelling Studies
Since the AR4, mixed-phase and ice clouds have received significant
attention, with effort on representation of both heterogeneous (mixed-
phase clouds) and homogeneous (cirrus) freezing processes in GCMs
(e.g., Lohmann and Kärcher, 2002; Storelvmo et al., 2008a). In GCMs
the physics of cirrus clouds usually involves only ice-phase microphys-
ical processes and is somewhat simpler than that of mixed-phase
clouds. Nevertheless, representation of aerosol–cloud interactions in
mixed-phase and ice clouds is considerably less advanced than that
involving liquid-only clouds.
Our poor understanding of the climatology and lifecycle of aerosol par-
ticles that can serve as IN complicates attempts to assess what consti-
tutes an anthropogenic perturbation to the IN population, let alone the
effect of such a perturbation. BC can impact background (i.e., non con-
trail) cirrus by affecting ice nucleation properties but the effect remains
uncertain (Kärcher et al., 2007). The numerous GCM studies that have
evaluated ERFaci for ice clouds are summarised in Section 7.5.4.
7.4.5 Synthesis on Aerosol–Cloud Interactions
Earlier assessments considered the radiative implications of aerosol–
cloud interactions as two complementary processes—albedo and life-
time effects—that together amplify forcing. Since then the complexity
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
of cloud system responses to aerosol perturbations has become more
fully appreciated. Recent work at the process scale has identified com-
pensating adjustments that make the system less susceptible to pertur-
bation than might have been expected based on the earlier albedo and
lifetime effects. Increases in the aerosol can therefore result in either
an increase or a decrease in aerosol–cloud related forcing depending
on the particular environmental conditions. Because many current
GCMs do not include the possibility of compensating effects that are
not mediated by the large-scale state, there are grounds for expecting
these models to overestimate the magnitude of ERFaci. Nevertheless it
is also possible that poorly understood and unrepresented interactions
could cause real ERFaci to differ in either direction from that predicted
by current models. Forcing estimates are discussed in Section 7.5.3.
7.4.6 Impact of Cosmic Rays on Aerosols and Clouds
Many studies have reported observations that link solar activity to par-
ticular aspects of the climate system (e.g., Bond et al., 2001; Dengel et
al., 2009; Eichler et al., 2009). Various mechanisms have been proposed
that could amplify relatively small variations in total solar irradiance,
such as changes in stratospheric and tropospheric circulation induced
by changes in the spectral solar irradiance or an effect of the flux of
cosmic rays on clouds. We focus in this subsection on the latter hypoth-
esis while Box 10.2 discusses solar influences on the climate system
more generally.
Solar activity variations influence the strength and three-dimensional
structure of the heliosphere. High solar activity increases the deflec-
tion of low energy cosmic rays, which reduces the flux of cosmic rays
impinging upon the Earth’s atmosphere. It has been suggested that the
ionization caused by cosmic rays in the troposphere has an impact on
aerosols and clouds (e.g., Dickinson, 1975; Kirkby, 2007). This subsec-
tion assesses studies that either seek to establish a causal relationship
between cosmic rays and aerosols or clouds by examining empirical
correlations, or test one of the physical mechanisms that have been put
forward to account for such a relationship. Observed Correlations Between Cosmic Rays and
Properties of Aerosols and Clouds
Correlation between the cosmic ray flux and cloud properties has been
examined for decadal variations induced by the 11-year solar cycle,
shorter variations associated with the quasi-periodic oscillation in solar
activity centred on 1.68 years, or sudden and large variations known as
Forbush decrease events. It should be noted that long-term variations
in cloud properties are difficult to detect (Section 2.5.6) while short-
term variations may be difficult to attribute to a particular cause. More-
over, the cosmic ray flux co-varies with other solar parameters such as
solar and UV irradiance. This makes any attribution of cloud changes to
the cosmic ray flux problematic (Laken et al., 2011).
Some studies have shown co-variation between the cosmic ray flux
and low-level cloud cover using global satellite data over periods of
typically 5 to 10 years (Marsh and Svensmark, 2000; Pallé Bagó and
Butler, 2000). Such correlations have not proved to be robust when
extending the time period under consideration (Agee et al., 2012),
and restricting the analysis to particular cloud types (Kernthaler et al.,
1999) or locations (Udelhofen and Cess, 2001; Usoskin and Kovaltsov,
2008). The purported correlations have also been attributed to ENSO
variability (Farrar, 2000; Laken et al., 2012) and artefacts of the sat-
ellite data cannot be ruled out (Pallé, 2005). Statistically significant
(but weak) correlations between the diffuse fraction of surface solar
radiation and the cosmic ray flux have been found at some locations
in the UK over the 1951–2000 period (Harrison and Stephenson,
2006). Harrison (2008) also found a unique 1.68-year periodicity in
surface radiation for two different UK sites between 1978 and 1990,
potentially indicative of a cosmic ray effect of the same periodicity.
Svensmark et al. (2009) found large global reductions in the aerosol
Ångström exponent, liquid water path, and cloud cover after large
Forbush decreases, but these results were not corroborated by other
studies that found no statistically significant links between the cosmic
ray flux and clouds at the global scale (Čalogović et al., 2010; Laken
and Čalogović, 2011). Although some studies found statistically signif-
icant correlations between the cosmic ray flux and cloudiness at the
regional scale (Laken et al., 2010; Rohs et al., 2010), these correlations
were generally weak, cloud changes were small, and the results were
sensitive to how the Forbush events were selected and composited
(Kristjánsson et al., 2008; Laken et al., 2009). Physical Mechanisms Linking Cosmic Rays to Cloudiness
The most widely studied mechanism proposed to explain the possible
influence of the cosmic ray flux on cloudiness is the ‘ion-aerosol clear
air’ mechanism, in which atmospheric ions produced by cosmic rays
facilitate aerosol nucleation and growth ultimately impacting CCN
concentrations and cloud properties (Carslaw et al., 2002; Usoskin and
Kovaltsov, 2008). The variability in atmospheric ionization rates due to
changes in cosmic ray flux can be considered relatively well quanti-
fied (Bazilevskaya et al., 2008), whereas resulting changes in aerosol
nucleation rates are very poorly known (Enghoff and Svensmark, 2008;
Kazil et al., 2008). Laboratory experiments indicate that ionization
induced by cosmic rays enhances nucleation rates under middle and
upper tropospheric conditions, but not necessarily so in the continental
boundary layer (Kirkby et al., 2011). Field measurements qualitative-
ly support this view but cannot provide any firm conclusion due to
the scarcity and other limitations of free-troposphere measurements
(Arnold, 2006; Mirme et al., 2010), and due to difficulties in separating
nucleation induced by cosmic rays from other nucleation pathways in
the continental boundary layer (Hirsikko et al., 2011). Based on surface
aerosol measurements at one site, Kulmala et al. (2010) found no con-
nection between the cosmic ray flux and new particle formation or any
other aerosol property over a solar cycle (1996–2008), although parti-
cles nucleated in the free troposphere are known to contribute to par-
ticle number and CCN concentrations in the boundary layer (Merikanto
et al., 2009). Our understanding of the ‘ion-aerosol clear air’ mecha-
nism as a whole relies on a few model investigations that simulate
changes in cosmic ray flux over a solar cycle (Pierce and Adams, 2009b;
Snow-Kropla et al., 2011; Kazil et al., 2012) or during strong Forbush
decreases (Bondo et al., 2010; Snow-Kropla et al., 2011; Dunne et al.,
2012). Changes in CCN concentrations due to variations in the cosmic
ray flux appear too weak to cause a significant radiative effect because
the aerosol system is insensitive to a small change in the nucleation
rate in the presence of pre-existing aerosols (see also Section
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
A second pathway linking the cosmic ray flux to cloudiness has been
proposed through the global electric circuit. A small direct current is
able to flow vertically between the ionosphere and the Earth’s surface
over fair-weather regions because of cosmic-ray-induced atmospher-
ic ionization. Charge can accumulate at the upper and lower cloud
boundaries as a result of the effective scavenging of ions by cloud
droplets (Tinsley, 2008). This creates conductivity gradients at the cloud
edges (Nicoll and Harrison, 2010), and may influence droplet–droplet
collisions (Khain et al., 2004), cloud droplet–particle collisions (Tinsley,
2008) and cloud droplet formation processes (Harrison and Ambaum,
2008). These microphysical effects may potentially influence cloud
properties both directly and indirectly. Although Harrison and Ambaum
(2010) observed a small reduction in downward longwave radiation
that they associated with variations in surface current density, sup-
porting observations are extremely limited. Our current understanding
of the relationship between cloud properties and the global electric
circuit remains very low, and there is no evidence yet that associated
cloud processes could be of climatic significance. Synthesis
Correlations between cosmic ray flux and observed aerosol or cloud
properties are weak and local at best, and do not prove to be robust
on the regional or global scale. Although there is some evidence that
ionization from cosmic rays may enhance aerosol nucleation in the
free troposphere, there is medium evidence and high agreement that
the cosmic ray-ionization mechanism is too weak to influence global
concentrations of CCN or droplets or their change over the last century
or during a solar cycle in any climatically significant way.
7.5 Radiative Forcing and Effective Radiative
Forcing by Anthropogenic Aerosols
7.5.1 Introduction and Summary of AR4
In this section, aerosol forcing estimates are synthesized and updated
from AR4. As depicted in Figure 7.3, RF refers to the radiative forcing
due to either aerosolradiation interactions (ari), formerly known as
the direct aerosol forcing, or aerosolcloud interactions (aci), formerly
known as the first indirect aerosol forcing or cloud albedo effect in
AR4. ERF refers to the effective radiative forcing and is typically esti-
mated from experiments with fixed SSTs (see Sections 7.1.3 and 8.1).
It includes rapid adjustments, such as changes to the cloud lifetime,
cloud altitude, changes in lapse rate due to absorbing aerosols and
aerosol microphysical effects on mixed-phase, ice and convective
Chapter 2 of AR4 (Forster et al., 2007) assessed RFari to be –0.5 ±
0.4 W m
and broke this down into components associated with sev-
eral species. Land albedo changes associated with BC on snow were
assessed to be +0.1 ± 0.1 W m
. The RFaci was assessed to be –0.70 W
with a –1.8 to –0.3 W m
uncertainty range. These uncertainty esti-
mates were based on a combination of model results and observations
from remote sensing. The semi-direct effect and other aerosol indirect
effects were assessed in Chapter 7 of AR4 (Denman et al., 2007) to
contribute additional uncertainty. The combined total aerosol forcing
was given as two distinct ranges: –2.3 to –0.2 W m
from models and
a –1.7 to –0.1 W m
range from inverse estimates.
As discussed in Section 7.4, it is inherently difficult to separate RFaci
from subsequent rapid cloud adjustments either in observations or
model calculations (e.g., George and Wood, 2010; Lohmann et al.,
2010; Mauger and Norris, 2010; Painemal and Zuidema, 2010). For this
reason estimates of RFaci are of limited interest and are not assessed in
this report. This chapter estimates RFari, ERFari, and ERFari+aci based
purely on a priori approaches, and calculates ERFaci as the residual
between ERFari+aci and ERFari assuming the two effects are additive.
Inverse studies that estimate ERFari+aci from the observed rate of
planetary energy uptake and estimates of climate feedbacks and other
RFs are discussed in Section 10.8.
For consistency with AR4 and Chapter 8 of this Report, all quoted
ranges represent a 5 to 95% uncertainty range unless otherwise stated,
and we evaluate the forcings between 1750 and approximately 2010.
The reference year of 1750 is chosen to represent pre-industrial times,
so changes since then broadly represent the anthropogenic effect on
climate, although for several aerosol species (such as biomass burning)
this does not quite equate to the anthropogenic effect as emissions
started to be influenced by humans before the Industrial Revolution.
Many studies estimate aerosol forcings between 1850 and the present
day and any conversion to a forcing between 1750 and the present day
increases the uncertainty (Bellouin et al., 2008). This section principally
discusses global forcing estimates and attributes them to aerosol spe-
cies. Chapter 8 discusses regional forcings and additionally attributes
aerosol forcing to emission sources.
7.5.2 Estimates of Radiative Forcing and Effective
Radiative Forcing from Aerosol–Radiation
Building on our understanding of aerosol processes and their radiative
effects (Section 7.3), this subsection assesses RFari and ERFari, but also
the forcings from absorbing aerosol (BC and dust) on snow and ice. Radiative Forcing and Effective Radiative Forcing
from All Aerosols
Observations can give useful constraints to aspects of the global RFari
but cannot measure it directly (Section 7.3.4; Anderson et al., 2005;
Kahn, 2012). Remote sensing observations, in situ measurements of
fine-mode aerosol properties and a better knowledge of bulk aerosol
optical properties make the estimate of total RFari more robust than
the RF for individual species (see Forster et al., 2007). Estimates of
RFari are either taken from global aerosol models directly (Schulz et al.,
2009; Myhre et al., 2013) or based mostly on observations, but using
supplemental information from models (e.g., Myhre, 2009; Loeb and
Su, 2010; Su et al., 2013). A number of studies (Bellouin et al., 2008;
Zhao et al., 2008b, 2011; Myhre, 2009) have improved aspects of the
satellite-based RFari estimate over those quoted in AR4. Of these, only
Myhre (2009) make the necessary adjustments to the observations to
account for forcing in cloudy regions and pre-industrial concentrations
to estimate a RFari of –0.3 ± 0.2 W m
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
A second phase of AeroCom model results gives an RFari estimate of
–0.35 W m
, with a model range of about –0.60 to –0.13 W m
, after
their forcings for 1850–2000 have been scaled by emissions to repre-
sent 1750–2010 changes (Myhre et al., 2013). Figure 7.17 shows the
zonal mean total RFari for AeroCom phase II models for 1850–2000.
Robust features are the maximum negative RF around 10°N to 50°N,
at latitudes of highest aerosol concentrations, and a positive RF at
higher latitudes due to the higher surface albedo there.
For observationally based estimates, a variety of factors are important
in constraining the radiative effect of aerosols (McComiskey et al.,
2008; Loeb and Su, 2010; Kahn, 2012). Particularly important are the
single scattering albedo (especially over land or above clouds) and the
AOD (see Section Errors in remotely sensed, retrieved AOD
can be 0.05 or larger over land (Remer et al., 2005; Kahn et al., 2010;
Levy et al., 2010; Kahn, 2012). Loeb and Su (2010) found that the total
uncertainty in forcing was dominated by the uncertainty in single
scattering albedo, using single scattering albedo errors of ± 0.06 over
ocean and ± 0.03 over land from Dubovik et al. (2000), and assum-
ing errors can be added in quadrature. These retrieval uncertainties
could lead to a 0.5 to 1.0 W m
uncertainty in RFari (Loeb and Su,
2010). However, model sensitivity studies and reanalyses can provide
additional constraints leading to a reduced error estimate. Ma et al.
(2012b) performed a sensitivity study in one model, finding a best
estimate of RFari of –0.41 W m
with an asymmetrical uncertainty
range of –0.61 to –0.08 W m
, with BC particle size and mixing state
having the largest effect of the parameters investigated. In models,
assumptions about surface albedo, background cloud distribution
and radiative transfer contribute a relative standard deviation of 39%
(Stier et al., 2013). Bellouin et al. (2013) quantified uncertainties in
RFari using reanalysis data that combined MODIS satellite data over
oceans with the global coverage of their model. This approach broke
down the uncertainty in aerosol properties into a local and a regional
error to find a RFari standard deviation of 0.3 W m
, not accounting
for uncertainty in the pre-industrial reference. When cloudy-sky and
pre-industrial corrections were applied an RFari best estimate of –0.4
W m
was suggested.
The overall forcing uncertainty in RFari consists of the uncertainty in
the distribution of aerosol amount, composition and radiative prop-
erties (Loeb and Su, 2010; Myhre et al., 2013), the uncertainty in radi-
ative transfer (Randles et al., 2013) and the uncertainty owing to the
dependence of the forcing calculation on other uncertain parameters,
such as clouds or surface albedos (Stier et al., 2013). To derive a best
estimate and range for RFari we combine modelling and observation-
ally based studies. The best estimate is taken as –0.35 W m
. This is
the same as the AeroCom II model estimate, and also the average of
the Myhre (2009) observationally based estimate (–0.3 W m
) and
the Bellouin et al. (2013) reanalysis estimate (–0.4 W m
). Models
probably underestimate the positive RFari from BC and the negative
forcing from OA aerosol (see Section, and currently there is
no evidence that one of these opposing biases dominates over the
other. The 5 to 95% range of RFari adopted in this assessment employs
the Bellouin et al. (2013) uncertainty to account for retrieval error in
observational quantities when constrained by global models, giving an
uncertainty estimate of ±0.49 W m
. This is at the low end of the
uncertainty analysis of Loeb and Su (2010). However, our uncertainty
is partly based on models, and to account for this aspect, it is com-
bined in quadrature with a ±0.1 W m
uncertainty from non-aerosol
related parameters following Stier et al. (2013). This gives an assessed
RFari of –0.35 ± 0.5 W m
. This is a larger range than that exhibited
by the AeroCom II models. It is also a smaller magnitude but slightly
larger range than in AR4, with a more positive upper bound. This more
positive upper bound can be justified by the sensitivity to BC aerosol
(Ma et al., 2012b and Section Despite the larger range, there
is increased confidence in this assessment due to dedicated modelling
sensitivity studies, more robust observationally based estimates and
their better agreement with models.
ERFari adds the radiative effects from rapid adjustments onto RFari.
Studies have evaluated the rapid adjustments separately as a semi-di-
rect effect (see Section and/or the ERFari has been directly
evaluated. Rapid adjustments are caused principally by cloud changes.
There is high confidence that the local heating caused by absorbing
aerosols can alter clouds. However, there is low confidence in deter-
mining the sign and magnitude of the rapid adjustments at the global
scale as current models differ in their responses and are known to
inadequately represent some of the important relevant cloud processes
(see Section 7.3.4). Existing estimates of ERFari nevertheless rely on
such global models. Five GCMs were analysed for RFari and ERFari in
Lohmann et al. (2010). Their rapid adjustments ranged from –0.3 to
+0.1 W m
. In a further study, Takemura and Uchida (2011) found
a rapid adjustment of +0.06 W m
. The sensitivity analysis of Ghan
et al. (2012) found a –0.1 to +0.1 W m
range over model variants,
where an improved aging of the mixing state led to small negative
rapid adjustment of around –0.1 W m
. Bond et al. (2013) assessed
scaled RF and efficacy estimates from seven earlier studies focusing on
RFari (W m
AeroCom mean
AeroCom 5%−95% range
Bellouin et al. (2013)
Su et al. (2013)
30ºS 30ºN 60ºNEq
Figure 7.17 | Annual zonal mean top of the atmosphere radiative forcing due to aero-
sol–radiation interactions (RFari, in W m
) due to all anthropogenic aerosols from the
different AeroCom II models. No adjustment for missing species in certain models has
been applied. The multi-model mean and 5th to 95th percentile range from AeroCom
II models (Myhre et al., 2013) are shown with a black solid line and grey envelope. The
estimates from Bellouin et al. (2013) and Su et al. (2013) are shown with dotted and
dashed lines, respectively. The forcings are for the 1850 to 2000 period. See Supplemen-
tary Material for a figure with labelled individual AeroCom II model estimates.
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
BC and found a range of rapid adjustments between –0.2 and –0.01
W m
. There is a potential additional rapid adjustment term from the
effect of cloud drop inclusions (see Section Based on Ghan et
al. (2012) and Jacobson (2012), Bond et al. (2013) estimate an addi-
tional ERFari term of +0.2 W m
, with an uncertainty range of –0.1 to
+0.9 W m
; however there is very low confidence in the sign or magni-
tude of this effect and we do not include it in our assessment. Overall a
best estimate for the rapid adjustment is taken to be –0.1 W m
, with
a 5 to 95% uncertainty range of –0.3 to +0.1 W m
. The best estimate
is based on Ghan et al. (2012) and the range on Lohmann et al. (2010).
The uncertainties are added in quadrature to the estimate of RFari and
rounded to give an overall assessment for ERFari of –0.45 ± 0.5 W m
. Radiative Forcing by Species
AeroCom II studies have calculated aerosol distributions using 1850
and 2000 simulations with the same meteorology to isolate RFari
for individual aerosol types (sulphate, BC fossil-fuel plus biofuel, OA
fossil-fuel and biofuel, biomass burning or BB, SOA, nitrate). Many of
these models account for internal mixing, so that partitioning RFari by
species is not straightforward, and different modelling groups adopt
different techniques (Myhre et al., 2013). Note also that due to internal
mixing of aerosol types the total RFari is not necessarily the sum of the
RFari from different types (Ocko et al., 2012). Unless otherwise noted
in the text below, the best estimate and 5 to 95% ranges for individual
types quoted in Figure 7.18 are solely based on the AeroCom II range
(Myhre et al., 2013) and the estimates have been scaled by emissions
to derive 1750–2010 RFari values. Note that although global numbers
are presented here, these RF estimates all exhibit large regional var-
iations, and individual aerosol species can contribute significantly to
regional climate change despite rather small RF estimates (e.g., Wang
et al., 2010b).
For sulphate, AeroCom II models give a RF median and 5 to 95% uncer-
tainty range of –0.31 (–0.58 to –0.11) W m
for the 1850–2000 period,
and –0.34 (–0.61 to –0.13) W m
for the 1750–2010 period. This esti-
mate and uncertainty range are consistent with the AR4 estimate of
–0.4 ± 0.2 W m
, which is retained as the best estimate for AR5.
RF from BC is evaluated in different ways in the literature. The BC RF
in this report is from fossil fuel and biofuel sources, while open burn-
ing sources are attributed separately to the biomass-burning aerosol,
which also includes other organic species (see Section 7.3.2). BC can
also affect clouds and surface albedo (see Sections and Chapter
8). Here we only isolate the fossil fuel and biofuel RFari attributable
to BC over 1750–2010. Two comprehensive studies have quantified
the BC RFari and derive different central estimates and uncertainty
ranges. Myhre et al. (2013) quantify RF over 1850–2000 in the Aer-
oCom II generation of models and scale these up using emissions to
derive an RF estimate over 1750–2010 of +0.23 (+0.06 to +0.48) W
for fossil fuel and biofuel emissions. Bond et al. (2013) employ an
observationally weighted scaling of an earlier generation of AeroCom
models, regionally scaling BC absorption to match absorption AOD as
retrieved at available AERONET sites. They derive a RF of +0.51 (+0.06
to +0.91) W m
for fossil fuel and biofuel sources. There are known
biases in BC RF estimates from aerosol models. BC concentrations are
underestimated near source regions, especially in Asia, but overesti-
mated in remote regions and at altitude (Figure 7.15). Models also
probably underestimate the mass absorption cross-section probably
because enhanced absorption due to internal mixing is insufficiently
accounted for (see Section Together these biases are expected
to cause the modelled BC RF to be underestimated. The Bond et al.
estimate accounted for these biases by scaling model results. However,
there are a number of methodological difficulties associated with the
absorption AOD retrieval from sunphotometer retrievals (see Section, the attribution of absorption AOD to BC, and the distribution
and representativeness of AERONET stations for constraining global
and relatively coarse-resolution models. Absorption by OA (see Section
7.3.3), which may amount to 20% of fine-mode aerosol absorption
(Chung et al., 2012), is included into the BC RF estimate in Bond et
al. but is now treated separately in most AeroCom II models, some of
which have a global absorption AOD close to the Bond et al. estimate.
We use our expert judgement here to adopt a BC RF estimate that is
halfway between the two estimates and has a wider uncertainty range
from combining distributions. This gives a BC RF estimate from fossil
fuel and biofuel of +0.4 (+0.05 to +0.8) W m
The AeroCom II estimate of the SOA RFari is –0.03 (–0.27 to –0.02) W
and the primary OA from fossil fuel and biofuel estimate is –0.05
(–0.09 to –0.02) W m
. An intercomparison of current chemistry–cli-
mate models found two models outside of this range for SOA RFari,
with one model exhibiting a significant positive forcing from land
use and cover changes influencing biogenic emissions (Shindell et al.,
2013). We therefore adjust the upper end of the range to account for
this, giving an SOA RFari estimate of –0.03 (–0.27 to +0.20) W m
. Our
assessment also scales the AeroComII estimate of the primary OA from
fossil fuel and biofuel by 1.74 to –0.09 (–0.16 to –0.03) W m
to allow
for the underestimate of emissions identified in Bond et al. (2013). For
OA from natural burning, and for SOA, the natural radiative effects can
be an order of magnitude larger than the RF (see Sections 7.3.2 and
7.3.4, and O’Donnell et al., 2011) and they could thus contribute to
climate feedback (see Section 7.3.5).
The RFari from biomass burning includes both BC and OA species that
contribute RFari of opposite sign, giving a net RFari close to zero (Bond
et al., 2013; Myhre et al., 2013). The AeroCom II models give a 1750–
2010 RFari of 0.00 (–0.08 to +0.07) W m
, and an estimate of +0.0
(–0.2 to +0.2) W m
is adopted in this assessment, doubling the model
uncertainty range to account for a probable underestimate of their
emissions (Bond et al., 2013). Combining information in Samset et al.
(2013) and Myhre et al. (2013) would give a BC RFari contribution from
biomass burning of slightly less than +0.1 W m
over 1850–2000 from
the models. However, this ignores a significant contribution expected
before 1850 and the probable underestimate in emissions. Our assess-
ment therefore solely relies on Bond et al. (2013), giving an estimate
of +0.2 (+0.03 to +0.4) W m
for the 1750–2010 BC contribution to
the biomass burning RFari. This is a 50% larger forcing than the earlier
generation of AeroCom models found (Schulz et al., 2006). Note that
we also expect an OA RFari of the same magnitude with opposite sign.
The AeroCom II RF estimate for nitrate aerosol gives an RFari of –0.11
(–0.17 to –0.03) W m
, but comprises a relatively large 1850 to 1750
correction term. In these models ammonium aerosol is included within
the sulphate and nitrate estimates. An intercomparison of current
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
chemistry–climate models found an RF range of –0.41 to –0.03 W m
over 1850–2000. Some of the models with strong RF did not exhibit
obvious biases, whereas others did (Shindell et al., 2013). These sets of
estimates are in good agreement with earlier estimates (e.g., Adams et
al., 2001; Bauer et al., 2007; Myhre et al., 2009). Our assessment of the
RFari from nitrate aerosol is –0.11 (–0.3 to –0.03) W m
. This is based
on AeroCom II with an increased lower bound.
Anthropogenic sources of mineral aerosols can result from changes in
land use and water use or climate change. Estimates of the RF from
anthropogenic mineral aerosols are highly uncertain, because natural
and anthropogenic sources of mineral aerosols are often located close
to each other (Mahowald et al., 2009; Ginoux et al., 2012b). Using
a compilation of observations of dust records over the 20th century
with model simulations, Mahowald et al. (2010) deduced a 1750–2000
change in mineral aerosol RFari including both natural and anthropo-
genic changes of –0.14 ± 0.11 W m
. This is consistent within the AR4
estimate of –0.1 ± 0.2 W m
(Forster et al., 2007) which is retained
here. Note that part of the dust RF could be due to feedback processes
(see Section 7.3.5).
Overall the species breakdown of RFari is less certain than the total
RFari. Fossil fuel and biofuel emissions contribute to RFari via sulphate
aerosol –0.4 (–0.6 to –0.2) W m
; black carbon aerosol +0.4 (+0.05 to
+0.8) W m
; and primary and secondary organic aerosol –0.12 (–0.4
to +0.1) W m
(adding uncertainties in quadrature). Additional RFari
contributions are via biomass burning emissions, where black carbon
and organic aerosol changes offset each other to give an estimate of
+0.0 (–0.2 to +0.2) W m
; nitrate aerosol –0.11 (–0.3 to –0.03) W
; and a contribution from mineral dust of –0.1 (–0.3 to +0.1) W m
that may not be entirely anthropogenic in origin. The sum of the RFari
RFari (W m
Figure 7.18 | Annual mean top of the atmosphere radiative forcing due to aerosol–
radiation interactions (RFari, in W m
) due to different anthropogenic aerosol types,
for the 1750–2010 period. Hatched whisker boxes show median (line), 5th to 95th
percentile ranges (box) and min/max values (whiskers) from AeroCom II models (Myhre
et al., 2013) corrected for the 1750–2010 period. Solid coloured boxes show the AR5
best estimates and 90% uncertainty ranges. BC FF is for black carbon from fossil fuel
and biofuel, POA FF is for primary organic aerosol from fossil fuel and biofuel, BB is for
biomass burning aerosols and SOA is for secondary organic aerosols.
from these species agrees with, but is slightly weaker than, the best
estimate of the better-constrained total RFari. Absorbing Aerosol on Snow and Sea Ice
Forster et al. (2007) estimated the RF for surface albedo changes from
BC deposited on snow to be +0.10 ± 0.10 W m
, with a low level of
understanding, based largely on studies from Hansen and Nazarenko
(2004) and Jacobson (2004). Since AR4, observations of BC in snow
have been conducted using several different measurement techniques
(e.g., McConnell et al., 2007; Forsström et al., 2009; Ming et al., 2009;
Xu et al., 2009; Doherty et al., 2010; Huang et al., 2011; Kaspari et
al., 2011), providing data with which to constrain models. Laboratory
measurements have confirmed the albedo reduction due to BC in snow
(Hadley and Kirchstetter, 2012). The albedo effects of non-BC constitu-
ents have also been investigated but not rigorously quantified. Remote
sensing can inform on snow impurity content in some highly polluted
regions. However, it cannot be used to infer global anthropogenic RF
because of numerous detection challenges (Warren, 2013).
Global modelling studies since AR4 have quantified present-day radi-
ative effects from BC on snow of +0.01 to +0.08 W m
(Flanner et al.,
2007, 2009; Hansen et al., 2007; Koch et al., 2009a; Rypdal et al., 2009;
Skeie et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2011c; Lee et al., 2013). These studies
apply different BC emission inventories and atmospheric aerosol rep-
resentations, include forcing from different combinations of terrestrial
snow, sea ice, and snow on sea ice, and some include different rapid
adjustment effects such as snow grain size evolution and melt-induced
accumulation of impurities at the snow surface, observed on Tibetan
glaciers (Xu et al., 2012) and in Arctic snow (Doherty et al., 2013). The
forcing operates mostly on terrestrial snow and is largest during March
to May, when boreal snow and ice are exposed to strong insolation
(Flanner et al., 2007).
All climate modelling studies find that the Arctic warms in response
to snow and sea ice forcing. In addition, estimates of the change in
global mean surface temperature per unit forcing are 1.7 to 4.5 times
greater for snow and sea ice forcing than for CO
forcing (Hansen and
Nazarenko, 2004; Hansen et al., 2005; Flanner et al., 2007; Flanner et
al., 2009; Bellouin and Boucher, 2010). The Koch et al. (2009a) estimate
is not included in this range owing to the lack of a clear signal in their
study. The greater response of global mean temperature occurs primar-
ily because all of the forcing energy is deposited directly into the cry-
osphere, whose evolution drives a positive albedo feedback on climate.
Key sources of forcing uncertainty include BC concentrations in snow
and ice, BC mixing state and optical properties, snow and ice coverage
and patchiness, co-presence of other light-absorbing particles in the
snow pack, snow effective grain size and its influence on albedo per-
turbation, the masking of snow surfaces by clouds and vegetation and
the accumulation of BC at the top of snowpack caused by melting and
sublimation. Bond et al. (2013) derive a 1750–2010 snow and sea ice
RF estimate of +0.046 (+0.015 to +0.094) W m
for BC by (1) consid-
ering forcing ranges from all relevant global studies, (2) accounting for
biases caused by (a) modelled Arctic BC-in-snow concentrations using
measurements from Doherty et al. (2010), and (b) excluding mineral
dust, which reduces BC forcing by approximately 20%, (3) combining
in quadrature individual uncertainty terms from Flanner et al. (2007)
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
plus that originating from the co-presence of dust, and (4) scaling the
present-day radiative contributions from BB, biofuel and fossil fuel BC
emissions according to their 1750–2010 changes. Note that this RF
estimate allows for some rapid adjustments in the snowpack but is not
a full ERF as it does not account for adjustments in the atmosphere.
For this RF, we adopt an estimate of +0.04 (+0.02 to +0.09) W m
note that the surface temperature change is roughly three (two to four)
times more responsive to this RF relative to CO
7.5.3 Estimate of Effective Radiative Forcing from
Combined Aerosol–Radiation and Aerosol–Cloud
In addition to ERFari, there are changes due to aerosolcloud interac-
tions (ERFaci). Because of nonlinearities in forcings and rapid adjust-
ments, the total effective forcing ERFari+aci does not necessarily equal
the sum of the ERFari and ERFaci calculated separately. Moreover a
strict separation is often difficult in either state of the art models or
observations. Therefore we first assess ERFari+aci and postpone our
assessment of ERFaci to Section 7.5.4. For similar reasons, we focus
primarily on ERF rather than RF.
ERFari+aci is defined as the change in the net radiation at the TOA from
pre-industrial to present day. Climate model estimates of ERFari+aci in
the literature differ for a number of reasons. (1) The reference years
for pre-industrial and present-day conditions vary between estimates.
Studies can use 1750, 1850, or 1890 for pre-industrial; early estimates
of ERFari+aci used present-day emissions for 1985, whereas most
newer estimates use emissions for the year 2000. (2) The processes
they include also differ: aerosol–cloud interactions in large-scale liquid
stratiform clouds are typically included, but studies can also include
aerosol–cloud interactions for mixed-phase, convective clouds and/or
cirrus clouds. (3) The way in which ERFari+aci is calculated can also
differ between models, with some earlier studies only reporting the
change in shortwave radiation. Changes in longwave radiation arise
from rapid adjustments, or from aerosol–cloud interactions involving
mixed-phase or ice clouds (e.g., Storelvmo et al., 2008b, 2010; Ghan et
al., 2012), and tend to partially offset changes in shortwave radiation.
In the estimates discussed below and those shown in Figure 7.19, we
refer to estimates of the change in net (shortwave plus longwave) TOA
radiation whenever possible, but report changes in shortwave radia-
tion when changes in net radiation are not available. While this mostly
affects earlier studies, the subset of models that we concentrate on
all include both shortwave and longwave radiative effects. However,
for the sake of comparison, the satellite studies must be adjusted to
account for missing longwave contributions as explained below.
Early GCM estimates of ERFari+aci only included aerosol–cloud inter-
actions in liquid phase stratiform clouds; some of these were already
considered in AR4. Grouping these early estimates with similar (liquid
phase only) estimates from publications since the AR4 yields a median
value of ERFari+aci of –1.5 W m
with a 5 to 95% range between –2.4
and –0.6 W m
(Figure 7.19). In those studies that attempt a more
complete representation of aerosol–cloud interactions, by including
aerosol–cloud interactions in mixed-phase and/or convective cloud,
the magnitude of the ERF tends to be somewhat smaller (see Figure
7.19). The physical explanation for the mixed-phase reduction in the
magnitude of the ERF is that some aerosols also act as IN causing
supercooled clouds to glaciate and precipitate more readily. This reduc-
tion in cloud cover leads to less reflected shortwave radiation and a
less negative ERFari+aci. This effect can however be offset if the IN
become coated with soluble material, making them less effective at
nucleating ice, leading to less efficient precipitation production and
more reflected shortwave radiation (Hoose et al., 2008; Storelvmo
et al., 2008a). Models that have begun to incorporate aerosol–cloud
interactions in convective clouds also have a tendency to reduce the
magnitude of the ERF, but this effect is less systematic (Jacobson, 2003;
Lohmann, 2008; Suzuki et al., 2008) and reasons for differences among
the models in this category are less well understood.
For our expert judgment of ERFari+aci a subset of GCM studies, which
strived for a more complete and consistent treatment of aerosol–cloud
interactions (by incorporating either convective or mixed-phase process-
es) was identified and scrutinized. The ERFari+aci derived from these
models is somewhat less negative than in the full suite of models, and
ranges from –1.68 and –0.81 W m
with a median value of –1.38 W
. Because in some cases a number of studies have been performed
with the same GCM, in what might be described as an evolving effort,
our assessment is further restricted to the best (usually most recent)
estimate by each modelling group (see black symbols in Figure 7.19 and
Table 7.4). This ensures that no single GCM is given a disproportionate
weight. Further, we consider only simulations not constrained by the
historical temperature rise, motivated by the desire to emphasize a pro-
cess-based estimate. Although it may be argued that greater uncertain-
ty is introduced by giving special weight to models that only incorporate
more comprehensive treatments of aerosol–cloud interactions, and for
processes that (as Section 7.4 emphasizes) are on the frontier of under-
standing, it should be remembered that aerosol–cloud interactions for
liquid-phase clouds remain very uncertain. Althoughtheunderstanding
and treatment of aerosolcloud interactions inconvective ormixed-
phase clouds are also very uncertain, as discussed in Section 7.4.4,we
exercise our best judgment of their influence.
A less negative ERFari+aci (0.93 to 0.45 W m
with a median of
0.85 W m
, Figure 7.19 and Table 7.4) is found in studies that use vari-
ability in the present day satellite record to infer aerosolcloud inter-
actions, or that constrain GCM parameterizations to optimize agree-
ment with satellite observations. Because some groups have published
multiple estimates as better information became available, only their
latest study was incorporated into this assessment. Moreover, if a study
did not report ERFari+aci but only evaluated changes in ERFaci, their
individual estimate was combined with the average ERFari of –0.45 W
from Section 7.5.2. Likewise, those (all but one) studies that only
accounted for changes in shortwave radiation when computing ERFaci
were corrected by adding a constant factor of +0.2 W m
, taken from
the lower range of the modeled longwave effects which varied from
+0.2 to +0.6 W m
in the assessed models. These procedures result in
the final estimates of ERFari+aci shown as black symbols in Figure 7.19
and in Table 7.4. This resulted in a median ERFari+aci of 0.85 W m
for satellite-based ERFari+aci estimates. Results of pure satellite-based
studies are sensitive to the spatial scale of measurements (Grandey
and Stier, 2010; McComiskey and Feingold, 2012; Section, as
well as to how pre-industrial conditions and variations between pre-
industrial and present-day conditions are inferred from the observed
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
Estimate Acronym References
Effective radiative forcing due to aerosol–cloud
interactions (ERFaci) published prior to and considered
in AR4
AR4 Lohmann and Feichter (1997); Rotstayn (1999); Lohmann et al., (2000); Ghan et al. (2001); Jones
et al. (2001); Rotstayn and Penner (2001); Williams et al. (2001); Kristjánsson (2002); Lohmann
(2002a); Menon et al. (2002); Peng and Lohmann (2003); Penner et al. (2003); Easter et al. (2004);
Kristjánsson et al. (2005); Ming et al. (2005); Rotstayn and Liu (2005); Takemura et al. (2005);
Johns et al. (2006); Penner et al. (2006); Quaas et al. (2006); Storelvmo et al. (2006)
ERFaci published since AR4 AR5 Menon and Del Genio (2007); Ming et al. (2007b); Kirkevåg et al. (2008); Seland et al. (2008); Storelvmo
et al. (2008a); Hoose et al. (2009); Quaas et al. (2009); Rotstayn and Liu (2009); Chen et al. (2010); Ghan
et al. (2011); Penner et al. (2011); Makkonen et al. (2012a); Takemura (2012); Kirkevåg et al. (2013)
Effective radiative forcing due to aerosol–radiation
and aerosol–cloud interactions (ERFari+aci) in liquid
phase stratiform clouds published prior to AR4
AR4 Lohmann and Feichter (2001); Quaas et al. (2004); Menon and Rotstayn (2006); Quaas et al. (2006)
ERFari+aci in liquid phase stratiform clouds
published since AR4
AR5 Lohmann et al. (2007); Rotstayn et al. (2007); Posselt and Lohmann (2008); Posselt and Lohmann
(2009); Quaas et al. (2009); Salzmann et al. (2010); Bauer and Menon (2012); Gettelman et al.
(2012); Ghan et al. (2012); Makkonen et al. (2012a); Takemura (2012); Kirkevåg et al. (2013)
ERFari+aci in liquid and mixed-phase stratiform clouds with mixed-
phase clouds
Lohmann (2004); Jacobson (2006); Lohmann and Diehl (2006); Hoose et al. (2008); Storelvmo et al. (2008a);
Lohmann and Hoose (2009); Hoose et al. (2010b); Lohmann and Ferrachat (2010);
Salzmann et al. (2010); Storelvmo et al. (2010)
ERFari+aci in stratiform and convective clouds with convective
Menon and Rotstayn (2006); Menon and Del Genio (2007); Lohmann (2008);
Koch et al. (2009a); Unger et al. (2009); Wang et al. (2011b)
ERFari+aci including satellite observations Satellites Lohmann and Lesins (2002); Sekiguchi et al. (2003); Quaas et al. (2006); Lebsock et al. (2008);
Quaas et al. (2008); Quaas et al. (2009); Bellouin et al. (2013)
Table 7.3 | List of references for each category of estimates displayed in Figure 7.19.
Figure 7.19 | (a) GCM studies and studies involving satellite estimates of RFari (red), ERFaci (green) and ERFari+aci (blue in grey-shaded box). Each symbol represents the best
estimate per model and paper (see Table 7.3 for references). The values for RFari are obtained from the CMIP5 models. ERFaci and ERFari+aci studies from GCMs on liquid phase
stratiform clouds are divided into those published prior to and included in AR4 (labelled AR4, triangles up), studies published after AR4 (labelled AR5, triangles down) and from the
CMIP5/ACCMIP models (filled circles). GCM estimates that include adjustments beyond aerosol–cloud interactions in liquid phase stratiform clouds are divided into those includ-
ing aerosol–cloud interactions in mixed-phase clouds (stars) and those including aerosol–cloud interactions in convective clouds (diamonds). Studies that take satellite data into
account are labelled as ‘satellites’. Studies highlighted in black are considered for our expert judgement of ERFari+aci. (b) Whisker boxes from GCM studies and studies involving
satellite data of RFari, ERFaci and ERFari+aci. They are grouped into RFari from CMIP5/ACCMIP GCMs (labelled CMIP5 in red), ERFaci from GCMs (labelled AR4, AR5 in green), all
estimates of ERFari+aci shown in the upper panel (labelled All’ in blue), ERFari+aci from GCMs highlighted in the upper panel (labelled ‘Highlighted GCMs’ in blue), ERFari+aci
from satellites highlighted in the upper panel (labelled ‘Highlighted Satellites’ in blue), and our expert judgement based on estimates of ERFari+aci from these GCM and satellite
studies (labelled ‘Expert Judgement’ in blue). Displayed are the averages (cross sign), median values (middle line), 17th and 83th percentiles (likely range shown as box boundaries)
and 5th and 95th percentiles (whiskers). References for the individual estimates are provided in Table 7.3. Table 7.4 includes the values of the GCM and satellite studies considered
for the expert judgement of ERFari+aci that are highlighted in black.
CMIP5 AR4, AR5 All
Aerosol Forcing (W m
)Aerosol Forcing (W m
with mixed-phase ACI
with convective ACI
ERFaci ERFari+aci
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
Category Best Estimate Climate Model and/or Satellite Instrument Reference
with mixed-phase clouds –1.55 CAM Oslo Hoose et al. (2010b)
with mixed-phase clouds –1.02 ECHAM Lohmann and Ferrachat (2010)
with mixed-phase clouds –1.68 GFDL Salzmann et al. (2010)
with mixed-phase clouds –0.81 CAM Oslo Storelvmo et al. (2008b; 2010)
with convective clouds –1.50 ECHAM Lohmann (2008)
with convective clouds –1.38 GISS Koch et al. (2009a)
with convective clouds –1.05 PNNL-MMF Wang et al. (2011b)
Satellite-based –0.85 ECHAM + POLDER Lohmann and Lesins (2002)
Satellite-based –0.93 AVHRR Sekiguchi et al. (2003)
Satellite-based –0.67 CERES / MODIS Lebsock et al. (2008)
Satellite-based –0.45 CERES / MODIS Quaas et al. (2008)
Satellite-based –0.95 Model mean + MODIS Quaas et al. (2009)
Satellite-based –0.85 MACC + MODIS Bellouin et al. (2013)
Table 7.4 | List of ERFari+aci values (W m
) considered for the expert judgement of ERFari+aci (black symbols in Figure 7.19). For the GCM studies only the best estimate per
modelling group is used. For satellite studies the estimates are corrected for the ERFari and for the longwave component of ERFari+aci when these are not included (see text).
AVHRR = Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer.
CERES = Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System.
MACC = Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate.
MODIS = Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer.
variability in present-day aerosol and cloud properties (Quaas et al.,
2011; Penner et al., 2012). In addition, all (model- and satellite-based)
estimates of ERFari+aci are very sensitive to the assumed pre-industrial
or natural cloud droplet concentration (Hoose et al., 2009). The large
spatial scales of satellite measurements relative to in situ measure-
ments generally suggest smaller responses in cloud droplet number
increases for a given aerosol increase (Section Satellite studies,
however, show a strong effect of aerosol on cloud amount, which could
be a methodological artefact as GCMs associate clouds with humidity
and aerosol swelling (Quaas et al., 2010). There are thus possible biases
in both directions, so the sign and magnitude of any net bias is not clear.
In large-scale models for which cloud-scale circulations are not explic-
itly represented, it is difficult to capture all relevant cloud controlling
processes (Section 7.2.2). Because the response of clouds to aerosol
perturbations depends critically on the interplay of poorly understood
physical processes, global model-based estimates of aerosol–cloud
interactions remain uncertain (Section 7.4). Moreover, the connection
between the aerosol amount and cloud properties is too direct in the
large-scale modelling studies (as it relies heavily on the autoconversion
rate). Because of this, GCMs tend to overestimate the magnitude of the
aerosol effect on cloud properties (Section 7.4.5; see also discussion in
Section 7.5.4). This view has some support from studies that begin to
incorporate some cloud, or cloud-system scale responses to aerosol–
cloud interactions. For instance, in an attempt to circumvent some of
difficulties of parameterizing clouds, some groups (e.g., Wang et al.,
2011b) have begun developing modelling frameworks that can explic-
itly represent cloud-scale circulations, and hence the spatio-temporal
covariances of cloud-controlling processes. Another group (Khairout-
dinov and Yang, 2013) has used the same cloud-resolving model in a
radiative convective equilibrium approach, and compared the relative
contribution of aerosol–cloud interactions to warming from the dou-
bling of atmospheric CO
. In both studies a smaller (–1.1 and –0.8 W
, respectively) ERFari+aci than for the average GCM was found.
Furthermore, the study best resolving the cloud-scale circulations
(Wang et al., 2011b) found little change in cloud amount in response to
changes in aerosol, consistent with other fine-scale modelling studies
discussed in Section 7.4.
Based on the above considerations, we assess ERFari+aci using expert
judgement to be –0.9 W m
with a 5 to 95% uncertainty range of
–1.9 to –0.1 W m
(medium confidence), and a likely range of –1.5 to
–0.4 W m
. These ranges account for the GCM results by allowing for
an ERFari+aci somewhat stronger than what is estimated by the sat-
ellite studies with a longer tail in the direction of stronger effects, but
(for reasons given above) give less weight to the early GCM estimates
shown in Figure 7.19. The ERFari+aci can be much larger regionally
but the global value is consistent with several new lines of evidence
suggesting less negative estimates of aerosolcloud interactionsthan
the corresponding estimate in Chapter 7 of AR4 of –1.2 W m
. The
AR4 estimate was based mainly on GCM studies that did not take
secondary processes (such as aerosol effects on mixed-phase and/or
convective clouds) into account, did not benefit as much from the use
of the recent satellite record, and did not account for the effect of
rapid adjustments on the longwave radiative budget. This uncertainty
range is slightly smaller than the –2.3 to –0.2 W m
in AR4, with a
less negative upper bound due to the reasons outlined above. The best
estimate of ERFari+aci is not only consistent with the studies allowing
cloud-scale responses (Wang et al., 2011b; Khairoutdinov and Yang,
2013) but also is in line with the average ERFari+aci from the CMIP5/
ACCMIP models (about –1 W m
, see Table 7.5), which as a whole
reproduce the observed warming of the 20th century (see Chapter 10).
Studies that infer ERFari+aci from the historical temperature rise are
discussed in Section 10.8.
7.5.4 Estimate of Effective Radiative Forcing from
Aerosol–Cloud Interactions Alone
ERFaci refers to changes in TOA radiation since pre-industrial times
due only to aerosolcloud interactions, i.e., albedo effects augmented
by possible changes in cloud amount and lifetime. As stated in Sec-
tion 7.5.1, we do not discuss RFaci by itself because it is an academic
POLDER = Polarization and Directionality of the Earth’s Reflectances.
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
construct. However, processes in GCMs that tend to affect RFaci such
as changes to the droplet size distribution breadth (e.g., Rotstayn
and Liu, 2005) will also affect ERFaci. Early studies evaluated just the
change in shortwave radiation or cloud radiative effect for ERFaci, but
lately the emphasis has changed to report changes in net TOA radia-
tion for ERFaci. As discussed in Section 7.5.3, evaluating ERFaci from
changes in net TOA radiation is the only correct method, and therefore
this is used whenever possible also in this section. However some ear-
lier estimates of ERFaci only reported changes in cloud radiative effect,
which we show in Figure 7.19 as the last resort. However, estimates
of changes in cloud radiative effect can differ quite substantially from
those in net radiation if rapid adjustments to aerosolcloud interac-
tions induce changes in clear-sky radiation.
Cloud amount and lifetime effects manifest themselves in GCMs via
their representation of autoconversion of cloud droplets to rain, a pro-
cess that is inversely dependent on droplet concentration. Thus, ERFaci
and ERFari+aci have been found to be very sensitive to the autoconver-
sion parameterization (Rotstayn, 2000; Golaz et al., 2011; Wang et al.,
2012). GCMs probably underestimate the extent to which precipitation
is formed via raindrop accretion of cloud droplets (Wood, 2005), a pro-
cess that is insensitive to aerosol and droplet concentration. Indeed,
models that remedy this imbalance in precipitation formation between
autoconversion and accretion (Posselt and Lohmann, 2009; Wang et
al., 2012) exhibit weaker ERFaci in agreement with small-scale stud-
ies that typically do not show a systematic increase in cloud lifetime
because of entrainment and because smaller droplets also evaporate
more readily (Jiang et al., 2006; Bretherton et al., 2007). Bottom-up
estimates of ERFaci are shown in Figure 7.19. Their median estimate of
–1.4 W m
is more negative than our expert judgement of ERFari+aci
because of the limitations of these studies discussed above.
Modelling Group Model Name ERFari+aci from All Anthropogenic Aerosols ERFari+aci from Sulphate Aerosols Only
CCCma CanESM2 –0.87 –0.90
–1.41 –1.10
GFDL GFDL-AM3 –1.60 (–1.44
) –1.62
IPSL IPSL-CM5A-LR –0.72 –0.71
–0.38 –0.34
MIROC MIROC5 –1.28 –1.05
MOHC HadGEM2-A –1.22 –1.16
MRI MRI-CGM3 –1.10 –0.48
NCC NorESM1-M –0.99
Ensemble mean –1.08
Standard deviation +0.32
Table 7.5 | Estimates of aerosol 1850–2000 effective radiative forcing (ERF, in W m
) in some of the CMIP5 and ACCMIP models. The ERFs are estimated from fixed-sea-surface
temperature (SST) experiments using atmosphere-only version of the models listed. Different models include different aerosol effects. The CMIP5 and ACCMIP protocols differ, hence
differences in forcing estimates for one model.
From ACCMIP (Shindell et al., 2013).
These models include the black carbon on snow effect.
This model does not include the ERF from aerosol–cloud interactions.
There is conflicting evidence for the importance of ERFaci associated
with cirrus, ranging from a statistically significant impact on cirrus cov-
erage (Hendricks et al., 2005) to a very small effect (Liu et al., 2009).
Penner et al. (2009) obtained a rather large negative RFaci of anthro-
pogenic ice-forming aerosol on upper tropospheric clouds of –0.67 to
–0.53 W m
; however, they ignored potential compensating effects
on lower lying clouds. A new study based on two GCMs and different
ways to deduce ERFaci on cirrus clouds estimates ERFaci to be +0.27
± 0.1 W m
(Gettelman et al., 2012), thus rendering aerosol effects on
cirrus clouds smaller than previously estimated and of opposite sign.
One reason for having switched to providing an expert judgment esti-
mate of ERFari+aci rather than of ERFaci is that the individual con-
tributions are very difficult to disentangle. The individual components
can be isolated only if linearity of ERFari and ERFaci is assumed but
there is no a priori reason why the ERFs should be additive because
by definition they occur in a system that is constantly readjusting to
multiple nonlinear forcings. Nevertheless assuming additivity, ERFaci
could be obtained as the difference between ERFari+aci and ERFari.
This yields an ERFaci estimate of –0.45 W m
, that is, much smaller
than the median ERFaci value of –1.4 W m
(see above and Figure
7.19). This discrepancy arises because the GCM estimates of ERFaci do
not consider secondary processes and because these studies are not
necessarily conducted with the same GCMs that estimate ERFari+aci.
This difference could also be a measure of the non-linearity of the ERFs.
A 90% uncertainty range of –1.2 to 0 W m
is adopted for ERFaci,
which accounts for the error covariance between ERFari and ERFaci
and the larger uncertainty on the lower bound. In summary, there is
much less confidence associated with the estimate of ERFaci than with
the estimate of ERFari+aci.
ACCMIP = Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project.
CMIP5 = Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5.
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ 7.2 | How Do Aerosols Affect Climate and Climate Change?
Atmospheric aerosols are composed of small liquid or solid particles suspended in the atmosphere, other than larger
cloud and precipitation particles. They come from natural and anthropogenic sources, and can affect the climate in
multiple and complex ways through their interactions with radiation and clouds. Overall, models and observations
indicate that anthropogenic aerosols have exerted a cooling influence on the Earth since pre-industrial times, which
has masked some of the global mean warming from greenhouse gases that would have occurred in their absence.
The projected decrease in emissions of anthropogenic aerosols in the future, in response to air quality policies,
would eventually unmask this warming.
Atmospheric aerosols have a typical lifetime of one day to two weeks in the troposphere, and about one year in the
stratosphere. They vary greatly in size, chemical composition and shape. Some aerosols, such as dust and sea spray,
are mostly or entirely of natural origin, while other aerosols, such as sulphates and smoke, come from both natural
and anthropogenic sources.
Aerosols affect climate in many ways. First, they scatter and absorb sunlight, which modifies the Earth’s radiative
balance (see FAQ.7.2, Figure 1). Aerosol scattering generally makes the planet more reflective, and tends to cool
the climate, while aerosol absorption has the opposite effect, and tends to warm the climate system. The balance
between cooling and warming depends on aerosol properties and environmental conditions. Many observational
studies have quantified local radiative effects from anthropogenic and natural aerosols, but determining their
FAQ 7.2, Figure 1 | Overview of interactions between aerosols and solar radiation and their impact on climate. The left panels show the instantaneous radiative effects
of aerosols, while the right panels show their overall impact after the climate system has responded to their radiative effects.
(a) (b)
Scattering aerosols
Aerosol-radiation interactions
Absorbing aerosols
The atmospheric circulation and mixing processes spread
the cooling regionally and in the vertical.
Aerosols scatter solar radiation. Less solar radiation
reaches the surface, which leads to a localised cooling.
At the larger scale there is a net warming of the surface and
atmosphere because the atmospheric circulation and
mixing processes redistribute the thermal energy.
Aerosols absorb solar radiation. This heats the aerosol
layer but the surface, which receives less solar radiation,
can cool locally.
(continued on next page)
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
FAQ 7.2 (continued)
global impact requires satellite data and models.
One of the remaining uncertainties comes from
black carbon, an absorbing aerosol that not
only is more difficult to measure than scattering
aerosols, but also induces a complicated cloud
response. Most studies agree, however, that
the overall radiative effect from anthropogenic
aerosols is to cool the planet.
Aerosols also serve as condensation and ice
nucleation sites, on which cloud droplets and ice
particles can form (see FAQ.7.2, Figure 2). When
influenced by more aerosol particles, clouds of
liquid water droplets tend to have more, but
smaller droplets, which causes these clouds to
reflect more solar radiation. There are however
many other pathways for aerosol–cloud inter-
actions, particularly in ice—or mixed liquid and
ice—clouds, where phase changes between
liquid and ice water are sensitive to aerosol con-
centrations and properties. The initial view that
an increase in aerosol concentration will also
increase the amount of low clouds has been
challenged because a number of counteracting
processes come into play. Quantifying the overall
impact of aerosols on cloud amounts and proper-
ties is understandably difficult. Available studies,
based on climate models and satellite observa-
tions, generally indicate that the net effect of
anthropogenic aerosols on clouds is to cool the
climate system.
Because aerosols are distributed unevenly in the
atmosphere, they can heat and cool the climate
system in patterns that can drive changes in the
weather. These effects are complex, and hard to
simulate with current models, but several stud-
ies suggest significant effects on precipitation in
certain regions.
Because of their short lifetime, the abundance of
aerosols—and their climate effects—have varied
over time, in rough concert with anthropogenic
emissions of aerosols and their precursors in the gas phase such as sulphur dioxide (SO
) and some volatile organic
compounds. Because anthropogenic aerosol emissions have increased substantially over the industrial period, this
has counteracted some of the warming that would otherwise have occurred from increased concentrations of well
mixed greenhouse gases. Aerosols from large volcanic eruptions that enter the stratosphere, such as those of El
Chichón and Pinatubo, have also caused cooling periods that typically last a year or two.
Over the last two decades, anthropogenic aerosol emissions have decreased in some developed countries, but
increased in many developing countries. The impact of aerosols on the global mean surface temperature over this
particular period is therefore thought to be small. It is projected, however, that emissions of anthropogenic aero-
sols will ultimately decrease in response to air quality policies, which would suppress their cooling influence on the
Earth’s surface, thus leading to increased warming.
Aerosols serve as cloud condensation nuclei upon which
liquid droplets can form.
Aerosol-cloud interactions
More aerosols result in a larger concentration of smaller
droplets, leading to a brighter cloud. However there are
many other possible aerosol–cloud–precipitation
processes which may amplify or dampen this effect.
FAQ 7.2, Figure 2 | Overview of aerosol–cloud interactions and their impact
on climate. Panels (a) and (b) represent a clean and a polluted low-level cloud,
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
7.6 Processes Underlying Precipitation
7.6.1 Introduction
In this section we outline some of the main processes thought to con-
trol the climatological distribution of precipitation and precipitation
extremes. Emphasis is placed on large-scale constraints that relate
to processes, such as changes in the water vapour mixing ratio that
accompany warming, or changes in atmospheric heating rates that
accompany changing GHG and aerosol concentrations, which are dis-
cussed earlier in this chapter. The fidelity with which large-scale models
represent different aspects of precipitation, ranging from the diurnal
cycle to extremes, is discussed in Section 9.4.1. Building on, and adding
to, concepts developed here, Section 11.3.2 presents near term pro-
jections of changes in regional precipitation features. Projections of
changes on longer time scales, again with more emphasis on regionally
specific features and the coupling to the land surface, are presented
in Section 12.4.5. The effect of processes discussed in this section on
specific precipitation systems, such as the monsoon, the intertropical
convergence zones, or tropical cyclones are presented in Chapter 14.
Precipitation is sustained by the availability of moisture and energy.
In a globally averaged sense the oceans provide an unlimited supply
of moisture, so that precipitation formation is energetically limited
(Mitchell et al., 1987). Locally precipitation can be greatly modified by
limitations in the availability of moisture (for instance over land) and
the effect of circulation systems, although these too are subject to local
energetic constraints (Neelin and Held, 1987; Raymond et al., 2009).
There are many ways to satisfy these constraints, and climate models
still exhibit substantial biases in their representation of the spatio-tem-
poral distribution of precipitation (Stephens et al., 2010; Liepert and
Previdi, 2012; Section 9.5). Nonetheless, through careful analysis, it is
possible to identify robust features in the simulated response of precip-
itation to changes in precipitation drivers. In almost every case these
can be related to well understood processes, as described below.
7.6.2 The Effects of Global Warming on Large-Scale
Precipitation Trends
The atmospheric water vapour mixing ratio is expected to increase with
temperature roughly following the saturation value (e.g., with increas-
es in surface values ranging from 6 to 10% °C
and larger increases
aloft, see Section Increases in global mean precipitation are,
however, constrained by changes in the net radiative cooling rate of
the troposphere. GCMs, whose detailed treatment of radiative trans-
fer provides a basis for calculating these energetic limitations, sug-
gest that for the CO
forcing, globally-averaged precipitation increases
with global mean surface temperature at about 1 to 3% °C
ell et al., 1987; Held and Soden, 2006; Richter and Xie, 2008). Pre-
cipitation changes evince considerable regional variability about the
globally averaged value; generally speaking precipitation is expected
to increase in the wettest latitudes, whereas dry latitudes may even
see a precipitation decrease (Mitchell et al., 1987; Allen and Ingram,
2002; Held and Soden, 2006). On smaller scales, or near precipitation
margins, the response is less clear due to model-specific, and less well
understood, regional circulation shifts (Neelin et al., 2006), but there
is some evidence that the sub-tropical dry zones are expanding (Sec-
tion and Section 2.7.5), both as a result of the tropical conver-
gence zones narrowing (Neelin et al., 2006; Chou et al., 2009), and the
storm tracks moving poleward (Allen et al., 2012) and strengthening
(O’Gorman and Schneider, 2008).
The ‘wet-get-wetter’ and ‘dry-get-drier’ response that is evident at
large scales over oceans can be understood as a simple consequence
of a change in the water vapour content carried by circulations, which
otherwise are little changed (Mitchell et al., 1987; Held and Soden,
2006). Wet regions are wet because they import moisture from dry
regions, increasingly so with warmer temperatures. These ideas have
withstood additional analysis and scrutiny since AR4 (Chou et al.,
2009; Seager et al., 2010; Muller and O’Gorman, 2011), are evident
in 20th century precipitation trends (Allan and Soden, 2007; Zhang et
al., 2007b; see Section 2.5.1) and are assessed on different time scales
in Chapters 11 and 12. Because the wet-get-wetter argument implies
that precipitation changes associated with warming correlate with the
present-day pattern of precipitation, biases in the simulation of pres-
ent-day precipitation will lead to biases in the projections of future
precipitation change (Bony et al., 2013).
The wet-get-wetter and dry-get-drier response pattern is mitigated,
particularly in the dry regions, by the anticipated slowdown of the
atmospheric circulation (as also discussed in Section, as well
as by gains from local surface evaporation. The slowdown within the
descent regions can be partly understood as a consequence of the
change in the dry static stability of the atmosphere with warming. And
although this line of argument is most effective for explaining changes
over the ocean (Chou et al., 2009; Bony et al., 2013), it can also be
used to understand the GCM land responses to some extent (Muller
and O’Gorman, 2011).
The non-uniform nature of surface warming induces regional circula-
tion shifts that affect precipitation trends. In the tropics SSTs warm
more where winds are weak and thus are less effective in damping
surface temperature anomalies, and precipitation systematically shifts
to regions that warm more (Xie et al., 2010). The greater warming over
land, and its regional variations, also affect the regional distributions
of precipitation (Joshi et al., 2008). However, low understanding of soil
moisture–precipitation feedbacks complicates interpretations of local
responses to warming over land (Hohenegger et al., 2009), so that the
effect of warming on precipitation at the scale of individual catch-
ments is not well understood. Some broad-scale responses, particularly
over the ocean, are more robust and relatively well understood.
7.6.3 Radiative Forcing of the Hydrological Cycle
In the absence of a compensating temperature change, an increase in
well-mixed GHG concentrations tends to reduce the net radiative cool-
ing of the troposphere. This reduces the rainfall rate and the strength
of the overturning circulation (Andrews et al., 2009; Bony et al., 2013),
such that the increase in global mean precipitation would be 1.5 to
3.5% °C
due to temperature alone but is reduced by about 0.5% °C
due to the effect of CO
(Lambert and Webb, 2008). The dynamic effects
are similar to those that result from the effect of atmospheric warming
on the lapse rate, which also reduces the strength of the atmospheric
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
overturning circulation (e.g., Section 7.6.2), and are robustly evident
over a wide range of models and model configurations (Bony et al.,
2013; see also Figure 7.20). These circulation changes influence the
regional response, and are more pronounced over the ocean, because
asymmetries in the land-sea response to changing concentrations of
GHGs (Joshi et al., 2008) amplify the maritime and dampen or even
reverse the terrestrial signal (Wyant et al., 2012; Bony et al., 2013).
The dependence of the intensity of the hydrological cycle on the tro-
pospheric cooling rate helps to explain why perturbations having
the same RF do not produce the same precipitation responses. Apart
from the relatively small increase in absorption by atmospheric water
vapour, increased solar forcing does not directly affect the net tropo-
spheric cooling rate. As a result the hydrological cycle mostly feels the
subsequent warming through its influence on the rate of tropospheric
cooling (Takahashi, 2009). This is why modeling studies suggest that
solar radiation management (geoengineering) methods that maintain
a constant surface temperature will lead to a reduction in globally
averaged precipitation as well as different regional distributions of
precipitation (Schmidt et al., 2012b; Section 7.7.3).
Changes in cloud radiative effects, and aerosol RF can also be effec-
tive in changing the net radiative heating rate within the troposphere
(Lambert and Webb, 2008; Pendergrass and Hartmann, 2012). Most
Tropical ΔT
Change in overturning strength (%)
024 6
Abrupt 4xCO
in CMIP5 Coupled Model
RCP 8.5 scenario at 4xCO
in AGCMs (fixed SST)
in aqua-planet AGCMs (fixed SST
Figure 7.20 | Illustration of the response of the large-scale atmospheric overturning
to warming (adapted from Bony et al., 2013). The overturning intensity is shown on the
y-axis and is measured by the difference between the mean motion in upward moving
air and the mean motion in downward moving air. The warming is shown on the x-axis
and is measured by the change in surface temperature averaged over the Tropics, ΔT
after an abrupt quadrupling of atmospheric CO
. The grey region delineates responses
for which ΔT
is zero by definition. Nearly one half of the final reduction in the intensity
of the overturning is evident before any warming is felt, and can be associated with
a rapid adjustment of the hydrological cycle to changes in the atmospheric cooling
rate accompanying a change in CO
. With warming the circulation intensity is further
reduced. The rapid adjustment, as measured by the change in circulation intensity for
zero warming, is different over land and ocean. Over land the increase in CO
causes an intensification of the circulation. The result is robust in the sense that it is
apparent in all of the 15 CMIP5 models analysed, irrespective of the details of their
prominently, absorption of solar radiation by atmospheric aerosols
is understood to reduce the globally averaged precipitation. But this
effect may be offset by the tendency of absorbing aerosols to reduce
the planetary albedo, thereby raising surface temperature, leading to
more precipitation (Andrews et al., 2009). Heterogeneously distributed
precipitation drivers such as clouds, aerosols and tropospheric ozone
will also induce circulations that may amplify or dampen their local
impact on the hydrological cycle (Ming et al., 2010; Allen et al., 2012;
Shindell et al., 2012). Such regional effects are discussed further in
Chapter 14 for the case of aerosols.
7.6.4 Effects of Aerosol–Cloud Interactions on
Aerosol–cloud interactions directly influence the cloud microphysical
structure, and only indirectly (if at all) the net atmospheric heating
rate, and for this reason have mostly been explored in terms of their
effect on the character and spatio-temporal distribution of precipita-
tion, rather than on the globally-averaged amount of precipitation.
The sensitivity of simulated clouds to their microphysical development
(e.g., Fovell et al., 2009; Parodi and Emanuel, 2009) suggests that they
may be susceptible to the availability of CCN and IN. For instance, an
increase in CCN favours smaller cloud droplets, which delays the onset
of precipitation and the formation of ice particles in convective clouds
(Rosenfeld and Woodley, 2001; Khain et al., 2005). It has been hypoth-
esized that such changes may affect the vertical distribution and total
amount of latent heating in ways that would intensify or invigorate
convective storms, as measured by the strength and vertical extent
of the convective updraughts (Andreae et al., 2004; Rosenfeld et al.,
2008; Rosenfeld and Bell, 2011; Tao et al., 2012). Support for the idea
that the availability of CCN influences the vigour of convective systems
can be found in some modelling studies, but the strength, and even
sign, of such an effect has been shown to be contingent on a variety
of environmental factors (Seifert and Beheng, 2006; Fan et al., 2009;
Khain, 2009; Seifert et al., 2012) as well as on modelling assumptions
(Ekman et al., 2011).
Observational studies, based on large data sets that sample many
convective systems, report systematic correlations between aerosol
amount and cloud-top temperatures (Devasthale et al., 2005; Koren
et al., 2010a; Li et al., 2011). Weekly cycles in cloud properties and
precipitation, wherein convective intensity, cloud cover or precipita-
tion increases during that part of the week when aerosol concentra-
tions are largest, have also been reported (Bäumer and Vogel, 2007;
Bell et al., 2008; Rosenfeld and Bell, 2011). Both types of studies have
been interpreted in terms of an aerosol influence on convective cloud
systems. However, whether or not these findings demonstrate that a
greater availability of CCN systematically invigorates, or otherwise
affects, convection remains controversial. Many of the weekly cycle
studies are disputed on statistical or other methodological grounds
(Barmet et al., 2009; Stjern, 2011; Tuttle and Carbone, 2011; Sanchez-
Lorenzo et al., 2012; Yuter et al., 2013). Even in cases where relation-
ships between aerosol amount and some measure of convective inten-
sity appear to be unambiguous, the interpretation that this reflects an
aerosol effect on the convection is less clear, as both aerosol properties
and convection are strongly influenced by meteorological factors that
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
are not well controlled for (e.g., Boucher and Quaas, 2013). Studies
that have used CRMs to consider the net effect of aerosol–cloud inter-
actions integrated over many storms, or in more of a climate context
wherein convective heating must balance radiative cooling within the
atmosphere, also do not support a strong and systematic invigoration
effect resulting from very large (many fold) changes in the ambient
aerosol (Morrison and Grabowski, 2011; van den Heever et al., 2011;
Seifert et al., 2012; Khairoutdinov and Yang, 2013). Locally in space or
time, however, radiative processes are less constraining, leaving open
the possibility of stronger effects from localized or transient aerosol
Because precipitation development in clouds is a time-dependent
process, which proceeds at rates that are partly determined by the
cloud microphysical structure (Seifert and Zängl, 2010), aerosol–cloud
interactions may lead to shifts in topographic precipitation to the lee-
ward side of mountains when precipitation is suppressed, or to the
windward side in cases when it is more readily initiated. Orographic
clouds show a reduction in the annual precipitation over topographical
barriers downwind of major urban areas in some studies (Givati and
Rosenfeld, 2004; Jirak and Cotton, 2006) but not in others (Halfon et
al., 2009). Even in cases where effects are reported, the results have
proven sensitive to how the data are analysed (Alpert et al., 2008;
Levin and Cotton, 2009).
In summary, it is unclear whether changes in aerosol–cloud interac-
tions arising from changes in the availability of CCN or IN can affect,
and possibly intensify, the evolution of individual precipitating cloud
systems. Some observational and modelling studies suggest such an
effect, but are undermined by alternative interpretations of the obser-
vational evidence, and a lack of robustness in the modelling studies.
The evidence for systematic effects over larger areas and long time
periods is, if anything, more limited and ambiguous.
7.6.5 The Physical Basis for Changes in Precipitation
The physical basis for aerosol microphysical effects on convective
intensity was discussed in the previous section. Here we briefly dis-
cuss process understanding of the effect of warming on precipitation
extremes; observed trends supporting these conclusions are presented
in Section 2.6.2.
Precipitation within individual storms is expected to increase with the
available moisture content in the atmosphere or near the surface rather
than with the global precipitation (Allen and Ingram, 2002; Held and
Soden, 2006), which leads to a 6 to 10% °C
increase, but with longer
intervals between storms (O’Gorman and Schneider, 2009). Because
GCMs are generally poor at simulating precipitation extremes (Ste-
phens et al., 2010) and predicted changes in a warmer climate vary
(Kharin et al., 2007; Sugiyama et al., 2010), they are not usually thought
of as a source of reliable information regarding extremes. Howev-
er, a recent study (O’Gorman, 2012) shows that GCM predictions of
extremes can be constrained by observable relationships in the pres-
ent day climate, and upon doing so become broadly consistent with
the idea that extreme precipitation increases by 6 to 10% per °C of
warming. Central estimates of sensitivity of extreme (99.9th percentile)
Change in precipitation (% ºC
B. Observed Trends
C. GCM Constrained by Obs
Increasing CO
Time average 24 hr Extreme ≤ 1hr Extreme
daily rainfall to global temperature from this study were 10% °C
the tropics (O’Gorman, 2012), compared to 5% °C
predicted by the
models in the extratropics, where they may be more reliable (O’Gorman
and Schneider, 2009). How precipitation extremes depend on temper-
ature has also been explored using cloud resolving simulations (but
only for tropical conditions) which produce similar increases in extreme
instantaneous rain rate (Romps, 2011) and daily or hourly rain totals
(Muller et al., 2011) within storms (Figure 7.21). Because these latter
studies are confined to small domains, they may exclude important
synoptic or larger-scale dynamical changes such as increases in flow
convergence (Chou et al., 2009; Sugiyama et al., 2010).
By taking advantage of natural variability in the present day climate,
a number of studies have correlated observed rainfall extremes with
local temperature variations. In the extratropics, these studies docu-
ment sensitivities of extreme precipitation to temperature much higher
than those reported above (Lenderink and Van Meijgaard, 2008), but
sensitivities vary with temperature (Lenderink et al., 2011), are often
negative in the tropics (Hardwick Jones et al., 2010) and usually
strengthen at the shortest (e.g., hourly or less) time scales (e.g., Haerter
et al., 2010; Hardwick Jones et al., 2010). However, local temperature
changes may not be a good proxy for global warming because they
tend to co-vary with other meteorological factors (such as humidity,
atmospheric stability, or wind direction) in ways that are uncharac-
teristic of changes in the mean temperature (see Section,
and these other meteorological factors may dominate the observed
signal (e.g., Haerter and Berg, 2009). Thus, the idea that precipitation
extremes depend much more strongly on temperature than the 5 to
Figure 7.21 | Estimate (5 to 95% range) of the increase in precipitation amount per
degree Celsius of global mean surface temperature change. At left (blue) are climate
model predictions of changes in time-averaged global precipitation; at centre and right
(orange) are predictions or estimates of the typical or average increase in local 99.9th
percentile extremes, over 24 hours (centre) and over one hour or less (right). Data
are adapted from (A) GCM studies (Allen and Ingram, 2002; and Lambert and Webb,
2008, for time average; O’Gorman and Schneider, 2009 for extremes), (B) long-term
trends at many sites globally (Westra et al., 2013), (C) GCMsconstrained by present-
day observations of extremes (O’Gorman, 2012), (D, E) cloud-resolving model (CRM)
and large-eddy simulation (LES) studies of radiative convective equilibrium (Muller et
al., 2011; Romps, 2011).
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
10% increase per degree Celsius attributable to water vapour changes,
remains controversial.
Following the AR4, studies have also continued to show that extremes
in precipitation are associated with the coincidence of particular
weather patterns (e.g., Lavers et al., 2011). We currently lack an ade-
quate understanding of what controls the return time and persistence
of such rare events.
From the aforementioned model and observational evidence, there is
high confidence that the intensity of extreme precipitation events will
increase with warming, at a rate well exceeding that of the mean pre-
cipitation. There is medium confidence that the increase is roughly 5 to
10% °C
warming but may vary with time scale, location and season.
7.7 Solar Radiation Management and
Related Methods
7.7.1 Introduction
Geoengineering—also called climate engineering—is defined as a
broad set of methods and technologies that aim to deliberately alter
the climate system in order to alleviate impacts of climate change
(Keith, 2000; Izrael et al., 2009; Royal Society, 2009; IPCC, 2011). Two
main classes of geoengineering are often considered. Solar Radiation
Management (SRM) proposes to counter the warming associated with
increasing GHG concentrations by reducing the amount of sunlight
absorbed at the surface. A related method seeks to alter high-altitude
cirrus clouds to reduce their greenhouse effect. Another class of geoen-
gineering called Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) is discussed in Section
6.5. This section assesses how the climate system might respond to
some proposed SRM methods and related methods thought to have
the potential to influence the global energy budget by at least a few
tenths of a W m
but it does not assess technological or economi-
cal feasibility, or consider methods targeting specific climate impacts
(MacCracken, 2009). Geoengineering is quite a new field of research,
and there are relatively few studies focussed on it. Assessment of SRM
is limited by (1) gaps in understanding of some important processes;
(2) a relative scarcity of studies; and (3) a scarcity of studies using
similar experimental design. This section discusses some aspects of
SRM potential to mitigate global warming, outlines robust conclusions
where they are apparent, and evaluates uncertainties and potential
side effects. Additional impacts of SRM are assessed in Section 19.5.4
of the WGII report, while some of the socio-economic issues are
assessed in Chapters 3, 6 and 13 of the WGIII report.
7.7.2 Assessment of Proposed Solar Radiation
Management Methods
A number of studies have suggested reducing the amount of sunlight
reaching the Earth by placing solid or refractive disks, or dust particles,
in outer space (Early, 1989; Mautner, 1991; Angel, 2006; Bewick et al.,
2012). Although we do not assess the feasibility of these methods, they
provide an easily described mechanism for reducing sunlight reach-
ing the planet, and motivate the idealized studies discussed in Section
7.7.3. Stratospheric Aerosols
Some SRM methods propose increasing the amount of stratospher-
ic aerosol to produce a cooling effect like that observed after strong
explosive volcanic eruptions (Budyko, 1974; Crutzen, 2006). Recent
studies have used numerical simulations and/or natural analogues to
explore the possibility of forming sulphuric acid aerosols by injecting
sulphur-containing gases into the stratosphere (Rasch et al., 2008b).
Because aerosols eventually sediment out of the stratosphere (within
roughly a year or less), these methods require replenishment to main-
tain a given level of RF. Research has also begun to explore the efficacy
of other types of aerosol particles (Crutzen, 2006; Keith, 2010; Ferraro
et al., 2011; Kravitz et al., 2012) but the literature is much more limited
and not assessed here.
The RF depends on the choice of chemical species (gaseous sulphur
dioxide (SO
), sulphuric acid (H
) or sprayed aerosols), location(s),
rate and frequency of injection. The injection strategy affects particle
size (Rasch et al., 2008a; Heckendorn et al., 2009; Pierce et al., 2010;
English et al., 2012), with larger particles producing less RF (per unit
mass) and more rapid sedimentation than smaller particles, affecting
the efficacy of the method. The aerosol size distribution is controlled
by an evolving balance between new particle formation, condensation
of vapour on pre-existing particles, evaporation of particles, coagula-
tion and sedimentation. Models that more fully account for aerosol
processes (Heckendorn et al., 2009; Pierce et al., 2010; English et al.,
2012) found smaller aerosol burdens, larger particles and weaker RF
than earlier studies that prescribed the particle size over the particle
lifetime. Current modeling studies indicate that injection of sulphate
aerosol precursors of at least 10 Mt S (approximately the amount of
sulphur injected by the Mount Pinatubo eruption) would be needed
annually to maintain a RF of 4 W m
, roughly equal but opposite to
that associated with a doubling of atmospheric CO
(Heckendorn et al.,
2009; Pierce et al., 2010; Niemeier et al., 2011). Stratospheric aerosols
may affect high clouds in the tropopause region, and one study (Kueb-
beler et al., 2012) suggests significant negative forcing would result,
but this is uncertain given limited understanding of ice nucleation in
high clouds (Section
Along with its potential to mitigate some aspects of global warming,
the potential side effects of SRM must also be considered. Tilmes et al.
(2008; 2009) estimated that stratospheric aerosols SRM might increase
chemical ozone loss at high latitudes and delay recovery of the Antarc-
tic ozone hole (expected at the end of this century) by 30 to 70 years,
with changes in column ozone of –3 to –10% in polar latitudes and
+3 to +5% in the tropics. A high latitude ozone loss is expected to
increase UV radiation reaching the surface there, although the effect
would be partially compensated by the increase in attenuation by the
aerosol itself (Vogelmann et al., 1992; Tilmes et al., 2012). A decrease
in direct radiation and increase in diffuse radiation reaching the Earth’s
surface would occur and would be expected to increase photosynthesis
in terrestrial ecosystems (Mercado et al., 2009; see Section 6.5.4) and
decrease the efficiency of some solar energy technologies (see WGII
AR5, Section 19.5.4). Models indicate that stratospheric aerosol SRM
would not pose a surface acidification threat with maximum acid dep-
osition rates estimated to be at least 500 times less than the threshold
of concern for the most sensitive land ecosystems (Kuylenstierna et al.,
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
2001; Kravitz et al., 2009); contributions to ocean acidification are also
estimated to represent a very small fraction of that induced by anthro-
pogenic CO
emissions (Kravitz et al., 2009). There are other known
side effects that remain unquantified, and limited understanding (and
limited study) make additional impacts difficult to anticipate. Cloud Brightening
Boundary layer clouds act to cool the planet, and relatively small
changes in albedo or areal extent of low cloud can have profound
effects on the Earth’s radiation budget (Section 7.2.1). Theoretical,
modelling and observational studies show that the albedo of these
types of cloud systems are susceptible to changes in their droplet con-
centrations, but the detection and quantification of RF attributable to
such effects is difficult to separate from meteorological variability (Sec-
tion Nonetheless, by systematically introducing CCN into the
marine boundary layer, it should be possible to locally increase bound-
ary layer cloud albedo as discussed in Section 7.4.2. These ideas under-
pin the method of cloud brightening, for instance through the direct
injection (seeding) of sea-spray particles into cloud-forming air masses
(Latham, 1990). An indirect cloud brightening mechanism through
enhanced DMS production has also been proposed (Wingenter et al.,
2007) but the efficacy of the DMS mechanism is disputed (Vogt et al.,
2008; Woodhouse et al., 2008).
The seeding of cloud layers with a propensity to precipitate may
change cloud structure (e.g., from open to closed cells) and/or increase
liquid water content (Section, in either case changing albedo
and producing strong negative forcing. A variety of methods have been
used to identify which cloud regions are most susceptible to an aerosol
change (Oreopoulos and Platnick, 2008; Salter et al., 2008; Alterskjær
et al., 2012). Marine stratocumulus clouds with relatively weak precipi-
tation are thought to be an optimal cloud type for brightening because
of their relatively low droplet concentrations, their expected increase in
cloud water in response to seeding (Section, and the longer
lifetime of sea salt particles in non- or weakly precipitating environ-
ments. Relatively strong local ERFaci (–30 to –100 W m
) would be
required to produce a global forcing of –1 to –5 W m
if only the more
susceptible clouds were seeded.
Simple modelling studies suggest that increasing droplet concentra-
tions in marine boundary layer clouds by a factor of five or so (to con-
centrations of 375 to 1000 cm
) could produce an ERFaci of about –1
W m
if 5% of the ocean surface area were seeded, and an ERFaci as
strong as –4 W m
if that fraction were increased to 75% (Latham et
al., 2008; Jones et al., 2009; Rasch et al., 2009). Subsequent studies
with more complete treatments of aerosol–cloud interactions have pro-
duced both stronger (Alterskjær et al., 2012; Partanen et al., 2012) and
weaker (Korhonen et al., 2010a) changes. Because the initial response
to cloud seeding is local, high-resolution, limited-domain simulations
are especially useful to explore the efficacy of seeding. One recent
study of this type (Wang et al., 2011a) found that cloud brightening
is sensitive to cloud dynamical adjustments that are difficult to treat
in current GCMs (Sections 7.4.3 and 7.5.3) and concluded that the
seeding rates initially proposed for cloud seeding may be insufficient
to produce the desired cloud brightening. Recent studies accounting
for clear-sky brightening from increased aerosol concentrations (i.e.,
ERFari) also found an increase in the amplitude of the ERF by 30 to
50% (Hill and Ming, 2012; Partanen et al., 2012), thereby making the
aerosol seeding more effective than previous estimates that neglected
that effect.
In summary, evidence that cloud brightening methods are effective
and feasible in changing cloud reflectivity is ambiguous and subject to
many of the uncertainties associated with aerosol–cloud interactions
more broadly. If cloud brightening were to produce large local chang-
es in ERF, those changes would affect the local energy budget, with
further impacts on larger-scale oceanic and atmospheric circulations.
Possible side effects accompanying such large and spatially heteroge-
neous changes in ERF have not been systematically studied. Surface Albedo Changes
A few studies have explored how planetary albedo might be increased
by engineering local changes to the albedo of urban areas, croplands,
grasslands, deserts and the ocean surface. Effects from whitening of
urban areas have been estimated to yield a potential RF of –0.17 W m
(Hamwey, 2007) although subsequent studies (Lenton and Vaughan,
2009; Oleson et al., 2010; Jacobson and Ten Hoeve, 2012) suggest that
this estimate may be at the upper end of what is achievable. Larger
effects might be achievable by replacing native grassland or cropland
with natural or bioengineered species with a larger albedo. A hypo-
thetical 25% increase in grassland albedo could yield a RF as large as
–0.5 W m
(Lenton and Vaughan, 2009), with the maximum effect in
the mid-latitudes during summer (Ridgwell et al., 2009; Doughty et al.,
2011). The feasibility of increasing crop and grassland albedo remains
unknown, and there could be side effects on photosynthetic activity,
carbon uptake and biodiversity. The low albedo and large extent of
oceanic surfaces mean that only a small increase in albedo, for exam-
ple, by increasing the concentration of microbubbles in the surface
layer of the ocean (Evans et al., 2010; Seitz, 2011), could be sufficient
to offset several W m
of RF by GHGs. Neither the extent of micro-
bubble generation and persistence required for a significant climate
impact, nor the potential side effects on the ocean circulation, air-sea
fluxes and marine ecosystems have been assessed. Cirrus Thinning
Although not strictly a form of SRM, proposals have been made to cool
the planet by reducing the coverage or longwave opacity of high thin
cirrus clouds, which act to warm the surface through their greenhouse
effect (see Section A proposal for doing so involves adding
efficient IN in regions prone to forming thin cirrus cloud (Mitchell and
Finnegan, 2009). To the extent such a proposal is feasible, one mod-
elling study suggests that an ERFaci of as strong as –2 W m
be achieved (Storelvmo et al., 2013), with further negative forcing
caused by a reduction in humidity of the upper troposphere associat-
ed with the cloud changes. However, lack of understanding of cirrus
cloud formation processes, as well as ice microphysical processes (Sec-
tion 7.4.4), makes it difficult to judge the feasibility of such a method,
particularly in light of the fact that increasing ice nucleation can also
increase cirrus opacity, under some circumstances producing an oppo-
site, positive forcing (Storelvmo et al., 2013). Side effects specific to the
‘cirrus thinning’ method have not been investigated.
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
7.7.3 Climate Response to Solar Radiation
Management Methods
As discussed elsewhere in this and other chapters of this assessment,
significant gaps remain in our understanding of the climate response
to forcing mechanisms. Geoengineering is also a relatively new field of
research. The gaps in understanding, scarcity of studies and diversity
in the model experimental design make quantitative model evaluation
and intercomparison difficult, hindering an assessment of the efficacy
and side effects of SRM. This motivates dividing the discussion into two
sections, one that assesses idealized studies that focus on conceptual
issues and searches for robust responses to simple changes in the bal-
ance between solar irradiance and CO
forcing, and another discussing
studies that more closely emulate specific SRM methods. Climate Response in Idealized Studies
Perhaps the simplest SRM experiment that can be performed in a
climate model consists of a specified reduction of the total solar
irradiance, which could approximate the radiative impact of space
reflectors. Reductions in solar irradiance in particular regions (over
land or ocean, or in polar or tropical regions) could also provide useful
information. Idealized simulations often focus on the effects of a com-
plete cancellation of the warming from GHGs, but the rate of warming
is occasionally explored by producing a negative RF that partially can-
cels the anthropogenic forcing (e.g., Eliseev et al., 2009). They can also
provide insight into the climate response to other SRM methods, and
can provide a simple baseline for examining other SRM techniques.
The most comprehensive and systematic evaluation of idealized SRM
to date is the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (Kravitz
et al., 2011). Together with earlier model studies, this project found
robust surface temperature reductions when the total solar irradiance is
reduced: when this reduction compensates for CO
RF, residual effects
appear regionally, but they are much smaller than the warming due to
the CO
RF alone (Kravitz et al., 2011; Schmidt et al., 2012b; Figures
7.22a, b and 7.23a–d) The substantial warming from 4 × CO
at high
latitudes (4°C to 18°C) is reduced to a warming of 0°C to 3°C near
Change in temperature (°C)
Change in precipitation (mm day
90°S 60°S 30°S Eq 30°N 60°N 90°N
90°S 60°S 30°S Eq 30°N 60°N 90°N
Ensemble Mean
90°S 60°S 30°S Eq 30°N 60°N 90°N
90°S 60°S 30°S Eq 30°N 60°N 90°N
Quadrupling CO
Quadrupling CO
and Reducing Solar Input
Figure 7.22 | Zonally and annually averaged change in surface air temperature (°C) for (a) an abrupt 4 × CO
experiment and (b) an experiment where the 4 × CO
forcing is
balanced by a reduction in the total solar irradiance to produce a global top of the atmosphere flux imbalance of less than ±0.1 W m
during the first 10 years of the simulation
(Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) G1 experiment; Kravitz et al., 2011). (c, d) Same as (a) and (b) but for the change in precipitation (mm day
). The multi-
model ensemble mean is shown with a thick black solid line. All changes are relative to the pre-industrial control experiment and averaged over years 11 to 50. The figure extends
the results from Schmidt et al. (2012b) and shows the results from an ensemble of 12 coupled ocean–atmosphere general circulation models.
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
Figure 7.23 | Multi-model mean of the change in surface air temperature (°C) averaged over December, January and February (DJF) for (a) an abrupt 4 × CO
simulation and (b)
an experiment where the 4 × CO
forcing is balanced by a reduction in the total solar irradiance to produce a global top of the atmosphere flux imbalance of less than ±0.1 W m
during the first 10 years of the simulation (Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) G1 experiment; Kravitz et al., 2011). (c, d) Same as (a-b) but for June, July and
August (JJA). (e–h) same as (a–d) but for the change in precipitation (mm day
). All changes are relative to the pre-industrial control experiment and averaged over years 11 to 50.
The figure extends the results from Schmidt et al. (2012b) and shows the results from an ensemble of 12 coupled ocean–atmosphere general circulation models. Stippling denotes
agreement on the sign of the anomaly in at least 9 out of the 12 models.
the winter pole. The residual surface temperature changes are gener-
ally positive at mid- and high-latitudes, especially over continents, and
generally negative in the tropics (Bala et al., 2008; Lunt et al., 2008;
Schmidt et al., 2012b). These anomalies can be understood in terms of
the difference between the more uniform longwave forcing associated
with changes in long-lived GHGs and the less uniform shortwave forc-
ing from SRM that has a stronger variation in latitude and season. The
compensation between SRM and CO
forcing is inexact in other ways.
For example, SRM will change heating rates only during daytime, but
increasing greenhouse effect changes temperatures during both day
and night, influencing the diurnal cycle of surface temperature even if
compensation for the diurnally averaged surface temperature is correct.
Although increasing CO
concentrations lead to a positive RF that
warms the entire troposphere, SRM produces a negative RF that tends
to cool the surface. The combination of RFs produces an increase in
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
stability that leads to less global precipitation as seen in Figures 7.22c,
d and 7.23e–g (Bala et al., 2008; Andrews et al., 2010; Schmidt et al.,
2012b) and discussed in Section 7.6.3. The reduction in precipitation
shows similarities to the climate response induced by the Pinatubo
eruption (Trenberth and Dai, 2007). Although the impact of changes in
the total solar irradiance on global mean precipitation is well under-
stood and robust in models, there is less understanding and agree-
ment among models in the spatial pattern of the precipitation changes.
Modelling studies suggest that some residual patterns may be robust
(e.g., approximately 5% reduction in precipitation over Southeast Asia
and the Pacific Warm Pool in June, July and August), but a physical
explanation for these changes is lacking. Some model results indicate
that an asymmetric hemispheric SRM forcing would induce changes in
some regional precipitation patterns (Haywood et al., 2013).
Figure 7.24 | Time series of globally averaged (a) surface temperature (°C) and (b)
precipitation (mm day
) changes relative to each model’s 1 × CO
reference simula-
tion. Solid lines are for simulations using solar radiation management (SRM) through
an increasing reduction of the total solar irradiance to balance a 1% yr
increase in
concentration until year 50, after which SRM is stopped for the next 20 years
(Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) G2 experiment; Kravitz et al.,
2011). Dashed lines are for 1% CO
increase simulations with no SRM. The multi-model
ensemble mean is shown with thick black lines.
Change in temperature (°C)
Change in precipitation (mm day
Ensemble Mean
High CO
concentrations from anthropogenic emissions will persist
in the atmosphere for more than a thousand years in the absence of
active efforts to remove atmospheric CO
(see Chapter 6). If SRM were
used to counter positive forcing, it would be needed as long as the
concentrations remained high (Boucher et al., 2009). If GHG con-
centrations continued to increase, then the scale of SRM to offset the
resulting warming would need to increase proportionally, amplifying
residual effects from increasingly imperfect compensation. Figure 7.24
shows projections of the globally averaged surface temperature and
precipitation changes associated with a 1% yr
increase, with and
without SRM. The scenario includes a hypothetical, abrupt termination
of SRM at year 50, which could happen due to any number of unfore-
seeable circumstances. After this event, all the simulations predict a
return to temperature levels consistent with the CO
forcing within one
to two decades (high confidence), and with a large rate of temperature
change (see also Irvine et al., 2012). Precipitation, which drops by 1%
over the SRM period, rapidly returns to levels consistent with the CO
forcing upon SRM termination. The very rapid warming would prob-
ably affect ecosystem and human adaptation, and would also weaken
carbon sinks, accelerating atmospheric CO
accumulation and contrib-
uting to further warming (Matthews and Caldeira, 2007).
Research suggests that this ‘termination effect’ might be avoided if
SRM were used at a modest level and for a relatively short period of
time (less than a century) when combined with aggressive CO
efforts to minimize the probability that the global mean temperature
might exceed some threshold (Matthews, 2010; Smith and Rasch,
2012). Climate Response to Specific Solar Radiation
Management Methods
Several studies examined the model response to more realistic strat-
ospheric aerosol SRM (Rasch et al., 2008b; Robock et al., 2008; Jones
et al., 2010; Fyfe et al., 2013). These studies produced varying aerosol
burdens, and RF and model responses also varied more strongly than
in idealized experiments. Although these studies differ in details, their
climate responses were generally consistent with the idealized experi-
ments described in Section
Studies treating the interaction between the carbon cycle, the hydro-
logic cycle, and SRM indicate that SRM could affect the temperature-
driven suppression of some carbon sinks, and that the increased sto-
matal resistance with increased CO
concentrations combined with
less warming, may further affect the hydrological cycle over land (Mat-
thews and Caldeira, 2007; Fyfe et al., 2013), with larger impacts on
precipitation for stratospheric aerosol SRM than for a uniform reduc-
tion in incoming sunlight.
Coupled ocean–atmosphere–sea ice models have also been used to
assess the climate impacts of cloud brightening due to droplet concen-
tration changes (Jones et al., 2009; Rasch et al., 2009; Baughman et al.,
2012; Hill and Ming, 2012). The patterns of temperature and precipita-
tion change differ substantially between models. These studies showed
larger residual temperature changes than the idealized SRM studies,
with more pronounced cooling over the regions of enhanced albedo.
The cooling over the seeded regions (the marine stratocumulus regions)
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ 7.3 | Could Geoengineering Counteract Climate Change and What Side Effects
Might Occur?
Geoengineering—also called climate engineering—is defined as a broad set of methods and technologies that aim
to deliberately alter the climate system in order to alleviate impacts of climate change. Two distinct categories of
geoengineering methods are usually considered: Solar Radiation Management (SRM, assessed in Section 7.7) aims
to offset the warming from anthropogenic greenhouse gases by making the planet more reflective while Carbon
Dioxide Removal (CDR, assessed in Section 6.5) aims at reducing the atmospheric CO
concentration. The two cat-
egories operate on different physical principles and on different time scales. Models suggest that if SRM methods
were realizable they would be effective in countering increasing temperatures, and would be less, but still, effective
in countering some other climate changes. SRM would not counter all effects of climate change, and all proposed
geoengineering methods also carry risks and side effects. Additional consequences cannot yet be anticipated as the
level of scientific understanding about both SRM and CDR is low. There are also many (political, ethical, and practi-
cal) issues involving geoengineering that are beyond the scope of this report.
Carbon Dioxide Removal Methods
CDR methods aim at removing CO
from the atmosphere by deliberately modifying carbon cycle processes, or by
industrial (e.g., chemical) approaches. The carbon withdrawn from the atmosphere would then be stored in land,
ocean or in geological reservoirs. Some CDR methods rely on biological processes, such as large-scale afforestation/
reforestation, carbon sequestration in soils through biochar, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS)
and ocean fertilization. Others would rely on geological processes, such as accelerated weathering of silicate and
carbonate rocks—on land or in the ocean (see FAQ.7.3, Figure 1). The CO
removed from the atmosphere would
Marine Cloud
Of Space
Ocean Brightening
With Microbubbles
Direct Air Capture
Biomass Energy
With Carbon
And Storage
To The
FAQ 7.3, Figure 1 | Overview of some proposed geoengineering methods as they have been suggested. Carbon Dioxide Removal methods (see Section 6.5 for
details): (A) nutrients are added to the ocean (ocean fertilization), which increases oceanic productivity in the surface ocean and transports a fraction of the resulting
biogenic carbon downward; (B) alkalinity from solid minerals is added to the ocean, which causes more atmospheric CO
to dissolve in the ocean; (C) the weathering
rate of silicate rocks is increased, and the dissolved carbonate minerals are transported to the ocean; (D) atmospheric CO
is captured chemically, and stored either
underground or in the ocean; (E) biomass is burned at an electric power plant with carbon capture, and the captured CO
is stored either underground or in the ocean;
and (F) CO
is captured through afforestation and reforestation to be stored in land ecosystems. Solar Radiation Management methods (see Section 7.7 for details): (G)
reflectors are placed in space to reflect solar radiation; (H) aerosols are injected in the stratosphere; (I) marine clouds are seeded in order to be made more reflective; (J)
microbubbles are produced at the ocean surface to make it more reflective; (K) more reflective crops are grown; and (L) roofs and other built structures are whitened.
(continued on next page)
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
FAQ 7.3 (continued)
then be stored in organic form in land reservoirs, or in inorganic form in oceanic and geological reservoirs, where
it would have to be stored for at least hundreds of years for CDR to be effective.
CDR methods would reduce the radiative forcing of CO
inasmuch as they are effective at removing CO
from the
atmosphere and keeping the removed carbon away from the atmosphere. Some methods would also reduce ocean
acidification (see FAQ 3.2), but other methods involving oceanic storage might instead increase ocean acidification
if the carbon is sequestered as dissolved CO
. A major uncertainty related to the effectiveness of CDR methods
is the storage capacity and the permanence of stored carbon. Permanent carbon removal and storage by CDR
would decrease climate warming in the long term. However, non-permanent storage strategies would allow CO
return back to the atmosphere where it would once again contribute to warming. An intentional removal of CO
by CDR methods will be partially offset by the response of the oceanic and terrestrial carbon reservoirs if the CO
atmospheric concentration is reduced. This is because some oceanic and terrestrial carbon reservoirs will outgas to
the atmosphere the anthropogenic CO
that had previously been stored. To completely offset past anthropogenic
emissions, CDR techniques would therefore need to remove not just the CO
that has accumulated in the
atmosphere since pre-industrial times, but also the anthropogenic carbon previously taken up by the terrestrial
biosphere and the ocean.
Biological and most chemical weathering CDR methods cannot be scaled up indefinitely and are necessarily limited
by various physical or environmental constraints such as competing demands for land. Assuming a maximum CDR
sequestration rate of 200 PgC per century from a combination of CDR methods, it would take about one and half
centuries to remove the CO
emitted in the last 50 years, making it difficult—even for a suite of additive CDR meth-
ods—to mitigate climate change rapidly. Direct air capture methods could in principle operate much more rapidly,
but may be limited by large-scale implementation, including energy use and environmental constraints.
CDR could also have climatic and environmental side effects. For instance, enhanced vegetation productivity may
increase emissions of N
O, which is a more potent greenhouse gas than CO
. A large-scale increase in vegetation
coverage, for instance through afforestation or energy crops, could alter surface characteristics, such as surface
reflectivity and turbulent fluxes. Some modelling studies have shown that afforestation in seasonally snow-covered
boreal regions could in fact accelerate global warming, whereas afforestation in the tropics may be more effective
at slowing global warming. Ocean-based CDR methods that rely on biological production (i.e., ocean fertilization)
would have numerous side effects on ocean ecosystems, ocean acidity and may produce emissions of non-CO
greenhouse gases.
Solar Radiation Management Methods
The globally averaged surface temperature of the planet is strongly influenced by the amount of sunlight absorbed
by the Earth’s atmosphere and surface, which warms the planet, and by the existence of the greenhouse effect,
the process by which greenhouse gases and clouds affect the way energy is eventually radiated back to space. An
increase in the greenhouse effect leads to a surface temperature rise until a new equilibrium is found.If less incom-
ing sunlight is absorbed because the planet has been made more reflective, or if energy can be emitted to space
more effectively because the greenhouse effect is reduced, the average global surface temperature will be reduced.
Suggested geoengineering methods that aim at managing the Earth’s incoming and outgoing energy flows are
based on this fundamental physical principle. Most of these methods propose to either reduce sunlight reaching
the Earth or increase the reflectivity of the planet by making the atmosphere, clouds or the surface brighter (see
FAQ 7.3, Figure 1). Another technique proposes to suppress high-level clouds called cirrus, as these clouds have a
strong greenhouse effect. Basic physics tells us that if any of these methods change energy flows as expected, then
the planet will cool. The picture is complicated, however, because of the many and complex physical processes
which govern the interactions between the flow of energy, the atmospheric circulation, weather and the resulting
While the globally averaged surface temperature of the planet will respond to a change in the amount of sunlight
reaching the surface or a change in the greenhouse effect, the temperature at any given location and time is influ-
enced by many other factors and the amount of cooling from SRM will not in general equal the amount of warm-
ing caused by greenhouse gases. For example, SRM will change heating rates only during daytime, but increasing
greenhouse gases can change temperatures during both day and night. This inexact compensation can influence
(continued on next page)
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
FAQ 7.3 (continued)
the diurnal cycle of surface temperature, even if the average surface temperature is unchanged. As another exam-
ple, model calculations suggest that a uniform decrease in sunlight reaching the surface might offset global mean
-induced warming, but some regions will cool less than others. Models suggest that if anthropogenic green-
house warming were completely compensated by stratospheric aerosols, then polar regions would be left with a
small residual warming, while tropical regions would become a little cooler than in pre-industrial times.
SRM could theoretically counteract anthropogenic climate change rapidly, cooling the Earth to pre-industrial levels
within one or two decades. This is known from climate models but also from the climate records of large volcanic
eruptions. The well-observed eruption of Mt Pinatubo in 1991 caused a temporary increase in stratospheric aerosols
and a rapid decrease in surface temperature of about 0.5°C.
Climate consists of many factors besides surface temperature. Consequences for other climate features, such as
rainfall, soil moisture, river flow, snowpack and sea ice, and ecosystems may also be important. Both models and
theory show that compensating an increased greenhouse effect with SRM to stabilize surface temperature would
somewhat lower the globally averaged rainfall (see FAQ 7.3, Figure 2 for an idealized model result), and there
also could be regional changes. Such imprecise compensation in
regional and global climate patterns makes it improbable that SRM
will produce a future climate that is ‘just like’ the one we experi-
ence today, or have experienced in the past. However, available
climate models indicate that a geoengineered climate with SRM
and high atmospheric CO
levels would be generally closer to 20th
century climate than a future climate with elevated CO
tions and no SRM.
SRM techniques would probably have other side effects. For exam-
ple, theory, observation and models suggest that stratospheric
sulphate aerosols from volcanic eruptions and natural emissions
deplete stratospheric ozone, especially while chlorine from chlo-
rofluorocarbon emissions resides in the atmosphere. Stratospheric
aerosols introduced for SRM are expected to have the same effect.
Ozone depletion would increase the amount of ultraviolet light
reaching the surface damaging terrestrial and marine ecosystems.
Stratospheric aerosols would also increase the ratio of direct to dif-
fuse sunlight reaching the surface, which generally increases plant
productivity. There has also been some concern that sulphate aero-
sol SRM would increase acid rain, but model studies suggest that
acid rain is probably not a major concern since the rate of acid rain
production from stratospheric aerosol SRM would be much smaller
than values currently produced by pollution sources. SRM will also
not address the ocean acidification associated with increasing atmo-
spheric CO
concentrations and its impacts on marine ecosystems.
Without conventional mitigation efforts or potential CDR meth-
ods, high CO
concentrations from anthropogenic emissions will
persist in the atmosphere for as long as a thousand years, and SRM
would have to be maintained as long as CO
concentrations were
high. Stopping SRM while CO
concentrations are still high would
lead to a very rapid warming over one or two decades (see FAQ7.3,
Figure 2), severely stressing ecosystem and human adaptation.
If SRM were used to avoid some consequences of increasing CO
concentrations, the risks, side effects and short-
comings would clearly increase as the scale of SRM increase. Approaches have been proposed to use a time-limited
amount of SRM along with aggressive strategies for reducing CO
concentrations to help avoid transitions across
climate thresholds or tipping points that would be unavoidable otherwise; assessment of such approaches would
require a very careful risk benefit analysis that goes much beyond this Report.
Change in temperature (°C)
Change in precipitation (%)
FAQ 7.3, Figure 2 | Change in globally averaged (a) sur-
face temperature (°C) and (b) precipitation (%) in two ideal-
ized experiments. Solid lines are for simulations using Solar
Radiation Management (SRM) to balance a 1% yr
increase in
concentration until year 50, after which SRM is stopped.
Dashed lines are for simulations with a 1% yr
increase in
concentration and no SRM. The yellow and grey envelopes
show the 25th to 75th percentiles from eight different models.
Clouds and Aerosols Chapter 7
and a warmer North Pacific adjacent to a cooler northwestern Canada,
produced a SST response with a La Niña-like pattern. One study has
noted regional shifts in the potential hurricane intensity and hurricane
genesis potential index in the Atlantic Ocean and South China Sea in
response to cloud brightening (Baughman et al., 2012), due primarily
to decreases in vertical wind shear, but overall the investigation and
identification of robust side effects has not been extensively explored.
Irvine et al. (2011) tested the impact of increasing desert albedo up
to 0.80 in a climate model. This cooled surface temperature by –1.1°C
(versus –0.22°C and –0.11°C for their largest crop and urban albedo
change) and produced very significant changes in regional precipita-
tion patterns.
7.7.4 Synthesis on Solar Radiation Management Methods
Theory, model studies and observations suggest that some SRM meth-
ods may be able to counteract a portion of global warming effects (on
temperature, sea ice and precipitation) due to high concentrations of
anthropogenic GHGs (high confidence). But the level of understanding
about SRM is low, and it is difficult to assess feasibility and efficacy
because of remaining uncertainties in important climate processes and
the interactions among those processes. Although SRM research is still
in its infancy, enough is known to identify some potential benefits,
which must be weighed against known side effects (there could also
be side effects that have not yet been identified). All studies suggest
there would be a small but measurable decrease in global precipita-
tion from SRM. Other side effects are specific to specific methods, and
a number of research areas remain largely unexplored. There are also
features that develop as a consequence of the combination of high CO
and SRM (e.g., effects on evapotranspiration and precipitation). SRM
counters only some consequences of elevated CO
concentrations; it
does not in particular address ocean acidification.
Many model studies indicate that stratospheric aerosol SRM could
counteract some changes resulting from GHG increases that produce
a RF as strong as 4 W m
(medium confidence), but they disagree on
details. Marine cloud brightening SRM has received less attention, and
there is no consensus on its efficacy, in large part due to the high level
of uncertainty about cloud radiative responses to aerosol changes.
There have been fewer studies and much less attention focused on
all other SRM methods, and it is not currently possible to provide a
general assessment of their specific efficacy, scalability, side effects
and risks.
There is robust agreement among models and high confidence that
the compensation between GHG warming and SRM cooling is impre-
cise. SRM would not produce a future climate identical to the present
(or pre-industrial) climate. Nonetheless, although models disagree on
details, they consistently suggest that a climate with SRM and high
atmospheric CO
levels would be closer to that of the last century than
a world with elevated CO
concentrations and no SRM (Lunt et al., 2008;
Ricke et al., 2010; Moreno-Cruz et al., 2011), as long as the SRM could
be continuously sustained and calibrated to offset the forcing by GHGs.
Aerosol-based methods would, however, require a continuous program
of replenishment to achieve this. If CO
concentrations and SRM were
increased in concert, the risks and residual climate change produced
by the imprecise compensation between SRM and CO
forcing would
also increase. If SRM were terminated for any reason, a rapid increase
in surface temperatures (within a decade or two) to values consistent
with the high GHG forcing would result (high confidence). This rate of
climate change would far exceed what would have occurred without
geoengineering, causing any impacts related to the rate of change to
be correspondingly greater than they would have been without geoen-
gineering. In contrast, SRM in concert with aggressive CO
might conceivably help avoid transitions across climate thresholds or
tipping points that would be unavoidable otherwise.
Thanks go to Anne-Lise Barbanes (IPSL/CNRS, Paris), Bénédicte Fisset
(IPSL/CNRS, Paris) and Edwina Berry for their help in assembling the list
of references. Sylvaine Ferrachat (ETH Zürich) is acknowledged for her
contribution to drafting Figure 7.19.
Chapter 7 Clouds and Aerosols
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